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Microsomal 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase kinase has been purified to apparent homogeneity by a process involving the following steps: solubilization from microsomes and chromatography on Affi-Gel Blue, phosphocellulose, Bio-Gel A 1.5m, and agarose-hexane-ATP. The apparent Mr of the purified enzyme as judged by gel-filtration chromatography is 205,000 and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis is 105,000. Immunoprecipitation of homogeneous reductase phosphorylated by reductase kinase and [γ-32P]ATP produces a unique band containing 32P bound to protein which migrates at the same Rf as the reductase subunit. Incubation of 32P-labeled HMG-CoA reductase with reductase phosphatase results in a time-dependent loss of protein-bound 32P radioactivity, as well as an increase in enzymic activity. Reductase kinase, when incubated with ATP, undergoes autophosphorylation, and a simultaneous increase in its enzymatic activity is observed. Tryptic treatment of immunoprecipitated, 32P-labeled HMG-CoA reductase phosphorylated with reductase kinase produces only one 32P-labeled phosphopeptide with the same Rf as one of the two tryptic phosphopeptides that have been reported in a previous paper. The possible existence of a second microsomal reductase kinase is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid purification procedure for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, the major regulatory enzyme in hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis. A freeze-thaw technique is used for solubilizing the enzyme from rat liver microsomal membranes. No detergents or other stringent conditions are required. The purification procedure employs Blue Dextran-Sepharose-4B affinity chromatography, and purification can be carried out from microsomal membranes to purified enzyme in 8 to 10 hours. The purified enzyme has a specific activity of 517 nmoles/min/mg protein, and it is 975-fold purified with respect to the original microsomal membrane suspension. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme shows only trace impurities; the subunit molecular weight for the enzyme measured by this technique is 47,000.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Within the last few years considerable evidence has accumulated which indicates that changes in HMG-CoA reductase are due primarily, if not solely, to changes...  相似文献   

Improved assay of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two improvements are described for the assay of HMG CoA reductase. These are a simple synthesis of the substrate precursor HMG-3-(14)C anhydride and a double-label ((14)C and (3)H) method for determining the amount of mevalonate-3-(14)C that is formed from the substrate.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid mixed-phase method for the quantitative assay of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase and a procedure for the efficient reactivation of Mg-ATP-inactivated microsomal HMG-CoA reductase by potato acid phosphatase are described. The mixed-phase assay entails the direct addition of the acidified, deproteinized incubation mixture to a toluene-based scintillation fluor. The enzymatic reaction product [3H]-mevalonolactone partitions into the toluene while unreacted 3H-labeled HMG-CoA substrate remains in the aqueous phase and is not detected on scintillation counting. The accuracy and reproducibility of this method are compared to a thin-layer chromatographic assay for HMG-CoA reductase. Microsomal and solubilized HMG-CoA reductase inactivated by incubation with Mg-ATP is reactivated by purified potato acid phosphatase. Under appropriate conditions quantitative reactivation of HMG-CoA reductase is achieved, indicating that endogenous inhibitory and activating proteins regulate HMG-CoA reductase via a kinase-phosphatase system.  相似文献   

We previously showed that preincubation of a 10,000 g supernatant (S(10)) from rat liver for 20 min at 37 degrees C dramatically increased the subsequent incorporation of [(14)C]acetate into sterols. No activation was seen with [(14)C]mevalonate as substrate. In the present studies we have examined the effect of preincubation on HMG CoA reductase. When microsomes were isolated from S(10) by calcium precipitation, preincubation of S(10) increased the specific activity of HMG CoA reductase threefold. No activation of HMG CoA reductase was observed in microsomes isolated by ultracentrifugation. Activation was cyclic AMP-sensitive. When cyclic AMP (0.001-1.0 mM) and MgATP (1 mM) were present during the preincubation period, there was little or no activation of HMG CoA reductase activity or of sterol synthesis from acetate. MgATP alone did not prevent activation. Neither cyclic AMP nor MgATP was inhibitory when present only during the assay of sterol synthesis. We propose that the in vitro activation represents the reversal of a physiologic cyclic AMP-mediated mechanism for the control of hepatic HMG CoA reductase. That a phosphoprotein phosphatase may catalyze the activation was supported by the observation that sodium fluoride, an inhibitor of phosphoprotein phosphatases, inhibited the activation. These results suggest that hormone-induced changes in the cellular level of cyclic AMP may regulate the activity of HMG CoA reductase and the rate of hepatic cholesterol synthesis.  相似文献   

M H Moghadasian 《Life sciences》1999,65(13):1329-1337
In this article, de novo cholesterol synthesis, its inhibition by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) and clinical pharmacology aspects of the statins have been reviewed. Statins are available in both active and pro-drug forms. Their affinity to bind and subsequently to inhibit HMG-CoA reductase activity is approximately 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of natural substrate (HMG-CoA). All members of this group of lipid-lowering agents are, to a varying degree, absorbed from the gut. However, their bioavailability depends on their lipophobicity and their concomitant use with meals. The interaction between HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and other lipid-lowering agents has been reviewed in more detail. One major side-effect of lipid-lowering combination therapy is myopathy with or without rhabdomyolysis. Combination of statins with gemfibrozil seems to increase risk of this adverse event, particularly in patients with renal impairment, more than combination with other lipid-lowering agents. Combination therapy with other agents including anticoagulants, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, oral hypoglycemic and antifungal agents as well as beta-blockers, H2 blockers, cyclosporine and digoxin has been also reviewed. The pleiotropic non-lipid lowering properties of statins and their effects on the quality of lipoprotein particles, the activities of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase as well as their possible synergistic effects with n-3 fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin E and aspirin in reducing cardiovascular events warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Cultured C-6 glial cells were utilized to evaluate the effect of antimicrotubular drugs on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and cholesterol synthesis. Colchicine, Colcemid, and vinblastine (1.0 muM) caused a marked reduction in HMG-CoA reductase activity and, as a consequence, the rate of cholesterol synthesis in these cells. No effect was observed with lumicolchicine, a mixture of colchicine isomers with no effect on microtubules. The effect of colchicine was apparent within 1 h after addition to the culture medium, and, after 6 h, HMG-CoA reductase activity in treated cells was only approximately 15 to 30% of that in untreated cells. Reductase activity was very sensitive to the concentration of drug added, i.e. cells treated with just 0.1 muM colchicine for 6 h exhibited a 50% lower enzymatic activity than did untreated cells. The lack of a generalized, nonspecific toxic effect on the cells was indicated by the finding of no change in the activities of fatty acid synthetase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and the rate of total protein synthesis in cells treated with colchicine (1 muM) for 6 h. A close temporal and quantitative correlation was observed between the effects of colchicine on HMG-CoA reductase and on a parameter of microtubular function, i.e. maintenance of glial cell shape. The data suggest that microtubules are involved in the regulation of HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol synthesis in C-6 glial cells.  相似文献   

Extensively purified rat liver cytosolic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase kinase was used to examine the role of ADP in inactivation of HMG-CoA reductase (EC Solubilized HMG-CoA reductase was a suitable substrate for HMG-CoA reductase kinase. At sufficiently high concentrations of solubilized HMG-CoA reductase, reductase kinase activity approached that measured using microsomal HMG-CoA reductase as substrate. Inactivation of solubilized HMG-CoA reductase by HMG-CoA reductase kinase required both MgATP and ADP. Other nucleoside diphosphates, including alpha, beta-methylene-ADP, could replace ADP. HMG-CoA reductase kinase catalyzed phosphorylation of bovine serum albumin fraction V by [gamma-32P]ATP. This process also required a nucleoside diphosphate (e.g. alpha, beta-methylene-ADP). Nucleoside diphosphates thus act on HMG-CoA reductase kinase, not on HMG-CoA reductase. For inactivation of HMG-CoA reductase, the ability of nucleoside triphosphates to replace ATP decreased in the order ATP greater than dATP greater than GTP greater than ITP, UTP. TTP and CTP did not replace ATP. Both for inactivation of HMG-CoA reductase and for phosphorylation of bovine serum albumin protein, the ability of nucleoside diphosphates to replace ADP decreased in the order ADP greater than CDP, dADP greater than UDP. GDP did not replace ADP. Nucleoside di- and triphosphates thus appear to bind to different sites on HMG-CoA reductase kinase. Nucleoside diphosphates act as allosteric activators of HMG-CoA reductase kinase. For inactivation of HMG-CoA reductase by HMG-CoA reductase kinase, Km for ATP was 140 microM and the activation constant, Ka, for ADP was 1.4 mM. The concentration of ADP required to modulate reductase kinase activity in vitro falls within the physiological range. Modulation of HMG-CoA reductase kinase activity, and hence of HMG-CoA reductase activity, by changes in intracellular ADP concentrations thus may represent a control mechanism of potential physiological significance.  相似文献   

In hypophysectomized rats, hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase activity, immunoreactive 97-kilodalton (97-kDa) protein, and mRNA were all reduced to undetectable levels. Administration of triiodothyronine (T3) resulted in large increases in all three after a 36-h lag period. HMG-CoA reductase activity, immunoreactive 97-kDa protein levels, and reductase mRNA levels were tightly correlated. Feeding hypophysectomized rats diets containing the bile acid sequestrant colestipol, together with the potent reductase inhibitor mevinolin, resulted in an increase in HMG-CoA reductase activity similar to that seen with T3 but a lesser stimulation of reductase mRNA levels. These results suggest that agents which cause depletion of mevalonate-derived products may share in part with T3 a common mechanism for increasing levels of HMG-CoA reductase activity in order to satisfy cellular needs for these products. Dexamethasone treatment, which is known to prevent the T3-mediated stimulation of reductase activity, caused a marked decrease in 97-kDa immunoreactive material but had little effect on reductase mRNA levels.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase has been purified from rat liver microsomes with a recovery of approx. 25%. The enzyme was homogeneous on gel electrophoresis and enzyme activity comigrated with the single protein band. The molecular weight of the reductase determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 was 200,000. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave a subunit molecular weight of 52,000 +/- 2000, suggesting that the enzyme was a tetramer. The specific activities of the purified enzyme obtained from rats fed diets containing 0% or 5% cholestyramine were 11,303 and 19,584 nmol NADPH oxidized/min per mg protein, respectively. The reductase showed unique binding properties to Cibacron Blue Sepharose; the enzyme was bound to the Cibacron Blue via the binding sites for both substrates, NADPH and (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A. Antibodies prepared against purified reductase inactivated 100% of the soluble and at least 91% of the microsomal enzyme activity. Immunotitrations of solubilized enzyme obtained from normal and cholestyramine-fed rats indicated that cholestyramine feeding both increased the amount of enzyme protein and resulted in enzyme activation. Administration of increasing amounts of mevalonolactone to rats decreased the equivalence point obtained from immunotitration studies with solubilized enzyme. These data indicate that the antibody cross-reacts with the inactive enzyme formed after mevalonolactone treatment.  相似文献   

Isoflavones identified as inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase in soybean paste were assayed using the catalytic portion of Syrian hamster HMG-CoA reductase, and the kinetic values were measured using HMG-CoA and NADPH. The inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase by these inhibitors was competitive with HMG-CoA and noncompetitive with NADPH. Ki values for genistein, daidzein, and glycitein were 27.7, 49.5, and 94.7 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

The activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase, EC has been demonstrated both in homogenates and microsomes of the S3G strain of HeLa cells. It was increased 8- to 10-fold by the removal of serum from the growth medium. The presence of steroids, specifically of the glucocorticoid series, in the serum-less growth medium elicited an additional 100 to 345% increase over the serum-less control, whereas the addition of N6,O2'-dibutyryl adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate to the medium or dexamethasone to the assay mixture was without any stimulatory effect. Both inductions were blocked by cycloheximide and actinomycin D, suggesting a protein synthesis-dependent elevation of enzyme activity. Glucocorticoids were effective in the induction at concentrations ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-8) M and there was a demonstrated parallel between the magnitude of enzyme induction and glucocorticoid potency. The HMG-CoA reductase activities from steroid-induced and control cultures had identical assay characteristics (pH optima and apparent Km values for both NADPH and HMG-CoA). This induction of the rate-controlling enzyme of cholesterogenesis occurred despite the observation that glucocorticoids specifically depress the rate of acetate or water, but not mevalonate, incorporation into cholesterol.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that estradiol or androgen precursor may stimulate steroidogenesis in the luteal cell by modulating intracellular sterol availability and metabolism. This investigation was performed to examine the effect of estradiol on de novo synthesis of cholesterol. Pregnant rats hypophysectomized and hysterectomized on Day 12 were treated for 72 h with either estradiol or testosterone. De novo cholesterol synthesis was determined by measurement of the specific activity of the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase, the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis, in microsome-enriched preparations of luteal tissue and incorporation of [14C] acetate into cholesterol by corpora lutea incubated in vitro. Estradiol or testosterone treatment caused a 4- to 5-fold stimulation of luteal cholesterol biosynthesis, as measured by these techniques. NaF, an inhibitor of phosphatase which blocks the conversion of the inactive enzyme to the active form, reduced the HMG CoA reductase activity to 30% in corpora lutea obtained from either steroid or vehicle-treated rats. However, an increase in enzyme activity of comparable magnitude by steroids was observed whether microsomes were isolated with or without NaF. The effect of estradiol appears to be enzyme-specific, since it failed to affect the microsomal marker, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. Since the cholesteryl ester content of corpora lutea falls in response to steroid treatment, rats were treated with 4-aminopyrazolo-[3,4d]pyrimidine (4-APP) to deplete cellular cholesterol content.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ability of mitogenic stimulation of human T lymphocytes to alter the expression of genes involved in sterol metabolism was examined. Messenger RNA levels for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, HMG-CoA synthase, and low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor were quantified in resting and mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes by nuclease protection assay. Mitogenic stimulation increased HMG-CoA synthase mRNA levels by 5-fold and LDL receptor by 4-fold when cells were cultured in lipoprotein-depleted medium whereas HMG-CoA reductase gene expression was not significantly increased. When cultures were supplemented with concentrations of low density lipoprotein sufficient to saturate LDL receptors, expression of all three genes was inhibited in resting lymphocytes, as effectively as was noted with fibroblasts. Similarly, LDL down-regulated gene expression in mitogen-activated lymphocytes so that mitogenic stimulation did not increase either HMG-CoA reductase or synthase mRNA levels, although LDL receptor gene expression was enhanced. These results indicate that expression of three of the genes involved in sterol metabolism is differentially regulated by LDL and mitogenic stimulation. Moreover, the increase in rates of endogenous sterol synthesis and the activity of HMG-CoA reductase in mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes cannot be accounted for by increases in HMG-CoA reductase mRNA levels.  相似文献   

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