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A test paradigm is designed to determine which features of viewed objects (a disk 10° in diameter) are responsible for preferential fixation by Colorado beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). The beetle walks on a locomotion compensator that permits free choice of direction in a visual surround containing three different objects. The beetles use both colour and contrast information in these choice experiments. The preferred colours are yellow and orange; their attractiveness is considerably enhanced when they appear in a pattern with highly contrasting features such as stripes. In its optimal form, the object amounts to a dummy beetle, with a pattern that resembles the markings on the elytra of this species. Since the beetles appear to employ a contact pheromone for sex recognition, the function of orientation to these patterns is unclear. However, the patterns might accelerate the identification of conspecifics or be effective at a distance. The reaction to the dummies is telotactic — that is, the beetles walk towards the dummy. One other object, a 10°-wide black stripe, elicits menotactic orientation, in which the beetle maintains a stable course at an angle to the object.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of 16 dung beetle species (subfamilyScarabaeinae) was investigated at an annual pasture site near Olivenza in S.W. Spain in the spring of 1981. The night-flying speciesCopris hispanus which was the dominant species, made up 63 % and 81 % of the dry weight of beetles in traps set at dawn and dusk respectively and left open for 24 h. Further observations in 1982 and in 1983 confirmed thatC. hispanus and alsoBubas bison which flies during the day and night, were the 2 dominant species in spring. It is proposed that they should be introduced to S.W. Australia as part of an attempt to control bush fly.
Résumé L'abondance relative de 16 espèces de beusiers (Scarabaeinae) a été étudiée au printemps 1981 dans un emplacement de pature annuelle près d'Olivenza dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Espagne. L'espèce nocturneCopris hispanus qui était l'espèce dominante représentait 63 % et 81 % du poids sec des coléopteres dans les pièges posés respectivement à l'aube et au crépuscule et laissés ouverts durant 24 h. Des observations ultérieures réalisées en 1982 et en 1983 confirmaient queC. hispanus et aussiBubas bison qui vole de jour comme de nuit étaient les 2 espèces dominantes du printemps. Leur introduction dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Australie est proposée comme un des éléments d'un essai de lutte contre la mouche de la brousse.

王晶  吕昭智  尹传华  李锦辉  吴文岳 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6504-6510
以塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘典型荒漠区柽柳灌丛沙堆-柽柳包为研究对象,在2005—2006年期间调查了柽柳包及相邻沙漠裸地地表甲虫多样性。结果表明:2005年和2006年柳包上地表甲虫个体数量和物种数均高于沙漠裸地,柽柳包上的地表甲虫物种数分别为21种和16种,沙漠裸地中分别为10种和12种,柽柳包上物种丰富度明显高于沙漠裸地。选取优势种髋胫小土甲(Penthicicus koltzei Reitter)进行相对种群密度的估算,髋胫小土甲在柽柳包上分布数量较多,密度可达到每平方米在13头以上;但沙漠裸地仅有6头左右。柽柳包对甲虫多样性有明显的庇护所的作用,有利于维持甲虫物种多样性。2种不同生境条件下地表甲虫的数量存在明显的季节变动,其数量高峰分别出现在2005年6月和2006年7月,可能与不同季节环境的极端性(如气温峰值和洪水早晚)导致的食物丰富程度有关。  相似文献   

The first record of the exotic ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae), in Japan was in 1993 at Osaka Nanko Central Park. Since that time, studies on the life history and geographical distribution of A. bipunctata have been ongoing, and its establishment in the Osaka Nanko area has been confirmed. A. bipunctata is a predacious ladybird beetle and a member of a guild that overlaps in habitat and prey with that of native ladybird beetles such as Harmonia axyridis and Menochilas sexmaculatus. We investigated the distribution of A. bipunctata and its interspecific relationships with native predacious ladybird beetles. In some areas, A. bipunctata was dominant in interspecific relationships with native ladybird beetles. For the first 10 years after A. bipunctata was discovered, it occurred only in the Osaka Nanko area, but the present geographical distribution indicates that it has expanded its range. Though the population density of this species was highest at the area recorded first, and tended to decrease in inverse proportion to the distance from Osaka Nanko Central Park, a satellite occurrence was observed in a remote area. The numbers of aphid and tree species (leaf shelter for aestivation and over-wintering) utilized by A. bipunctata have recently increased. Such increases will cause the rate of distribution of A. bipunctata to accelerate. Interspecific competition between H. axyridis and A. bipunctata, which occurs earlier than H. axyridis, may be avoided by desynchronization of the occurrence seasons, and another common predacious ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, may escape interspecific competition by habitat segregation.  相似文献   

In the leaves of 13 Finnish willow species, the content of a phenolic, chlorogenic acid, was found to vary from 0 up to 18 mg g–1 D.W. Effects of pure chlorogenic acid on insect feeding behaviour were tested using four common leaf beetle species which are in the field mainly found on willows with low-chlorogenic acid leaves. One species, Lochmaea capreae L., was invariably deterred by pure chlorogenic acid applied in naturally occurring concentrations on the willow leaves. Accordingly, in 2-choice laboratory feeding trials L. capreae was found to prefer low-chlorogenic acid leaves of four willow species over high-chlorogenic acid leaves of Salix pentandra L. and S. myrsinifolia Salisb. When presented on the leaves of S. phylicifolia L, pure chlorogenic acid inhibited also the feeding by Phratora polaris Sp.-Schn. Instead, chlorogenic acid had no significant effect on Ph. polaris when it was presented on the leaves of another willow S. cinerea L. In laboratory, Ph. polaris did not show general preference for willow species with low chlorogenic acid content in their leaves. Thus, the response of Ph. polaris to chlorogenic acid seems to depend on the plant species. Apparently variation in other traits such as leaf hairyness may easily override the potential effect of chlorogenic acid content on Ph. polaris. To two other leaf beetle species, Galerucella lineola F. and Plagiodera versicolora Laich., chlorogenic acid is an ineffective deterrent even at unnaturally high concentrations. In laboratory, G. lineola and P. versicolora did not prefer willows with low chlorogenic acid content in their leaves. Thus, among four studied leaf beetle species, only L. capreae seems to be clearly affected by this phenolic. Therefore, overall importance of chlorogenic acid as a defence against willow-feeding leaf beetles appears to be very limited.  相似文献   

There is a close association between bowl-shaped cactus flowers and the nitidulid beetlesCarpophilus pallipennis (Say) andC. floralis Er. in North America. The nature of this association has not been clear. It now appears that the cactus flowers are brood sites of theCarpophilus beetles. The benefits in the association are one-sided, inasmuch as the beetles provide little or no pollination service for the flowers.Pollination of North American Cacti, VI.  相似文献   

The paths of Colorado beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)in a featureless environment are circular. This behavior is explained by an internal asymmetry. To stabilize the path, the fixation reaction or the optomotor response must work against this asymmetry. The turning behavior was examined in stationary patterns of vertical stripes different at spatial wavelengths (). The internal asymmetry was tested in a horizontally striped pattern. A stable fixation reaction was found only for 120 °. The results suggest that larger intrinsic turning tendencies shifts the stable point of the fixation reaction. The same vertically striped patterns were rotated to examine the following reaction of the beetle. It is concluded that the fixation component of the response of these insects, in particular, does not differ in the two situations.  相似文献   

An assay using extracted dung fluid was developed to provide an objective method of assessing the suitability of cattle dung for beetle Euoniticellus intermedius. Fluid was extracted from whole dung by twisting gauze-wrapped samples by hand, or by use of an hydraulic press set sequentially at 2 MPa, 6 MPa and 10 MPa. Artificial dung was made by adding dung fluid to shredded fibre-board in a 15:1 weight ratio. The rate of brood-ball (= egg) production by female E. intermedius fed on the artificial dung made from fluid extracted by the hydraulic press at 2 MPa was the same as that on natural whole dung. Reproductive performance on all artificial dungs was significantly correlated with the percent dry matter content of the dung fluid used in the mixture. Thus the percent dry matter in the fluid extracted at 2 MPa pressure provides an objective measurement for comparing the quality of different dungs as food for adult E. intermedius, without the need for performing bioassays. The results confirm that the fluid component of dung is the major source of nutrition for adult dung beetles.Deceased February 1986.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松林是大兴安岭地区代表性的植被类型,其生物多样性具有独特性。步甲是森林生态系统环境和多样性的指示性物种,以及认识环境变化和生物多样性特征的关键物种。为研究大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松林步甲群落多样性的时间动态,分析步甲群落对时间变化的响应规律,于2019年5月下旬-8月下旬步甲活跃期,利用陷阱诱捕法在兴安落叶松林5个样地中采集步甲标本共15属34种1149头,其中大兴安岭地区地理新纪录物种7种,中国地理新纪录物种6种。研究结果表明,通缘步甲属(Pterostichus)和大步甲属(Carabus)物种丰富度最高;通缘步甲属未定种5(Pterostichus eximius)为极优势物种,对时间变化最敏感。兴安落叶松林小生境类型的多样化和步甲休眠期的选择是步甲群落个体数和物种数随时间变化呈双峰模式的主要因素,最高峰均出现在6月下旬;多样性与均匀度指数均在7月上旬达高峰期,8月下旬多样性下降而均匀度上升,各指数之间相关性较低。步甲群落在6月下旬到7月下旬对环境具有较高的适应度;群落结构在环境条件相对稳定的6月下旬到7月下旬和8月上旬到8月下旬均表现为极相似(I>0.75)。物种取食特征和生活史策略的多样化使步甲群落各指数随时间变化具有显著差异,而物种取食特征和生活史策略受环境因子的综合影响较大。稳定的森林环境条件下,步甲活跃期更长,群落结构相似度更高。该结果为步甲群落时间动态研究奠定了一定的理论基础,为大兴安岭地区地下生物多样性的保护和管理策略制定提供了一定的理论和数据依据。  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology examines how changes in developmental programmes give rise to developmental and, ultimately, morphological novelty. To this end, comparisons of related but distinct organisms have to be performed. The diplogastrid nematode Pristionchus pacificus has been developed as a satellite system for a detailed comparison of various developmental processes to the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, a rhabditid nematode. In addition to developmental and genetic studies, a genomic platform has been established to analyse the biology of this organism. However, only little is known about where and how Pristionchus pacificus and its relatives live in the wild. Here we show that nematodes of the genus Pristionchus live in close association with scarabaeoid beetles and the Colorado potato beetle. In total, we generated 371 isogenic female lines from 4242 beetles collected at 25 sampling sites all over Europe. Isogenic female lines were subjected to sequence analysis and mating experiments for species determination. The 371 isolates fell into six species. Two hermaphroditic species account for about 60% of the collected nematodes. We found Pristionchus maupasi almost exclusively on cockchafers and Pristionchus entomophagus predominantly on dung beetles. Colorado potato beetles carried the gonochoristic species Pristionchus uniformis, which was only rarely observed on scarabaeoid beetles. We describe the initial evidence for the association of Pristionchus nematodes with beetles and provide a phylogeny based on sequence analysis of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene.  相似文献   

Infection of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with the bacterial pathogen Erwinia tracheiphila E. F. Smith causes vascular wilt disease in leaves, which may alter the suitability of the host plant for insects and other pathogens. In this study, densities of spotted (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber) and striped (Acalymma vittata (Fab.) cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were higher on wilted leaves of mature and seedling field plants inoculated with E. tracheiphila. Bacterial infection or feeding by D. undecimpunctata howardii beetles increased total peroxidase enzyme activity in inoculated or infested leaves of greenhouse seedlings, but only beetle feeding induced higher activities in untreated systemic leaves on the same plants. Neither bacterial infection nor beetle infestation led to the development of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare (Berk & Mont.) Arx. Susceptibility to this fungus was greater on E. tracheiphila-infected plants than on controls. The positive association between leaf wilt symptom development and beetle occurrence thus occurs in the presence of an oxidative but not anti-pathogenic response induced by both the insect and the pathogen.  相似文献   

Anemotaxis in adult larder beetles, Dermestes ater,was investigated using a locomotion compensator, to uncover the mechanism(s) by which beetles maintain a course direction relative to a wind stimulus. Compared to walking in still air, anemotactically orienting beetles walk with the following characteristics over 60-s periods: (1) reduced locomotor and turning rates, (2) sustained, relatively straight paths with course directions at various angles to the wind, and (3) an increased tendency to stop for brief periods. Differences in wind speed affect mainly path straightness, which increases positively with stimulus intensity. Beetles track the wind direction equally well moving up or downwind, and they are able to orient at angles either close to the wind or at more oblique angles. When the wind direction was shifted 90°, the beetles turned, usually over the short angle, to their previous course heading relative to the stimulus. Indvidual beetles exhibited preferred course directions over several trials within a period of 20 min. Each beetle regained its particular anemotactic angle after the 90° shift in the stimulus direction. Although the beetles paused in some trials, stopping was not required to reorient to the altered stimulus direction.  相似文献   

Z. Mendel 《BioControl》1986,31(2):127-137
Information on parasitoids of bark beetles infesting conifers and broadleaves is presented to show the relations between host and parasitoid size, and parasitoid sex ratios. Sticky traps were employed to determine the sex ratios of parasitoid species operating on beetle-infested material. A wide range in body length was found for most species. Females ofCerocephala eccoptogasteri Masi,Cheiropachus quadrum Febr.,Eurytoma morio Boheman,Heydenia pretiosa Forster,Metacolus unifasciatus Forster,Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker andRoptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratz.) were usually significantly longer than their males, whereas the males of all fourDendrosoter spp. were significantly longer than the females. Body lengths of the males and females were almost identical inEntedon ergias Walker andEcphylus caudatus Rusch. The sex ratio varied markedly within most species; the mean ratio for 5 of them differed significantly from 1∶1. The sex ratio ofM. unifasciatus andE. morio was significantly related to host size. The sex-ratio of parasitoids trapped on sticky traps varied with time in relation to the phenology of the host beetle. Females were more numerous during the larvae development while males were more abundant between the pupal stage and emergence of the host. Male courtship behaviour ofDendrosoter caenopachoids Rusch.,D. protuberans (Nees),M. unifasciatus andR. xylophagorum is described. The effect of host size, the diversity in sex ratios, and possible interaction between parasitoid size and sex-ratio are discussed. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel. N° 1328-E, 1984 series.  相似文献   

Egg to pupal survival of bush fly,Musca vetustissima Walker, under field conditions was examined during 1987/88 in an area of south-eastern Australia that had not been colonised by exotic dung beetles. In pads of cattle dung containing only the native fauna, fly survival ranged from 0.3% to 12.5%. The addition of 2 species of exotic dung beetles,Euoniticellus fulvus (Goeze) andOnthophagus taurus (Schreber) to field pads, in numbers similar to those observed at the collection site, reduced fly survival to between 0.3% and 4.4%. Fly survival in the presence of the native and exotic dung fauna was sufficiently low to keep fly breeding below their mean replacement level of 3% for most of the season. Widespread dispersal and establishment of exotic dung beetles in south-eastern Australia, alongside the native fauna, should lead to long-term reduction of the bush fly problem.   相似文献   

Z. Mendel 《BioControl》1986,31(2):113-125
Twenty six species of parasitoids were recorded from 15 species of bark beetles in Israel. Parasitoids were collected from infested cut branches of broadleaves and trap-trees of pine and cypress. Most of the parasitoids are oligophagous and range fromEcphylus caudatus, a monophagous species exclusive toHypoborus ficus, toHeydenia pretiosa, which develops on 11 species.Scleroderma domesticus, Agrilocida ferrieri andEupelmus nearurozonus are occasional parasitoids of bark beetles.Cephalonomia hypobori, Israelius carthami, S. domesticus, Entedon ergias, Cerocephala eccoptogasteri andRoptocerus xylophagorum are cryptoparasitoids and search for their host in the galleries. Known parasitoids are listed from 15 tree genera belonging to 8 botanical families. A typical range for the common parasitoids is presented with within-tree distribution of pine parasitoids. Relatively monophagous species are usually dominant parasitoids in a specific beetle population, whereas relatively polyphagous parasitoids vary in abundance among different host populations.Calosota spp., 2Eurytoma spp. andDendrosoter hartigii are usually present in small numbers. Information concerning the seasonal history of the parasitoids suggests that the major species may raise about 5 to 7 annual generations. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel No 1331-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

Absract Nitidulid beetles (Coleoptera) are considered serious pests of date palms throughout the world. They attack the ripe fruit, causing it to rot, and damage is reflected in both reduced yield and lower fruit quality. Previous studies demonstrated the susceptibility of larvae of this pest to entomopathogenic nematodes from the genus Heterorhabditidis. In the present study nematode efficacy was evaluated in greenhouse and field. In containers filled with soil, moderate reduction in insect emergence was achieved when the nematodes were applied at concentrations of 25 and 50 IJs/cm2. However, the highest concentration (100 IJs/cm2) treatment resulted in a drastic reduction (by 70–90%) in emergence of the beetles. The lowest emergence was achieved by the IS-19 and IS-21 strains (>10%). Efficacy of the IS-19 strain was retained up to 7 days after application at a rate of 100 IJs/cm2. When the insect larvae were introduced to the soil 2 weeks after nematode application, the percentage emergence of insects increased by 2–2.5 fold as compared to previous introductions but was still lower than in the control. Insect density per container did not have an effect on efficacy of the nematodes when the strains IS-19 and IS-12 were used. Two field trials were conducted in different sites in Israel. In the first trail, conducted in date palm orchard, four strains of Heterorhabditis sp. were tested. No significant difference in insect emergence was recorded among the various treatments or the control. Whereas in the second trial conducted in a fig orchard, substantial reduction (by 50–70%) in insect emergence was recorded following nematode treatment. Further studies, under natural conditions, are needed to optimize application efficiency and evaluate the commercial utilization of these biological control agents.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were done to determine the numbers of cabbage root fly (Delia radicum L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) eggs eaten by sixty species of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected from a range of habitats. For 35 species that were between 2.7 mm and 10 mm long, there was a linear relationship between the numbers of eggs eaten and beetle length. For each 1 mm increase in length above 2.7 mm, an additional 18 eggs were eaten/beetle/day. Eight further species within the above size range did not eat any fly eggs, as these species are known to be either phytophagous or to feed on moving prey. Large numbers of eggs were eaten by beetles in 13 of the 25 genera tested. Based on size, maximum numbers of eggs were eaten by 7 species of Agonum Bonelli, 5 species of Amara Bonelli and seven species of Bembidion Latreille. Only one of the 6 species of Pterostichus Bonelli tested, P. strenuus (Panz.), ate the expected numbers of eggs, the other species being too large to feed from such small prey items as cabbage root fly eggs. The numbers of beetles larger than 10 mm that ate eggs was highly variable and so 10 mm was considered the upper size limit of carabid predators of cabbage root fly eggs.  相似文献   

The Rhinoceros Beetle Project in Western Samoa has developed and successfully applied biological methods to control the rhinoceros beetle, a serious pest of coconut palms, by using two specific pathogens, a baculovirus (Family Baculoviridae), and an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The application of virus particularly has markedly suppressed the beetle population and helped revive the copra industry. The virus disease had established itself in the wild beetle population several years after its introduction at a level between 30 and 50%. At the same time an increase in beetle numbers and damage to palm trees was experienced. Therefore, a continuous release of virus into beetle-infested areas was proposed. It was argued that, considering the relatively high level of “natural” virus incidence, further releases of virus into the population would be futile. In a combined research and control program, virus was again re-released into the wild beetle population which was already virus infected. The results show that through re-release the virus level can be raised and the number of beetles and consequently the damage can be reduced. The techniques of the control methods are described. The virus release is very easy and cheap; it requires no chemicals, no special equipment, and it is particularly recommended in situations where breeding places are inaccessible or other methods such as plantation sanitation are either impossible or economically impractical. Above all, the methods are absolutely safe from the standpoint of environmental protection.  相似文献   

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