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A fundamental hallmark of fungal growth is that vegetative hyphae grow exclusively by extension at the hyphal tip. However, this model of apical growth is incompatible with endophyte colonization of grasses by the symbiotic Neotyphodium and Epichlo? species. These fungi are transmitted through host seed, and colonize aerial tissues that develop from infected shoot apical meristems of the seedling and tillers. We present evidence that vegetative hyphae of Neotyphodium and Epichlo? species infect grass leaves via a novel mechanism of growth, intercalary division and extension. Hyphae are attached to enlarging host cells, and cumulative growth along the length of the filament enables the fungus to extend at the same rate as the host. This is the first evidence of intercalary growth in fungi and directly challenges the centuries-old model that fungi grow exclusively at hyphal tips. A new model describing the colonization of grasses by clavicipitaceous endophytes is described.  相似文献   

Symbiotic interactions between plants and microorganisms have recently become the focus of research on biological invasions. However, the interaction between different symbionts and their consequences in host-plant invasion have been seldom explored. Here, we propose that vertically transmitted fungal endophytes could reduce the dependency of invasive grasses on mycorrhizal fungi allowing host establishment in those environments where the specific mutualist may be not present. Through analyzing published studies on nine grass species, we evaluated the effect of seed-borne Epichloë endophytes on the relationship of invasive and non-invasive grasses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), a symbiosis known to be fundamental for plant fitness and invasion success. The endophyte effect on AMF colonization differed between invasive and non-invasive grasses, reducing mycorrhization only on invasive species but with no impact on their biomass. These results allowed us to propose that Epichloë endophytes could reduce the dependency of host plants on the mutualism with AMF, promoting host grass establishment and subsequent invasion. Simultaneous interactions with different types of mutualists may have profound effects on the host-plant fitness facilitating its range expansion. Our findings suggest that some specific mutualistic fungi such as epichloid endophytes facilitate host invasion by reducing the requirements of the benefits derived from other mutualisms.  相似文献   

Epichlo? endophytes are a group of filamentous fungi that include both sexual (Epichlo?) and asexual (Neotyphodium) species. As a group they are genetically diverse and form both antagonistic and mutualistic associations with temperate grasses. We report here on the development of a microsatellite-based PCR system for fingerprinting this group of fungi with template isolated from either culture or infected plant material. M13mp19 partial genomic libraries were constructed for size-fractionated genomic DNA from two endophyte strains. These libraries were screened with a mixture of DIG-labeled dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeat probes. Positive clones were sequenced, and nine unique microsatellite loci were identified. An additional microsatellite was serendipitously identified in the 3' untranscribed region of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase gene from N. lolii Lp19. Primers were designed for each locus and a panel of endophytes, from different taxonomic groupings, was screened to determine the degree of polymorphism. On the basis of these results a multiplex assay was developed for strain identification with fluorescently labeled primers for five of these loci. Using this system the size of the products amplified can be precisely determined by automated analysis, and an allele profile for each strain can be readily generated. The assay was shown to resolve endophyte groupings to the level of known isozyme phenotype groupings. In a blind test the assay was used successfully to identify a set of endophytes in planta. A reference database of allele sizes has been established for the panel of endophytes examined, and this will be expanded as new strains are analyzed.  相似文献   

Induced or constitutive production of secondary metabolites is a successful plant defence strategy against herbivores which can be mediated by plant associated micro-organisms. Several grass species can be associated with an endophytic fungus of the genus Epichloë which produces herbivore toxic or deterring alkaloids. Besides these direct defences, herbivorous insects are controlled via indirect plant defence mechanisms by attracting predators. Recent studies indicate that Epichloë endophytes can improve the grass emitted volatile organic compounds towards herbivore deterrence. Due to their defensive mutualistic function, we hypothesize that Epichloë altered plant volatiles can attract aphid predators and contribute to an increased indirect plant defence. With a common garden study, we show that hoverfly (Syrphidae) larvae and pupae were more abundant on endophyte-infected plants compared to uninfected plants. Our results indicate that the Epichloë endophyte provides, besides direct defence (alkaloid), indirect plant defence by improving the plant odor attracting more olfactory foraging aphid predators. Future research is needed in order to understand: (I) whether endophyte-mediated changes in plant volatiles are induced herbivore specific, (II) whether there is a trade-off between endophyte-mediated direct and indirect plant defence, (III) whether the endophyte produces volatiles or induces a change in plant-derived volatiles, (IV) the role of plant signals in endophyte-mediated plant defence.  相似文献   

Speciation in sexually reproducing organisms hinges on reproductive barriers that reduce gene flow between species or preclude the formation of hybrids. Here, we studied potential reproductive barriers in four members of the Epichloë typhina (Ascomycota, Clavicipitaceae) complex, i.e. Epichloë typhina infecting Dactylis glomerata, E. typhina subsp. clarkii infecting Holcus lanatus, E. typhina subsp. poae infecting Poa nemoralis and E. typhina infecting P. trivialis. Reciprocal inoculation tests showed that these endophytes are host-specific. This suggests that reproductive isolation among Epichloë strains may be the result of specialization to one host, on which mating between different individuals occurs. Furthermore, significantly lower infection frequencies of F1 progeny from crosses between host-strains compared to parental strains and within host-strain progeny suggest that host-dependent effects upon hybrid fitness exist, which would conform to an extrinsic postzygotic isolation barrier. Our results may explain, why members of the E. typhina complex remain genetically differentiated in natural populations.  相似文献   

Species of Epichlo? (Ascomycota, Clavicipitaceae) are endophytic symbionts of pooid grasses. Sexual reproduction of the fungus depends on gamete-transferring Botanophila flies, which in earlier studies were shown to be specifically attracted by the fungal volatiles chokol K and methyl (Z)-3-methyldodec-2-enoate. As several Epichlo? volatiles are known to have antimicrobial properties, it was hypothesised that the original function of insect-attracting volatiles is microbial deterrence. However, the origin of volatile compounds and their toxicity within an ecological context has not yet been clarified. We examined the inhibitory effect of chokol K and methyl (Z)-3-methyldodec-2-enoate on mycoparasites, plant pathogenic fungi and on Epichlo? itself at ecologically relevant concentrations, and assessed volatile production in pure cultures of Epichlo? on complex and defined media supplemented with inorganic sources of carbon and nitrogen. Chokol K reduced the spore germination of all tested fungi, whereas methyl (Z)-3-methyldodec-2-enoate had no inhibitory effect. Moreover, only chokol K was produced in culture, confirming its fungal origin. Our findings are consistent with the proposed scenario that fungal volatile substances have followed an evolutionary pathway from defence to attraction.  相似文献   

T. M. Tibbets  S. H. Faeth 《Oecologia》1999,118(3):297-305
Endophytic fungi, particularly in the genus Neotyphodium, are thought to interact mutualistically with host grasses primarily by deterring herbivores and pathogens via production of alkaloidal mycotoxins. Little is known, however, about how these endophytes interact with host plants and herbivores outside the realm of agronomic forage grasses, such as tall fescue, and their livestock grazers or invertebrate pest herbivores. We tested the effects of Neotyphodium inhabiting introduced tall fescue and native Arizona fescue on preference, survival, and performance of the leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex versicolor, an important generalist herbivore in the southwestern United States. In a choice experiment, we determined preferences of foraging queens and workers for infected and uninfected tall fescue and Arizona fescue. In a no-choice experiment, we determined queen survival, worker production, and size of fungal gardens for foundress queens reared on diets of infected and uninfected tall fescue and Arizona fescue. Foraging workers and queens did not significantly prefer either uninfected tall fescue or Arizona fescue relative to infected grasses, although ants tended to harvest more uninfected than infected tall fescue and more infected than uninfected Arizona fescue. Queen survivorship and length of survival was greater on uninfected tall fescue, uninfected Arizona fescue, and infected Arizona fescue than on infected tall fescue or the standard diet of palo verde and mesquite leaves. No queens survived beyond 6 weeks of the study when fed the infected tall fescue diet, in contrast to the effects of the other diets. Likewise, worker production was much lower and fungal garden size much smaller on infected tall fescue than in all other treatments, including the standard diet. In general, ant colonies survived and performed better on uninfected tall fescue and infected and uninfected Arizona fescue than standard diets of palo verde and mesquite leaves. The interaction of Neotyphodium with its host grasses is highly variable and these endophytes may increase, not alter, or even decrease resistance to herbivores. The direction of the interaction depends on host and fungal genotype, herbivore species, and environmental factors. The presence of endophytes in most, if not all, host plants suggests that endophytes may alter foraging patterns, performance, and survival of herbivores, such as leaf-cutting ants, but not always in ways that increase host plant fitness. Received: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 October 1998  相似文献   

Plants host multiple symbionts that interact with each other affecting plant performance and regulating their establishment. Here, we analyzed how the association with Epichloë endophytes affects belowground colonization by Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the grass Bromus auleticus. Epichloë-symbiotic (E+) and Epichloë-non symbiotic (E−) plants were sampled from a long-term experimental plot and colonization structures were analyzed in the roots. We also examined the influence of Epichloë exudates on the in vitro growth of DSE Microdochium bolleyi isolated from roots. Epichloë symbiosis increased AMF colonization, although differences were not significant. Despite the lack of differences in total DSE colonization, in concordance with in vitro findings, a higher significant abundance of microsclerotia was observed in E+ plants. A negative correlation between total mycorrhizal and DSE was found. Our findings show a more uniform root colonization pattern in E+ plants, suggesting a root symbiosis modulating role.  相似文献   

Plants of red fescue (Festuca rubra), a commercially important turf grass, are infected by the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae in semiarid natural grasslands, known as dehesas, in western Spain. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to analyse the genetic polymorphism existing in two natural populations of Epichloë festucae. Linkage disequilibrium and the presence of clonal lineages indicated that nonrecombinant asexual reproduction predominates in both populations. However, most genetic variation detected was found to occur within populations, with only a moderate amount of genetic differentiation between populations (FST: 0.197). Overall, the study suggests that dehesa grasslands are useful reservoirs of Epichloë festucae endophytes, and provides information on population structure which is relevant to design sampling strategies.  相似文献   

Vertically transmitted fungal endophytes can be beneficial for host grasses. While the alkaloid-mediated mechanism for herbivore resistance has been widely studied, underlying physiological mechanisms for increased tolerance to abiotic stress remain scarcely explored. In this study we used three maternal lines of perennial grass Festuca rubra to examine the role of antioxidants in endophyte-mediated effects on seed viability over long-term storage. Uncolonized plants (E?) were generated by removing the endophyte from ramets of naturally endophyte-colonized (E+) plants. The E?+ and E? ramets were planted in a common garden in Salamanca, Spain. Seeds produced in 2009, 2010 and 2011 were harvested at maturity, dried and stored at 10 °C until 2011 when we tested seed and endophyte viability, and measured antioxidants. Seed viability and α-tocopherol antioxidant were negatively affected by the endophyte in two maternal lines. In these same lines, the endophyte viability was lowest at the longest storage time. In the maternal line that showed the highest negative effect of endophyte on seed viability, the pattern of glutathione was opposite to that observed for tocopherols since it was higher for E?+ than for E? seeds. In all maternal lines, the glutathione half-cell reduction potential (EGSSG/2GSH) and % glutathione disulphide (GSSG) increased with storage time but there was no clear pattern associated with endophyte symbiosis. Whether these parameters are good predictors of seed and endophyte longevity in storage and natural conditions should be further explored.  相似文献   

Parasites and pathogens are hypothesized to change host growth, reproduction and/or behaviour to increase their own transmission. However, studies which clearly demonstrate that parasites or pathogens are directly responsible for changes in hosts are lacking. We previously found that infection by the systemic fungus Epichloë glyceriae was associated with greater clonal growth by its host, Glyceria striata. Whether greater clonal growth resulted directly from pathogen infection or indirectly from increased likelihood of infection for host genotypes with greater clonal growth could not be determined because only naturally infected and uninfected plants were used. In this study, we decoupled infection and host genotype to evaluate the role of pathogen infection on host development and clonal growth. We found that total biomass production did not differ for clones of the same genotype, but infected clones allocated more biomass to clonal growth. Disinfected clones had more tillers and a greater proportion of their biomass in the mother ramet. Infected clones produced fewer tillers but significantly more and longer stolons than disinfected clones. These results support the hypothesis that pathogen infection directly alters host development. Parasite alteration of clonal growth patterns might be advantageous to the persistence and spread of host plants in some ecological conditions.  相似文献   

季节性干旱驱动亚热带森林的碳积累 本研究旨在表明处于南亚热带的鼎湖山生物圈保护区的干旱频率和强度正在增加,并说明季节性干旱对亚热带森林碳积累的影响。这是为了应对全球气候变化导致的干旱加剧所带来的威胁开展的一项研究。我们使干旱指数(标准化降水指数、标准降水蒸散发指数、降水距平百分率及自校准帕尔默干旱指数)准确确定干旱期和降水量增加期。此后,将2003至2014年(12年)监测采集的实测涡动通量和土壤含水量数据在干旱期和湿润期之间进行比较,以确定干旱对生态系统碳积累的影响。在本研究所选择的12年期间,干旱的发生时间约占比20%,最强干旱事件和严重程度发生于2012至2013年。研究期间的年平均降水量和气温分别为1404.57 ± 43.2 mm和22.65 ± 0.1 °C,与30年记录(1990–2020)相比较,年降水量减少量可达523 mm,而气温则增加了2.55 °C。与全球针对大多数森林生态系统研究所发表的数据呈相反趋势,处于中国南亚热带区域的鼎湖山生物圈保护区在60%的干旱期内所监测的森林生态系统记录到显著的碳积累趋势,说明季节性干旱驱动了森林的碳积累。  相似文献   

Systemic fungal endophytes (Clavicipitaceae) of grasses reproduce sexually when the fungus forms stromata and contagious ascospores, or asexually by vertical transmission of hyphae into seeds and seedlings. Vertical transmission is predicted to favor reduced virulence compared with horizontal transmission in systems with both types of transmission. Here, variation in vertical and horizontal transmission and its potential heritability in a host grass-endophyte interaction, Elymus hystrix infected with Epichlo? elymi, were examined in natural populations and two common garden experiments using field-collected host tillers and seed progeny of maternal plants with known infection phenotypes. Transmission mode exhibited year-to-year variation in field and common garden environments. In the common garden there were consistent differences among maternal plant families in stroma production and significant correlations between stroma production in the common garden and in natural populations. Transmission mode differed among maternal families, spanning a continuum from pure vertical transmission to a high proportion of stroma production and horizontal transmission potential. Vertical transmission to seeds occurred at high rates in all maternal families regardless of their stroma production. Observed patterns of variation indicate that endophyte transmission mode and correlated changes in virulence can respond to selection by biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis depends on the diffusion of gaseous CO(2) inside the leaf spaces from the stomatal entry point to the mesophyll cell walls. Although most research considers only the vertical diffusion from stomata on upper and/or leaf lower surfaces, some of the gas will diffuse in the lateral (paradermal) direction. The importance of lateral CO(2) diffusion is reviewed, and the anatomical characteristics of leaves, including the variation of air space volume between species and conditions are discussed. The contribution of the air space conductance to the limitation of photosynthesis by the overall CO(2) diffusion pathway is usually ignored. However, the need to consider three-dimensional diffusion at the small scale of a few stomata is emphasized because stomata are discrete, and separated by 20-300 microm. At the large scale of 100s of micrometres, there may be barriers to CO(2) caused by the vascular tissue, particularly if there are bundle sheath extensions. The possible extent and controls on CO(2) lateral and vertical diffusion in different species and conditions are illustrated using chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging techniques. It is clear that there is a range of effective lateral permeabilities depending on the particular vascular patterns and cell arrangements, and that species cannot be simply divided into homobaric and heterobaric anatomies. Lateral diffusion in more permeable leaves can be sufficient to affect measurements of leaf gas exchange, particularly when fluxes are low, although its contribution to leaf photosynthesis in natural conditions needs clarification.  相似文献   

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