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利用体细胞克隆变异培育菊花新品种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊花(Dendranthema morifolium)是我国的传统名花,原产于我国。现代栽培的菊花,是由东北至华北的野黄菊和华北至华南的小红菊,经过长期的天然种间杂交和人工选择培育而成的。菊花在遗传组成上是高度杂合体。细胞学检查证实,现代栽培的菊花大多属于多倍体和非整倍体。如4X=36、5X=45、6X=54、6X-1=53、8X-1=71、8X-4=68等。菊花细胞在减数分裂时,常常因染色体的联会配对不正常而产生败育的配子,造成菊花生理性不孕或不能自然地通过有性过程繁殖后代。尤其是一些观赏价值较高的名优品种,大部分的小花为性退化的单性花,能育的两性花少,而且被众多的舌状、匙状、管状花瓣层层包围,不能接受花粉。因此仅依靠传统  相似文献   

甘薯近缘野生种资源的杂交亲和性评价及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘薯近缘野生种与甘薯栽培品种的杂交结实率研究表明,甘薯栽培品种与不同倍性I.trifida的平均杂交结实率为9.33%,其中与六倍体I.trifuta杂交结实率最高,与二倍体I.trifida杂交结实率最低;与四倍体I.1ittoralis杂交的平均结实率为4.22%;与I.leucantha杂交的平均结实率为0.75%。甘薯与近缘野生种杂交,其后代的结薯性出现广泛的分离,甘薯与六倍体I.frifida的杂交后代结薯率高于与其它低倍体的野生种。在甘薯栽培品种与近缘野生种的杂交后代中选出了一些优良的杂种后代。利用六倍体I.trifida与甘薯栽培品种杂交和回交,从其后代中选育出了苏渝303和渝苏297等甘薯品种。  相似文献   

菊花是中国最早的栽培植物之一。从原始的野生种类经过引种栽培,经过历代艺菊者的杂交选择、精心培育,逐步发展成为当今世界上品种最为丰富的栽培植物。菊花最初诞生在中国,其品种形成与发展也在中国,但在近两千年的栽培历史上,却没有关于菊花起源和品种形成途径的记载,这就给世人留下  相似文献   

将Thinopyrum bessarabicum和Thinopyrum elongatum的种质导?…   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2个双倍体即C.S-Thinopyrum bessarabicum(AABBDDJJ 2n=8x=56)和GHK-Thinopyrum elongatum(AABBDDEE 2n=8x=56)与普通小麦“中国春”杂交,获得了2个七倍体杂种。对23个双倍体、中国春、杂种F1和部分F2进行麦谷蛋白SDS-Page电泳,及结合染色体分带技术和田间赤霉病抗性鉴定筛选出由Th.bessarabicum和Th  相似文献   

棉花种间杂交技术创新及育种程序的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
创立的棉属种间杂交新方案对克服杂交不孕及F1不育性取得重大进展;获得了栽培种间(4n与2n)70个组合及陆地棉与14个野生棉种间大批量的高代种质资源,并已育成8个新品种,4个来自陆地棉×中棉,另外4个来自陆地棉与4种野生棉的杂种,为我国首次育成,其中石远321(冀棉24)为近年来国家区试中增产幅度最大的新品种,3年累计推广933.3×103 hm2.建成了有效的种间杂交育种体系.  相似文献   

野生大豆种质杂交导入的育种效果   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  

以凡 《遗传》1992,14(1):43-45
把无性繁孩作物的育种程序硬套到有性繁 殖作物灼育种力.:卜:来,显然从遗传理论到育 利:关践上都是错误的,这是我从事甘薯、马铃薯 !一笼传.、育种、良种繁育工作30年悟出来的一 个想法,井于1978年为甘薯、马铃薯育种制定了 一个“早期选育,多点鉴定和快速繁殖”的“早、 义、快”育种程序。I }43产、高干、高淀粉甘薯新品 汤’‘宣字306就是在两年选育、3年示范推广中 长育而成的。由于引,}j了新的育种程序和推广 枝术,还字306在1989年推广” 余万亩的基 权钻上,1990年突破180万亩大关。比遗字138 和遗字67-8的育种年限至少缩短3-5年。  相似文献   

金晓霞  张启翔 《植物学报》2005,22(6):738-745
本文对报春花属植物引种的历史和现状、育种途径和育种成果进行了综述。报春花属是报春花科最大的属, 全世界约500余种, 我国有296种。国外在杂交育种、多倍体育种、组织培养和体细胞融合等方面取得了许多研究成果, 而国内有关报春花属植物育种的研究相对较少。目前通过杂交育种或多倍体育种等手段已培育出众多花色丰富、花型各异或不含报春碱的报春花新品种。今后我国应在保护种质资源的基础上, 加强报春花新品种的培育, 并尽快实现产业化生产。  相似文献   

本文对报春花属植物引种的历史和现状、育种途径和育种成果进行了综述.报春花属是报春花科最大的属,全世界约500余种,我国有296种.国外在杂交育种、多倍体育种、组织培养和体细胞融合等方面取得了许多研究成果,而国内有关报春花属植物育种的研究相对较少.目前通过杂交育种或多倍体育种等手段已培育出众多花色丰富、花型各异或不含报春碱的报春花新品种.今后我国应在保护种质资源的基础上,加强报春花新品种的培育,并尽快实现产业化生产.  相似文献   

研究分析了中国1960~2004年问国家和省(市、自治区)审(认)定农作物新品种数量、分布情况及1994~2004年间新品种推广应用情况.建议国家对农业科研院所建立长期稳定的财政投入机制,加大农作物育种科研前期投入,育种科研项目实施年限以10年以上为宜.  相似文献   

The new technique of interspecific hybridization was created in Gossypium, which could remarkably overcome abortion of interspecific hybridization and hybrid sterility of F1. A large number of germplasm resources were obtained from seventy cross combinations among the cultivated species and between the cultivated and the 14 wild species, respectively. 8 varieties have been developed, of which 4 were from the cross combination of G . hirsutum×G . arboretum and the other are the first breed from the hybrids between G . hirsutum and 4 wild species, respectively. Of them Shiyuan 321 (jimian 24) is a new variety which had the highest increase in the national Yellow River Valley Regional test, with planting area added up to 933333 ha in the recent three years. The breeding system of interspecific hybridization was established.  相似文献   

The new technique of interspecific hybridization was created in Gossypium, which could remarkably overcome abortion of interspecific hybridization and hybrid sterility of F1. A large number of germplasm resources were obtained from seventy cross combinations among the cultivated species and between the cultivated and the 14 wild species, respectively. 8 varieties have been developed, of which 4 were from the cross combination of G. hirsutumXG. arboretum and the other are the first breed from the hybrids between G. hirsutum and 4 wild species, respectively. Of them Shiyuan 321 (jimian 24) is a new variety which had the highest increase in the national Yellow River Valley Regional test, with planting area added up to 933333 ha in the recent three years. The breeding system of interspecific hybridization was established.  相似文献   

对亚蔬中心(AVRDC)抗豆象育种2个回交第12代品系(BC12)及其回交亲本进行了豆象抗性评价和比较,结果表明:豆象在绿豆种子表面的产卵量及产卵率,BC12及其回交亲本之间无显著差异;第一代成虫羽化量、羽化率及种子受害量、种子受害率,BC12与其回交亲本存在显著差异(P<0.05)。相关分析结果表明:绿豆种子受害量和一代成虫羽化量成极显著正相关,种子受害量与成虫产卵量无相关关系。而成虫产卵量与一代成虫羽化量成极显著正相关。回交后代与其回交亲本比较分析显示:在种子受害量上,BC12与其回交后代存在极显著差异(p<0.01),这意味着 BC12确实存在抗豆象性能。  相似文献   

滁州菊花资源的开发及产业对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对滁州市滁菊资源开发利用条件的分析评价,提出对滁菊资源开发及产业化发展的相关对策。  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the pattern of pollinator visits to vertical inflorescences. These range from a response to a pattern of resources to merely instinctive behaviour. In dichogamous plants, such behaviour has been associated with promoting outcrossing and avoiding geitonogamy. We here analyse behaviour of the principal pollinator groups in five protogynous species of Scrophularia with different flower sizes (S. sambucifolia, S. grandiflora, S. lyrata, S. scorodonia and S. canina), and the distribution of sexual phases along the inflorescences. The results in all cases show that pollinators follow a pattern of ascending visits accompanied by movements between flowers of the same whorl (horizontal movements). The relative frequency of these horizontal movements depends on the flower size, with a higher frequency in species with large flowers. In vertical movements of the three more common pollinator groups to several plant species (bumblebees, wasps and small bees), the behaviour was essentially independent of flower size, with bumblebees having the highest ratio of ascents to descents. Behaviour of the pollinators, together with the absence of a definite pattern of distribution of the sexual phases along the inflorescence, implies that geitonogamy is not avoided in any of the Scrophularia species studied.  相似文献   

In this review, the different applications of flow cytometry in plant breeding are highlighted. Four main breeding related purposes can be distinguished for flow cytometry: (i) Characterisation of available plant material, including screening of possible parent plants for breeding programs as well as evaluation of population biodiversity; (ii) Offspring screening after interspecific, interploidy or aberrant crosses; (iii) Ploidy level determination after haploidization and polyploidization treatments and (iv) Particle sorting, that allows separation of plant cells based on morphological or fluorescent characteristics. An overview and discussion of these various applications indicates that flow cytometry is a relatively quick, cheap and reliable tool for many breeding related objectives.  相似文献   

Protected cultivation of ornamental flowers, as a commercial venture, becomes less profitable with excessive use of fertilizers. The present study examined the influence of microbial biofilm inoculants (AnabaenaAzotobacter, AnabaenaTrichoderma and TrichodermaAzotobacter) on the availability of soil nutrients and structure of rhizosphere microbial communities in three varieties of chrysanthemum (var. White Star, Thai Chen Queen and Zembla). Varietal-specific responses in growth, enzyme activities, flower yield of plants and availability of soil nutrients were recorded. Dehydrogenase activity was highest in var. White Star treated with the AnabaenaTrichoderma biofilm inoculants. The AnabaenaAzotobacter inoculant enhanced the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients in the soil, besides 40–50% increase in soil organic carbon, as compared to carrier alone or no inoculation. PCR-DGGE profiling of the cyanobacterial communities and qPCR quantification of 16S rRNA abundance of bacteria, archaea and cyanobacteria in the rhizosphere soils, revealed the stronger influences of these inoculants, especially in var. Zembla. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) helped to illustrate that the enhanced microbe-mediated availability of soil macro-and micronutrients, except iron content (Fe), was the most influential factor facilitating improved plant growth and yield parameters. The AnabaenaAzotobacter, and Anabaena–Trichoderma biofilm inoculants, proved superior in all three chrysanthemum varieties.  相似文献   

对中国6个代表城市的大菊品种资源计2732份材料进行了调查、拍照及性状记录.通过比对分析,共整理出大菊品种1429个,现有品种可分为8个色系、5个瓣型和43个花型.其中黄色系居多,有500个品种,超过1/3,少见绿色、间色和双色品种.瓣型以平瓣为主,总计626个品种,占总数的44%,管瓣、匙瓣类次之,分别为414个和3...  相似文献   

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