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Ecosystem research by the working group Water Quality Research Loosdrecht lakes (WQL) was carried out from 1979 to 1990. A coordinated research programme, involving several research institutes and laboratories in The Netherlands, was initiated in 1983, i.e. a year before the reduction of external phosphorus loading by stripping, became effective. The paper summarizes the main results, with emphasis on insight they provide into the lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

H. W. Kroes 《Hydrobiologia》1992,233(1-3):165-170
The Project on the Water Quality Research in the Loosdrecht Lakes (WQL) has come up to the expectations of the Netherlands Environment Ministry. The results reaffirm the main lines of national eutrophication policy drawn up in 1979 (Policy Document on Phosphates) and further developed in the eighties. Interesting new insights have been gained, for example into the role of sediment and seston as well as into the relative importance of trophic levels. It is not possible, however, to definitely establish the effect of WQL on eutrophication policy.The Loosdrecht project is an example of genuine ecological research, incorporating several disciplines, placing the object of research into its surroundings, emphasising the relation nature-culture and committing itself to certain value judgements and policy choices. As a consequence, there is a striking resemblance between the evolution of the project itself and that of ecosystems.All in all the Loosdrecht project should be regarded as a paradigm for future ecosystem studies.  相似文献   

The hydrology of the Loosdrecht lakes area   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  

R. D. Gulati 《Hydrobiologia》1990,191(1):173-188
A five-year zooplankton study (1982–86) on three shallow and highly eutrophic lakes in the Loosdrecht area (The Netherlands) did not reveal any significant changes following the considerable reduction in external P-loading (from about 1.0 g to 0.3 g P m–2 year–1) since mid-1984.The recent annual fluctuations in the rotifer and crustacean densities are within the range of those found before the restoration measure became operative. A decrease in the average size of the crustaceans and an absence of large-bodied forms reflects an increased fish predation rather than a change in the quality or quantity of their sestonic food ( < 150 µm) which continues to be dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria and Prochlorothrix hollandica, a prochlorophyte discovered in these lakes recently.  相似文献   

The Loosdrecht lakes are a system of shallow, interconnected, peat lakes in the centre of The Netherlands. The main environmental functions of the Loosdrecht lakes are nature and recreation. From the point of view of the Dutch policy, a Specific Environmental Quality (Bijzondere Milieukwaliteit) should be set for these lakes.The most serious environmental problem of the area is eutrophication. The Loosdrecht lakes have, by increasing external phosphorus loading, changed, from clear lakes with few macrophytes, followed by a period of abundant characean growth, to turbid lakes dominated by cyanobacteria and detrital matter. Eutrophication was counteracted by use of sewerage systems and dephosporization of the supply water. The resultant decrease in external phosphorus loading did not result in a decrease of turbidity by suspended particles.The eutrophication of the lake ecosystems was described as a series of phases. One of those phases, the status around 1940, has been used as an ecological reference system.By means of a graphical presentation technique, the so-called AMOEBE-approach, the state of the environment of the Loosdrecht lakes has been visualized. Thirty-two ecological parameters, including both biotic and abiotic factors, have been selected and quantified. Concrete target values for these parameters have been derived from historical reports and from Lake Western Loenderveen, located close to the Loosdrecht lakes, but less eutrophic.The general conclusion is that the state of the environment of the Loosdrecht lakes is far from what is required with respect to a Specific Environmental Quality, as many of the selected parameters, like water transparency, total phosphorus, mineral nitrogen, cyanobacteria, bream, pike, macrophytes, birds and otter, deviate by over an order of magnitude from their desired levels.  相似文献   

Remote sensing as a tool for assessing water quality in Loosdrecht lakes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The underwater light field in 7 lakes in the Loosdrecht lake area was measured in situ. Subsurface upwelling irradiance and irradiance reflectance, together with estimations of scattering and laboratory measurements of absorption by aquatic humus and particulate matter, enabled an analysis of the spectral signature of these waters. Aircraft imaging spectrometer measurements of upwelling radiance at 1 km altitude were used to simulate the PMI Chlorophyll #1, the CAESAR Inland Water Mode spectral bandsets and the Thematic Mapper bands 1 to 4. This made it possible to compare the effects of spectral band width and selection on the estimation of water quality parameters. Correlations increased to r > 0.94, at a significance level of 1% for the simulated C-IWM data with the 6 water quality parameters. Images of the PMI Chlorophyll #1 and of the TM were analysed and found to be in accordance with the statistical modelling results.A significant increase in correlation of remote sensing data with water quality parameters can be achieved through the selective use of 10 to 20 nm wide bands in the spectral range of 500 to 720 nm in these eutrophic waters. Sum of chlorophyll a and phaeopigments, seston dry weight, Secchi disc transparency, and coefficients for vertical attenuation of light, absorption and scattering can be estimated accurately. TM image data for water quality assessment is of limited use due to the relatively low spectral and radiometric resolution. However, the revisit capability and relatively low price per area are positive aspects of these satellite images.Abbreviations CAESAR = CCD Airborne Experimental Scanner for Applications in Remote sensing - C-IWM = CAESAR Inland Water Mode - CCD = charge coupled device - EOS-A = Earth Observation System Platform A - PAR = photosynthetically active radiation from 400–700 nm. - PMI = Programmable Multispectral Imager - RSLL = Remote Sensing Loosdrecht Lakes Project - SPOT = Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre - SPOT-HRV = Sensor on board of the SPOT satellite - TM = Thematic Mapper instrument aboard the Landsat 5 satellite  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth in the shallow, turbid Lake Loosdrecht (The Netherlands) is importantly influenced by light availability, and thus the concentrations of the various light-attenuating materials. The system is highly eutrophic and supports an algal biomass of ca. 160 mg Chl m–3. A model is proposed here which predicts algal growth in the lake as a function of the light received and subsequent attenuation in the water column by phytoplankton, tripton and background colour. The model is based on an energy balance which relates growth rate to the true growth yield on light energy and the energy demand for cell maintenance. The coefficients for energy conversion (Y = 0.002 gDW kJ–1) and cell maintenance (µe = 0.031 day–1) were determined from steady state growth kinetics of Prochlorothrix hollandica in light-limited laboratory flow systems with the same depth as the lake and receiving summer average conditions of irradiance. Light attenuation by phytoplankton and tripton were quantified using specific attenuation coefficients: 0.011 m2 mg–1 Chl for the phytoplankton and 0.23 m2 g–1 DW for tripton.The growth studies demonstrated that Lake Loosdrecht can support a much higher algal biomass in the absence of non-algal particulate matter. The proposed model is used to predict chlorophyll a concentrations in dependence on growth rate and levels of tripton. Since approximately 75% of the sestonic dry weight in Lake Loosdrecht may be attributed to tripton, it is concluded that the algal biomass is markedly lowered by the abundance of tripton in the water column. A knowledge of the sources and fate of tripton in the lake is thus of fundamental importance in modelling phytoplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution, morphometry and water quality of lakes within large calderas (> 2 km in diameter) were evaluated through a review of the literature and maps. Eighty-eight lakes in 75 calderas were located in 31 volcanic subregions. As a group, the lakes varied greatly in elevation, surface area, maximum depth, and shoreline development. The average surface area was 16.9 km2, surface elevation 873 m, depth 151.1 m, and shoreline development 1.35. Water quality ranged from ultraoligotrophic to highly eutrophic. None of the lakes had an inlet that originated outside the calderas. Most lakes did not have a surface outlet, were circular or subcircular in shape, and covered only parts of the caldera basins. Water clarity in some lakes was among the highest recorded for freshwater systems, but there are indications of possible declining clarity in some cases. Secondary volcanic activity, such as primary (hydrothermal) water and eruptions, has been associated with deteriorated water quality conditions in some lakes.  相似文献   

In 1984 the external phosphorus load of the shallow eutrophic Loosdrecht lakes was reduced from 3.3 to 1.0 mg m–2 d–1. The effect of phosphorus release from the sediment on lake restoration was investigated. Diffusive release under aerobic conditions (20 °C) decreased from 1 mg m–2 d–1 in 1984 to 0.3 mg m–2 d–1 in 1990. The generation of inorganic phosphorus due to mineralization during summer equals 3 mg m–2 d–1, which is much higher than the measured rate of diffusive release. Despite that, the phosphorus release is hardly stimulated by anaerobic conditions, which indicates that only a small amount of phosphorus is adsorbed by ferric iron in the top sediment layer. This apparent discrepancy is probably caused by the uptake of inorganic phosphorus uptake during resuspension and the loss of inorganic phosphorus with downward seepage.The estimated removal of phosphorus due to downward seepage of 0.8 mg m–2 d–1 agrees well with the average phosphorus retention in the lake. This indicates that sediment burial and diagenesis are unimportant mechanisms for withdrawing phosphorus from the nutrient cycle.Between 1982 and 1991 the total phosphorus content of the upper 2 cm of the sediment decreased from 0.94 to 0.60 g kg–1 DW. At present, about 20% of total phosphorus in this layer is potentially bioavailable, but largely incorporated in easily degradable organic matter. This pool is much smaller in deeper layers. Based on the estimated and measured rates and pool sizes, the annual average phosphorus cycle in the lakes was modelled to evaluate the effects of various restoration measures. The main predictions of the model are: 1) further reduction of the external load may cause a gradual decrease of the total phosphorus concentration in the lake water; 2) dredging and iron addition, without reduction of the external load, may give a rapid improvement followed by a slow return to the present situation; and 3) reduction of the external load, combined with a cut off of downward seepage will not improve the water quality.  相似文献   

Lake Pamvotis is a moderately sized (22 km2) shallow (z avg=4 m) lake with a polymictic stratification regime located in northwest Greece. The lake has undergone cultural eutrophication over the past 40 years and is currently eutrophic (annual averages of FRP=0.07 mg P l-1, TP=0.11 mg P l-1, NH4 +=0.25 mg N l-1, NO3 =0.56 mg N l-1). FRP and NH4 + levels are correlated to external loading from streams during the winter and spring, and to internal loading during multi-day periods of summer stratification. Algal blooms occurred in summer (July–August green algae, August–September blue-green algae), autumn (October blue-green algae and diatoms), and winter (February diatoms), but not in the spring (March–June). The phytoplankton underwent brief periods of N- and P-limitation, though persistent low transparency (secchi depth of 60–80 cm) also suggests periods of light limitation. Rotifers counts were highest from mid-summer to early autumn whereas copepods were high in the spring and cladocerans were low in the summer. Removal of industrial and sewage point sources a decade ago resulted in a decrease in FRP. A phosphorus mass balance identified further reductions in external loading from the predominately agricultural catchment will decrease FRP levels further. The commercial fishery and lake hatchery also provides opportunities to control algal biomass through biomanipulation measures.  相似文献   

External phosphorus loads to three shallow lakes in the Netherlands were reduced by eliminating waste-water discharge and by dephosphorization of the supply water, with which water level is controlled. Concentrations of total-phosphorus and chlorophyll a were significantly reduced during 1980–1986 in L. Breukeleveen, but not in L. Vuntus and L. Loosdrecht. In 1983–1986 the phosphorus flow through several trophic levels was determined. Changes over these years were not significant. External input to the lakes still contributes substantially to the phosphorus input. Release from the sediments also contributed to the cycling of the phosphorus. Excretion by large crustacean zooplankters was important in phosphorus recycling, and delivered 20–30% of the daily phytoplankton phosphorus demand. A similar contribution is expected from fish. If one wants recovery of the lakes to be accelerated, additional measures are needed.  相似文献   

Water quality and plankton periodicity was studied in two mine lakes near Jos in the younger granite area of Plateau State, Nigeria. The investigation was carried out for 8 months. Transparency, pH and NO3-N were significantly higher in Lake II while DOM, alkalinity, PO 4 3– -P, BOD and chloride were significantly higher in Lake I. The order of dominance in Lake I was Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Dinophyceae while for Lake II; Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae. In Lake I the zooplankton in order of dominance were Cladocera, Rotifera, Copepoda, and nauplii and in Lake II Cladocera, Copepoda, Rotifera and nauplii. Although both lakes would seem unproductive based on the PO 4 3– -P and NO 3 -N levels, Lake I appears more productive than Lake II.  相似文献   

A reduction in external phosphorus loading since 1984 to Loosdrecht lakes system by the dephosphorization of the inlet water, yielded only minor effects in Lake Loosdrecht. This reduction measure turned out to have decreased the loading only by a factor of two. A conceptual model was constructed based on laboratory measurements to describe phosphorus flow in the lake ecosystem for the summer of 1987. The role of zooplankton and fish was more important in phosphorus recycling than diffusion at the sediment-water interface. The input and output of phosphorus of the lake were at equilibrium and therefore, further reduction in external loading was needed for recovery. The results of the conceptual model agreed well with the output of the mathematical model PCLOOS. Additional measures such as dredging, flushing, chemomanipulation, or biomanipulation would be ineffective at the present level of external loading. Only a significant further reduction in external input will restore Lake Loosdrecht's water quality over a long period of time.  相似文献   

The potential importance of the six major emergent and floating-leaved macrophyte species in recycling of sediment phosphorus in the Loosdrecht lakes was studied. Representative plant samples were collected at the time of maximum biomass, and analysed for biomass and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents. Species cover was determined by aerial photography.Total cover in the seven lakes studied ranged between 2 and 26 percent. For the four main species, biomass per unit area increased with lake trophic status. Consistent differences in C, N and P contents per unit biomass were not observed. Although cover values were small, significant amounts of C, N and P were contained in the macrophytes when compared with maximum sestonic content.Potential P loads from macrophyte decay were calculated. In Lake Loosdrecht, the P load represented 15 percent of current external P inputs. The potential importance of macrophyte decay to P recycling in the other lakes is greater.Decay of macrophyte species at the end of the growing season appears to affect autumnal nutrient and chlorophyll a levels in the water column of some lakes. The re-establishment of submerged species following lake restoration may increase the importance of this pathway in the lakes.  相似文献   

Endorheic lakes of the northern Great Plains encompass a wide range of environmental parameters (e.g., salinity, pH, DOC, Ca, nutrients, depth) that vary 1000‐fold among sites and through the past 2000 years due to variation in basin hydrology and evaporative forcing. However, while many environmental parameters are known to individually influence zooplankton diversity and taxonomic composition, relatively little is known of the hierarchical relationships among potential controls or of how regulatory mechanisms may change in response to climate variation on diverse scales. To address these issues, we surveyed 70 lakes within a 100 000 km2 prairie region to simulate the magnitude of environmental change expected to occur over 100–1000 years and to quantify the unique and interactive effects of diverse environmental parameters in regulating pelagic invertebrate community structure at that scale. Multivariate analyses showed that salinity was the principal correlate of changes in invertebrate composition among lakes, with a sequential loss of taxa between salinities of 4 and 50 g total dissolved solids L?1 until one to two species predominated in highly saline systems. In contrast, changes in the concentrations of Ca2+ and other mineral nutrients exerted secondary controls of invertebrate assemblages independent of salinity, whereas lake depth provided a tertiary regulatory mechanism structuring species composition. In contrast to these large‐scale hierarchical patterns, seasonal surveys (May, July, September) of a subset of 21 lakes in each of 2003–2005 revealed that annual meteorological variation had no measurable effect on pelagic invertebrates, despite large differences in temperature, precipitation, and evaporation arising from regional droughts. Together these findings show that pelagic invertebrate communities in saline lakes are resilient to interannual variability in climate, but suggest that lakes of the northern Great Plains may provide a sensitive model to forecast centennial effects of future climate change.  相似文献   

Water quality modelling in the framework of the Water Quality Research Loosdrecht Lakes requires mass balances covering periods of one month or less for at least three of the lake compartments of the Loosdrecht Lakes system: the Loosdrecht Lakes, L. Vuntus and L. Breukeleveen. The hydrological system of the Loosdrecht area underlying these mass balances is described. Data available on the various mass balance items are surveyed, as well as the methods considered to calculate those items that do not lend themselves to direct measurement.The system will be modelled by means of a series of interdependent spreadsheets. Calibration of this model to the 1983–1986 data set should render it suitable to calculate the mass balances retrospectively,i.e. in the period 1975–1982. The model in its present form cannot be used to predict mass balances.Masses of Cl, P and N stored in the three main lake compartments of interest at consecutive sampling dates in 1983 and 1984 are graphically presented and compared with roughly estimated biannual balances of the same substances for the aggregate of the three lake compartments.Not unexpectedly, the distribution within the system of the conservative substance Cl is a function of the differences between the lake compartments in mixing ratios of high-Cl to low-Cl inputs.The amounts of the nutrients P and N stored in the lake water follow a rather erratic course. Though it is possible to idealize this to a seasonal cycle, the two-year period dealt with by this study is too short to identify such a cycle with certainty. From the large residual terms of the biannual nutrient balances it is obvious that the not directly quantifiable processes like sedimentation, release from the sediment and (presumably) denitrification that are lumped into those residual terms, are of major importance to the amounts of nutrients in the lake water.  相似文献   

At two ephemeral saline lakes in Saskatchewan, changes in the physical and chemical features of water and sediments at various basin positions were monitored during a wet-dry cycle in 1978 and 1979. Water salinity fluctuated widely in response to changes in water volume and mass of solute in the water. When basins were dry, the soluble salt content of sediments 0–10 cm deep was higher than sediments 50–60 cm deep and sediments in the lake centre were more saline than at the shoreline. Upon reflooding, there was a large immediate decrease in sediment salinity at the 0–10 cm depth, such that this layer was less saline than sediments 50–60 cm deep. Sediments in the lake centre remained more saline than at the shoreline.Classification of lake salinity is necessary to assess the potential of a lake for emergent production. The large variances in ephemeral lake salinity due to water volume changes indicate that classification should be based upon the water volume-salinity cycle of these lakes rather than the salinity of any single water or sediment sample. Water management efforts to lower salinities, to improve these wetlands for emergent growth, should be aimed at reducing the salinity regime of the littoral zone. Flushing, dilution and drying and reflooding techniques are discussed as methods to decrease salinity.  相似文献   

基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
崔保山  赵翔  杨志峰 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1788-1795
近几十年来,由于人类活动的加剧以及全球气候的变化,湖泊普遍出现了萎缩、水位下降、水量锐减、湖水盐化、水质污染、富营养化、甚至干涸消亡等状况。确保湖泊生态系统必需的最小水量是解决可能出现的湖泊严重水资源和生态系统危机的区域问题之一。从生态水文学原理出发,对湖泊最小生态需水量的概念进行了探讨,并提出了计算最小生态需水量的3种方法:1曲线相关法;2功能法;3最低生态水位法。在最低生态水位法中,其方法有最低年平均水位法和年保证率设定法。一旦湖泊最小生态需水量得以确定,将为水资源管理部门的水资源合理配置和湖泊管理提供综合性、权威性及可操作性决策依据,为退化湖泊生态系统的恢复与重建提供科学基础。  相似文献   

A fish – based index for the assessment of the ecological quality of natural temperate lakes was developed, in accordance to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC. As a case study, 11 natural lakes located at northern and western Greece were selected. Fish surveys were conducted during mid summer to mid autumn in 2010, 2011 and 2012 using Nordic gillnets and electrofishing. Environmental parameters and anthropogenic pressures were assessed for each lake. Fish species richness, abundance, trophic, reproductive and habitat functional guilds were used for extracting a set of 107 metrics, meeting the requirements of the WFD. All metrics were initially tested as candidates for the index development. A stepwise linear regression of each metric against environmental parameters (lake area, altitude, maximum depth, alkalinity) and anthropogenic pressures (drainage area covered by non-natural land uses – NNLC, water total phosphorus concentrations – TP, Lake Habitat Modification Score – LHMS) was initially conducted for ensuring pressure-response relationships. Reference conditions for each lake were estimated by the hindcasting procedure and the ecological quality for each lake was expressed as the ecological quality ratio (EQR) by a value ranging from 0 (poor quality) to 1 (excellent quality). Two fish fauna metrics, the relative numerical abundance of introduced species (Introduceda) and the relative biomass of omnivorous species (OMNIb) were finally extracted as the most significant, responding to LHMS and TP, respectively. The final index was expressed as the mean values of the EQRs of these two metrics. The multimetric fish index presented herein could serve as a tool for assessing the ecological quality of natural lakes at broad geographical scale and generally, in the Mediterranean temperate lakes with similar hydromorphological characteristics.  相似文献   

For arid-region lakes, management conflicts are likely to occur between quantity and quality of water supplied: increasing quantity of water supply can lead to water quality deterioration. Such conflicts can best be resolved within an effective management program based on awareness and cooperation at all levels of water management from policy makers to experts. We propose a general framework for designing effective water resource management programs for lakes based on concrete definitions of management criteria such as water quality. The proposed system requires close interaction between policy makers, water resource managers, water suppliers and users, hydrological engineers and limnologists. The significance of mathematical modeling as a self-organizing tool of the management program is emphasized, especially with regards to designing limnological investigations directed toward lake management. We illustrate the application of this approach to water resource management in arid-region lakes (Lake Kinneret, Israel and Lake Sevan, Armenia), where artificial variability of lake morphometry due to water use is a forcing function affecting water quality.  相似文献   

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