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In a controlled animal experiment the effects of dietary subacute Zn deficiency on growth, Zn concentration, and tissue 42-K distribution were studied. Growth retardation caused lower body weight because both skeletal and heart muscle showed a reduction in cell mass. Zn concentrations were reduced in most tissues, however, they remained unaltered in heart muscle. 42-K activity increased in skeletal muscle and pancreas. We hypothesize the latter reflects the organs rate of metabolism, inducing the exocrine pancreas to increase Zn absorption; in skeletal muscle it may induce also alterations in cell potentiation, causing restless behavior. As suggested by the calculated specific K activity (Bq/mol), the K uptake was highest in liver and bone, high in pancreas and skeletal muscle and low in heart muscle. The latter suggests K retention in heart muscle. Specific activity in plasma and jejunum remained unaltered: K status and absorption seem unaffected. Zn deficiency causes different 42-K activities in the various tissues, that respond by alterations in K metabolism without the induction of K deficiency.  相似文献   

Pregnant Wistar rats fed control and Zn-deficient diets received daily oral doses of 0, 100, and 300 mg/kg sodium valproate from d 16 to 20 of gestation. Only the highest valproate doses induced a small reduction in fetal body weight in the normally fed group. Zinc deficiency caused a drastic reduction in maternal and only a small reduction in fetal serum Zn concentrations. Valproate treatment had no effect on maternal and fetal serum Zn concentrations. Valproate reduced fetal liver Zn content only in the normally fed group. The reduction of liver Zn content resulted from the reduction of Zn-metallothionein. Valproate did not affect total Zn and Zn-metallothionein in kidneys. Three percent of the Zn-deficient fetuses developed hydronephrosis and hydrops. Valproate treatment drastically enhanced the occurrence of fetal hydronephrosis and hydrops. Valproate induced fetal liver necroses, independent of Zn nutrition.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which 5,7-di-iodo-8-hydroxy quinoline (Diodoquin) enhances zinc absorption in the zinc deficiency disorder acrodermatitis enteropathica was investigated using liposomes. This compound increased the permeability of the pure lipid membranes to 65Zn and it is proposed that the therapeutic effect of Diodoquin and related compounds may derive from their ability to act as ionophores.  相似文献   

Summary Stimulation of secretion by pilocarpine results in a 70% loss of zymogen granules from pancreatic acinar cell during the first hr after injection of the drug. In previous work (Geuze and Poort, 1973), we found that the amount of membrane stored in the surface of the microvilli and of the numerous infoldings present in highly stimulated cells, increases during the first 2 hr and then decreases again during the 3rd hr after stimulation, concurrently with maximal endocytosis of sorbitol-[su14C].Further observations on the fine structure of stimulated cells at various time intervals after injection of pilocarpine showed that during the first hr numerous smooth vesicles and multivesicular bodies (mvb's) appear in the apical cytoplasm, while the number of coated vesicles and their relative total volume increase significantly 3 hr after stimulation.By infusion of ferritin in the pancreatic duct system in vivo and application of cytochemical techniques (osmium impregnation, electron microscope autoradiography and acid phosphatase cytochemistry) it could be established that after stimulated exocytotic secretion, redundant apical cell membrane is withdrawn by at least two routes: 1) During the initial rapid increase of the amount of apical cell membrane, withdrawal is accomplished by interiorization of luminal invaginations into smooth endocytotic vesicles, which in turn give rise to mvb's by infolding and subsequent fission of their limiting membrane. 2) Once the bulk of stored secretion granules has been discharged, endocytotic coated vesicles become gradually more prominent as carriers for redundant cell membrane. The contents of endocytotic structures ultimately become incorporated in residual bodies, suggesting lysosomal degradation of cell membrane prior to eventual reutilization.Coated vesicles also originate by pinching off from mature Golgi cisternae and condensing vacuoles. A possible function of the coated membranes in the concentration of exportable protein within forming secretory granules is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study focused on whether serum extracellular superoxide dimutase (EC-SOD) activity can be used as a functional indicator of marginal zinc deficiency in humans. Subjects in this study were 444 healthy adults over 30 yr of age living a normal rural life in Kyunggi province, Korea. The mean dietary zinc intake of subjects obtained from one 24-h recall was 6.41 ± 4.35 mg and the average serum zinc concentration of the subjects was 11.06 ± 2.44 (μmol/L. Subjects were divided into three groups by serum zinc concentrations: adequate (serum zinc >10.7 (μmol/L), low (serum zinc 9.0–10.7 μmol/L), and very low (serum zinc <9.0 μmol/L) groups. A total of 50 subjects were selected from the three groups for analysis of EC-SOD activities. The EC-SOD activity of subjects increased with increasing serum zinc concentrations, and the activities of the three groups were significantly different as indicated by the Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 0.0239). Also, serum EC-SOD activities were significantly correlated with serum zinc concentrations (r = 0.289,p = 0.04). Serum EC-SOD activities, however, were not significantly correlated to the dietary zinc intakes. In conclusion, these results show that EC-SOD activities are decreased in subjects with low serum zinc concentrations and suggest that EC-SOD activity may be a functional indicator of zinc nutritional status in humans.  相似文献   

Body composition and the levels of some plasma metabolites were measured in zinc deficient and control rats with the aim of assessing the nature of the metabolic defects resulting from zinc deficiency. Two experiments, lasting 15 and 20 d, were carried out using 52 immature rats. Zinc deficient animals were fed a diet of 1–2 mg Zn/kg. Pair fed andad libitum control rats received the same diet with 100 ppm zinc added to the drinking water. Feed intake and growth rate were measured, and the carcasses were analyzed for protein, fat, and ash. In each experiment, a group of rats were killed on d 1 to provide pretreatment values and to allow for estimates of net deposition of carcass components. Lactate, urea, and zinc were assayed in plasma, as well as zinc concentration in carcasses and liver. The main effect of zinc deficiency was to reduce feed intake and efficiency of feed conversion, resulting in a reduced proportion of carcass wat because of the reduced feed efficiency, zinc deficiencyper se resulted in an increase in the proportion of fat in the carcass. Plasma lactate concentration was unchanged, but urea concentration increased in both pair fed and zinc deficient rats relative toad libitum fed control animals. The results indicate that a defect in protein synthesis and an increase in energy expenditure, perhaps resulting from increased protein turnover, underlies the reduced growth and efficiency of feed conversion of zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

The absorption of lead from loops of small intestinein situ was investigated in rats in which iron absorption was increased by stimuli varying in type, intensity, or duration. Lead absorption was increased by a short period of severe iron restriction before any change in hematological indices became apparent. A period of hypoxia, which markedly increased iron absorption, did not influence absorption of lead. An extended period of moderate iron restriction resulted in a marked reduction in liver iron stores and increased iron absorption throughout the 17-wk experiment. Under these conditions lead absorption was initially also increased, but after 12 wk, when iron intake had become adequate to meet essential requirements, lead absorption was similar to that in iron-supplemented rats. These results are discussed in the light of evidence for a receptor-mediated absorption process for iron.  相似文献   

The rate of zinc (Zn) release from rat erythrocytes incubated in buffers containing a variety of chelators was measured. Only o-phenanthroline, 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonate, and EDTA caused detectable Zn release. The relationship between the rate of this release in the presence of o-phenanthroline and Zn status was determined in rats. Rats were fed one of the following: a modified AIN-76 diet providing 46 mumol (3 mg) Zn per kg of diet, a pair-fed diet providing 459 mumol (30 mg)/kg, or the previous diet fed ad lib. Animals were sacrificed at 2-wk intervals for 12 wk, and the Zn efflux rate, plasma, liver, and femur Zn concentrations were determined. The efflux rate was lower in erythrocytes taken from the rats fed the low-Zn diet. The efflux rate was also well correlated with femur Zn (r = 0.509, n = 98, p < 0.0001). A poorer correlation was observed with plasma Zn in the rats. Correlations also were determined between efflux rates and plasma Zn levels in human subjects. There was a significant correlation only in the males. In was concluded that the Zn efflux rate from erythrocytes incubated in the presence of o-phenanthroline is related to Zn status but is not sensitive enough to be a useful index of this status.  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton plays an important role in glucose regulation, mainly in the following three aspects. First, cytoskeleton regulates insulin secretion by guiding intracellular transport of insulin-containing vesicles and regulating release of insulin. Second, cytoskeleton is involved in insulin action by regulating distribution of insulin receptor substrate, GLUT4 translocation, and internalization of insulin receptor. In addition, cytoskeleton directs the intracellular distribution of glucose metabolism related enzymes including glycogen synthase and many glycolysis enzymes. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 592–597.  相似文献   

The effects of relatively low (1, 10, and 50 mg/kg) and high (100 and 200 mg/kg) dietary concentrations of tin (added as stannous chloride) on iron status of rats were determined. After feeding the diets for 28 d, feed intake and body weights were not significantly affected. Iron concentrations in plasma, spleen, and tibia as well as percentage transferrin saturation were decreased in rats fed the diets supplemented with 100 or 200 mg tin/kg. In rats fed the diet containing 200 mg tin/kg, group mean hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cell count were slightly lowered but total iron binding capacity was not affected. Iron status was not influenced by dietary tin concentrations lower than 100 mg/kg. If these results can be extrapolated to humans, then it may be concluded that tin concentrations in the human diet, which range from 2 to 76 mg/kg dry diet, do not influence iron status in humans.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ on agonist-stimulated hydrolysis of myo-[2-3H]inostol-labelled phosphatidylinositol in mouse pancreas in vitro, were studied. The increase in cytosol Ca2+ concentration produced by the ionophore A23187 did not stimulate the breakdown of phosphatidylinositol. Cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) stimulated the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol under conditions in which intracellular calcium stores were depleted. The breakdown of phosphatidylinositol was stimulated by bethanechol and CCK-8 in Ca2+-free Krebs solution, and the addition of Ca2+ to the medium potentiated the effects of these agonists. Lanthanum significantly reduced bethanechol and CCK-8 stimulated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol in Krebs solution, but was without effect in Ca2+-free Krebs solution. The results of this study support the proposal that PI hydrolysis does not occur as a result of Ca2+ mobilization and may be involved in Ca2+ gating in the pancreas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between concentrations of Zn and Cu and the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in the heart and liver of young rat pups whose dams were fed a diet supplemented with caffeine and/or Zn. Four groups of dams with their newborn pups were fed one of the following diets for 22 d: 20% protein basal diet; the basal diet supplemented with caffeine (2 mg/100 body wt); the basal diet supplemented with Zn (300 mg/kg diet); or the basal diet supplemented with caffeine plus Zn. The Cu levels in the livers of the pups were decreased by maternal intake of the caffeine and Zn diet. The maternal intake of the caffeine diet increased Mn-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity and Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (CUZnSOD) in the heart of the pups. On the other hand, the activity of Cu,ZnSOD was significantly reduced in the liver of pups whose dams consumed a caffeine, Zn, or caffeine plus Zn diet. Cu, ZnSOD activity in the liver of the pups seems to be correlated with Cu levels in the tissue. Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in the heart and liver showed no difference among the groups. The effect of dietary caffeine and/or Zn on the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the heart and liver were different in young rats. The activities of these enzymes in the heart were lower than in the liver of 22-d-old rats. Our experiments indicate that the heart has limited defenses against the toxic effects of peroxides when compared to the liver.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of magnesium (Mg2+) on the secretory responses and the mobilization of calcium (Ca2+) and Mg2+ evoked by cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) in the exocrine rat pancreas. In the isolated intact perfused pancreas CCK-8 (10–10 M) produced marked increases in juice flow and total protein output in zero and normal (1.1 mM) extracellular Mg2+ [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced secretory response in elevated (5 mM and 10 mM) [Mg2+]o Similar effects of perturbation of [Mg2+]o on amylase secretion and 45Ca2+ uptake (influx) were obtained in isolated pancreatic segments. In pancreatic acinar cells loaded with the fluorescent bioprobe fura-2 acetomethylester (AM), CCK-8 evoked marked increases in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i in zero and normal [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced response in elevated [Mg2+]o Pretreatment of acinar cells with either dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DB2 cAMP) or forskolin had no effect on the CCK-8 induced changes in [Ca2+]i. In magfura-2-loaded acinar cells CCK-8 (10–8 M) stimulated an initial transient rise in intracellular free Mg2+ concentration [Mg2+]i followed by a more prolonged and sustained decrease. This response was abolished when sodium Na+ was replaced with N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG). Incubation of acinar cells with 10 mM Mg2+ resulted in an elevation in [Mg2+]i. Upon stimulation with CCK-8, [Mg2+]i. decreased only slightly compared with the response obtained in normal [Mg2+]o. CCK-8 caused a net efflux of Mg2+ in pancreatic segments; this effect was abolished when extracellular sodium [Na+]o was replaced with either NMDG or choline. The results indicate that Mg2+ can regulate CCK-8-evoked secretory responses in the exocrine pancreas possibly via Ca2+ mobilization. Moreover, the movement of Mg2+ in pancreatic acinar cells is dependent upon extracellular Na+.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were fed diets either alone or with combinations of silver, elevated zinc, or elevated cadmium for 7 weeks. The rats were then killed, and the silver, zinc, and cadmium proteins isolated from the livers by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. When silver was fed alone in diet, low levels of this metal were eluted as two peaks from the ion exchange column. In contrast, when silver was fed with cadmium or elevated zinc, three metal-containing peaks were eluted from this ion exchange column. Amino acid analysis revealed that the major proteins binding these metals are metallothioneins, as judged by high cysteine content.  相似文献   

Summary The islets of Langerhans of the equine pancreas were examined with the electron microscope after immersion or perfusion fixation. Five cell types could be distinguished after fixation by either technique: 1. A-cells, situated at the center of the islets, 2. B-cells, containing mostly pale granules and constituting the principal cell type of the periphery of the islets, 3. D-cells, also located mainly at the periphery of the islets, 4. G-cells, found at the edge of the islets and in the exocrine pancreas, and 5. S-cells, (small granule cells), which are relatively few in number and occur only in the islets. The function and age-dependent modifications of these cells are discussed. The formation of light and dark cells and of mixed cells are regarded as artifact, since cells of this type occur only under the condition of immersion fixation.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to determine whether acute or chronic Pb exposure would increase urinary excretion of zinc in the rat. Four groups of unanesthetized rats were given 0, 0.03, 0.3, or 3 mg Pb (as acetate) kg intravenously, and urinary excretion of zinc, sodium, and potassium was monitored for 6 h. Only at the highest dose was urinary Zn excretion significantly elevated; there were no significant changes in sodium and potassium excretion at any dose. Two other groups of rats were studied for 9 weeks in metabolism cages before and during administration of either 500 ppm Pb (as acetate) or equimolar Na acetate in the drinking water. Two days after Pb treatment and continuing through day 35, Zn excretion was elevated in the Pb-exposed animals; beyond this day, zinc excretion became similar in the two groups. The difference in Zn excretion was not the result of lower water intake by the Pb-treated animals. At sacrifice (70 days after starting Pb exposure), Pb-exposed animals had lower Zn content of the plasma and testis, but there was no difference in kidney Zn. Plasma renin activity was significantly higher in Pb-exposed animals. We conclude that chronic Pb exposure in rats can result in some degree of decreased tissue zinc, which is, at least in part, secondary to increased urinary losses of zinc.  相似文献   

Studies performed on adult female rats over a period of 10 weeks indicated that the consumption of alcohol (20% v/v) did not appear to disturb the zinc or copper balance, nor did it adversely affect tissue zinc or copper levels, even in zinc-restricted animals. On the contrary, higher plasma zinc levels were consistently observed in animals receiving alcohol together with the experimental diets.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in turgor regulation in Chara longifolia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The salt-tolerant alga Chara longifolia (Robinson) is capable of regulating its turgor in response to hypotonic stress resulting from a decrease in the osmotic pressure of the medium. This regulatory process takes only 40 min in small cells (length ≤ 10 mm), but requires 3d in large cells (length ≥30mm). Turgor regulation in small cells is comprised of two phases, a fast phase reducing the increased turgor by about 25% in the First 5 min, and a second phase reducing the turgor to near the original value within 40 min. The second phase is inhibited by reducing the concentration of Ca2+ in the external medium from 4.6 to 0.01 mol m?3; the first phase is less affected by the reduction of Ca2+. In the first 5 min of stress, the membrane depolarizes in a voltage-dependent fashion, electrical conductance of the membrane increases transiently and cytoplasmic streaming is inhibited. When the external Ca2+ concentration is lowered, conductance does not increase and streaming continues unaffected. In a low ionic strength medium, Ca2+ is not required in the medium for turgor regulation. To test the hypothesis that there is increased Ca2+ entry from the medium during turgor regulation, we measured the influx of 45Ca2+ into the cell. We found an increased influx of Ca2+, from 18 to 36 nmol m?2 s?1 during the first 30 to 90 s following osmotic stress. This increase was evident only in cells below about 7 mm in length, and was more marked in smaller cells.  相似文献   

采用尼龙网袋田间填埋培养法探究了外源施锌条件下石灰性土壤Zn有效性及形态转化对不同有机物料(作物秸秆、生物菌肥、黄腐酸和腐熟鸡粪)的响应.结果表明:与对照相比,Zn肥单施和与有机物料配施均显著提高了土壤全Zn含量(7.2%~13.8%)和DTPA-Zn含量(2.1~2.8倍).在施Zn条件下,有机物料对土壤全Zn和DTPA-Zn的贡献量表现为腐熟鸡粪>生物菌肥>玉米秸秆>黄腐酸,但外源锌的DTPA-Zn转化率以添加秸秆和生物菌肥处理最高.与单施Zn肥相比,有机物料与Zn配施处理显著提高了土壤有机质含量,促进了松结有机态Zn的形成,进而提高了土壤Zn转移因子,降低了Zn分配指数.不同物料与Zn肥配施土壤Zn有效性及形态转化之间存在差异,这可能与有机物料自身性质如腐熟度和含Zn量有关.尽管秸秆与Zn配施对DTPA-Zn含量的提升效果不及生物菌肥或腐熟鸡粪与Zn配施,但综合考虑环境和经济效益,其仍是改善缺锌石灰性土壤Zn有效性的最佳选择.  相似文献   

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