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We recently reported that tri- and tetraantennary complex type oligosaccharides with nonreducing terminal galactose residues and the triantennary asialofetuin glycopeptide can bind and precipitate certain galactose specific lectins (L. Bhattacharyya, and C.F. Brewer (1986) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 141, 963-967; L. Bhattacharyya, M. Haraldsson, and C.F. Brewer (1988) Biochemistry 27, 1034-1041). The present study investigates the binding interactions of two of these lectins, those from Erythrina indica and Ricinus communis (Agglutinin I), with mono-, bi-, and triantennary synthetic cluster glycosides, which have little structural resemblance to complex type oligosaccharides other than they possess nonreducing terminal galactose residues (R.T. Lee, P. Lin, and Y.C. Lee (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4255-4261). The enhanced affinities of the bi- and triantennary glycosides relative to the monoantennary glycoside for the two lectins are consistent with an increase in the probability of binding due to multiple binding residues in the multiantennary glycosides. The triantennary glycoside is capable of precipitating the two lectins, and quantitative precipitation data indicate that it is a trivalent ligand. The results show that the binding and precipitation activities of complex type oligosaccharides with these lectins is due solely to the presence of multiple terminal galactose residues and not to the overall structures of the oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

The amino acid composition of the isolated A- and B-chains of the toxic lectins abrin and ricin was determined and compared. Even though the two toxins originate from widely different plants, statistical analysis of the amino acid content indicates extensive homologies in the amino acid sequence of the 4 chains. The intact lectins contain no free SH-groups whereas the isolated A- and B-chains contain close to one free SH-group each. The results indicate that in both toxins the A- and B-chains are connected by a single S-S bond. The B-chains of abrin and ricin contain similar amounts of mannose and glucosamine. The A-chain of ricin also contains some carbohydrate, whereas the A-chain of abrin appears not to be a glycoprotein. The non-toxic abrus and ricinus agglutinins contain more carbohydrate than abrin and ricin. The isoelectric points of the different lectin preparations were measured by isoelectrofocusing. The intact lectins are much more resistant to heat, freezing and chemical treatments than the isolated A- and B-chains. The intact lectins are also very resistant to treatment with proteolytic enzymes, whereas the isolated chains are easily digested. Evidence indicating that the toxins and their chains undergo extensive conformational changes upon reduction of the S-S bond is discussed.  相似文献   

Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA120) is considered a versatile tool for the detection of galactose-containing oligosaccharides. However, possible contamination by the highly toxic isolectin 'ricin' has become a critical issue for RCA120's continued use. From a practical viewpoint, it is necessary to find an effective substitute for RCA120. For this purpose, we examined by means of frontal affinity chromatography over 100 lectins which have similar sugar-binding specificities to that of RCA120. It was found that Erythrina cristagalli lectin (ECL) showed the closest similarity to RCA120. Both lectins prefer Gal beta1-4GlcNAc (type II) to Gal beta1-3GlcNAc (type I) structures, with increased affinity for highly branched N-acetyllactosamine-containing N-glycans. Their binding strength significantly decreased following modification of the 3-OH, 4-OH and 6-OH of the galactose moiety of the disaccharide, as well as the 3-OH of its N-acetylglucosamine residue. Several differences were also observed in the affinity of the two lectins for various other ligands, as well as effects of bisecting GlcNAc and terminal sialylation. Although six other Erythrina-derived lectins have been reported with different amino acid sequences, all showed quite similar profiles to that of ECL, and thus, to RCA120. Erythrina lectins can therefore serve as effective substitutes for RCA120, taking the above differences into consideration.  相似文献   

The lectin of Erythrina corallodendron (Caesalpiniaceae) seeds was purified by heating, ammonium sulfate fractionation, and affinity chromatography on acid-treated Sepharose. The purified lectin is similar to the soybean lectin in being a glycoprotein of molecular weight around 110 000 - 120 000 and having D-galactosephilic activity. This lectin, like the soybean and Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectins, binds to D-galactosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, alpha- and beta-galactosides as well as to D-galactose. Like these lectins it absorbs onto either untreated or enzyme (papain or neuraminidase) treated human red blood cells, but exhibits a considerable mitogenic activity towards human lymphocytes (predominantly T cells) only after their treatment with neuraminidase. This mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes is inhibited by D-galactose and its derivatives. Despite the great similarity between them, the E. corallodendron, soybean, and Pseudomonas lectins differ in regard to the intensity of their agglutinating activity towards erythrocytes obtained from different animals and human donors of diverse ABO blood groups. This phenomenon may be attributed to the difference in the affinities of the three lectins to the various D-galactose derivatives and to their molecular properties.  相似文献   

Soybean agglutinin (SBA), is a noncovalently bound tetramer comprised of four identical subunits having a single N-glycan chain, Man9GlcNAc2, that is known to be essential for regeneration of the functional tetrameric structure from unfolded subunits. In this study, SBA was found to have strong affinity for concanavalin A, indicating that the N-glycans are extensively solvent-exposed. The susceptibilities of the N-glycans to alpha-mannosidase and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase revealed that their distal areas have nonreducing ends embedded among the subunits, whereas their proximal regions are solvent-exposed. Endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase-digested SBA was unable to retain its conformation and gradually unfolded. Periodate-oxidized SBA, whose N-glycans closely correspond to the invariant pentasaccharide core, tended to dissociate into the subunits, but permitted to stay as folded monomers. This SBA species was capable of refolding from unfolded subunits but unable to form the functional tetramer. It seems probable that the proximal regions of the N-glycans function in the formation and stabilization of the subunit conformation, whereas the branches outside the invariant cores stabilize the tetrameric structure.  相似文献   

Xin D  Sun J  Wang J  Jiang H  Hu G  Liu C  Chen Q 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(9):9047-9057
Microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are very useful molecular markers for a number of plant species. We used a new publicly available module (TROLL) to extract microsatellites from the public database of soybean expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences. A total of 12,833 sequences containing di- to penta-type SSRs were identified from 200,516 non-redundant soybean ESTs. On average, one SSR was found per 7.25?kb of EST sequences, with the tri-nucleotide motifs being the most abundant. Primer sequences flanking the SSR motifs were successfully designed for 9,638 soybean ESTs using the software primer3.0 and only 59 pairs of them were found in earlier studies. We synthesized 124 pairs of the primers to determine the polymorphism and heterozygosity among eight genotypes of soybean cultivars, which represented a wide range of the cultivated soybean cultivars. PCR amplification products with anticipated SSRs were obtained with 81 pairs of primers; 36 PCR products appeared to be homozygous and the remaining 45 PCR products appeared to be heterozygous and displayed polymorphism among the eight cultivars. We further analysed the EST sequences containing 45 polymorphic EST-SSR markers using the programs BLASTN and BLASTX. Sequence alignment showed that 29 ESTs have homologous sequences and 15 ESTs could be classified into a Uni-gene cluster with comparatively convincing protein products. Among these 15 ESTs belonging to a Uni-gene cluster, 9 SSRs were located in 3'-UTR, 4 SSRs were located in the intron region and 2 SSRs were located in the CDS region. None of these SSRs was located in the 5'-UTR. These novel SSRs identified in the ESTs of soybean provide useful information for gene mapping and cloning in future studies.  相似文献   

Previous histochemical studies have demonstrated disparities in the binding of two lectins with a nominal specificity for terminal beta-D-galactose. Biochemical studies have shown that the most complementary structure for binding peanut agglutinin (PNA) is the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc, whereas the most complementary structure for binding Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA I) is the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc. However, it is not known if only these differences in affinity account for the different histochemical staining reactions observed on tissue sections. In the present study we compared the staining patterns of PNA and RCA I by inhibiting in situ the binding of each lectin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with increasing concentrations of unlabeled PNA or RCA I. The PNA-HRP conjugate did not stain most tissue sites suspected of containing an abundance of glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc. Moreover, unlabeled PNA failed to significantly inhibit strong RCA I-HRP staining in these sites. In loci thought to contain variable amounts of glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc, unlabeled RCA I decreased PNA-HRP reactivity only slightly or not at all, whereas weak to strong RCA I-HRP staining was diminished or abolished by unlabeled PNA. The results suggest that PNA staining is restricted to glycoconjugates with terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc. RCA I apparently reacts most strongly with glycoconjugates having the terminal disaccharide Gal-(beta 1----4)-GlcNAc, but also stains sites containing a moderate to abundant amount of glycoconjugates with the terminal Gal-(beta 1----3)-GalNAc sequence.  相似文献   

Summary The nutrient status of soybean seeds fermented to daddawa has been evaluated by chemical analyses. Soybean daddawa is nutritionally rich, containing 45.91% crude protein, 33.44% lipid, 13.69% carbohydrate and 3.60% crude fibre. The amino acids lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, asparagine, serine, glutamic acid, proline and glycine were present in unfermented and fermented bean samples. The amounts of most of the amino acids including methionine increased however, when the beans were fermented to daddawa.
Resumen El valor nutritivo de semillas de soja fermentadas para elaborar daddawa se ha evaluado mediante analísis químicos. El daddawa obtenido a partir de soja es muy rico en nutrientes ya que contiene: proteina cruda: 45.91%, lípidos: 33.44%, carbohidratos: 13.69%, fibra 3.60%. Los siguientes aminoácidos se encontraron en muestras fermentadas y no fermentadas de semillas: lisina, treonina, valina, metionina, isoleucina, leucina, tirosina, fenilalanina, histidina, arginina, asparagina, serina, ácido glutámico, prolina y glicina. Las cantidades de estos aminoácidos, incluyendo la metionina, eran, sin embargo, superiores cuando la soja estaba fermentada formando daddawa.

Résumé La valeur nutritive du daddawa (graines de soja fermentées) a été évaluée par analyse chimique. Nutritionnellement riche, le daddawa contient 45,91% de protéine brute, 33,44% de lipides, 13,69% de carbohydrates et 3,60% de fibres brutes. Dans les graines fermentées et nonfermentées, on a mis en évidence les amino-acides suivants: lysine, thréonine, valine, méthionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phénylalanine, histidine, arginine, asparagine, sérine, acide glutamique, proline et glycine. Cependant, les teneurs de la plupart de ces amino-acides, y compris la méthionine, sont plus élevées après fermentation du soja en daddawa.

Isoflavonoids, some of which are highly fluorescent, are produced by soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and serve as chemical signals for certain aspects of nitrogen fixation and microbial resistance. This study was conducted to determine whether soybean mutants with nonfluorescent roots contained abnormal concentrations of isoflavonoids. Isoflavonoids were extracted from the root and hypocotyl of 4-d-old wild-type soybean seedlings (cv. Hark) having fluorescent roots and from four nonallelic mutant, near isogenic lines of Hark having nonfluorescent roots. In addition, isoflavonoids were extracted from the root and hypocotyl of 4-d-old seedlings of near isogenic lines of Hark harboring two pairs of the mutant alleles for nonfluorescent roots. Malonyl daidzin, daidzin, malonyl genistin, and genistein were the most abundant isoflavonoids extracted from either the root or hypocotyl of seedlings with either fluorescent or nonfluorescent roots. Extracted malonyl daidzin, malonyl genistin, and malonyl glycitin decomposed readily, yielding daidzin, genistin, and glycitin, respectively. The concentrations of malonyl genistin and genistein, two highly fluorescent compounds, were similar in both fluorescent and nonfluorescent roots. Thus, root fluorescence was not correlated with abundance per se of fluorescent isoflavonoids in roots. In addition, the abundance of isoflavonoids extractable from the hypocotyl did not correlate with root fluorescence.  相似文献   

The absorption, translocation, and metabolism of thifensulfuron-methyl {methyl 3-[[[[(4-methoxy)-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]-amino]-carbonyl] amino]sulfonyl]-2-thiophenecarboxylate} were investigated in tolerant Essex soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], moderately tolerant Vance soybean, and spurred anoda [Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht.], and susceptible velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.). Radiolabeled (thiophene-2-14C) thifensulfuron-methyl was absorbed readily by young seedlings of all species following a foliar spray with the herbicide. Spot-applied 14C-thifensulfuron-methyl was absorbed by the treated leaf of all species. Absorption of thifensulfuron-methyl was limited when excised stems of all species were dipped into the herbicide solution for 2 h. Translocation of absorbed thifensulfuron-methyl to other plant parts was limited in all species, regardless of the method of its application. Root exudation of leaf-applied thifensulfuron-methyl was observed in all species and it was higher in seedlings of spurred anoda and velvetleaf. The two soybean cultivars metabolized 62–70% of absorbed thifensulfuron-methyl at 3 days after treatment with spot-applied 14C-thifensulfuron. Velvetleaf and tolerant spurred anoda metabolized about 50% of the absorbed herbicide. The major metabolite formed in all species appeared to be deesterified thifensulfuron acid. Differential metabolism seems to be a contributing factor in the selectivity of thifensulfuron-methyl between the two soybean cultivars and velvetleaf. The metabolic basis for the moderate tolerance of spurred anoda to thifensulfuron-methyl is not understood at the present time.Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science Department, Contribution no. 628.  相似文献   

A new methodology was developed to study the cell-surface glycoproteins of cultured human skin fibroblasts. This was based on the binding of a variety of biotinyl-lectins to nitrocellulose electrophoretic transfers of total fibroblast lysates after separation in sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels, followed by reaction with avidin-biotinyl-peroxidase complexes and detection with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. The technique proved to be very sensitive and a large number of glycoproteins were detected by binding of concanavalin A and wheat-germ agglutinin. Binding of peanut agglutinin and to a lesser extent of Ricinus communis agglutinin I were found to be dependent on prior removal of sialic acid residues from the glycoproteins. Since by treatment of intact viable cells with neuraminidase only external sialic acid residues were removed, peanut agglutinin and Ricinus communis agglutinin I could thus be utilized for selective detection of cell-surface glycoproteins. Also, because peanut agglutinin was known to bind preferentially to oligosaccharides of the O-glycosidic type, and Ricinus communis agglutinin I to those of the N-glycosidic type, the two lectins were complementary in displaying the surface glycoproteins and in providing information about their oligosaccharide composition.  相似文献   

A spontaneous desynaptic mutation, affecting only microsporogenesis and causing pollen sterility, has been detected in BR97-12986H, a line of the official Brazilian soybean breeding program. In this male-sterile, female-fertile mutant, up to metaphase II, the meiotic behavior was similar to that described for the st series of synaptic mutants previously reported in soybean. Besides many univalents, few or total absence of bivalents were recorded in diakinesis. Bivalents presented one or two terminal chiasmata, while univalents retained the sister chromatid cohesion. Bivalents and most univalents congregated at the equatorial metaphase plate, although univalents frequently migrated to the poles prematurely. Laggards resulting from delay in chiasmata terminalization were also recorded. Distinctly different in their behavior from st series soybean mutants, telophase I-originated micronuclei of different sizes organized their own spindle in the second division. This behavior contributed towards an increase in genome fractionation. Several microspores and microcytes of different sizes were recorded at the end of meiosis. Pollen sterility was estimated at 91.2%. Segregation ratio for sterility in this line and its progenies reached 3:1. Allelism tests with st series of synaptic mutants are in progress. The importance of male-sterile, female-fertile mutations for soybean breeding programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Ferric citrate induces ferritin synthesis and accumulation in soybean (Glycine max) cell suspension cultures [Proudhon, Briat & Lescure (1989) Plant Physiol. 90, 586-590]. This iron-induced ferritin has been purified from cells grown for 72 h in the presence of either 100 microM- or 500 microM-ferric citrate. It has a molecular mass of about 600 kDa and is built up from a 28 kDa subunit which is recognized by antibodies raised against pea (Pisum sativum) seed ferritin and it has the same N-terminal sequence as this latter, except for residue number 3, which is alanine in pea seed ferritin instead of valine in iron-induced soybean cell ferritin. It contains an average of 1800 atoms of iron per molecule whatever the ferric citrate concentration used to induce its synthesis. It is shown that the presence of 100 microM- or 500 microM-ferric citrate in the culture medium leads respectively to an 11- and 28-fold increase in the total intracellular iron concentration and to a 30- and 60-fold increase in the ferritin concentration. However, the percentage of iron stored in the mineral core of ferritin remains constant whatever the ferric citrate concentration used and represents only 5-6% of cellular iron.  相似文献   

The effect of a "bisecting" 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranosyl group, linked (1----4) to the beta-D-mannopyranosyl group of asparagine-linked complex and hybrid oligosaccharides, on the binding of [14C]acetylated glycopeptides to columns of immobilized concanavalin A (Con A), Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin (E-PHA), and Ricinus communis agglutinin-120 (RCA-120) was investigated. The presence of this "bisecting" GlcNAc group caused significant inhibition of the binding to ConA-agarose of biantennary complex glycopeptides in which the two branches are terminated at their nonreducing ends by two GlcNAc groups, or by a Gal and a GlcNAc group, or by two Gal groups, or by a Man and a GlcNAc group. Binding of biantennary, complex glycopeptides to E-PHA-agarose required a "bisecting" GlcNAc group, a Gal group at the nonreducing terminus of the alpha-D-Man-p-(1----6) branch, and a terminal or internal GlcNAc residue linked beta-(1----2) to the alpha-D-Manp-(1----3) branch. Binding to RCA-120-agarose occurred only when at least one nonreducing terminal Gal group was present, and increased as the proportion of terminal Gal groups increased; the presence of a "bisecting" GlcNAc group caused either enhancement or inhibition of these binding patterns. It is concluded that a "bisecting" GlcNAc group affects the binding of glycopeptides to all three lectin columns.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs; EC have recently been proposed to form one large group among the auxin-induced proteins. However. the properties and regulation of such auxin-responsive GSTs in the plant still await detailed investigation. In this study, a 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-inducible GST isozyme from soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams) was purified to near homogeneity by anion-exchange and affinity chromatography on S-hexylglutathione agarose. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 49 kDa, as determined by gel filtration, and consisted of 26-kDa subunits. The purified GST conjugated glutathione to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and to the herbicide metolachlor, but not to the other GST substrates atrazine. fluorodifen or trans-cinnamic acid. The N-termmal amino acid sequence shared significant homology with the deduced polypeptide sequences of two 2,4-D-inducible genes from tobacco, par A and CNT107 . The levels of the 26-kDa GST subunit protein in soybean hypocotyls were analysed by immunoblotting. At micromolar concentrations, 2,4-D induced a transient increase in net accumulation of GST, whereas indole-3-acetic acid or I-naphthaleneacetic acid did not increase the GST levels. Known inhibitors of polar auxin transport, including 2.3.5-tri-iodobenzoic acid. N-I-naphthylphthalamic acid and analogues thereof, differed widely in their ability to elicit GST protein accumulation. It is concluded that the induction of soybean GST by 2,4-D and by some of the auxin transport inhibitors is not related to auxin activity or to changes in the endogenous auxin levels.  相似文献   

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