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Morphological identification of many fairy shrimp species is difficult because distinguishing characters are restricted to adults. We developed two multiplex polymerase chain reaction assays that differentiate among three Branchinecta fairy shrimp with distributional overlap in southern California vernal pools. Two of the species are federally listed as threatened. Molecular identification of Branchinecta from cysts allows for species surveys to be conducted during the dry season, expanding the timeframe for population assessment and providing a less intrusive method of sampling sensitive vernal pool habitats.  相似文献   



Do livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure species composition in montane vernal pools? Which grazing and precipitation variables best predict cover of vernal pool specialists and species with broader habitat requirements? Is vernal pool species diversity correlated with livestock exclosure, and at what spatial scales?


Montane vernal pools, northeast California, USA.


Vegetation was sampled in 20 vernal pools, including pools where livestock had been excluded for up to 20 years We compared plant species composition, functional group composition and species diversity among sites that varied in grazing history and seasonal precipitation using CCA and LMM.


Although vernal pool specialists were dominant in montane vernal pools, over a third of plant cover was comprised of species that occur over a broad range of wetland or upland environments. The species composition of vernal pool plant communities was influenced by both livestock grazing and precipitation patterns, however the relative effects of these environmental variables differed by functional group. Livestock exclosures favoured perennial vernal pool specialists over annual vernal pool specialists. In contrast, the cover of habitat generalists was more strongly influenced by seasonal precipitation than livestock grazing. At small spatial scales, species richness and diversity decreased as the number of years a pool had been fenced increased, but this relationship was not significant at a larger spatial scale.


Both livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure the montane vernal pool plant community. We found that livestock grazing promotes the cover of annual vernal pool specialists, but at the expense of perennial vernal pool specialists. Wetter vernal pools, however, support higher cover of wetland generalist species regardless of whether pools are grazed.  相似文献   

Restoration of habitat for endangered species often involves translocation of seeds or individuals from source populations to an area targeted for revegetation. Long-term persistence of a species is dependent on the maintenance of sufficient genetic variation within and among populations. Thus, knowledge and maintenance of genetic variability within rare or endangered species is essential for developing effective conservation and restoration strategies. Genetic monitoring of both natural and restored populations can provide an assessment of restoration protocol success in establishing populations that maintain levels of genetic diversity similar to those in natural populations. California’s vernal pools are home to many endangered plants, thus conservation and restoration are large components of their management. Lasthenia conjugens (Asteraceae) is a federally endangered self-incompatible vernal pool annual with gravity- dispersed seeds. Using the molecular technique of intersimple sequence repeats (ISSRs), this study assessed levels and patterns of genetic variability present within natural and restored populations of L. conjugens. At Travis Air Force Base near Fairfield, California, a vernal pool restoration project is underway. Genetic success of the ecologically based seeding protocol was examined through genetic monitoring of natural and restored populations over a three-year period. Genetic diversity remained constant across the three sampled generations. Diversity was also widely distributed across all populations. We conclude that the protocol used to establish restored populations was successful in capturing similar levels and patterns of genetic diversity to those seen within natural pools. This study also demonstrates how genetic markers can be used to inform conservation and restoration decisions.  相似文献   

The fact that several vernal pool restoration and creation attempts in eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey have been paired with conservation of natural pools in the same area provided a valuable research opportunity to compare amphibian habitat quality between project sites and natural reference pools. To measure desired outcomes, we used successful reproduction and metamorphosis of two vernal pool indicator species, the wood frog and spotted salamander. Although many previous studies indicate that restored and created pools rarely replace function lost in the destruction of natural pools, success of vernal pool indicator species was not necessarily related to pool type in this study. Results indicate a strong correlation between reproductive success for both species and vernal pool size (i.e. mean depth and volume), regardless of pool type. Although overall survival rates of wood frog larvae were significantly higher in natural pools with hydroperiods between 12 and 35 weeks, wood frogs were also successful in one restored and one created vernal pool. Salamander survival rates were highest in two natural and two created pools, which had in common both greater volumes and higher proportions of forest land cover in the surrounding 1,000 m. The documented success of vernal pool indicator species in two well‐established created pools demonstrates that pool creation can sometimes restore communities and ecological functions lost, especially when nearby natural pools are degraded or destroyed.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration has been implemented widely but evaluation of the effectiveness of wetland restoration has been limited. In this study, we aimed to investigate the utility of aquatic invertebrate assemblages as potential indicators of restoration condition in wetlands of the Sanjiang Plain, Northeastern China. Results from non‐metric multidimensional scaling analysis of invertebrate assemblages showed that study wetlands (n = 16) divided into two groups: natural wetlands and wetlands that have been restored for 4 years were classified as a group, and impaired wetlands and wetlands restored for only 1 year were classified into another group. After 4 years of recovery, 47.9% of invertebrate taxa found at the natural wetlands could also be found at the restored wetlands, primarily insects with aerial dispersal capabilities for rapid colonization. Indicator species analysis identified differences in community composition among wetland types, and Amphiagrion sp. and Bezzia sp. were indicators of the restored wetlands. In Northeastern China, aquatic invertebrate assemblages and certain indicator species may provide robust measures of wetland restoration. It is urgent for further exploration to monitor restored wetlands in the long‐time series and fully assess the efficiency of the restoration.  相似文献   

Ephemeral ponded wetlands, often referred to as vernal pools in the wetland’s lexicon of the northeastern United States, are in need of protection from outright loss, catastrophic alteration, and disruption of natural processes in the surrounding landscape, because of their great importance to a characteristic wildlife fauna. The state of Massachusetts, USA provides a useful model for vernal pool protection. Vernal pools have been specifically protected under state wetlands regulations since 1987 and many of the state’s municipalities have added additional, more stringent protection under local wetland bylaws. Some vernal pools are also protected under federal wetlands protection law. The protection of vernal pools in Massachusetts is based on a certification process in which biological data are collected to demonstrate that a wetland provides vernal pool functions. Once certified, and if a pool meets jurisdictional requirements, regulatory restrictions are placed on development and other activities proposed within the pool. The regulatory protection for vernal pools in Massachusetts has resulted in the prevention of outright loss and degradation of many vernal pools across the state. However, a 2001 US Supreme Court decision, referred to as the SWANCC decision, may result in a loss of federal jurisdiction over many vernal pools, protection that is especially valuable for pools that do not meet state regulatory criteria. Of significant importance is a lack of protection in existing regulations of the upland non-breeding habitat surrounding vernal pools, which has been shown to be of critical importance to the animals that rely on the pools. Despite the shortcomings of the regulatory protection model in Massachusetts, it has been especially effective as a catalyst for environmental and wildlife awareness, public participation in the wetlands regulatory process, and as an extremely valuable tool in environmental education and outreach.  相似文献   

We performed a multiyear monitoring study to compare amphibian habitat quality among four natural, four restored, and six created pools. We used successful reproduction and metamorphosis of two vernal pool indicator species, the wood frog and spotted salamander, to represent desired outcomes. Ordination techniques were used to identify the aspects of habitat quality that were most correlated with desired outcomes. Previously published results indicated that pool depth, volume, and hydroperiod were among the best predictors of success, regardless of pool type. Observations in the first few years of monitoring also suggested that pools with longer hydroperiods had a greater abundance of aquatic predators of eggs and larvae of indicator species. This follow‐up study further explores and compares predator–prey relationships among pool types. We quantified within‐pool predator and prey abundance and diversity and collected another year of data on the reproductive success of indicator species. Our results confirmed that mean predator abundance was eight times higher in pools with longer hydroperiods. We documented a 96% decrease in wood frog survival rates in a semi‐permanent, natural pool following a 41% decrease in overhead canopy cover and an increase in green frog abundance. At the same time, wood frog reproductive success increased in nearby restored pools with lower predator abundance. Pools with the highest mean survival rates for the two indicator species combined were short‐ or long‐cycle pools (i.e. hydroperiod of 12–35 weeks) with low predator abundance (i.e. <1 organism L?1) and greater proportions of arthropod prey relative to other food items.  相似文献   

Currently, there is little professional consensus as to which ecological metrics should be used to measure restoration success in wetlands. Aquatic macroinvertebrate communities have many qualities to recommend them as useful metrics in this manner; yet, they have not been widely used to evaluate wetland restoration success. We examined the macroinvertebrate communities of four restored seasonal wetlands across a chronosequence of postrestoration age and compared them to a remnant natural wetland in the Central Valley of California. We examined two qualitatively different sets of aquatic macroinvertebrate metrics, general measures of community properties (abundance, richness, and diversity) and specific assemblage membership (nonmetric multidimensional scaling and permutational multivariate analysis of variance). Our results using these two different sets of metrics give us different answers. The general measures suggest that wetland macroinvertebrate communities converge on relatively stable values sometime after 10 years postrestoration. The specific assemblage results imply that the particular set of taxa found in restored wetlands is not predictable over the chronosequence we examined. Taken together, our results suggest that aquatic macroinvertebrate communities may be useful for measuring some aspects of restoration success but that there is unlikely to be a final aquatic community pattern indicating restoration success.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the hydrologic sensitivity of vernal pool ecosystems in the Central Valley of California to climatic changes projected for 2100. A vernal pool water-balance model was used to evaluate rain-fed vernal pools at four locations under future conditions projected by two contrasting global climate models. The potential for change in the duration of continuous inundation, frequency of reproductively suitable inundation events, and the seasonal distribution of inundation was quantified. The potential impact of hydrologic changes varied by species and by location. Three scales of response were identified: (a) At the regional scale, pools in the middle of the Central Valley near Merced were the most responsive to climatic changes. (b) At the local scale, smaller, shallower pools had the greatest potential to change the distribution of reproductively suitable habitat available to branchiopods. (c) At the individual pool scale, changes in precipitation will dominate changes in temperature, resulting in relatively linear responses in the duration of inundation. The ecological impact of these changes will be determined by a balance between the increasing suitability of vernal pools for branchiopod predators and the hydrologic improvement of currently marginal habitats.  相似文献   

Trophic support functions for fishes are a key goal of salt marsh restoration. Food availability in restored sites may be enhanced by creation of shallow pools, which are important sources of prey items in tidal wetlands. Young restored salt marshes are typically sparsely vegetated and are subject to rapidly changing geomorphology. Scouring and sedimentation create and fill shallow depressions, producing a shifting mosaic of tidal pools. In a large (8-ha) southern California experimental restoration site, we created shallow pools and assessed their development of foods for fishes. Created pools quickly developed abundant invertebrate prey, with densities exceeding those found in older, naturally formed pools (P < 0.0001). Opportunistic mobile and disturbance-associated taxa (calanoid copepods, nematodes, Polydora complex, and Trichocorixa reticulata) accounted for higher invertebrate densities in created pools. We repeated experiments in spring, summer, and fall and found seasonal variability in trophic development. We also applied bottom-up (nitrogen addition) and top-down (fish exclusion) treatments to pools. Some measures of algal biomass were increased by nitrogen fertilization (P = 0.001–0.06), but there were no upward-cascading effects on invertebrate composition or abundance. Fish abundance in the site varied seasonally, but there were no compelling effects of fish exclusion treatments on algal or invertebrate abundance. Incorporating shallow depressions into salt marsh restoration projects is a potential tool to jumpstart fish-support functions.  相似文献   

Drainage is a major disturbance affecting wetlands, as drains lower water tables and convert lentic habitats to lotic ones. Consequently, invertebrate communities in drained wetlands are likely to differ from those in unimpacted wetlands. This study investigated the effect of hydrological restoration on invertebrate communities in small drains in a New Zealand fen. Invertebrates were collected over 4 summers from 10 drains within the wetland, one of which was blocked as part of a restoration program. The sampling protocol thus represented a Before‐After Control‐Impact experiment. Invertebrate community composition varied over the 4 years, but variability was greatest in the manipulated drain before and after it was blocked. Relative abundance of the amphipod Paraleptamphopus decreased after blockage, whereas those of the midges Chironomus zelandicus and Tanypodinae increased. Relative abundances of these taxa in control sites were unchanged. Hydraulic restoration thus had a demonstrable impact on the invertebrate communities. The invertebrate community of the blocked drain was compared to that of natural wetlands in undisturbed catchments. Similarity was very low prior to drain blockage, but increased following drain blockage. Invertebrate communities in the restored drain were more similar to those of low pH wetlands than high pH wetlands. Given the goal of restoring the communities to those similar to natural conditions, this was a beneficial result. These results, coupled with studies that showed a decline in the cover of alien pasture grasses around the blocked drain, suggest that drain blockage represents a cost‐effective way of restoring wetland plant and aquatic invertebrate communities, especially where connectivity allows for the natural recruitment of these organisms into restored areas.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has long been known to negatively affect aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. In freshwater ecosystems, excessive nutrient input results in a shift from vascular plant dominance to algal dominance, while the nutrient-species richness relationship is found to be unimodal. Eutrophication studies are usually conducted in continuously aquatic or terrestrial habitats, but it is unclear how these patterns may be altered by temporal heterogeneity driven by precipitation and temperature variation. The California vernal pool (CVP) ecosystem consists of three distinct phases (aquatic, terrestrial, and dry) caused by variation in climatic conditions. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that resource addition during the aquatic phase results in increased algal abundance, which reduces vascular plant cover and richness of the terrestrial phase upon desiccation. We used mesocosms layered with CVP soil, in which treatments consisted of five levels of nitrogen and phosphorous added every 2 weeks. Resource addition increased available phosphorus levels and algae cover during the aquatic phase. Increased algal crusts resulted in decreased vascular plant percent cover and species richness. Few significant patterns were observed with individual plant species and total biomass. The phosphorus-plant richness relationship was not significant, but species composition was significantly different among the low and high treatment comparisons. These results highlight a neglected effect of eutrophication in seasonal habitats. Interactions among ecosystem phases clearly require more attention empirically and theoretically. Management and restoration of temporally heterogeneous habitat, such as the endemic-rich CVP, need to consider the extensive effects of increased nutrient input.  相似文献   

Restoration efforts are being implemented globally to mitigate the degradation and loss of wetland habitat; however, the rate and success of wetland vegetation recovery post‐restoration is highly variable across wetland classes and geographies. Here, we measured the recovery of plant diversity along a chronosequence of restored temporary and seasonal prairie wetlands ranging from 0 to 23 years since restoration, including drained and natural wetlands embedded in agricultural and natural reserve landscapes in central Alberta, Canada. We assessed plant diversity using the following structural indicators: percent cover of hydrophytes, native and non‐native species, species richness, and community composition. Our findings indicate that plant diversity recovered to resemble reference wetlands in agricultural landscapes within 3–5 years of restoration; however, restored wetlands maintained significantly lower species richness and a distinct community composition compared to reference wetlands located within natural reserves. Early establishment of non‐native species during recovery, dispersal limitation, and depauperated native seed bank were probable barriers to complete recovery. Determining the success of vegetation recovery provides important knowledge that can be used to improve restoration strategies, especially considering projected future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

Successful restoration of ephemeral wetlands worldwide is particularly challenging, given the often‐precise relationship between hydrological features and plant community dynamics. Using a long‐term experiment in vernal pool restoration, we compare hydrological and vegetative characteristics of constructed pools with those of adjacent, naturally occurring reference pools. Although constructed and reference pools were similar in maximum water depth and duration of inundation at the beginning of our experiment in 2000, constructed pools were shallower and inundated for shorter periods by 2009. Native vernal pool species were able to establish populations in many constructed pools, and seeding sped their establishment. Comparing seeded plots in constructed pools with unseeded plots in reference pools, we found no significant difference in the cover of seeded species, native species, or exotic species in most years. In recent years, however, native species have declined in both constructed and reference pools. Finally, the cover of native vernal pool species was positively and non‐linearly associated with both water depth and seeding treatment. We conclude that the establishment of appropriate hydrological conditions was necessary, but not sufficient to promote successful performance of vernal pool species in constructed pools. Constructed pools with hydrologic conditions similar to those of reference pools were more likely to support populations of native vernal pool plant species, but only seeded pools were similar to reference pools in abundance of native cover. Most importantly, hydrological conditions in experimental pools have worsened since their construction, which may hamper persistence of native species in this restoration effort.  相似文献   

生物多样性的形成和维持机制是生态学研究的核心问题,其中环境和空间因子在群落构建中的相对重要性是生态学家面临的重要挑战。为探究黄河口湿地底栖动物群落的关键影响因子,及环境和空间因子对底栖动物群落结构的相对调控作用。于2017年10月与2018年5月对黄河口湿地32个样点(淡水恢复湿地19个和自然湿地13个)的底栖动物和水体理化指标进行采集分析。非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)结果显示,黄河口淡水恢复湿地和自然湿地的底栖动物群落结构显著不同。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落结构的环境因子主要为电导率、盐度和氧化还原电位;而自然湿地底栖动物群落结构主要受pH和无机碳的影响;盐度是两类湿地底栖动物群落组成差异的关键因子。变差分解(VPA)结果显示,环境过滤对淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落起主导作用;在自然湿地中,空间因子对底栖动物群落具有主要的调控作用,同时环境和空间因子的相互作用也至关重要。本研究明确了黄河口的自然和恢复湿地中环境和空间因素对底栖动物群落特征的相对作用,对黄河三角洲河口湿地中生物多样性的保护和生态系统管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Riparian forests have been greatly affected by anthropogenic actions with formerly continuous riparian forests being slowly converted into small and isolated patches. Riparian forests are extremely important habitats for many groups of insects, including bees and wasps, because they are sources of shelter and food for them and their offspring. There is a growing body of evidence of success in the restoration of riparian forest plant communities; however, little research has been done on the associated invertebrate communities. We test whether restoring plant communities is sufficient for restoring the taxonomic composition of trap-nesting bees and wasps and which functional traits are favored in different sites. We predict that species richness, abundance, and community composition of trap-nesting bees and wasps of riparian sites undergoing restoration will converge on the “target” of a reference site with increasing time, since restoration increases habitat complexity. We also predict that the width of restored patches will also influence the species richness, abundance and community composition of trap-nesting bees and wasps. Bee richness and abundance, and wasp richness, were strongly related to fragment width, but not to age since restoration. Our results indicate that although restored sites are relatively small and scattered in a fragmented landscape, they provide suitable habitat for re-colonization by community assemblages of trap-nesting bees and wasps and the traits selected captured the responses to the habitat restoration. Hence, restored riparian areas can be considered important habitats for invertebrates, thus contributing to an increase in local biodiversity and, possibly, the restoration of some of the ecosystem services they originally provided.  相似文献   

Question: Do regional species pools, landscape isolation or on‐site constraints cause plants from different guilds to vary in their ability to colonize restored wetlands? Location: Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota, USA. Methods: Floristic surveys of 41 restored wetlands were made three and 12 years after reflooding to determine changes in local species pools for eight plant guilds. The effect of landscape isolation on colonization efficiency was evaluated for each guild by plotting local species pools against distance to nearby natural wetlands, and the relative importance of dispersal vs. on‐site constraints in limiting colonization was explored by comparing the local species pools of restored and natural wetlands within the region. Results: Of the 517 wetland plant taxa occurring in the region, 50% have established within 12 years. The proportion of the regional species pool represented in local species pools differed among guilds, with sedge‐meadow perennials, emergent perennials and floating/submersed aquatics least represented (33‐36%) and annual guilds most represented (74‐94%). Colonization‐to‐extinction ratios suggest that floating/submersed aquatics have already reached a species equilibrium while sedge‐meadow and emergent perennials are still accumulating species. Increasing distance to nearest wetlands decreased the proportion of the regional species pool present in local pools for all guilds except native annuals and woody plants. The maximum proportion predicted, assuming no distance constraint, was comparable to the lowest‐diversity natural wetlands for most perennial guilds, and also lower than what was achieved in a planted, weeded restoration. Conclusions: A biotic constraints seem to limit the colonization of floating/submersed aquatics into natural or restored wetlands, whereas all other guilds are potentially constrained by dispersal or biotic factors (i.e. competition from invasive species). Using species pools to evaluate restoration progress revealed that immigration potential varies considerably among guilds, that local species richness does not necessarily correspond to immigration limitations, and that some guilds (e.g. sedge‐meadow perennials) will likely benefit more than others from being planted at restoration sites.  相似文献   

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