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Reliability theory is a general theory about systems failure. It allows researchers to predict the age-related failure kinetics for a system of given architecture (reliability structure) and given reliability of its components. Reliability theory predicts that even those systems that are entirely composed of non-aging elements (with a constant failure rate) will nevertheless deteriorate (fail more often) with age, if these systems are redundant in irreplaceable elements. Aging, therefore, is a direct consequence of systems redundancy. Reliability theory also predicts the late-life mortality deceleration with subsequent leveling-off, as well as the late-life mortality plateaus, as an inevitable consequence of redundancy exhaustion at extreme old ages. The theory explains why mortality rates increase exponentially with age (the Gompertz law) in many species, by taking into account the initial flaws (defects) in newly formed systems. It also explains why organisms "prefer" to die according to the Gompertz law, while technical devices usually fail according to the Weibull (power) law. Theoretical conditions are specified when organisms die according to the Weibull law: organisms should be relatively free of initial flaws and defects. The theory makes it possible to find a general failure law applicable to all adult and extreme old ages, where the Gompertz and the Weibull laws are just special cases of this more general failure law. The theory explains why relative differences in mortality rates of compared populations (within a given species) vanish with age, and mortality convergence is observed due to the exhaustion of initial differences in redundancy levels. Overall, reliability theory has an amazing predictive and explanatory power with a few, very general and realistic assumptions. Therefore, reliability theory seems to be a promising approach for developing a comprehensive theory of aging and longevity integrating mathematical methods with specific biological knowledge.  相似文献   

Diet and aging     
Interventions that extend life span by moderately reduced nutrient intake are often referred to as dietary or calorie restriction. Its efficacy in many species has led to the conclusion that a single, evolutionarily conserved, molecular mechanism operates in all cases to extend life. Here we discuss examples of diet/genotype interactions that show a more complex mechanistic view is required and that mild dietary modifications can dramatically change the interpretation of model organism aging studies.  相似文献   

Mortality and reproduction are intimately entwined in the study of aging and longevity. I apply the modern theory of complex adaptive systems (nonlinear, stochastic, dynamic methods) to questions of aging and longevity. I begin by highlighting major questions that must be answered in order to obtain a deeper understanding of aging. These are: (i) What should (in an evolutionary sense) mortality trajectories look like? (ii) Why does caloric restriction slow aging? (iii) Why does reproduction cause delayed mortality? (iv) Why does compensatory growth cause delayed mortality? I show how dynamic state variable models based on stochastic dynamic programming (Clark & Mangel, 2000) can be used to embed genetic theories of senescence (either mutation accumulation or antagonistic pleiotropy) in the somatic environment, as George Williams called for in 1957, and how they make the disposable soma theory of aging operational. Such models will allow unification of genetic and phenotypic theories of aging.  相似文献   

The beneficial effects of mild stress (or hormetic effects) on aging and longevity have been studied for several years. Mild stress appears to slightly increase longevity, delay behavioral aging, and increase resistance to some stresses. However, not all stresses have such beneficial effects and, for the time being, only a few studies have been done in mammals.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which testicular functions decline with aging remain largely speculative. Our recent finding showed the importance of adiponectin in the regulation of testicular functions, whereas its concentration declines during male infertility. Thus, the aim of present study was to explore the potential role of adiponectin during aging. The changes in adiponectin, adiponectin-receptors, and insulin receptor proteins expression in the testis were evaluated and compared with the testicular parameters, mass, and testosterone level in the mice from early post-natal to late senescence period. Further, the current study has examined the effect of exogenous adiponectin treatment on testicular functions in aged mice. The results showed a significant decline in adiponectin/adiponectin-receptors expression simultaneously with a significant decline in testicular mass, insulin receptor expression and testosterone synthesis in the testis of aged mice. Exogenous treatment of adiponectin to aged mice resulted in marked improvements in testicular mass, histological features (cells proliferation), insulin receptor expression, testicular glucose uptake, anti-oxidative enzymes activity and testosterone synthesis as compared with the control. Based on these findings, it may be concluded that a marked decline in adiponectin synthesis and action results in decreased insulin sensitivity (development of insulin resistance) and increased oxidative stress which consequently suppresses testicular functions during aging. This study further showed that treatment with adiponectin ameliorates reduced testicular functions by enhanced expression of insulin receptor in the testis of senescent mice. It is thus hypothesized that systemic adiponectin treatment could be a promising therapeutic strategy for improvement of testosterone production and sperm counts during aging.  相似文献   

Longevity and healthy aging are among the most complex phenotypes studied to date. The heritability of age at death in adulthood is approximately 25 %. Studies of exceptionally long-lived individuals show that heritability is greatest at the oldest ages. Linkage studies of exceptionally long-lived families now support a longevity locus on chromosome 3; other putative longevity loci differ between studies. Candidate gene studies have identified variants at APOE and FOXO3A associated with longevity; other genes show inconsistent results. Genome-wide association scans (GWAS) of centenarians vs. younger controls reveal only APOE as achieving genome-wide significance (GWS); however, analyses of combinations of SNPs or genes represented among associations that do not reach GWS have identified pathways and signatures that converge upon genes and biological processes related to aging. The impact of these SNPs, which may exert joint effects, may be obscured by gene-environment interactions or inter-ethnic differences. GWAS and whole genome sequencing data both show that the risk alleles defined by GWAS of common complex diseases are, perhaps surprisingly, found in long-lived individuals, who may tolerate them by means of protective genetic factors. Such protective factors may ‘buffer’ the effects of specific risk alleles. Rare alleles are also likely to contribute to healthy aging and longevity. Epigenetics is quickly emerging as a critical aspect of aging and longevity. Centenarians delay age-related methylation changes, and they can pass this methylation preservation ability on to their offspring. Non-genetic factors, particularly lifestyle, clearly affect the development of age-related diseases and affect health and lifespan in the general population. To fully understand the desirable phenotypes of healthy aging and longevity, it will be necessary to examine whole genome data from large numbers of healthy long-lived individuals to look simultaneously at both common and rare alleles, with impeccable control for population stratification and consideration of non-genetic factors such as environment.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories of aging predict the existence of certain genes that provide selective advantage early in life with adverse effect on lifespan later in life (antagonistic pleiotropy theory) or longevity insurance genes (disposable soma theory). Indeed, the study of human and animal genetics is gradually identifying new genes that increase lifespan when overexpressed or mutated: gerontogenes. Furthermore, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms are being identified that have a positive effect on longevity. The gerontogenes are classified as lifespan regulators, mediators, effectors, housekeeping genes, genes involved in mitochondrial function, and genes regulating cellular senescence and apoptosis. In this review we demonstrate that the majority of the genes as well as genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in regulation of longevity are highly interconnected and related to stress response.  相似文献   

A variety of morphological, structural, and chemical changes have been described in the central nervous systems of aging humans and animals. Brain size and volume decline during senescence, and the brain atrophy is accompanied by changes in the number, size, and ultrastructural characteristics of nerve and glial cells. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the ability of central nervous system cells to communicate with one another via the release of neurotransmitter compounds might be impaired in the elderly. Nutritional factors may play important roles in the aging process of the central nervous system by influencing brain neurotransmission, or by accelerating or retarding geriatric changes in central nervous system structure.  相似文献   

Many different morphological and physiological changes occur during the yeast replicative lifespan. It has been proposed that change is a cause rather than an effect of aging. It is difficult to ascribe causality to processes that manifest themselves at the level of the entire organism, because of their global nature. Although causal connections can be established for processes that occur at the molecular level, their exact contributions are obscured, because they are immersed in a highly interactive network of processes. A top-down approach that can isolate crucial features of aging processes for further study may be a productive avenue. We have mathematically depicted the complicated and random changes that occur in cellular spatial organization during the lifespan of individual yeast cells. We call them budding profiles. This has allowed us to demonstrate that budding profiles are a highly individual characteristic, and that they are correlated with an individual cell's longevity. Additional information can be extracted from our model, indicating that random budding is associated with longevity. This expectation was confirmed, providing new avenues for exploring causal factors in yeast aging. The methodology described here can be readily applied to other aspects of aging in yeast and in higher organisms.  相似文献   

We analyzed the long-term effects of postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes on reproductive fitness and longevity of offspring. Hybrid (C57BL/6JIco x CBA/JIco) parental generation (F0) females were artificially inseminated at 13 h (approximately 1 h postovulation) or 22 h (approximately 10 h postovulation) after GnRH injection. Reproductive fitness of first generation (F1) females was tested from the age of 28 wk until the end of their reproductive life. In males, the testing period ranged from the age of 2 yr until their natural death. Experimental F1 females exhibited longer between-labor intervals, decreased frequency of litters, and lower total number of litters and offspring born. Experimental second generation (F2) pups displayed teratogenic defects, higher preweaning mortality, and decreased body weight at weaning. Incidence of infertility was higher in experimental F1 males, which translated into lower total number of offspring born when compared with the control group. Life expectancy of F1 offspring was decreased in the experimental group. These results clearly show that postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes decreases reproductive fitness and longevity of offspring.  相似文献   

Proton release as a modulator of presynaptic function.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S F Traynelis  M Chesler 《Neuron》2001,32(6):960-962
In this issue of Neuron, DeVries (2001) describes experiments suggesting that acidification of the synaptic cleft can reduce Ca2+ channel activity and thereby act as a brake on tonic synaptic release of glutamate from cone cells. This work hints at a potentially important new facet to the regulation of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Understanding mechanisms of aging and determinants of life span will help to reduce age-related morbidity and facilitate healthy aging. Average lifespan has increased over the last centuries, as a consequence of medical and environmental factors, but maximal life span remains unchanged. Extension of maximal life span is currently possible in animal models with measures such as genetic manipulations and caloric restriction (CR). CR appears to prolong life by reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated oxidative damage. But ROS formation, which is positively implicated in cellular stress response mechanisms, is a highly regulated process controlled by a complex network of intracellular signaling pathways. By sensing the intracellular nutrient and energy status, the functional state of mitochondria, and the concentration of ROS produced in mitochondria, the longevity network regulates life span across species by co-ordinating information flow along its convergent, divergent and multiply branched signaling pathways, including vitagenes which are genes involved in preserving cellular homeostasis during stressful conditions. Vitagenes encode for heat shock proteins (Hsp) Hsp32, Hsp70, the thioredoxin and the sirtuin protein systems. Dietary antioxidants, such as carnosine, carnitines or polyphenols, have recently been demonstrated to be neuroprotective through the activation of hormetic pathways, including vitagenes. The hormetic dose-response, challenges long-standing beliefs about the nature of the dose-response in a lowdose zone, having the potential to affect significantly the design of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials as well as strategies for optimal patient dosing in the treatment of numerous diseases. Given the broad cytoprotective properties of the heat shock response there is now strong interest in discovering and developing pharmacological agents capable of inducing stress responses. In this review we discuss the most current and up to date understanding of the possible signaling mechanisms by which caloric restriction, as well hormetic caloric restriction-mimetics compounds by activating vitagenes can enhance defensive systems involved in bioenergetic and stress resistance homeostasis with consequent impact on longevity processes.  相似文献   

Although environmental stress likely plays a significant role in promoting aging, the relationship remains poorly understood. To characterize this interaction in a more comprehensive manner, we examined the stress response profiles for 46 long‐lived yeast mutant strains across four different stress conditions (oxidative, ER, DNA damage, and thermal), grouping genes based on their associated stress response profiles. Unexpectedly, cells lacking the mitochondrial AAA protease gene AFG3 clustered strongly with long‐lived strains lacking cytosolic ribosomal proteins of the large subunit. Similar to these ribosomal protein mutants, afg3Δ cells show reduced cytoplasmic mRNA translation, enhanced resistance to tunicamycin that is independent of the ER unfolded protein response, and Sir2‐independent but Gcn4‐dependent lifespan extension. These data demonstrate an unexpected link between a mitochondrial protease, cytoplasmic mRNA translation, and aging.  相似文献   

The relationship between the early-age activity of Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies) or other fruit flies and their lifespan has not been much studied, in contrast to the connections between lifespan and diet, sexual signaling, and reproduction. The objective of this study is to assess intra-day and day-to-day activity profiles of female Mediterranean fruit flies and their role as biomarker of longevity as well as to explore the relationships between these activity profiles, diet, and age-at-death throughout the lifespan. We use advanced statistical methods from functional data analysis (FDA). Three distinct patterns of activity variations in early-age activity profiles can be distinguished. A low-caloric diet is associated with a delayed activity peak, while a high-caloric diet is linked with an earlier activity peak. We find that age-at-death of individual medflies is connected to their activity profiles in early life. An increased risk of mortality is associated with increased activity in early age, as well as with a higher contrast between daytime and nighttime activity. Conversely, medflies are more likely to have a longer lifespan when they are fed a medium-caloric diet and when their daily activity is more evenly distributed across the early-age span and between daytime and nighttime. The before-death activity profile of medflies displays two characteristic before-death patterns, where one pattern is characterized by slowly declining daily activity and the other by a sudden decline in activity that is followed by death.  相似文献   

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