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Among lampyrids, intraspecific sexual communication is facilitated by spectral correspondence between visual sensitivity and bioluminescence emission from the single lantern in the tail. Could a similar strategy be utilized by the elaterids (click beetles), which have one ventral abdominal and two dorsal prothoracic lanterns? Spectral sensitivity [S(λ)] and bioluminescence were investigated in four Brazilian click beetle species Fulgeochlizus bruchii, Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Pyrophorus punctatissimus and P. divergens, representing three genera. In addition, in situ microspectrophotometric absorption spectra were obtained for visual and screening pigments in P. punctatissimus and P. divergens species. In all species, the electroretinographic S(λ) functions showed broad peaks in the green with a shoulder in the near-ultraviolet, suggesting the presence of short- and long-wavelength receptors in the compound eyes. The long-wavelength receptor in Pyrophorus species is mediated by a P540 rhodopsin in conjunction with a species-specific screening pigment. A correspondence was found between green to yellow bioluminescence emissions and its broad S(λ) maximum in each of the four species. It is hypothesized that in elaterids, bioluminescence of the abdominal lantern is an optical signal for intraspecifc sexual communication, while the signals from the prothoracic lanterns serve to warn predators and may also provide illumination in flight.  相似文献   

Among the primary contributions of phylogenetic systematicsto the synthesis of developmental biology and evolution arephylogenetic hypotheses. Phylogenetic hypotheses are criticalin interpreting the patterns of evolution of developmental genesand processes, as are morphological data. Using a robust phylogeny,the evolutionary history of individual morphological or developmentalfeatures can be traced and ancestral conditions inferred. Multiplecharacters (e.g., morphological and developmental) can be mappedtogether on the phylogeny, and patterns of character associationcan be quantified and tested for correlation. Using the vertebrate forelimb as an example, I show that bymapping accurate morphological data (homologous skeletal elementsof the vertebrate forelimb) onto a phylogeny, an alternativeinterpretation of Hox gene expression emerges. Teleost fishesand tetrapods may share no homologous skeletal elements in theirforelimbs, and thus similarities and differences in Hox patternsduring limb development must be reinterpreted. Specifically,the presence of the phase III Hox pattern in tetrapods may notbe correlated with digits but rather may simply be the normalexpression pattern of a metapterygium in fishes. This exampleillustrates the rigorous hypotheses that can be developed usingmorphological data and phylogenetic methods. "Creating a general reference system and investigating the relationsthat extend from it to all other possible and necessary systemsin biology is the task of systematics." (Hennig, 1966, p.7)  相似文献   



The characterization of the molecular changes that underlie the origin and diversification of morphological novelties is a key challenge in evolutionary developmental biology. The evolution of such traits is thought to rely largely on co-option of a toolkit of conserved developmental genes that typically perform multiple functions. Mutations that affect both a universal developmental process and the formation of a novelty might shed light onto the genetics of traits not represented in model systems. Here we describe three pleiotropic mutations with large effects on a novel trait, butterfly eyespots, and on a conserved stage of embryogenesis, segment polarity.  相似文献   

Summary The paired lanterns of the larval fireflyPhoturis versicolor are bilaterally innervated by four dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons the somata of which are found in the terminal abdominal ganglion (A8) and which stain with Neutral Red (Fig. 1A). Both intra- and extracellularly recorded activity in these neurons is always associated with a bilateral glow response, or BGR (Figs. 3 and 4). Luminescence cannot be initiated or maintained in the absence of DUM neuron excitation. Furthermore, there is a linear causative relationship between the frequency of DUM neuron activity and the amplitude of the resultant BGR (Figs. 6 and 7).Due to the intrinsic bilateral morphology, firefly DUM neurons may be antidromically activated through either lantern nerve, resulting in the initiation of luminescence in the contralateral lantern (Figs. 8 and 9). This activation is unaffected by high Mg++ saline indicating that the DUM neurons provide a direct pathway for conduction through the ganglion (Fig. 9). The DUM neurons receive synaptic input from axons descending through both anterior connectives, however, stimulation of only one connective results in a BGR since excitation is carried to both sides of the periphery through the bilateral axons.Firefly DUM neurons exhibit physiological qualities typical of neurosecretory cells: spikes are characterized by a slow time course and a long and deep afterhyperpolarization (Fig. 10). This is consistent with the observation that spontaneous firing rates are usually below 3 Hz, but nevertheless elicit a strong BGR (Figs. 3 and 5). The physiological evidence presented in this study correlates well with the morphological, pharmacological and biochemical evidence compiled from previous studies, which indicates that the four DUM neurons represent the sole photomotor output from the central nervous system to the larval lanterns. Evidence is discussed which indicates that these effects are mediated throught the release of octopamine, long presumed to be the lantern neurotransmitter. These results, therefore, describe a novel and unexpected role for DUM neurons in regulating an unusual invertebrate effector tissue and further expands the growing list of functions for octopamine in neural control mechanisms.Abbreviations A1-A7 first through seventh abdominal ganglia - A8 terminal abdominal ganglion - DUM dorsal unpaired median - BGR bilateral glow response  相似文献   

When experiencing resource competition or abrupt environmental change, animals often must transition rapidly from an ancestral diet to a novel, derived diet. Yet, little is known about the proximate mechanisms that mediate such rapid evolutionary transitions. Here, we investigated the role of diet-induced, cryptic genetic variation in facilitating the evolution of novel resource-use traits that are associated with a new feeding strategy—carnivory—in tadpoles of spadefoot toads (genus Spea). We specifically asked whether such variation in trophic morphology and fitness is present in Scaphiopus couchii, a species that serves as a proxy for ancestral Spea. We also asked whether corticosterone, a vertebrate hormone produced in response to environmental signals, mediates the expression of this variation. Specifically, we compared broad-sense heritabilities of tadpoles fed different diets or treated with exogenous corticosterone, and found that novel diets can expose cryptic genetic variation to selection, and that diet-induced hormones may play a role in revealing this variation. Our results therefore suggest that cryptic genetic variation may have enabled the evolutionary transition to carnivory in Spea tadpoles, and that such variation might generally facilitate rapid evolutionary transitions to novel diets.  相似文献   

Hox genes are key regulators of anterior-posterior axis patterning and have a major role in hindbrain development. The zebrafish Hox4 paralogs have strong overlapping activities in hindbrain rhombomeres 7 and 8, in the spinal cord and in the pharyngeal arches. With the aim to predict enhancers that act on the hoxa4a, hoxb4a, hoxc4a and hoxd4a genes, we used sequence conservation around the Hox4 genes to analyze all fish:human conserved non-coding sequences by reporter assays in stable zebrafish transgenesis. Thirty-four elements were functionally tested in GFP reporter gene constructs and more than 100 F1 lines were analyzed to establish a correlation between sequence conservation and cis-regulatory function, constituting a catalog of Hox4 CNEs. Sixteen tissue-specific enhancers could be identified. Multiple alignments of the CNEs revealed paralogous cis-regulatory sequences, however, the CNE sequence similarities were found not to correlate with tissue specificity. To identify ancestral enhancers that direct Hox4 gene activity, genome sequence alignments of mammals, teleosts, horn shark and the cephalochordate amphioxus, which is the most basal extant chordate possessing a single prototypical Hox cluster, were performed. Three elements were identified and two of them exhibited regulatory activity in transgenic zebrafish, however revealing no specificity. Our data show that the approach to identify cis-regulatory sequences by genome sequence alignments and subsequent testing in zebrafish transgenesis can be used to define enhancers within the Hox clusters and that these have significantly diverged in their function during evolution.  相似文献   

Flashing fireflies were permitted to breathe osmium tetroxide vapor, after which the lanterns were removed and the sites of absorption of the osmium into the tissues were detected in two ways: (1) by sonication to remove soft tissues, that is, those that had not been fixed by the osmium gas, and (2) by intensification with thiocarbohydrazide and silver nitrate, in a modification of the osmium–thiocarbohydrazide–osmium (OTO) stain technique. The results of both procedures indicate that the gas first enters into the tissues at the level of the tracheoles. These findings may be interpreted as underscoring the importance of the tracheolar cell and the tracheal end organ in the control of oxygen entry into the lantern tissues, and the implications of the results in the oxygen regulation theory of flash control are discussed.  相似文献   

Is the extreme derivation of the echinoderm body plan reflected in a derived echinoderm Hox genotype? Building on previous work, we exploited the sequence conservation of the homeobox to isolate putative orthologues of several Hox genes from two asteroid echinoderms. The 5-peptide motif (LPNTK) diagnostic of PG4 Hox genes was identified immediately downstream of one of the partial homeodomains from Patiriella exigua. This constitutes the first unequivocal report of a PG4 Hox gene orthologue from an echinoderm. Subsequent screenings identified genes of both PG4 and PG4/5 in Asterias rubens. Although in echinoids only a single gene (PG4/5) occupies these two contiguous cluster positions, we conclude that the ancestral echinoderm must have had the complete deuterostome suite of medial Hox genes, including orthologues of both PG4 and PG4/5 (= PG5). The reported absence of PG4 in the HOX cluster of echinoids is therefore a derived state, and the ancestral echinoderm probably had a HOX cluster not dissimilar to that of other deuterostomes. Modification of the ancestral deuterostome Hox genotype may not have been required for evolution of the highly derived echinoderm body plan.  相似文献   

Over the course of evolution, the acquisition of novel structures has ultimately led to wide variation in morphology among extant multicellular organisms. Thus, the origins of genetic systems for new morphological structures are a subject of great interest in evolutionary biology. The larval skeleton is a novel structure acquired in some echinoderm lineages via the activation of the adult skeletogenic machinery. Previously, VEGF signaling was suggested to have played an important role in the acquisition of the larval skeleton. In the present study, we compared expression patterns of Alx genes among echinoderm classes to further explore the factors involved in the acquisition of a larval skeleton. We found that the alx1 gene, originally described as crucial for sea urchin skeletogenesis, may have also played an essential role in the evolution of the larval skeleton. Unlike those echinoderms that have a larval skeleton, we found that alx1 of starfish was barely expressed in early larvae that have no skeleton. When alx1 overexpression was induced via injection of alx1 mRNA into starfish eggs, the expression patterns of certain genes, including those possibly involved in skeletogenesis, were altered. This suggested that a portion of the skeletogenic program was induced solely by alx1. However, we observed no obvious external phenotype or skeleton. We concluded that alx1 was necessary but not sufficient for the acquisition of the larval skeleton, which, in fact, requires several genetic events. Based on these results, we discuss how the larval expression of alx1 contributed to the acquisition of the larval skeleton in the putative ancestral lineage of echinoderms.  相似文献   

In Photinus fireflies, males produce spontaneous bioluminescentcourtship flashes. Females preferentially respond to particularmale flashes with flashes of their own. This study exploredvariation in female flash responsiveness as a function of maleflash duration, female condition, lantern size, and lanterndistance, as well as the relationship between male characteristicsand spermatophore mass in Photinus ignitus fireflies. We determinedfemale preference by scoring female flash response to simulatedmale flashes and determined variation in overall female flashresponsiveness for laboratory-mated, laboratory-fed, and controlP. ignitus females. Flash duration, lantern size, and body masswere recorded for field-collected males. Males were then matedto determine spermatophore mass. Females exhibited greater preferencefor artificial flashes representing the upper range of conspecificmale flash duration and lantern size as well as flashes producedat a closer distance. Both laboratory-mated and laboratory-fedP. ignitus females showed lower overall responsiveness acrossall flash durations relative to control females that did notmate or feed in the laboratory. Male flash duration predicteda significant proportion of the variation in spermatophore massfor early-season males. These results suggest that female Photinusignitus may prefer long flashes in order to obtain the directbenefit of larger spermatophores and may adjust their overallflash responsiveness as the relative importance of this benefitvarieswith changing female condition.  相似文献   

The transformation of ancestral phenotypes into novel traits is poorly understood for many examples of evolutionary novelty. Ancestrally, salamanders have a biphasic life cycle with an aquatic larval stage, a brief and pronounced metamorphosis, followed by a terrestrial adult stage. Repeatedly during evolution, metamorphic timing has been delayed to exploit growth-permissive environments, resulting in paedomorphic salamanders that retain larval traits as adults. We used thyroid hormone (TH) to rescue metamorphic phenotypes in paedomorphic salamanders and then identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for life history traits that are associated with amphibian life cycle evolution: metamorphic timing and adult body size. We demonstrate that paedomorphic tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum complex) carry alleles at three moderate effect QTL (met1–3) that vary in responsiveness to TH and additively affect metamorphic timing. Salamanders that delay metamorphosis attain significantly larger body sizes as adults and met2 explains a significant portion of this variation. Thus, substitution of alleles at TH-responsive loci suggests an adaptive pleiotropic basis for two key life-history traits in amphibians: body size and metamorphic timing. Our study demonstrates a likely pathway for the evolution of novel paedomorphic species from metamorphic ancestors via selection of TH-response alleles that delay metamorphic timing and increase adult body size.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent click-beetles emit a wide range of bioluminescence colors (λ(Max) = 534-594 nm) from thoracic and abdominal lanterns, which are used for courtship. Only the luciferases from Pyrophorus and Pyrearinus species were cloned and sequenced. The Brazilian Fulgeochlizus bruchi click-beetle, which inhabits the Central-west Cerrado (Savannas), is noteworthy because, differently from other click-beetles, the adult stage displays only a functional abdominal lantern, which produces a bright green bioluminescence for sexual attraction purposes, and lacks functional thoracic lanterns. We cloned the cDNA for the abdominal lantern luciferase of this species. Notably, the primary sequence of this luciferase showed slightly higher identity with the green emitting dorsal lantern luciferases of the Pyrophorus genus instead of the abdominal lanterns luciferases. This luciferase displays a blue-shifted spectrum (λ(Max) = 540 nm), which is pH-insensitive from pH 7.5 to 9.5 and undergoes a slight red shift and broadening above this pH; the lowest K(M) for luciferin among studied click-beetle luciferases, and the highest optimum pH (9.0) ever reported for a beetle luciferase. At pH 9.0, the K(M) for luciferin increases, showing a decrease of affinity for this substrate, despite the higher activity. The slow luminescence decay rate of F. bruchi luciferase in vitro reaction could be an adaptation of this luciferase for the long and sustained in vivo luminescence display of the click-beetle during the courtship, and could be useful for in vivo intracellular imaging.  相似文献   

Gene duplications within the conserved Hox cluster are rare in animal evolution, but in Lepidoptera an array of divergent Hox-related genes (Shx genes) has been reported between pb and zen. Here, we use genome sequencing of five lepidopteran species (Polygonia c-album, Pararge aegeria, Callimorpha dominula, Cameraria ohridella, Hepialus sylvina) plus a caddisfly outgroup (Glyphotaelius pellucidus) to trace the evolution of the lepidopteran Shx genes. We demonstrate that Shx genes originated by tandem duplication of zen early in the evolution of large clade Ditrysia; Shx are not found in a caddisfly and a member of the basally diverging Hepialidae (swift moths). Four distinct Shx genes were generated early in ditrysian evolution, and were stably retained in all descendent Lepidoptera except the silkmoth which has additional duplications. Despite extensive sequence divergence, molecular modelling indicates that all four Shx genes have the potential to encode stable homeodomains. The four Shx genes have distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns in early development of the Speckled Wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria), with ShxC demarcating the future sites of extraembryonic tissue formation via strikingly localised maternal RNA in the oocyte. All four genes are also expressed in presumptive serosal cells, prior to the onset of zen expression. Lepidopteran Shx genes represent an unusual example of Hox cluster expansion and integration of novel genes into ancient developmental regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Despite previous developmental studies on basally branching wingless insects and crustaceans, the evolutionary origin of insect wings remains controversial. Knowledge regarding genetic regulation of tissues hypothesized to have given rise to wings would help to elucidate how ancestral development changed to allow the evolution of true wings. However, genetic tools available for basally branching wingless species are limited. The firebrat Thermobia domestica is an apterygote species, phylogenetically related to winged insects. T. domestica presents a suitable morphology to investigate the origin of wings, as it forms the tergal paranotum, from which wings are hypothesized to have originated. Here we report the first successful CRISPR/Cas9-based germline genome editing in T. domestica. We provide a technological platform to understand the development of tissues hypothesized to have given rise to wings in an insect with a pre-wing evolution body plan.  相似文献   

Tight control over gene expression is essential for precision in embryonic development and acquisition of the regulatory elements responsible is the predominant driver for evolution of new structures. Tbx5 and Tbx4, two genes expressed in forelimb and hindlimb-forming regions respectively, play crucial roles in the initiation of limb outgrowth. Evolution of regulatory elements that activate Tbx5 in rostral LPM was essential for the acquisition of forelimbs in vertebrates. We identified such a regulatory element for Tbx5 and demonstrated Hox genes are essential, direct regulators. While the importance of Hox genes in regulating embryonic development is clear, Hox targets and the ways in which each protein executes its specific function are not known. We reveal how nested Hox expression along the rostro-caudal axis restricts Tbx5 expression to forelimb. We demonstrate that Hoxc9, which is expressed in caudal LPM where Tbx5 is not expressed, can form a repressive complex on the Tbx5 forelimb regulatory element. This repressive capacity is limited to Hox proteins expressed in caudal LPM and carried out by two separate protein domains in Hoxc9. Forelimb-restricted expression of Tbx5 and ultimately forelimb formation is therefore achieved through co-option of two characteristics of Hox genes; their colinear expression along the body axis and the functional specificity of different paralogs. Active complexes can be formed by Hox PG proteins present throughout the rostral-caudal LPM while restriction of Tbx5 expression is achieved by superimposing a dominant repressive (Hoxc9) complex that determines the caudal boundary of Tbx5 expression. Our results reveal the regulatory mechanism that ensures emergence of the forelimbs at the correct position along the body. Acquisition of this regulatory element would have been critical for the evolution of limbs in vertebrates and modulation of the factors we have identified can be molecular drivers of the diversity in limb morphology.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental genetics (evo-devo) reveals that the plasticity of development is so important that every developmental biology project should carefully take this point into consideration. The example of bicoid, the first discovered morphogen, illustrates how an essential gene can change its function during evolution. The search for bicoid homologues showed that this gene is surprisingly specific to flies (cyclorraphan diptera) and absent in other insects. In fact, recent studies demonstrate that bicoid is a very derived Hox3 homeotic gene. During insect evolution, the ancestral Hox3 gene lost its homeotic function and acquired new roles in oocytes and embryonic annexes. Then, in the lineage leading to modern flies, a duplication of this new gene, followed by functional divergence, led to the formation of bicoid and zerknüllt. Both genes are located within the Drosophila Hox complex; however, they have no homeotic function. Thanks to the power of Drosophila genetics, it is possible to suggest that torso and hunchback may constitute the insect primitive anterior organizer. The bicoid evolutionary history reveals several fundamental mechanisms of the evolution of developmental genes, such as changes of gene regulation, modifications of protein sequences and gene duplication. It also shows the need for studying a wider range of model organisms before generalisations can be made from data obtained with one particular species.  相似文献   

To date, the phylum Bacteroidetes comprises more than 1,500 described species with diverse ecological roles. However, there is little understanding of archetypal Bacteroidetes traits at a genomic level. In this study, a representative set of 89 Bacteroidetes genomes was compiled, and pairwise reciprocal best-match gene comparisons and gene syntenies were used to identify common traits that allowed Bacteroidetes evolution and adaptive radiation to be traced. The type IX secretion system (T9SS) was highly conserved among all studied Bacteroidetes. Class-level comparisons furthermore suggested that the ACIII-caa3COX super-complex evolved in the ancestral aerobic bacteroidetal lineage, and was secondarily lost in extant anaerobic Bacteroidetes. Another Bacteroidetes-specific respiratory chain adaptation was the sodium-pumping Nqr complex I that replaced the ancestral proton-pumping complex I in marine species. T9SS plays a role in gliding motility and the acquisition of complex macro-molecular organic compounds, and the ACIII-caa3COX super-complex allows effective control of electron flux during respiration. This combination likely provided ancestral Bacteroidetes with a decisive competitive advantage to effectively scavenge, uptake and degrade complex organic molecules, and therefore has played a pivotal role in the successful adaptive radiation of the phylum.  相似文献   

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