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BackgroundSNPs are the most abundant polymorphism type, and have been explored in many crop genomic studies, including rice and maize. SNP discovery in allotetraploid cotton genomes has lagged behind that of other crops due to their complexity and polyploidy. In this study, genome-wide SNPs are detected systematically using next-generation sequencing and efficient SNP genotyping methods, and used to construct a linkage map and characterize the structural variations in polyploid cotton genomes.ResultsWe construct an ultra-dense inter-specific genetic map comprising 4,999,048 SNP loci distributed unevenly in 26 allotetraploid cotton linkage groups and covering 4,042 cM. The map is used to order tetraploid cotton genome scaffolds for accurate assembly of G. hirsutum acc. TM-1. Recombination rates and hotspots are identified across the cotton genome by comparing the assembled draft sequence and the genetic map. Using this map, genome rearrangements and centromeric regions are identified in tetraploid cotton by combining information from the publicly-available G. raimondii genome with fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis.ConclusionsWe report the genotype-by-sequencing method used to identify millions of SNPs between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense. We construct and use an ultra-dense SNP map to correct sequence mis-assemblies, merge scaffolds into pseudomolecules corresponding to chromosomes, detect genome rearrangements, and identify centromeric regions in allotetraploid cottons. We find that the centromeric retro-element sequence of tetraploid cotton derived from the D subgenome progenitor might have invaded the A subgenome centromeres after allotetrapolyploid formation. This study serves as a valuable genomic resource for genetic research and breeding of cotton.

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The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0678-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The existence of five tetraploid species that derive from a common polyploidization event about 1 million years ago makes Gossypium (cotton) an attractive genus in which to study polyploid evolution and offers opportunities for crop improvement through introgression. To date, only crosses (HB) between the cultivated tetraploid cottons Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense have been genetically mapped. Genetic analysis of a cross (HT) between G. hirsutum and the Hawaiian endemic G. tomentosum is reported here. Overall, chromosomal lengths are closely correlated between the HB and HT maps, although there is generally more recombination in HT, consistent with a closer relationship between the two species. Interspecific differences in local recombination rates are observed, perhaps involving a number of possible factors. Our data corroborate cytogenetic evidence that chromosome arm translocations have not played a role in the divergence of polyploid cottons. However, one terminal inversion on chromosome (chr.) 3 does appear to differentiate G. tomentosum from G. barbadense; a few other apparent differences in marker order fall near gaps in the HT map and/or lack the suppression of recombination expected of inversions, and thus remain uncertain. Genetic analysis of a discrete trait that is characteristic of G. tomentosum, nectarilessness, mapped not to the classically reported location on chr. 12 but to the homoeologous location on chr. 26. We propose some hypotheses for further study to explore this incongruity. Preliminary quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of this small population, albeit with a high probability of false negatives, suggests a different genetic control of leaf morphology in HT than in HB, which also warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

We report genetic maps for diploid (D) and tetraploid (AtDt) Gossypium genomes composed of sequence-tagged sites (STS) that foster structural, functional, and evolutionary genomic studies. The maps include, respectively, 2584 loci at 1.72-cM ( approximately 600 kb) intervals based on 2007 probes (AtDt) and 763 loci at 1.96-cM ( approximately 500 kb) intervals detected by 662 probes (D). Both diploid and tetraploid cottons exhibit negative crossover interference; i.e., double recombinants are unexpectedly abundant. We found no major structural changes between Dt and D chromosomes, but confirmed two reciprocal translocations between At chromosomes and several inversions. Concentrations of probes in corresponding regions of the various genomes may represent centromeres, while genome-specific concentrations may represent heterochromatin. Locus duplication patterns reveal all 13 expected homeologous chromosome sets and lend new support to the possibility that a more ancient polyploidization event may have predated the A-D divergence of 6-11 million years ago. Identification of SSRs within 312 RFLP sequences plus direct mapping of 124 SSRs and exploration for CAPS and SNPs illustrate the "portability" of these STS loci across populations and detection systems useful for marker-assisted improvement of the world's leading fiber crop. These data provide new insights into polyploid evolution and represent a foundation for assembly of a finished sequence of the cotton genome.  相似文献   

Linking variation in quantitative traits to variation in the genome is an important, butchallenging task in the study of life-history evolution. Linkage maps provide a valuabletool for the unravelling of such trait−gene associations. Moreover, they giveinsight into recombination landscapes and between-species karyotype evolution. Here weused genotype data, generated from a 10k single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip, ofover 2000 individuals to produce high-density linkage maps of the great tit (Parusmajor), a passerine bird that serves as a model species for ecological andevolutionary questions. We created independent maps from two distinct populations: acaptive F2-cross from The Netherlands (NL) and a wild population from the United Kingdom(UK). The two maps contained 6554 SNPs in 32 linkage groups, spanning 2010 cM and1917 cM for the NL and UK populations, respectively, and were similar in size andmarker order. Subtle levels of heterochiasmy within and between chromosomes wereremarkably consistent between the populations, suggesting that the local departures fromsex-equal recombination rates have evolved. This key and surprising result would have beenimpossible to detect if only one population was mapped. A comparison with zebra finchTaeniopygia guttata, chicken Gallus gallus and the green anole lizardAnolis carolinensis genomes provided further insight into the evolution ofavian karyotypes.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity for traits such as fibre quality or disease resistance to microorganisms is limited in the elite cotton germplasm; consequently, cotton breeders are looking for novel alleles in the secondary or even in the tertiary gene pools. The wild Australian Gossypium species (tertiary gene pool) represent an alternative source of novel alleles. However, to use these species efficiently, enabling tools are required. Chromosome-specific molecular markers are particularly useful tools to track the transmission of this exotic genetic material into the cultivated cotton during introgression. In this study, we report the construction of a genetic linkage map of the Australian wild C-genome species Gossypium sturtianum. The map, based on an F(2) population of 114 individuals, contains 291 AFLP loci. The map spans 1697 cM with an average distance of 5.8 cM between markers. To associate C-genome chromosomes with the A and D subgenomes of cultivated cotton, 29 SSR and RFLP-STS markers were assigned to chromosomes using cultivated cotton mapped marker information. Polymorphisms were revealed by 51 AFLP primer combinations and 38 RFLP-STS and 115 SSR cotton mapped markers. The utility of transferring RFLP-STS and SSR cotton mapped markers to other Gossypium species shows the usefulness of a comparative approach as a source of markers and for aligning the genetic map of G. sturtianum with the cultivated species in the future. This also indicates that the overall structure of the G. sturtianum linkage groups is similar to that of the A and D subgenomes of cotton at the gross structural level. Applications of the map for the Australia wild C-genome species and cotton breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Although upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutism L.) originated in the tropics, this early maturity cotton can be planted as far north as 46°N in China due to the accumulation of numerous phenotypic and physiological adaptations during domestication. However, how the genome of early maturity cotton has been altered by strong human selection remains largely unknown. Herein, we report a cotton genome variation map generated by the resequencing of 436 cotton accessions. Whole‐genome scans for sweep regions identified 357 putative selection sweeps covering 4.94% (112 Mb) of the upland cotton genome, including 5184 genes. These genes were functionally related to flowering time control, hormone catabolism, ageing and defence response adaptations to environmental changes. A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) for seven early maturity traits identified 307 significant loci, 22.48% (69) of which overlapped with putative selection sweeps that occurred during the artificial selection of early maturity cotton. Several previously undescribed candidate genes associated with early maturity were identified by GWAS. This study provides insights into the genetic basis of early maturity in upland cotton as well as breeding resources for cotton improvement.  相似文献   

Genome sizes vary by several orders of magnitude, driven by mechanisms such as illegitimate recombination and transposable element proliferation. Prior analysis of the CesA region in two cotton genomes that diverged 5–10 million years ago (Ma), and acquired a twofold difference in genome size, revealed extensive local conservation of genic and intergenic regions, with no evidence of the global genome size difference. The present study extends the comparison to include BAC sequences surrounding the gene encoding alcohol dehydrogenase A ( AdhA ) from four cotton genomes: the two co-resident genomes (AT and DT) of the allotetraploid, Gossypium hirsutum , as well as the model diploid progenitors, Gossypium arboreum (A) and Gossypium raimondii (D). In contrast to earlier work, evolution in the AdhA region reflects, in a microcosm, the overall difference in genome size, with a nearly twofold difference in aligned sequence length. Most size differences may be attributed to differential accumulation of retroelements during divergence of the genome diploids from their common ancestor, but in addition there has been a biased accumulation of small deletions, such that those in the smaller D genome are on average twice as large as those in the larger A genome. The data also provide evidence for the global phenomenon of 'genomic downsizing' in polyploids shortly after formation. This in part reflects a higher frequency of small deletions post-polyploidization, and increased illegitimate recombination. In conjunction with previous work, the data here confirm the conclusion that genome size evolution reflects many forces that collectively operate heterogeneously among genomic regions.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of diploid nuclear genotypes have concluded that recombination has occurred in populations of the yeast Candida albicans. To address the possibilities of clonality and recombination in an effectively haploid genome, we sequenced seven regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 45 strains of C. albicans from human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients in Toronto, Canada, and 3 standard reference isolates of C. albicans, CA, CAI4, and WO-1. Among a total of 2,553 nucleotides in the seven regions, 62 polymorphic nucleotide sites and seven indels defined nine distinct mtDNA haplotypes among the 48 strains. Five of these haplotypes occurred in more than one strain, indicating clonal proliferation of mtDNA. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes resulted in one most-parsimonious tree. Most of the nucleotide sites undergoing parallel change in this tree were clustered in blocks that corresponded to sequenced regions. Because of the existence of these blocks, the apparent homoplasy can be attributed to infrequent, past genetic exchange and recombination between individuals and cannot be attributed to parallel mutation. Among strains sharing the same mtDNA haplotypes, multilocus nuclear genotypes were more similar than expected from a random comparison of nuclear DNA genotypes, suggesting that clonal proliferation of the mitochondrial genome was accompanied by clonal proliferation of the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Peninsular Malaysia is a strategic region which might have played an important role in the initial peopling and subsequent human migrations in Asia. However, the genetic diversity and history of human populations—especially indigenous populations—inhabiting this area remain poorly understood. Here, we conducted a genome-wide study using over 900,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four major Malaysian ethnic groups (MEGs; Malay, Proto-Malay, Senoi and Negrito), and made comparisons of 17 world-wide populations. Our data revealed that Peninsular Malaysia has greater genetic diversity corresponding to its role as a contact zone of both early and recent human migrations in Asia. However, each single Orang Asli (indigenous) group was less diverse with a smaller effective population size (N e) than a European or an East Asian population, indicating a substantial isolation of some duration for these groups. All four MEGs were genetically more similar to Asian populations than to other continental groups, and the divergence time between MEGs and East Asian populations (12,000—6,000 years ago) was also much shorter than that between East Asians and Europeans. Thus, Malaysian Orang Asli groups, despite their significantly different features, may share a common origin with the other Asian groups. Nevertheless, we identified traces of recent gene flow from non-Asians to MEGs. Finally, natural selection signatures were detected in a batch of genes associated with immune response, human height, skin pigmentation, hair and facial morphology and blood pressure in MEGs. Notable examples include SYN3 which is associated with human height in all Orang Asli groups, a height-related gene (PNPT1) and two blood pressure-related genes (CDH13 and PAX5) in Negritos. We conclude that a long isolation period, subsequent gene flow and local adaptations have jointly shaped the genetic architectures of MEGs, and this study provides insight into the peopling and human migration history in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

In wheat it is essential to know whether a gene is located in a high or low recombination region of the genome before initiating a map-based cloning approach. The objective of this study was to explore the potential feasibility of map-based cloning of the dominant male-sterile gene Ms3 of wheat. High-density physical maps of the short arms of the group-5 chromosomes (5AS, 5BS, and 5DS) of Triticum aestivum L. were constructed by mapping 40 DNA markers on a set of 17 homozygous deletion lines. One hundred RFLP loci were mapped: 35 on 5AS, 37 on 5BS, and 28 on 5DS. A consensus physical map was colinearly aligned with a consensus genetic map of the group-5 short arms. Sixteen of the 17 markers in the consensus genetic map encompass a genetic distance of 25 cM and correspond to the distal region (FL 0.56–0.97) of the consensus physical map. Two rice probes, RG463 and RG901, previously identified to be linked to markers CDO344 and CDO749 (group-5 short arm of wheat), respectively, in the genetic map of rice chromosome 12, map between FL 0.56 and 0.63 in the consensus map. Thus at least a part of the group-5 short arm is homoeologous to a region of chromosome 12 of rice. The genetic map of chromosome arm 5AS was constructed using a population of 139 BC1 plants derived from a cross between the euploid wheat ”Chris” carrying a dominant male-sterile gene Ms3 and a disomic substitution line in which chromosome 5A of T. aestivum cv Chinese Spring was substituted by chromosome 5A from Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides. The map has a genetic length of 53.4 cM with 11 DNA markers. The initial map showed that the gene Ms3 cosegregated with three markers, WG341, BCD1130 and CDO677. High-resolution mapping using an additional 509 BC1 plants indicated that the marker WG341 was closely linked to Ms3 at a genetic distance of 0.8 cM. The Ms3 was mapped physically in the region spanning 40% of the arm length from the centromere of 5AS. Therefore, map-based cloning of the Ms3 is not feasible, although WG341 can be used as a useful tag for the Ms3 gene for breeding purposes. Received: 12 December 2000 / Accepted: 26 January 2001  相似文献   

There is approximately a doubling of the total nuclear DNA between the 8 Lathyrus species and there are significant differences in the amounts of DNA in euchromatin and heterochromatin. Between the 8 species chiasma frequency and total nuclear DNA are not correlated but within complements it is positively correlated with the amount of DNA in the chromosomes. There is no significant correlation between chiasma frequency and euchromatin DNA nor between chiasma frequency and heterochromatin DNA among species, but among chromosomes, as with total DNA, it is positively correlated with euchromatin DNA and heterochromatin DNA. Results show that despite the large differences in DNA amounts between species there are genomic constraints underlying the frequency and distribution of chiasmata in the chromosome complements.  相似文献   

Plant genome structure is largely derived from the differing specificities, abundances and activities of transposable elements. Recent studies indicate that both the amplification and the removal of transposons are rapid processes in plants, accounting for the general lack of intergenic homology between species that last shared a common ancestor more than 10 million years ago. Two newly discovered transposon varieties, Helitrons and Pack-MULEs, acquire and fuse fragments of plant genes, creating the raw material for the evolution of new genes and new genetic functions. Many of these recently assembled, chimeric gene-candidates are expressed, suggesting that some might escape epigenetic silencing and mutational decay, but a proven case of gene creation by any transposable element activity in plants remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Lint percentage is an important character of cotton yield components and it is also correlated with cotton fibre development. In this study, we used a high lint percentage variety, Baimian1, and a low lint percentage, TM-1 genetic standard for Gossypium hirsutum, as parents to construct a mapping populations in upland cotton (G. hirsutum). A quantitative trait locus/loci (QTL) analysis of lint percentage was performed by using two mapping procedures; composite interval mapping (CIM), inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) and the F2:3 populations in 2 years. Six main-effect QTL (M-QTL) for lint percentage (four significant and two suggestive) were detected in both years by CIM, and were located on chr. 3, chr. 19, chr. 26 and chr. 5/chr. 19. Of the six QTL, marker intervals and favourable gene sources of the significant M-QTL, qLP-3(2010) and qLP-3(2011) were consistent. These QTL were also detected by ICIM, and therefore, should preferentially be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) of lint percentage. Another M-QTL, qLP-19(2010), was detected by two mapping procedures, and it could also be a candidate for MAS. We detected the interaction between two M-QTL and environment, and 11 epistatic QTL (E-QTL) and their interaction with environment by using ICIM. The study also found two EST-SSRs, NAU1187 and NAU1255, linked to M-QTL for lint percentage that could be candidate markers affecting cotton fibre development.  相似文献   

Huge advances in plant biology are possible now that we have the complete genome sequences of several flowering plants. Now, genomes can be comprehensively compared and map-based cloning can be performed more easily. Association study is emerging as a powerful method for the functional identification of genes and molecular genetics has begun to reveal the basis of plant diversity. Taking the flowering pathways as an example, we discuss the potential of several approaches to comparative biology.  相似文献   

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