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Prions propagate as multiple strains in a wide variety of mammalian species. The detection of all such strains by a single ultrasensitive assay such as Real Time Quaking-induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) would facilitate prion disease diagnosis, surveillance and research. Previous studies have shown that bank voles, and transgenic mice expressing bank vole prion protein, are susceptible to most, if not all, types of prions. Here we show that bacterially expressed recombinant bank vole prion protein (residues 23-230) is an effective substrate for the sensitive RT-QuIC detection of all of the different prion types that we have tested so far – a total of 28 from humans, cattle, sheep, cervids and rodents, including several that have previously been undetectable by RT-QuIC or Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification. Furthermore, comparison of the relative abilities of different prions to seed positive RT-QuIC reactions with bank vole and not other recombinant prion proteins allowed discrimination of prion strains such as classical and atypical L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy, classical and atypical Nor98 scrapie in sheep, and sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Comparison of protease-resistant RT-QuIC conversion products also aided strain discrimination and suggested the existence of several distinct classes of prion templates among the many strains tested.  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are thought to play a central role in the choice of genetically compatible sexual partners in some vertebrates, although the evidence is variable across species. Here, we investigate the association between similarity in the MHC region and sexual preferences in the bank vole Myodes ( =Clethrionomys ) glareolus (Arvicollinae) in a laboratory setting. Females in post-partum oestrus were given the choice between the scents of two males in a Y-maze. Both males were unrelated to the female, but differed in their MHC similarity to the female. We found that females spent more time near the scent of MHC dissimilar males than those, with whom they shared MHC alleles. This suggests that bank voles use MHC-related cues to choose compatible mates.  相似文献   

Selenium-Binding Protein 1 (SBP1, SELENBP1, hSP56) is a selenium-associated protein shown to be at lower levels in tumors, and its lower levels are frequently predictive of a poor clinical outcome. Distinguishing indolent from aggressive prostate cancer is a major challenge in disease management. Associations between SBP1 levels, tumor grade, and disease recurrence following prostatectomy were investigated by duplex immunofluorescence imaging using a tissue microarray containing tissue from 202 prostate cancer patients who experienced biochemical (PSA) recurrence after prostatectomy and 202 matched control patients whose cancer did not recur. Samples were matched by age, ethnicity, pathological stage and Gleason grade, and images were quantified using the Vectra multispectral imaging system. Fluorescent labels were targeted for SBP1 and cytokeratins 8/18 to restrict scoring to tumor cells, and cell-by-cell quantification of SBP1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm was performed. Nuclear SBP1 levels and the nuclear to cytoplasm ratio were inversely associated with tumor grade using linear regression analysis. Following classification of samples into quartiles based on the SBP1 levels among controls, tumors in the lowest quartile were more than twice as likely to recur compared to those in any other quartile. Inducible ectopic SBP1 expression reduced the ability of HCT-116 human tumor cells to grow in soft agar, a measure of transformation, without affecting proliferation. Cells expressing SBP1 also demonstrated a robust induction in the phosphorylation of the p53 tumor suppressor at serine 15. These data indicate that loss of SBP1 may play an independent contributing role in prostate cancer progression and its levels might be useful in distinguishing indolent from aggressive disease.  相似文献   



SOX2 (Sry-box 2) is required to maintain a variety of stem cells, is overexpressed in some solid tumors, and is expressed in epithelial cells of the lung.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show that SOX2 is overexpressed in human squamous cell lung tumors and some adenocarcinomas. We have generated mouse models in which Sox2 is upregulated in epithelial cells of the lung during development and in the adult. In both cases, overexpression leads to extensive hyperplasia. In the terminal bronchioles, a trachea-like pseudostratified epithelium develops with p63-positive cells underlying columnar cells. Over 12–34 weeks, about half of the mice expressing the highest levels of Sox2 develop carcinoma. These tumors resemble adenocarcinoma but express the squamous marker, Trp63 (p63).


These findings demonstrate that Sox2 overexpression both induces a proximal phenotype in the distal airways/alveoli and leads to cancer.  相似文献   

Mutation is the engine that drives evolution and adaptation forward in that it generates the variation on which natural selection acts. Mutation is a random process that nevertheless occurs according to certain biases. Elucidating mutational biases and the way they vary across species and within genomes is crucial to understanding evolution and adaptation. Here we demonstrate that clonal pathogens that evolve under severely relaxed selection are uniquely suitable for studying mutational biases in bacteria. We estimate mutational patterns using sequence datasets from five such clonal pathogens belonging to four diverse bacterial clades that span most of the range of genomic nucleotide content. We demonstrate that across different types of sites and in all four clades mutation is consistently biased towards AT. This is true even in clades that have high genomic GC content. In all studied cases the mutational bias towards AT is primarily due to the high rate of C/G to T/A transitions. These results suggest that bacterial mutational biases are far less variable than previously thought. They further demonstrate that variation in nucleotide content cannot stem entirely from variation in mutational biases and that natural selection and/or a natural selection-like process such as biased gene conversion strongly affect nucleotide content.  相似文献   

Although TroA (Tromp1) was initially reported to be a Treponema pallidum outer membrane protein with porin-like properties, subsequent studies have suggested that it actually is a periplasmic substrate-binding protein involved in the transport of metals across the treponemal cytoplasmic membrane. Here we conducted additional physicochemical studies to address the divergent viewpoints concerning this protein. Triton X-114 phase partitioning of recombinant TroA constructs with or without a signal sequence corroborated our prior contention that the native protein's amphiphilic behavior is due to its uncleaved leader peptide. Whereas typical porins are trimers with extensive beta-barrel structure, size exclusion chromatography and circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that TroA was a monomer and predominantly alpha-helical. Neutron activation, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and anomalous X-ray scattering all demonstrated that TroA binds zinc in a 1:1 molar stoichiometric ratio. TroA does not appear to possess structural features consistent with those of bacterial porins.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a macromolecular assembly embedded within the nuclear envelope that mediates bidirectional exchange of material between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Our recent work on the yeast NPC has revealed a simple modularity in its architecture and suggested a common evolutionary origin of the NPC and vesicle coating complexes in a progenitor protocoatomer. However, detailed compositional and structural information is currently only available for vertebrate and yeast NPCs, which are evolutionarily closely related. Hence our understanding of NPC composition in a full evolutionary context is sparse. Moreover despite the ubiquitous nature of the NPC, sequence searches in distant taxa have identified surprisingly few NPC components, suggesting that much of the NPC may not be conserved. Thus, to gain a broad perspective on the origins and evolution of the NPC, we performed proteomics analyses of NPC-containing fractions from a divergent eukaryote (Trypanosoma brucei) and obtained a comprehensive inventory of its nucleoporins. Strikingly trypanosome nucleoporins clearly share with metazoa and yeast their fold type, domain organization, composition, and modularity. Overall these data provide conclusive evidence that the majority of NPC architecture is indeed conserved throughout the Eukaryota and was already established in the last common eukaryotic ancestor. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that NPCs share a common ancestry with vesicle coating complexes and that both were established very early in eukaryotic evolution.Nearly all eukaryotic cells possess an extensive endomembrane system that is principally responsible for protein targeting and modification (1). The nucleus, the defining eukaryotic feature, is separated from the cytoplasm by a double bilayered nuclear envelope (NE)1 that is contiguous with the rest of this endomembrane system via connections to the endoplasmic reticulum. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) fenestrate the NE, serving as the exclusive sites mediating exchange between the nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic compartments. Macromolecules are chaperoned through the NPC by numerous transport factors. It has been proposed that the endomembrane system and nucleus have an autogenous origin (i.e. evolving from invaginations of an ancestral plasma membrane) and were established early in eukaryotic evolution (2).The composition of the NPC has been cataloged at ∼30 distinct nucleoporins (Nups) (3) for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (4) and vertebrates (5), two members of the Opisthokonta (animals, fungi, and closely related protists). Ultrastructural studies have identified objects morphologically similar (at a first approximation) to opisthokont NPCs in the other major eukaryote supergroups (68). However, very few data are available concerning the detailed NPC molecular composition and architecture for nearly all eukaryotic lineages, leaving a relatively narrow view of the “typical” NPC and its origins. A few examples of potential Nup orthologs beyond the opisthokonts have been reported, leading to the suggestion that substantial portions of the NPC may have an ancient, pre-last common eukaryotic ancestor (LCEA) origin (9). However, a more extensive study has concluded that LCEA possessed a primitive ancestral NPC that passed few components to its modern descendants (10).In yeast and vertebrates, the NPC consists of an eight-spoked core surrounding a central tube that serves as the conduit for macromolecular exchange. Each spoke can be divided into two similar nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic halves. The eight spokes connect to form several coaxial rings: the membrane rings, the two outer rings at the nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic periphery, and the two adjacent inner rings (11). Groups of Nups that we term “linker Nups” are attached between both sets of outer and inner rings. Another group of related proteins, collectively termed phenylalanine-glycine (FG) Nups, are largely exposed on the inner surface of the spokes and anchored either to the inner rings or to the linker Nups (11).Opisthokont Nups can be grouped into three structural classes (11, 12). The first class comprises membrane-bound proteins that anchor the NPC into the NE. The second class is the core scaffold Nups; these proteins constitute the bulk of the NPC mass, form the central tube, and provide the scaffold for the deployment of the third class of Nups across both faces of the NPC. The core scaffold Nups are remarkably restricted at the structural level and contain only three distinct arrangements of 2-fold types: proteins dominated by an α-solenoid fold (also termed a helix-turn-helix repeat domain), proteins consisting of a β-propeller fold, and finally proteins composed of an amino-terminal β-propeller fold followed by a carboxyl-terminal α-solenoid fold (which we here term a β-α structure) (12). FG Nups comprise the third class. These Nups carry multiply repeated degenerate “Phe-Gly” motifs (FG repeats) separated by hydrophilic or charged residues that form large unstructured domains. Each FG Nup also contains a small structured domain (often a coiled coil motif) that serves as the anchor site for interaction with the remainder of the NPC.Many transport factors belong to a structurally related protein family collectively termed karyopherins (Kaps) (13, 14). Transport across the NPC depends on the interactions between Kaps, cargo molecules, and the disordered repeat domains of FG Nups; the latter are thought to form the selective barrier for nucleocytoplasmic transport, guiding the Kap·cargo complexes (and other transport factors) through the central tube while excluding other macromolecules (for reviews, see Refs. 3 and 1522).Significantly we have previously noted that the fold composition and arrangement of many of the core scaffold Nups are shared with proteins that form coating structures that participate in the generation and transport of vesicles between different endomembrane compartments; significantly many vesicle coating complex proteins and NPC scaffold Nups share an α-solenoid fold, β-propeller fold, or β-α structure (12, 2328). These similarities gave rise to the “protocoatomer hypothesis,” which suggests a common ancestry for the NPC and these vesicle coat complexes. However, it is unclear how many, if any, of these particular core scaffold Nups are widely conserved, and hence it is unclear how general this potential relationship is throughout the Eukaryota. Thus, two scenarios are possible. The first is that the coatomer-like proteins are only found in a subset of the eukaryotes (including the opisthokonts), indicating that they are a relatively recent acquisition of only some eukaryotes and are not a general feature of all NPCs. The second is that the coatomer-like proteins are conserved in all eukaryotes, providing strong support to the protocoatomer hypothesis. To directly address this issue we characterized the NPC of Trypanosoma brucei, a highly divergent but experimentally tractable organism, using proteomics. The resulting data indicate an ancient origin for the majority of the NPC components and shed light on the origin of LCEA itself.  相似文献   

Significant nitrate reductase activity was detected in mutants of Salmonella typhimurium which mapped at or near chlC and which were incapable of growth with nitrate as electron acceptor. The same mutants were sensitive to chlorate and performed sufficient nitrate reduction to permit anaerobic growth with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source in media containing glucose. The mutant nitrate-reducing protein did not migrate with the wild-type nitrate reductase in polyacrylamide electrophoretic gels. Studies of the electrophoretic mobility in gels of different polyacrylamide concentration revealed that the wild-type and mutant nitrate reductases differed significantly in both size and charge. The second enzyme also differed from the wild-type major enzyme in its response to repression by low pH and its lack of response to repression by glucose. The same mutants were found to be derepressed for nitrite reductase and for a cytochrome with a maximal reduced absorbance at 555 nm at 25°C. This cytochrome was not detected in preparations of the wild type grown under the same conditions. Extracts of these mutants contained normal amounts of the b-type cytochromes which, in the wild type, were associated with nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase, respectively, although they could not mediate the oxidation of these cytochromes with nitrate. They were capable of oxidizing the derepressed 555-nm peak cytochrome with nitrate. It is suggested that these mutants synthesize a nitrate-reducing enzyme which is distinct from the chlC gene product and which is repressed in the wild type during anaerobic growth with nitrate.  相似文献   

An anaerobic, freshwater enrichment grew with either nitrate or selenate as an electron acceptor. With both ions present, nitrate reduction preceded selenate reduction. An isolate from the enrichment grew on either ion, but the presence of nitrate precluded the reduction of selenate. Stock cultures of denitrifiers grew anaerobically on nitrate but not on selenate.  相似文献   



Evidence from animal models shows that tissue stiffness increases the invasion and progression of cancers, including mammary cancer. We here use measurements of the volume and the projected area of the compressed breast during mammography to derive estimates of breast tissue stiffness and examine the relationship of stiffness to risk of breast cancer.


Mammograms were used to measure the volume and projected areas of total and radiologically dense breast tissue in the unaffected breasts of 362 women with newly diagnosed breast cancer (cases) and 656 women of the same age who did not have breast cancer (controls). Measures of breast tissue volume and the projected area of the compressed breast during mammography were used to calculate the deformation of the breast during compression and, with the recorded compression force, to estimate the stiffness of breast tissue. Stiffness was compared in cases and controls, and associations with breast cancer risk examined after adjustment for other risk factors.


After adjustment for percent mammographic density by area measurements, and other risk factors, our estimate of breast tissue stiffness was significantly associated with breast cancer (odds ratio = 1.21, 95% confidence interval = 1.03, 1.43, p = 0.02) and improved breast cancer risk prediction in models with percent mammographic density, by both area and volume measurements.


An estimate of breast tissue stiffness was associated with breast cancer risk and improved risk prediction based on mammographic measures and other risk factors. Stiffness may provide an additional mechanism by which breast tissue composition is associated with risk of breast cancer and merits examination using more direct methods of measurement.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein designated pr90, which is recognized by anti-gp85 serum, is present in lysates of pulse-labeled transformed cells. Under chase conditions, a reduction in the level of labeled pr90 is observed concomitant with the appearance of labeled, cell-associated viral glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni can be isolated from different animal hosts. Various studies have used multilocus sequence typing to look for associations between particular clones of C. jejuni and specific hosts. Here, we describe the isolation of a novel clone (sequence type 3704 [ST-3704]) of C. jejuni associated with the bank vole (Myodes glareolus).Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis in humans, with food (primarily chicken) believed to be the main vehicle for infection (8). Although high prevalences are found in livestock, C. jejuni has also been isolated from wildlife, including wild birds and wild mammals, and from the farm environment (1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has been used to study the distribution of specific clones among isolates from different hosts and the environment (1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17). Such molecular epidemiological studies have provided evidence for some host-associated genotypes. For example, some MLST clonal complexes are associated with cattle (sequence type 61 [ST-61] and ST-42 complexes), whereas others are associated with wildlife, such as rabbits and wild birds, and environmental samples (ST-45, ST-177, ST-677, ST-682, and ST-952 complexes) (2, 4, 13). In addition, previously unreported sequence types have been identified in wildlife and environmental samples (4). In this study, we describe the identification of a novel strain of C. jejuni that represents a new sequence type and that is restricted primarily to one wildlife host, namely, bank voles (Myodes glareolus), from which it was isolated over a relatively wide geographic area and time period.We undertook longitudinal studies of feces collected from the sympatric wild rodents bank voles and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in a private West Cheshire (United Kingdom) woodland habitat. Feces collected from both species were analyzed for the presence of Campylobacter spp. during two sampling periods (May to July 2001 and January 2003). In 2004 (summer/autumn) and 2005 (winter/spring), cross-sectional surveys were conducted on 6 farms (5 dairy and 1 beef farm) in South Cheshire (approximately 30 km away) to investigate the role of wildlife as reservoirs of zoonotic enteric pathogens for livestock. Farms were sampled in summer/autumn on one occasion and in winter/spring on a second occasion; feces were collected from cattle, from wild mammals opportunistically, and from live-trapped rodents. For the isolation of Campylobacter spp., approximately 0.2 ml of fecal homogenate (1:1 feces in brain heart infusion broth) was added to campylobacter enrichment broth containing 5% (vol/vol) lysed horse blood (Southern Group Labs, Corby, United Kingdom), and samples were incubated at 37°C for 24 h under microaerobic conditions in a variable-atmosphere incubator (Don Whitley Scientific Ltd., Shipley, United Kingdom) before being inoculated onto campylobacter blood-free medium containing cefoperazone and amphotericin. These plates were incubated for up to 96 h at 37°C under microaerobic conditions before being examined for the presence of colonies characteristic of Campylobacter spp. All media were obtained from LabM (IDG), Bury, United Kingdom. Suspect isolates were presumptively identified as C. jejuni by Gram staining, no growth in air, and hippurate hydrolysis (6, 18) tests. For further assignment to species, cell lysates were prepared from isolates and subjected to a number of genus- and species-specific PCR assays (5, 14, 19). The whole genome sequence was obtained from bank vole strain C414 by shotgun sequencing.Of the samples obtained from woodland rodents, 23% (10/43) of bank vole samples collected from May to July 2001 and 51% (38/75) collected in January 2003 were positive for Campylobacter spp., whereas Campylobacter spp. were not recovered from any wood mouse samples (40 samples collected from May to July 2001 and 31 samples collected in January 2003). For the farm rodents (samples collected from September 2004 to April 2005), a total of 655 wood mice and 194 bank voles were sampled. In total, 18% (34/194) of bank voles were positive for Campylobacter spp., compared to 1% (6/655) of wood mice (Table (Table1).1). In total, 151 isolates were identified as Campylobacter spp. by using a genus-level 16S rRNA gene PCR assay (14). However, of all of these rodent isolates, only three isolates from wood mice from the farm survey could be identified as C. jejuni by species-specific PCR assays. The remaining rodent isolates from both the woodland and the farm study did not give any amplicons using species-specific PCR assays (5, 14, 19).


Number of samples from rodents captured in the woodland and farm studies, as well as from cattle in the farm study, positive for Campylobacter jejuni and specifically for ST-3704
Animal speciesBacterial species or strainNo. of positive samples/total no. of samples
Woodland study
Farm study (2004-2005)
May-July 2001January 2003
Bank volesC. jejuni10/4338/7534/194
C. jejuni ST-370410/4338/7534/194
Wood miceC. jejuni0/400/316/655
C. jejuni ST-3704NAaNA3/655
CattleC. jejuniNANA12/497
C. jejuni ST-3704NANA1/497
Open in a separate windowaNA, not applicable.Two of these PCR assays targeted the hipO gene (14, 19) and used the same gene sequence (GenBank accession no. z36940) for design of the primers, and this gene shares only 90% homology with the hipO gene of bank vole strain C414 (data not shown). Furthermore, the other PCR assay used to identify C. jejuni targeted the ceuE gene (5), and the ceuE gene of C414 shares only 92% homology with the ceuE gene of NCTC11168 (data not shown). The primer binding sites were also divergent for these targets in C414 (5, 19) or were not present at all (14). By use of the method of Karenlampi et al. (9), which involves PCR amplification and sequencing of a groEL fragment, all of the bank vole isolates from the woodland study and one bank vole isolate from the farm study were found to have the same sequence. This sequence (C414, GenBank accession number HQ213856) was aligned with partial groEL sequences from other Campylobacter isolates, and phylogenetic trees were inferred from this alignment by using algorithms within the MEGA4 software package (12). In these trees, C414 clustered with C. jejuni strains and not with C. coli strains (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Hence, both hippurate hydrolysis (18) testing and partial groEL sequence analysis suggested that the bank vole-associated isolates were C. jejuni.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Evolutionary relationships of strain C414, C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari. The evolutionary history was inferred using the minimum evolution (ME) method. The bootstrap consensus tree was inferred from 500 replicates. The percentages of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test are shown next to the branches. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those for the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary distances were computed using the maximum composite likelihood method and are reported in units of the number of base substitutions per site. The ME tree was searched using a close-neighbor-interchange (CNI) algorithm at a search level of 3. A neighbor-joining algorithm was used to generate the initial tree. Codon positions included were first plus second plus third plus noncoding positions. There were a total of 540 positions in the final data set. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA4 (12).MLST analysis was carried out on 41 bank vole isolates from the woodland study and 34 bank vole isolates and 6 wood mouse isolates from the farm studies, with each isolate representative of a single sample, using the method of Dingle et al. (3). For each of the seven loci, a new allele was identified (aspA227, glnA297, gltA253, glyA338, pgm-424, tkt-337, and uncA250), generating a new sequence type, ST-3704, for all of the bank vole isolates tested (100% C. jejuni-positive samples). ST-3704 was also identified in 3 wood mouse isolates (3/6 samples), with the remaining isolates representing known sequence types (ST-61 and ST-583). Other C. jejuni isolates (n = 16) from the farm cross-sectional studies were also subjected to MLST analysis, and 15 of these belonged to known sequence types (ST-45, ST-61, ST-257, and ST-403); however, one calf isolate (1/12 C. jejuni-positive samples from cattle) was identified as ST-3704 (Table (Table1).1). Furthermore, more recently (September 2008), we isolated C. jejuni ST-3704, but no other sequence type, from the F1 progeny of a captive colony of bank voles. These animals were fed an artificial diet, which suggests that this clone can be maintained in captive bred animals with no environmental exposure and is therefore strongly associated with the bank vole host. A selection of ST-3704 bank vole isolates (n = 76) from both the woodland and the farm study, the three ST-3704 wood mouse isolates, and other Campylobacter isolates from cattle were subjected to genotyping using macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and analyzed as described previously (11). Remarkably, all 79 of the ST-3704 isolates examined shared similar macrorestriction patterns (<3 bands different) following digestion with SmaI, suggesting that they represent a single clone circulating largely within bank vole populations. Sample macrorestriction patterns for isolates from bank voles from different sources are shown in Fig. Fig.2,2, which also includes examples of other C. jejuni isolates whose banding patterns are more typical of those normally observed for C. jejuni and for C. fetus isolates from cattle.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.SmaI PFGE analysis of C. jejuni ST-3704, C. jejuni isolates belonging to other sequence types, and C. fetus isolates from bank voles (BV), wood mice (WM), and cows from four Cheshire farms (F1, F2, F3, and F4). Lane λ, lambda ladder PFGE marker (New England Biolabs, Hitchin, United Kingdom).Thus, we report the identification of a new strain of C. jejuni, ST-3704, isolated from different bank vole populations over a relatively wide geographic area with respect to the home range of bank voles, as well as in a captive colony containing F1 individuals, over a period of 7 years. Representatives of this strain could not easily be identified to the species level by using current PCR assays. Isolates of the clone are indistinguishable by MLST and share similar PFGE patterns. Although we have also detected ST-3704 rarely among samples from other animal hosts, including those sharing the same habitat, we isolated ST-3704 largely from the bank vole. Our observations suggest that ST-3704 represents a novel clone of C. jejuni associated with the bank vole host.  相似文献   

Serine-rich repeat glycoproteins (SRRPs) are highly conserved in streptococci and staphylococci. Glycosylation of SRRPs is important for bacterial adhesion and pathogenesis. Streptococcus agalactiae is the leading cause of bacterial sepsis and meningitis among newborns. Srr2, an SRRP from S. agalactiae strain COH1, has been implicated in bacterial virulence. Four genes (gtfA, gtfB, gtfC, and gtfD) located downstream of srr2 share significant homology with genes involved in glycosylation of other SRRPs. We have shown previously that gtfA and gtfB encode two glycosyltransferases, GtfA and GtfB, that catalyze the transfer of GlcNAc residues to the Srr2 polypeptide. However, the function of other glycosyltransferases in glycosylation of Srr2 is unknown. In this study, we determined that GtfC catalyzed the direct transfer of glucosyl residues to Srr2-GlcNAc. The GtfC crystal structure was solved at 2.7 Å by molecular replacement. Structural analysis revealed a loop region at the N terminus as a putative acceptor substrate binding domain. Deletion of this domain rendered GtfC unable to bind to its substrate Srr2-GlcNAc, concurrently abolished the glycosyltransferase activity of GtfC, and also altered glycosylation of Srr2. Furthermore, deletion of the corresponding regions from GtfC homologs also abolished their substrate binding and enzymatic activity, indicating that this region is functionally conserved. In summary, we have determined that GtfC is important for the glycosylation of Srr2 and identified a conserved loop region that is crucial for acceptor substrate binding from GtfC homologs in streptococci. These findings shed new mechanistic insight into this family of glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Long interspersed elements (LINEs) are transposable elements that proliferate within eukaryotic genomes, having a large impact on eukaryotic genome evolution. LINEs mobilize via a process called retrotransposition. Although the role of the LINE-encoded protein(s) in retrotransposition has been extensively investigated, the participation of host-encoded factors in retrotransposition remains unclear. To address this issue, we examined retrotransposition frequencies of two structurally different LINEs—zebrafish ZfL2-2 and human L1—in knockout chicken DT40 cell lines deficient in genes involved in the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair of DNA and in human HeLa cells treated with a drug that inhibits NHEJ. Deficiencies of NHEJ proteins decreased retrotransposition frequencies of both LINEs in these cells, suggesting that NHEJ is involved in LINE retrotransposition. More precise characterization of ZfL2-2 insertions in DT40 cells permitted us to consider the possibility of dual roles for NHEJ in LINE retrotransposition, namely to ensure efficient integration of LINEs and to restrict their full-length formation.  相似文献   

The localization of the phosphoprotein B-50 (molecular weight 48,000 isoelectric point 4.5) in the rat has been studied. Inspection of endogenous phosphorylation patterns of the particulate as well as the cytosolic subcellular fractions from a variety of peripheral organs failed to demonstrate phosphorylation of a molecular weight 48,000 protein. Only in the particulate fractions from brain tissue was there endogenous phosphorylation of the B-50 protein. Two-dimensional analysis (isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and in immunochemical detection method employing an anti B-50 antiserum revealed the presence of B-50 in particulate material from brain, but not in that of other tissues. Therefore the data were interpreted as pointing to the localization of B-50 in nervous tissue. In addition, the regional distribution of endogenous B-50 phosphorylation was studied using synaptosomal plasma membranes (SPM) obtained from individual rat brain regions. The highest value was found in SPM of septal origin, the lowest in SPM from the medulla spinalis. The relationship of the high value for B-50 phosphorylation in the septum to the sensitivity of that brain area to ACTH1-24 is discussed.  相似文献   

B. Oliver  N. Perrimon    A. P. Mahowald 《Genetics》1988,120(1):159-171
Females homozygous for sans fille1621 (= fs(1)1621) have an abnormal germ line. Instead of producing eggs, the germ-line cells proliferate forming ovarian tumors or excessive numbers of nurse cells. The Sex-lethal gene product(s) regulate the branch point of the dosage compensation and sex determination pathways in the soma. The role of Sex-lethal in the germ line is not clear but the germ line of females homozygous for female sterile Sex-lethal alleles or germ-line clones of loss-of-function alleles are characterized by ovarian tumors. Females heterozygous for sans fille1621 or Sex-lethal are phenotypically wild type with respect to viability and fertility but females trans-heterozygous for sans fille1621 and Sex-lethal show ovarian tumors, somatic sexual transformations, and greatly reduced viability.  相似文献   

Scytalidopepsin A, a pepstatin-insensitive acid endopeptidase from the fungus Scytalidium lignicolum was found to be a member of the sedolisin family of serine-carboxyl peptidases through analyses of the amino acid sequences of peptides derived from the reduced, pyridylethylated enzyme by enzymatic digestion. Hence it should be renamed scytalidolisin (or Scytalidium sedolisin).  相似文献   

Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting combined with fluorescence microscopy the mechanism of embryonic germ cell death in the mouse has been shown to be apoptosis. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) from embryos at specific developmental stages have been analyzed, and cells with apoptotic morphology have been isolated by cell sorting. In the female, apoptotic oogonia at Day 13 and apoptotic oocytes at Days 15 and 17 were found. In the male, apoptotic cells were seen on Day 13 through Day 17. Apoptotic germ cells were not detected at Day 12 (combined male and female PGCs). Examination of sorted cells by fluorescence microscopy and by light microscopic analysis after alkaline phosphatase staining confirmed that the cells are apoptotic germ cells. Electron microscopy further confirmed that cells showing the morphological characteristics of apoptosis are present.  相似文献   

We wished to replicate evidence that an experimental paradigm of speech illusions is associated with psychotic experiences. Fifty-four patients with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and 150 healthy subjects were examined in an experimental paradigm assessing the presence of speech illusion in neutral white noise. Socio-demographic, cognitive function and family history data were collected. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was administered in the patient group and the Structured Interview for Schizotypy-Revised (SIS-R), and the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) in the control group. Patients had a much higher rate of speech illusions (33.3% versus 8.7%, ORadjusted: 5.1, 95% CI: 2.3–11.5), which was only partly explained by differences in IQ (ORadjusted: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.4–8.3). Differences were particularly marked for signals in random noise that were perceived as affectively salient (ORadjusted: 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8–53.9). Speech illusion tended to be associated with positive symptoms in patients (ORadjusted: 3.3, 95% CI: 0.9–11.6), particularly affectively salient illusions (ORadjusted: 8.3, 95% CI: 0.7–100.3). In controls, speech illusions were not associated with positive schizotypy (ORadjusted: 1.1, 95% CI: 0.3–3.4) or self-reported psychotic experiences (ORadjusted: 1.4, 95% CI: 0.4–4.6). Experimental paradigms indexing the tendency to detect affectively salient signals in noise may be used to identify liability to psychosis.  相似文献   

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