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Uchida W  Matsunaga S  Kawano S 《Protoplasma》2005,226(3-4):207-216
Summary. The development of male organs is induced in female flowers of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia by infection with the fungus Microbotryum violaceum. Stamens in a healthy female flower grow only to stage 6, whereas those in an infected female flower develop to the mature stage (stage 12), at which the stamens are filled with fungal teliospores instead of pollen grains. To investigate these host–parasite interactions, young floral buds and fungus-induced anthers of infected female flowers were examined by electron microscopy following fixation by a high-pressure freezing method. Using this approach, we found that parasitic hyphae of this fungus contain several extracellular vesicles and have a consistent appearance up to stage 8. At that stage, parasitic hyphae are observed adjacent to dying sporogenous cells in the infected female anther. At stage 9, an increased number of dead and dying sporogenous cells is observed, among which the sporogenous hyphae of the fungus develop and form initial teliospores. Several types of electron-dense material are present in proximity to some fungi at this stage. The initial teliospores contain two types of vacuoles, and the fungus cell wall contains abundant carbohydrate, as revealed by silver protein staining. The sporogenous cell is probably sensitive to infection by the fungus, resulting in disruption. In addition, the fungus accelerates cell death in the anther and utilizes constituents of the dead host cell to form the mature teliospore. Correspondence and reprints (present address): Molecular Membrane Biology Laboratory, RIKEN, 2-1, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.  相似文献   

Arjen Biere  Sonja Honders 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):307-320
It is often assumed that host specialization is promoted by trade-offs in the performance of parasites on different host species, but experimental evidence for such trade-offs is scant. We studied differences in performance among strains of the anther smut fungus Ustilago violacea from two closely related host plant species, Silene alba and S. dioica, on progeny of (1) the host species from which they originated, (2) the alternative host species, and (3) inter-specific hybrids. Significant intra-specific variation in the pathogen was found for both infection success on a range of host genotypes (virulence) and components of spore production per infected host (aggressiveness) (sensu Burdon 1987). Strains did not have overall higher virulence on conspecifics of their host of origin than on strains from the heterospecific host, but they did have a significantly (c. 3 times) higher spore production per infected male host. This finding suggests that host adaptation may have evolved with respect to aggressiveness rather than virulence. The higher aggressiveness of strains on conspecifics of their host of origin resulted both from higher spore production per infected flower (spores are produced in the anthers), and greater ability to stimulate flower production on infected hosts. The latter indicates the presence of adaptive intraspecific variation in the ability of host manipulation. As transmission of the fungus is mediated by insects that are both pollinators of the host and vectors of the disease, we also assessed the effect of strains on host floral traits. Infection resulted in a reduction of inflorescence height, flower size, and nectar production per flower. Strains did not differ in their effect on nectar production, but infection with strains from S. alba resulted in a stronger reduction of inflorescence height and petal size on both host species. Vectors may therefore in principle discriminate among hosts infected by different strains and affect their efficiency of transmission. Contrary to assumptions of recent hypotheses about the role of host hybrids in the evolution of parasites, hybrids were not generally more susceptible than parental hosts. It is therefore unlikely that the rate of evolution of the pathogen on the parental species is slowed down by selection for specialization on the hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular slime mould Polysphondylium violaceum contains two vegetative stage specific acidic (casein) kinases. These two enzymes have been partially purified and their properties investigated. Both utilise casein as their preferred substrate but they can be distinguished in a number of ways, including their responses to spermine, heparin and salt. In addition, they have different affinities for their substrates and different pH activity profiles. It is suggested that they may play a role in a vegetative specific function such as cell division.  相似文献   

Morphological and biochemical data were analysed from 30 greenhouse-grown populations of EuropeanSilene latifolia. Six separate character sets (flavones, seed, pollen, capsules, male and female flower morphology) were used in the analyses. There was broad-scale congruence between trends of geographic variation in most character sets, with the populations being assigned to western (or southern and western) and eastern clusters. The eastern and western clusters abut along a transition zone that runs roughly from Belgium to the northern Balkans; this zone represents a region of relatively rapid change and contains populations intermediate between the eastern and western clusters. Variation in flower morphology was weak and discordant with variation in the other character sets. The origin and maintenance of the variation pattern is discussed in terms of migrational history and hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Sex expression in Silene alba is determined genetically but can be changed in female plants upon infection with the heterobasidiomycete Microbotryum violaceum. This change is not caused by steroids, the classical plant growth regulators, nor by a diffusible morphogen produced and secreted by the fungus. Nor is the production of stamnes in genotypically female flowers caused by the transmission, incorporation and expression of a fungal plasmid since plants regenerated from diseased tissue of genotypically female S. alba did not yield stamen-producing flowers. Neither density gradient centrifugation nor agarose gel electrophoresis of endonuclease restricted DNA from M. violaceum revealed the presence of a plasmid. Southern blots of DNA from S. alba probed with labeled DNA of M. violaceum, however, indicated the presence of homologous, unique sequences absent in non-host plants. Since the same homologous sequences were identified in male and female S. alba, these DNA fragments are not homologous to the coding sequences for male sex expression in S. alba unless they represent genetic elements of the hypothetical gyndyioecious precursor. Two other aspects of the S. alba-M. violaceum interaction have yielded interesting results. M. violaceum grows as sporidia outside of the host, but as short hyphae in planta. The switch from sporidial to hyphal growth is mediated in vitro by hyphal growth factors (HGFs) isolated from aqueous host plant extracts as well as by -tocopherol. In addition to changing the fungal growth form. HGFs may serve as host recognition factors. Siderophore mutants of M. violaceum that accumulated less rhodotorulic acid than wild type also showed reduced or no pathogenicity, indicating that siderophores are an important factor in the host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effect of host-specific pathogens on range restriction of their hosts across environmental gradients at population margins. Sterilizing diseases can limit host range by causing large reductions in population size in what would otherwise be the central area of a species range. Diseases showing frequency-dependent transmission can also pull back a population from its disease-free margin. A wide range of disease prevalence versus abundance patterns emerge which often differ from the classical expectation of increasing prevalence with increasing abundance. Surprisingly, very few empirical studies have investigated the dynamics of disease across environmental gradients or at range limits.  相似文献   

Melandrium album (syn.Silene latifolia) is a model dioecious species in which theY chromosome, present only in heterogametic males, plays both a male-determining and a strict female-suppressing role. We showed that treatment with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) induces a sex change to androhermaphroditism (andromonoecy) in about 21% of male plants, while no apparent phenotypic effect was observed in females. All of these bisexual androhermaphrodites (with the standard male 24,AA +XY karyotype) were mosaics possessing both male and hermaphrodite flowers and, moreover, the hermaphrodite flowers displayed various degrees of gynoecium development and seed setting. Southern hybridization analysis with a repetitive DNA probe showed that the 5-azacytidine-treated plants were significantly hypomethylated in CG doublets, but only to a minor degree in CNG triplets. The bisexual trait was transmitted to two successive generations, but only when androhermaphrodite plants were used as pollen donors. The sex reversal was inherited with incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity. Based on the uniparental inheritance pattern of androhermaphroditism we conclude that it originated either by 5-azaC induced inhibition ofY-linked female-suppressing genes or by a heritable activation of autosomal female-determining/promoting genes which can be reversed, on passage through female meiosis, by a genomic imprinting mechanism. The data presented indicate that female sex suppression inM. album XY males is dependent on methylation of specific DNA sequences and can be heritably modified by hypomethylating drugs.  相似文献   

Plants have evolved many systems to prevent inappropriate fertilization. Among them, incompatibility is a well-organized system in which pollen germination or pollen-tube growth is inhibited in pistils. Self-incompatibility (SI), rejecting self-pollen, promotes outbreeding in flowering plants. On the other hand, inter-species incompatibility, preventing gene flow among species to restrict outbreeding, usually occurs unilaterally, and is known as unilateral incompatibility (UI). In Brassicaceae, little is known about the molecular mechanism of UI, although S-locus genes involved in recognition of self-pollen have been characterized in the SI system. In the present study, we characterized novel UI observed between members of the same species, Brassica rapa; pollen of Turkish SI lines was specifically rejected by pistils of the Japanese commercial SI variety Osome. The incompatible phenotype of this intra-species UI closely resembled that of SI. Segregation analysis revealed that the pollen factor of this UI was not linked to the S-locus.The revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to figure 1.  相似文献   

In Belgium, at the western border of its continental distribution range, the perennial herb S. nutans has evolved two parapatric ecotypes (calcicolous or silicicolous), which show contrasted allozyme, morphological and adaptive patterns, and isolating reproductive barriers. We examined allozyme variation in 21 populations close to Belgium (from France and Luxemburg) in relation to their peripheral or central geographical position, and investigated their genetic relationships with the Belgian ecotypes. Both peripheral and central populations showed high genetic variation. They were differentiated from each other, but not in relation to the substrate (calcareous or siliceous). The peripheral and central populations were related to the Belgian silicicolous and calcicolous ecotype, respectively. This suggests an ancient differentiation and different past histories for the Belgian ecotypes, and parapatric speciation processes. This study exemplifies the high evolutionary potential of populations at range peripheries and the need for considering them in conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Summary A simple continuous epithelium surrounds the body of the pelagic larvacean. It consists of two zones of cells: oikoplast cells and flattened cells. The oikoplast cells are columnar and produce a thick extracellular house that ensheathes the body of the organism. These cells are joined laterally by wide tight junctions (zonulae occludentes). The tail of the animal is surrounded by exceedingly thin cells which are joined by narrow tight junctions under which lie intermediate junctions (zonulae adhaerentes) and gap junctions. A web of fibrous material inserts into the intermediate junctions. The transitional cells between the two epithelial zones have one lateral border with a wide tight junction, and the other lateral border with a narrow tight junction and a wide intermediate junction. In freeze-fracture replicas, the wide tight junction has a number of anastomosing ridges, in comparison with the narrow tight junction, which usually consists of only a single row of intramembranous particles. In replicas, the thin epithelial cells show unusual parallel arrays of particles in clusters on their apical plasma membranes. This simple epithelium, therefore, exhibits striking differences between the two cellular zones, in the structural characteristics of both the lateral borders and the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Populations ofAgrostis Tenuis andFestuca rubra, tolerant and non-tolerant towards Zn and Pb, were studied in regard to their adaptability by natural selection, towards a third metal (Cu) and the time required for the appearance of such tolerance. It was found that Zn and Pb tolerant and non-tolerant populations are likely to select the character of Cu-tolerance within the course of only one generation. More specifically, Zn and Pb tolerant populations show a better adaptability compared with non-tolerant ones. The amount of tolerance to copper obtained by artificial selection is comparable with that of populations growing naturally on copper mines.  相似文献   

Summary In Klebsiella pneumoniae the gene products involved in the degradation of the ketose l-sorbose are encoded in the sor operon. It comprises, besides structural genes for uptake and catabolism, a promoter-proximal gene sorC, encoding a protein SorC of Mr 40 kDa, for which no enzymatic function has been detected. All sor genes are coordinately expressed and inducible by l-sorbose. Polar insertions and frameshift mutations in sorC cause a pleiotropic negative effect on the expression of all other sor genes. This defect is complemented in trans by the wild-type sorC + allele for frameshift mutations, but not for polar insertions. A single promoter for all sor genes, for which SorC is the activator, thus seems to be located in front of sorC. The repressor activity of SorC was demonstrated by complementation of constitutive sorC alleles with a sorC + allele leading to inducible expression of all sor genes, including sorC, which, as visualized by the use of a series of lacZ fusions, thus autoregulates its expression, both as an activator and a repressor.  相似文献   

The redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) and the blue oat mite (Penthaleus major) are major pests of pastures and crops in southern Australia. Reproductive modes, migration rates and levels of differentiation between populations were investigated using allozyme electrophoresis. Collections were made throughout Victoria and a sample was also obtained from Western Australia. Three enzyme loci were polymorphic in H. destructor (Mdh-1, Mdh-2 and Idh). Genotype frequencies of these loci did not differ between phenotypic males and females, providing no evidence for haplodiploidy. Allele frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, indicating that H. destructor is diploid and sexual. This was confirmed via crosses between males and females. Allele frequencies differed between Victorian sites, although F statistics indicated little differentiation over all loci. A sample from Western Australia did not differ in allele frequencies from the Victorian sites. Four polymorphic loci were found in P. major (Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Idh and Gpi). Only a few multilocus genotypes occurred in a sample, indicating that P. major is parthenogenic. No male P. major were found in this study. A number of colour morphs were also identified and a genetic association between genital plate colour and clonal type was found in one population of P. major. Two different body colour morphs were associated with different clonal types.  相似文献   

The many inland waters in Finland make crayfish production an important potential resource. The rational utilization and management of this resource requires knowledge of the size and structure of the crayfish populations. The difficulties often encountered in catching crayfish complicate population studies. Mark-recapture and electric fishing have been used in the studies. The number of adult crayfish measuring more than 70 mm in a 4-ha lake was estimated at 620, and the number in a 13-ha lake at 3 480. In the lakes, the density of adult crayfish was around 0.6–1.4 m–2 and in one stream studied about 2.5 m–2 rising to several individuals per m2 in the best biotopes.  相似文献   

The light-dependent modulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity was studied in two species: Phaseolus vulgaris L., which has high levels of the inhibitor of Rubisco activity, carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA1P), in the dark, and Chenopodium album L., which has little CA1P. In both species, the ratio of initial to fully-activated Rubisco activity declined by 40–50% within 60 min of a reduction in light from high a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD; >700 mol · m–2 · s–1) to a low PPFD (65 ± 15 mol · m–2 · s–1) or to darkness, indicating that decarbamylation of Rubisco is substantially involved in the initial regulatory response of Rubisco to a reduction in PPFD, even in species with potentially extensive CA1P inhibition. Total Rubisco activity was unaffected by PPFD in C. album, and prolonged exposure (2–6 h) to low light or darkness was accompanied by a slow decline in the activity ratio of this species. This indicates that the carbamylation state of Rubisco from C. album gradually declines for hours after the large initial drop in the first 60 min following light reduction. In P. vulgaris, the total activity of Rubisco declined by 10–30% within 1 h after a reduction in PPFD to below 100 mol · m–2 · s–1, indicating CA1P-binding contributes significantly to the reduction of Rubisco capacity during this period, but to a lesser extent than decarbamylation. With continued exposure of P. vulgaris leaves to very low PPFDs (< 30 mol · m–2 · s–1), the total activity of Rubisco declined steadily so that after 6–6.5 h of exposure to very low light or darkness, it was only 10–20% of the high-light value. These results indicate that while decarbamylation is more prominent in the initial regulatory response of Rubisco to a reduction in PPFD in P. vulgaris, binding of CA1P increases over time and after a few hours dominates the regulation of Rubisco activity in darkness and at very low PPFDs.Abbreviations CA1P 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate - CABP 2-carboxyarabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate - kcat substrate-saturated turnover rate of fully carbamylated enzyme - PPFD photosynthetically active photon flux density (400–700 nm) - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Variation in the inheritance of expression among subclones for an unselected (uidA) and a selected (bar) transgene was analyzed in two individual transformation events in maize. The unselectable gene (uidA) and the selectable gene (bar), on two separate plasmids, were transferred to maize (Hi-II derivative) by particle bombardment of embryogenic calli or suspension cells. A total of 188 fertile T1 plants were obtained from one transformant (transformation event BG which integrated uidA and bar). A total of 98 fertile T1 plants were obtained from a second transformant (transformation event B which integrated bar). Through self-pollination and/or cross-pollination in the greenhouse, approximately 10 000 T2 progeny were obtained from event BG, and more than 1000 T2 progeny were obtained from event B. Segregation of transgene expression was analyzed statistically in a total of 2350 T2 progeny from 40 T1 subclones of event BG and in 217 T2 progeny from six T1 subclones from event B. Variation in the inheritance of expression among subclones for the two transgenes (uidA and bar) was observed in the two transformants. A significant difference was observed between the use of the female or male as the transgenic parent in the inheritance of expression for the two transgenes in event BG. No inheritance through the pollen was observed in two of four T1 subclones analyzed in event B. Co-expression analysis of event BG showed that both transgenes were co-expressed in 67.7% of the T2 plants which expressed at least one of the two transgenes. Of the T2 expressing plants, 30.4% expressed only bar, and 1.9% expressed only uidA. Inactivation of the unselected (uidA) and the selected (bar) transgenes was observed in individual T2 plants.  相似文献   

Genetic monitoring of reintroduced plantpopulations can allow assessment of the successin establishing new populations thatgenetically resemble native populations. Weused a PCR-based method (Intersimple SequenceRepeats) to quantify genetic variation in fourreintroduced populations of Abroniaumbellata ssp. breviflora, an annualforb native to the Pacific Coast that isstate-listed endangered in Oregon. Thereintroduced populations ranged in size from 18to 4,111 individuals in the year they weresampled. Genetic variation was also quantifiedin the natural population that served as theseed source for the reintroduction efforts. Atotal of 77 loci (bands) was observed using twoISSR primers, providing 65 polymorphic loci. Asignificant, positive regression was observedbetween the log of population size for the fivepopulations and genetic variation when measuredas percent polymorphic loci (P), expectedheterozygosity (He> ), and with adissimilarity index (1 – Sxy) based on bandsharing. Two of the reintroduced populationsmaintained approximately 90% of the geneticvariation we observed in the source population. Based on these results, we predict thatreintroduced populations of A. u. ssp.breviflora that have at least 1,000individuals should maintain 90% of the geneticvariation of the source population.  相似文献   

Soredia of the cyanobacterial lichenPeltigera didactyla were cultivated on soil substratum in the natural environment. Various developmental stages (germination, formation of a soredia field, differentiation of thallus lobes with soralia and fruiting bodies) were attained during a cultivation period of 6–7 months. Our field experiments revealed that the ephemeral pioneer lichenPeltigera didactyla has a short life cycle. Thus this lichen is a well-suited object for further investigations on thallus morphogenesis of lichens with cyanobionts.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

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