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云台山地区有29种两栖动物(8种)和撤地动物(21种),其中吉北界种有10种,占34.5%,东洋界种有7种,占24.1%,广布种有12种,占41.4%。该地区两栖爬行运行种类和动物区系组成与北部邻省山东省相似,而与苏北其它邻近地区相差较大,建议在江苏省两栖扬弃行运行地理区划出“云台低山丘陵区”(或苏东北低山丘陵区)。  相似文献   

陈彬  刘春  戴鑫 《四川动物》2005,24(3):393-395
泰山地区有两栖爬行动物18种,其中两栖动物1目3科3属6种,爬行动物2月4科7属12种。  相似文献   

刘惠宁 《四川动物》2000,19(3):112-115
1 引言自19世纪中已有自然学家,如WilliamStimpson及FrankWall,在路经香港时搜集并记录此地的两栖爬行类(Zhao&Adler,1993);在二十世纪时也有一些香港居民,特别是卢文先生(MrJohnRomer)、鲍嘉天神父(Fr.AnthonyBogadek)及卡逊先生(MrStephenKarsen)做了很多工作(如Romer,1975,1978,1979a,1979b;Karenetal.,1986,1998;Bogadek&Lau,1997)。最近完成的香港大学生态及分类学系的全港性两栖类研究(Lau,1998)及香港生物多样性调查,…  相似文献   

1995~2007年对四川省北川县境内多个区域进行野外考察,共采集标本218号,经鉴定共55种,分隶13科34属,其中两栖纲7科13属27种,爬行纲6科21属28种。  相似文献   

2006年3-9月,对陕西省宁陕县境内的两栖爬行动物进行了专项调查,结果表明,宁陕县共有两栖爬行动物44种(亚种),隶属5目14科31属,其中两栖纲2目7科8属13种,爬行动物3目7科23属31种。其动物区系组成以东洋界成分占优势,分布有国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物1种,陕西省重点保护野生动物6种,宁陕县特有种2种。对两栖爬行动物资源现状进行了评价,并提出了保护建议。  相似文献   

广西热带雨林两栖爬行动物物种多样性及其保护   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
广西热带雨林主要是高温湿润地区,北界8000℃,≥10℃期间,太阳辐射年平均值超过100千卡/cm2,年平均气温在22℃以上,动物种类繁多,两栖动物物种36种,隶属3目9科20属;爬行动物物种79种,隶属3目13科48属。区系成分以华南区的成分占优势,古北、东洋界成分,华中成分和华中-华南区成分也渗透到本带中。广西自然保护区已达62个,总面积约18万km2,占自治区总面积的77%,居于全国前列,广西热带雨林自然保护区有11个,其面积3383km2。  相似文献   

广东梧桐山国家级风景名胜区两栖爬行动物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年对广东梧桐山国家级风景名胜区内的两栖爬行动物进行本底普查,共记录两栖动物2目7科18种,包括中国特有种5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物1种,CITES公约附录Ⅱ1种,IUCN濒危物种红色名录列为易危(VU)1种、近危(NT)1种。爬行动物共记录3目(含亚目)11科35种,其中,中国特有种5种,受保护和受胁物种6种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物1种——蟒蛇Python molurus。区系分析结果显示,梧桐山国家级风景名胜区内的两栖爬行动物具有明显的南亚热带区系的过渡特征。另外,调查发现掌突蟾属1种、湍蛙属1种分别与已知同属物种存在分化,颈槽蛇属有1新种。  相似文献   

苏州地区两栖爬行动物多样性及其动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵肯堂 《四川动物》2000,19(3):140-142
本文对苏州地区的两栖爬行动物作了全部种类的再鉴定,同时还对现丰的34种动物与前人的记录进行动态变化较,并讨论了近关个世纪这两类动物的种类和数量减少,以及动物体变小等动态变化的原因。  相似文献   

广西底定自然保护区两栖爬行动物物种多样性调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广西底定自然保护区地处南亚热带湿润气候区,两栖爬行动物物种多样性相当丰富。经实地调查及文献资料查阅,现已知两栖动物22种、爬行动物23种。两栖动物反映华中华南区系特征,优势科为角蟾科和蛙科,均有6种;爬行动物反映华南区系特征,优势科为游蛇科,有11种。就该保护区内两栖爬行动物多样性的保护与管理进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

河北衡水湖两栖爬行动物的多样性及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩九皋 《四川动物》2007,26(2):356-357,361
衡水湖保护区有两栖爬行动物22种,其中,两栖动物2目4科4属7种,爬行动物2目5科10属15种。对两栖爬行动物资源的保护进行了探讨。  相似文献   

物种多样性及其地理分布是制定野生动物保护对策的重要依据。两栖、爬行动物在生物演化的历史上占据着重要地位, 又是脊椎动物分类体系变动较大的类群。为了掌握湖南省两栖、爬行动物物种多样性现状, 促进湖南省生物多样性保护和野生动物管理工作, 我们参考分类学及分子生物系统学的最新研究成果, 系统地收集了近10多年来有关湖南省两栖、爬行动物分类的文献资料, 结合团队长期以来的野外调查数据, 对湖南省两栖、爬行动物名录进行了整理与更新(截止到2021年10月31日)。结果表明: 湖南省已记录两栖动物2目10科30属86种(含亚种), 爬行动物2目22科55属105种(含亚种), 其中中国特有种分别有62种和30种, 湖南省特有种分别有10种和4种。列入《国家重点保护野生动物名录》(2021)的两栖动物有11种, 爬行动物有10种; 列为《中国生物多样性红色名录》(2021)受威胁等级的两栖动物有20种, 爬行动物有30种。此外, 湖南省两栖、爬行动物区系特征明显, 以东洋界种类为主(81.2%), 广布种较少(18.8%), 无古北界种。在地理分布上, 湘南山地丘陵区、湘西北山地区是湖南省两栖、爬行动物物种丰富度较高的地区。  相似文献   

为掌握贺兰山两栖爬行动物物种多样性及区系特征,于2007-2008年,采用样带调查法对贺兰山两栖爬行动物进行了系统调查。结果表明:贺兰山两栖爬行动物共计2目8科12属19种,其中王锦蛇(Elaphe carinata)和玉斑锦蛇(E.mandarina)为宁夏爬行动物新纪录种;贺兰山两栖爬行动物Shannon多样性指数为2.250,均匀性指数为0.563,其两栖爬行动物科数和种数分别占宁夏两栖爬行动物总科数和种数的72.7%和67.9%,分别占内蒙古两栖爬行动物总科数和种数的66.7%和50.0%;花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)、中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)、荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)、草原沙蜥(P.frontalis)、丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)和密点麻蜥(E.multiocellata)是贺兰山优势种,花条蛇(Psammophis lineo-latus)、黄脊游蛇(Coluber spinalis)和虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrinus)为常见种,其余种类为偶见种;贺兰山两栖爬行动物物种中,14种为古北界物种,5种为广布种,且蒙新区物种成分优势明显,占42.6%,反映了贺兰山两栖爬行动物具有典型的蒙新区西部荒漠亚区的物种组成和区系特征。  相似文献   

Abstract. Amphibians and reptiles represent an important group of vertebrates in Mexico; on a global scale 10% of the biodiversity of these groups is found in the country, attaining extraordinarily high levels of endemism (60.7% and 53.7%, respectively). However, fewer than 20% of the known species of amphibians and reptiles in Mexico have been surveyed for helminths, so the inventory is far from complete. We assembled a data base that includes a total of 1246 records (entries) of which 460 correspond to helminths in amphibians and 786 to helminths in reptiles. In total, only 41 species of amphibians (14% of those occurring in Mexico) and only 118 species of reptiles (17% of those occurring in Mexico) have been studied for helminth parasites. From amphibians, 119 species of helminths belonging to 60 genera have been recorded, while 239 species of helminths representing 113 genera have been described from Mexican reptiles. One feature of the distribution of helminths of Mexican amphibians and reptiles is its asymmetry, as seen in representation of helminth groups, host groups and geographical range. However, such statistical asymmetry might be an artefact of sampling effort. Based on our data, we estimate that if all the herpetofauna of Mexico could be studied in the following years, approximately 827 additional species of helminths from amphibians and approximately 1403 from reptiles would be described.  相似文献   

Quaternary climate changes explain diversity among reptiles and amphibians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is widely believed that contemporary climate determines large-scale patterns of species richness. An alternative view proposes that species richness reflects biotic responses to historic climate changes. These competing "contemporary climate" vs "historic climate" hypotheses have been vigorously debated without reaching consensus. Here, we test the proposition that European species richness of reptiles and amphibians is driven by climate changes in the Quaternary. We find that climate stability between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the present day is a better predictor of species richness than contemporary climate; and that the 0°C isotherm of the LGM delimits the distributions of narrow-ranging species, whereas the current 0°C isotherm limits the distributions of wide-ranging species. Our analyses contradict previous studies of large-scale species richness patterns and support the view that "historic climate" can contribute to current species richness independently of and at least as much as contemporary climate.  相似文献   

During the spring and summer of 2001, faeces from 166 wild reptiles (94 individuals) and amphibians (72 individuals) from 21 different species found in central Spain were examined for the presence of Salmonella. Thirty-nine reptiles (41.5%) yielded 48 Salmonella isolates, whereas all the amphibians examined were negative. Subspecies Salmonella enterica enterica (I) accounted for up to 50% of isolates. Fourteen isolates (29.2%) belonged to subspecies diarizonae (IIIb), six isolates (12.5%) to subspecies salamae (II), and four isolates (8.3%) to subspecies arizonae (IIIa). Twenty-seven different serotypes were identified. Serotypes Anatum (12.5%), Herzliya (8.3%), Abony, 18:l,v:z, 9,12:z29:1,5 and 38:z10:z53 (6.2%/each) were the most frequently isolated. A high percentage (39.6%) of isolates belonged to serotypes previously associated with environmental sources. Also, 37.5% of isolates belonged to serotypes which had been related to human cases of salmonellosis. From these data, it is concluded that wild reptiles, but apparently not amphibians, may represent an important reservoir of Salmonella in nature and have potential implications for public health.  相似文献   

Temperature sex-reversal in amphibians and reptiles   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The sexual differentiation of gonads has been shown to be temperature-sensitive in many species of amphibians and reptiles. In two close species of salamanders, Pleurodeles poireti and P. waltl, both displaying a ZZ/ZW mechanism of genotypic sex determination (GSD), the rearing of larvae at high temperatures (30 degrees-32 degrees C) produces opposite effects: ZZ genotypic males of Pleurodeles poireti become phenotypic females whereas ZW genotypic females of P. waltl become phenotypic males. Sex-reversal of these individuals has been irrefutably demonstrated through genetic, cytogenetic, enzymatic and immunological studies. In many turtles, both sexes differentiate only within a critical range of temperature: above this range, all the individuals become phenotypic females, whereas below it, 100% become phenotypic males. The inverse occurs in some crocodiles and lizards. In many species of these three orders of reptiles, females are obtained at low and high temperatures, and males at intermediate ones. Preliminary studies in turtles (Emys orbicularis) indicate that within the critical range of temperature, sexual phenotype conforms with GSD, but that above and below this range, GSD is overriden. Temperature shifts during larval development in salamanders and during embryonic development in reptiles allowed the determination of thermosensitive stages for gonadal differentiation. Estrogens synthesized in the gonads at these stages appear to be involved in their sexual differentiation, higher levels being produced at feminizing temperatures than at masculinizing ones. The phenomenon of temperature sensitivity of gonadal differentiation occurs in species showing a very early stage in the evolution of sex chromosomes. Its adaptive value, chiefly in reptiles, remains an open question.  相似文献   

历山保护区位于山西省南部,地处运城、晋城、临汾三个地市的垣曲、阳城、沁水、翼城四县交界处,地理坐标为东经111°51′10″~112°5′35″,北纬35°16′30″~35°27′20″,总面积24 200hm2。本区系中低山石质山地,系燕山褶皱而成,喜马拉雅山运动中有强烈的上升和断裂发生,本区属暖温带季风型大陆性气候,复杂的地理环境,丰富的光热资源,造就了种类繁多的爬行动物。搞清本区的爬行动物资源,可为资源的合理开发利用、珍稀物种的保护和地方志的编撰提供基础资料。关于该区的爬行类,山西大学殷源洪、蒋位金、杨懋深等1955~1963年进行过调查,樊龙锁等(1997、1998)有过报道。我们结合20世纪50年代以来不定期的调查结果和文献资料,对历山保护区的爬行类作一报道。  相似文献   

While the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) response to stress appears to be conserved in vertebrates, the manner in which it is activated and its actions vary. We examine two trends in the stress biology literature that have been addressed in amphibian and reptilian species: (1). variable interactions among stress, corticosterone, and reproduction and (2). adrenocortical modulation. In the first topic we examine context-dependent interactions among stress, corticosterone, and reproduction. An increasing number of studies report positive associations between reproduction and corticosterone that contradict the generalization that stress inhibits reproduction. Moderately elevated levels of stress hormones appear to facilitate reproduction by mobilizing energy stores. In contrast, pronounced activation of the HPA axis and extremely elevated levels of stress hormones appear to inhibit reproduction. Much of these contrasting effects of stress and reproduction can be explained by expanding the Energetics-Hormone Vocalization Model, proposed for anuran calling behavior, to other taxa. In the second topic, a number of amphibians and reptiles modulate their HPA stress response. Adrenocortical modulation can occur at multiple levels and due to a variety of factors. However, we have little information as to the physiological basis for the variability. We suggest that several ecologically based ideas, such as variability in the length of the breeding season and lifetime reproductive opportunities, can be used to explain the utility of adrenocortical modulation in these taxa.  相似文献   

重庆作为我国新成立的直辖市,总面积824万km2,境内除有大娄山、武陵山、巫山、大巴山和七曜山等中低山系外,其余大都属丘陵。水域有长江及其支流嘉陵江、乌江、綦江、大宁河和酉水等。由于在历史上受到第四纪冰川的部分侵袭,是第三纪植物的良好避难所。同时该...  相似文献   

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