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R Levis  P Dunsmuir  G M Rubin 《Cell》1980,21(2):581-588
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the terminal regions of two members of the copia sequence family of D. melanogaster. The first 276 bp at one end of a copia element are repeated in direct orientation at its other end. The direct repeats on a single copia element are identical to each other, but they differ by two nucleotide substitutions between the two elements which were examined; this suggests that during transposition only one direct repeat of the parent element is used as a template for both direct repeats of the transposed element. Each direct repeat itself contain a 17 bp imperfectly matched inveted terminal repetition. The ends of copia show significant sequence homology both to the yeast Ty1 element and to the integrated provirus of avian spleen necrosis virus, two other eucaryotic elements known to insert at many different chromosomal locations. Analysis of the genomic organization of the direct repeat sequence demonstrates that it seldom, if ever, occurs unlinked to an entire copia element.  相似文献   

Long terminal repeats (LTRs) of two members of mdg1 family were sequenced. In the both cases, they are represented by perfect direct repeats 442 and 444 bp in length. Sixteen nucleotides in the LTRs of two different mdg1 elements are different. Each LTR contains slightly mismatched 16-nucleotide inverted repeats located at the ends of the LTR. Six base pairs closest to the termini of LTR form perfect inverted repeats. On the gene-distal sides of LTRs, short 4-nucleotide direct repeats are located, probably representing the duplication of a target DNA sequence arising from insertion of mdg. They are different in the two cases analyzed. Just as the other analyzed eukaryotic transposable elements, mdg1 starts with TGT and ends with ACA. Within the both strands of LTR, the sequences similar to Hogness box (a putative signal for RNA initiation, or a selector) and AATAAA blocks (putative polyadenylation signals) are present. The LTR of mdg1 contains many short direct and inverted repetitive sequences. These include a 10-nucleotide sequence forming a perfect direct repeat with the first ten nucleotides of the LTR. A region of LTR about 70 bp long is represented by simple repetitive sequences (TAT).  相似文献   

We have sequenced the long terminal direct repeats (and adjacent DNA) of two members of the 412 family of transposable elements of Drosophila melanogaster cloned on fragments of DNA from strain Oregon R. The repeats of the first element are identical and 481 base-pairs long; the repeats of the second are also identical but are 571 base-pairs long. The first 482 base-pairs of the 571 base-pair sequence correspond to the 481 base-pair repeat differing by five base substitutions and one addition/deletion. The 571 base-pair repeats are rare. Each of these 412 elements is flanked by a four base-pair direct repeat, suggesting that insertion of a 412 element is associated with duplication of four base-pairs. Analysis of the “empty site” from strain Canton S corresponding to one of these elements supports this conclusion. The sequence of 481 base-pair repeats and of 412 DNA immediately adjacent to them show striking similarities to corresponding regions of vertebrate proviruses and we discuss the implications this may have for the mechanism of transposition.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of 297, a Drosophila copia-like transposable element, was determined and compared with those of other similar Drosophila elements and mammalian retrovirus proviruses. It was found that 297 contains three long open reading frames, comparable in sizes and locations with gag, pol, and env genes in the proviruses of replication-competent retroviruses in vertebrates. The first and second open reading frames of 297 exhibit sequence homologies to gag and pol, respectively, of Moloney murine leukaemia virus. In particular, as with 17.6, another Drosophila copia-like element, the second open reading frame of 297 was shown to be very similar in its entire organization to the retroviral pol gene and to consist of three enzymatic domains. By contrast, no appreciable homology was found between the third open reading frame of 297 and the retroviral env gene. It is also suggested that 297 and 17.6 are a peculiar pair of copia-like elements recently diverged from a common progenitor.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli model system was developed to estimate the capacity of the integrase of the Drosophila melanogaster retrotransposon gypsy (mdg4) for precise excision of the long terminal repeat (LTR) and, hence, the entire gypsy. The gypsy retrotransposon was cloned in the form of a PCR fragment in the pBlue-Script II KS+ vector (pBSLTR), and the region of the second open reading frame (INT ORF2) of this element encoding integrase was cloned under the lacZ promoter in the pUC19 vector and then recloned in pACYC184 compatible with pBSLTR. The LTR was cloned in such a manner that its precise excision from the recombinant plasmid led to the restoration of the nucleotide sequence and the function of the lacZ gene; therefore, it was detected by the appearance of blue colonies on a medium containing X-gal upon IPTG induction. Upon IPTG induction of E. coli XL-1 Blue cells obtained by cotransformation with plasmids pACYCint and pBSLTR on an X-gal-containing medium, blue clones appeared with a frequency of 10?4 to 10?3, the frequency of spontaneously appearing blue colonies not exceeding 10?9 to 10?8. The presence of blue colonies indicated that that the integrase encoded by the INT ORF2 (pACYCint) fragment was active. After the expression of the integrase, it recognized and excised the gypsy LTR from pBSLTR, precisely restoring the nucleotide sequence and the function of the lacZ gene, which led to the expression of the β-galactosidase enzymatic activity. PCR analysis confirmed that the LTR was excised precisely. Thus, the resultant biplasmid model system allowed precise excisions of the gypsy LTR from the target site to be detected. Apparently, the gypsy integrase affected not only the LTR of this mobile element, but also the host genome nucleotide sequences. The system is likely to have detected only some of the events occurring in E. coli cells. Thus, the integrase of gypsy is actually capable of not only transposing this element by inserting DNA copies of the gypsy retrotransposon to chromosomes of Drosophila, but also excising them. gypsy is excised via a precise mechanism, with the original nucleotide sequence of the target site being completely restored. The obtained data demonstrate the existence of alternative ways of the transposition of retrotransposons and, possibly, retroviruses, including gypsy (mdg4).  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli model system was developed to estimate the capacity of the integrase of the Drosophila melanogaster retrotransposon gypsy (mdg4) for precise excision of the long terminal repeat (LTR) and, hence, the entire gypsy. The gypsy retrotransposon was cloned in the form of a PCR fragment in the pBlueScript II KS+ (pBSLTR) vector, and the region of the second open reading frame (INT ORF2) of this element encoding integrase was cloned under the lacZ promoter in the pUC19 vector and then recloned in pACYC184 compatible with pBSLTR. The LTR was cloned in such a manner that its precise excision from the recombinant plasmid led to the restoration of the nucleotide sequence and the function of the ORF of the lacZ gene contained in the vector; therefore, it was detected by the appearance of blue colonies on a medium containing X-gal upon IPTG induction. Upon IPTG induction of E. coli XL-1 Blue cells obtained by cotransformation with plasmids pACCint and pBSLTR on an X-gal-containing medium, blue clones appeared with a frequency of 1 x 10(-3) to 1 x 10(-4), the frequency of spontaneously appearing blue colonies not exceeding 10(-9) to 10(-8). The presence of blue colonies indicated that that the integrase encoded by the INT ORF2 (pACYC 184) fragment was active. After the expression of the integrase, it recognized and excised the gypsy LTR from pBSLTR, precisely restoring the nucleotide sequence and the function of the lacZ gene, which led to the expression of the beta-galactosidase enzymatic activity. PCR analysis confirmed that the LTR was excised precisely. Thus, the resultant biplasmid model system allowed precise excisions of the gypsy LTR from the target site to be detected. Apparently, the gypsy integrase affected not only the LTR of this mobile element, but also the host genome nucleotide sequences. The system is likely to have detected only some of the events occurring in E. coli cells. Thus, the integrase of gypsy is actually capable of not only transposing this element by inserting DNA copies of the gypsy retrotransposon to chromosomes of Drosophila, but also excising them, gypsy is excised via a precise mechanism, with the original nucleotide sequence of the target site being completely restored. The obtained data demonstrate the existence of alternative ways of the transposition of retrotransposons and, possibly, retroviruses, including gypsy (mdg4).  相似文献   

Kim YJ  Hice RH  O'Brochta DA  Atkinson PW 《Genetica》2011,139(8):985-997
We have conducted a structure and functional analysis of the hobo transposable element of Drosophila melanogaster. A minimum of 141 bp of the left (L) end and 65 bp of the right (R) end of the hobo were shown to contain sequences sufficient for transposition. Both ends of hobo contain multiple copies of the motifs GGGTG and GTGGC and we show that the frequency of hobo transposition increases as a function of the copy number of these motifs. The R end of hobo contains a unique 12 bp internal inverted repeat that is identical to the hobo terminal inverted repeats. We show that this internal inverted repeat suppresses transposition activity in a hobo element containing an intact L end and only 475 bp of the R end. In addition to establishing cis-sequences requirements for transposition, we analyzed trans-sequence effects of the hobo transposase. We show a hobo transposase lacking the first 49 amino acids catalyzed hobo transposition at a higher frequency than the full-length transposase suggesting that, similar to the related Ac transposase, residues at the amino end of the transposase reduce transposition. Finally, we compared target site sequences of hobo with those of the related Hermes element and found both transposons have strong preferences for the same insertion sites.  相似文献   

Laboratory mutator strain of Drosophila melanogaster is characterized by increased (up to 10(-3)-10(-4) frequency of spontaneous mutability. Mutations appear in premeiotic stages of gametes development. The majority of mutations were unstable (high frequencies of reversions, appearance of new mutations at the same and other loci, replicating instability). Localization of mobile elements mdg1, mdg2, mdg3, mdg4, copia and P element in X chromosomes of mutator individuals and its mutations y, ct, sbt was studied by hybridization in situ. In all strains P element was absent. The distribution of mdg1, mdg2, mdg3 and copia was identical in mutator strains and its derivatives, but distribution of mdg4 was different. The essential heterogeneity in localization of mdg4 and increased (up to 30-40) copy number in the mutator strain individuals was observed. The ability of single element mdg4 to autonomous transpositions was thus shown.  相似文献   

The distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in a genome reflects a balance between insertion rate and selection against new insertions. Understanding the distribution of TEs therefore provides insights into the forces shaping the organization of genomes. Past research has shown that TEs tend to accumulate in genomic regions with low gene density and low recombination rate. However, little is known about the factors modulating insertion rates across the genome and their evolutionary significance. One candidate factor is gene expression, which has been suggested to increase local insertion rate by rendering DNA more accessible. We test this hypothesis by comparing the TE density around germline- and soma-expressed genes in the euchromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. Because only insertions that occur in the germline are transmitted to the next generation, we predicted a higher density of TEs around germline-expressed genes than soma-expressed genes. We show that the rate of TE insertions is greater near germline- than soma-expressed genes. However, this effect is partly offset by stronger selection for genome compactness (against excess noncoding DNA) on germline-expressed genes. We also demonstrate that the local genome organization in clusters of coexpressed genes plays a fundamental role in the genomic distribution of TEs. Our analysis shows that—in addition to recombination rate—the distribution of TEs is shaped by the interaction of gene expression and genome organization. The important role of selection for compactness sheds a new light on the role of TEs in genome evolution. Instead of making genomes grow passively, TEs are controlled by the forces shaping genome compactness, most likely linked to the efficiency of gene expression or its complexity and possibly their interaction with mechanisms of TE silencing.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster transposable element 412 is transiently unstable in Saccharomyces cerevisiae when present on a freely replicating plasmid. The 412 element undergoes recombination to form two circular molecules, a 412 deletion plasmid and, presumably, a 412 circle. The 412 deletion plasmid contains a single long terminal repeat which most likely is the result of homologous recombination within the long terminal repeats. This recombination occurs at or shortly after transformation and is independent of both the RAD52 gene product and the Flp gene of 2 micron DNA.  相似文献   

Summary A 190 by insertion is associated with the white-eosin mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. This insertion is a member of a family of transposable elements, pogo elements, which is of the same class as the P and hobo elements of D. melanogaster. Strains typically have many copies of a 190 by element, 10–15 elements 1.1–1.5 kb in size and several copies of a 2.1 kb element. The smaller elements all appear to be derived from the largest by single internal deletions so that all elements share terminal sequences. They either always insert at the dinucleotide TA and have perfect 21 bp terminal inverse repeats, or have 22 by inverse repeats and produce no duplication upon insertion. Analysis by DNA blotting of their distribution and occupancy of insertion sites in different strains suggests that they may be less mobile than P or hobo. The DNA sequence of the largest element has two long open reading frames on one strand which are joined by splicing as indicated by cDNA analysis. RNAs of this strand are made, whose sizes are similar to the major size classes of elements. A protein predicted by the DNA sequence has significant homology with a human centrosomal-associated protein, CENP-B. Homologous sequences were not detected in other Drosophila species, suggesting that this transposable element family may be restricted to D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The hobo transposable element of Drosophila melanogaster is known to induce a hybrid dysgenesis syndrome. Moreover it displays a polymorphism of a microsatellite in its coding region: TPE repeats. In European populations, surveys of the distribution of hobo elements with regard to TPE repeats revealed that the 5TPE element is distributed along a frequency gradient, and it is even more frequent than the 3TPE element in Western populations. This suggests that the invasive ability of the hobo elements could be related to the number of TPE repeats they contain. To test this hypothesis we monitored the evolution of 16 lines derived from five initial independent transgenic lines bearing the 3TPE element and/or the 5TPE element. Four lines bearing 5TPE elements and four bearing 3TPE elements were used as a noncompetitive genetic background to compare the evolution of the 5TPE element to that of the 3TPE element. Eight lines bearing both elements provided a competitive genetic context to study potential interactions between these two elements. We studied genetic and molecular aspects of the first 20 generations. At the molecular level, we showed that the 5TPE element is able to spread within the genome at least as efficiently as the 3TPE element. Surprisingly, at the genetic level we found that the 5TPE element is less active than the 3TPE element, and moreover may be able to regulate the activity of the 3TPE element. Our findings suggest that the invasive potential of the 5TPE element could be due not only to its intrinsic transposition capacity but also to a regulatory potential.  相似文献   

Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of a DNA rearrangement associated with the foldback 4 (FB 4) transposable element is presented. The results demonstrate that the entire loop sequence and almost all of one of the inverted terminal repeats is absent. Moreover, the sequence of the remaining inverted repeat suggests that the FB elements might undergo inversions via recombinations between the two inverted repeats of a single element.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of Drosophila melanogaster glutamate tRNA4 was determined to be: pU-C-C-C-A-U-A-U-G-G-U-C-psi-A-G-D-G-G-C-D-A-G-G-A-U-A-U-C-U-G-G-C (m) -U-U-U-C-A-C-C-A-G-A-A-G-G-C-C-C-G-G-G-T-psi-U-C-G-A-U-U-C-C-C-G-G-U-A-U-G-G-G-A-A-C-C-AOH. A partial modified C is found at position 32 in the anticodon loop.  相似文献   

We have isolated, from Drosophila melanogaster tissue culture cells, extrachromosomal circular forms of the transposable element 412, and have cloned some of them in bacteriophage lambda. A total of 24 clones have been analysed in detail by restriction and heteroduplex mapping. Seventeen clones are virtually identical, and contain complete 412 elements with one copy of the long terminal direct repeat (LTR). The remaining seven clones are all different and contain various rearrangements. Four have deletions, two have some 412 sequence substituted by other DNA and one has both an inversion and a deletion. The clone containing the inversion has two LTRs in inverted orientation and separated by a few thousand bases of 412 DNA. The base sequences of the two LTRs in this clone, and of the LTR in one of the 17 clones containing complete elements are very similar to that of the 481 base-pair LTR of a genomic 412 element. We have found no evidence, in either cloned or uncloned material, for 412 elements with two LTRs as a tandem direct repeat. We have found that there are several "free" 412 LTRs in genomic DNA from D. melanogaster strains Canton S and Oregon R, and from D. melanogaster tissue culture cells. We have cloned and sequenced one of these free LTRs. It is 475 base-pairs long and is flanked by a direct repeat four base-pairs long. This sequence differs from that of the 481 base-pair repeat at 16 places including a ten base deletion.  相似文献   

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