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Competition between the massive scleractinian coral Porites lutea and two benthic algal species, thin-filamentous blue-green Lyngbya bouillonii (Cyanophyta) commonly observed growing as mats and fleshy brown Dictyota dichotoma (Phaeophyta), was investigated. Experiments were designed to expose coral fragments to different treatments to test the role of abrasion, shading and allelopathy by Lyngbya and Dictyota on coral growth and physiology in direct physical contact. The growth rates of coral fragments were significantly lower in both the algal/coral and the net control (only plastic net touched the corals) treatments than in the manipulation control (contact with algae and plastic net was prevented), demonstrating the importance of abrasion in Porites-Lyngbya and Porites-Dictyota interactions. Furthermore, coral fragments exposed to Lyngbya grew significantly slowly than net controls, but this effect was not statistically significant for P. lutea maintained in contact with Dictyota. Light levels were reduced equally in the algal/coral and shading mimic (plastic net touched the corals shaded with neutral-density filters) treatments. However, there were no significant differences in the growth rates between the shading mimic and the net control treatments, suggesting that shading had no measurable effect on coral growth. Thus, the growth of P. lutea in contact with Dictyota was reduced by abrasion whereas in direct contact with L. bouillonii, abrasion was supplemented by additional factors unique to Lyngbya in mediating coral-algal competition. Physical contact with L. bouillonii induced a significant reduction in photochemical efficiency (Fv / Fm) of PSII and chlorophyll concentration of in hospite zooxanthellae of P. lutea fragments, as well as a decrease of the symbiotic dinoflagellate density. Analysis of the growth rate and Fv / Fm of the investigated algae revealed a significant reduction in both parameters for D. dichotoma but not for L. bouillonii when in direct contact with P. lutea fragments. Thus, the competitive inhibition by the coral P. lutea and the brown alga D. dichotoma was mutual, while L. bouillonii acted as a one-sided inhibitor for scleractinian corals inducing bleaching and severe damage of live coral tissue. The fact that mats-forming blue-green alga L. bouillonii acts as a poison for scleractinian corals and is able to kill live coral tissue is reported for the first time. Allelochemical mechanism of the effect on live coral tissue by this alga is suggested. Possible mechanisms of competitive interactions for substrate between the coral polyps of scleractinians and algal species investigated are discussed.  相似文献   

Perspectives and advances of biological H2 production in microorganisms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The rapid development of clean fuels for the future is a critically important global challenge for two main reasons. First, new fuels are needed to supplement and ultimately replace depleting oil reserves. Second, fuels capable of zero CO2 emissions are needed to slow the impact of global warming. This review summarizes the development of solar powered bio-H2 production processes based on the conversion of photosynthetic products by fermentative bacteria, as well as using photoheterotrophic and photoautrophic organisms. The use of advanced bioreactor systems and their potential and limitations in terms of process design, efficiency, and cost are also briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

A mature, high-biodiversity coral reef microcosm and its chambered subsets were used to examine the relationship between calcification and photosynthesis and its most critical biotic components. Whole ecosystem calcification at 4.0±0.2 kg (40±2 mol) CaCO3 m−2 year−1 is related to its primary components (stony coral 17.6%, Halimeda 7.4%, Tridacna 9.0%, algal turf, coralline and foraminifera 29.4%, and miscellaneous invertebrates 36%). Through analysis of the microcosm's daily carbonate system, it is demonstrated that bicarbonate ion, not carbonate ion, is the principal component of total alkalinity reduction in the water column (thus, bicarbonate ion is the principal measured component of calcification as normally measured on reef transects). While chamber-isolated free-living algae remove carbon dioxide, and raise pH and carbonate ion equivalent to that in the microcosm as a whole, no total alkalinity reduction (calcification) occurs. On the other hand, chamber isolated stony corals remove considerable bicarbonate, with very little pH or carbonate ion elevation. Combining the non-calcifying free-living macroalgae Chondria with stony corals in chamber subsets, it is possible to remove more carbon dioxide (elevating pH) and thereby increase coral calcification rates by 60 and 120% above zooxanthellae-mediated rates to 20.6 kg (206 mol) and 18.5 kg (185 mol) CaCO3 m−2 year−1 for Acropora and Montipora, respectively. These findings, which support the McConnaughey and Whelan hypothesis of bicarbonate ion neutralization in coral calcification, are easily demonstrated in the controlled microcosm environment.  相似文献   

The proteins from cytoplasmic ribosomal subunits of eight species of algae were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the proteins were in the range of 10,000 to 55,000. We have compared the protein patterns from the ribosomal subunits of the different species to those of Chlamydomonas reinhardii. It was quite clear that there are many similarities in the protein patterns of all the investigated species. We found for Chlamydomonas eugametos 48, Chlamydomonas noctigama 42, Chlorogonium elongatum 47, Scenedesmus obliquus 40, Chlorella fusca 35, and Euglena gracilis 35 proteins which were homologous to those of Chlamydomonas reinhardii. For the colorless flagellate Polytoma papillatum, we detected 45 proteins homologous to Chlamydomonas reinhardii, so that the generally assumed close relationship between Chlamydomonas and Polytoma is confirmed.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from microalgae in ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the potential environmental impacts and economic viability of producing biodiesel from microalgae grown in ponds. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of a notional production system designed for Australian conditions was conducted to compare biodiesel production from algae (with three different scenarios for carbon dioxide supplementation and two different production rates) with canola and ULS (ultra-low sulfur) diesel. Comparisons of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions (g CO2-e/t km) and costs (¢/t km) are given. Algae GHG emissions (−27.6 to 18.2) compare very favourably with canola (35.9) and ULS diesel (81.2). Costs are not so favourable, with algae ranging from 2.2 to 4.8, compared with canola (4.2) and ULS diesel (3.8). This highlights the need for a high production rate to make algal biodiesel economically attractive.  相似文献   

湿地中的藻类生态学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从湿地中藻类的种群结构、藻类在湿地中的功能、湿地中的藻类生产力及其影响因素等方面综述了天然湿地中的藻类生态学研究进展.湿地植物区系主要有附泥藻类、附植藻类、后周丛藻类和浮游植物4种类型,其中常见的是附泥藻类的硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻.藻类最显著的作用是作为湿地食物网中的初级生产者,也作为湿地环境污染的生物指示物.影响藻类生产力的因素有水力学因素、营养、温度、光、大型植物及草食动物和其它动物.未来对藻类的研究应侧重于湿地藻类生物多样性、藻类生物量、生产力、种群组成的环境控制及其相互关系,以及藻类作为水环境及湿地污染程度指标的研究,“基因治藻”也将是未来研究的新方向.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1024-1032
Pest control is a major challenging component in agricultural and horticultural crops. Recently, the light-emitting diode (LED) trap driven by solar energy is a growing eco-friendly technology in pest control. The study was aimed to design, fabricate and investigate the effectiveness of a portable solar-powered LED trap for monitoring insect pests. The trap is compressed into a photovoltaic panel, battery, LED array, solar rectifier, insect collection tray, and PVC legs. Four different coloured LEDs viz., ultraviolet (UV)-405 nm, blue-470 nm, green-525 nm and red-630 nm were studied. The study was conducted in a groundnut field during the autumn season for 15 days. The results showed that the UV LED trap captured significantly more insects than the blue, green, and red LED traps except for Helicoverpa armigera. The average attraction of Spodoptera litura, Aproaerema modicella, Amsacta albistriga, Scirtothrips dorsalis, Aphis craccivora, and Empoasca kerri population to UV LED trap was 77.17 ± 18.89, 64.67 ± 12.91, 39 ± 16.80, 43.33 ± 18.30, 38.33 ± 17.08 and 33.17 ± 10.94, respectively. The red LED trap captured the least number of insects; however, the attraction of A. albistriga to the red LED was higher than the blue and green LED traps. Arcsine transformation (AT) was applied to transform experimental trap efficiency. UV LED trap had a significantly higher AT value than other LED traps. Overall mean AT values for UV, green, blue, and red LED traps were 34.98, 31.06, 29.87 and 22.87, respectively. The proposed portable solar-assisted LED trap could be a promising and effective pest control tool in areas where inconsistent electricity supply.  相似文献   

The molecular weight of the genomes of the blue-green algaeAnacystis nidulans andAnabaena cylindrica have been estimated as 2.27×109 and 2.47×109 daltons respectively from the renaturation kinetics of DNA. Thus the genomes of these organisms are similar in size to that ofEscherichia coli K-12, (2.40×109 daltons) measured by the same technique. No evidence was obtained of repeated sequences in the DNA of the two blue-green algae.  相似文献   

The amounts of total lipids extracted from some but not all the algae examined were increased significantly by adding HCl to the usual chloroform—methanol extraction mixture. The Yield of phospholipid fraction relative to the glycolipids and neutral lipids increased significantly with acid extraction. Acid extraction also increased the yield of phosphatidyl serine, fatty acids, chlorophyll (or its derivatives) and several unknown compounds.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of 22 species of marine macrophytes, belonging to the Ceramiales, Cryptonemiales, Nemalionales, Laminariales, Chordariales, Scytosiphonales, Desmarestiales, Dictyosiphonales, Fucales, Dictyotales and Ulvales and collected from the Bohai Sea, were determined by capillary gas chromatography. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (FAs) in the Bohai Sea algae, in comparison with the same species from the Yellow Sea were found to be lower. Red algae had relatively high levels of the acids 16:0, 18:1(n-7), 18:1(n-9), 20:5(n-3) and 20:4(n-6), and those examined were rich in C(20) PUFAs, these chiefly being arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids. The major FAs encountered in the Phaeophyta were 14:0, 16:0, 18:1(n-9), 18:2(n-6), 18:3(n-3), 18:4(n-3), 20:4(n-6) and 20:5(n-3). C(18)PUFAs are of greater abundance in the brown algae than in the red algae examined. All three green algae from the Ulvales had similar fatty acid patterns with major components, 16:0, 16:4(n-3), 18:1(n-7), 18:2(n-6), 18:3(n-3), and 18:4(n-3). They contained 16:3(n-3) and more 16:4(n-3), were rich in C(18)PUFAs, chiefly 18:3(n-3) and 18:4(n-3) and had 18:1(n-7)/18:1(n-9) ratios higher than 1.  相似文献   

Pack ice around Svalbard was sampled during the expedition ARK XIX/1 of RV “Polarstern” (March–April 2003) in order to determine environmental conditions, species composition and abundances of sea-ice algae and heterotrophic protists during late winter. As compared to other seasons, species diversity of algae (total 40 taxa) was not low, but abundances (5,000–448,000 cells l−1) were lower by one to two orders of magnitude. Layers of high algal abundances were observed both at the bottom and in the ice interior. Inorganic nutrient concentrations (NO2, NO3, PO4, Si(OH)4) within the ice were mostly higher than during other seasons, and enriched compared to seawater by enrichment indices of 1.6–24.6 (corrected for losses through the desalination process). Thus, the survival of algae in Arctic pack ice was not limited by nutrients at the beginning of the productive season. Based on less-detailed physical data, light was considered as the most probable factor controlling the onset of the spring ice-algal bloom in the lower part of the ice, while low temperatures and salinities inhibit algal growth in the upper part of the ice at the end of the winter. Incorporation of ice algae probably took place during the entire freezing period. Possible overwintering strategies during the dark period, such as facultative heterotrophy, energy reserves, and resting spores are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to model algal productivity under transient conditions of light intensity and temperature is critical for assessing the profitability and sustainability of full-scale algae cultivation outdoors. However, a review of over 40 modeling approaches reveals that most of the models hitherto described in the literature have not been validated under conditions relevant to outdoor cultivation. With respect to light intensity, we therefore categorized and assessed these models based on their theoretical ability to account for the light gradients and short light cycles experienced in well-mixed dense outdoor cultures. Type I models were defined as models predicting the rate of photosynthesis of the entire culture as a function of the incident or average light intensity reaching the culture. Type II models were defined as models computing productivity as the sum of local productivities within the cultivation broth (based on the light intensity locally experienced by individual cells) without consideration of short light cycles. Type III models were then defined as models considering the impacts of both light gradients and short light cycles. Whereas Type I models are easy to implement, they are theoretically not applicable to outdoor systems outside the range of experimental conditions used for their development. By contrast, Type III models offer significant refinement but the complexity of the inputs needed currently restricts their practical application. We therefore propose that Type II models currently offer the best compromise between accuracy and practicability for full scale engineering application. With respect to temperature, we defined as “coupled” and “uncoupled” models the approaches which account and do not account for the potential interdependence of light and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis, respectively. Due to the high number of coefficients of coupled models and the associated risk of overfitting, the recommended approach is uncoupled models. Most of models do not include the modeling of endogenous respiration and the modeling of light and temperature acclimation in spite of their potential effect on productivity.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation in eukaryotic algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract The cells of marine and halotolerant eukaryotic algae can achieve osmotic balance by ion accumulation mechanisms or by the synthesis and degradation of compatible solutes. The latter mechanism has been extensively studied in Dunaliella tertiolecta , in which the compatible solute glycerol is synthesised and metabolised through the glycerol cycle. Osmoregulation in Poterioochromonas malhamensis by isofloridoside as the compatible solute has a different control mechanism. The results obtained with unicellular algae might lead to strategies for the improvement of salt and water stress resistance in crop plants.  相似文献   

Dr. Saleh M. Okla 《Facies》1992,27(1):217-223
Summary Late Permian bioclastic calcarenite beds of the middle Khuff Formation were sampled for their algal constituents near the city of Unayzah, Quassim district in central Saudia Arabia. The algal flora includes two species of udoteacean algae (Succodium difficile andSuccodium sp.), the dasycladacean algaMizzia velebitana and two species of red algae (Gymnocodium bellerophontis, Permocalculus plumosus). Other algal floral remains found forming isolated single layers which have generally been named algal microfacies. These include a phylloid microfacies, an oncoid microfacies and algal stromatolites. The Khuff Formation is well-known for its accumulation of non-associated gas and particularly for its oil accumulation in eastern Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf states.  相似文献   

Symbiotic algae incubated in host tissue homogenate of the coral Plesiastrea versipora for 2 h in the light released at least four and a half times as much photosynthetically fixed carbon (range 13.8±3.1 to 158±9.5 nmol C/106 algae) as algae incubated in seawater (range 1.4±0.3 to 10.8±0.6 nmol C/106 algae) indicating the presence of ‘host release factor’. When algae were incubated in a low molecular weight fraction of homogenate containing partially purified ‘host release factor’ they also released more carbon (range 62.2±3.7 to 279±11.4 nmol C/106 algae) than algae incubated in seawater. This low molecular weight fraction contained free amino acids. We tested the hypothesis that the free amino acids in this fraction were responsible for ‘host release factor’ activity. Algae incubated in a mixture of free amino acids equivalent to those found in this fraction, released more fixed carbon (range 2.4±0.3 to 25.2±0.2 nmol C/106 algae) than algae incubated in seawater but in each experiment, release was much lower than when algae were incubated in host tissue homogenate. These data indicate that the stimulation of release of photosynthetically fixed carbon from the symbiotic algae of Plesiastrea versipora incubated in partially purified host release factor is not primarily due to the presence of free amino acids. We are continuing further studies to determine the exact nature of the active compound.  相似文献   

This study investigated the in vitro antioxidant, proapoptotic and anti-proliferative activity of phycocyanin extracted from Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) algae extract loaded on albumin nanoparticle (ULANP). The characterization of ULANP profile was done by using FTIR and its cytotoxicity was investigated by using MTT assay against HepG2 and MCF7 cell lines. The proapoptotic markers caspase 8 & 9 were measured. Analysis of ULANP by FTIR showed the characteristic band (2100 cm−1 ~3700 cm−1) that is indicated primarily by COO, CO and conjugated double bond. These bonds showed the spectral band at peaks of 2985 cm−1 and 2860 cm−1, 2986 cm−1 respectively. The antioxidant potential and radical scavenging property of ULANP was also appreciable as compared to the vitamin C and gallic acid. The antiproliferative assay carried out by WST-1 suggests that ULANP was effective against both HepG2 (93.17%) and MCF7 (91.3%). Caspase-8 and −9 were significantly elevated (p < 0.001) in both the cell lines of breast and liver cancer. It was concluded that ULANP induced anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activities on liver and breast cancer. It is promising as a novel antitumor activity for further investigation the mechanistic pathways mediated this action.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of ten marine algae from australian waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Detailed fatty acid analyses are reported for ten benthic algae from Australian waters of which the data for Cladophora fascicularis (Chlorophyta); Polysiphonia pungens, Porphyra sp., Centroceras clavatum (Rhodophyta); Hormosira banksii, Ralfsia sp., and Dictyota dichomota (Phaeophyta) are presented for the first time. The analyses report the exact molecular structure of component acids which is essential for taxonomic and food chain studies. The acid 16:4ω3 could be taxonomically distinguishing for species of the Chlorophyta. The occurrence of cis-vaccenic acid (18:1ω7) in the algae reported here suggests a distribution in marine benthic algae which is wider than hitherto realised, with particular taxonomic importance for Chlorophyta species in which it occurs in high levels. Corallina officinalis was found to contain the non-methylene interrupted acids 20:2 and 22:2.  相似文献   

盐泽螺旋藻与其他螺旋藻的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
研究了盐泽螺旋藻的形态、生理生化特性和在不同条件下的生长状况,并与其他螺旋藻进行了比较。盐泽螺旋藻、极大螺旋藻和钝顶螺旋藻在蛋白质的含量、氨基酸组分以及可见光吸收光谱等方面差别不大。盐泽螺旋藻的生长速度最快(世代时间为8.4h)。极大螺旋藻、钝顶螺旋藻1926和钝顶螺旋藻2340的世代时间分别为11、11.8和14.8h。盐泽螺旋藻的光合作用和呼吸作用强度亦大于极大螺旋藻和钝顶螺旋藻。此外,这种藻对盐分和温度还具有较宽的适应范围,在形态上也和其他3种螺旋藻有较大之差异。    相似文献   

Interactions between a naturally-collected algal species and strains of bacteria with which it was closely associated were examined under controlled conditions. Three strains of bacteria, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas and Flavobacterium, were isolated from Oscillatoria. These bacteria were grown in combination with axenic cultures of the Oscillatoria culture as well as with several additional algal species. Oscillatoria growth was stimulated by all of the bacteria, but other algal species varied in their response. Some were stimulated, but others were inhibited or unaffected by exposure to the bacterial strains. There were also observations indicating that some algae may be able to develop resistance to antagonistic bacteria. These data suggest that succession and dominance of individual algal species may be influenced by interactions with bacteria.  相似文献   

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