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全球气候变化与人为活动等因素导致的生物多样性丧失,引起了全球各界对生物多样性保护的高度关注。传统生物多样性保护主要对物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及其分布模式开展研究,忽视了进化历史在生物多样性保护中的作用。云南是全球生物多样性热点地区的交汇区,生物多样性的保护历来受到广泛关注,为了更好地探讨云南生物多样性的保护措施,该研究以云南被子植物菊类分支物种为研究对象,基于物种间的演化关系,结合其地理分布,从进化历史的角度探讨物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及系统发育组成的分布格局,并整合自然保护地的空间分布,识别生物多样性的重点保护区域。结果表明:云南被子植物菊类分支的物种、特有种及受威胁物种的物种密度与系统发育多样性均显著正相关;通过零模型分析发现,由南向北标准化系统发育多样性逐渐降低;云南南部、东南部、西北部是云南被子植物菊类分支的重点保护区域,加强这些区域的保护,将最大化地保护生物多样性的进化历史和进化潜能。由此可见,融合进化历史信息的植物多样性格局分析不仅有助于更加深入地理解植物多样性的形成与演变,也为生物多样性保护策略的制定提供更多的思路。 相似文献
物种丰富度的大尺度地理格局及其成因是宏观生态学及生物地理学的中心议题之一。蔷薇属(Rosa L.)植物具有很高的经济价值和生态价值,探讨中国蔷薇属植物的丰富度分布格局及其影响因素可为该属植物资源的保护和合理开发利用乃至其系统进化研究提供重要依据。基于蔷薇属植物在中国的15451条分布数据和11种地理、气候等环境因子进行了物种丰富度分析和相关性分析,研究结果显示:(1)蔷薇属植物在中国分布不均匀。在水平方向上,蔷薇属植物于26.19°—34.29°N带内有较高的物种丰富度,之后随着纬度的增加而降低,且随着经度的增加表现为先增加后减少,于99.10°—108.47°E间存在明显的峰值;在垂直方向上,蔷薇属植物的物种丰富度随海拔的增加表现为先增加后减少,956.46—3518.60m范围内的丰富度最高。西南横断山区为蔷薇属物种分布的中心地区,新疆北部及东北长白山周边地区为局部聚集区。(2)蔷薇属物种丰富度与各能量、水分和生境异质性因子均呈正相关关系,与气候稳定性因子呈负相关关系。表明中国蔷薇属植物在水分和热量条件好、气候季节性变化小且生境异质性程度高的地方,有着更高的物种丰富度。(3)蔷薇属... 相似文献
Juntao Zhu Yangjian Zhang Wenfeng Wang Xian Yang Ning Chen Ruonan Shen Li Wang Lin Jiang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》2020,13(2):157
放牧通过改变草地群落物种组成和生物多样性,进而影响草地群落结构,对草地生态系统服务和功能产生深远的影响。然而,有关系统发育多样性和系统发育群落结构对长期放牧干扰的响应和适应的研究仍然很少,尤其是对于分布在极端环境中的生态系统。我们在青藏高原高寒草地上开展了多放牧强度的试验,探讨放牧干扰对植物系统发育多样性和群落结构的影响。研究发现,放牧干扰增加了植物群落的物种丰富度,促进了群落物种周转,从而改变了群落物种组成。低强度放牧对系统发育多样性和群落结构没有显著影响,而高强度放牧促使群落结构由分散向聚集变化。高强度放牧通过强烈的环境过滤作用,选择了一些耐牧的草地植物物种。在高强度放牧条件下,草地群落的聚集结构由近缘种的入侵和远缘种的丢失共同驱动。在植物功能性状水平上,我们发现与低强度放牧相比,高强度放牧通过改变根系深度对物种入侵产生影响,在很大程度上提升了物种的入侵性。我们的研究强调,仅仅利用物种丰富度和多样性并不能全面反映放牧干扰对草地群落的影响,而且在以后的放牧生态学研究中应该更加关注物种周转对群落系统发育多样性和群落结构的影响。 相似文献
为探讨系统发育多样性和系统发育结构在岛屿植物群落保护决策制定中的作用,以海南三亚蜈支洲岛被子植物群系为例,分析物种丰富度和系统发育多样性的相关性。结果表明,蜈支洲岛植被可分为10种群系类型,22个样方的物种丰富度与系统发育多样性呈显著正相关,但系统发育多样性与物种丰富度对植物多样性保护优先顺序的指示有差异。森林群系的物种丰富度和系统发育多样性普遍高于灌木和草本群系,4个森林群系样方表现为系统发育结构发散,3个森林群系样方表现为系统发育结构聚集。灌木群系中露兜树(Pandanus tectorius)灌丛和草海桐(Scaevola sericea)灌丛系统发育多样性较高,草本群系中厚藤(Vitex trifolia)灌草丛系统发育多样性较高,灌木和草本群系大多倾向于系统发育结构聚集。距海或人类活动区较近的群系可能受环境过滤的作用,而远离海和人类活动区的群系主要受竞争排斥作用影响。因此,在岛屿植物多样性保护策略制定中应当综合考虑物种和系统发育维度,以及环境、演替阶段及用岛方式等因素的影响。 相似文献
长白山主要生态系统苔藓植物的多样性研究 总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36
长白山地区共有苔藓植物65科179属437种,32个变种和亚种。其中,石生和岩面薄土生种类(saxicolous bryophyte)最丰富,其次为腐木生种类(saprophytic bryophyte)和树生种类(epiphyticbryophyte),再次为土生种类(soil and humus bryophyte)。沼泽地、水体等生境中的种类(peat,marsh and water bry 相似文献
2016年10月至2017年9月, 作者在云南巍山青华绿孔雀自然保护区的核心区和缓冲区的28个监测位点布设红外相机, 累计监测6,377台日, 共获得独立有效照片1,692张, 其中兽类563张, 鸟类1,129张。鉴定出71种鸟类和兽类, 其中兽类13种, 分属5目11科; 鸟类58种, 分属9目23科。国家一级重点保护动物有2种, 即黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)和林麝(Moschus berezovskii); 国家二级重点保护动物有7种, 分别是黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)、松雀鹰(Accipiter virgatus)、普通鵟(Buteo japonicus)、白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)、白鹇(Lophuar nycthemera)、领角鸮(Otus lettia)和灰林鸮(Strix aluco)。在《中国脊椎动物红色名录》中, 1种被评估为极危, 3种被评估为易危。CITES附录I收录的有1种, 附录II收录的有7种。物种相对丰富度最高的是黑领噪鹛(Garrulax pectoralis, 5.68), 其次是赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus, 2.81)、赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak, 1.68)。本次物种调查结果可反映本保护区大、中型兽类和地栖性鸟类本底, 为保护区管理和野生动物长期监测提供了数据。 相似文献
种、种的多样性及退化生态系统功能的恢复和维持研究 总被引:33,自引:8,他引:33
物种多样性是生态系统的重要特征并维持系统的功能支行,生物种和不同种类构成的群落为人类提供诸如营养物质循环、生物生产力、营养功能等形式的重要生态服务,特种多样性与生态系统抵御逆境和干扰的能力紧密相关,多样性的提高会增加系统的稳定性,与单个种和种类的数量相比,功能群和功能多样性对生态系统功能的影响效应要大得多,且易于被用来测度稳定性和预测群落变化,本文提出并探讨了种对生态系统功能作用的几种形式,理解物种多样性与生态系统的功能关系能指导退化生态系统恢复和维持其功能的实践活动,尤其为恢复的初始阶段进行群落的“种类组装”提供生态理论基础。 相似文献
苏南主要森林类型的生物多样性调查与比较研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
维护生物多样性是森林的重要功能之一,也是森林可持续发展的重要内容。森林生态系统具有高生物多样性的特点,是生物多样性保护的重要领域。保护生物多样性的目的在于生物资源的持续增长和人类对生物资源的持续利用,以满足实施持续发展战略的需要。过去生物多样性的保护... 相似文献
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the diversity patterns of Cactaceae at a global scale, to identify those countries
where conservation actions should be performed. In order to do this, the species richness and the number of endemic species
for 34 American countries were determined. With these data, the relationship between the total number of species or the number
of endemic species and the area of the countries were analyzed. In addition, a complementarity analysis was conducted to determine
the most important countries for cactus conservation. Results showed that Mexico had the highest number of total and endemic
species followed by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru, among others. There was a significant positive relationship between
both, the total and endemic species, and the area of the countries. Despite this fact, the cactus diversity in Mexico, Argentina,
Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Costa Rica was higher than expected according to their area. Further, these countries also presented
the highest proportions of endemic species. The complementarity analysis indicated that 24 countries are necessary to preserve
all cactus species. However, 94% of all species could be preserved with only 10 countries. Considering the diversity patterns
and the complementarity analysis, three important groups for cactus conservation were identified: (1) Mexico, Argentina, Peru,
Bolivia, Chile, and Costa Rica, (2) Paraguay and Cuba, and (3) Brazil and USA. Conservation efforts should be focused on these
countries in order to preserve cactus diversity. 相似文献
《Journal for Nature Conservation》2014,22(6):547-551
The gradual increase in reforested areas worldwide, as a strategy for mitigating native forest loss, has stressed the need of assessing their real value as habitat for native species. Forest plantations, particularly those based on native species, could be valuable for conservation purposes, especially in heavily fragmented and disturbed ecosystems. We evaluated the value of a monoculture of a native tree species, the Andean alder (Alnus acuminata), for the conservation of avifauna in the Central Andes region, which is considered a bird species diversity hotspot but also suffers from high anthropogenic disturbance levels. Our results suggest that alder plantations are valuable for conservation from three points of view: (1) they have similar or greater bird species richness and abundance than secondary native forests; (2) low community similarities are found between this type of forest compared to secondary forest stands (with 27 species exclusive to alder plantations); and (3) three near threatened species (Odontophorus hyperythrus, Eriocnemis derbyi, and Cyanolyca viridicyanus). Further, 27 out of the 85 species found at the alder plantations were of least concern but showing decreasing population trends. While forest plantations do not replace native forests, they offer habitat for many bird species, some of them being of conservation concern (i.e., included in an IUCN threat category) or with decreasing populations. Hence establishing native species plantations among native forest remnants – especially in heavily fragmented landscapes – could have a positive effect in the conservation of threatened avifauna. 相似文献
Due to the current environmental crisis, many animal species face extinction problems. Amphibian populations have been affected by this crisis. Our goal is to study amphibian species diversity in Chiapas, which has 7.6% of the endemic amphibians in Mexico and 53 protected areas. Only 58% of the protected areas have management plans or information on their resident amphibians. We aim to determine the extent of protection provided by the network of natural areas for the conservation of amphibian species in the state and to discuss the effectiveness of this protection. Therefore, we compiled a georeferenced database of 112 amphibian species in Chiapas to create each distribution model. In addition, we carried out representativeness, beta diversity, and species richness analyses. As a result, we obtained a high degree of representativeness for the records and species distribution models. However, we found a decrease in the richness of amphibians involving 20% of total species, 13% of endemics, 18% threatened according to NOM-059, and 31% threatened according to IUCN between 1800 and 2020 and 1980–2020. We also identified two biodiversity hotspots in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the Northern Highlands physiographic regions. Finally, based on potential distributions, we found more endemic and threatened species outside protected natural areas than inside them. Our results give a broader picture of how amphibian richness is distributed in Chiapas. This information can help to prioritize conservation efforts toward those areas rich in threatened or endemic species, such as the Northern Mountains Hotspot we identified in northern Chiapas. 相似文献
Taxonomic distinctness combines species richness and phylogenetic diversity to detect changes in taxonomic structure. Most
studies have reported on changes due to marine impacts, with little emphasis on habitat influences or freshwater systems.
The composition and organizational structure of aquatic Coleoptera assemblages are susceptible to local influence, yet their
colonization capacities suggest greater assemblage similarity over larger spatial scales. Surveys were conducted in two contrasting
local streams (approximately 20 km apart), one intermittent with multiple stair-step cascades and intervening pools during
the rainy season (and only pools during the dry season), and the other perennial with low gradient, in Hidalgo, Mexico. Published
information from these initial surveys and their associated collections of adults were examined and the data converted to
monthly presence/absence data for analysis using taxonomic distinctness. Despite reported physicochemical differences between
the streams, only the average monthly proportion of swimmer species was significantly higher in the intermittent stream where
elmids and psephenids were largely missing due to the general absence of protective substrate and the presence of pools; higher
taxonomic structure was not affected. Well-developed colonization capabilities and a widely distributed species pool likely
reduced detectable differences between the stream assemblages. Although the average monthly value of Sorenson’s Similarity
Index for aquatic Coleoptera between both streams was low, differentiation was not achieved using taxonomic distinctness and
presence/absence data. 相似文献
Tropical dry forest is the most endangered major vegetation type in the New Caledonia biodiversity hotspot. Vegetation surveys following a transect method used by Gentry were undertaken in two tropical dry forest sites, Ouen-Toro and Pindai, in order to compare species richness, floristic composition, and structure. Pindai contained significantly higher species richness than Ouen-Toro, although there was little difference in forest structure. Tropical dry forest sites in New Caledonia were compared to seven other biodiversity hotspots with tropical dry forest where Gentry's transect method was employed. New Caledonia and other tropical dry forests on islands contain significantly lower species richness than mainland tropical dry forests in biodiversity hotspots. However, New Caledonia contained the highest number of threatened species based on IUCN global conservation categories. Tropical dry forest in New Caledonia appears to be the world's most endangered tropical dry forest based on the extent of forest, number of reserves, and threatened species. Management of tropical dry forests on private and community lands is absolutely imperative to the long-term persistence of this ecosystem. 相似文献
GH3 amino acid conjugases have been identified in many plant and bacterial species. The evolution of GH3 genes in plant species
is explored using the sequenced rosids Arabidopsis, papaya, poplar, and grape. Analysis of the sequenced non-rosid eudicots monkey flower and columbine, the monocots maize
and rice, as well as spikemoss and moss is included to provide further insight into the origin of GH3 clades. Comparison of
co-linear genes in regions surrounding GH3 genes between species helps reconstruct the evolutionary history of the family.
Combining analysis of synteny with phylogenetics, gene expression and functional data redefines the Group III GH3 genes, of
which AtGH3.12/PBS3, a regulator of stress-induced salicylic acid metabolism and plant defense, is a member. Contrary to previous
reports that restrict PBS3 to Arabidopsis and its close relatives, PBS3 syntelogs are identified in poplar, grape, columbine, maize and rice suggesting descent from a common ancestral chromosome
dating to before the eudicot/monocot split. In addition, the clade containing PBS3 has undergone a unique expansion in Arabidopsis, with expression patterns for these genes consistent with specialized and evolving stress-responsive functions. 相似文献
Exudates of the rosid clade of the eudicots have been surveyed and characterized by carbon-13 and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Of 554 samples divided roughly equally between the subclades fabids and malvids, about two-fifths are resins, a third gums, one-ninth gum resins, one-twelfth kinos, and the remaining not affiliated with these four main molecular classes. Two small new molecular classes, respectively from the Clusiaceae (xanthics) and the Zygophyllaceae (guaiacs), are identified and described. 相似文献
If local communities are saturated with species, the relationship between local and regional species richness [the local species
richness (LSR)–regional species richness (RSR) relationship] is predicted to become increasingly curvilinear at more local
spatial scales. This study tested whether the LSR–RSR relationship for coral species was linear or curvilinear at three local
scales across the west-central Pacific Ocean, along a regional biodiversity gradient that includes the world’s most diverse
coral assemblages. The local scales comprised transects 100–2 m apart, sites 103–4 m apart and islands 104–6 m apart. The LSR–RSR relationship was never significantly different from linear at any scale. When the Chao1 estimator was
used to predict true RSR and LSR, all relationships were also strongly linear. We conclude that local assemblages are open
to regional influences even when the local scale is very small relative to the regional scale, and even in extraordinarily
rich regions. 相似文献