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高等植物光合作用的光抑制研究进展   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
光抑制是目前高等植物光合作用研究中的热点,近此年来无论是对其本质的认识,还是机理研究都已取得很进展。本文首先简要回顾了光抑制研究发展的历程,阐明现代光抑制理论包括耗散过剩光能的光保持机制运转和过剩光能对光合机构的破坏两个方面。然后,应叶黄素循环、Mehler反应、光呼吸、LHCⅡ磷酸化、PSⅡ光化学活性下降以及由类胡罗卜素、Cytb-559参与的一些主要光保护机制作了综述,着重论述了其作用机理及研  相似文献   

叶片叶肉结构对环境光强的适应及对光合作用的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用Kubelka-Munk理论描述了平行光在叶片内的吸收和散射,同时利用叶片分层光合作用非直角双曲线光反应模型,给出了整张叶片光合作用计算式。最后利用优化理论阐明了叶片叶肉分化成光合特性具有明显差异的栅栏组织和海绵组织可能是对叶片内光梯度的一种适应;同时证明了叶片叶肉在一定环境光强下存在一个最佳的栅栏组织和海绵组织比例,并且这个比例随环境光强增大而增大,这最佳比例也受叶肉组织光合特性差异的影响。  相似文献   

高等植物光合作用的光抑制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光抑制是目前高等植物光合作用研究中的热点,近些年来无论是对其本质的认识,还是机理研究都已取得很大进展。本文首先简要回顾了光抑制研究发展的历程,阐明现代光抑制理论包括耗散过剩光能的光保持机制运转和过剩光能对光合机构的破坏两个方面。然后,就叶黄素循环、Mehler反应、光呼吸、LHCII磷酸化、PSII光化学活性下降以及由类胡罗卜素、Cytb 559参与的一些主要光保护机制作了综述,着重论述了其作用机理及研究进展。最后,就现阶段光破坏原初作用位点的认识及光破坏机理的最新研究成果作了总结。  相似文献   

植物光合作用的光抑制   总被引:210,自引:5,他引:210  
本文综述了植物光合作用的光抑制现象、机理和恢复、防御以及主要的生理研究方法,试图展示这个热门课题的研究现状、最新进展以及值得深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

青海高原及上海平原地区植物叶片光合作用的光抑制   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
用便携式ADC光合气体分析系统和便携式CF-1000荧光仪对青海和上海的同一植物和不同植物叶片光合作用的光抑制进行了测定。结果表明,两地在晴天强光下,中午植物叶片光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)的光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和表观光合量子效率(AQY)的日变化比早晨低;上海测定PSⅡ的Fv/Fm和AQY的日变化比青海的下降幅度大。AQY的日变化曲线比PSⅡ的Fv/Fm低,AQY降低的幅度比PSⅡ的Fv/Fm大。两地植物均有不同程度的光合作用光抑制,且上海比青海的大  相似文献   

光声光谱检测可很好地应用在植物光合作用的研究领域,可更有效于传统检测方法并已在大量检测研究中得以证明。在一套光声光谱仪检测装置中,光声池是其核心部件,其设计好坏直接影响着实验的结果。文章阐述了适用于植物光合作用的光声池的设计方法及其需要关注的关键问题;展望了植物光合作用的光声光谱检测与其他检测方法联用的重点及其研究方向;提出了光声池设计中应着重关注其活体实时在线检测及其相关技术问题。  相似文献   

光合作用中光,温,湿和CO2检测装置介绍   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了在测定光合作用的同时测定气孔扩散阻力,需要测量叶室中温度、湿度的变化和叶面温度等参数,以便进行推算。目前,带有光、温、湿测定系统的红外线CO_2分析仪主要是美国LI-GOR的LI-6200型和英国ADO的LCA-2型,但售价昂贵。因而利用  相似文献   

使用LI-6400便携式光合作用系统测定了美国亚利桑那州生物圈二号内5号荒漠植物(扁果菊、Trixis californica、粉蓝烟草、大黍、滨黎(后两种为C4、其余为C3植物))与5种热带雨林植物、胡椒、麒麟尾、花叶万年青、牵牛(均为C3植物)的光合作用对光照强度的反应。在一系列CO2浓度(350 ̄1500μmol·mol^-1)及不离体的前提下测定叶片光反应曲线的变化。所测植物均生长在高CO  相似文献   

研究了华南地区有较好开发利用前景的8种城市绿化攀缘植物禾雀花(Mucuna birdwoodianauna)、炮仗花(Pyrostegia venusta)、鸡蛋果(Passiflora edulis)、使君子(Quisqualis indica)、蒜香藤(Pseudocalymma alliaceum)、小花青藤(Illigera paviflora)、龙吐珠(Clerodendron thomsonae)和砾叶粉藤(Cissus rhombifolia)盆栽植株叶片的光合速率-光强响应曲线,叶片部分形态特征和水分关系参数。结果表明,8种植物的Pmax(最大光合速率)、LSP(光合作用光饱和光强)、LCP(光合作用光补偿点)均较低,但在光合有效辐射(PAR)强度达1700μmolm-2s-1下未出现光抑制现象,显示其光合机构具有应对低光及高光强的可塑性。光强的提高会改变ILUE(瞬时光能利用效率)、Gs(气孔导度)、Tr(蒸腾速率)和Ci(细胞间隙CO2浓度)值,高光强下(PAR>500μmolm-2s-1)的Pn(净光合速率)与Gs呈正相关。低Gs和Ci是强光下限制Pn的主要因子。LT(叶片厚度)与水分关系参数(RWC相对含水量,IWUE瞬时水分利用效率,AWLR平均失水速率和RR复水率)之间没有明显的相关性。不同植物的Pmax,ILUE,LA,LT,IWUE和光合色素(Chl叶绿素,Car类胡萝卜素)含量等皆有显著的差别。禾雀花、炮仗花和鸡蛋果的光合作用和水分关系特性优于其余种类,而蒜香藤和小花青藤的这些参数的水平最低。  相似文献   

当CO_2进入水溶液时,必然存在CO_2 H_2O?H~ HCO_3~-平衡。根据Henderson-Hasselbach方程pH=pK lg[HCO_3~-]/[CO_2],平衡时溶液中CO_2和HCO_3~-浓度比由溶液中的pH值决定。在大多数生物介质中,尤其是叶绿体基质,处于平衡时,HCO_3~-浓度是CO_2浓度的十几甚至是几十倍。在这种情况下,HCO_3~-的扩散成为无机碳的主要扩散形式。碳酸酐酶(Carbonic Anhydrase EC能够加速CO_2和HCO_3~-之间的平衡。本文对此作些  相似文献   

The ability of the morphologically complex cyanobacterium Chlorogloeopsis sp. ATCC 27193 to actively transport and accumulate inorganic carbon (C1= CO2+ HCO3?+ CO32?) for photosynthetic CO2 fixation was investigated. Mass-spectrometric assays revealed that Chlorogloeopsis cells grown under C1 limitation rapidly took up CO2 from the medium in a light-dependent reaction which was independent of CO2 fixation. Ethoxyzolamide, a carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor, inhibited CO2 transport. Since electrometric and mass-spectrometric assays did not detect the presence of a periplasmic CA, it is suggested that CO2 transport was mediated by a CA-like activity which converted CO2 to HCO3? during passage across the membrane. Radiochemical assays, using H14CO3 as substrate, showed that C3-limited cells also had a high affinity (K0.5 HCO3?= 37 μM), Na+-independent HCO3? uptake mechanism. HCO3?uptake was light dependent and occurred against its electrochemical potential indicating a carrier-mediated, active transport process. The rate of Na+-independent HCO3? transport was sufficient to account for the steady state rate of CO2 fixation. Although not absolutely required. Na+ did specifically enhance the rate of HCO3? transport by up to 2-fold, but had no effect on the apparent affinity of the transport system for HCO3? Combined CO2 and HCO3? transport resulted in C1 accumulation as high as 25 mM and in excess of 300 times the external concentration. The C1 pool was the source of CO2 for photo-synthetic fixation and was generated, presumably, by the dehydration of HCO3? catalyzed by an intracellular CA. The collective evidence indicates that Chlorogloeopsis has a physiologically functional CO2-concentrating mechanism which is essential for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract Photosynthetic and anatomical parameters of leaves from the juvenile and adult part of an ivy plant (Hedera helix L.) have been determined and compared with each other. Light-saturated net photosynthesis (per unit leaf area) was about 1.5 times higher in adult leaves than in juvenile ones. The lower photosynthetic capacity of juvenile leaves was caused by a lower stomatal and especially a lower residual conductance to the CO2-transfer. This corresponds with anatomical features of the leaves, i.e. lower stomatal frequency, fewer chloroplasts per cell, and – most important – thinner leaves, as well as with a less efficient photosynthetic apparatus measured as Hill reaction of isolated broken chloroplasts and activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. No differences in the respiration in light (relative to net photosynthesis) and in the CO2-compensation concentration could be detected between the two leaf types. These observed anatomical and photosynthetic parameters of the juvenile and adult ivy leaves resemble those reported for shade and sun leaves, respectively, although the leaves investigated originated from the same light environment.  相似文献   

Adult Eucalyptus pauciflora leaves are vertically displayed. They have multiple palisade cell layers beneath both surfaces, interrupted by numerous oil glands. Here, we characterized light absorption, chlorophyll, photosynthetic capacity and CO2 fixation profiles through these leaves. Multiple chlorophyll fluorescence images of leaves viewed in cross-section were made by applying light from different directions. 14CO2 labelling, followed by paradermal cryosectioning, was used to measure profiles of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic capacity peaked 75 microm into the mesophyll beneath each surface and was lowest in the centre of the 600-microm-thick leaf. Predictions by a multilayer model using Beer's law matched the observed profiles of 14C fixation. When constrained to the horizontal, a vertically acclimated leaf gains only 79% of the daily photosynthesis achieved by a horizontally acclimated leaf. However, it outperforms the horizontally acclimated leaf when both are oriented vertically. Each half of the observed profile of photosynthetic capacity closely matches the profile of light absorption through the leaf with unilateral illumination to that surface. Derivation of biochemical parameters from gas exchange measured under unilateral illumination would underestimate the real photosynthetic capacity of these leaves by 21%.  相似文献   

山西太岳山辽东栎的光合特性   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
对自然生长的辽东栎林木用 LI-640 0测定其光合作用 ,实验包括以下内容 :在完全接近自然生长的条件下测定辽东栎叶片光合作用的日变化规律 ;控制光合有效辐射强度 ,测定叶片在不同 CO2 浓度下光合作用的变化规律 ;控制温度比对应时间段的温度高 2~ 4℃ ,并控制 CO2 浓度在 3 75~ 70 0 ml· m- 3间变化 ,测定辽东栎光合作用的变化情况。结果如下 :1自然状态下辽东栎光合作用的日变化有两个光合速率峰 ,峰高接近 ,上午的光合速率峰持续时间较下午的长。叶片气孔导度与光合速率间有很强的正相关 ,且对胞内 CO2 浓度和蒸腾速率有较大影响。气孔导度与叶片水压亏缺呈相反的变化趋势 ,而水压亏缺受光合有效辐射、气温的影响较大。 2在控制片温度、光合有效辐射不变的情况下 ,辽东栎的叶片水压亏缺变化幅度很小 ,气孔导度变化主要受 CO2 浓度的调节 ,表现出在目前 CO2 浓度至加倍 CO2 浓度下 ,随浓度增加而增大的趋势 ,与之对应光合速率增大 ,同时光补偿点也有所提高。当 CO2 浓度超过 80 0 ml· m- 3继续上升时 ,气孔导度、光合速率均下降 ,光补偿点继续升高。3对辽东栎叶片进行升温和高 CO2 浓度处理 ,在试验进行时的温度 (2 8~ 3 7℃ )下 ,发现在 3 75~ 70 0 ml· m- 3的 CO2 浓度范围内 ,升温均导致光  相似文献   

植物对开放式CO2 浓度增高(FACE)的响应与适应研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
开放式CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统是近年研究植物对高CO2浓度响应和适应的新手段,它比以往密闭和半密闭系统对实验植物生长环境的干扰少.利用FACE系统进行研究更有助于正确地预测未来大气CO2浓度增高对植物的影响.该文结合作者的研究工作简要评介了FACE系统与以往密闭和半密闭式CO2浓度增高实验系统的不同之处以及近年来利用FACE系统所作的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

海洋酸化生态学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
汪思茹  殷克东  蔡卫君  王东晓 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5859-5869
工业革命以来,人类排放的大量二氧化碳引起温室效应的同时,也被海洋吸收使得全球海洋出现了严重的酸化。海洋酸化及伴随的海水碳酸盐化学体系的变化对海洋生物产生深远的影响。以海洋酸化对钙化作用和光合作用的影响为重点,总结了近年来关于海洋酸化的研究,介绍了海洋中不同生态系统对海洋酸化的响应。一方面,海水中CO23-浓度和碳酸钙饱和度的降低对海洋钙化生物造成严重损害,生活在高纬的冷水珊瑚和翼足目等文石生产者是最早的受害者;贝类和棘皮动物在钙化早期对海洋酸化尤其敏感,其幼体存活率受到海洋酸化的严重制约。另一方面,CO2浓度的增加能促进海洋植物的光合作用和生长,增加初级生产力,改变浮游植物的群落组成。此外,海洋酸化可以促进固氮和脱氮作用同时削弱硝化作用,改变溶氧浓度分布和金属的生物可利用性,从而对海洋生物产生间接影响。海洋酸化对海洋生态系统的影响机制复杂,影响程度深远。为了能准确的评估海洋酸化的生态学效应,需要更全面深入的研究。  相似文献   

The response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender grown under controlled environment at either ambient or elevated (360 and 700 μmol mol-1, respectively) CO2 concentrations ([CO2]), was monitored from 10 days after germination (DAG) until the onset of senescence. Elevated CO2 had a pronounced effect on total plant height (TPH), leaf area (LA), leaf dry weight (LD), total plant biomass (TB) accumulation and specific leaf area (SLA). All of these were significantly increased under elevated carbon dioxide with the exception of SLA which was significantly reduced. Other than high initial growth rates in CO2-enriched plants, relative growth rates remained relatively unchanged throughout the growth period. While the trends in growth parameters were clearly different between [CO2], some physiological processes were largely transient, in particular, net assimilation rate (NAR) and foliar nutrient concentrations of N, Mg and Cu. CO2 enrichment significantly increased NAR, but from 20 DAG, a steady decline to almost similar levels to those measured in plants grown under ambient CO2 occurred. A similar trend was observed for leaf N content where the loss of leaf nitrogen in CO2-enriched plants after 20 DAG, was significantly greater than that observed for ambient-CO2 plants. Under enhanced CO2, the foliar concentrations of K and Mn were increased significantly whilst P, Ca, Fe and Zn were reduced significantly. Changes in Mg and Cu concentrations were insignificant. In addition. high CO2 grown plants exhibited a pronounced leaf discoloration or chlorosis, coupled with a significant reduction in leaf longevity.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and Photoprotection in Overwintering Plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: Seasonal differences in the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, leaf pigment composition, xanthophyll cycle characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence emission were investigated in two biennial mesophytes ( Malva neglecta and Verbascum thapsus ) that grow in full sunlight, and in leaves/needles of sun and shade populations of several broad-leafed evergreens and conifers (Vinca minor, Euonymus kiautschovicus, Mahonia repens, Pseudotsuga menziesii [Douglas fir], and Pinus ponderosa). Both mesophytic species maintained or upregulated photosynthetic capacity in the winter and exhibited no upregulation of photoprotection. In contrast, photosynthetic capacity was downregulated in sun leaves/needles of V. minor, Douglas fir, and Ponderosa pine, and even in shade needles of Douglas fir. Interestingly, photosynthetic capacity was upregulated during the winter in shade leaves/needles of V. minor, Ponderosa pine and Euonymus kiautschovicus. Nocturnal retention of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin, and their sustained engagement in a state primed for energy dissipation, were observed largely in the leaves/needles of sun-exposed evergreen species during winter. Factors that may contribute to these differing responses to winter stress, including chloroplast redox state, the relative levels of source and sink activity at the whole plant level, and apoplastic versus symplastic phloem loading, are discussed.  相似文献   

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