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The genetic basis of traits involved in reproductive isolation is a key parameter in models of sympatric speciation by sexual selection, a potential mechanism driving the explosive radiation of East African cichlids. Analysis of hybrid crosses between two sympatric Lake Malawi cichlid species, representing the extremes of the extant colour distribution, generated Castle-Wright estimates of four to seven loci controlling colour differences. Segregation patterns deviated from a purely additive model with a significant contribution from dominance, and possibly also epistasis. Evidence was found for a strong influence of autosomal loci. As departures from simple additive variation could effect the operation of models of sympatric speciation, dominance and epistasis should not be neglected.  相似文献   

N F Parnell  J T Streelman 《Heredity》2013,110(3):239-246
Sex-determining systems may evolve rapidly and contribute to lineage diversification. In fact, recent work has suggested an integral role of sex chromosome evolution in models of speciation. We use quantitative trait loci analysis of restriction site-associated DNA -tag single nucleotide polymorphisms to identify multiple loci responsible for sex determination and reproductively adaptive color phenotypes in Lake Malawi cichlids. We detect a complex epistatic sex system consisting of a major female heterogametic ZW locus on chromosome 5, two separate male heterogametic XY loci on chromosome 7, and two additional interacting loci on chromosomes 3 and 20. Our data support the known chromosomal linkage between orange blotch color and ZW, as well as novel genetic associations between male blue nuptial color and two sex determining regions (an XY and ZW locus). These results provide further empirical evidence for a complex antagonistic sex–color system in this species flock and suggest a possible role for, and effect of, polygenic sex-determining systems in rapid evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika, Africa's oldest lake, harbours an impressive diversity of cichlid fishes. Although diversification in its radiating groups is thought to have been initially rapid, cichlids from Lake Tanganyika show little evidence for ongoing speciation. In contrast, examples of recent divergence among sympatric colour morphs are well known in haplochromine cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Victoria. Here, we report genetic evidence for recent divergence between two sympatric Tanganyikan cichlid colour morphs. These Petrochromis morphs share mitochondrial haplotypes, yet microsatellite loci reveal that their sympatric populations form distinct genetic groups. Nuclear divergence between the two morphs is equivalent to that which arises geographically within one of the morphs over short distances and is substantially smaller than that among other sympatric species in this genus. These patterns suggest that these morphs diverged only recently, yet that barriers to gene flow exist which prevent extensive admixture despite their sympatric distribution. The morphs studied here provide an unusual example of active diversification in Lake Tanganyika's generally ancient cichlid fauna and enable comparisons of speciation processes between Lake Tanganyika and other African lakes.  相似文献   

Oscars Astronotus ocellatus defeated in combat often undergo a colour pattern change in which the normal olive-green to brown body coloration darkens to near black, interrupted with irregular white barring. Dummy oscars were used in two complementary tests which showed that the dark-and-banded colour pattern inhibits aggression in conspecifics under two different experimental designs and with two different subject groups.  相似文献   

In haplochromine cichlids, female mate choice based on male nuptial coloration has played an important role in speciation. Recent studies suggest that male coloration strongly influences the distribution of these fishes based on male-male aggression; males direct more aggression towards similarly coloured opponents while tolerating differently coloured individuals. We explored the role of male nuptial colour in aggression among the mbuna of Lake Malawi, examining aggression by male Metriaclima mbenjii, the red top cobalt zebra, towards conspecific opponents, similarly coloured heterospecific opponents and differently coloured heterospecifics. In trials in which focal males were offered a single opponent, while the total number of aggressive behaviours did not vary among opponent species, the types of behaviours did; focal males directed more lateral displays towards conspecifics than towards the other opponent species. When focal males were offered two opponents simultaneously, M. mbenjii directed more aggressive behaviours and more lateral displays towards similarly coloured opponents, regardless of species. Furthermore, when offered a conspecific and a similarly coloured opponent simultaneously, there were no differences in behaviour towards either opponent. Thus, nuptial coloration is used by males to identify competitors, and it suggests that male-male aggression may have also been an important diversifying force in speciation in rock-dwelling Lake Malawi cichlids.  相似文献   

African cichlid fishes have undergone outbursts of explosive speciation in several lakes, accompanied by rapid radiations in coloration and ecology. Little is known about the evolutionary forces that triggered these events but a hypothesis, published by Wallace Dominey in 1984, has figured prominently. It states that the evolution of colour patterns is driven by sexual selection and that these colour patterns are important in interspecific mate choice, a combination which holds the potential for rapid speciation. Here we present phylogenetic analyses that describe major events in colour evolution and test predictions yielded by Dominey's hypothesis. We assembled information on stripe patterns and the presence or absence of nuptial coloration from more than 700 cichlid species representing more than 90 taxa for which molecular phylogenetic hypotheses were available. We show that sexual selection is most likely the selection force that made male nuptial coloration arise and evolve quickly. In contrast, stripe patterns, though phylogenetically not conserved either, are constrained ecologically. The evolution of vertical bar patterns is associated with structurally complex habitats, such as rocky substrates or vegetation. The evolution of a horizontal stripe is associated with a piscivorous feeding mode. Horizontal stripes are also associated with shoaling behaviour. Strength of sexual selection, measured in terms of the mating system (weak in monogamous, strong in promiscuous species), has no detectable effects on stripe pattern evolution. In promiscuous species the frequency of difference between sister species in nuptial hue is higher than in pair bonding and harem forming species, but the frequency of difference in stripe pattern is lower. We argue that differences between the two components of coloration in their exposure to natural selection explain their very different evolutionary behaviour. Finally, we suggest that habitat-mediated selection upon chromomotor flexibility, a special form of phenotypic plasticity found in the river-dwelling outgroups of the lake-dwelling cichlids, explains the rapid and recurrent ecology-associated radiation of stripe patterns in lake environments, a new hypothesis that yields experimentally testable predictions.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in coloration is a taxonomically widespread phenomenon often attributed to sexual selection on visual signals. However, the ambush bug Phymata americana exhibits sexual dimorphism in coloration that has no apparent signalling function. Here we provide evidence that colour pattern in this species influences male mating success indirectly through its effect on thermoregulation. We demonstrate, using experimental manipulation, that individuals with dark colour pattern achieve higher thoracic temperatures under illumination. We also show that dark colour pattern predicted mate-searching success but only under thermally challenging conditions (i.e. cool ambient temperature). As far as we are aware, this is the first study to provide evidence that sexual dimorphism can be accounted for by sexual selection on thermoregulatory performance.  相似文献   

Sexual isolation may arise when male mating traits and female preferences differ between species. Such divergence in mating traits is likely to occur when the strength or targets of sexual selection differ. Therefore, by comparing the traits under sexual selection in closely related species and the nature of preference for those traits, we can gain insight into when sexual selection contributes to sexual isolation and how it does so. Collecting these data is no easy undertaking. To simplify this comparison, I use the presence and extent of condition dependence in traits to determine whether directional sexual selection is acting on them. Condition dependence thus serves as a signature of sexual selection. I investigate differences in sexual selection on red nuptial colour in limnetic-benthic species pairs of three-spined sticklebacks. I evaluate condition dependence by comparing the strength of the relationship between colour and condition, and the magnitude of variance in red nuptial colour to other colour traits and to nonsexual traits. I find that limnetic males have strong condition-dependent expression of red nuptial colour whereas benthic males have at most weak condition-dependent expression. Ancestral anadromous males show no condition dependence. This suggests that colour is under strong directional sexual selection only in limnetics and that this is the derived state. Moreover, I find that the strength of female preference for red is related to the extent of condition dependence. The extent of condition dependence is also associated with the importance of colour differences to mate recognition. These results show that differences between these species in the action of sexual selection underlie their sexual isolation.  相似文献   

Fitness correlates of male coloration in a Lake Victoria cichlid fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection by female choice has contributed to the rapidevolution of phenotypic diversity in the cichlid fish speciesflocks of East Africa. Yet, very little is known about the ecologicalmechanisms that drive the evolution of female mating preferences.We studied fitness correlates of male nuptial coloration ina member of a diverse Lake Victoria cichlid lineage, Pundamilianyererei. In this species, male red coloration is subject tointraspecific sexual selection by female mate choice. Male nuptialcoloration plays a critical role also in reproductive isolationbetween this species and the closely related sympatric speciesP. pundamilia. Here, we show that P. nyererei male colorationis carotenoid based, illustrating the potential for honest signalingof individual quality. In a wild population, we found that variationin male coloration was not associated with variation in a setof strongly intercorrelated indicators of male dominance: malesize, territory size, and territory location. Instead, the 2male characters that predominantly determine female choice,territory size and red coloration, may be independent predictorsof male quality: males with bright red coloration and largeterritories had lower parasite infestation rates. As a result,female preferences tended to select against heavily parasitizedmales. Consistent with parasite-mediated sexual selection, maleshad higher and more variable parasite loads than females.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphisms remains a topic of considerable research interest. One key mechanism thought to contribute to the coexistence of different colour morphs is a bias in how conspicuous they are to visual predators. Although individuals of many species camouflage themselves against their background to avoid predation, differently coloured individuals within a species may vary in their capacity to do so. However, to date, very few studies have explicitly investigated the ability of different colour morphs to plastically adjust their colouration to match their background. The red devil (Amphilophus labiatus) is a Neotropical cichlid fish with a stable colour polymorphism, with the gold morph being genetically dominant and having a myriad of documented advantages over the dark morph. However, gold individuals are much rarer, which may be related to their heightened conspicuousness to would‐be predators. Here, we tested the ability of differently coloured individuals to phenotypically adjust the shade of their body colour and patterns to match their background. In particular, we filmed dark, gold and mottled (a transitioning phase from dark to gold) individuals under an identical set‐up on light vs. dark‐coloured substrates. We found that, in contrast to individuals of the dark morph, gold and mottled individuals were less capable of matching their body colouration to their background. As a result, gold individuals appeared to be more conspicuous. These results suggest that a difference in background matching ability could play an important role in the maintenance of colour polymorphisms.  相似文献   

The evolutionary outcome of interspecific hybridization, i.e. collapse of species into a hybrid swarm, persistence or even divergence with reinforcement, depends on the balance between gene flow and selection against hybrids. If female mating preferences are open-ended but sign-inversed between species, they can theoretically be a source of such selection. Cichlid fish in African lakes have sustained high rates of speciation despite evidence for widespread hybridization, and sexual selection by female choice has been proposed as important in the origin and maintenance of species boundaries. However, it had never been tested whether hybridizing species have open-ended preference rules. Here we report the first experimental test using Pundamilia pundamilia, Pundamilia nyererei and their hybrids in three-way choice experiments. Hybrid males are phenotypically intermediate. Wild-caught females of both species have strong preferences for conspecific over heterospecific males. Their responses to F1 hybrid males are intermediate, but more similar to responses to conspecifics in one species and more similar to responses to heterospecifics in the other. We suggest that their mate choice mechanism may predispose haplochromine cichlids to maintain and perhaps undergo phenotypic diversification despite hybridization, and that species differences in female preference functions may predict the potential for adaptive trait transfer between hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of speciation in cichlid fish were investigated by analyzing population genetic models of sexual selection on sex-determining genes associated with color polymorphisms. The models are based on a combination of laboratory experiments and field observations on the ecology, male and female mating behavior, and inheritance of sex-determination and color polymorphisms. The models explain why sex-reversal genes that change males into females tend to be X-linked and associated with novel colors, using the hypothesis of restricted recombination on the sex chromosomes, as suggested by previous theory on the evolution of recombination. The models reveal multiple pathways for rapid sympatric speciation through the origin of novel color morphs with strong assortative mating that incorporate both sex-reversal and suppressor genes. Despite the lack of geographic isolation or ecological differentiation, the new species coexists with the ancestral species either temporarily or indefinitely. These results may help to explain different patterns and rates of speciation among groups of cichlids, in particular the explosive diversification of rock-dwelling haplochromine cichlids.  相似文献   

Rapidly evolving systems offer the chance to observe genetic and phenotypic change in real time. We exploit a well-characterized introduction of cichlid fish into Lake Malawi National Park to document a short history of habitat colonization and the evolution of genes and colour pattern. In the early 1960s, a fish exporter introduced individuals of Cynotilapia afra to a single site (Mitande Point) of Thumbi West Island and, as late as 1983, the species was confined to this location. In 2001, C. afra had colonized the entire perimeter of Thumbi West. In July of that year, we sampled C. afra individuals from six sites around the island and scored variation in dorsal fin colour as well as allelic diversity at six microsatellite loci. We found that, in two decades, C. afra had diverged into genetically distinct, phenotypically different northern and southern populations. We observed a high proportion of hybrids between the introduced C. afra and the native Metriaclima zebra on the southern coast of Thumbi West, and speculate that hybridization is facilitated by low water clarity at these windward sites. The short history of C. afra at Thumbi West is a microcosm of contemporary evolutionary divergence and may provide the opportunity to study the process from start to finish in genetic detail.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that decrease gene flow between diverging populations is critical to understanding speciation. Anadromous (sockeye) and nonanadromous (kokanee) morphs of the Pacific sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka spawn sympatrically and interbreed, yet allele frequency differences at neutral loci indicate restricted gene flow. Disruptive natural selection associated with strong selective differences between anadromous and nonanadromous life histories is thought to maintain the genetic differentiation of the morphs. Recently, a putative third morph of O. nerka exhibiting green rather than red breeding colour has been found on the spawning grounds sympatric with sockeye and kokanee. We investigated the ancestry of these green fish in a 2‐year controlled breeding study by using previously documented heritable, countergradient variation in red breeding colour to distinguish pure and hybrid morphs. Stabilizing sexual selection for similar red breeding colour in sockeye and kokanee has led to adaptive differences in the efficiency of carotenoid uptake between the morphs given differences in carotenoid availability between marine and lacustrine habitats. On the same diet, offspring parented by the green fish were intermediate in colour and in the concentration of dietary carotenoid pigments in their flesh and skin to those parented by either sockeye or kokanee; they were most similar to those parented by known kokanee × sockeye hybrids. This countergradient variation in carotenoid use results in a genotype‐environment mismatch in nonanadromous hybrids that exposes them by their breeding colour on the spawning grounds. Given that red colour is important in mate choice, sexual selection will almost certainly reduce reproductive opportunities for these hybrids and promote sympatric divergence of these incipient species. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 84 , 287–305.  相似文献   

Many genes influencing mammalian coat colours are well conserved. While genes responsible for pelage phenotypes in one species provide strong evidence for a candidate gene in a different species, the X-linked orange phenotype of the domestic cat is unique within mammals. The orange locus (O) undergoes X-inactivation, producing females that express both wildtype black (wt) and orange (variant) phenotypes when heterozygous (tortoiseshell). The orange locus has not yet been localized on the X chromosome. Tortoiseshell male cats have been identified but have been shown to be sex chromosome trisomies (XXY). To localize the cat orange locus, 10 feline-derived X-linked microsatellites were analysed in two extended cat pedigrees consisting of 79 and 55 individuals, respectively, segregating for the orange phenotype. Linkage analyses excluded close association of orange in the vicinity of the nine informative X-linked microsatellites. One marker was not polymorphic within either family. Several markers suggested exclusion (Z < -2.0) at distances of 7.5-33 cM. Exclusion analyses suggested a possible location for orange a 14 cM region near Xcen. Recombination distances of markers in the segregating feline pedigrees were reduced as compared with the feline interspecies backcross family. Thus, the presented pedigrees may be useful as reference families for the domestic cat because more accurate recombination rates for domestic cats can be determined.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation driven by sexual selection by female mate choice on a male trait is a much debated topic. The process is problematic because of the lack of negative frequency-dependent selection that can facilitate the invasion of a novel colour phenotype and stabilize trait polymorphism. It has recently been proposed that male-male competition for mating territories can generate frequency-dependent selection on male colouration. Rare male cichlid fish would enjoy a fitness advantage if territorial defenders bias aggression towards male cichlid fish of their own colour. We used blue (ancestral type) and red phenotypes of the Lake Victoria cichlid species complex Pundamilia. We tested the aggression bias of wild-caught territorial blue male cichlid fish from five separate populations for blue vs. red rival male cichlid fish using simulated intruder choice tests. The different populations vary in the frequency of red male cichlid fish, and in the degree of reproductive isolation between red and blue, reflecting different stages of speciation. Blue male cichlid fish from a population that lack red phenotypes biased aggression towards blue stimulus male cichlid fish. The same was found in two populations where blue and red are reproductively isolated sister species. This aggression bias may facilitate the invasion of a novel colour phenotype and species coexistence. Blue male cichlid fish from two populations where red and blue are hybridizing incipient species biased aggression towards red stimulus male cichlid fish. Thus, after a successful invasion of red, aggression bias alone is not likely to generate frequency dependence required to stabilize the coexistence of phenotypes. The findings show that aggression bias varies between stages of speciation, but is not enough to stabilize the process of speciation.  相似文献   

Gravid female Malawian Pseudotropheus cichlids spent significantly more time with males that they subsequently chose as mates, indicating that time spent near a male is a valid and accurate method of measuring female preference. Furthermore, females preferred to mate with males that had longer pelvic fins and a larger number of eggspots on their anal fins. In some instances, females chose to mate with both of the males with which they were presented, possibly because they were unable to discriminate between them.  相似文献   

Sensory drive proposes that natural selection on nonmating behaviours (e.g. foraging preferences) alters sensory system properties and results in a correlated effect on mating preferences and subsequently sexual traits. In colour‐based systems, we can test this by selecting on nonmating colour preferences and testing for responses in colour‐based female preferences and male sexual coloration. In guppies (Poecilia reticulata), individual functional links of sensory drive have been demonstrated providing an opportunity to test the process over more than one link. We measured male coloration and female preferences in populations previously artificially selected for colour‐based foraging behaviour towards two colours, red and blue. We found associated changes in male coloration in the expected direction as well as weak changes in female preferences. Our results can be explained by a correlated response in female preferences due to artificial selection on foraging preferences that are mediated by a shared sensory system or by other mechanisms such as colour avoidance, pleiotropy or social experiences. This is the first experimental evidence that selection on a nonmating behaviour can affect male coloration and, more weakly, female preferences.  相似文献   

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