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A purified preparation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) free of interferon and endotoxin activity was studied for its effects on resident murine peritoneal macrophages. M-CSF was found to induce profound morphologic alterations in resident macrophages. These changes included a marked increase in cell size, membrane ruffling, and cytoplasmic vacuolization. Further, after 72 hr of incubation with 1000 U/ml of M-CSF, there were significant increases in macrophage DNA synthesis as measured by autoradiography (P less than 0.001), and in macrophage monolayer protein content (P less than 0.01). None of these changes was seen in control macrophages or those exposed to recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN). Low activity levels of the ectoenzymes 5'-nucleotidase (5'NTD) and alkaline phosphodiesterase I (APD) have been associated with certain macrophage functions, particularly the expression of tumor cytotoxicity. Macrophage monolayers exposed to M-CSF demonstrated an unaltered level of 5'NTD activity from controls and a significantly increased level of APD activity (P less than 0.01) and did not demonstrate an increased ability to kill tumor cells, as measured by the 51Cr-release assay. On the other hand, IFN caused significant decreases in both 5'NTD (P less than 0.05) and APD (P less than 0.01) and also induced marked tumoricidal activity in macrophage monolayers. These results indicate that purified M-CSF induces highly specific alterations in the functional activity and morphologic appearance of resident macrophages and these changes are distinct from those induced by IFN.  相似文献   

Peritoneal cells harvested from mice injected with Salmonella enteritidis or thioglycollate released large amounts of galactosyltransferase (GT), but not sialyltransferase, into their culture supernatants. Maximum release of GT (using ovalbumin as acceptor) occurred from cells harvested 2-4 days after primary injection, but little GT was released from cells elicited by a secondary injection of salmonella or ovalbumin in sensitised mice or during intraperitoneal allogeneic reactions. Enzyme release in culture did not parallel GT levels in serum. Most enzyme was released by large, poorly adherent, macrophage-enriched, Fc receptor-bearing peritoneal cells of low density. Normal monocytes, bone marrow cells, and platelets also produced large amounts, and normal spleen cells or polymorphonuclear leukocytes moderate amounts, of GT. Lymphocytes, dead cells, mast cells, red blood cells, or whole populations of lymph node and thymus cells released very low levels of enzyme. Very little GT was bound to the cell surface and was not passively absorbed from serum or platelets. Release of GT was prevented at 4 degrees C but was not markedly affected by a variety of metabolic inhibitors except pretreatment of the cells with thrombin, which increased release and trypsin which decreased release.  相似文献   

Con A, a known T-cell mitogen, is also mitogenic for resident peritoneal macrophages. The stimulated cells morphologically resemble macrophages and are actively phagocytic. The concentration of con A (30 micrograms/ml) required to stimulate 3H-TdR incorporation is ten times that required for T-cell activation. Con A must be present throughout the entire culture period to produce the maximum effect, and con A-depleted supernatant fluids from con A-stimulated cells cannot replace the con A requirement. Stimulation of 3H-TdR incorporation occurs after a 48-hour lag period and is maximal on the fifth to seventh day of culture. At the peak of the response, 20-30% of the macrophages can be stimulated to incorporate 3H-TdR, but little or no increase in the total number of cells present in the culture occurs. This and pulse-chase experiments indicate that only a single cycle of replication occurs in the stimulated cells. Con A-responsive peritoneal macrophages appear to be a distinct subpopulation and might play a different role in the interaction with T cells and B cells in the immune response than the con A-non-responsive cells.  相似文献   

A thrombin receptor in resident rat peritoneal macrophages.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Resident rat peritoneal macrophages possess 6 x 10(2) high-affinity binding sites per cell for bovine thrombin with a Kd of 11 pM, and 7.5 x 10(4) low-affinity sites with a Kd of 5.8 nM. These binding sites are highly specific for thrombin. Half-maximal binding of 125I-labeled bovine thrombin is achieved after 1 min at 37 degrees C, and after 12 min at 4 degrees C. The reversibly bound fraction of the ligand dissociates according to a biexponential time course with the rate constants 0.27 and 0.06 min-1 at 4 degrees C. Part of the tracer remains cell-associated even after prolonged incubation, but all cell-associated radio-activity migrates as intact thrombin upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The bound thrombin is minimally endocytosed as judged by the resistance to pH 3 treatment, and the receptor does not mediate a quantitatively important degradation of the ligand. The binding is not dependent on the catalytic site of thrombin, since irreversibly inactivated thrombin also binds to the receptor. 125I-labeled thrombin covalently cross-linked to its receptor migrates in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a Mr 160,000, corresponding to an approximate receptor size of Mr 120,000.  相似文献   

Caveolin--an integral membrane protein--is the principal component of caveolae membranes in vivo. Multiple forms of caveolin have been identified: caveolin-1alpha, caveolin-1beta, caveolin-2 and caveolin-3. They differ in their specific properties and tissue distribution. When we studied the lysate of resident and elicited macrophages isolated from rat peritoneal cavity by Western blot analysis, we identified two different proteins (approximately 29 kDa and approximately 20 kDa) which were labelled with anti-caveolin antibodies. The approximately 20-kDa protein was labelled specifically only by anti-VIP21/caveolin-1, while the approximately 29-kDa protein was labelled by anti-VIP21/caveolin-1 and anti-caveolin-2. The presence of the approximately 29-kDa protein was characteristic of resident macrophages, and only a small amount of the approximately 20-kDa protein was detected in these cells. Elicitation resulted in a significant increase in the amount of the approximately 20-kDa protein labelled by anti-VIP21/caveolin-1 only. According to its molecular mass and antibody-specificity, this protein might be identical with the caveolin-1beta isoform. Our morphological (confocal and electron microscopical) studies have shown that in resident cells caveolin was present in the cytoplasm, in smaller vesicles and multivesicular bodies around the Golgi area. Only a very small amount of caveolae was found on the surface of these cells. In elicited macrophages, caveolae (labelled with the anti-VIP21/caveolin-1 antibody) appeared in large numbers on the cell surface, but caveolin detected by anti-caveolin-2 was also found in small vesicles and multivesicular bodies in the cytoplasm. According to these results, the absence of caveolae in resident cells can be explained by the absence of caveolin-1. The expression of the approximately 29-kDa (caveolin-related) protein in resident macrophages seems to be insufficient for caveolae formation. Elicitation significantly increased the expression of caveolin-1, and the increased amount of caveolin-1 resulted in caveolae formation on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic pH (pHi) has been shown to be an important determinant of the activity of the NADPH oxidase in phagocytic cells. We hypothesized that a difference in pHi and/or its regulation existed between activated and resident macrophages (RES MOs) which might explain the increased NADPH oxidase activity observed in the former. The pHi of RES and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-elicited MOs was examined using the fluorescent dye BCECF. Resting pHi did not differ between resident (RES) and elicited (ELI) MOs (7.16 +/- 0.05 and 7.20 +/- 0.05, respectively). pHi recovery after intracellular acid loading was partially dependent on the presence of Na+ in the extracellular medium, and was partially inhibited by the Na+/H+ antiport inhibitor, amiloride. At comparable pHi, the rate of acid extrusion during recovery was not different in RES and ELI MOs (1.48 +/- 0.12 and 1.53 +/- 0.06 mM/min, respectively). In both RES and ELI MOs, approx. 40% of total pHi recovery was insensitive to amiloride and independent of extracellular Na+. In both RES and ELI MOs, stimulation with TPA resulted in a biphasic pHi response: an initial acidification followed by a sustained alkalinization to a new steady-state pHi. This alkalinization was Na(+)-dependent and amiloride-sensitive, consistent with a TPA-induced increase in Na+/H+ antiport activity. The new steady-state pHi attained after TPA stimulation was equivalent in RES and ELI MOs (7.28 +/- 0.04 and 7.31 +/- 0.06, respectively), indicating comparable stimulated Na+/H+ antiport activity. However, the initial acidification induced by TPA was greater in ELI than in RES MOs (0.18 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.06 +/- 0.02 pH unit, respectively, P less than 0.05). The specific NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (DPI) completely inhibited the respiratory burst but reduced the magnitude of this pHi reduction by only about 50%. This suggested that the TPA-induced pHi reduction was due in part to acid produced via the respiratory burst, and in part to other acid-generating pathways stimulated by TPA.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to observe the direct and lymphokine-activated cell mediated cytotoxic effects against Trichomonas vaginalis by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Cytotoxicity was measured as release of 3H-thymidine from prelabeled protozoa, and tested in U-bottom microtiter plates. A 0.1 ml suspension of labeled protozoa (2 x 10(5)/ml) was placed in each well, followed by 0.1 ml of a suspension containing increasing numbers of peritoneal cells. After a 24 hr incubation at 37 degrees C, 0.1 ml of the supernatant was collected and counted in liquid scintillation counter. Mouse peritoneal macrophages had appreciable level of spontaneous cytotoxicity against T. vaginalis at the effector to target cell ratios from 5:1 to 50:1. Treatment of macrophages with lymphokine, produced by PHA-stimulated spleen cells, increased the cytotoxicity in comparison with resident macrophages against T. vaginalis. The degree of macrophage activation for the killing was not dependent upon the lymphokine concentration. Peritoneal cells adherent to plastic displayed significant levels of cytotoxicity against T. vaginalis. This study indicates that mouse peritoneal macrophages are spontaneously cytotoxic for T. vaginalis and lymphokine increases the cytotoxicity by activating macrophages to kill T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

Primary macrophages from the peritoneal cavities of mice are commonly used ex vivo to produce inflammatory cytokines and test anti-inflammatory agents. Although approximately 1 million peritoneal macrophages can be obtained from an untreated mouse, more than twice that number can be collected 48 to 72 h after intraperitoneal injection of sterile inducing agents such as Brewer thioglycollate broth, casein, and proteose peptone. However, whether 'induced' macrophages are functionally equivalent to 'resident' peritoneal macrophages has been unclear. Flow cytometric analysis revealed significant phenotypic differences between these 2 macrophage types. Resident and induced peritoneal macrophages also demonstrated markedly different capacities to produce the inflammatory cytokines interleukins 6 and 1beta in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation in vitro. Increased understanding of the differences between resident and induced peritoneal macrophages likely will help investigators decide which macrophage type is appropriate for their in vitro assay needs.  相似文献   

The stability of Ia-antigen expression on murine resident peritoneal macrophages was assessed during the course of in vitro culture. Contrary to published findings with radioimmunoassays and immunofluorescence assays, the cultured cells bore Ia-antigen, as shown by their rosetting with sheep erythrocytes coupled with anti-Ia.2 monoclonal antibody. In support of this finding, cultured cells presented the copolymer of glutamine, alanine, and tyrosine (GAT) to GAT-primed T lymphocytes in an Ia-dependent manner. Thus, functional Ia antigen is present on cultured macrophages. Disappearance of the antigen after fixation of macrophages with either glutaraldehyde or paraformaldehyde, a routine procedure in the radioimmunoassays and immunofluorescence assays, explains its presumed absence on cultured cells.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of 125I-labelled C3b bound to constituents of sheep erythrocyte membranes (125I-C3b-OR) for the demonstration of C3b receptor activity of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level. The binding of 125I-C3b-OR to the cells was studied in biochemical and autoradiographical experiments. The amount of cell-associated radioactivity was dependent on the presence of unlabelled aggregated C3b (AC3b) in a dose-response manner, and diminished strongly after functional inactivation of the receptor by trypsin treatment. In addition, it was found that at 4° C most of the label was associated with the cell surface. However, when the incubation temperature was raised from 4° C to 37° C, internalization of the label was observed. These results indicate that 125I-C3b-OR is a suitable agent for further characterization of the C3b receptor-function of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 oxygenates arachidonic acid (AA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) to endoperoxides, which are subsequently transformed to prostaglandins (PGs) and glycerylprostaglandins (PG-Gs). PG-G formation has not been demonstrated in intact cells treated with a physiological agonist. Resident peritoneal macrophages, which express COX-1, were pretreated with lipopolysaccharide to induce COX-2. Addition of zymosan caused release of 2-AG and production of the glyceryl esters of PGE2 and PGI2 over 60 min. The total quantity of PG-Gs (16 +/- 6 pmol/10(7) cells) was much lower than that of the corresponding PGs produced from AA (21,000 +/- 7,000 pmol/10(7) cells). The differences in PG-G and PG production were partially explained by differences in the amounts of 2-AG and AA released in response to zymosan. The selective COX-2 inhibitor, SC236, reduced PG-G and PG production by 49 and 17%, respectively, indicating a significant role for COX-1 in PG-G and especially PG synthesis. Time course studies indicated that COX-2-dependent oxygenation rapidly declined 20 min after zymosan addition. When exogenous 2-AG was added to macrophages, a substantial portion was hydrolyzed to AA and converted to PGs; 1 microm 2-AG yielded 820 +/- 200 pmol of PGs/10(7) cells and 78 +/- 41 pmol of PG-Gs/10(7) cells. SC236 reduced PG-G and PG production from exogenous 2-AG by 88 and 76%, respectively, indicating a more significant role for COX-2 in the utilization of exogenous substrate. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide-pretreated macrophages produce PG-Gs from endogenous 2-AG during zymosan phagocytosis, but PG-G formation is limited by substrate hydrolysis and inactivation of COX-2.  相似文献   

Mouse peritoneal macrophages were allowed to ingest 59Fe, 125I-labelled transferrin-antitransferrin immune complexes, and the release of 59Fe and degraded transferrin was studied. Some iron was released as ferritin, but a major portion was bound by bovine transferrin present in the culture medium, which contained fetal calf serum. If the medium was saturated with iron prior to incubation with the cells, little of the released iron was then bound by transferrin but appeared either as a high molecular weight fraction or, if nitrilotriacetate was present in the medium, some also appeared as a low molecular weight fraction. The release of non-ferritin iron was biphasic, the early, rapid phase being more prolonged with resident cells than with stimulated cells. The rate of release in the late phase did not differ significantly between resident and stimulated cells. Incubation at 0°C completely suppressed the release of degraded transferrin, but iron release continued at about 30% of the rate seen in control cultures at 37°C. A model for the intracellular handling of ingested iron is proposed to take account of the different release patterns of resident and stimulated macrophages.  相似文献   

To compare the kinetics of the O-2-generating enzyme in nonactivated and activated macrophages and granulocytes from the mouse peritoneal cavity, we sought conditions in which the activity of this enzyme in cell lysates was comparable to that in intact cells. Pretreatment of macrophages with 10 mM diethyldithiocarbamate inhibited endogenous superoxide dismutase by 70% and enhanced O-2 secretion up to 15-fold, so that it was comparable to H2O2 secretion. O-2 secretion was terminated by detergent lysis and reconstituted by addition of NAD(P)H to the lysates. Optimal detection of O-2 production in lysates depended on prior stimulation of the respiratory burst, lysis with 0.05% deoxycholate rather than any of 4 other detergents or sonication, acetylation of the cytochrome c used as an indicator, and addition of NADPH rather than NADH. Kinetic analysis using NADPH-reconstituted deoxycholate lysates, together with spectra of oxidized and reduced cells, failed to reveal either marked differences in the Vmax of the O-2-generating enzyme or correlations between O-2 secretion and cytochrome b559 content among 5 macrophage populations whose H2O2 secretion ranged from 0 to 365 nmol/90 min/mg of protein. In contrast, the Km of the oxidase for NADPH varied markedly and inversely with the capacity of the intact cells to secrete O-2 or H2O2: J774G8 histiocytoma cells, 1.43 mM; resident macrophages, 0.41 mM; proteose peptone-elicited macrophages, 0.20 mM; casein-activated macrophages, 0.05 mM; NaIO4-activated macrophages, 0.05 mM; and granulocytes, 0.04 mM. These results suggest that macrophage activation, a process that enhances oxygen-dependent antitumor and antimicrobial functions, may equip the cell to secrete increased amounts of reactive oxygen intermediates largely by increasing the affinity of the oxidase for NADPH.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of 125I-labelled C3b bound to constituents of sheep erythrocyte membranes (125I-C3b-OR) for the demonstration of C3b receptor activity of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level. The binding of 125I-C3b-OR to the cells was studied in biochemical and autoradiographical experiments. The amount of cell-associated radioactivity was dependent on the presence of unlabelled aggregated C3b (AC3b) in a dose-response manner, and diminished strongly after functional inactivation of the receptor by trypsin treatment. In addition, it was found that at 4 degrees C most of the label was associated with the cell surface. However, when the incubation temperature was raised from 4 degrees C to 37 degrees C, internalization of the label was observed. These results indicate that 125I-C3b-OR is a suitable agent for further characterization of the C3b receptor-function of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level.  相似文献   

Summary Peritoneal macrophages elicited by Lactobacillus casei YIT9018 (LCEPM) were incubated in culture for 18 h with L. casei; the culture supernatant (LCM) was then harvested and tested for its ability to increase the cytostatic activity of resident peritoneal macrophages (RPM) and LCEPM. Treatment of RPM with LCM induced activation of macrophages to a cytostatic state against L929, Colon 26, P815, P388D1 and L1210 cells. A combination of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rhTNF), recombinant mouse TNF (rmTNF), recombinant human interleukin-1 (rhIL-1) or bacterial lipopolysaccharide with recombinant mouse interferon (rmIFN-) resulted in the synergistic induction of cytostatic activity in RPM. Recombinant mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rmGM-CSF) plus rhTNF increased the cytostatic activity of RPM a little but rmGM-CSF or rhTNF combined with rhIL-1 or alone had no effect. The effect of LCM on RPM was not inhibited by polymyxin B, anti-mTNF antiserum or below 20 U/ml monoclonal anti-rmIFN- antibody (anti-rmIFN-) but was inhibited by more than 40 U/ml anti-rmIFN-, and LCM did not have any interferon antiviral activity. These results suggest that the cytostatic activity of RPM was augmented by the LCM, and that the effect of the LCM may be not due to IFN-, TNF, GM-CSF, IL-1 or a small amount of contaminating lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Inhalation of ambient ozone alters populations of lung macrophages. However, the impact of altered lung macrophage populations on the pathobiology of ozone is poorly understood. We hypothesized that subpopulations of macrophages modulate the response to ozone. We exposed C57BL/6 mice to ozone (2 ppm × 3 h) or filtered air. At 24 h after exposure, the lungs were harvested and digested and the cells underwent flow cytometry. Analysis revealed a novel macrophage subset present in ozone-exposed mice, which were distinct from resident alveolar macrophages and identified by enhanced Gr-1(+) expression [Gr-1 macrophages (Gr-1 Macs)]. Further analysis showed that Gr-1(+) Macs exhibited high expression of MARCO, CX3CR1, and NAD(P)H:quinone oxioreductase 1. Gr-1(+) Macs were present in the absence of CCR2, suggesting that they were not derived from a CCR2-dependent circulating intermediate. Using PKH26-PCL to label resident phagocytic cells, we demonstrated that Gr-1 Macs were derived from resident lung cells. This new subset was diminished in the absence of CX3CR1. Interestingly, CX3CR1-null mice exhibited enhanced responses to ozone, including increased airway hyperresponsiveness, exacerbated neutrophil influx, accumulation of 8-isoprostanes and protein carbonyls, and increased expression of cytokines (CXCL2, IL-1β, IL-6, CCL2, and TNF-α). Our results identify a novel subset of lung macrophages, which are derived from a resident intermediate, are dependent upon CX3CR1, and appear to protect the host from the biological response to ozone.  相似文献   

Multiplication of Balb/C mouse resident peritoneal macrophages was observed, when all the cells collected in the washing fluid of the peritoneal cavity were seeded in appropriate culture medium. This multiplication began only after the appearance of a confluent monolayer of flat cells, referred to as "mesothelial" cells. The macrophages produced passed from the "mesothelial" cell layer to the suspension and could be passaged indefinitely. Each culture underwent an identical cycle of events which always included the appearance of a confluent monolayer of "mesothelial" cells. The cells transferred were characterized by their ability to phagocytose yeasts, and by the presence of Fc receptors and cytoplasmic non-specific esterases.  相似文献   

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