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Summary The morphogenesis of the thermo- and hygro-sensitive sensilla styloconica of Antheraea pernyi was studied, exclusively by cryomethods, during the second half of pupal development. The three major processes taking place during this period are (1) the differentiation of the dendritic outer segments of the sensory cells, especially of the lamellated type-2 receptor, (2) the formation of the receptor-lymph cavities, (3) the formation of tubular structures of unknown function in the inner receptor-lymph cavity, and (4) the elongation of the dendrite sheath. The formation of lamellae in the type-2 dendritic outer segment is achieved by the enfolding of its originally cylindrical cytoplasmic membrane. Autocellular junctions, previously described in the sensilla of adult animals, are found to join the forming lamellae. Close similarities between the junctions and smooth septate junctions are demonstrated. Both the extensive inner and outer receptor-lymph cavities are formed by invagination and folding of the apical cytoplasmic membranes of the three enveloping cells. Formation starts at the most apical projection of the cells and proceeds in a proximal direction. Up to 4-m-long tubular structures appear, exclusively in developmental stages, in the inner receptor-lymph cavity. They are composed of plasma membranes whose inner surface is studded with regularly spaced electron-dense particles. Contacts with the cytoplasmic membrane of the innermost enveloping cell demonstrate that the structures are composed of lipid membranes. During elongation of the dendrite sheath, which in these sensilla is apically attached to the hair wall, an 2-m-long growth-zone is observed at its proximal end. By addition of sheath-forming material to the growth-zone, the latter continuously moves proximally until the sheath is completed.  相似文献   

Summary The thermo-/hygrosensitive sensilla styloconica of the silk moth Bombyx mori were studied using cryofixation and freez-substitution. These sensilla are characterized by a short poreless cuticular peg, which is double-walled in its distal part. The central lumen is innervated by the unbranched outer dendritic segments of the two presumed hygroreceptor cells. The presumed thermoreceptor cell displays lamellae below the peg base. Within the peg lumen, the dendrites are surrounded by the peridendritic dense coat and the lowdensity matrix. Below the peg base, these structures continue as the dendrite sheath, which is separated from the outer sensillum-lymph space by a layer of the trichogen cell. The central lumen, therefore, is only connected with the inner sensillum-lymph space, but the appearance of the low-density matrix, within the peg, differs from that of the sensillum lymph below the peg. In moist-adapted (24 h) sensilla, the two hygroreceptor dendrites invade the peg for three quarters and one half of its length, respectively, and fill the cross-sectional area of the lumen by 50–80%. In dry-adapted (24 h) sensilla, the dendrites terminate more proximally and fill the cross-section by 35%. The volume of the low-density matrix increases under dry conditions and decreases under humid conditions. At intermediate ambient humidity, the morphology of these sensilla is halfway between the dry-adapted and the moist-adapted state. The effect of dry-adaptation is reversible, so that sensilla that were first dry-adapted and then moist-adapted (24 h each) before cryofixation cannot be distinguished from moist-adapted sensilla. The reduction of the exposed length of the dendrites is interpreted as a shift of the working range of the receptors and/or protection against desiccation. The current theories of sensory transduction in hygroreceptors, in particular the hygrometer and evaporimeter hypotheses, are discussed with respect to the present findings.  相似文献   

Summary This comparative immunocytochemical investigation provides evidence that the electrogenic potassium pump of insect sensilla is a vacuolar-type proton ATPase energizing potassium-proton antiport, as was shown recently for the electrogenic potassium pump in the larval midgut of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. Antennal sensilla of the saturniid moth Antheraea pernyi were probed with antibodies to the midgut vacuolar-type ATPase. The monoclonal antibodies recognized their epitopes in the native and SDS-denatured state, and bound specifically to the subunit with the relative molecular mass (Mr) of 67000 (antibody 86-3) or to the subunits of Mr 28000 and 16000 (antibody 47-5). Both antibodies labelled the apical region of the auxiliary cells, as was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunogold-electron microscopy localized the binding sites of the 47-5 antibody in the highly folded apical plasma membranes of the auxiliary cells. Labelling was selective and was detected in all types of examined sensilla (S. trichodea, S. styloconica, S. coeloconica). These findings are in agreement with the current view that an electrogenic potassium pump is situated in the apical plasma membrane of the auxiliary cells and that the pump is involved in driving the receptor current. They support the hypothesis that a proton-motive force generated by a vacuolar-type ATPase provides an alternative to the classical Na+/K+-ATPase to energize animal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The thermo-/hygroreceptive sensilla styloconica of the silkmoth Bombyx mori are located on the tips of the antennal branches. A small poreless cuticular peg is innervated by three sensory cells. The outer dendritic segments of two type-1 receptor cells, the presumed hygroreceptors, almost completely fill the peg lumen and are in close contact with each other. The outer dendritic segment of the third (type-2) receptor cell, the presumed thermoreceptor, forms lamellae below the peg base. The membranes of these lamellae are studded with knobs in orthogonal array, protruding into the extracellular space with the same orientation on facing lamellae. This Bossy Orthogonal Surface Substructure (BOSS) is assumed to play a role in thermoreceptor function. Contacts are observed between the outer dendritic segments, between the inner dendritic segments immediately below the ciliary segments, and between the sensory cell somata. These contacts, which are not found in the olfactory sensilla (s. trichodea and basiconica) of this species, indicate electrical interactions between the three sensory cells of the styloconic sensillum and possibly are involved in the antagonistic and/or bimodal response characteristics of thermo-/hygroreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Summary The thermo/hygroreceptive sensilla styloconica of the silkmoths Bombyx mori, Antheraea pernyi, and A. polyphemus were reconstructed from serial sections of cryofixed and chemically fixed specimens. The volume and surface area of the different sensillar cells were calculated from the area and circumference of consecutive section profiles. In addition, data are provided on the length and diameter of the outer and inner dendritic segments of the receptor cells. The morphometric data obtained from the three species are highly consistent and significantly different from those of olfactory sensilla trichodea of the same species. In each sensillum two type-1 receptor cells (hygroreceptors) are associated with one type-2 cell with a lamellated outer dendritic segment, a comparatively thick inner dendritic segment, and a particularly large soma (thermoreceptor). In contrast to olfactory sensilla, the thecogen cell is the largest auxiliary cell forming an extensive apical labyrinth bordering the inner sensillum-lymph space, whereas an inconspicuous trichogen cell and a medium-sized tormogen cell border a comparatively small outer sensillum-lymph cavity. Moreover, both sensillum-lymph spaces are separated from each other not only by the dendrite sheath, but also by the trichogen cell. The results are discussed with regard to recent electrophysiological observations and current hypotheses on the function of sensilla.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of insect sensilla, mechanosensitive scolopidia and thermo-/hygrosensitive poreless sensilla contain a scolopale, which consists of numerous microtubules embedded in bundles of filaments (7–10 nm in diameter). The bundles are readily seen in the electron microscope in cryofixed (high-pressure freezing and rapid injection) and substituted samples. The filaments can be identified as actin filaments by using fluorescent phalloidins. Both electron microscopy and Triton-extraction exeriments reveal mechanical linkage between the main components in both types of sensilla. Since myosin appears to be absent in the scolopale, the actin filaments are unlikely to be involved in any contraction mechanism; these filaments more probably provide mechanical stability. The functional properties of the scolopale are discussed.  相似文献   

The hygro- and thermoreceptive tarsal organ in the wandering spider Cupiennius salei is located on the tarsus of each walking leg and pedipalp, and consists of a tiny air-filled capsule in the cuticle. This capsule communicates with the outside world through a small aperture and contains seven nipple-shaped sensilla, each with a pore at its tip. In both their external morphology and internal structure, the sensilla are indistinguishable, although one sensillum is innervated by only two sensory cells, whereas the other six sensilla contain three sensory cells. Their dendrites are unbranched and terminate at the tip-pore, where they are enveloped by amorphous material that appears to limit their exposure to the atmosphere. Cobalt fillings reveal that each tarsal organ projects to three different areas within the suboesophageal ganglionic mass: (1) the sensory longitudinal tract 3 and 4; (2) the corresponding pedipalpal or leg ganglion; (3) a structured neuropil (here termed the Blumenthal neuropil) beneath the oesophagus. The multiple representation of sensory afferents from each tarsal organ in different regions of the suboesophageal ganglionic mass suggests parallel processing of hygro-/thermoreceptive information.  相似文献   

Summary By combined enzymatic and mechanical treatment, it was possible to dissociate the sensory epithelium of developing antennae of male Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi silkmoths from the stage of separation of the antennal branches up to the early stages of cuticle deposition. Large numbers of entire developing trichoid sensilla were isolated. These are characterized by a large trichogen cell with a long apical, hair-forming process and a large nucleus. A cluster of 2–3 sensory neurons, enclosed by the thecogen cell, is situated in the basal region. The dendrites run past the nucleus of the trichogen cell into the apical process from which they protrude laterally. The nuclei of the tormogen and a 4th enveloping cell can be distinguished near the base of the prospective hair. After further dissociation, only the neuron clusters remain, still enclosed by their thecogen cell and often attached to the antennal branch nerve via their axons. It is finally possible to disrupt the thecogen cells and the axons, leaving the sensory neurons with inner dendritic segments and axon stumps. The majority of these neurons can be expected to be olfactory.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of a simple chordotonal organ, the presumed homologue of the noctuoid moth tympanal organ, is described in the atympanate moth, Actias luna. The organ consists of a proximal scolopidial region and a distal strand, which attaches peripherally to the membranous cuticle ventral to the hindwing alula. The strand is composed of elongate, microtubule-rich cells encased in an extracellular connective tissue sheath. The scolopidial region houses three mononematic, monodynal scolopidia, each comprised of a sensory cell, scolopale cell, and attachment cell. The dendritic apex is octagonally shaped in transverse section, its inner membrane lined by a laminated structure reminiscent of the noctuoid tympanal organ collar. A 9+0-type cilium emerges from the dendritic apex, passes through both the scolopale lumen and cap, and terminates in an extracellular space distal to the latter. Proximal extensions of the attachment cell and distal prolongations of the scolopale cell surrounding the cap are joined by an elaborate desmosome, with which is associated an extensive electron-dense fibrillar plaque. Within the scolopale cell, this plaque constitutes the scolopale rod material. The data are discussed in terms of both the organ's potential function, and its significance as the evolutionary proto-type of the noctuoid moth ear.  相似文献   

The acinous salivary glands of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) consist of four morphologically different cell types with different functions: the peripheral cells are thought to produce the fluid component of the primary saliva, the central cells secrete the proteinaceous components, the inner acinar duct cells stabilize the acini and secrete a cuticular, intima, whereas the distal duct cells modify the primary saliva via the transport of water and electrolytes. Because there is no direct information available on the distribution of ion transporting enzymes in the salivary glands, we have mapped the distribution of two key transport enzymes, the Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium pump) and a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, by immunocytochemical techniques. In the peripheral cells, the Na+/K+-ATPase is localized to the highly infolded apical membrane surface. The distal duct cells show large numbers of sodium pumps localized to the basolateral part of their plasma membrane, whereas their highly folded apical membranes have a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase. Our immunocytochemical data are supported by conventional electron microscopy, which shows electrondense 10-nm particles (portasomes) on the cytoplasmic surface of the infoldings of the apical membranes of the distal duct cells. The apically localized Na+/K+-ATPase in the peripheral cells is probably directly involved in the formation of the Na+-rich primary saliva. The latter is modified by the distal duct cells by transport mechanisms energized by the proton motive force of the apically localized V-H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

了解柞蚕Antheraea pernyi感染微孢子虫初期血淋巴内免疫系统及刺激应答相关蛋白质种类, 本研究以柞蚕5龄雌幼虫的起蚕(结束4眠, 刚完成蜕皮的幼虫)添食柞蚕微孢子虫Nosema pernyi为材料, 对感染后血淋巴利用SDS-PAGE进行分离后, 利用LC-MS/MS质谱技术和蛋白质组学分析对差异蛋白质条带进行鉴定。结果显示: 感染微孢子虫144 h后, 血淋巴中分子量约为44 kD (AP44)和28 kD (AP28)的蛋白质条带表达量增高。质谱分析AP28和AP44蛋白质条带样品, 共鉴定117个不重复蛋白质, 其中2个样品共有蛋白质12个, AP28独有蛋白质52个, AP44独有蛋白质53个。对质谱数据利用COG数据库进行搜寻鉴定, 显示AP28和AP44的鉴定蛋白质中涉及柞蚕免疫系统及刺激应答生物过程的蛋白质共有29个, 其中AP28中包括热激蛋白、 泛素样蛋白、 泛素结合酶E2、 保幼激素环氧水解酶、 微管结合蛋白、 溶菌酶、 ADP-核糖基化因子、 防御蛋白、 肽聚糖识别蛋白等15个, AP44中包括DRK、 酚氧化酶原、 类免疫球蛋白等10个; 二者共有热激蛋白hsp21.4、 酚氧化酶原、 抗菌肽等4个。本研究结果可以为今后研究柞蚕对微孢子虫的免疫应答及防御机制提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary The structure and embryonic development of the two types (A, B) of basiconic sensilla on the antennae of Locusta migratoria were studied in material that had been cryofixed and freeze-substituted, or chemically fixed and dehydrated. Both types are single-walled wall-pore sensilla. Type-A sensilla comprise 20–30 sensory and 7 enveloping cells. One enveloping cell (thecogen cell secretes the dendrite sheath); four are trichogen cells, projections of which form the trichogen process during the 2nd embryonic molt. The trichogen cells form two concentric pairs proximally. Two tormogen cells secrete the cuticular socket of the sensillum. The dendritic outer segments of the sensory cells are branched. Bifurcate type-A sensilla have also been observed. Type-B sensilla comprise three sensory and four enveloping cells (one thecogen, two trichogen and one tormogen). The trichogen process is formed by the two trichogen cells, each of which gives rise to two projections. The trichogen cells are concentrically arranged. The dendritic outer segments of the sensory cells are unbranched. In the fully developed sensillum, all trichogen and tormogen cells border on the outer receptor lymph cavity. It is suggested that the multicellular organization of the type-A sensilla can be regarded as being advanced rather than primitive.Supported by the Dcutschc Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   

The distribution of odorant-binding proteins among olfactory sensilla of three moth species was studied by immuno-electron microscopy. Two polyclonal antisera were used in a post-embedding labelling protocol on sections of cryo-substituted antennae. The first was directed against the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) of Antheraea polyphemus, the second against the general odorant-binding protein (GOBP) of the same species. Immunoblots showed that these antisera were highly specific; both antisera did, however, cross-react with related proteins in the related species A. pernyi, and in the bombycid moth B. mori. PBP and GOBP were localized only in olfactory sensilla trichodea and sensilla basiconica, the principal site being the sensillum lymph surrounding the sensory dendrites. In the males of all three species, the pheromone-sensitive long sensilla trichodea exclusively contained PBP. the majority of the sensilla basiconica in both sexes in these species contained GOBP; these sensilla are known to respond to plant and other general odours. Some sensilla were not labelled by either antiserum; presumably, these held an odorantbinding protein of a different subfamily. Never were PBP and GOBP co-localized in the same sensillum. Two observations deserve special attention: (1) PBP was also found in a few sensilla in females, and (2) in B. mori, where the long sensilla trichodea have a different functional specificity in males (pheromone) and females (plant odours), the expression of the odorant-binding protein (males: PBP; females: GOBP) is similarly different. The distinct and complex distribution pattern of odorant-binding proteins supports the notion that these proteins participate in stimulus recognition.Dedicated to Professor Ya.A. Vinnikov on the occasion of his 85. birthdayThis work was partly supported by DFG grant ste 501/3-1.  相似文献   

Sensilla lining the inner walls of the sacculus on the third antennal segment of Drosophila melanogaster were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. The sacculus consists of three chambers: I, II and III. Inside each chamber morphologically distinct groups of sensilla having inflexible sockets were observed. Chamber I contains no-pore sensilla basiconica (np-SB). The lumen of all np-SB are innervated by two neurons, both resembling hygroreceptors. However, a few np-SB contain one additional neuron, presumed to be thermoreceptive. Chamber II houses no-pore sensilla coeloconica (np-SC). All np-SC are innervated by three neurons. The outer dendritic segments of two of these neurons fit tightly to the wall of the lumen and resemble hygroreceptor neurons. A third, more electron-dense sensory neuron, terminates at the base of the sensillum and resembles a thermoreceptor cell. Chamber III of the sacculus is divided into ventral and dorsal compartments, each housing morphologically distinct grooved sensilla (GS). The ventral compartment contains thick GS1, and the dorsal compartment has slender sensilla GS2. Ultrastructurally, both GS1 and GS2 are doublewalled sensilla with a longitudinal slit-channel system and are innervated by two neurons. The dendritic outer segment of one ofthe two neurons innervates the lumen of the GS and branches. On morphological criteria, we infer this neuron to be olfactory. The other sensory neuron is probably thermoreceptive. Thus, the sacculus in Drosophila has sensilla that are predominantly involved in hygroreception, thermoreception, and olfaction. We have traced the sensory projections of the neurons innervating the sacculus sensilla of chamber III using cobaltous lysine or ethanolic cobalt (II) chloride. The fibres project to the antennal lobes, and at least four glomeruli (VM3, DA3 and DL2-3) are projection areas of sensory neurons from these sensilla. glomerulus DL2 is a common target for the afferent fibres of the surface sensilla coeloconica and GS, whereas the VM3, DA3 and DL3 glomeruli receive sensory fibres only from the GS.  相似文献   

Summary Immuno-electron microscopy confirms that the scolopale, a characteristically prominent cytoskeletal element of insect scolopidia, is composed mainly of actin filaments. Immunohistochemistry reveals that these filaments are co-localized with tropomyosin. Myosin S1-decoration shows that their polarity is unidirectional. Antibodies to -actinin do not bind within the scolopale. The association of these actin filaments with tropomyosin in the absence of myosin, together with their uniform polarity, strongly suggests that, in the scolopale, they have a stabilizing rather than contractile function. Filament elasticity would appear to be important for stimulation. The degree of elasticity may well be governed by the extent of tropomyosin binding.  相似文献   

The involvement of the antennal urinary glands in the ontogeny of osmoregulatory functions was investigated during the development of Astacus leptodactylus by measurements of hemolymph and urine osmolality in juvenile and adult crayfish and by the immunodetection of the enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase. In stage II juveniles, 1-year-old juveniles, and adults, all of which were maintained in freshwater, urine was significantly hypotonic to hemolymph. In adults, chloride and sodium concentrations were much lower in urine than in hemolymph. During embryonic development, Na+,K+-ATPase was detected by immunocytochemistry in ionocytes lining the tubule and the bladder, at an eye index (EI) of 220–250 m, and in the labyrinth, at EI 350 m. In all regions, immunofluorescence was mainly located at the basolateral side of the cells. No immunofluorescence was detected at any stage in the coelomosac. In late embryonic stages (EI 410–440 m), in stage I juveniles, and in adults, strong positive immunofluorescence was found from the labyrinth up to and including the bladder. These results show that, as early as hatching, juvenile crayfish are able to produce dilute urine hypotonic to hemolymph. This ability originates from the presence of Na+,K+-ATPase in ion-transporting cells located in the labyrinth, the tubule, and the bladder of the antennal glands and constitutes one of the main adaptations of crayfish to freshwater.We thank the University of Tarbiat Modarres and Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran for financial aid and support. Special thanks are also due to the Société Française dExportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE) for the scholarship to S.K.  相似文献   

Summary Odorant-binding proteins are supposed to play an important role in stimulus transport and/or inactivation in olfactory sense organs. In an attempt to precisely localize pheromone-binding protein in the antenna of moths, post-embedding immunocytochemistry was performed using an antiserum against purified pheromone-binding protein of Antheraea polyphemus. In immunoblots of antennal homogenates, the antiserum reacted exclusively with pheromone-binding protein of A. polyphemus, and cross-reacted with homologous proteins of Bombyx mori and Autographa gamma. On sections of antennae of male A. polyphemus and B. mori, exclusively the pheromone-sensitive sensilla trichodea are labelled; in A. gamma, label is restricted to a subpopulation of morphologically similar sensilla trichodea, which indicates that not all pheromone-sensitive sensilla contain the same type of pheromone-binding protein and accounts for a higher specificity of pheromone-binding protein than hitherto assumed. Within the sensilla trichodea, the extracellular sensillum lymph of the hair lumen and of the sensillum-lymph cavities is heavily labelled. Intracellular label is mainly found in the trichogen and tormogen cells: in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and a variety of dense granules. Endocytotic pits and vesicles, multivesicular bodies and lysosome-like structures are also labelled and can be observed not only in these cells, but also in the thcogen cell and in the receptor cells. Cell membranes are not labelled except the border between thecogen cell and receptor cell and the autojunction of the thecogen cell. The intracellular distribution of label indicates that pheromone-binding protein is synthesized in the tormogen and trichogen cell along typical pathways of protein secretion, whereas its turnover and decomposition does not appear to be restricted to these cells but may also occur in the thecogen and receptor cells. The immunocytochemical findings are discussed with respect to current concepts of the function of pheromone-binding protein.  相似文献   

Summary The ontogeny of the chemoreceptive sensilla in the labial palp-pit organ was studied in Pieris rapae by examining twelve successive stages between pupation and emergence of the imago, which takes a period of 160 h under the experimental conditions. Mitoses occur until 20 h after pupation. They lead to anlagen of sensilla, 91% of which are comprised of three sensory cells. However, two sensory cells degenerate in each sensillum during a period of 28 h. The same process occurs in anlagen with four sensory cells resulting in bicellular sensilla. Axons grow out only after the number of sensory cells has been reduced. Further consecutive steps in sensory cell differentiation are: (a) outgrowth of dendritic outer segment and dendrite sheath; (b) outgrowth of trichogen process and change in structure of elongating dendrite sheath; (c) deposition of cuticle and pore tubules in the pegs; (d) retraction of trichogen process; (e) increase in diameter of dendritic outer segment accompanied by increase of microtubule number and appearance of regularly spaced electron-dense bodies at tubular doublets; (f) branching of dendritic outer segment; and (g) transformation of the dendritic branches into curled lamellae and partial destruction of the dendrite sheath. The unique process of sensory cell degeneration is interpreted as an event that revokes a step towards a possible functional improvement of the labial palp-pit organ during further evolutionSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   

Orangestriped oakworm, Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith), has caused widespread defoliation of oak trees in the urban landscape of southeastern Virginia since 1985. Egg masses were collected from 1988 to 1990 to determine the impact of native egg parasites on A. senatoria populations. The most abundant egg parasite was Aprostocetus new sp. and mean egg mass parasitism was 24.6%. The eupelmid Anastatus hirtus (Ashmead), a new host record, parasitized a mean of 11.7% of A. senatoria egg masses. The encyrtid Ooencytrus sp., a new host record, had a mean egg mass parasitism of 0.09%. Inundative releases of Trichogramma minutum (Riley) in 1989 and 1990 did not increase parasitism rates and mean egg mass parasitism was 2.3%. Parasitism of first generation A. senatoria egg masses was higher compared with second generation. The four egg parasites collected in this study parasitized 30% of A. senatoria egg masses and within egg mass parasitism was 7.9%. These relatively low parasitism rates may partially explain the presence of consistently high A. senatoria populations in southeastern Virginia.  相似文献   

【目的】明确柞蚕Antheraea pernyi对外源微生物防御性生理变化规律,为柞蚕的病害防治和合理饲养提供理论依据。【方法】本研究选用革兰氏阳性菌苏云金芽孢杆菌Bacillus thuringeinsis(Bt)和革兰氏阴性菌大肠杆菌Escherichia coli(Ec)为外源诱导微生物,调整至10~6~10~8cfu/m L菌液,灭活后处理柞蚕蛹,诱导24,48,72和96 h后不同时间测定血淋巴蛋白含量、PO活性、CAT活性、抗菌活性和溶菌酶活性等生理指标。【结果】Ec和Bt诱导柞蚕蛹导致各生理指标出现显著变化,但两种菌株诱导生理指标变化规律差异明显,Ec高浓度诱导72 h会增加血淋巴蛋白含量,而Bt各浓度诱导会在24,48和96 h增加血淋巴蛋白含量。免疫防御关键酶系PO和CAT活性变化规律在不同菌株诱导后差异更明显,Ec诱导后,PO活性随着时间增加表现为先升高后降低的趋势,CAT活性呈现"升高-降低-升高"的规律;而Bt诱导后PO活性表现为"升高-降低-升高"的规律,CAT活性随诱导时间增加变化规律不明显,但有随菌液浓度增加而降低的趋势。对抗菌活性测定表明,Ec和Bt诱导都会显著增加蛹粗酶液抗菌活性,溶菌酶活性也会极显著增加,但2个指标高峰值出现的时间会有明显差别。【结论】本研究结果表明Ec和Bt不同处理均可诱导柞蚕蛹产生明显防御反应,但柞蚕蛹生理指标变化规律与不同种类微生物及处理时间和浓度有关,推测革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌具有不同的诱导防御反应机制。研究结果可以为外源微生物侵染柞蚕后的免疫防御反应规律提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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