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Polymerization of fibrin is inhibited in the presence of excess fibrinogen fragment D. This study was performed in order to test the proposal that these inhibited solutions contain short linear polymers of fibrin (protofibrils) whose further polymerization is prevented as a result of attachment of a molecule of fragment D at each end. Negative-stain electron micrographs, intrinsic viscosities, angular dependence of light scattering intensity, and kinetics of the increase of the scattered intensity with polymerization all were found to support the above model of the inhibited polymer and to reflect the presence of a broad distribution of the lengths of the inhibited fibrin polymers. Furthermore, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of polymers stabilized with gamma-dimer cross-links introduced by factor XIIIa demonstrates cross-linking of fragment D to fibrin oligomers. Cross-linked polymers have been separated from excess fragment D by gel exclusion chromatography in 1 M urea. (In the absence of urea, the purified polymers very slowly associate to fibers.) The observation of the relative stability of short isolated inhibited protofibrils and the decrease or absence of inhibition of fibrin gelation when fragment D was added to solutions in which fibrin had been given time to polymerize to long protofibrils demonstrate that the inhibitory effect of fragment D occurs as a result of inhibition of the first fibrin polymerization step.  相似文献   

Fragment D has been isolated as an apparently single molecular weight species (molecular weight about 100,000) from plasmin digests of humman fibrinogen, using a combination of affinity chromatography on insolubilized "fibrin monomer" and gel filtration. This fragment consists of three chains with molecular weights of 15,000 (Dbeta), 42,500 (Dgamma1) or 39,500 (Dgamma2), and 14,000 (Dalpha) held together by disulfide bonds. The S-carboxymethyl derivatives of the chains have been separated by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography, and their identity has been confirmed by peptide mapping and immunological analysis. The chain with a molecular weight of 45,000 is a fragment of the Bbeta chain of fibrinogen. The chain derived from the gamma chain of fibrinogen occurred in two molecular forms having molecular weight 42,500 and 39,500. The chain derivative with molecular weight 14,000 is most likely derived from the Aalpha chain of fibrinogen. The chains were characterized by NH2-terminal sequence analysis, amino acid composition, and carbohydrate staining. The two molecular analysis, amino acid composition, and carbohydrate staining. The two molecular forms of the gamma chain appeared to be identical except for an NH2-terminal peptide extension of 23 amino acid residues in the longer chain. The latter has sequences in common with the COOH-terminal part of the gamma chain of the NH2-terminal disulfide knot (BROMBACK, B., BRONDAHL, N. J., HESSEL, B., IWANAGA, S., and WALLEN, P. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 5806-5820); its NH2-terminal residue being Ala-63 of the gamma chain of fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Crystallization of fragment D from human fibrinogen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Fragment D from human fibrinogen has been crystallized. The fragment, which is composed of three disulfide-linked chains (alpha' beta' gamma' = 88,000), was generated with either plasmin or mild trypsin digestion. The crystals diffracted out to 3.5 A; the space group is P2(1), unit cell dimensions a = 108 A, b = 48 A, c = 167 A, beta = 106 degrees. Fragment D was also co-crystallized with the ligand GPRP-amide, in which case the space group is consistent with P212121, unit cell dimensions a = 476 A, b = 82 A, c = 432 A.  相似文献   

1. Fibrin clots prepared in the absence of calcium can be dissolved in solutions of lithium chloride and bromide and sodium bromide and iodide, as well as of guanidine hydrochloride and urea. These salts do not denature fibrinogen under the same conditions of concentration, temperature, and time. Sedimentation experiments on the fibrin solutions show in each case a single sharp peak with a sedimentation constant close to that of fibrinogen. 2. At lower concentrations, these salts inhibit the clotting of fibrinogen by thrombin, but in the case of lithium bromide and sodium iodide, at least, allow an intermediate polymer to accumulate whose sedimentation constant is close to that of the polymer observed in systems inhibited by hexamethylene glycol or urea.  相似文献   

The role of fibrinogen alpha C-domains in the fibrin assembly process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Turbidity development registration and electron microscopic observation of the assembly process of the fibrin monomer and its derivative lacking in intact alpha C-domains (monomeric X1 fragment) have shown that these domains participate in fibrin polymerization, not as structural components, but as a factor promoting the ordered process of fibrin assembly.  相似文献   

Preparation of monomeric fibrin lacking intact alpha C-domains (monomeric X1-fragment), but fully clottable, is described. The assembly process of both monomeric fibrin and monomeric X1-fragment has been studied by electron microscopy and light scattering methods. It was shown that both proteins form similar fibrils with characteristic cross-banding. Upon dilution a sharp elevation of the differences between the assembly rates of monomeric X1-fragment and monomeric fibrin was revealed. The results obtained show that alpha C-domains take part in fibrin clot formation not as structural components but as the factor accelerating the ordered assembly of complex fibrin structure. The possible mechanism of alpha C-domains participation in fibrin clot formation are regarded.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with studies in formation of monomeric fibrin (fm) complexes with fragment D (D) of fibrinogen and dimer D (DD) of stabilized fibrin. The complexes are shown to be essentially different. The fm-D complexes are unstable, their composition is a function of D concentration in the mixture, the ultimate molar D/fm ratio is equal to 3. The fm-DD complexes are quite stable, their composition is constant: the molar DD/fm ratio is equal to 1. In mixtures containing fm, DD and different amounts of D complexes of different composition are formed but the total number of D-units in them approaches 3. A model is suggested showing interaction of fm molecules in protofibril formation with allowance for the retention of binding centres which provide the lateral link between protofibrils.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a dimeric glycoprotein (Mr 440,000) involved in many adhesive processes. During blood coagulation it is bound and cross-linked to fibrin. Fibrin binding is achieved by structures (type I repeats) which are homologous to the "finger" domain of tissue plasminogen activator. Tissue plasminogen activator also binds to fibrin via the finger domain and additionally via the "kringle 2" domain. Fibrin binding of tissue plasminogen activator results in stimulation of its activity and plays a crucial role in fibrinolysis. Since fibronectin might interfere with this binding, we studied the effect of fibronectin on plasmin formation by tissue plasminogen activator. In the absence of fibrin, fibronectin had no effect on plasminogen activation. In the presence of stimulating fibrinogen fragment FCB-2, fibronectin increased the duration of the initial lag phase (= time period until maximally stimulated plasmin formation occurs) and decreased the rate of maximal plasmin formation which occurs after that lag phase mainly by increasing the Michaelis constant (Km). These effects of fibronectin were dose-dependent and were similar with single- and two-chain tissue plasminogen activator. They were also observed with plasmin-pretreated FCB-2. An apparent Ki of 43 micrograms/ml was calculated for the inhibitory effect of fibronectin when plasminogen activation by recombinant single-chain tissue plasminogen activator was studied in the presence of 91 micrograms/ml FCB-2. When a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator mutant lacking the finger domain was used in a system containing FCB-2, no effect of fibronectin was seen, indicating that the inhibitory effect of fibronectin might in fact be due to competition of fibronectin and tissue plasminogen activator for binding to fibrin(ogen) via the finger domain.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography of plasminogen and its proteolytic fragments on immobilized fibrinogen TSD fragment has shown that the latter contains a plasminogen-binding site which is complementary to the lysine-binding site(s) of plasminogen molecule 1-3 kringle structures.  相似文献   

Three Fragment D species (D1, D2, D3) were isolated with time from a plasmin digest of fibrinogen and had molecular weights of 92,999, 86,000 and 82,000 by summation of subunit molecular weights from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Their molecular weights by sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation were 94,000 t87,000, 88,000 to 82, 000, and 76,000 to 70,000 depending on the values calculated for the partial specific volumes. Each of the Fragment D species contained three disulfide-linked subunits derived from the Aalpha, Bbeta, and gamma chains of fibrinogen and differed only in the extent of COOH-terminal degradation of their gamma chain derivatives. Plasmin cleaved Fragment D1 to release the cross-link sites from its gamma' subunit of 38,000 molecular weight; however, the beta' subunit of 42,000 molecular weight and the alpha' subunit of 12,000 molecular weight were resistant to further digestion by plasmin. Fragment D isolated from highly cross-linked fibrin had a dimeric structure due to cross-link formation between the gamma' subunits of two fibrinogen Fragment D species. The molecular weight of fibrin Fragment D was 184,000 by summation of subunit molecular weights and 190,000 to 175,000 by sedimentation equilibrium. Cross-linking the gamma chain, as well as incorporating the site-specific fluorescent label monodansyl cadaverine into the gamma chain cross-link acceptor site, prevented its COOH-terminal degradation by plasmin. Therefore, only one species of fibrin Fragment D, as well as only one species of monodansyl cadaverine-labeled fibrin Fragment D monomer, was generated during plasmin digestion. These results show unequivocally that each fibrinogen Fragment D contains only three subunit chains and therefore the digestion of fibrinogen by plasmin must result in the production of two Fragment D molecules from each fibrinogen molecule. The recently proposed model of fibrinogen cleavage that postulates the generation of a single Fragment D with three pairs of subunit chains from each fibrinogen molecule is incorrect. Incorporation of monodansyl cadaverine into the cross-link acceptor sites of the alpha chain did not alter its cleavage by plasmin detectably. A series of monodansyl cadaverine-labeled peptides, which ranged in molecular weight from 40,000 to 23,000, were cleaved from the alpha chain of monodansyl cadaverine-labeled fibrin monomer during the early stages of plasmin digestion. These peptides were degraded progressively to a brightly fluorescent plasmin-resistant peptide of 21,000 molecular weight and a weakly fluorescent peptide of 2,500 molecular weight. Thus both alpha chain cross-link acceptor sites are contained within a peptide segment of 23,000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

The methods of viscosimetry, the Rayleigh light-scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation were applied to study the physicochemical mechanism of the effect of fragment D on the structure of fibrin equilibrium oligomers. Using the values of intrinsic viscosity, weight average molecular masses and mass/length ratio it was shown that when producing an antipolymerization effect the fragment D retains the three-dimensional organization of fibrin polymers, i.e. rigid rod-like single- and double-stranded protofibrillas. The paper has proved that along with the traditional mechanism of inhibiting self-assembly of of the double-stranded structure due to the competition of fragment D with fibrin monomer for central domain E there is an alternative attributed to its attachment to a peripheral region of the fibrin monomer. The second mechanism is the only one which occurs in the region of single-stranded pseudoprotofibrillas existence. The role of alpha C-domains in protein-protein interactions is also discussed.  相似文献   

Fragment D from a 4-hour plasminolysate of human fibrinogen was chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose and a nearly homogeneous subfraction obtained. It migrated as a single band in dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Reduction yielded three peptide chains with approximate molecular weights of 45000, 295000 and 13000 as estimated from the electrophoretic migration rate in dodecylsulfate acrylamide gels. From these data the molecular weight of the Fragment D subfraction was calculated to be ca. 87500. The S-carboxymethylated peptide chains were separated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. They were correlated electrophoretically and their amino acid composition was determined. The peptide chains of molecular weight 45000 and 29500 showed a chromatographic microheterogeneity. The subfractions of these two chains, however, were not distinguished by their electrophoretic mobility in dodecylsulfate acry lamide gels and showed only insignificant differences in their amino acid composition.  相似文献   

Inhibited thrombins. Interactions with fibrinogen and fibrin.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Fibrin-monomer-Sepharose was used to study thrombin binding to fibrin and the role of the enzyme active centre in this interaction. Binding properties of preformed enzyme-inhibitor complexes, as well as inhibition of thrombin already adsorbed to fibrin monomer, were investigated. No apparent difference was found in binding properties of phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride-, D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2Cl- and dansylarginine NN-(3-ethylpentane-1,5-diyl)amide-inhibited thrombins. Also, the elution profile of phenylmethane-sulphonyl fluoride-inhibited thrombin from fibrinogen-Sepharose was identical with that of active thrombin from fibrin-monomer-Sepharose. Thus far the only low-Mr inhibitor that prevents thrombin from binding to fibrin monomer is pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Preformed hirudin-thrombin complexes do not interact with fibrin. The extent to which the active centre of thrombin associated with fibrin is still accessible to substrates and inhibitors was also studied. Thrombin bound to fibrin hydrolyses a synthetic substrate at the same rate as the free enzyme. Water-soluble low-Mr inhibitors such as D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2Cl and dansylarginine NN-(3-ethylpentane-1,5-diyl)amide can readily modify the active centre of the fibrin-associated enzyme, and the active centre is exposed to the degree that displacement of dansylarginine NN-(3-ethylpentane-1,5-diyl)amide by D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2Cl is possible without disturbing the binding. Hirudin disrupts the affinity between thrombin and fibrin. These data indicate that the active centre of thrombin associated with fibrin through extended binding is fully exposed and freely accessible. It is possible that extended binding may play a regulatory role in the activation of Factor XIII by thrombin, as well as inactivation of this enzyme by antithrombin III.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] in plasma are a significant risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic disease, a property which may arise from the ability of this lipoprotein to inhibit fibrinolysis. In the present study we have quantitated the binding of recombinant forms of apolipoprotein(a) [17K and 12K r-apo(a); containing 8 and 3 copies, respectively, of the major repeat kringle sequence (kringle IV type 2)] to modified fibrinogen surfaces. Iodinated 17K and 12K r-apo(a) bound to immobilized thrombin-modified fibrinogen (i.e., fibrin) surfaces with similar affinities (Kd approximately 1.2-1.6 microM). The total concentration of binding sites (Bmax) present on the fibrin surface was approximately 4-fold greater for the 12K than for the 17K (Bmax values of 0.81 +/- 0.09 nM, and 0.20 +/- 0.01 nM respectively), suggesting that the total binding capacity on fibrin surfaces is reduced for larger apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) species. Interestingly, binding of apo(a) to intact fibrin was not detected as assessed by measurement of intrinsic fluorescence of free apo(a) present in the supernatants of sedimented fibrin clots. In other experiments, the total concentration apo(a) binding sites available on plasmin-modified fibrinogen surfaces was shown to be 13.5-fold higher than the number of sites available on unmodified fibrin surfaces (Bmax values of 2.7 +/- 0.3 nM and 0.20 +/- 0.01 nM respectively) while the affinity of apo(a) for these surfaces was similar. The increase in Bmax was correlated with plasmin-mediated exposure of C-terminal lysines since treatment of plasmin-modified fibrinogen surfaces with carboxypeptidase B produced a significant decrease in total binding signal as detected by ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay). Taken together, these data suggest that apo(a) binds to fibrin with poor affinity (low microM) and that the total concentration of apo(a) binding sites available on modified-fibrinogen surfaces is affected by both apo(a) isoform size and by the increased availability of C-terminal lysines on plasmin-degraded fibrinogen surfaces. However, the low affinity of apo(a) for fibrin indicates that Lp(a) may inhibit fibrinolysis through a mechanism distinct from binding to fibrin, such as binding to plasminogen.  相似文献   

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