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A variety of human activities have detrimental impacts on populations of species the park is designed to protect. These impacts range from direct hunting for trophy or subsistence needs, through vehicular collisions, to the direct loss of habitat due to forestry and agricultural activity. These impacts reduce the effective size of the parks and require changes in management policy that deal both with the direct cause of the problem and the underlying social conflicts that the presence of parks can place on humans in the surrounding communities. Recent studies from the Serengeti illustrate that increases in anti-poaching patrols increase the risk of poacher detection and lead to dramatic declines in levels of poaching. The economic arguments that support investment in anti-poaching patrols, rather than increased sentences for poachers who are caught, can be generalized to examine the costs and benefits of other changes in natural resource management that arise when attempting to manage the impact of anthropogenic activities in and around national parks.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway plays a central role in the degradation of short-lived regulatory proteins to control many cellular events. The Arabidopsis genome contains two genes, AtRPT2a and AtRPT2b, which encode paralog molecules of the RPT2 subunit of 19S proteasome. We demonstrated that mutation of the AtRPT2a gene causes a specific phenotype of enlarged leaves due to increased cell size in correlation with expanded endoreduplication. This phenotype was also observed in the knockout mutant of AtRPT5a, which encodes one of the paralogs of the RPT5 subunit. Taken together, this suggests that a cell size-specific proteasome consisting of AtRPT2a and AtRPT5a is involved in controlling cell size during leaf development.Key words: 26S proteasome, endoreduplication, leaf size, RPT2a, RPT5a  相似文献   

Pollinators play a key role in the reproduction of most plant species, and pollinator and plant diversity are often related. We studied an experimental gradient of plant species richness for a better understanding of plant–pollinator community interactions and their temporal variability, because in non‐experimental field surveys plant richness is often confounded with gradients in management, soil fertility, and community composition. We observed pollinator species richness and frequency of visits six times in 73 plots over two years, and used advanced statistical analysis to account for the high number of zeroes that often occur in count data of rare species. The frequency of pollinator visits increased linearly with both the blossom cover and the number of flowering plant species, which was closely related to the total number of plant species, whereas the number of pollinator species followed a saturation curve. The presence of particularly attractive plant species was only important for the frequency of flower visits, but not to the richness of pollinators. Plant species richness, blossom cover, and the presence of attractive plant species enhanced the temporal stability in the frequency of pollinator visits. In conclusion, grasslands with high plant diversity enhance and stabilize frequent and diverse flower visitations, which should sustain effective pollination and plant reproduction.  相似文献   

In this study we quantified variability in foliage herbivory and pre-dispersal seed predation and its effects on plant performance and demography in populations of a rare and protected perennial herb, Paeonia officinalis. An individual-based survey was performed during four years in four populations, which contained plants in both open habitat and woodland. We detected marked spatial and temporal variation among and within populations in foliage herbivory (by insects) and pre-dispersal seed predation (by insects, rodents and Roe Deer). Foliage herbivory decreased with plant demographic stages in open habitats, from seedlings to reproductive individuals, but no significant trend was detected in woodland habitats. This may be due to different demographic origin of larger vegetative plants in this habitat. Depending on demographic stage, herbivory was higher in open habitats or not significantly different between habitats. This suggests differences in herbivore abundance in different habitats within sites. Pre-dispersal seed predation remained weak and did not depend on habitat. We did not detect any consequence of foliage herbivory on seedling mortality and individual growth in our study. Our results illustrate the need to investigate plant-herbivore interactions over several years in distinct populations in order to more accurately evaluate herbivore impact on plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are believed to play a major role in the evolution of floral traits. Flower colour and flower size are important for attracting pollinators, directly influencing reproduction, and thus expected to be under pollinator‐mediated selection. Pollinator‐mediated selection is also proposed to play a role in maintaining flower colour polymorphism within populations. However, pigment concentrations, and thus flower colour, are also under selective pressures independent of pollinators. We quantified phenotypic pollinator‐mediated selection on flower colour and size in two colour polymorphic Iris species. Using female fitness, we estimated phenotypic selection on flower colour and size, and tested for pollinator‐mediated selection by comparing selection gradients between flowers open to natural pollination and supplementary pollinated flowers. In both species, we found evidence for pollen limitation, which set the base for pollinator‐mediated selection. In the colour dimorphic Iris lutescens, while pigment concentration and flower size were found to be under selection, this was independent of pollinators. For the polymorphic Iris pumila, pigment concentration is under selective pressure by pollinators, but only for one colour morph. Our results suggest that pollinators are not the main agents of selection on floral traits in these irises, as opposed to the accepted paradigm on floral evolution. This study provides an opposing example to the largely‐accepted theory that pollinators are the major agent of selection on floral traits.  相似文献   

Delayed selfing has been considered the best-of-both-worlds response to pollinator unpredictability because it can provide reproductive assurance without decreasing outcrossing potential. According to this hypothesis, selfing rates in delayed selfing species should be highly variable in fluctuating pollinator environments. To test this prediction, as well to explore the consequences of delayed selfing on genetic patterns, we compared two sister species that grow in the high Andes of Chile: Schizanthus grahamii that exhibits delayed selfing and Schizanthus hookeri, which is self-compatible but requires pollinators for seed set. We estimated genetic diversity within and among five populations of each species using six shared microsatellites. Our results indicated that selfing rates in S. grahamii (range 0.07–0.81) were significantly more variable than in S. hookeri (range 0–0.26). The highest levels of selfing were found in the populations of S. grahamii located at highest altitudes (r = 0.78) and at northern margin range, where pollinators are probably more scarce. These populations also showed the lowest allelic richness and heterozygosity values. Southern populations of S. grahamii had mixed mating, and showed heterozygosity and diversity values close to those detected for S. hookeri along all the sampled range. Selfing in this species results from geitonogamy, and did not covary with altitude. Schizanthus grahamii showed greater population differentiation than S. hookeri. Overall, our results indicated that selfing rates were widely variable in S. grahamii, with some populations predominantly selfing and others showing mixed mating. This pattern may be associated with the strong fluctuations in pollinator service that typically occur in the high Andes of Chile.  相似文献   

de Jager ML  Dreyer LL  Ellis AG 《Oecologia》2011,166(2):543-553
The co-occurrence of plant species within a community is influenced by local deterministic or neutral processes as well as historical regional processes. Floral trait distributions of co-flowering species that share pollinators may reflect the impact of pollinator preference and constancy on their assembly within local communities. While pollinator sharing may lead to increased visitation rates for species with similar flowers, the receipt of foreign pollen via interspecific pollinator movements can decrease seed set. We investigated the pattern of community flower colour assembly as perceived by native honeybee pollinators within 24 local assemblages of co-flowering Oxalis species within the Greater Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. To explore the influence of pollinators on trait assembly, we assessed the impact of colour similarity on pollinator choices and the cost of heterospecific pollen receipt. We show that flower colour is significantly clustered within Oxalis communities and that this is not due to historical constraint, as flower colour is evolutionarily labile within Oxalis and communities are randomly structured with respect to phylogeny. Pollinator observations reveal that the likelihood of pollinators switching between co-flowering species is low and increases with flower colour similarity. Interspecific hand pollination significantly reduced seed set in the four Oxalis species we investigated, and all were dependant on pollinators for reproduction. Together these results imply that flower colour similarity carries a potential fitness cost. However, pollinators were highly flower constant, and remained so despite the extreme similarity of flower colour as perceived by honeybees. This suggests that other floral traits facilitate discrimination between similarly coloured species, thereby likely resulting in a low incidence of interspecific pollen transfer (IPT). If colour similarity promotes pollinator attraction at the community level, the observed clustering of flower colour within communities might result from indirect facilitative interactions.  相似文献   

The debate concerning genetically modified crops illustrates confusion between the role of scientists and that of wider society in regulatory decision making. We identify two fundamental misunderstandings, which, if rectified, would allow progress with confidence. First, scientific risk assessment needs to test well-defined hypotheses, not simply collect data. Second, risk assessments need to be placed in the wider context of risk analysis to enable the wider 'non-scientific' questions to be considered in regulatory decision making. Such integration and understanding is urgently required because the challenges to regulation will escalate as scientific progress advances.  相似文献   

Latest Precambrian to Early Palaeozoic biosphere evolution triggered changes in early diagenesis and carbonate precipitation which fed back to biodiversity through colonization of hard substrates. Progressive increase in the depth and intensity of bioturbation and bio‐irrigation lowered the zone of early carbonate cementation in the uppermost sediment column. This firstly led to a decline in the abundance of the flat‐pebble conglomerates which had been a common feature of Cambrian and Early Ordovician successions, replaced by the peak and subsequent decline in the Palaeozoic abundance of submarine hardgrounds. The availability of very widespread lithified sea floors in shallow subtidal settings during the Ordovician promoted a rapid expansion in sclerobiont diversity and contributed to the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide genotyping and Bayesian inference method (BORICE) were employed to estimate outcrossing rates and paternity in two small plant populations of Tolpis succulenta (Asteraceae) on Graciosa island in the Azores. These two known extant populations of T. succulenta on Graciosa have recently evolved self‐compatibility. Despite the expectation that selfing would occur at an appreciable rate (self‐incompatible populations of the same species show low but nonzero selfing), high outcrossing was found in progeny arrays from maternal plants in both populations. This is inconsistent with an immediate transition to high selfing following the breakdown of a genetic incompatibility system. This finding is surprising given the small population sizes and the recent colonization of an island from self‐incompatible colonists of T. succulenta from another island in the Azores, and a potential paucity of pollinators, all factors selecting for selfing through reproductive assurance. The self‐compatible lineage(s) likely have high inbreeding depression (ID) that effectively halts the evolution of increased selfing, but this remains to be determined. Like their progeny, all maternal plants in both populations are fully outbred, which is consistent with but not proof of high ID. High multiple paternity was found in both populations, which may be due in part to the abundant pollinators observed during the flowering season.  相似文献   

The use of social information is a prerequisite to the evolution of culture. In humans, social learning allows individuals to aggregate adaptive information and increase the complexity of technology at a level unparalleled in the animal kingdom. However, the potential to use social information is related to the availability of this type of information. Although most cultural evolution experiments assume that social learners are free to use social information, there are many examples of information withholding, particularly in ethnographic studies. In this experiment, we used a computer-based cultural game in which players were faced with a complex task and had the possibility to trade a specific part of their knowledge within their groups. The dynamics of information transmission were studied when competition was within- or exclusively between-groups. Our results show that between-group competition improved the transmission of information, increasing the amount and the quality of information. Further, informational access costs did not prevent social learners from performing better than individual learners, even when between-group competition was absent. Interestingly, between-group competition did not entirely eliminate access costs and did not improve the performance of players as compared with within-group competition. These results suggest that the field of cultural evolution would benefit from a better understanding of the factors that underlie the production and the sharing of information.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and movements of a male and a female wolf during breeding in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. The female was less active and mobile and on average closer to the den than the male. The male was less active and mobile when the pack size was seven compared to a year when the pack consisted only of the breeding pair. We conclude that the roles played by breeding males and females rearing pups influence their activity, and that breeding males in larger packs move less during the nursing period because of help by other pack members.  相似文献   

Rhomboid proteases constitute a family of intramembrane serine proteases ubiquitous in all forms of life. They differ in many aspects from their soluble counterparts. We applied molecular dynamics (MD) computational approach to address several challenging issues regarding their catalytic mechanism: How does the exosite of GlpG rhomboid protease control the kinetics efficiency of substrate hydrolysis? What is the mechanism of inhibition by the non‐competitive peptidyl aldehyde inhibitors bound to the GlpG rhomboid active site (AS)? What is the underlying mechanism that explains the hypothesis that GlpG rhomboid protease is not adopted for the hydrolysis of short peptides that do not contain a transmembrane domain (TMD)? Two fundamental features of rhomboid catalysis, the enzyme recognition and discrimination of substrates by TMD interactions in the exosite, and the concerted mechanism of non‐covalent pre‐catalytic complex to covalent tetrahedral complex (TC) conversion, provide answers to these mechanistic questions.  相似文献   

Reduced genetic diversity can result in short-term decreases in fitness and reduced adaptive potential, which may lead to an increased extinction risk. Therefore, maintaining genetic variation is important for the short- and long-term success of reintroduced populations. Here, we evaluate how founder group size and variance in male reproductive success influence the long-term maintenance of genetic diversity after reintroduction. We used microsatellite data to quantify the loss of heterozygosity and allelic diversity in the founder groups from three reintroductions of tuatara ( Sphenodon ), the sole living representatives of the reptilian order Rhynchocephalia. We then estimated the maintenance of genetic diversity over 400 years (∼10 generations) using population viability analyses. Reproduction of tuatara is highly skewed, with as few as 30% of males mating across years. Predicted losses of heterozygosity over 10 generations were low (1–14%), and populations founded with more animals retained a greater proportion of the heterozygosity and allelic diversity of their source populations and founder groups. Greater male reproductive skew led to greater predicted losses of genetic diversity over 10 generations, but only accelerated the loss of genetic diversity at small population size (<250 animals). A reduction in reproductive skew at low density may facilitate the maintenance of genetic diversity in small reintroduced populations. If reproductive skew is high and density-independent, larger founder groups could be released to achieve genetic goals for management.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading of soft tissues covering bony prominences can cause skeletal muscle damage, ultimately resulting in a severe pressure ulcer termed deep tissue injury (DTI). Deformation plays an important role in the aetiology of DTI. Therefore, it is essential to minimise internal muscle deformations in subjects at risk of DTI. As an example, spinal cord-injured (SCI) individuals exhibit structural changes leading to a decrease in muscle thickness and stiffness, which subsequently increase the tissue deformations. In the present study, an animal-specific finite element model, where the geometry and boundary conditions were derived from magnetic resonance images, was developed. It was used to investigate the internal deformations in the muscle, fat and skin layers of the porcine buttocks during loading. The model indicated the presence of large deformations in both the muscle and the fat layers, with maximum shear strains up to 0.65 in muscle tissue and 0.63 in fat. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis showed that the tissue deformations depend considerably on the relative stiffness values of the different tissues. For example, a change in muscle stiffness had a large effect on the muscle deformations. A 50% decrease in stiffness caused an increase in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.99, whereas a 50% increase in stiffness resulted in a decrease in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.49. These results indicate the importance of restoring tissue properties after SCI, with the use of, for example, electrical stimulation, to prevent the development of DTI.  相似文献   

We tested the fertilization efficiency hypothesis, which attempts to explain mean seed size variation among plants within single populations, by comparing the patterns of seed size variation between chasmogamous (CH) flowers and cleistogamous (CL) flowers in Impatiens noli-tangere and Viola grypoceras, respectively. The fertilization efficiency hypothesis predicts that larger plants produce larger seeds if the number of pollen grains captured by a plant increases with increased allocation of resources to its attractive structures (e.g., corolla and nectar), but with diminishing gains. Thus, seed size should depend on plant size in seeds from CH flowers because of the diminishing gains of capturing pollen in these flowers, whereas seed size should not depend on plant size in seeds from CL flowers because CL flowers need not capture outcross pollen. We found significant positive correlations between mean seed size per plant and plant size for seeds from CH flowers in both species. However, there was no significant positive correlation between these two factors for seeds from CL flowers of both species. The results of the present investigations were thus consistent with the fertilization efficiency hypothesis.  相似文献   

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