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Increased sea level is the climate change effect expected to have the greatest impact on mangrove forest survival. Mangroves have survived extreme fluctuations in sea level in the past through sedimentation and belowground carbon (C) accumulation, yet it is unclear what factors may influence these two parameters. We measured sedimentation, vertical accretion, and belowground C accumulation rates in mangrove forests from the Republic of Palau and Vietnam to examine how diversity (high-Vietnam vs. low-Palau), land use, and location (fringe vs. interior) might influence these parameters. Land use in this study was identified as disturbance and restoration for all mangrove forests sampled in Palau and Vietnam, respectively. Vertical accretion rates were significantly greater in Vietnam (2.44 ± 1.38 cm/year) than Palau mangrove forests (0.47 ± 0.08 cm/year; p < 0.001, F1,17 = 24.96). Vertical accretion rates were positively correlated to diversity (R = 0.43, p < 0.05). However, stronger correlations of accretion to bulk density (R = 0.64, p < 0.01) and significantly higher bulk densities in Vietnamese (0.67 ± 0.04 g/cm3) than Palau mangroves (0.30 ± 0.03 g/cm3; p < 0.001, F1,17 = 54.4) suggests that suspended sediments played a greater role in mangrove forest floor maintenance relative to sea level rise. Average vertical accretion rates were similar between naturally colonized (1.01 ± 0.10 cm/year) and outplanted sites (1.06 ± 0.05 cm/year) and between fringe (1.06 ± 0.12 cm/year) and interior mangrove (0.99 ± 0.09 cm/year) in Vietnam. In Palau, vertical accretion rates did not differ between disturbed (0.42 ± 0.11 cm/year) and undisturbed (0.51 ± 0.13 cm/year) mangrove forests and were higher in fringe (0.61 ± 0.15 cm/year) than interior sites (0.33 ± 0.09 cm/year; p = 0.1, F1,7 = 3.45). Belowground C accumulation rates did not differ between any factors examined. C accumulation rates (69–602 gC/m2/year) were similar to those reported elsewhere in the literature and suggest that intact coastal ecosystems play an important role in the global C cycle, sequestering C at rates that are 10–20× greater than upland forests. Assuming vertical accretion rates measured using 210Pb are an effective proxy for surface elevation, the Vietnamese and Palauan mangroves appear to be keeping up with current rates of sea level rise.  相似文献   

The precise characterisation of present-day mangrove ecosystems from modern pollen rain facilitates the accurate use of fossil pollen data for late Quaternary sea level and environmental reconstructions. Here, we investigate whether the analysis of pollen rain data corroborates existing floristic and structural characterisation of different mangrove types at the Caribbean island of San Andrés, Colombia. At 82 plots along 20 transects of four distinct mangrove types, samples were obtained of (i) surface sediments for pollen analysis, and (ii) a range of environmental parameters (including inundation levels, salinity and pH). This information was compared to previously sampled mangrove composition and tree basal area. In surface sediment samples 82 pollen taxa were found, from which 19 were present in the vegetation plots. However, because pollen may be transported by wind and/or watercourses, the overall floristic composition of the different forest types may not necessarily be reflected by the pollen spectra. Local vegetation (i.e. mangroves and beach) represented > 90% of the pollen spectra, while the regional one (i.e. hinterland forests) represented < 5% of it. Unlike the four mangrove types that were previously described in the vegetation, the analysis of pollen samples suggested only three distinct types of forest.The groups were characterised based on (i) the dominance of at least one of the true mangrove species from pollen data ordination and the presence of associated species, and (ii) their relationship with environmental parameters. Rhizophora was present in all plot samples, but did not contribute to forest type separation. In fact, just three true mangrove species proved reliable indicators of (i) high salinity and fringe mangroves (i.e. Avicennia), (ii) high pH levels and landward mangroves (i.e. Conocarpus), and (iii) natural or anthropogenic caused disturbance of forest stands (Laguncularia and associated Acrostichum fern). Hence our study confirms that mangrove pollen spectra can be accurately used to describe different mangrove environments for fossil based palaeoecological reconstructions.  相似文献   

The distribution and growth forms of the mangroves on Zanzibar island (Unguja and Pemba) were investigated. Pemba island, with approximately 12000 ha of mangroves, had nine species; and Unguja island, with 6 000 ha, had eight. Average cropping intensities in Pemba island varied between 350–1937 cut plants per ha while in Unguja these were between 777–3567 cut plants per ha. In Pemba, mangrove forests were relatively less heavily exploited compared to those in Unguja, where clear felling was common. Charcoal, lime and salt production are the major activities which involve heavy utilization of mangrove wood.The fishery resources (shellfish and finfish) associated with the mangrove vegetation were also investigated by examining the composition of fish catches at landing stations in mangrove as well as nonmangrove zones of fishing districts. A survey on the fauna associated with mangrove forests was also conducted. A number of the local commercial fish species were found to be associated with the mangrove vegetation. The fishes of the genusLethrinus and the rabbit fishSiganus were found to constitute the bulk of the fish caught from waters adjacent to mangroves using movable traps. The molluscPyrazus sp., which is commonly used by the local people for food and bait, was found only in the mangroves.  相似文献   

Functionality of restored mangroves: A review   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
Widespread mangrove degradation coupled with the increasing awareness of the importance of these coastal forests have spurred many attempts to restore mangroves but without concomitant assessment of recovery (or otherwise) at the ecosystem level in many areas. This paper reviews literature on the recovery of restored mangrove ecosystems using relevant functional indicators. While stand structure in mangrove stands is dependent on age, site conditions and silvicultural management, published data indicates that stem densities are higher in restored mangroves than comparable natural stands; the converse is true for basal area. Biomass increment rates have been found to be higher in younger stands than older stands (e.g. 12 t ha−1 year−1 for a 12 years plantation compared to 5.1 t ha−1 year−1 for a 80-year-old plantation). Disparities in patterns of tree species recruitment into the restored stands have been observed with some stands having linear recruitment rates with time (hence enhancing stand complexity), while some older stands completely lacked the understorey. Biodiversity assessments suggest that some fauna species are more responsive to mangrove degradation (e.g. herbivorous crabs and mollusks in general), and thus mangrove restoration encourages the return of such species, in some cases to levels equivalent to those in comparable natural stands. The paper finally recommends various mangrove restoration pathways in a functional framework dependent on site conditions and emphasizes community involvement and ecosystem level monitoring as integral components of restoration projects.  相似文献   

Aim The long‐term stability of coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and salt marshes depends upon the maintenance of soil elevations within the intertidal habitat as sea level changes. We examined the rates and processes of peat formation by mangroves of the Caribbean Region to better understand biological controls on habitat stability. Location Mangrove‐dominated islands on the Caribbean coasts of Belize, Honduras and Panama were selected as study sites. Methods Biological processes controlling mangrove peat formation were manipulated (in Belize) by the addition of nutrients (nitrogen or phosphorus) to Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove), and the effects on the dynamics of soil elevation were determined over a 3‐year period using rod surface elevation tables (RSET) and marker horizons. Peat composition and geological accretion rates were determined at all sites using radiocarbon‐dated cores. Results The addition of nutrients to mangroves caused significant changes in rates of mangrove root accumulation, which influenced both the rate and direction of change in elevation. Areas with low root input lost elevation and those with high rates gained elevation. These findings were consistent with peat analyses at multiple Caribbean sites showing that deposits (up to 10 m in depth) were composed primarily of mangrove root matter. Comparison of radiocarbon‐dated cores at the study sites with a sea‐level curve for the western Atlantic indicated a tight coupling between peat building in Caribbean mangroves and sea‐level rise over the Holocene. Main conclusions Mangroves common to the Caribbean region have adjusted to changing sea level mainly through subsurface accumulation of refractory mangrove roots. Without root and other organic inputs, submergence of these tidal forests is inevitable due to peat decomposition, physical compaction and eustatic sea‐level rise. These findings have relevance for predicting the effects of sea‐level rise and biophysical processes on tropical mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. It is hypothesised that ecological restoration in grasslands can induce an alternative stable state shift in vegetation. The change in vegetation influences insect community assemblages and allows for greater functional redundancy in pollination and refuge for native insect species. 2. Insect community assemblages at eight coastal California grassland sites were evaluated. Half of these sites had undergone restoration through active revegetation of native grassland flora and half were non‐restored. Insects were collected from Lupinus bicolor (Fabaceae) within 2 × 2‐m2 plots in spring 2017. Lupinus bicolor is a common native species that is used in California restoration projects, and home and state landscaping projects. 3. Ordination demonstrated that insect community assemblages were different between restored and non‐restored sites. These differences were seen in insect functional groups as well as taxa‐specific differences and were found to be driven by environmental characteristics such as non‐native forb cover. 4. Functional redundancy of herbivores decreased at restored sites, while pollinators became more redundant compared with non‐restored sites. The assemblages of the common species found at restoration sites contained more native insects than those found at non‐restored sites, including species such as Bombus vosnesenskii. 5. Local grassland restoration has the potential to induce an alternative stable state change and affect insect community assemblages. Additionally, it was found that grassland restoration can be a potential conservation tool to provide refugia for bumblebees (Bombus), but additional studies are required to fully understand its broader applicability.  相似文献   

红树林水生动物栖息地功能及其渔业价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红树林生长于热带、亚热带海陆交界的生态敏感带,其根系为生活于潮间带高度异质环境下的生物提供了适宜生境:藻类、双壳类、甲壳类等大量附生于红树根部;红树的呼吸根、支柱根、树干、倒落的枝条和残骸等,与沉积物形成的松软基质为大量底栖动物提供栖息地,根部结构间的空隙成为虾类、蟹类和鱼类等游泳动物的优良避难所和索饵场。红树林凋落物以碎屑形式进入食物网,连同浮游植物、附生藻类和底栖微藻等,是红树林生态系统的碳循环重要组成部分,为红树林区水生动物提供了丰富的食物来源。可见,食物来源丰富、隐蔽性强、捕食压力低等特点使得红树林成为水生动物的理想栖息地,许多水生动物选择在其中度过部分或完整生活史。另外,红树林也是重要经济动物(鱼、虾、蟹类)的育苗场,为近岸鱼类种群的补充和渔业活动提供支持。为合理开发红树林区渔业和有效保护红树林湿地生态系统,从生境价值、凋落物在红树林生态系统食物网中的贡献等方面总结了红树林栖息地功能及其渔业价值,提出今后的研究方向应将红树林的栖息地功能从其它河口、近岸栖息地中分离出来,甄别不同栖息地间的动态关系及其对渔业的影响。  相似文献   

Sorting grids with two different bar spacings (12 mm and 14 mm) were tested to improve size selectivity of the commercially important fish species, red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis), in Turkish bottom trawl fishery. Fishing trials were carried out with R/V ‘Egesüf’ between April and May 2003 in Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea, using a traditional bottom trawl. Selectivity data were collected by the top cover method and analyzed by means of a logistic equation with the maximum likelihood method. Selectivity parameters for individual hauls were obtained with the software program cc 2000 . Mean selectivity was also estimated and compared using the EC Model software that takes between‐haul variations into account. The codend catch size as an additional explanatory variable was used in the comparison. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test was also applied to detect differences between length‐frequency distributions in the upper and lower bags of the 12 and 14 mm bar spacings for red mullet and annular sea bream. The mean L50 values of red mullet were 8.7 and 10.0 cm with the 12 and 14 mm grids, respectively. The L50 value of 14 mm was comparable with the L50 value of the codend mesh size; however, the 12 mm value was rather low. The mean L50 values of 12 and 14 mm bar spacings were 8.8 and 10.4 cm for annular sea bream, respectively; the value of 14 mm bar spacing was very close to 50% size at sexual maturity of the species (10.5 cm). The K–S test indicated length distributions of red mullet and annular sea bream in the 12 and 14 mm upper and lower bags as significantly different (P < 0.05). These results show that improving the size selectivity in a multi‐species fishery using a single selective device is rather difficult. However, higher size selectivity can be obtained when considering the minimum landing size or the 50% sexual maturity size for a given species.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration can partially compensate for the extensive loss of coastal wetlands, but creation of functional habitat and assessment of restoration success remain challenging tasks. To evaluate wintering shorebird use of restored coastal wetlands, we quantified shorebird assemblages and behavior of selected focal species at five restored sites and paired reference sites in Mugu Lagoon, southern California, United States. The Shannon–Wiener index of species diversity (for all birds in order Charadriiformes) was higher in the restored than in the reference portion of three of the five sites, higher in the reference portion of a fourth site, and similar between reference and restored areas of the fifth site. Species diversity was lower in sites closer to man‐made structures. The four most abundant species groups across the five sites were selected for detailed analysis of site use and behavior: Willets (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus), Marbled Godwits (Limosa fedoa), Dowitchers (Limnodromus spp.), and Sandpipers (Calidris spp.) (Western, Least, and Dunlin). Each focal species group exhibited distinct site preferences, and densities in restored sites were often as high or higher than in reference sites. Willets and Dowitchers preferred habitats with more extensive tidal flats, a characteristic of restored sites. Godwits and Sandpipers preferred heterogeneous habitats with a mix of water and tidal flats. Most birds were engaged in feeding activities during the ebb tides surveyed, and there were no apparent differences in behavior between reference and restored sites. Though not all restored sites were used equally by all species, the creation of multiple restored sites with varied habitat characteristics attracted a diverse assemblage of shorebirds and may have contributed to the integrity of the regional wetland landscape.  相似文献   

Trends in surface elevations of American Samoa mangroves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rates of change in elevation of mangrove surfaces, determined from observations of changes in the height above the mangrove surface of stakes, generally inserted through the organic peat layer to reach consolidated substrate, were measured in one fringe and one basin mangrove wetland on Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Knowledge of trends in elevation change of coastal wetlands contributes to assessing vulnerability to projected relative sea level rise. The fringe and basin mangroves had rates of change in elevation of −0.6 mm yr−1 (±2.0) and −2.2 mm yr-1 (±5.6), where a negative result means lowering in elevation. These trends were not statistically significant (P > 0.05) and the error intervals around the point estimates of trends in change in elevation overlap zero for both study sites, meaning that it is not clear if the mangrove surfaces have been lowering, rising or not changing. Despite the large error intervals, likely due to short-term variability and cyclical patterns in sedimentation, results indicate that the fringe mangrove has been experiencing a rise in sea level relative to the mangrove surface as the relative sea level rise rate (+1.65 to +2.29 mm yr−1) has been exceeding the rate of change in elevation of the mangrove surface (−2.6 to +1.4 mm yr−1). It is unclear if the basin mangrove has been experiencing a rise in sea level relative to the mangrove surface. If upper projections for accelerated relative sea level rise in American Samoa occur over coming decades, American Samoa mangroves will migrate landward, where unobstructed, as a natural response to relative sea level rise.
Eric GilmanEmail:

Large numbers of hatchery-reared fish are released in stocking programmes; however, success is limited by high mortality. Predation is seen as the main cause of deaths but might be reduced by training fish before release to avoid predators and/or use refuge. In this study on a potential restocking species, yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis, the effects of predator training and refuge on the behaviour of fish in the hatchery were tested. In the first experiment, juvenile bream were exposed to predatory mangrove jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) fed exclusively on bream flesh while housed in tanks with and without refuge. Predator training altered fish behaviour when fish were re-exposed to predators, but the effects were subtle and varied between groups of fish. In contrast, refuge created strong and consistent changes in behaviour, significantly slowing down the amount of time that fish took to consume food. A second experiment focused on the effects of refuge. Bream were trained to use artificial seagrass or house bricks as refuge and then exposed to mangrove jacks in a laboratory predation experiment. When refuge was available, fish significantly slowed down their feeding rate. There was a small, transient increase in survival for fish given seagrass refuges, but this was irrespective of whether the bream were trained to use refuge. The results of this study indicate that the use of refuge may be innate and the benefits of refuge may be available to naive hatchery-reared fish or fish trained to use refuge shortly before release. This suggests that there is potential to improve post-release survival of fingerlings without time-consuming and expensive hatchery training.  相似文献   

Mangrove restoration projects, aimed at restoring important values of mangrove forests after degradation, often fail because hydrological conditions are disregarded. We present a simple, but robust methodology to determine hydrological suitability for mangrove species, which can guide restoration practice. In 15 natural and 8 disturbed sites (i.e. disused shrimp ponds) in three case study regions in south-east Asia, water levels were measured and vegetation species composition was determined. Using an existing hydrological classification for mangroves, sites were classified into hydrological classes, based on duration of inundation, and vegetation classes, based on occurrence of mangrove species. For the natural sites hydrological and vegetation classes were similar, showing clear distribution of mangrove species from wet to dry sites. Application of the classification to disturbed sites showed that in some locations hydrological conditions had been restored enough for mangrove vegetation to establish, in some locations hydrological conditions were suitable for various mangrove species but vegetation had not established naturally, and in some locations hydrological conditions were too wet for any mangrove species (natural or planted) to grow. We quantified the effect that removal of obstructions such as dams would have on the hydrology and found that failure of planting at one site could have been prevented. The hydrological classification needs relatively little data, i.e. water levels for a period of only one lunar tidal cycle without additional measurements, and uncertainties in the measurements and analysis are relatively small. For the study locations, the application of the hydrological classification gave important information about how to restore the hydrology to suitable conditions to improve natural regeneration or to plant mangrove species, which could not have been obtained by estimating elevation only. Based on this research a number of recommendations are given to improve the effectiveness of mangrove restoration projects.  相似文献   

Expansion of the monospecific mangrove, Kandelia obovata, has converted intertidal mudflats and other habitats into mangrove forests, thus reducing estuarine biodiversity in the Danshuei River estuary, northern Taiwan. Dense mangrove vegetation was removed to create a small patchwork of mudflats and a tidal creek in February 2007. Subsequent changes in sediment properties and biodiversity of the macrobenthos and avian communities were examined. The results showed that the creation of different habitats led to changes in sediment properties and biodiversity. The water content and sorting degree of the sediments differed significantly among the restored mudflat, the tidal creek, and the mangrove control site. Silt/clay, organic carbon content, and chlorophyll a concentrations varied seasonally, but not among sites. The abundance of polychaetes in the creek was greater than that in the mudflat or the mangrove (12.5 vs. 5.3 and 2.2 individuals/m2, respectively), suggesting preferential colonization of infaunal polychaetes in habitats with prolonged submersion. Crabs showed seasonal changes in density, with higher densities in summer than in autumn and winter. The species richness of wintering shorebirds on the created mudflat increased dramatically from 2002 to 2007. The transformation of a vegetated area into an open mudflat appeared to benefit shorebirds by providing roosting habitat. Our study demonstrated that controlling the spread of estuarine mangrove forests could increase biodiversity, and could particularly benefit the migratory shorebird community.  相似文献   

This study investigated the importance of gap formation in mangrove swamps on the island of Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, in order to understand better both natural processes of forest development and the effects of harvesting trees for firewood in these wetlands. Measurements were concentrated in seven plots located near four rivers: three in fringe zones and four in basin zones. Each plot was a cluster of five points and covered an area of ca 1.3 ha. From every point in each of the seven plots, the nearest canopy gap ≥10 m2 was located; 25 of the 35 gaps were formed by harvesting. Porewater salinity was significantly higher under the canopy in fringe mangrove forests than in basin mangrove forests. Although gaps were small (mean gap size = 158 m2; median gap size = 92 m2), soil temperatures were significantly higher in gaps of both zones. Soil redox potential was significantly lower and porewater salinity significantly higher in the gaps than under the canopy in the basin zone only. Higher porewater salinity may be attributed to high evaporation rates from the soil and high transpiration rates from trees surrounding gaps. There were significantly more seedlings in gaps than under the canopy only in the fringe zones. Although gap formation alters the soil environment of Kosraean mangrove swamps, high freshwater input may buffer these effects in basin mangrove swamps by reducing porewater salinity. Current harvesting rates do not appear to be changing canopy species composition, but large gaps, especially in mangrove forests in more arid areas, may lead to major changes.  相似文献   

Degradation of instream habitats in the northern Murray–Darling Basin has occurred through numerous stressors, including siltation, clearing of bankside vegetation, intrusion of livestock and impacts of pest species. A better understanding of habitat preferences of native fish species could help guide future instream habitat restoration actions. The habitat choices of seven native fish species, juvenile Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii), juvenile Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua), juvenile Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), adult Murray–Darling Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis), adult Olive Perchlet (Ambassis agassizii), adult Un‐specked Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus) and adult carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) were tested in preference troughs to help inform potential habitat restoration actions in the Condamine catchment. Each species was given a choice between pair combinations of open sandy habitat, submerged macrophytes, emergent plants and rocky rubble. Habitat preferences varied between species. Murray Cod, Golden Perch, carp gudgeons and Olive Perchlets preferred structure over open sandy habitat, whilst juvenile Silver Perch, Un‐specked Hardyhead and Murray–Darling Rainbowfish did not avoid open sandy habitats. Juvenile Murray Cod preferred rocky rubble habitat over all other habitat choices. Use of complex rock piles to provide nursery habitat for Murray Cod populations is a potential restoration option. Introduction of rock could also benefit Golden Perch and carp gudgeons. Use of emergent plants, submerged macrophytes and rocky rubble for habitat restoration all appear to have merit for one or more species of small‐bodied fishes or juvenile stages of larger sized fishes. Rocky rubble or floating attached macrophytes could be viable restoration options in areas too turbid to establish submerged macrophytes. These habitat interventions would complement existing actions such as re‐snagging and provision of fish passage to assist with sustainable management of native fish populations.  相似文献   

Question: Although mangrove forests are generally regarded as highly threatened, some studies have shown that mangrove canopies in the Pacific coast of Mexico have been increasing in recent decades. We investigated the possible causes driving this reported mangrove expansion. Location: The mangrove lagoons of Magdalena Bay in Baja California, Mexico. Methods: We used 50‐year‐old aerial photographs and 24‐year‐old satellite images to compare long‐term vegetation change, surveyed a coastal vegetation transect to analyse flooding levels, compiled six decades of tidal and oceanographic information, as well as hurricane data to analyse changes in storm frequency or sea‐level conditions, and used isotopic analysis to date the age of trees along the gradient. Results: A significant increase in mangrove cover has occurred in backwaters of the lagoons during the last 40 years, and especially during the El Niño anomalies of the 1980s and 1990s, while at the same time the mangrove fringe has been receding. Conclusions: The observed change can be attributed to the combined action of the warm surface waters of El Niño events and sea‐level rise. Jointly, these two effects are sufficient to flood large areas of previously non‐flooded salt flats, dispersing mangrove seedlings inland. The inland expansion of mangroves, however, does not ease conservation concerns, as it is the seaward fringes, and not the inland margins, that provide the most valuable environmental services for fisheries and coastal protection.  相似文献   

Within estuarine and coastal ecosystems globally, extensive habitat degradation and loss threaten critical ecosystem functions and necessitate widescale restoration efforts. There is abundant evidence that ecological processes and species interactions can vary with habitat characteristics, which has important implications for the design and implementation of restoration efforts aimed at enhancing specific ecosystem functions and services. We conducted an experiment examining how habitat characteristics (presence; edge vs. interior) influence the communities of resident fish and mobile invertebrates on restored oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Similar to previous studies, we found that restored reefs altered community composition and augmented total abundance and biomass relative to unstructured sand habitat. Community composition and biomass also differed between the edge and interior of individual reefs as a result of species-specific patterns over small spatial scales. These patterns were only weakly linked to oyster density, suggesting that other factors that vary between edge and interior (e.g. predator access or species interactions) are likely more important for community structure on oyster reefs. Fine-scale information on resident species' use of oyster reefs will help facilitate restoration by allowing decision makers to optimize the amount of edge versus interior habitat. To improve the prediction of faunal use and benefits from habitat restoration, we recommend investigations into the mechanisms shaping edge and interior preferences on oyster reefs.  相似文献   

K. Fujimoto  T. Miyagi 《Plant Ecology》1993,106(2):137-146
Using the sites of Pagbilao, the Philippines and Pohnpei Island, the Federated States of Micronesia, zonation and development process of mangrove habitats on tidal flats situated in the geomorphic environment excluding estuary, delta, and lagoon or backmarsh behind barrier or beach ridge were discussed from the viewpoint of geomorphology.Zonations of the mangrove forests were observed from seaward to landward in both areas. Most of the zones correspond with the variations of the ground level or deposit. Mangrove peat which has a thickness of about 2 meters was deposited in the main part of the mangrove habitats in both areas. On the other hand, some large Sonneratia alba were observed in the Rhizophora apiculata habitat on Pohnpei Island. The authors presumed that some of the large S. alba have survived by regeneration from fallen stems since the mangrove forest developed on the present site.The maximum depth of the mangrove peat layer reaches 1.7 meter below the present sea level in Pagbilao and over 2.5 meters at Pohnpei Island. The bottom of the mangrove peat was dated at about 2,000 y.B.P. in both areas by the radiocarbon method. The mangrove peat depositional areas have not been moved during the last 2,000 years. Therefore, the mangrove forests seem to have grown in the present sites since 2,000 y.B.P. and accumulated peat in connection with the subsequent sea-level rise. xx]Nomenclature: Scientific names for mangroves follow Tomlinson (1986). xx]Papers presented at the Vth INTECOL Congress at Yokohama 1990.  相似文献   

We investigated the restoration trajectories in vegetation and soil parameters of monospecific Rhizophora mucronata stands planted 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 50 years ago (restored system). We tested the hypothesis that the changes in vegetation characteristics, with progressing mangrove age, are related to the changes in soil characteristics. The vegetation and soil parameters were compared across this restoration sequence using a reference system comprising mature, natural mangrove stands of unknown age. Rapid increases in leaf area index and aboveground biomass, and declines in tree density and size (in terms of tree diameter and height) occurred with increasing stand age. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and soil redox potential increased, and soil temperature decreased as stands aged. These patterns tended to stabilize at approximately the 11th year, indicating the probable age that restoration plots tend toward forest maturity. The time for the restored systems to reach forest maturity, attaining characteristics similar to the reference system, is estimated at 25 years, which is relatively slow compared to forest regeneration trajectories estimated for natural mangroves. Our study describes the trajectory patterns for planted mangroves, which are important for the assessment of both the progress and success of mangrove rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

In highly impaired watersheds, it is critical to identify both areas with desirable habitat as conservation zones and impaired areas with the highest likelihood of improvement as restoration zones. We present how detailed riparian vegetation mapping can be used to prioritize conservation and restoration sites within a riparian and instream habitat restoration program targeting 3 native fish species on the San Rafael River, a desert river in southeastern Utah, United States. We classified vegetation using a combination of object‐based image analysis (OBIA) on high‐resolution (0.5 m), multispectral, satellite imagery with oblique aerial photography and field‐based data collection. The OBIA approach is objective, repeatable, and applicable to large areas. The overall accuracy of the classification was 80% (Cohen's κ = 0.77). We used this high‐resolution vegetation classification alongside existing data on habitat condition and aquatic species' distributions to identify reaches' conservation value and restoration potential to guide management actions. Specifically, cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) density layers helped to establish broad restoration and conservation reach classes. The high‐resolution vegetation mapping precisely identified individual cottonwood trees and tamarisk thickets, which were used to determine specific locations for restoration activities such as beaver dam analogue structures in cottonwood restoration areas, or strategic tamarisk removal in high‐density tamarisk sites. The site prioritization method presented here is effective for planning large‐scale river restoration and is transferable to other desert river systems elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

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