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Two different mechanisms can result in multiple paternity within fruits: deposition of a mixed pollen load due to carryover of pollen from flower to flower and multiple pollinator visits in close succession. I investigated the extent of multiple paternity within fruits of Ipompsis aggregata containing from 2 to 14 seeds. A paternity analysis based on ten polymorphic isozyme markers revealed multiple paternity in a minimum of 68% (based on simple paternity exclusion) and up to 100% (based on identification of the most likely father) of the multiseeded fruits. The estimated number of fathers increased with the number of seeds in a fruit, with an average of four sires, and up to nine sires, represented in a single fruit. To explore whether this level of multiple paternity could be explained solely by simultaneous deposition of a mixed pollen load, I constructed a computer simulation model based on previous measurements of movement patterns and pollen carryover by the hummingbird pollinators. Model predictions provided a good match to observed values for number of sires per fruit. Thus, the extensive pollen carryover in this species and consequent mixed pollen loads can explain the high levels of multiple paternity in natural populations.  相似文献   

Members of the Ipomopsis aggregata species complex in the phlox family (Polemoniaceae) often hybridize when they occur in sympatry, and thus have been extensively studied to examine processes involved in plant speciation. I developed 12 microsatellite loci in I. aggregata that are also polymorphic in closely related Ipomopsis tenuituba, producing an average of eight alleles per locus in test populations of 12 individuals per species. Several of these markers also successfully amplified in other Ipomopsis species and more distant members of the Polemoniaceae, suggesting they should prove useful for a broad range of evolutionary studies in this widely distributed system.  相似文献   

Although plants may simultaneously experience intra- and interspecific competition for pollination, their relative strength has rarely been experimentally evaluated. Yet because intra- and interspecific competition can be caused by different mechanisms, their effect on the ecology and evolution of plants may differ. To determine the relative strength of intra- and interspecific competition for pollination, I manipulated the presence of heterospecifics and density of conspecifics using Ipomopsis aggregata as the focal species. All plots contained I. aggregata and Castilleja linariaefolia, but C. linariaefolia inflorescences were removed from half of the plots to create the heterospecifics-absent treatment. Within each plot, all I. aggregata inflorescences were removed from a 5-m radius around a focal plant to create a low conspecific density experimental unit, and a group of 12 I. aggregata plants/1 m2 was designated as a high conspecific density unit. Conspecific pollen deposition was reduced when C. linariaefolia was present but was not influenced by I. aggregata density. Although seed set per fruit was reduced by 17% when C. linariaefolia was present, it was not significantly influenced by either treatment. Interspecific competition for pollination is stronger than intraspecific competition in the I. aggregataC. linariaefolia system, but neither process appears to influence plant fitness.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of hybrid zones between red-flowered Ipomopsis aggregata and white-flowered I. tenuituba . Either local adaptation to hummingbird and hawkmoth pollinators has given rise to sympatric (or parapatric) divergence of flower colour and morphology (primary intergradation at hybrid zones), or alternatively two previously allopatric species are coming into contact at several geographical areas of secondary intergradation. We examined restriction site patterns in nuclear DNA (nrDNA), chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from populations of I. aggregata and I. tenuituba representing seven zones of sympatry. No variation was detected in a 350-bp fragment of mtDNA and uninformative levels of variation were observed for nrDNA. We detected 22 potentially informative restriction site polymorphisms in cpDNA, all of which united geographical areas containing populations of both species. We detected no informative species-specific markers. Studies of other species (e.g. oaks) have detected similar species-independent geographical structure of cpDNA. However, in these cases secondary interegradation could be inferred from species-specific nuclear alleles. The pattern in Ipomopsis is consistent with both primary intergradation (independent speciation in each area of sympatry) or secondary intergradation involving complete cytoplasmic replacement. Thus, additional data are needed to explain the origin of hybrid zones in Ipomopsis .  相似文献   

Ken N. Paige 《Oecologia》1999,118(3):316-323
Studies were conducted on eight populations of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata, across Colorado and in northern Arizona, to assess the fitness consequences of natural and simulated herbivory. To date, geographic studies have failed to incorporate treatment groups that included naturally browsed plants along with clipping treatments. The results presented here clearly demonstrate the importance of assessing, a priori, whether or not clipping experiments accurately reflect natural patterns of herbivory. Although because of the timing of the clip no evidence of overcompensation was found in any of the Colorado populations when ungulate herbivory was simulated in experimental clipping treatments, evidence for overcompensation was found in more than half the populations when plants that were naturally browsed and matched for size using root diameters were included early in the season. Matching plants for size based on root diameter late in the season would be problematic because root diameters significantly increased in size in all eight populations following high levels of ungulate herbivory and/or experimental clipping. Results from this study, and other recent studies on another biennial herb, the field gentian, clearly demonstrate that overcompensation is not only a real phenomenon but also is more widespread, both taxonomically and geographically, than previously thought. Received: 15 July 1998 / Accepted: 9 November 1998  相似文献   

Hybridization may uncouple adaptive trait combinations that are present in parental species. I studied variation in flower color and reward quality across a hybrid zone of Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba. Individuals from hybrid populations showed considerable variation in flower color using corolla reflectance measurements. Flower spectra of such individuals were either intermediate or else resembled those flowers from the parental species. Ipomopsis aggregata populations had consistently higher nectar production rates and higher nectar standing crops than either I. tenuituba or hybrids. Ipomopsis aggregata flowers also produced more dilute nectar than those of hybrids and I. tenuituba, but the actual concentration values were quite variable among populations of the same type. Overall, the nectar quality of hybrid flowers most resembled that of I. tenuituba flowers. Based on the observed interpopulation patterns of color-reward associations in this hybrid zone, pollinators should be able to discriminate against I. tenuituba and hybrid populations and against most individuals within hybrid populations. However, they may visit those hybrids that resemble the most rewarding flower type (I. aggregata). The results emphasize the need for studies that address how hybridization affects subsequent plant fitness and the evolutionary dynamics of the species involved.  相似文献   

T. Juenger  J. Bergelson 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):358-363
We performed a factorial combination of seed additions, surface soil disturbance, and protection from potential seed predation in experimental plots to elucidate the relative importance of each factor in the recruitment of scarlet gilia seedlings. We detected a significant interaction between seed addition and surface soil disturbance on seedling recruitment over 2 years of establishment. Plots that received both supplemental seed addition and disturbance established 10.5 times as many rosettes as control plots. We did not detect main or interactive effects of caging on seedling establishment. We explored the importance of density-dependent recruitment by investigating the number of rosettes per experimental plot through time. In addition, we used planned contrasts to compare the absolute and percent changes in control and treatment plot rosette densities between the study years. We found significant downward concave curvature to the seedling recruitment curve, suggesting negative density-dependent recruitment across the experimental range of rosette densities. We found a significant difference between the control plots and the seed addition-disturbance plots in terms of absolute changes in plot density from 1997 to 1998. Greater net mortality occurred in plots that received both seed addition and disturbance. However, we found no differences among treatments in the percent change in rosette density across the study years. Our study demonstrates that seedling recruitment in natural plant populations may be limited by the interaction of seed and microsite availability, and that seedling recruitment in scarlet gilia may be negatively density dependent. Our results suggest that the fecundity effects of particular plant-animal interactions (e.g., pollination, herbivory) may affect scarlet gilia population dynamics, particularly under conditions of high soil disturbance. Received: 11 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite loci were developed from enriched libraries of scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata). A screen of 160 individuals from a population identified reduced levels of heterozygosity, low levels of relatedness, and weak spatial genetic patterns. The population inbreeding coefficient was calculated to be 0.19 (SE = 0.04). These patterns are consistent with those expected from low levels of biparental inbreeding in an obligate outcrosser and extensive seed and pollen dispersal. These preliminary data confirm the usefulness of microsatellite markers for breeding system studies of I. aggregata.  相似文献   

Tolerance is the ability of plants to maintain fitness after experiencing herbivore damage. We investigated scarlet gilia tolerance to browsing in the framework of phenotypic plasticity using both an operational and candidate trait approach. Individuals from full-sib families were split into an artificial clipping treatment, a natural-damage treatment, or left as controls. We tested for genetic variation in tolerance by evaluating family x herbivory treatment interactions on fitness in a mixed model analysis of variance. In addition, we used selection analyses to assess the function of flowering phenology and compensatory regrowth (via branch production) as candidate tolerance traits. We found a strong detrimental fitness effect of browsing and considerable variation among sire half-sib families in levels of tolerance (25% to 63% of the fitness of controls). There was no evidence of overcompensation at either the population or family level and no additive genetic variation in operationally defined tolerance. Phenotypic selection analyses provide evidence that early flowering and compensatory regrowth function as tolerance characters. We found strong linear and correlational selection for early flowering and increased branch production for damaged plants and linear selection for apical dominance (reduced branchiness) and early flowering in control plants. Moreover, reduced phenological delay and increased plasticity in branch production were correlated with tolerance. We detected significant additive genetic variation in flowering phenology in both treatments and a positive genetic correlation between the phenology of control and damaged plants. We found significant additive genetic variation in branch production in undamaged and naturally damaged plants, but not in clipped plants. Damaged plants exhibited marginally significant additive genetic variance in fitness, although its heritability was very low (approximately 3.6%). We failed to find additive genetic variation in the fitness of control plants. Our results suggest that tolerance traits are under herbivore-imposed natural selection in this population, but that responses to selection are limited by available genetic variation and selective constraints.  相似文献   

Based on previous studies, extreme (>99%) self-sterility in scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata) appears to be involved in late-acting ovarian self-incompatibility (OSI). Here, we confirm this suggestion by comparing structural events that follow from cross- vs. self-pollinations of I. aggregata. Growth of cross- and self-pollen tubes in the style at 11 h and growth in the ovary at 24 h was equivalent. Nonetheless, by 24 h, cross-pollen effected a significantly higher percentage of both ovule penetration and fertilization. Ovules in self-pollinated flowers showed pronounced changes, including an absence of embryo sac expansion and reduced starch in the integument, by 11 h post-pollination, well before pollen tube entry into the ovary. In addition, the integumentary tapetum and adjacent 1-3 cell layers exhibited abnormal cell division, pronounced deposition of thick, pectin-rich cell walls, and cellular collapse. Ovules and embryo sacs from cross-pollinated flowers rarely showed such features. Developmental changes in ovules from self-pollinated flowers eventually resulted in integument and embryo sac collapse, a process not observed in ovules of unpollinated flowers. We suggest that OSI involves long-distance signaling between self-pollen or self-pollen tubes and carpel tissue that reduces availability of receptive ovules for fertilization before pollen tubes arrive in the ovary.  相似文献   

Rates of hybridization vary among angiosperm taxa. Among-taxon variation in hybridization rate has been used to compare the importance of pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms. Variation in rates of hybridization within a single-species pair would suggest that local conditions also affect reproductive isolation within a single taxonomic context. In this study, contact sites of Ipomopsis aggregata-Ipomopsis tenuituba were surveyed for variation in frequency of hybrids, and spatial structure. Floral morphology was used to identify parent species and hybrids in seven contact sites in the western Rocky Mountains, USA. Contact sites varied widely in elevational range, the degree to which morphological variation was clinal rather than mosaic and the frequency of hybrids. Two sites provided a strong contrast between a clinal, unimodal site and a mosaic, bimodal site. This natural variation among contact sites of the same species pair provides an opportunity to assess the effect of local ecological conditions and spatial structure of parent populations on reproductive isolation, while controlling for between-taxon variation.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybrid formation in angiosperms depends on how often heterospecific pollen is transferred to the stigma and on the success of that heterospecific pollen at fertilizing ovules. Even if heterospecific pollen is capable of effecting fertilization it may perform poorly when conspecific pollen is also available on the stigma. We applied pollen mixtures to stigmas to determine how pollen interactions affect siring success and the frequency of hybrid formation between two species of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) in Colorado. Plants of both parental species and natural hybrids were pollinated with I. aggregata and I. tenuituba pollen in ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, 20:80, and 0:100 by mass. Plants were homozygous for different alleles at an isozyme marker, allowing us to distinguish the type of pollen parent for 2166 viable seeds from 273 fruits. In contrast to studies of many other hybridizing taxa, there was no evidence of an advantage to conspecific pollen, nor did composition of the stigmatic pollen load affect seed set. Instead, the frequency of seeds sired by a given species was proportional to its representation in the pollen load. In this hybrid zone, both the frequency of first-generation hybrid formation and the relative male fitness of the two parental species should be predictable from the rates of pollen transfer to stigmas.  相似文献   

Summary I. aggregata exhibits considerable powers of regrowth following removal of its primary shoot by herbivores, but we found no evidence of overcompensation (i.e. of significantly higher plant performance where plants were exposed to ungulate herbivory) in a comparison between individuals on grazed and ungrazed sides of exclosure fences, in a comparison between artificially clipped and control plants in one population in the Okanagan National Forest, or in comparisons between grazed and ungrazed plants in 14 natural populations. We tested whether ungulate grazing affects the population size of Ipomopsis aggregata by comparing populations inside and outside deer exclosures at 7 sites in the Western United States. We found consistent, highly significant differences in plant population density on the grazed and ungrazed sides of these exlosure fences. Plant density was a modal 25-fold higher on the protected side of the fence, suggesting that exposure to ungulate grazing increases plant death rates at some stage in the life cycle. Our results show that the presence of ungulate grazers leads to a substantial decrease in plant density despite the fact that grazing on young bolting shoots has very little influence on fruit production. Since this decrease in population density is not correlated with a decrease in the fecundity of individuals, it must instead be due to other direct and indirect effects of ungulate grazers.  相似文献   

Time-to-event analysis represents a collection of relatively new, flexible, and robust statistical techniques for investigating the incidence and timing of transitions from one discrete condition to another. Plant biology is replete with examples of such transitions occurring from the cellular to population levels. However, application of these statistical methods has been rare in botanical research. Here, we demonstrate the use of non- and semi-parametric time-to-event and categorical data analyses to address questions regarding seed to seedling transitions of Ipomopsis rubra propagules exposed to various doses of constant or simulated seasonal diel temperatures. Seeds were capable of germinating rapidly to >90 % at 15–25 or 22/11–29/19 °C. Optimum temperatures for germination occurred at 25 or 29/19 °C. Germination was inhibited and seed viability decreased at temperatures ≥30 or 33/24 °C. Kaplan–Meier estimates of survivor functions indicated highly significant differences in temporal germination patterns for seeds exposed to fluctuating or constant temperatures. Extended Cox regression models specified an inverse relationship between temperature and the hazard of germination. Moreover, temperature and the temperature × day interaction had significant effects on germination response. Comparisons to reference temperatures and linear contrasts suggest that summer temperatures (33/24 °C) play a significant role in differential germination responses. Similarly, simple and complex comparisons revealed that the effects of elevated temperatures predominate in terms of components of seed viability. In summary, the application of non- and semi-parametric analyses provides appropriate, powerful data analysis procedures to address various topics in seed biology and more widespread use is encouraged.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are thought to be major drivers of floral trait diversity. However, the relative importance of divergent pollinator‐mediated selection vs. neutral processes in floral character evolution has rarely been explored. We tested for adaptive floral trait evolution by comparing differentiation at neutral genetic loci to differentiation at quantitative floral traits in a putative Ipomopsis aggregata hybrid zone. Typical I. aggregata subsp. candida displays slender white tubular flowers that are typical of flowers pollinated by hawkmoths, and subsp. collina displays robust red tubular flowers typical of flowers pollinated by hummingbirds; yet, hybrid flower morphs are abundant across the East Slope of the Colorado Rockies. We estimated genetic differentiation (FST) for nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite loci and used a half‐sib design to calculate quantitative trait divergence (QST) from collection sites across the morphological hybrid zone. We found little evidence for population structure and estimated mean FST to be 0.032. QST values for several floral traits including corolla tube length and width, colour, and nectar volume were large and significantly greater than mean FST. We performed multivariate comparisons of neutral loci to genetic correlations within and between populations and found a strong signal for divergent selection, suggesting that specific combinations of floral display and reward traits may be the targets of selection. Our results show little support for historical subspecies categories, yet floral traits are more diverged than expected due to drift alone. Non‐neutral divergence for multivariate quantitative traits suggests that selection by pollinators is maintaining a correlation between display and reward traits.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization can produce individuals that vary widely in fitness, depending upon the performance of particular genotypes in a given environment. In a hybrid zone with habitat heterogeneity, differences in physiological responses to abiotic conditions could influence the fitness and spatial distribution of hybrids and parental species. This study compared gas exchange physiology of Ipomopsis aggregata, I. tenuituba, and their natural hybrids in situ and assessed whether physiological differences were consistent with their native environmental conditions. We also produced reciprocal F2s in a greenhouse study to test for cytonuclear effects on water-use efficiency (WUE). The relative performance of natural hybrids and parentals was consistent with their native habitats: I. aggregata at the coolest, wettest locations had the lowest WUE, while hybrids from the most xeric sites had the highest WUE. In hybrids, the mechanism by which both natural and experimental hybrids achieved this high WUE depended on cytotype: those with I. tenuituba cytoplasm had reduced transpiration, while those with I. aggregata cytoplasm had an increased photosynthetic rate, consistent with patterns in the cytoplasmic parent. The high WUE in hybrids may contribute to their high survival in the dry center of the natural hybrid zone, consistent with environment-dependent models of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary We used powdered fluorescent dyes to estimate receipt of self vs. outcross pollen in the self-incompatible species Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Flowers on small and large plants received equal amounts of outcross pollen, whereas flowers on large plants received more self pollen, so the proportion of self pollen delivered through geitonogamy increased with plant size. In natural populations emasculation of all flowers on a plant raised average seed set per flower from 5.19 to 6.99 and also raised fruit set, though not significantly. From these results one expects a negative correlation between plant size and seeds per flower. The opposite trend was observed in a sample of plants in the field, suggesting that deleterious effects of geitonogamy on female fecundity in large plants can be overruled by other factors such as size-related fruit or seed abortion. Results are discussed in relation to the evolution of gynodioecy.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral traits, such as floral volatiles, can contribute to pre-zygotic reproductive isolation by promoting species-specific pollinator foraging. When hybrid zones form, floral traits could also influence post-zygotic isolation. This study examined floral volatiles in parental species and natural hybrids in order to explore potential scent mediation of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolation.


Floral bouquets were analysed for the sister species Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and their natural hybrids at two contact sites differing in both hybridization rate and temporal foraging pattern of hawkmoth pollinators. Floral volatiles were quantified in diurnal and nocturnal scent samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.

Key Results

The bouquets of parental species and hybrids showed qualitative overlap. All flowers emitted similar sets of monoterpenoid, sesquiterpenoid, aliphatic and benzenoid compounds, but separated into groups defined by multivariate analysis of quantitative emissions. The parental species differed most strikingly in the nitrogenous compound indole, which was found almost exclusively in nocturnal bouquets of I. tenuituba. Natural hybrid bouquets were highly variable, and showed emission rates of several compounds that appeared transgressive. However, indole emission rates were intermediate in the hybrids compared with rates in the parents. Volatile bouquets at the contact site with lower hybridization did not show greater species specificity in overall scent emission, but I. tenuituba presented a stronger indole signal during peak hawkmoth activity at that site.


The two species of Ipomopsis differed in patterns of floral bouquets, with indole emitted in nocturnal I. tenuituba, but not in I. aggregata. Natural hybrid bouquets were not consistently intermediate between the parents, although hybrids were intermediate in indole emission. The indole signal could potentially serve as a hawkmoth attractant that mediates reproductive isolation both before and after hybrid formation.  相似文献   

Two new hydronaphthoquinones, aggregatins E and F ( 1 and 2 , resp.) were isolated from the tubers of Sinningia aggregata (Ker‐Gawl .) Wiehler (Gesneriaceae), along with twelve known compounds aggregatin D ( 3 ), tectoquinone ( 4 ), 1‐hydroxy‐2‐methylanthraquinone ( 5 ), icosyl ferulate ( 6 ), pustuline ( 7 ), 1,6‐dihydroxy‐2‐methylanthranquinone ( 8 ), 6‐hydroxy‐2‐methylanthraquinone ( 9 ), 7‐hydroxy‐2‐methylanthraquinone ( 10 ), tyrosol ( 11 ), halleridone ( 12 ), calceolarioside B ( 13 ), and cornoside ( 14 ). All compounds were identified by analysis of spectroscopic and spectrometric data. Compounds 3, 4 , and 10 had already been reported in this species. Compounds 2 and 3 were evaluated against several tumor cell lines, but only 3 exhibited activities against UACC‐62, 786‐0 and OVCAR‐3 cell lines, with IC50 values of 12.3, 12.8 and 0.3 μg/ml, respectively, without toxic effects on non‐cancer cell line HaCat (human keratinocyte).  相似文献   

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