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We used direct observation via snorkeling surveys to quantify microhabitat use by native brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) and non‐native brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow (Onchorynchus mykiss) trout occupying natural and restored pool habitats within a large, high‐elevation Appalachian river, United States. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) and subsequent two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a significant difference in microhabitat use by brook and non‐native trout within restored pools. We also detected a significant difference in microhabitat use by brook trout occupying pools in allopatry versus those occupying pools in sympatry with non‐native trout—a pattern that appears to be modulated by size. Smaller brook trout often occupied pools in the absence of non‐native species, where they used shallower and faster focal habitats. Larger brook trout occupied pools with, and utilized similar focal habitats (i.e. deeper, slower velocity) as, non‐native trout. Non‐native trout consistently occupied more thermally suitable microhabitats closer to cover as compared to brook trout, including the use of thermal refugia (i.e. ambient–focal temperature >2°C). These results suggest that non‐native trout influence brook trout use of restored habitats by: (1) displacing smaller brook trout from restored pools, and (2) displacing small and large brook trout from optimal microhabitats (cooler, deeper, and lower velocity). Consequently, benefits of habitat restoration in large rivers may only be fully realized by brook trout in the absence of non‐native species. Future research within this and other large river systems should characterize brook trout response to stream restoration following removal of non‐native species.  相似文献   

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have been widely introduced outside their respective ranges within North America causing declines and displacement of native trout. Yet, successful coexistence of native and non-native trout has received little attention. Here we evaluated the effect of introduced brook trout on the size and density of native redband trout in two invaded sub-basins in southeastern Oregon. In a multi-year study, we investigated whether habitat and fish communities differed between streams and stream reaches where redband trout were allopatric versus where redband trout were sympatric with brook trout. We hypothesized that redband trout would be less dense and have smaller total length in sympatry with brook trout than in allopatry, but that total trout density would not differ. We investigated whether differences in habitat existed between sympatric and allopatric locations that would indicate differentiation in site level habitat preferences for each trout species. We found that sympatric locations had more wood but similar fish community structure. Mean length and densities of redband trout were higher at allopatric locations. However, in most years at sympatric locations total trout density was twice that of allopatric redband trout sites. Using comparable data from an eastern United States system where brook trout are native, sympatric sites had lower densities of brook trout; however, total trout density did not differ. We conclude that invading trout negatively impact native trout densities; but in southeastern Oregon system the negative impact is minimized.  相似文献   

Juvenile bull trout Salvelinus confluentus from two geographically and ecologically distinct populations were compared with regard to their ability to compete with non-native brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in an artificial stream, and with respect to their rates of oxygen consumption. Bull trout collected from a migratory population foraged more successfully against brook trout competitors than those from a resident population, capturing more of a limited amount of food items presented. The migratory population was also more aggressive (measured by the number of nips, chases and lateral threat displays) against brook trout competitors than the resident population. Bull trout from the migratory population had a higher oxygen consumption rate (203 mg O2 kg · hr-1) in the field than similar sized fish from the resident population (183 mg O2 kg · hr-1). These results suggest native bull trout have population-level variation in competitive ability against a non-native species and such competitive ability is positively associated with metabolism and migratory life history.  相似文献   

Hybridization with introduced species represents a serious threat to the persistence of many native fish populations. Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) have been introduced extensively throughout the native range of bull trout (S. confluentus) and hybridization has been documented in several systems where they co-exist and is seen as a significant threat to the persistence of bull trout populations. We identified a group of diagnostic microsatellite loci to differentiate bull trout and brook trout and then used these loci to examine the spatial distribution of hybrids in the Malheur River basin, Oregon USA. In random samples of approximately 100 fish from each of three creeks we identified 181 brook trout, 112 bull trout and 14 hybrids. Although bull trout, brook trout and hybrids were found in all three creeks, they were not evenly distributed; brook trout were primarily found in the lower sections of the creeks, bull trout further upstream, and hybrids in the areas of the greatest overlap. One creek with a population of brook trout in a headwater lake provided an exception to this pattern; brook trout were found distributed throughout the creek downstream of the lake. Several post-F1 hybrids were identified suggesting that hybrids are reproducing in the Malher River Basin. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that both female bull trout and brook trout are involved in hybridization events. Analysis of population structure suggested that brook trout have established multiple spawning populations within the Malheur system. Data presented in this study suggest that relative abundance of brook trout and habitat quality are important factors to consider when evaluating the threat of hybridization to bull trout populations.  相似文献   

Coldwater fishes in streams, such as brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), typically are headwater specialists that occasionally expand distributions downstream to larger water bodies. It is unclear, however, whether larger streams function simply as dispersal corridors connecting headwater subpopulations, or as critical foraging habitat needed to sustain large mobile brook trout. Stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and a hierarchical Bayesian mixing model analysis was used to identify brook trout that foraged in main stem versus headwater streams of the Shavers Fork watershed, West Virginia. Headwater subpopulations were composed of headwater and to a lesser extent main stem foraging individuals. However, there was a strong relationship between brook trout size and main stem prey contributions. The average brook trout foraging on headwater prey were limited to 126 mm standard length. This size was identified by mixing models as a point where productivity support switched from headwater to main stem dependency. These results, similar to other studies conducted in this watershed, support the hypothesis that productive main stem habitat maintain large brook trout and potentially facilitates dispersal among headwater subpopulations. Consequently, loss of supplementary main stem foraging habitats may explain loss of large, mobile fish and subsequent isolation of headwater subpopulations in other central Appalachian watersheds.  相似文献   

Experience from case studies of biologicalinvasions in aquatic ecosystems has motivated aset of proposed empirical rules forunderstanding patterns of invasion and impactson native species. Further evidence is neededto better understand these patterns, andperhaps contribute to a useful predictivetheory of invasions. We reviewed the case ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)invasions in the western United States andtheir impacts on native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki). Unlike many biologicalinvasions, a considerable body of empiricalresearch on brook trout and cutthroat trout isavailable. We reviewed life histories of eachspecies, brook trout invasions, their impactson cutthroat trout, and patterns and causes ofsegregation between brook trout and cutthroattrout. We considered four stages of theinvasion process: transport, establishment,spread, and impacts to native species. Most ofthe research we found focused on impacts. Interspecific interactions, especiallycompetition, were commonly investigated andcited as impacts of brook trout. In many casesit is not clear if brook trout invasions have ameasurable impact. Studies of speciesdistributions in the field and a variety ofexperiments suggest invasion success of brooktrout is associated with environmental factors,including temperature, landscape structure,habitat size, stream flow, and humaninfluences. Research on earlier stages ofbrook trout invasions (transport,establishment, and spread) is relativelylimited, but has provided promising insights. Management alternatives for controllingbrook trout invasions are limited, and actions tocontrol brook trout focus on direct removal,which is variably successful and can haveadverse effects on native species. Themanagement applicability of research has beenconfounded by the complexity of the problem andby a focus on understanding processes atsmaller scales, but not on predicting patternsat larger scales. In the short-term, animproved predictive understanding of brooktrout invasions could prove to be most useful,even if processes are incompletely understood. A stronger connection between research andmanagement is needed to identify more effectivealternatives for controlling brook troutinvasions and for identifying managementpriorities.  相似文献   

Vertebrate populations at the periphery of their range can show pronounced genetic drift and isolation, and therefore offer unique challenges for conservation and management. These populations are often candidates for management actions such as translocations that are designed to improve demographic and genetic integrity. This is particularly true of coldwater species like brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), whose numbers have declined greatly across its historic range. At the southern margin, remnant wild populations persist in isolated headwater streams, and many have a history of receiving translocated individuals through either stocking of hatchery reared fish, relocation of wild fish, or both during restoration attempts. To determine current genetic integrity and resolve the genetic effects of past management actions for brook trout populations in SC, USA, we genetically assessed all 18 documented remaining brook trout populations along with individuals acquired from six hatcheries with recorded stocking events in SC. Our results indicated that six of the 18 streams showed signs of hatchery admixture (range 57–97%) and restored patches retained genetic signatures from multiple source populations. Populations had among the lowest genetic diversity (min average HE?=?0.147) and effective number of breeders (mean Nb?=?31.2) estimates observed throughout the native brook trout range. Populations were highly differentiated (mean pair-wise FST?=?0.396), and substantial genetic divergence was evident across major river drainages (max pair-wise FST?=?0.773). The lowest local genetic diversity and highest genetic differentiation ever reported for this species make its conservation a challenging task, particularly when combined with other threats such as climate change and non-native species. We offer recommendations on managing peripheral populations with depleted genetic characteristics and provide a reference for determining which existing populations will best serve as sources for future translocation efforts aimed at enhancing or restoring wild brook trout genetic integrity.  相似文献   

Native fishes worldwide have declined as a consequence of habitat loss and degradation and introduction of non-native species. In response to these declines, river restoration projects have been initiated to enhance habitat and remove introduced fishes; however, non-native fish removal is not always logistically feasible or socially acceptable. Consequently, managers often seek to enhance degraded habitat in such a way that native fishes can coexist with introduced species. We quantified dynamics of fish communities to three newly constructed side channels in the Provo River, Utah, USA, to determine if and how they promoted coexistence between native fishes (nine species) and non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Native and introduced fishes responded differently in each side channel as a function of the unique characteristics and histories of side channels. Beaver activity in two of the three side channels caused habitat differentiation or channel isolation that facilitated the establishment of native species. The third side channel had greater connectivity to and similar habitat as the main channel of the Provo River, resulting in a similar fish community to main channel habitats (i.e. dominated by brown trout with only a few native fish species). These results demonstrate the importance of understanding habitat preferences for each species in a community to guide habitat enhancement projects and the need to create refuge habitats for native fishes.  相似文献   

We combine evidence from small-scale experiments with a large-scale field survey to clarify the roles of biotic resistance and pre-adapted habitat niche segregation to the invasion success of the North American brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in North European streams previously dominated by brown trout (Salmo trutta). Interspecific aggressions among the two species were negligible, yet there was distinct habitat niche segregation between them: brook trout occupied mainly pool habitats while brown trout tended to reside in fast-flowing riffles. Habitat niche segregation among brook trout and brown trout prevailed across a wide array of scales from experimental flumes to entire drainage systems, although the segregation pattern was weaker in the field. Habitat differentiation among the two species reflected their differential habitat requirements, suggesting that a match between a species’ niche requirements in its native range and habitat availability in the new environment is a prerequisite for understanding invasion success.  相似文献   

Between species and across season variation in growth was examined by tagging and recapturing individual brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta across seasons in a small stream (West Brook, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). Detailed information on body size and growth are presented to (1) test whether the two species differed in growth within seasons and (2) characterize the seasonal growth patterns for two age classes of each species. Growth differed between species in nearly half of the season- and age-specific comparisons. When growth differed, non-native brown trout grew faster than native brook trout in all but one comparison. Moreover, species differences were most pronounced when overall growth was high during the spring and early summer. These growth differences resulted in size asymmetries that were sustained over the duration of the study. A literature survey also indicated that non-native salmonids typically grow faster than native salmonids when the two occur in sympatry. Taken together, these results suggest that differences in growth are not uncommon for coexisting native and non-native salmonids.  相似文献   

1. Most Finnish streams were channelised during the 19th and 20th century to facilitate timber floating. By the late 1970s, extensive programmes were initiated to restore these degraded streams. The responses of fish populations to restoration have been little studied, however, and monitoring of other stream biota has been negligible. In this paper, we review results from a set of studies on the effects of stream restoration on habitat structure, brown trout populations, benthic macroinvertebrates and leaf retention. 2. In general, restoration greatly increased stream bed heterogeneity. The cover of mosses in channelised streams was close to that of unmodified reference sites, but after restoration moss cover declined to one‐tenth of the pre‐restoration value. 3. In one stream, densities of age‐0 trout were slightly lower after restoration, but the difference to an unmodified reference stream was non‐significant, indicating no effect of restoration. In another stream, trout density increased after restoration, indicating a weakly positive response. The overall weak response of trout to habitat manipulations probably relates to the fact that restoration did not increase the amount of pools, a key winter habitat for salmonids. 4. Benthic invertebrate community composition was more variable in streams restored 4–6 years before sampling than in unmodified reference streams or streams restored 8 years before sampling. Channelised streams supported a distinctive set of indicator species, most of which were filter‐feeders or scrapers, while most of the indicators in streams restored 8 years before sampling were shredders. 5. Leaf retentiveness in reference streams was high, with 60–70% of experimentally released leaves being retained within 50 m. Channelised streams were poorly retentive (c. 10% of leaves retained), and the increase in retention following restoration was modest (+14% on average). Aquatic mosses were a key retentive feature in both channelised and natural streams, but their cover was drastically reduced through restoration. 6. Mitigation of the detrimental impacts of forestry (e.g. removal of mature riparian forests) is a major challenge to the management of boreal streams. This goal cannot be achieved by focusing efforts only on restoration of physical structures in stream channels, but also requires conservation and ecologically sound management of riparian forests.  相似文献   


Invasive species often use habitat differently than native species and can benefit by occupying underutilized habitats during the invasion process. The Peter’s Rock Agama (Agama picticauda)—native to savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa—is successfully invading urban habitats in Florida, USA. During a field trip in urban southern Florida, we observed apparently high A. picticauda abundance around dumpsters used for human refuse, potentially because dumpsters provide refuge, thermoregulatory opportunities, abundant arthropod prey, and harbor few competitors. In this study, we surveyed abundance and built resource selection functions to better understand habitat use of A. picticauda in urban southern Florida. We tested whether hypothesized habitat features predictably influenced the abundance and occupancy of A. picticauda among sites and whether individuals used specific habitat features within sites. Across sites, we found A. picticauda abundance was positively correlated with the number of dumpsters, and, within sites, dumpsters were preferentially selected as habitat. Similarly, we also found two other anthropogenic structures, building crevices and electrical units, were positively selected habitats at population and individual scales. We hypothesize that dumpsters, crevices, and electrical units are selected resources because they are underutilized habitats by other species and they provide refuge, beneficial thermoregulatory opportunities, and in the case of dumpsters, foraging opportunities. Our study provides the first quantitative assessment of urban habitat use by non-native A. picticauda, and supports the importance of human structures as habitat. Our results suggest the intriguing possibility that the A. picticauda invasion in Florida may be exploiting a vacant niche in urban habitats during the invasion process.


At present, there are 43 self-sustaining fish species in Norwegian fresh waters, 11 (26%) of which are non-native, representing four families (Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae). Human-mediated fish introductions probably began in the 15th century with common carp Cyprinus carpio, but most have occurred between the late 1800s and late 1900s. The number of known established populations varies from one (goldfish Carassius auratus ) to nearly 250 (tench Tinca tinca ). Dispersal risk is also highest with tench, which is being spread by anglers for its appeal as a trophy fish. Intentional introductions to improve amenity angling have been part of fisheries management programmes ( e.g. brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis ), so this appears to be an increasingly common introduction vector despite the prohibition under legislation of introducing any species of non-native fishes. Some introduced species, such as brook trout, have declined in abundance and number of populations as the quality of acidified waters has been restored, being replaced by native brown trout Salmo trutta . Further range expansion by some species ( e.g. common carp, goldfish and pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus ) is probably restricted by current climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Oyster reef restoration has become a principal strategy for ameliorating the loss of natural Crassostrea virginica populations and increasing habitat provision. In 2014, a large‐scale, high‐relief, 23‐ha subtidal C. virginica reef was restored at the historically productive Half Moon Reef in Matagorda Bay, TX, using concrete and limestone substrates. Encrusting and motile fauna were sampled seasonally until 17 months postrestoration at the restored reef and at adjacent unrestored sites. Restored oysters developed rapidly and were most abundant 3 months postrestoration, with subsequent declines possibly due to interacting effects of larval settlement success on new substrate versus post‐settlement mortality due to competitors and predators. Oyster densities were 2× higher than in a restored oyster population in Chesapeake Bay that was reported to be the largest reestablished metapopulation of native oysters in the world. Resident fauna on the restored reef were 62% more diverse, had 433% greater biomass, and comprised a distinct faunal community compared to unrestored sites. The presence of three‐dimensional habitat was the most important factor determining resident faunal community composition, indicating that substrate limitation is a major hindrance for oyster reef community success in Texas and other parts of the Gulf of Mexico. There were only minor differences in density, biomass, and diversity of associated fauna located adjacent (13 m) versus distant (150 m) to the restored reef. The two substrate types compared had little influence on oyster recruitment or faunal habitat provision. Results support the use of reef restoration as a productive means to rebuild habitat and facilitate faunal enhancement.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous species may be the most severe environmental threat the world now faces. Fishes, in particular, have been intentionally introduced worldwide and have commonly caused the local extinction of native fish. Despite their importance, the impact of introduced fishes on threatened populations of Pacific salmon has never been systemically examined. Here, we take advantage of several unique datasets from the Columbia River Basin to address the impact of non-indigenous brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, on threatened spring/summer-run chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. More than 41 000 juvenile chinook were individually marked, and their survival in streams without brook trout was nearly double the survival in streams with brook trout. Furthermore, when brook trout were absent, habitat quality was positively associated with chinook survival, but when brook trout were present no relationship between chinook survival and habitat quality was evident. The difference in juvenile chinook survival between sites with, and without, brook trout would increase population growth rate (lambda) by ca. 2.5%. This increase in lambda would be sufficient to reverse the negative population growth observed in many chinook populations. Because many of the populations we investigated occur in wilderness areas, their habitat has been considered pristine; however, our results emphasize that non-indigenous species are present and may have a dramatic impact, even in remote regions that otherwise appear pristine.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated negative effects of non-native, predatory fishes on native amphibians, yet it is still unclear why some amphibian populations persist, while others are extirpated, following fish invasion. We examined this question by developing habitat-based occupancy models for the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) and non-native fish using survey data from 1,749 water bodies across 470 catchments in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. We first modeled the habitat associations of salamanders at 468 fishless water bodies in 154 catchments where non-native fish were historically, and are currently, absent from the entire catchment. We then applied this habitat model to the complete data set to predict the probability of salamander occupancy in each water body, removing any effect of fish presence. Finally, we compared field-observed occurrences of salamanders and fish to modeled probability of salamander occupancy. Suitability models indicated that fish and salamanders had similar habitat preferences, possibly resulting in extirpations of salamander populations from entire catchments where suitable habitats were limiting. Salamanders coexisted with non-native fish in some catchments by using marginal quality, isolated (no inlet or outlet) habitats that remained fishless. They rarely coexisted with fish within individual water bodies and only where habitat quality was highest. Connectivity of water bodies via streams resulted in increased probability of fish invasion and consequently reduced probability of salamander occupancy. These results could be used to identify and prioritize catchments and water bodies where control measures would be most effective at restoring amphibian populations. Our approach could be useful as a framework for improved investigations into questions of persistence and extirpation of native species when non-native species have already become established.  相似文献   

Benjamin JR  Fausch KD  Baxter CV 《Oecologia》2011,167(2):503-512
Replacement of a native species by a nonnative can have strong effects on ecosystem function, such as altering nutrient cycling or disturbance frequency. Replacements may cause shifts in ecosystem function because nonnatives establish at different biomass, or because they differ from native species in traits like foraging behavior. However, no studies have compared effects of wholesale replacement of a native by a nonnative species on subsidies that support consumers in adjacent habitats, nor quantified the magnitude of these effects. We examined whether streams invaded by nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in two regions of the Rocky Mountains, USA, produced fewer emerging adult aquatic insects compared to paired streams with native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii), and whether riparian spiders that depend on these prey were less abundant along streams with lower total insect emergence. As predicted, emergence density was 36% lower from streams with the nonnative fish. Biomass of brook trout was higher than the cutthroat trout they replaced, but even after accounting for this difference, emergence was 24% lower from brook trout streams. More riparian spiders were counted along streams with greater total emergence across the water surface. Based on these results, we predicted that brook trout replacement would result in 6–20% fewer spiders in the two regions. When brook trout replace cutthroat trout, they reduce cross-habitat resource subsidies and alter ecosystem function in stream-riparian food webs, not only owing to increased biomass but also because traits apparently differ from native cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Disconnected habitat fragments are poor at supporting population and community persistence; restoration ecologists, therefore, advocate for the establishment of habitat networks across landscapes. Few empirical studies, however, have considered how networks of restored habitat patches affect metacommunity dynamics. Here, using a 10‐year study on restored hedgerows and unrestored field margins within an intensive agricultural landscape, we integrate occupancy modelling with network theory to examine the interaction between local and landscape characteristics, habitat selection and dispersal in shaping pollinator metacommunity dynamics. We show that surrounding hedgerows and remnant habitat patches interact with the local floral diversity, bee diet breadth and bee body size to influence site occupancy, via colonisation and persistence dynamics. Florally diverse sites and generalist, small‐bodied species are most important for maintaining metacommunity connectivity. By providing the first in‐depth assessment of how a network of restored habitat influences long‐term population dynamics, we confirm the conservation benefit of hedgerows for pollinator populations and demonstrate the importance of restoring and maintaining habitat networks within an inhospitable matrix.  相似文献   

In central Europe, both brown trout Salmo trutta and European grayling Thymallus thymallus are threatened native salmonid species with high value in recreational angling and nature conservation. On the other hand, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are intensively stocked non-native species of high angling value but no value for nature conservation. This study tested if harvest rates of native salmonids are negatively correlated to intensive stocking and harvest rates of non-native salmonids in inland freshwater recreational fisheries. Data were collected from 250 fishing sites (river and stream stretches) over 13 years using mandatory angling logbooks. Logbooks were collected from individual anglers by the Czech Fishing Union in the regions of Prague and Central Bohemia, Czechia (central Europe) and processed by the author of this study. In result, anglers harvested 200,000 salmonids with total weight of 80 tons over 13 years. Intensive stocking of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly lower harvests of native salmonids. Inversely, intensive harvests of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly higher harvest of native salmonids. Recapture rates of stocked salmonids were relatively low (0.6%–3.7%), proving fish stocking moderately ineffective. Since the effects of non-native salmonid stocking and harvest rates on native salmonid harvest were significant but not strong, it is suggested that rivers and streams that support fishing for non-native salmonids still support fishing for native salmonids. However, this idea does not apply for fishing sites with really high intensity of non-native salmonid stocking – harvest rates of natives were very low on these fishing sites.  相似文献   

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