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质膜上的活性氧制造者--NOX家族   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李玲娜  周崧  易静 《生命科学》2005,17(5):414-418
NADPH氧化酶特异存在于吞噬细胞质膜,能生成用于清除病原微生物的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)。NOX是NADPH氧化酶催化亚基gp91^phox的同源物,存在于多种非吞噬细胞。目前发现的NOX有NOX1、NOX3、NOX4及NOX5,虽然它们有一定的组织特异性,但与NADPH氧化酶一样均有催化生成ROS的能力。与吞噬细胞中NADPH氧化酶所制造的ROS不同,NOX所产生的ROS并不主要起细胞防御功能,而是作为第二信使,参与细胞增殖、分化、凋亡的调节。此外,NOX对血管生成及骨吸收也有一定的影响,同时还可作为氧感受器调节促红细胞生成素(EPO)的产生。  相似文献   

JNK介导的信号转导途径以及活性氧在其中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪劼  易静 《生命科学》2006,18(4):361-367
JNK是一个受外界应激因素调控的信号分子,调节包括凋亡在内的一系列细胞内的反应,但目前越来越多的报道证实了JNK信号途径具有促凋亡和抗凋亡的双重功能,这种双重功能受到细胞类型、刺激物的种类、剂量和持续时间以及胞内其他信号途径的影响。活性氧作为一种常见的外界应激因素也部分参与了JNK信号途径的激活,对细胞的生死产生了重要的影响。本文将主要总结JNK介导的信号转导途径及活性氧在这一途径中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究NADPH氧化酶抑制剂apocynin对力竭运动大鼠运动性蛋白尿产生的影响及其机制。方法:32只SD雄性大鼠随机分为安静对照组(C组)、对照+药物组(CA组)、力竭运动组(E组)、力竭运动+药物组(EA组)。药物注射按10 mg/kg体重,每天一次,连续3 d,并在末次药物注射1 h后进行一次性跑台力竭运动。测定运动后尿UP、血液BUN水平、肾脏ROS浓度、NOS活性、NOS与3-NT蛋白含量。结果:结果显示,E组UP、肾脏ROS、iNOS含量及活性、3-NT明显升高,而EA组的这些指标与C组相比无显著性差异。结论:力竭运动可明显增加肾组织NADPH氧化酶活性,从而产生大量的ROS,后者可迅速地与由肾脏iNOS催化生成的NO反应,产生过量的ONOO-,诱发运动性蛋白尿的生成。  相似文献   

目的:探究氯化镉(CdCl_2)对胎盘绒毛外滋养层HTR-8/SVneo细胞内活性氧(ROS)水平和抗氧化酶活性的影响。方法:用不同浓度的CdCl_2(0、3、6、12μmol/L)处理HTR-8/SVneo细胞24 h,或者用12μmol/L CdCl_2处理HTR-8/SVneo细胞不同时间(0、6、12、24 h)后,CCK-8检测细胞活性;采用时间依赖模型,显微镜下观察细胞形态变化;流式细胞术检测细胞内ROS含量变化;试剂盒法检测细胞内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)活性及丙二醛(MDA)水平的变化;用12μmol/L CdCl_2与500μmol/L ROS清除剂NAC共处理HTR-8/SVneo细胞24 h,观察NAC对细胞的保护效应。结果:CdCl_2可以显著抑制HTR-8/SVneo细胞活性,且呈剂量和时间依赖性(P<0.01);随着CdCl_2处理时间的延长,HTR-8/SVneo细胞逐渐皱缩、变圆;细胞内ROS水平和MDA含量呈时间依赖性升高,而SOD、CAT和GPx活性呈时间依赖性降低;NAC可以显著抑制CdCl_2引起的ROS及MDA含量升高,缓解CdCl_2引起的形态损伤和抗氧化酶活性降低(P<0.05)。结论:镉可以引起HTR-8/SVneo细胞内ROS升高,并导致SOD、CAT、GPx活性降低和脂质过氧化。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiration is the predominant source of ATP. Excessive rates of electron transport cause a higher production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). There are two regulatory mechanisms known. The first, according to Mitchel, is dependent on the mitochondrial membrane potential that drives ATP synthase for ATP production, and the second, the Kadenbach mechanism, is focussed on the binding of ATP to Cytochrome c Oxidase (CytOx) at high ATP/ADP ratios, which results in an allosteric conformational change to CytOx, causing inhibition. In times of stress, ATP‐dependent inhibition is switched off and the activity of CytOx is exclusively determined by the membrane potential, leading to an increase in ROS production. The second mechanism for respiratory control depends on the quantity of electron transfer to the Heme aa3 of CytOx. When ATP is bound to CytOx the enzyme is inhibited, and ROS formation is decreased, although the mitochondrial membrane potential is increased.  相似文献   

Plants establish highly and systemically organized stress defense mechanisms against unfavorable living conditions. To interpret these environmental stimuli, plants possess communication tools, referred as secondary messengers, such as Ca2+ signature and reactive oxygen species (ROS) wave. Maintenance of ROS is an important event for whole lifespan of plants, however, in special cases, toxic ROS molecules are largely accumulated under excess stresses and diverse enzymes played as ROS scavengers. Arabidopsis and rice contain 3 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases (NTRs) which transfer reducing power to Thioredoxin/Peroxiredoxin (Trx/Prx) system for scavenging ROS. However, due to functional redundancy between cytosolic and mitochondrial NTRs (NTRA and NTRB, respectively), their functional involvements under stress conditions have not been well characterized. Recently, we reported that cytosolic NTRA confers the stress tolerance against oxidative and drought stresses via regulation of ROS amounts using NTRA-overexpressing plants. With these findings, mitochondrial NTRB needs to be further elucidated.  相似文献   

休眠是植物种子对环境变化的适应机制,其机理至今未完全清楚阐明。前期对种子休眠机制的研究主要集中在激素调节上,近期的研究结果表明,一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)参与打破种子的休眠,并与其所引起的种子中活性氧的变化有关。本文简要综述活性氮(reactive nitrogen species,RNS)、活性氧(reactive oxygen species,R0s)和植物激素在种子休眠解除中的作用及相互关系研究进展。  相似文献   

Mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is an important cash pulse crop extensively cultivated in the arid region of Pakistan, which encounters intimidating charcoal rot disease caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. The current research was conducted to check the potential of Zn (1.25, 2.44 and 5?mg?kg?1) and FYM [farmyard manure (1% and 2%)] in mono-, bi- and trilateral interaction in managing disease and improving yield. Suppression of plant immunity by M. phaseolina was indicated by the change in activities of antioxidant enzymes (CAT and SOD) and cell wall strengthening enzymes (POX and PAL) that revealed inability of the protein receptor to identify the pathogen elicitor. FYM improved soil physicochemical properties and beneficial microbes activity, which released antimicrobial protein- and plant defense-stimulating protein and in response to ROS (reactive oxygen species) signaling molecules plant susceptibility was reduced. However, Zn as a co-factor chastened the ROS in stressed cells by upregulation of antioxidant enzymes in favor of the plant. The complex interaction of FYM and Zn potentially hijacked the further multiplication of pathogen. Finally, soil amendment improved biological attributes and grain yield to profitable farming in terms of harvest index percentage and benefit–cost ratio.  相似文献   

采用化学发光法, 分析了光果甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)毛状根培养过程中对3种活性氧(ROS: O-2(÷)、HO·和H-2O-2)清除能力的动态变化, 并测定了培养过程中总黄酮含量的动态变化. 实验结果表明, 毛状根在对数生长期(20~28 d)对3种ROS都有很强的清除能力,在生长停滞期(29~40 d)对HO·和H-2O-2的清除能力仍维持较高的水平,而对O-2(÷)的清除能力随培养时间的延长逐渐下降.总黄酮含量在对数生长期呈现增加的趋势,至31 d时达到最高含量(0.78%),随培养时间的延长含量逐渐降低.  相似文献   

Plants often face the challenge of severe environmental conditions, which include various biotic and abiotic stresses that exert adverse effects on plant growth and development. During evolution, plants have evolved complex regulatory mechanisms to adapt to various environmental stressors. One of the consequences of stress is an increase in the cellular concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are subsequently converted to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Even under normal conditions, higher plants produce ROS during metabolic processes. Excess concentrations of ROS result in oxidative damage to or the apoptotic death of cells. Development of an antioxidant defense system in plants protects them against oxidative stress damage. These ROS and, more particularly, H2O2, play versatile roles in normal plant physiological processes and in resistance to stresses. Recently, H2O2 has been regarded as a signaling molecule and regulator of the expression of some genes in cells. This review describes various aspects of H2O2 function, generation and scavenging, gene regulation and cross-links with other physiological molecules during plant growth, development and resistance responses.  相似文献   

* Cadmium (Cd(2+)) is an environmental pollutant that causes increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. To determine the site of ROS production, the effect of Cd(2+) on ROS production was studied in isolated soybean (Glycine max) plasma membranes, potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber mitochondria and roots of intact seedlings of soybean or cucumber (Cucumis sativus). * The effects of Cd(2+) on the kinetics of superoxide (O2*-), hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and hydroxyl radical ((*OH) generation were followed using absorption, fluorescence and spin-trapping electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. * In isolated plasma membranes, Cd(2+) inhibited O2*- production. This inhibition was reversed by calcium (Ca(2+)) and magnesium (Mg(2+)). In isolated mitochondria, Cd(2+) increased and H(2)O(2) production. In intact roots, Cd(2+) stimulated H(2)O(2) production whereas it inhibited O2*- and (*)OH production in a Ca(2+)-reversible manner. * Cd(2+) can be used to distinguish between ROS originating from mitochondria and from the plasma membrane. This is achieved by measuring different ROS individually. The immediate (相似文献   

分子探针定量和定位分析种子吸涨早期活性氧的生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助活性氧发光分子探针,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦扫描显微技术,在不同年份的玉米种子吸胀早期,对其胚、淀粉和糊粉层细胞活性氧生成进行了定量和亚细胞定位分析.结果表明:胚细胞产生的活性氧最多,糊粉层细胞次之,淀粉细胞几乎不产生活性氧;而且胚细胞产生的活性氧主要定位在细胞内,细胞膜上不产生:糊粉层细胞产生的活性氧主要定位在细胞膜.这一种子吸涨早期活性氧生成机制的揭示,为化学发光检测种子活力提供了生理依据.  相似文献   

The family of NADPH oxidase (NOX) genes produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) pivotal for both cell signalling and host defense. To investigate whether NOX and NOX accessory gene expression might be a factor common to specific human tumour types, this study measured the expression levels of NOX genes 1–5, dual oxidase 1 and 2, as well as those of NOX accessory genes NoxO1, NoxA1, p47phox, p67phox and p22phox in human cancer cell lines and in tumour and adjacent normal tissue pairs by quantitative, real-time RT-PCR. The results demonstrate tumour-specific patterns of NOX gene expression that will inform further studies of the role of NOX activity in tumour cell invasion, growth factor response and proliferative potential.  相似文献   


Fever is a regulated increase in body temperature and a component of the acute-phase response, triggered mainly after the invasion of pathogens in the body. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated during the physiological and pathological processes, and can act as both signalling molecules as well as promoters of oxidative stress. Male Wistar rats, pretreated with oral doses of acetaminophen, celecoxib, dipyrone, or ibuprofen 30?min before an intravenous lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or sterile saline injection, showed a reduced febrile response in all animals tested. The formation of ROS in the fresh blood, liver, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and hypothalamus of febrile and antipyretic-treated animals was assessed by electron paramagnetic resonance using the spin probe 1-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine (CMH). While the CM? concentrations remained unaltered in the blood samples examined 5?h after the induction of fever, we found increased CM? levels in the liver (in µM, saline: 290?±?42; LPS: 512?±?34), BAT (in µM, saline: 509?±?79, LPS: 855?±?79), and hypothalamus (in µM, saline: 292?±?35; LPS: 467?±?8) at the same time point. Importantly, none of the antipyretics were seen to alter the CM? accumulation profile. Data from this study suggest that there is an increased formation of ROS in the different tissues during fever, which may cause oxidative stress, and that the antipyretics tested do not interfere with ROS production.  相似文献   

Research on legume nodule development has contributed greatly to our current understanding of plant-microbe interactions. However, the factors that orchestrate root nodule senescence have received relatively little attention. Accumulating evidence suggests that redox signals contribute to the establishment of symbiosis and senescence. Although degenerative in nature, nodule senescence is an active process programmed in development in which reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidants, hormones and proteinases have key roles. Nodules have high levels of the redox buffers, ascorbate and glutathione, which are important in the nodulation process and in senescence. These metabolites decline with N-fixation as the nodule ages but the resultant decrease in redox buffering capacity does not necessarily lead to enhanced ROS or oxidative stress. We propose models by which ROS and antioxidants interact with hormones such as abscisic acid in the orchestration of nodule senescence.  相似文献   

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