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The aims of the present study were twofold: (1) simultaneous determinations of Na(+) transport parameters of erythrocytes from 40 healthy donors and 28 septic patients as assessed by a score of severity of sepsis (SSS), and (2) examination of the correlation between the SSS and specific Na(+) transport abnormalities. Erythrocytes were obtained and loaded with different ionic compositions and cellular Na(+) contents before determination of the near-maximal Na(+) pump rate (Vmax), the physiological extrusion rate of Na(+) (v) and the number of ouabain-binding sites (Bmax). In erythrocytes from septic patients, the cellular Na(+) content was 28% higher (p < 0.001), with no differences in water content compared to erythrocytes from healthy donors. This elevated Na(+) content was accompanied by significantly higher values for Vmax (43%), v (24%) and Bmax (48%) of the Na(+) pump in septic erythrocytes. Moreover, significant positive correlations existed between Vmax and SSS (p = 0.028) and between cellular Na(+) content and SSS (p = 0.005). These data suggest that during sepsis, membrane alterations occur and result in an increased cellular Na(+) content. Active Na(+) transport (Vmax and v) was significantly stimulated, possibly as a consequence of a secondary response to the elevated Na(+) of cells. Both cellular Na(+) and Vmax correlated well with the severity of sepsis, suggesting that these altered transport parameters may reflect the progress of sepsis.  相似文献   

One of the protective mechanisms used by plants to survive under conditions of salt stress caused by high NaCl concentration is the removal of Na+ from the cytoplasm. This mechanism involves a number of Na+/H+-antiporter proteins that are localized in plant plasma and vacuolar membranes. Due to the driving force of the electrochemical H+ gradient created by membrane H+-pumps (H+-ATPases and vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatases), Na+/H+-antiporters extrude sodium ions from the cytoplasm in exchange for protons. In this study, we have identified the gene for the barley vacuolar Na+/H+-antiporter HvNHX2 using the RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends)-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique. It is shown that the identified gene is expressed in roots, stems, and leaves of barley seedlings and that it presumably encodes a 59.6 kD protein composed of 546 amino acid residues. Antibodies against the C-terminal fragment of HvNHX2 were generated. It is shown that the quantity of HvNHX2 in tonoplast vesicles isolated from roots of barley seedlings remains the same, whereas the rate of Na+/H+ exchange across these membranes increases in response to salt stress. The 14-3-3-binding motif Lys-Lys-Glu-Ser-His-Pro (371-376) was detected in the HvNHX2 amino acid sequence, which is suggestive of possible involvement of the 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of HvNHX2 function.  相似文献   

Two barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L., cvs. Elo and Belogorskii) differing in salt tolerance were used to study 22Na+ uptake, expression of three isoforms of the Na+/H+ antiporter HvNHX1-3, and the cellular localization of these isoforms in the elongation zone of seedling roots. During short (1 h) incubation, seedling roots of both cultivars accumulated approximately equal quantities of 22Na+. However, after 24-h incubation the content of 22Na+ in roots of a salt-tolerant variety Elo was 40% lower than in roots of the susceptible variety Belogorskii. The content of 22Na+ accumulated in shoots of cv. Elo after 24-h incubation was 6.5 times lower than in shoots of cv. Belogorskii and it was 4 times lower after the salt stress treatment. The cytochemical examination revealed that three proteins HvNHX1-3 are co-localized in the same cells of almost all root tissues; these proteins were present in the tonoplast and prevacuolar vesicles. Western blot analysis of HvNHX1-3 has shown that the content of isoforms in vacuolar membranes increased in response to salt stress in seedling roots and shoots of both cultivars, although the increase was more pronounced in the tolerant cultivar. The content of HvNHX1 in the seedlings increased in parallel with the enhanced expression of HvNHX1, whereas the increase in HvNHX2 and HvNHX3 protein content was accompanied by only slight changes in expression of respective genes. The results provide evidence that salt tolerance of barley depends on plant ability to restrict Na+ transport from the root to the shoot and relies on regulatory pathways of HvNHX1-3 expression in roots and shoots during salt stress.  相似文献   

An F2 and an equivalent F3 population derived from a cross between a high salt-tolerance indica variety, Nona Bokra, and a susceptible elite japonica variety, Koshihikari, were produced. We performed QTL mapping for physiological traits related to rice salt-tolerance. Three QTLs for survival days of seedlings (SDSs) under salt stress were detected on chromosomes 1, 6 and 7, respectively, and explained 13.9% to 18.0% of the total phenotypic variance. Based on the correlations between SDSs and other physiological traits, it was considered that damage of leaves was attributed to accumulation of Na+ in the shoot by transport of Na+ from the root to the shoot in external high concentration. We found eight QTLs including three for three traits of the shoots, and five for four traits of the roots at five chromosomal regions, controlled complex physiological traits related to rice salt-tolerance under salt stress. Of these QTLs, the two major QTLs with the very large effect, qSNC-7 for shoot Na+ concentration and qSKC-1 for shoot K+ concentration, explained 48.5% and 40.1% of the total phenotypic variance, respectively. The QTLs detected between the shoots and the roots almost did not share the same map locations, suggesting that the genes controlling the transport of Na+ and K+ between the shoots and the roots may be different.  相似文献   

A ouabain sensitive inward current occurs in Xenopus oocytes in Na+ and K+ -free solutions. Several laboratories have investigated the properties of this current and suggested that acidic extracellular pH (pHo) produces a conducting pathway through the Na+/K+ pump that is permeable to H+ and blocked by [Na+]o. An alternative suggestion is that the current is mediated by an electrogenic H+-ATPase. Here we investigate the effect of pHo and [Na+]o on both transient and steady-state ouabain-sensitive current. At alkaline or neutral pHo the relaxation rate of pre-steady-state current is an exponential function of voltage. Its U-shaped voltage dependence becomes apparent at acidic pHo, as predicted by a model in which protonation of the Na+/K+ pump reduces the energy barrier between the internal solution and the Na+ occluded state. The model also predicts that acidic pHo increases steady-state current leak through the pump. The apparent pK of the titratable group(s) is 6, suggesting that histidine is involved in induction of the conductance pathway. 22Na efflux experiments in squid giant axon and current measurements in oocytes at acidic pHo suggest that both Na+ and H+ are permeant. The acid-induced inward current is reduced by high [Na+]o, consistent with block by Na+. A least squares analysis predicts that H+ is four orders of magnitude more permeant than Na+, and that block occurs when 3 Na+ ions occupy a low affinity binding site (K 0.5=130±30 mM) with a dielectric coefficient of 0.23±0.03. These data support the conclusion that the ouabain-sensitive conducting pathway is a result of passive leak of both Na+ and H+ through the Na+/K+ pump.  相似文献   

To develop a salt-tolerant upland rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), OsNHX1, a vacuolar-type Na+/H+ antiporter gene from rice was transferred into the genome of an upland rice cultivar (IRAT109), using an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Seven independent transgenic calli lines were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. These 35S::OsNHX1 transgenic plants displayed a little accelerated growth during seedling stage but showed delayed flowering time and a slight growth retardation phenotype during late vegetative stage, suggesting that the OsNHX1 has a novel function in plant development. Northern and western blot analyses showed that the expression levels of OsNHX1 mRNA and protein in the leaves of three independent transgenic plant lines were significantly higher than in the leaves of wild type (WT) plants. T2 generation plants exhibited increased salt tolerance, showing delayed appearance and development of damage or death caused by salt stress, as well as improved recovery upon removal from this condition. Several physiological traits, such as increased Na+ content, and decreased osmotic potential in transgenic plants grown in high saline concentrations, further indicated that the transgenic plants had enhanced salt tolerance. Our results suggest the potential use of these transgenic plants for further agricultural applications in saline soil.  相似文献   

Side-by-side with inhibition of the Na+,K+-ATPase ouabain and other cardiotonic steroids (CTS) can affect cell functions by mechanisms other than regulation of the intracellular Na+ and K+ ratio ([Na+]i/[K+]i). Thus, we compared the doseand time-dependences of the effect of ouabain on intracellular [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio, Na+,K+-ATPase activity, and proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Treatment of the cells with 1-3 nM ouabain for 24-72 h decreased the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio and increased cell proliferation by 20-50%. We discovered that the same ouabain concentrations increased Na+,K+-ATPase activity by 25-30%, as measured by the rate of 86Rb+ influx. Higher ouabain concentrations inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase, increased [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio, suppressed cell growth, and caused cell death. When cells were treated with low ouabain concentrations for 48 or 72 h, a negative correlation between [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio and cell growth activation was observed. In cells treated with high ouabain concentrations for 24 h, the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio correlated positively with proliferation inhibition. These data demonstrate that inhibition of HUVEC proliferation at high CTS concentrations correlates with dissipation of the Na+ and K+ concentration gradients, whereas cell growth stimulation by low CTS doses results from activation of Na+,K+-ATPase and decrease in the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio.  相似文献   

The expression of Na+, K+-ATPase α3 subunit and synaptosomal membrane Na+, K+-ATPase activity were analyzed after administration of ouabain and endobain E, respectively commercial and endogenous Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitors. Wistar rats received intracerebroventricularly ouabain or endobain E dissolved in saline solution or Tris–HCl, respectively or the vehicles (controls). Two days later, animals were decapitated, cerebral cortex and hippocampus removed and crude and synaptosomal membrane fractions were isolated. Western blot analysis showed that Na+, K+-ATPase α3 subunit expression increased roughly 40% after administration of 10 or 100 nmoles ouabain in cerebral cortex but remained unaltered in hippocampus. After administration of 10 μl endobain E (1 μl = 28 mg tissue) Na+, K+-ATPase α3 subunit enhanced 130% in cerebral cortex and 103% in hippocampus. The activity of Na+, K+-ATPase in cortical synaptosomal membranes diminished or increased after administration of ouabain or endobain E, respectively. It is concluded that Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitors modify differentially the expression of Na+, K+-ATPase α3 subunit and enzyme activity, most likely involving compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Na+, K+-ATPase is inhibited by neurotensin, an effect which involves the peptide high affinity receptor (NTS1). Neurotensin effect on cerebral cortex synaptosomal membrane Na+, K+-ATPase activity of rats injected i.p. with antipsychotic clozapine was studied. Whereas 3.5 × 10−6 M neurotensin decreased 44% Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the controls, the peptide failed to modify enzyme activity 30 min after a single 3.0, 10.0 and 30.0 mg/kg clozapine dose. Neurotensin decreased Na+, K+-ATPase activity 40 or 20% 18 h after 3.0 or 5.6 mg/kg clozapine administration, respectively, and lacked inhibitory effect 18 h after 17.8 and 30.0 mg/kg clozapine doses. Results indicated that the clozapine treatment differentially modifies the further effect of neurotensin on synaptosomal membrane Na+, K+-ATPase activity according to time and dose conditions employed. Taken into account that clozapine blocks the dopaminergic D2 receptor, findings obtained favor the view of an interplay among neurotensinergic receptor, dopaminergic D2 receptor and Na+, K+-ATPase at synaptic membranes.  相似文献   

Fukuda A  Nakamura A  Hara N  Toki S  Tanaka Y 《Planta》2011,233(1):175-188
We previously cloned a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene (OsNHX1) from rice (Oryza sativa). Here we identified four additional NHX-type antiporter genes in rice (OsNHX2 through OsNHX5) and performed molecular and functional analyses of those genes. The exon–intron structure of the OsNHX genes and the phylogenetic tree of the OsNHX proteins suggest that the OsNHX proteins are categorized into two subgroups (OsNHX1 through OsNHX4 and OsNHX5). OsNHX1, OsNHX2, OsNHX3, and OsNHX5 can suppress the Na+, Li+, and hygromycin sensitivity of yeast nhx1 mutants and their sensitivity to a high K+ concentration. The expression of OsNHX1, OsNHX2, OsNHX3, and OsNHX5 is regulated differently in rice tissues and is increased by salt stress, hyperosmotic stress, and ABA. When we studied the expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS) driven by either the OsNHX1 or the OsNHX5 promoter, we observed activity in the stele, the emerging part of lateral roots, the vascular bundle, the water pore, and the basal part of seedling shoots with both promoters. In addition, each promoter had a unique expression pattern. OsNHX1 promoter–GUS activity only was localized to the guard cells and trichome, whereas OsNHX5 promoter–GUS activity only was localized to the root tip and pollen grains. Our results suggest that the members of this gene family play important roles in the compartmentalization into vacuoles of the Na+ and K+ that accumulate in the cytoplasm and that the differential regulation of antiporter gene expression in different rice tissues may be an important factor determining salt tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

The affinity for K+ of silkworm nerve Na+/K+-ATPase is markedly lower than that of mammalian Na+/K+-ATPase (Homareda 2010). In order to obtain clues on the molecular basis of the difference in K+ affinities, we cloned cDNAs of silkworm (Bombyx mori) nerve Na+/K+-ATPase α and β subunits, and analyzed the deduced amino acid sequences. The molecular masses of the α and β subunits were presumed to be 111.5 kDa with ten transmembrane segments and 37.7 kDa with a single transmembrane segment, respectively. The α subunit showed 75% identity and 93% homology with the pig Na+/K+-ATPase α1 subunit. On the other hand, the amino acid identity of the β subunit with mammalian counterparts was as low as 30%. Cloned α and β cDNAs were co-expressed in cultured silkworm ovary-derived cells, BM-N cells, which lack endogenous Na+/K+-ATPase. Na+/K+-ATPase expressed in the cultured cells showed a low affinity for K+ and a high affinity for Na+, characteristic of the silkworm nerve Na+/K+-ATPase. These results suggest that the β subunit is responsible for the affinity for K+ of Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The tonoplast and plasma membrane localized sodium (potassium)/proton antiporters have been shown to play an important role in plant resistance to salt stress. In this study, AtNHX1 and AtNHX3, two tonoplast Na+(K+)/H+ antiporter encoding genes from Arabidopsis thaliana, were expressed in poplar to investigate their biological functions in the resistance to abiotic stresses in woody plants. Transgenic poplar plants expressing either gene exhibited increased resistance to both salt and water-deficit stresses. Compared to the wild type (WT) plants, transgenic plants accumulated more sodium and potassium ions in the presence of 100 mM NaCl and showed reduced electrolyte leakage in the leaves under water stress. Furthermore, the proton-translocating and cation-dependent H+ (Na+/H+ or K+/H+) exchange activities in the tonoplast vesicles isolated from the leaves of transgenic plants were higher than in those isolated from WT plants. Therefore, constitutive expression of either AtNHX1 or AtNHX3 genetically modified the salt and water stress tolerance of transgenic poplar plants, providing a potential tool for engineering tree species with enhanced resistance to multiple abitotic stresses.  相似文献   

We have identified a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger from durum wheat, designated TdSOS1. Heterologous expression of TdSOS1 in a yeast strain lacking endogenous Na+ efflux proteins showed complementation of the Na+- and Li+-sensitive phenotype by a mechanism involving cation efflux. Salt tolerance conferred by TdSOS1 was maximal when co-expressed with the Arabidopsis protein kinase complex SOS2/SOS3. In vitro phosphorylation of TdSOS1 with a hyperactive form of the Arabidopsis SOS2 kinase (T/DSOS2∆308) showed the importance of two essential serine residues at the C-terminal hydrophilic tail (S1126, S1128). Mutation of these two serine residues to alanine decreased the phosphorylation of TdSOS1 by T/DSOS2∆308 and prevented the activation of TdSOS1. In addition, deletion of the C-terminal domain of TdSOS1 encompassing serine residues at position 1126 and 1128 generated a hyperactive form that had maximal sodium exclusion activity independent from the regulatory SOS2/SOS3 complex. These results are consistent with the presence of an auto-inhibitory domain at the C-terminus of TdSOS1 that mediates the activation of TdSOS1 by the protein kinase SOS2. Expression of TdSOS1 mRNA in young seedlings of the durum wheat variety Om Rabia3, using different abiotic stresses (ionic and oxidative stress) at different times of exposure, was monitored by RT–PCR.  相似文献   

The Na+/K+-ATPase generates an electrochemical gradient of Na+ and K+, which is necessary for the functioning of animal cells. During the catalytic act, the enzyme passes through two principal conformational states, E1 and E2. To assess the domain organization of the protein in these conformations, thermal denaturation of Na+/K+-ATPases from duck salt gland and from rabbit kidney has been studied in the absence and in the presence of Na+ or K+, which induce the transition to E1 or E2. The melting curves for the ion-free forms of the two ATPases have different shapes: the rabbit protein shows one transition at 56.1°C, whereas the duck protein shows two transitions, at 49.8 and 56.9°C. Addition of Na+ or K+ ions abolishes the difference in thermal behavior between these enzymes, but through opposite effects. The melting curves for the E2 conformation (K+ bound) in both cases exhibit a single peak of heat absorption at ∼63°C. For the E1 conformation (Na+ bound), each melting curve has three peaks, indicating denaturation of three domains. The difference in the domain organization of Na+/K+-ATPase in the E1 and E2 states may account for the different sensitivity to temperature, proteolysis, and oxidative stress observed for the two enzyme conformations.  相似文献   

Summary Hypothetical model based on deficient glutamatergic neurotransmission caused by hyperactive glutamate transport in astrocytes surrounding excitatory synapses in the prefrontal cortex is examined in relation to the aetiology of schizophrenia. The model is consistent with actions of neuroleptics, such as clozapine, in animal experiments and it is strongly supported by recent findings of increased expression of glutamate transporter GLT in prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia. It is proposed that mechanisms regulating glutamate transport be investigated as potential targets for novel classes of neuroactive compounds with neuroleptic characteristics. Development of new efficient techniques designed specifically for the purpose of studying rapid activity-dependent translocation of glutamate transporters and associated molecules such as Na+, K+-ATPase is essential and should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were transformed with a barley antiporter gene HvNHX2 driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. The expressed transgene conferred a higher NaCl tolerance to one of the cultivars. Under salt stress, the more salt-tolerant transgenic plants had longer roots, higher dry weight, and suppressed cell expansion as compared to wild-type plants. The salt tolerance of the plants grown in vitro was not accompanied by elevated total sodium in any plant organs tested. Instead, higher potassium was found in roots of transgenic plants. Possible mechanisms of plant salt tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

Here we describe an experimental design aimed to investigate changes in total cellular levels of Na+ and K+ ions in cultures of freshwater filamentous cyanobacteria. Ion concentrations were measured in whole cells by flame photometry. Cellular Na+ levels increased exponentially with rising alkalinity, with K+ levels being maximal for optimal growth pH (∼8). At standardized pH conditions, the increase in cellular Na+, as induced by NaCl at 10 mM, was coupled by the two sodium channel-modulating agents lidocaine hydrochloride at 1 μM and veratridine at 100 μM. Both the channel-blockers amiloride (1 mM) and saxitoxin (1 μM), decreased cell-bound Na+ and K+ levels. Results presented demonstrate the robustness of well-defined channel blockers and channel-activators in the study of cyanobacterial Na+- K+ fluxes. Published: June 29, 2004.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy plays a major role in heart failure and is related to patient morbidity and mortality. Calcium overloading is a main risk for cardiac hypertrophy, and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) has been found that it could not only regulate intracellular Na+ levels but also control the intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) level through Na+/Ca2+-exchanger (NCX). Recent studies have reported that klotho could affect [Ca2+]i level. In this study, we aimed at exploring the role of klotho in improving isoproterenol-induced hypertrophic response of H9C2 cells. The H9C2 cells were randomly divided into control and isoproterenol (ISO) (10 μM) groups. Klotho protein (10 μg/ml) or NKAα2 siRNA was used to determine the changes in isoproterenol-induced hypertrophic response. The alterations of [Ca2+]i level were measured by spectrofluorometry. Our results showed that H9C2 cells which were treated with isoproterenol presented a higher level of [Ca2+]i and hypertrophic gene expression at 24 and 48 h compared with the control group. Moreover, the expressions of NKAα1 and NKAα2 were both increased in control and ISO groups after treating with klotho protein; meanwhile, the NKA activity was increased and NCX activity was decreased after treatment. Consistently, the [Ca2+]i level and hypertrophic gene expression were decreased in ISO group after klotho protein treatment. However, these effects were both prevented by transfecting with NKAα2 siRNA. In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that klotho inhibits isoproterenol-induced hypertrophic response in H9C2 cells by activating NKA and inhibiting the reverse mode of NCX and this effect may be associated with the upregulation of NKAα2 expression.  相似文献   

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