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The molecular dynamics simulations in this work were aimed to provide a molecular insight into chain structure effects on non-isothermal crystallisation of polyethylene (PE) chains. The crystallisation behaviours were influenced by chain length and cooling rate in linear PE chain crystallisation: C100 and C150 were unable to fold into crystals. From C1000 to C3000, crystallisation abilities became stronger as chain length increased. From C5000 to C14000, chain length had no influence on crystallisation abilities. Final morphologies changed from rotator phase to single crystal domain, and to multi crystal domains as chain length increased. The formation of multi crystal domains with longer chain was easier than with the shorter chain in identical conditions. Branch content influenced not only the crystallisation kinetics but also final morphologies in non-isothermal crystallisation. The branches were defective in nucleation process, which was reflected in the crystal growth process. Crystallisation temperature, rate and crystallinity decreased, and the morphologies became disordered as branch content increased. Changes of final morphologies from single crystal domain to multi crystal domains were found under the influence of branch content and cooling rate. Trans-rich phenomenon was observed, and the trans-state population increment was prior to crystallinity increment. Crystallisation processes began at different crystallisation temperature when the trans-state populations reached a critical value which was independent of branch content.  相似文献   

Terahertz absorption spectra of alanine polypeptides in water were simulated with classical molecular dynamics at 310 K. Vibrational modes and oscillator strengths were calculated based on a quasi-harmonic approximation. Absorption spectra of Alan (n = 5, 15, 30) with different chain lengths and Ala15 in coiled and helical conformations were studied in 10–40 cm? 1 bandwidth. Simulation results indicated both the chain length and the conformation have significant influences on THz spectra of alanine polypeptides. With the increase of chain length, the average THz absorption intensity increases. Compared with the helical Ala15 polypeptide, the THz spectra of coiled one shows stronger absorption peaks. These results were explained from different numbers of hydrogen bonds formed between polypeptides and the surrounding water molecules.  相似文献   

The confined interaction is important to understand the melting and crystallization of polymers within single-wall carbon tube (SWNT). However, it is difficult for us to observe this interaction. In the current work, the structures and behaviors of melting and crystallization for polyethylene (PE) clusters confined in armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes ((n,n)-SWNTs) are investigated and examined based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The nonbonded energies, structures, Lindemman indices, radial density distributions, and diffusion coefficients are used to demonstrate the features of melting phase transition for PE clusters confined in (n,n)-SWNTs. The chain end-to-end distance (R n) and chain end-to-end distribution are used to examine the flexibility of the PE chain confined in SWNT. The global orientational order parameter (P2) is employed to reveal the order degree of whole PE polymer. The effect of polymerization degree on melting temperature and the influence of SWNT chirality on structure of PE cluster are examined and discussed. Results demonstrate that within the confined environment of SWNT, PE clusters adopt novel co-axial crystalline layer structure, in which parallel chains of each layer are approximately vertical to tube axis. The disordered-ordered transformation of PE chains in each layer is an important structural feature for crystallization of confined PE clusters. SWNTs have a considerable effect on the structures and stabilities of the confined PE clusters.  相似文献   

Electroporation is a cell-level phenomenon caused by an ionic imbalance in the membrane, being of great relevance in various fields of knowledge. A dependence of the pore formation kinetics on the environmental conditions (temperature and pressure) of the cell membrane has already been reported, but further clarification regarding how these variables affect the pore formation/resealing dynamics and the transport of molecules through the membrane is still lacking. The objective of the present study was to investigate the temperature (288–348 K) and pressure (1–5000 atm) effects on the electroporation kinetics using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Results shown that the time for pore formation and resealing increased with pressure and decreased with temperature, whereas the maximum pore radius increased with temperature and decreased with pressure. This behavior influenced the ion migration through the bilayer, and the higher ionic mobility was obtained in the 288 K/1000 atm simulations, i.e., a combination of low temperature and (not excessively) high pressure. These results were used to discuss some experimental observations regarding the extraction of intracellular compounds applying this technique. This study contributes to a better understanding of electroporation under different thermodynamic conditions and to an optimal selection of processing parameters in practical applications which exploit this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A revision (C35r) to the CHARMM ether force field is shown to reproduce experimentally observed conformational populations of dimethoxyethane. Molecular dynamics simulations of 9, 18, 27, and 36-mers of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and 27-mers of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in water based on C35r yield a persistence length λ = 3.7 Å, in quantitative agreement with experimentally obtained values of 3.7 Å for PEO and 3.8 Å for PEG; agreement with experimental values for hydrodynamic radii of comparably sized PEG is also excellent. The exponent υ relating the radius of gyration and molecular weight of PEO from the simulations equals 0.515 ± 0.023, consistent with experimental observations that low molecular weight PEG behaves as an ideal chain. The shape anisotropy of hydrated PEO is 2.59:1.44:1.00. The dimension of the middle length for each of the polymers nearly equals the hydrodynamic radius Rh obtained from diffusion measurements in solution. This explains the correspondence of Rh and Rp, the pore radius of membrane channels: a polymer such as PEG diffuses with its long axis parallel to the membrane channel, and passes through the channel without substantial distortion.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies from two-dimensional (2-D) crystals when bound to haptenated phospholipid monolayers in physiological conditions and at ambient temperatures. IgG1 forms two crystal phases: a linear strand phase and a high-order hexagonal phase. The relative distribution of these two phases is dependent on temperature, pH, and salt concentration. This dependence is one that is associated with protein intramolecular interactions rather than lipid-lipid or lipid-protein interactions for a number of reasons: 1) Polyclonal antibodies against the hapten DNP do not organize into any crystal structure for any of the experimental conditions used. 2) Slightly denatured IgG (through storage at 4 degrees C, for example) does not readily crystallize and a shift in the temperature dependence for forming the hexagonal phase is observed. 3) There is no pH driven transition in crystallization tendency for IgE anti-DNP but a transition to disorder is observed at above 30 degrees C. No such transition exists for IgG1. Observation of the dynamics of crystal growth shows a clear and marked dependence on pH and temperature that is in accord with the results of long-term incubations. It is found that high pH retards crystal growth very significantly for IgG1 but not for IgE. Also, the crystal growth rate of 4 degrees C-stored IgG1 is greatly reduced over fresh IgG1 (-80 degrees C stored). Furthermore, it is found that the linear phase of IgG1 is an extremely rapidly forming phase but one that is metastable against the hexagonal phase.  相似文献   

The carbon backbones of Z,E-mixed isoprenoids are synthesized by sequential cis-condensation of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and an allylic diphosphate through actions of a series of enzymes called cis-prenyltransferases. Recent molecular analyses of Micrococcus luteus B-P 26 undecaprenyl diphosphate (UPP, C55) synthase [Fujihashi M, Zhang Y-W, Higuchi Y, Li X-Y, Koyama T & Miki K (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA98, 4337-4342.] showed that not only the primary structure but also the crystal structure of cis-prenyltransferases were totally different from those of trans-prenyltransferases. Although many studies on structure-function relationships of cis-prenyltransferases have been reported, regulation mechanisms for the ultimate prenyl chain length have not yet been elucidated. We report here that the ultimate chain length of prenyl products can be controlled through structural manipulation of UPP synthase of M. luteus B-P 26, based on comparisons between structures of various cis-prenyltransferases. Replacements of Ala72, Phe73, and Trp78, which are located in the proximity of the substrate binding site, with Leu--as in Z,E-farnesyl diphosphate (C15) synthase--resulted in shorter ultimate products with C(20-35). Additional mutation of F223H resulted in even shorter products. On the other hand, insertion of charged residues originating from long-chain cis-prenyltransferases into helix-3, which participates in constitution of the large hydrophobic cleft, resulted in lengthening of the ultimate product chain length, leading to C(60-75). These results helped us understand reaction mechanisms of cis-prenyltransferase including regulation of the ultimate prenyl chain-length.  相似文献   

Crystals of transmembrane proteins may be grown from detergent solutions or in a matrix of membranous lipid bilayers existing in a liquid crystalline state and forming a cubic phase (in cubo). While crystallization in micellar solutions appears analogous to that for soluble proteins, crystallization in lipidic matrices is poorly understood. As this method was shown to be applicable to several membrane proteins, understanding its mechanism will facilitate a rational design of crystallization, minimizing the laborious screening of a large number of parameters. Using polarization microscopy and low-angle X-ray diffraction, experimental evidence is provided to support a mechanistic model for the in cubo crystallization of bacteriorhodopsin in a lipid matrix. Membrane proteins are thought to reside in curved lipid bilayers, to diffuse into patches of lower curvature and to incorporate into lattices which associate to form highly ordered three-dimensional crystals. Critical testing of this model is necessary to generalize it to other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of different molar ratios of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the conformational stability of protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA), was studied. The binding of PEG with BSA was observed by fluorescence spectroscopy by measuring the fluorescence intensity after displacement of PEG with chromophore ANS and had further been confirmed by measuring the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan residues of BSA. Co-lyophilization of BSA with PEG at optimum BSA:PEG molar ratio led to the formation of the stable protein particles. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy study suggested that a conformational change had occurred in the protein after PEG interaction and demonstrated the highest stability of protein at the optimum BSA:PEG molar ratio of 1:0.75. Additional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study suggested strong binding of PEG to protein leading to thermal stability at optimum molar ratio. Molecular mechanism operating behind the polyethylene glycol (PEG) mediated stabilization of the protein suggested that strong physical adsorption of PEG on the hydrophobic core of the protein (BSA) along with surface adsorption led to the stability of protein.  相似文献   

Mixed monolayers of the surface-active lipopeptide surfactin-C(15) and various lipids differing by their chain length (DMPC, DPPC, DSPC) and polar headgroup (DPPC, DPPE, DPPS) were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in combination with molecular modeling (Hypermatrix procedure) and surface pressure-area isotherms. In the presence of surfactin, AFM topographic images showed phase separation for each surfactin-phospholipid system except for surfactin-DMPC, which was in good agreement with compression isotherms. On the basis of domain shape and line tension theory, we conclude that the miscibility between surfactin and phospholipids is higher for shorter chain lengths (DMPC>DPPC>DSPC) and that the polar headgroup of phospholipids influences the miscibility of surfactin in the order DPPC>DPPE>DPPS. Molecular modeling data show that mixing surfactin and DPPC has a destabilizing effect on DPPC monolayer while it has a stabilizing effect towards DPPE and DPPS molecular interactions. Our results provide valuable information on the activity mechanism of surfactin and may be useful for the design of surfactin delivery systems.  相似文献   

Mixed monolayers of the surface-active lipopeptide surfactin-C15 and various lipids differing by their chain length (DMPC, DPPC, DSPC) and polar headgroup (DPPC, DPPE, DPPS) were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in combination with molecular modeling (Hypermatrix procedure) and surface pressure-area isotherms. In the presence of surfactin, AFM topographic images showed phase separation for each surfactin-phospholipid system except for surfactin-DMPC, which was in good agreement with compression isotherms. On the basis of domain shape and line tension theory, we conclude that the miscibility between surfactin and phospholipids is higher for shorter chain lengths (DMPC > DPPC > DSPC) and that the polar headgroup of phospholipids influences the miscibility of surfactin in the order DPPC > DPPE > DPPS. Molecular modeling data show that mixing surfactin and DPPC has a destabilizing effect on DPPC monolayer while it has a stabilizing effect towards DPPE and DPPS molecular interactions. Our results provide valuable information on the activity mechanism of surfactin and may be useful for the design of surfactin delivery systems.  相似文献   

Marchut AJ  Hall CK 《Proteins》2007,66(1):96-109
Aggregation in the brain of polyglutamine-containing proteins is either a cause or an associated symptom of nine hereditary neurodegenerative disorders including Huntington's disease. The molecular level mechanisms by which these proteins aggregate are still unclear. In an effort to shed light on this important phenomenon, we are investigating the aggregation of model polyglutamine peptides using molecular-level computer simulation with a simplified model of polyglutamine that we have developed. This model accounts for the most important types of intra- and inter-molecular interactions-hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions-while allowing the folding process to be simulated in a reasonable time frame. The model is used to examine the folding of isolated polyglutamine peptides 16, 32, and 48 residues long and the folding and aggregation of systems of 24 model polyglutamine peptides 16, 24, 32, 36, 40, and 48 residues long. Although the isolated polyglutamine peptides did form some alpha and beta backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds they did not have as many of these bonds as they would have if they had folded into a complete alpha helix or beta sheet. In one of the simulations on the isolated polyglutamine peptide 48 residues long, we observed a structure that resembles a beta helix. In the multi-chain simulations we observed amorphous aggregates at low temperatures, ordered aggregates with significant beta sheet character at intermediate temperatures, and random coils at high temperatures. We have found that the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from amorphous aggregates to ordered aggregates and the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from ordered aggregates to random coils increase with increasing chain length. Our finding that the stability of the ordered aggregates increases as the peptide chain length increases may help to explain the experimentally observed relation between polyglutamine tract length and aggregation in vitro and disease progression in vivo. We have also observed in our simulations that the optimal temperature for the formation of beta sheets increases with chain length up to 36 glutamine residues but not beyond. Equivalently, at fixed temperature we find a transition from a region dominated by random coils at chain lengths less than 36 to a region dominated by relatively ordered beta sheet structures at chain lengths greater than 36. Our finding of this critical chain length of 36 glutamine residues is interesting because a critical chain length of 37 glutamine residues has been observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Systematic low-angle and wide-angle x-ray scattering studies have been performed on fully hydrated unoriented multilamamellar vesicles of saturated lecithins with even chain lengths N = 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 as a function of temperature T in the normal gel (L beta') phase. For all N, the area per chain Ac increases linearly with T with an average slope dAc/dT = 0.027 A2/degree C, and the lamellar D-spacings also increase linearly with an average slope dD/dT = 0.040 A/degree C. At the same T, longer chain length lecithins have more densely packed chains, i.e., smaller Ac's, than shorter chain lengths. The chain packing of longer chain lengths is found to be more distorted from hexagonal packing than that of smaller N, and the distortion epsilon of all N approaches the same value at the respective transition temperatures. The thermal volume expansion of these lipids is accounted for by the expansion in the hydrocarbon chain region. Electron density profiles are constructed using four orders of low-angle lamellar peaks. These show that most of the increase in D with increasing T is due to thickening of the bilayers that is consistent with a decrease in tilt angle theta and with little change in water spacing with either T or N. Because of the opposing effects of temperature on area per chain Ac and tilt angle 0, the area expansivity alpha A is quite small. A qualitative theoretical model based on competing head and chain interactions accounts for our results.  相似文献   

The effects of chain length on the secondary structure of oligoadenylates   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The oligoadenylates (Ap)2–4A have been studied by proton magnetic resonance (pmr) spectroscopy. All the exterior base protons and a number of the interior base proton resonance have been assigned. The results of this work showed that the adenine bases in these oligoadenylates are intramolecularly stacked at 20°C with their bases oriented preferentially in the anti conformation about their respective glycosidic bonds. The oligomers were found to associate extensively even at concentrations of 0.02 M, primarily via “end-to-end” stacking. With increasing temperature, the oligomer bases destack, but it is argued that this unfolding process cannot be described in terms of a two-state stacked versus unstacked model. Instead, the temperature dependences of the base proton chemical shifts support a base-oscillation model. The relationship between this model and the two-state model is discussed. Finally, on the basis of the chain-length dependence of the proton chemical shifts of the various adenine bases, it was concluded that subtle variations in the secondary structure of these oligomers exist with increasing chain length. Evidence is presented to show that the effects of distant base shielding are considerably smaller than what was previously estimated. The observed departures from the “extended dimer” model are attributed to differences in the relative orientations of the bases with respect to their neighbors in the oligomer.  相似文献   

The adsorption of a range of single chain zwitterionic phosphocholine surfactants (C(n)P(m)C) at the air/liquid interface has been studied by a combination of surface tension and neutron reflectivity. The critical micellar concentration (CMC) for C(n)PC (or C(n)P(2)C), where n varied from 12, 14 to 16, was found to be 0.91, 0.14, and 1.2 x 10(-2) mM respectively, and followed the same trend as observed for other zwitterionic and non-ionic surfactants. The area per molecule at the CMC, A(cmc), for C(n)PC was found to remain constant between 50 and 53 A(2), indicating that the increase in the alkyl chain length had little effect on A(cmc) at the interface. The neutron reflection measurement also showed an almost constant layer thickness (tau) of 20+/-2 A from all the alkyl chain deuterated PC surfactants (dC(n)hPC) in null reflecting water (NRW), suggesting that the alkyl chains of the surfactant responded to changes in either chain length or solution concentration by varying their angle of tilt. In contrast, increasing the length of head group linker between P and N atoms in C(12)P(m)C, where m=2, 4, to 6, resulted in a much slower decrease of CMC from 0.91, 0.7, to 0.5 mM, consistent with a different contribution to the free energy of micellization. A(cmc) for C(12)P(m)C did not vary when m was increased from 2 to 4, and this observation together with the thickness of the head group region indicated an almost perpendicular projection of the head group in C(12)P(2)C and C(12)P(4)C. A further increase in m to 6 resulted in an A(cmc) of 70 A(2). This increase in A(cmc) however did not result in any change in either the total layer thickness or the fraction of the head group region submerged in the aqueous subphase, suggesting that the head group in C(12)P(6)C was bent away from the surface normal direction. Both increase in temperature from 25 to 40 degrees C and the addition of 0.1 M NaCl had little effect on the area per molecule or the thickness of C(12)P(m)C surfactant layer, showing that the C(12)P(m)C series behaved like C(n)P(2)C series. The main conclusion from this study is that for all the C(n)P(m)C surfactants studied, change in m or n has little effect on the total thickness, the thickness of the alkyl chain or that of the head group region.  相似文献   

Summary Stationary electrical conductance experiments together with nonstationary relaxation experiments allow a quantitative determination of rate constants describing carrier-mediated ion transport. Valinomycin-induced ion transport across neutral lipid membranes was studied. The dependence of the transport parameters on the chain length of the lipid molecules, on the kind of alkali ion, and on the temperature was determined. The relaxation time the current following a voltage jump shows a marked increase with decreasing temperature or with increasing chain length of the lipid molecules. This variation of is interpreted on the basis of a varying membrane fluidity. It is shown that under favorable circumstances the equilibrium constant of complex formation in the aqueous phase may be obtained from membrane experiments. Furthermore, the kinetics of exchange of valinomycin between membrane and water was studied. We found a marked influence of the totus surrounding the black film on the kinetics as well as on the total amount of valinomycin molecules in the membrane. The problem of location of the free carrier molecules inside the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

The interactions of a homologous series of four anthraquinone (AQ) intercalators with increasing lengths of polyethylene glycol (PEG) side chains with DNA have been studied via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The geometry, conformation, interactions, and hydration of the complexes were examined. The geometries of the four ligands were similar with parallel stacking to the long axis of the adjacent DNA base pairs. Hydrogen bonding between the AQ amide and DNA led to a preference for the trans-syn conformer. As the side chain lengthened, binding to DNA reduced the conformational space, resulting in an increase in unfavorable entropy. Increased localization of the PEG side chain in the DNA groove, indicating some interaction of the side chain with DNA, also contributed unfavorably to the entropy. The changes in free energy of binding due to entropic considerations (-3.9 to -6.3 kcal/mol) of AQ I-IV were significant. The hydration of the PEG side chain decreased upon binding to DNA. Understanding of side chain conformations, interactions, and hydration changes that accompany the formation of a ligand-DNA complex may be important in the development of new applications of pegylated small molecules that target biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

Pendley SS  Yu YB  Cheatham TE 《Proteins》2009,74(3):612-629
The alpha-helical coiled-coil is one of the most common oligomerization motifs found in both native and engineered proteins. To better understand the stability and dynamics of the coiled-coil motifs, including those modified by fluorination, several fluorinated and nonfluorinated parallel dimeric coiled-coil protein structures were designed and modeled. We also attempt to investigate how changing the length and geometry of the important stabilizing salt bridges influences the coiled-coil protein structure. Molecular dynamics (MD) and free energy simulations with AMBER used a particle mesh Ewald treatment of the electrostatics in explicit TIP3P solvent with balanced force field treatments. Preliminary studies with legacy force fields (ff94, ff96, and ff99) show a profound instability of the coiled-coil structures in short MD simulation. Significantly, better behavior is evident with the more balanced ff99SB and ff03 protein force fields. Overall, the results suggest that the coiled-coil structures can readily accommodate the larger acidic arginine or S-2,7-diaminoheptanedoic acid mutants in the salt bridge, whereas substitution of the smaller L-ornithine residue leads to rapid disruption of the coiled-coil structure on the MD simulation time scale. This structural distortion of the secondary structure allows both the formation of large hydration pockets proximal to the charged groups and within the hydrophobic core. Moreover, the increased structural fluctuations and movement lead to a decrease in the water occupancy lifetimes in the hydration pockets. In contrast, analysis of the hydration in the stable dimeric coiled-coils shows high occupancy water sites along the backbone residues with no water occupancy in the hydrophobic core, although transitory water interactions with the salt bridge residues are evident. The simulations of the fluorinated coiled-coils suggest that in some cases fluorination electrostatically stabilizes the intermolecular coiled-coil salt bridges. Structural analyses also reveal different side chain rotamer preferences for leucine when compared with 5,5,5,5',5',5'-hexafluoroleucine mutants. These observed differences in the side chain rotamer populations suggest differential changes in the side chain conformational entropy upon coiled-coil formation when the protein is fluorinated. The free energy of hydration of the isolated 5,5,5,5',5',5'-hexafluoroleucine amino acid is calculated to be 1.1 kcal/mol less stable than leucine; this hydrophobic penalty in the monomer may provide a driving force for coiled-coil dimer formation. Estimation of the ellipticity at 222 nm from a series of snapshots from the MD simulations with DicroCalc shows distinct increases in the ellipticity when the coiled-coil is fluorinated, which suggests that the helicity in the folded coiled-coils is greater when fluorinated.  相似文献   

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