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Molecular dynamics at 300 K was used as a conformation searching tool to analyze a knowledge-based structure prediction of an anti-insulin antibody. Solvation effects were modeled by packing water molecules around the antigen binding loops. Some loops underwent backbone and side-chain conformational changes during the 95-ps equilibration, and most of these new, lower potential energy conformations were stable during the subsequent 200-ps simulation. Alterations to the model include changes in the intraloop, main-chain hydrogen bonding network of loop H3, and adjustments of Tyr and Lys side chains of H3 induced by hydrogen bonding to water molecules. The structures observed during molecular dynamics support the conclusion of the previous paper that hydrogen bonding will play the dominant role in antibody-insulin recognition. Determination of the structure of the antibody by x-ray crystallography is currently being pursued to provide an experimental test of these results. The simulation appears to improve the model, but longer simulations at higher temperatures should be performed.  相似文献   

To understand the chemical behavior of uranyl complexes in water, a bis-uranyl [(phen)(UO2)(μ2–F)(F)]2 (A; phen?=?phenanthroline, μ2?=?doubly bridged) and its hydrated form A?·?(H2O)n (n?=?2, 4 and 6) were examined using scalar relativistic density functional theory. The addition of water caused the phen ligands to deviate slightly from the U22–F)2 plane, and red-shifts the U–F-terminal and U?=?O stretching vibrations. Four types of hydrogen bonds are present in the optimized hydrated A?·?(H2O)n complexes; their energies were calculated to fall within the range 4.37–6.77 kcal mol-1, comparable to the typical values of 5.0 kcal mol-1 reported for hydrogen bonds. An aqueous environment simulated by explicit and/or implicit models lowers and re-arranges the orbitals of the bis-uranyl complex.
A bis(uranyl) complex [(phen)(UO2)(μ2–F)(F)]2 (A) and its solvated form A?·?(H2O)n were examined using scalar relativistic density functional theory. Hydrogen bonds cause the phen ligand to slightly deviate from the equatorial plane of the uranyl ion, resulting in a pronounced red-shift of the U–F-terminal and U?=?O asymmetric stretching vibrations. The calculated energies fall within 4.4?–6.8 kcal/mol. Explicit and/or implicit aqueous solvation re-arranges the molecular orbitals of the complex  相似文献   

Sesquiterpenes, one of the most important classes of biogenic volatile organic compounds, are potentially significant precursors to secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) in nature. The electronic structure of sesquiterpenes and their reactivity in the ozonolysis reaction were investigated by density functional theory. Results from the CIS calculations combined with an analysis of transition intensities show that the first peaks in the ultraviolet (UV) spectra for saturated and unsaturated isomers are σ–σ* and π–π* transitions, respectively. The UV absorption wavelength and absorbency are dictated by the electronic structures of these compounds. An increase in the number of double bonds and formation of a conjugated system expand the range of absorption in the UV region. An isomer with an endocyclic C = C bond presents weaker UV transition intensity than its corresponding exocyclic isomer. Results from conceptual DFT chemical reactivity indices of isomers suggest that no quantitative linear relationships between the structural changes and their reactivity, such as different degrees of unsaturated C = C double bonds, or the number of substituents attached to the C = C bond were discovered. In the ozonolysis reaction of sesquiterpenes, isomers with larger steric hindrance of substituents or endocyclic C = C bond possess higher chemical reactivity compared to isomers with smaller steric hindrandce or with an exocyclic C = C bond. These results are imperative to a better understanding of SOAs production mechanisms in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the imiquimod has been determined by single crystal X-ray analysis, imiquimod crystallizes in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and the molecules are linked along the c axis by the strong N-H ... N hydrogen bonds. A density functional theory (DFT) study on the electronic properties of imiquimod and its synthetic intermediates has been performed at B3LYP/6-31G* level, while taking solvent effects into account. Both the single configuration interaction (CIS) method and the time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) approaches have been used to calculate the electronic absorption spectra, and there is a good agreement between the calculated and experimental UV-visible absorption spectra. The fluorescence emission spectra of these three compounds in solution have also been measured, the relatively low fluorescence intensity is attributed to a chlorine-modulated heavy atom effect that enhances intersystem crossing between excited singlet and triplet states, and the relatively high fluorescence intensity of imiquimod results from an extended pi-conjugated system which enhances S(1)-->S(0) radiant transition.  相似文献   

Our investigation is devoted to the theoretical study of the low-lying electronic structure of the LaCl molecule by using ab initio quantum methods. We are concerned with several methods such as the complete active space-self consistent field (CAS-SCF) and the multi reference of configuration interaction (MRCI + Q) methods. These methods are applied for the purpose of drawing the potential energy curves (PECs) and calculating the molecular spectroscopic constants for a given number of electronic states of singlet and triplet multiplicity. We count 26 2S+?1 Λ(±) electronic states located below 24,000 cm??1 neglecting the spin-orbit effects and 47 Ω(±) components taken into consideration these effects. Our calculations are performed via the quantum ab initio package MOLPRO (Werner and Knowles 2000).
Graphical Abstract A new set of low-lying electronic states on the theoretical energetic level diagram for the LaCl molecule among the first four lanthanum monhalides.

1. Single-stranded RNA may be regarded as an assembly of L hairpin loops each stabilized by N base pairs and each containing b unpaired residues; one loop is connected to another by c residues. 2. A theory based on the statistics of the random degradation of linear polymers was developed to relate N, b and c with the probability, p, of hydrolysing a diesterified phosphate bond. 3. The number of residues per hairpin loop, which is 2N+b, is related to the fraction, f, of the original loops remaining intact by the equation: 2N+b=logf/log(1–p). 4. The theory was extended to show that the number of residues per loop may be evaluated by fractionating the RNA after hydrolysis and examining the secondary structure of each fraction. Fragments that are shorter than the hairpin loop cannot reproduce the original secondary structure. The probability that a fragment will form an intact loop increases most rapidly for fragments of between 2N+b and 2(2N+b)+c residues. 5. The probability of producing a fragment capable of forming one, and only one, hairpin loop was related to N, b and c.  相似文献   

Hairpin loop structures are common motifs in folded nucleic acids. The 5'-GCGCAGC sequence in DNA forms a characteristic and stable trinucleotide hairpin loop flanked by a two basepair stem helix. To better understand the structure formation of this hairpin loop motif in atomic detail, we employed replica-exchange molecular dynamics (RexMD) simulations starting from a single-stranded DNA conformation. In two independent 36 ns RexMD simulations, conformations in very close agreement with the experimental hairpin structure were sampled as dominant conformations (lowest free energy state) during the final phase of the RexMDs ( approximately 35% at the lowest temperature replica). Simultaneous compaction and accumulation of folded structures were observed. Comparison of the GCA trinucleotides from early stages of the simulations with the folded topology indicated a variety of central loop conformations, but arrangements close to experiment that are sampled before the fully folded structure also appeared. Most of these intermediates included a stacking of the C(2) and G(3) bases, which was further stabilized by hydrogen bonding to the A(5) base and a strongly bound water molecule bridging the C(2) and A(5) in the DNA minor groove. The simulations suggest a folding mechanism where these intermediates can rapidly proceed toward the fully folded hairpin and emphasize the importance of loop and stem nucleotide interactions for hairpin folding. In one simulation, a loop motif with G(3) in syn conformation (dihedral flip at N-glycosidic bond) accumulated, resulting in a misfolded hairpin. Such conformations may correspond to long-lived trapped states that have been postulated to account for the folding kinetics of nucleic acid hairpins that are slower than expected for a semiflexible polymer of the same size.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: RNA structure motifs contained in mRNAs have been found to play important roles in regulating gene expression. However, identification of novel RNA regulatory motifs using computational methods has not been widely explored. Effective tools for predicting novel RNA regulatory motifs based on genomic sequences are needed. RESULTS: We present a new method for predicting common RNA secondary structure motifs in a set of functionally or evolutionarily related RNA sequences. This method is based on comparison of stems (palindromic helices) between sequences and is implemented by applying graph-theoretical approaches. It first finds all possible stable stems in each sequence and compares stems pairwise between sequences by some defined features to find stems conserved across any two sequences. Then by applying a maximum clique finding algorithm, it finds all significant stems conserved across at least k sequences. Finally, it assembles in topological order all possible compatible conserved stems shared by at least k sequences and reports a number of the best assembled stem sets as the best candidate common structure motifs. This method does not require prior structural alignment of the sequences and is able to detect pseudoknot structures. We have tested this approach on some RNA sequences with known secondary structures, in which it is capable of detecting the real structures completely or partially correctly and outperforms other existing programs for similar purposes. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm has been implemented in C++ in a program called comRNA, which is available at http://ural.wustl.edu/softwares.html  相似文献   

As a first approach to understanding the mechanism for the recognition of a ligand by its receptor, we first calculated the electronic and structural states of ionized gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and ionized glutamic acid using the ab initio method with the 6-311++G (3df, 2pd) basis set. We paid special attention to the physicochemical characteristics of these molecules, such as the electric dipole moment, electrostatic potential, and electrostatic force. Even though GABA and glutamic acid are known to exert completely opposite influences in the mammalian brain by binding their specific receptors, the only difference in their chemical structures is that glutamic acid contains one more carboxyl group than GABA. As a result, we succeeded in showing that a difference of only one carboxyl group induces significant differences in the electronic and structural states between these molecules. These differences have a crucial influence on the electric dipole moments, the electrostatic potentials, and the electrostatic forces. The most remarkable finding of the present research is that the electrostatic potential formed by glutamic acid is composed of only negative parts, while that formed by GABA is separated into positive and negative parts. These results strongly suggest that GABA can approach either positively or negatively charged amino acids by adjusting its own orientation, while glutamic acid can approach only a positively charged binding site.  相似文献   

In an extravascular bioartificial pancreas (BAP), islet functions are probably limited by diffusive mass transfer and local consumption, leading to low oxygenation. A mathematical model based on finite elements and focusing on local oxygen transport in both the alginate core and the islets of Langerhans has been proposed to help design an efficient pancreas supply. It was possible to randomly localize islets in a hollow fiber at different densities, and the effects of hypoxia and necrosis were included in the mass transfer simulations. Thorough study of the numerical results first led to the analysis of several relevant parameters, such as necrosis factor and efficacy in terms of insulin secretion, as a way to optimize fiber geometry. The approach was then to calculate the number of islets that needed to be implanted in order to obtain a correct response in terms of insulin secretion. In most configurations, it was found to be much higher than that of ultimately functional islets, because of hypoxia and necrosis. Fiber length should thus be adjusted accordingly. Finally, we demonstrated that the compromise to be found between the reduction of the number of implanted islets and fiber length and diameter did not correspond to realistic hollow fiber systems. The alternative of using flat geometry was also envisaged with more optimistic feasibility assessments.  相似文献   

During aggregation the larger Dictyostelium species use cAMP as a chemoattractant and possibly also as a transmitter. In passage from cell to cell, cAMP levels are modulated by diffusion and by enzyme hydrolysis. It appears that the important cAMP-hydrolysing enzyme is a phosphodiesterase bound to the cell membrane, the main roles of which are (1) very fast hydrolysis of cAMP and (2) steepening of spatial cAMP gradients. An extracellular phosphodiesterase has no function, so far as can be conjectured from present data.  相似文献   

Zinc-dependent enzymes play important roles in many cellular processes. Assignment of their reaction mechanisms is often a subject of debate because the zinc ion is silent in several spectroscopic techniques. We have combined time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy, pre-steady state kinetics and computational quantum chemistry to study the active site zinc ion of bacterial alcohol dehydrogenase during single substrate turnover. We detect a series of alternations in the coordination number and structure of the catalytic zinc ion with concomitant changes in metal-ligand bond distances. These structural changes are reflected in the effective charge of the metal ion. The present work emphasizes the flexibility of catalytic zinc sites during catalysis and provides novel mechanistic insights into alcohol dehydrogenase catalysis.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of methanol decomposition using a model representing the initial step of the reaction CH 3 OH + CuOCH 2 O + H 2 O + Cu is presented. Theoretical calculations using B3LYP/6-31 G along with Lanl2DZ pseudopotentials on metallic centers were performed and the results discussed within the framework of the reaction force analysis. It has been found that the reaction takes place following a stepwise mechanism: first, copper reduction (Cu +2Cu +) accompanies the oxygen transposition and then a second reduction takes place (Cu +Cu 0) together with a proton transfer that produce formaldehyde and release a water molecule.  相似文献   

Accurate quantum-chemical calculations based on the second-order M?ller-Plesset perturbation method (MP2) and density functional theory (DFT) were performed for the first time to investigate the electronic structures of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceatannol, as well as to study the stacking interaction between trans-resveratrol molecules. Ab initio MP2 calculations performed with using standard split-valence Pople basis sets led us to conclude that these compounds have structures that deviate strongly from planarity, whereas the DFT computations for the same basis sets revealed that the equilibrium geometries of these bioactive polyphenols are planar. Furthermore, the results obtained at the MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ and B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ levels indicated that the geometries of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceatannol are practically planar at their absolute energy minima. The relative energies of the equilibrium geometries of trans-resveratrol on its potential energy surface were computed at the MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ level. According to the results obtained, a T-shaped (edge-to-phase) conformer of trans-resveratrol dimer is the most stable in vacuum. This T-shaped conformer is mainly stabilized by strong hydrogen bonding and weak C-H...π interactions. Stacked structures with parallel-displaced trans-stilbene skeletons were also found to be energetically stable. The vertical separation and twist angle dependencies of the stacking energy were investigated at the MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ, B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ, and HF/aug-cc-pVTZ levels. The standard B3LYP functional and the Hartree-Fock method neglect long-range attractive dispersion interactions. The MP2 computations revealed that the London dispersion energy cannot be neglected at long or short distances. The stacked model considered here may be useful for predicting the quantum nature of the interactions in π-stacked systems of other naturally occurring stilbenoids, and can help to enhance our understanding of the antioxidant and anticancer activities of trans-resveratrol.  相似文献   

The structure of alpha-lytic protease, a serine protease produced by the bacterium Lysobacter enzymogenes, has been refined at 1.7 A resolution. The conventional R-factor is 0.131 for the 14,996 reflections between 8 and 1.7 A resolution with I greater than or equal to 2 sigma (I). The model consists of 1391 protein atoms, two sulfate ions and 156 water molecules. The overall root-meansquare error is estimated to be about 0.14 A. The refined structure was compared with homologous enzymes alpha-chymotrypsin and Streptomyces griseus protease A and B. A new sequence numbering was derived based on the alignment of these structures. The comparison showed that the greatest structural homology is around the active site residues Asp102, His57 and Ser195, and that basic folding pathways are maintained despite chemical changes in the hydrophobic cores. The hydrogen bonds in the structure were tabulated and the distances and angles of interaction are similar to those found in small molecules. The analysis also revealed the presence of close intraresidue interactions. There are only a few direct intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Most intermolecular interactions involve bridging solvent molecules. The structural importance of hydrogen bonds involving the side-chain of Asx residues is discussed. All the negatively charged groups have a counterion nearby, while the excess positively charged groups are exposed to the solvent. One of the sulfate ions is located near the active site, whereas the other is close to the N terminus. Of the 156 water molecules, only seven are not involved in a hydrogen bond. Six of these have polar groups nearby, while the remaining one is in very weak density. There are nine internal water molecules, consisting of two monomers, two dimers and one trimer. No significant second shell of solvent is observed.  相似文献   

Zhou R 《Proteins》2003,53(2):148-161
The Generalized Born (GB) continuum solvent model is arguably the most widely used implicit solvent model in protein folding and protein structure prediction simulations; however, it still remains an open question on how well the model behaves in these large-scale simulations. The current study uses the beta-hairpin from C-terminus of protein G as an example to explore the folding free energy landscape with various GB models, and the results are compared to the explicit solvent simulations and experiments. All free energy landscapes are obtained from extensive conformation space sampling with a highly parallel replica exchange method. Because solvation model parameters are strongly coupled with force fields, five different force field/solvation model combinations are examined and compared in this study, namely the explicit solvent model: OPLSAA/SPC model, and the implicit solvent models: OPLSAA/SGB (Surface GB), AMBER94/GBSA (GB with Solvent Accessible Surface Area), AMBER96/GBSA, and AMBER99/GBSA. Surprisingly, we find that the free energy landscapes from implicit solvent models are quite different from that of the explicit solvent model. Except for AMBER96/GBSA, all other implicit solvent models find the lowest free energy state not the native state. All implicit solvent models show erroneous salt-bridge effects between charged residues, particularly in OPLSAA/SGB model, where the overly strong salt-bridge effect results in an overweighting of a non-native structure with one hydrophobic residue F52 expelled from the hydrophobic core in order to make better salt bridges. On the other hand, both AMBER94/GBSA and AMBER99/GBSA models turn the beta-hairpin in to an alpha-helix, and the alpha-helical content is much higher than the previously reported alpha-helices in an explicit solvent simulation with AMBER94 (AMBER94/TIP3P). Only AMBER96/GBSA shows a reasonable free energy landscape with the lowest free energy structure the native one despite an erroneous salt-bridge between D47 and K50. Detailed results on free energy contour maps, lowest free energy structures, distribution of native contacts, alpha-helical content during the folding process, NOE comparison with NMR, and temperature dependences are reported and discussed for all five models.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of lipid-protein interactions in bilayers.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
H L Scott  Jr  T J Coe 《Biophysical journal》1983,42(3):219-224
We present a theoretical study of the effect of different types of lipid-protein interactions on the thermodynamic properties of protein-containing lipid bilayers. The basis of this work is a theoretical model for pure lipid bilayer phase transitions developed earlier by Scott. Simple assumptions on the nature of the lipid conformations near a protein strongly affect the predicted properties of the model. Here we consider (a) random protein-lipid contacts, (b) enhanced contact between protein and lipid with a number of gauche bonds, and (c) enhanced contact between protein and all-trans but tilted lipid chains. Comparison of predicted results with experimental data seems to favor point c above but, by itself point c does not work well at larger protein concentrations. The results are discussed in the light of spectroscopic data, lipid-protein (plus annular lipid) miscibility, and interprotein forces.  相似文献   

Circular intensity differential scattering (CIDS) has been proven a powerful method in determining the higher-order structure of large biopolymers, such as chromatin. Theoretical predictions of the expected differential light scattering of circularly polarized light have previously been made for chromatin, either within the Born approximation, treating nucleosomes as noninteracting, oblate ellipsoids, or within a multiple dipole approximation, treating nucleosomes as interacting spheres. In order to conduct a meaningful interpretation of the CIDS signal in terms of given geometric parameters of the chiral structure, we have in this paper combined the two approaches considering the mutual interactions of ellipsoidal nucleosomes. In the process we have also found a confirmation for the validity of the Born approximation itself.  相似文献   

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