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A two-step screening method is described to identify regularly arranged surface layers (S layers) on Gram-positive bacterial strains. A non-destructive release of S-layer sheets is achieved by enzymatic hydrolysis of the underlying peptidoglycan using lysozyme. The existence of regular S layers is then directly confirmed by scanning force microscopy or transmission electron microscopy. This method requires a minimal amount of bacterial cells and may be used as a `quick test' for demonstrating the presence of S layers.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure is presented for using PCR to screen individual colonies, representing clones obtained after controlled unidirectional exonuclease III digestion, for the sizes of the individual inserts. Many clones can be screened at one time since the plasmid templates used for amplification need not be purified but are prepared from individual colonies by a simple procedure that takes less than 30 minutes.  相似文献   

Radiotherapy can cause unacceptable levels of damage to normal tissues in some cancer patients. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying radiation-induced physiological responses, and to be able to predict the radiation susceptibility of normal tissues in individual patients, it is important to identify a comprehensive set of genes responsible for radiation susceptibility. We have developed a simple and rapid 96-well screening protocol using cell proliferation assays and RNA interference to identify genes associated with radiation susceptibility. We evaluated the performance of alamarBlue-, BrdU-, and sulforhodamine B-based cell proliferation assays using the 96-well format. Each proliferation assay detected the known radiation susceptibility gene, PRKDC. In a trial screen using 28 shRNA vectors, another known gene, CDKN1A, and one new radiation susceptibility gene, ATP5G3, were identified. Our results indicate that this method may be useful for large-scale screens designed to identify novel radiation susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

In this study, with flavonol glycosides (FG) and terpene lactones (TL) in ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) as the targets for separation, we investigated the effectiveness of molecular docking in adsorbent screening. Several polyamine-modified methyl acylate-co-divinylbenzene (MA-co-DVB) adsorbent models were built, and their affinity to rutin, quercetin and ginkgolide B (GB) was evaluated via molecular docking. The model of ethylenediamine-modified adsorbent showed the largest difference in affinity between to GB and to quercetin as well as rutin, and thus this adsorbent could have the best separation performance. The results of the subsequently conducted static adsorption and dynamic adsorption experiments correlated well with docking results. Finally, using ethylenediamine-modified MA-co-DVB adsorbent, nearly complete separation of the FG and TL in GBE was simply achieved by one step of adsorption-desorption. Thus, the reported molecular docking method is expected to be helpful for rapid adsorbent screening.  相似文献   

The single-crystal structure of 2,3-dilauroyl-d-glycerol has been determined by Patterson rotation and translation methods and refined to R = 0.069. 2,3-dilauroyl-d-glycerol crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21, with unit cell dimensions: a = 5.46 A?, b = 7.59 A?, c = 34.2 A? and β = 93.1 °, and with two molecules per unit cell. The molecules have their hydrocarbon chains aligned parallel, and are arranged in a bilayer structure. The chain stacking is achieved by a bend in the fatty acid. The hydrocarbon chains pack according to the orthorhombic perpendicular chain packing mode, and are tilted 26.5 ° from the layer normal.The structural features of 2,3-dilauroyl-d-glycerol have been analysed with reference to the corresponding hydrophobic moieties in the crystal structures of different membrane lipids. The glycerol group in 2,3-dilauroyl-d-glycerol is oriented parallel to the layer plane, but changes to an approximately layer-perpendicular orientation when a polar group is attached. The molecular conformation of the glycerol-dicarboxylic ester group, however, is identical in both the absence and presence of a head group, indicating extensive conformational restrictions for this group due to both intrinsic properties and chain stacking. The gathered data provide detailed information on the structural properties of the hydrophobic moiety of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Heavy riboflavin synthase from Bacillus subtilis is an enzyme complex consisting of approximately three alpha-subunits (Mr 23.5 X 10(3)) and 60 beta-subunits (Mr 16 X 10(3)). The enzyme has been crystallized from phosphate buffer in a hexagonal crystal modification that belongs to space group P6(3)22. The asymmetric unit of the crystal cell contains ten beta-subunits. The structure of this unusual 10(6) Mr protein has been studied by small-angle X-ray scattering, electron microscopy of three-dimensional crystals, and crystallographic methods. The scattering curves can be interpreted in terms of a hollow sphere model with a ratio of inner and outer radius of 0.3:1. A diameter of 168 A was estimated from the scattering curves, in close agreement with electron microscopic studies. An aggregate with the stoichiometry beta 60, which was obtained by ligand-driven reaggregation of isolated beta-subunits, showed similar shape and dimensions, but a larger value for the ratio Ri/Ra. Electron micrographs of freeze-etched enzyme crystals showed approximately spherical molecules, which were arranged in hexagonal layers. The lattice constants found from the micrographs are in good agreement with the values derived from X-ray diffraction data. Rotation function calculations in Patterson space showed a set of peaks for 2-fold, 3-fold and 5-fold local rotation axes, accurately consistent with icosahedral symmetry and with the particle orientation A shown in the Appendix. The crystal packing can be described as follows: enzyme particles with icosahedral symmetry (point group 532) are located at points 32 of the hexagonal cell, corresponding to positions (0, 0, 0) and (0, 0, 1/2) on the 6-fold screw axes. From the data reported, it may be concluded that the enzyme structure can be described as an icosahedral capsid of 60 beta-subunits with the triangulation number T = 1. The alpha-subunits are located in the central core space of the capsid, but their spatial orientation is incompletely understood.  相似文献   

A simple relation exists between the packing density in crystals of short A-DNA duplexes and their global double-helical structure. The volume per nucleotide pair shows a linear inverse correlation with the mean displacement of base pairs from the best straight helix axis. The mean displacement is a measure of major groove depth and varies between -3.3 A and -4.9 A in A-form oligonucleotides analysed in the crystalline state. Since the mean displacement of base pairs from the helix axis determines other helical parameters such as base-pair longitudinal slide, its correlation with crystal packing is of considerable interest. The displacement-packing correlation is very clear for octamer duplexes which crystallize in three different lattices. Longer A-helical fragments sometimes deviate from the rule. It may be speculated whether A-form duplexes not completing a full helical turn are especially prone to distortions due to packing in crystals or arising from intermolecular contacts in solution.  相似文献   

A simple method for histochemical localization of carbonic anhydrase using 5-dimethyl-amino-naphthalene-1-sulfonamide (DNSA) is described. Cryosections of tissues, or cell smears, are incubated in 3 to 10 X 10(-5) M DNSA and viewed in a fluorescence microscope. Upon excitation with ultraviolet light, sites of carbonic anhydrase localization can be identified by an intense blue fluorescence, which is due to the emission of blue light (lambda max = 470 nm) by carbonic anhydrase-DNSA complexes. This fluorescence can be largely suppressed by simultaneous incubation with 1 X 10(-4) to 2 X 10(-3) M concentrations of nonfluorescent carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, displacing DNSA from its binding site on the enzyme. Application of the method to kidney, skeletal muscle, and thrombocytes yields patterns of carbonic anhydrase localization that are in good agreement with results that have been obtained with a variety of other techniques.  相似文献   

Cancer mortality risk coefficients for neutrons have recently been assessed by a procedure that postulates for the neutrons a linear dose dependence, invokes the excess risk of the A-bomb survivors at a gamma-ray dose D(1) of 1 Gy, and assumes a neutron RBE as a function of D(1) between 20 and 50. The excess relative risk (ERR) of 0.008/mGy has been obtained for R(1) = 20 and 0.016/mGy for R(1) = 50. To compare these results to the current ICRP nominal risk coefficient for solid cancer mortality (0.045/Sv for a population of all ages; 0.036/Sv for a working population), the ERR is translated into lifetime attributable risk and is then related to effective dose. The conversion is not trivial, because the neutron effective dose has been defined by ICRP not as a weighted genuine neutron dose (neutron kerma), but as a weighted dose that includes the dose from gamma rays that are induced by neutrons in the body. If this is accounted for, the solid cancer mortality risk for a working population is found to agree with the ICRP nominal risk coefficient for neutrons in their most effective energy range, 0.2 MeV to 0.5 MeV. In radiation protection practice, there is an added level of safety, because the effective dose, E, is-for monitoring purposes-assessed in terms of the operational quantity H*, which overestimates E substantially for neutrons between 0.01 MeV and 2 MeV.  相似文献   

miRNAs are small non coding RNA structures which play important roles in biological processes. Finding miRNA precursors in genomes is therefore an important task, where computational methods are required. The goal of these methods is to select potential pre-miRNAs which could be validated by experimental methods. With the new generation of sequencing techniques, it is important to have fast algorithms that are able to treat whole genomes in acceptable times. We developed an algorithm based on an original method where an approximation of miRNA hairpins are first searched, before reconstituting the pre-miRNA structure. The approximation step allows a substantial decrease in the number of possibilities and thus the time required for searching. Our method was tested on different genomic sequences, and was compared with CID-miRNA, miRPara and VMir. It gives in almost all cases better sensitivity and selectivity. It is faster than CID-miRNA, miRPara and VMir: it takes ≈ 30 s to process a 1 MB sequence, when VMir takes 30 min, miRPara takes 20 h and CID-miRNA takes 55 h. We present here a fast ab-initio algorithm for searching for pre-miRNA precursors in genomes, called miRNAFold. miRNAFold is available at http://EvryRNA.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/.  相似文献   

The tetrameric catalase from Proteus mirabilis PR (EC, known to bind NADPH, has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method in a form apparently depleted in dinucleotide. The crystals belong to the hexagonal space group P6(2)22 with a = b = 111.7 A, c = 248.8 A. There is one subunit in the asymmetric unit. Data were collected to 2.9 A at the L.U.R.E. (Orsay) synchrotron radiation facility. The tetramers have been located in the crystal, centered on the site (1/2, 0, 0) with 222 symmetry.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to assess a dual molecular beacon approach for fast detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT). MT beacon (Tb-B) was designed to target the unique IS6110 (114 bp) and rpoB (215 bp) fragment of the MT (H37Ra) genome, and the two fragments were inserted into the PMD-19T vector after purification, by PCR and sequencing, to construct plasmids. Different dilutions of positive plasmid standards were used for dual molecular beacon RT-PCR of rpoB and IS6110, and standard curves were established.The results show that the dual molecular beacon of rpoB and IS6110 detecting MT was stable (CV is 1.91–2.68 %) with a high amplification efficiency (95.6 %). In addition, the strains of non MT did not generate fluorescence signals, while strains of MT did, indicating that the primers and molecular beacons were specific, and only MT complex was amplified. The linear range was wide (103–1011 copies/mL), and clinical specimens presenting different bacterial counts can be detected.  相似文献   

As a new developmental vector system, the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) has been used widely in constructing genomic libraries and in generating transgenic animals. Isolation of the BAC insert end is useful to analyze the BAC clone. Here, we describe a fast and efficient method to obtain the BAC end by ligating the BAC fragments digested with Not I and another selected restriction enzyme into universal cloning vector, followed by determining the correct clones with HindIII digestion. Further DNA sequencing analysis verified the results mentioned above.  相似文献   

Cargo movement along axons and dendrites is indispensable for the survival and maintenance of neuronal networks. Key parameters of this transport such as particle velocities and pausing times are often studied using kymograph construction, which converts the transport along a line of interest from a time-lapse movie into a position versus time image. Here we present a method for the automatic analysis of such kymographs based on the Hough transform, which is a robust and fast technique to extract lines from images. The applicability of the method was tested on simulated kymograph images and real data from axonal transport of synaptophysin and tetanus toxin as well as the velocity analysis of synaptic vesicle sharing between adjacent synapses in hippocampal neurons. Efficiency analysis revealed that the algorithm is able to detect a wide range of velocities and can be used at low signal-to-noise ratios. The present work enables the quantification of axonal transport parameters with high throughput with no a priori assumptions and minimal human intervention.  相似文献   

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