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Nakamura  Ryosuke  Watanabe  Tetsuhiro  Onoda  Yusuke 《Ecosystems》2023,26(5):1061-1076
Ecosystems - Silicon is an essential or beneficial element in many organisms. Silicon uptake by vegetation strongly influences terrestrial silicon dynamics; however, little is known about the...  相似文献   

Global surface temperature is predicted to increase by at least 1.5°C by the end of this century. However, the response of soil microbial communities to global warming is still poorly understood, especially in high-elevation grasslands. We therefore conducted an experiment on three types of alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to study the effect of experimental warming on abundance and composition of soil microbial communities at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths. Plots were passively warmed for 3 years using open-top chambers and compared to adjacent control plots at ambient temperature. Soil microbial communities were assessed using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. We found that 3 years of experimental warming consistently and significantly increased microbial biomass at the 0–10 cm soil depth of alpine swamp meadow (ASM) and alpine steppe (AS) grasslands, and at both the 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil depths of alpine meadow (AM) grasslands, due primarily to the changes in soil temperature, moisture, and plant coverage. Soil microbial community composition was also significantly affected by warming at the 0–10 cm soil depth of ASM and AM and at the 10–20 cm soil depth of AM. Warming significantly decreased the ratio of fungi to bacteria and thus induced a community shift towards bacteria at the 0–10 cm soil depth of ASM and AM. While the ratio of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to saprotrophic fungi (AMF/SF) was significantly decreased by warming at the 0–10 cm soil depth of ASM, it was increased at the 0–10 cm soil depth of AM. These results indicate that warming had a strong influence on soil microbial communities in the studied high-elevation grasslands and that the effect was dependent on grassland type.  相似文献   

Zhou  Qingqiu  Wang  Xiaoli  Wu  Ying  Chen  Zhe  Li  Debao  Shao  Yuanhu  Wu  Jianping 《Ecosystems》2023,26(4):893-908
Ecosystems - Increases in nitrogen (N) deposition greatly affect soil processes and functions, but there is limited information about the effects of long-term N deposition on soil nematodes. A...  相似文献   

Divergent Responses of Soil Fungi Functional Groups to Short-term Warming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil fungi fill pivotal ecological roles in biogeochemical processes, particularly dominating decomposition of lignin. Little is known, however, about the responses of different fungal groups to climate warming with respect to bacteria. In this study, using barcode pyrosequencing, we showed that short-term (15 months) of field exposure of an alpine meadow to warming (elevated 1 and 2 °C) did not markedly alter the overall soil fungal community structures and α-diversity on Tibetan Plateau, but the average β-diversity dramatically decreased in response to warming. However, soil respiration rates were stimulated in the growing season, which significantly (P?Ascomycota and rare taxa (relative abundance?Basidiomycota-affiliated members significantly increased, while Ascomycota showed a range of responses to warming. Collectively, we conclude that the fungal communities are resistant to short-term warming, though variations are observed in certain species and rare taxa. This report indicates that changes in a relatively small subset of the soil fungal community are sufficient to produce substantial changes in function, such as CO2 efflux rates.  相似文献   

The environmental changes arising from nitrogen (N) deposition and precipitation influence soil ecological processes in forest ecosystems. However, the corresponding effects of environmental changes on soil biota are poorly known. Soil nematodes are the important bioindicator of soil environmental change, and their responses play a key role in the feedbacks of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change. Therefore, to explore the responsive mechanisms of soil biota to N deposition and precipitation, soil nematode communities were studied after 3 years of environmental changes by water and/or N addition in a temperate forest of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. The results showed that water combined with N addition treatment decreased the total nematode abundance in the organic horizon (O), while the opposite trend was found in the mineral horizon (A). Significant reductions in the abundances of fungivores, plant-parasites and omnivores-predators were also found in the water combined with N addition treatment. The significant effect of water interacted with N on the total nematode abundance and trophic groups indicated that the impacts of N on soil nematode communities were mediated by water availability. The synergistic effect of precipitation and N deposition on soil nematode communities was stronger than each effect alone. Structural equation modeling suggested water and N additions had direct effects on soil nematode communities. The feedback of soil nematodes to water and nitrogen addition was highly sensitive and our results indicate that minimal variations in soil properties such as those caused by climate changes can lead to severe changes in soil nematode communities.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities are extremely complex, being composed of thousands of low-abundance species (<0.1% of total). How such complex communities respond to natural or human-induced fluctuations, including major perturbations such as global climate change, remains poorly understood, severely limiting our predictive ability for soil ecosystem functioning and resilience. In this study, we compared 12 whole-community shotgun metagenomic data sets from a grassland soil in the Midwestern United States, half representing soil that had undergone infrared warming by 2°C for 10 years, which simulated the effects of climate change, and the other half representing the adjacent soil that received no warming and thus, served as controls. Our analyses revealed that the heated communities showed significant shifts in composition and predicted metabolism, and these shifts were community wide as opposed to being attributable to a few taxa. Key metabolic pathways related to carbon turnover, such as cellulose degradation (∼13%) and CO2 production (∼10%), and to nitrogen cycling, including denitrification (∼12%), were enriched under warming, which was consistent with independent physicochemical measurements. These community shifts were interlinked, in part, with higher primary productivity of the aboveground plant communities stimulated by warming, revealing that most of the additional, plant-derived soil carbon was likely respired by microbial activity. Warming also enriched for a higher abundance of sporulation genes and genomes with higher G+C content. Collectively, our results indicate that microbial communities of temperate grassland soils play important roles in mediating feedback responses to climate change and advance the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of community adaptation to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Riparian forest restoration generally involves introduction of later‐successional tree species, but poor species suitability to severely altered or degraded site conditions results in high mortality and poor community development. Additionally, while microtopographic heterogeneity plays a crucial role in the development of natural riparian forests, little is known regarding effects of restored or created microtopography on the development of introduced plant communities. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of created microtopography and soil treatments on early development of introduced pioneer and later‐successional plant communities in riparian forest restoration. Ridges, flats, and a mound‐and‐pool complex were created, and pioneer and later‐successional tree assemblages were planted within plots in each of these three microtopographic positions. Straw‐based erosion control mats were placed on half the plots as a source of mulch. After two growing seasons, growth and survival of the pioneer assemblage were equal among microtopographic positions, but survival of the later‐successional assemblage was significantly higher on ridges (59%) than on mounds and pools (22%) and flats (26%). A suitability index indicated that performance of the later‐successional assemblage on ridges was higher than that of the pioneer assemblage for all microtopographic positions. Flood duration explained much of the variation in plant assemblage survival, and erosion control mats had little influence on seedling survival. Restoring microtopographic features has the potential to enhance species survival and promote community development. Microtopographic restoration may be as important in riparian forest restoration as proper species selection and hydrologic reestablishment, especially at severely disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) inputs and nutrient availability are known to affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. However, general rules regarding the operation of these factors across a range of soil nutrient availabilities and substrate qualities are unidentified. “Priming” (stimulated decomposition by labile C inputs) and ‘preferential substrate utilization’ (retarded decomposition due to shifts in community composition towards microbes that do not mineralize SOC) are two hypotheses to explain effects of labile C additions on SOC dynamics. For effects of nutrient additions (nitrogen and phosphorus) on SOC dynamics, the stoichiometric (faster decomposition of materials of low carbon-to-nutrient ratios) and ‘microbial mining’ (that is, reduced breakdown of recalcitrant C forms for nutrients under fertile conditions) hypotheses have been proposed. Using the natural gradient of soil nutrient availability and substrate quality of a chronosequence, combined with labile C and nutrient amendments, we explored the support for these contrasting hypotheses. Additions of labile C, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and combinations of C and N and C and P were applied to three sites: 2-year fallow grassland, mature grassland and forest, and the effects of site and nutrient additions on litter decomposition and soil C dynamics were assessed. The response to C addition supported the preferential substrate hypothesis for easily degradable litter C and the priming hypothesis for SOC, but only in nitrogen-enriched soils of the forest site. Responses to N addition supported the microbial mining hypothesis irrespective of C substrate (litter or SOC), but only in the forest site. Further, P addition effects on SOC support the stoichiometric hypothesis; P availability appeared key to soil C release (priming) in the forest site if labile C and N is available. These results clearly link previously contrasting hypotheses of the factors controlling SOC with the natural gradient in litter quality and nutrient availability that exists in ecosystems at different successional stages. A holistic theory that incorporates this variability of responses, due to different mechanisms, depending on nutrient availability and substrate quality is essential for devising management strategies to safeguard soil C stocks.  相似文献   

How global warming will affect soil respiration (R S) and its source components is poorly understood despite its importance for accurate prediction of global carbon (C) cycles. We examined the responses of R S, heterotrophic respiration (R H), autotrophic respiration (R A), nitrogen (N) availability, and fine-root biomass to increased temperature in an open-field soil warming experiment. The experiment was conducted in a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in northern Japan. As this forest is subjected to strong temporal variation in temperature, on scales ranging from daily to seasonal, we also investigated the temporal variation in the effects of soil warming on R S, R H, and R A. Soil temperature was continuously elevated by about 4.0°C from 2007 to 2014 using heating wires buried in the soil, and we measured soil respiratory processes in all four seasons from 2012 to 2014. Soil warming increased annual R S by 32–45%, but the magnitude of the increase was different between the components: R H and R A were also stimulated, and increased by 39–41 and 17–18%, respectively. Soil N availability during the growing season and fine-root biomass were not remarkably affected by the warming treatment. We found that the warming effects varied seasonally. R H increased significantly throughout the year, but the warming effect showed remarkable seasonal differences, with the maximum stimulation in the spring. This suggests that warmer spring temperature will produce a greater increase in CO2 release than warmer summer temperatures. In addition, we found that soil warming reduced the temperature sensitivity (Q 10) of R S. Although the Q 10 of both R H and R A tended to be reduced, the decrease in the Q 10 of R S was caused mainly by a decrease in the response of R A to warming. These long-term results indicate that a balance between the rapid and large response of soil microbes and the acclimation of plant roots both play important roles in determining the response of R S to soil warming, and must be carefully considered to predict the responses of soil C dynamics under future temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in extreme environments often have low diversity and specialized physiologies suggesting a limited resistance to change. The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) are a microbially dominated, extreme ecosystem currently undergoing climate change-induced disturbances, including the melting of massive buried ice, cutting through of permafrost by streams, and warming events. These processes are increasing moisture across the landscape, altering conditions for soil communities by mobilizing nutrients and salts and stimulating autotrophic carbon inputs to soils. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of resource addition (water/organic matter) on the composition and function of microbial communities in the MDV along a natural salinity gradient representing an additional gradient of stress in an already extreme environment. Soil respiration and the activity of carbon-acquiring extracellular enzymes increased significantly (P < 0.05) with the addition of resources at the low- and moderate-salinity sites but not the high-salinity site. The bacterial community composition was altered, with an increase in Proteobacteria and Firmicutes with water and organic matter additions at the low- and moderate-salinity sites and a near dominance of Firmicutes at the high-salinity site. Principal coordinate analyses of all samples using a phylogenetically informed distance matrix (UniFrac) demonstrated discrete clustering among sites (analysis of similarity [ANOSIM], P < 0.05 and R > 0.40) and among most treatments within sites. The results from this experimental work suggest that microbial communities in this environment will undergo rapid change in response to the altered resources resulting from climate change impacts occurring in this region.  相似文献   

Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition in humid tropical regions may exacerbate phosphorus (P) deficiency in forests on highly weathered soils. However, it is not clear how P availability affects soil microbes and soil carbon (C), or how P processes interact with N deposition in tropical forests. We examined the effects of N and P additions on soil microbes and soil C pools in a N-saturated old-growth tropical forest in southern China to test the hypotheses that (1) N and P addition will have opposing effects on soil microbial biomass and activity, (2) N and P addition will alter the composition of the microbial community, (3) the addition of N and P will have interactive effects on soil microbes and (4) addition-mediated changes in microbial communities would feed back on soil C pools. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was used to quantify the soil microbial community following four treatments: Control, N addition (15 g N m−2 yr−1), P addition (15 g P m−2 yr−1), and N&P addition (15 g N m−2 yr−1 plus 15 g P m−2 yr−1). These were applied from 2007 to 2011. Whereas additions of P increased soil microbial biomass, additions of N reduced soil microbial biomass. These effects, however, were transient, disappearing over longer periods. Moreover, N additions significantly increased relative abundance of fungal PLFAs and P additions significantly increased relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi PLFAs. Nitrogen addition had a negative effect on light fraction C, but no effect on heavy fraction C and total soil C. In contrast, P addition significantly decreased both light fraction C and total soil C. However, there were no interactions between N addition and P addition on soil microbes. Our results suggest that these nutrients are not co-limiting, and that P rather than N is limiting in this tropical forest.  相似文献   

We have added glucose and nutrients to manipulate soil microbial activity and nutrient availability in a boreal spruce forest to study the performance of birch and spruce seedlings in relation to the soil microbial community. The proportion of aboveground biomass in the seedlings was largest in plots amended with extra nutrients, while ectomycorrhizal (ECM) colonisation was low in these plots. ECM appeared beneficial for growth of both species, but only at low levels of colonisation (<25% ECM colonised root-tips). The soil microbial biomass, as determined by total PLFA, was largest in plots treated with glucose and there was a significant negative relationship between birch seedling size and levels of total PLFA in soil. This could be taken to suggest that poor seedling growth was due to nutrient limitation caused by microbial assimilation. However, the treatment response of the birch seedlings was generally weak, and spruce often showed no response at all to the addition of nutrients and glucose. The most consistent parameter for the variation in plant performance, as well as for the microbial soil community, was the block-effect. This suggests a strong spatial structure in the soil microbial community, and that this structure was robust with respect to our treatments even though they continued over a 3-year period.  相似文献   

Although microtopographic heterogeneity is common in bottomland hardwood forests, it is rarely considered in bottomland restoration efforts. The objective of this study was to determine the responses of hydrologic condition, soil physiochemical properties, and introduced and colonizing vegetation to created microtopography and soil treatments at a landfill borrow pit in northern Texas. A series of mounds and pools were created and planted with fast‐growing pioneer species as well as more desirable, later‐successional species. Erosion control mats were installed on half the plots as a source of organic matter. Erosion control mats had little influence on introduced seedling survival or colonizing species abundance, but microtopography strongly influenced hydrologic condition, soil properties, seedling survival and growth, and colonizing species abundance and distribution. Pools were flooded during much of the summer months and had significantly higher nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations than mounds. Topographic position had little effect on survival of pioneer species, but mortality of most later‐successional species was highest in pools. Colonizing species distribution and abundance were also strongly related to topographic position. Despite differences in soil nutrient concentration among topographic zones, hydrologic condition likely had the strongest influence on growth and survival of planted species and distribution of colonizing species. Creating microtopography resulted in a spatially heterogeneous system that reflected variations in natural bottomlands, and introducing a mix of species (pioneer and later‐successional) across topographic and hydrologic gradients may improve the establishment and survival of a diverse community when hydrologic condition is highly variable or difficult to predict.  相似文献   

The ecological succession of microbes during cadaver decomposition has garnered interest in both basic and applied research contexts (e.g. community assembly and dynamics; forensic indicator of time since death). Yet current understanding of microbial ecology during decomposition is almost entirely based on plant litter. We know very little about microbes recycling carcass-derived organic matter despite the unique decomposition processes. Our objective was to quantify the taxonomic and functional succession of microbial populations in soils below decomposing cadavers, testing the hypotheses that a) periods of increased activity during decomposition are associated with particular taxa; and b) human-associated taxa are introduced to soils, but do not persist outside their host. We collected soils from beneath four cadavers throughout decomposition, and analyzed soil chemistry, microbial activity and bacterial community structure. As expected, decomposition resulted in pulses of soil C and nutrients (particularly ammonia) and stimulated microbial activity. There was no change in total bacterial abundances, however we observed distinct changes in both function and community composition. During active decay (7 - 12 days postmortem), respiration and biomass production rates were high: the community was dominated by Proteobacteria (increased from 15.0 to 26.1% relative abundance) and Firmicutes (increased from 1.0 to 29.0%), with reduced Acidobacteria abundances (decreased from 30.4 to 9.8%). Once decay rates slowed (10 - 23 d postmortem), respiration was elevated, but biomass production rates dropped dramatically; this community with low growth efficiency was dominated by Firmicutes (increased to 50.9%) and other anaerobic taxa. Human-associated bacteria, including the obligately anaerobic Bacteroides, were detected at high concentrations in soil throughout decomposition, up to 198 d postmortem. Our results revealed the pattern of functional and compositional succession in soil microbial communities during decomposition of human-derived organic matter, provided insight into decomposition processes, and identified putative predictor populations for time since death estimation.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential of plant functional responses to speed up restoration in a postfire ecosystem. The patterns of change in plant nutrient uptake and water potential after compost amendment were monitored for 2 years in a 7‐year‐old postfire shrubland in southeastern France. We studied four different stress‐tolerant species with contrasting life traits: three shrub species and a perennial herb. Three treatments were applied: control, 50 and 100 Mg/ha of fresh cocomposted sewage sludge and green waste. In both compost treatments, concentrations of all the macronutrients increased. The amendment improved N and cation nutrition, but the positive effect of compost on plant nutrient status was most apparent on leaf P concentrations, indicating that P was a limiting nutrient in this shrubland. Compost had no significant short‐term effect on trace metal concentrations in plants. The plant nutrition response of different species to the compost varied; the nutritional status of Brachypodium retusum and Cistus albidus improved the most, whereas that of Quercus coccifera and Ulex parviflorus improved the least. Woody species exhibited no increase in N stocks. Phosphorus accumulation was also about three times higher in plots amended at 50 Mg/ha than in control plots for B. retusum and C. albidus. The severe summer drought of 2003 altered the compost effect. Contrary to our expectations, plants on amended plots did not exhibit a better water status in summer: the effect of the summer drought had a greater effect on water status than did the compost treatment.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding the linkages between above- and belowground communities, and very little is known about these linkages in tropical systems. Using an experimental site at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, we examined whether plant diversity, plant community composition, and season influenced microbial communities. We also determined whether soil characteristics were related to differences in microbial communities. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition revealed that microbial community composition differed across a plant diversity gradient (plots contained 1, 3, 5, or over 25 species). Plant species identity also was a factor influencing microbial community composition; PLFA composition significantly varied among monocultures, and among three-species combinations that differed in plant species composition. Differences among treatments within each of these comparisons were apparent in all four sampling dates of the study. There was no consistent shift in microbial community composition between wet and dry seasons, although we did see significant changes over time. Of all measured soil characteristics, soil C/N was most often associated with changes in microbial community composition across treatment groups. Our findings provide evidence for human alteration of soil microbial communities via the alteration of plant community composition and diversity and that such changes are mediated in part by changes in soil carbon quality.  相似文献   

Wildfires are a pervasive disturbance in boreal forests, and the frequency and intensity of boreal wildfires is expected to increase with climate warming. Boreal forests store a large fraction of global soil organic carbon (C), but relatively few studies have documented how wildfires affect soil microbial communities and soil C dynamics. We used a fire chronosequence in upland boreal forests of interior Alaska with sites that were 1, 7, 12, 24, 55, ~90, and ~100 years post-fire to examine the short- and long-term responses of fungal community composition, fungal abundance, extracellular enzyme activity, and litter decomposition to wildfires. We hypothesized that post-fire changes in fungal abundance and community composition would constrain decomposition following fires. We found that wildfires altered the composition of soil fungal communities. The relative abundance of ascomycetes significantly increased following fire whereas basidiomycetes decreased. Post-fire decreases in basidiomycete fungi were likely attributable to declines in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Fungal hyphal lengths in the organic horizon significantly declined in response to wildfire, and they required at least 24 years to return to pre-fire levels. Post-fire reductions in fungal hyphal length were associated with decreased activities of hydrolytic extracellular enzymes. In support of our hypothesis, the decomposition rate of aspen and black spruce litter significantly increased as forests recovered from fire. Our results indicate that post-fire reductions in soil fungal abundance and activity likely inhibit litter decomposition following boreal wildfires. Slower rates of litter decay may lead to decreased heterotrophic respiration from soil following fires and contribute to a negative feedback to climate warming.  相似文献   

森林凋落物动态及其对全球变暖的响应   总被引:107,自引:12,他引:107  
彭少麟  刘强 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1534-1544
综述了森林凋落物研究的进展,森林凋落物动态的研究随研究方法的改进而不断深化。制约凋落物分解速率的因素有内在因素即凋落物自身的化学物理性质和外在因素即凋落物分解过程发生的外部环境条件,如参与分解的异养微生物和土壤动物群落的种类、数量、活性(生物类因素)和气候、土壤、大气成分等(非生物类因素)。讨论了全球变暖可能引起的凋落物量和凋落物分解的变化。气温上升可能引发植被分布、物候特征和制约凋落物分解因素的改变,影响森林凋落物动态,最终影响森林生态系统物质循环的功能。  相似文献   

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