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The mechanical unfolding of proteins under a stretching force has an important role in living systems and is a logical extension of the more general protein folding problem. Recent advances in experimental methodology have allowed the stretching of single molecules, thus rendering this process ripe for computational study. We use all-atom Monte Carlo simulation with a Gō-type potential to study the mechanical unfolding pathway of ubiquitin. A detailed, robust, well-defined pathway is found, confirming existing results in this vein though using a different model. Additionally, we identify the protein's fundamental stabilizing secondary structure interactions in the presence of a stretching force and show that this fundamental stabilizing role does not persist in the absence of mechanical stress. The apparent success of simulation methods in studying ubiquitin's mechanical unfolding pathway indicates their potential usefulness for future study of the stretching of other proteins and the relationship between protein structure and the response to mechanical deformation.  相似文献   

We present a novel Monte Carlo simulation of protein folding, in which all heavy atoms are represented as interacting hard spheres. This model includes all degrees of freedom relevant to folding, all side-chain and backbone torsions, and uses a Go potential. In this study, we focus on the 46 residue alpha/beta protein crambin and two of its structural components, the helix and helix hairpin. For a wide range of temperatures, we recorded multiple folding events of these three structures from random coils to native conformations that differ by less than 1 A C(alpha) dRMS from their crystal structure coordinates. The thermodynamics and kinetic mechanism of the helix-coil transition obtained from our simulation shows excellent agreement with currently available experimental and molecular dynamics data. Based on insights obtained from folding its smaller structural components, a possible folding mechanism for crambin is proposed. We observed that the folding occurs via a cooperative, first order-like process, and that many folding pathways to the native state exist. One particular sequence of events constitutes a "fast-folding" pathway where kinetic traps are avoided. At very low temperatures, a kinetic trap arising from the incorrect packing of side-chains was observed. These results demonstrate that folding to the native state can be observed in a reasonable amount of time on desktop computers even when an all-atom representation is used, provided the energetics sufficiently stabilize the native state.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo computer simulations were performed on dilute aqueous solutions of thymine, cytosine, uracil, adenine, guanine, the dimethyl phosphate anion in the gauche-gauche conformation and a ribose and deoxyribose derivative. The aqueous hydration of each molecule was analysed in terms of quasi-component distribution functions based on the Proximity Criterion, and partitioned into hydrophobic, hydrophilic and ionic contributions. Color stereo views of selected hydration complexes are also presented. A preliminary discussion of the transferability of functional group coordination numbers is given. The results enable to comment on two current problems related to the hydration of nucleic acids: a) the theory of Dickerson and coworkers on the role of water in the relative stability of the A and B form of DNA and b) the idea of water bridges and filaments emerging from the computer simulation results on the hydration of DNA fragments by Clementi.  相似文献   


Due to the increasing use of radioactive sources, new challenges appear for the protection of humans and the environment against ionizing radiation. Thus, organizations handling these sources must be endowed with plans how to react in case of any radiological emergency situations. Monte Carlo simulations are among the most widely employed methods used for the management and reconstruction of radiological incidents and accidents. In this work, results of a Monte Carlo simulation study with the Geant4 simulation toolkit using a digital anthropomorphic phantom are reported. The investigated scenario included an emergency intervention carried out inside the ionization cell of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (NIAR) of Tangier/Morocco, which houses a 60Co gamma irradiator. In this scenario, a radiological incident was assumed where the source cage of the gamma irradiator is stuck in the guide tube and not completely inserted into its storage container. The objective of this work was to design a radiation shield to protect an operator during the emergency intervention and make sure that any radiation exposure is below the recommended dose limits, taking into account the date of occurrence (which determines the activity of the source at the time of the emergency situation) of the accident and economic aspects of shielding design. In this work, the maximum time available for the operator to accomplish the operation intervention while remaining protected is calculated. The results obtained show that the shielding prototype developed gives the operator a time between 3 and 300 s, depending on shielding design. It is concluded that shielding of the type investigated in the present study will allow any facility to manage the assumed emergency scenario, should it occur.


The simulation performed shows that under methylation of uracil and thymine NH-groups the interaction energy between a base and water (Uwb) is increased. It is also detected that the increase in this energy was observed in the 1st and the 3rd sectors. These conclusions do not confirm the assumption made in the literature on the character of an interaction between methylated bases and water. According to this assumption, when the NH-groups are methylated, the energy of Uwb in these sectors decreases as a result of the van der Waals interactions between a methyl group and water, whose energy compensates the increase in the Uwb energy due to the breaking of an H-bond. Regularity of water molecules near a hydrophobic group under the hydration of polar molecules is detected for the first time.  相似文献   

In this paper the geometrical properties of gel and fluid clusters of equimolar dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC/DSPC) lipid bilayers are calculated by using an Ising-type model (Sugar, I. P., T. E. Thompson, and R. L. Biltonen. 1999. Biophys. J. 76:2099-2110). The model is able to predict the following properties in agreement with the respective experimental data: the excess heat capacity curves, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) threshold temperatures at different mixing ratios, the most frequent center-to-center distance between DSPC clusters, and the fractal dimension of gel clusters. In agreement with the neutron diffraction and fluorescence microscopy data, the simulations show that below the percolation threshold temperature of gel clusters many nanometer-size gel clusters co-exist with one large gel cluster of size comparable with the membrane surface area. With increasing temperature the calculated effective fractal dimension and capacity dimension of gel and fluid clusters decrease and increase, respectively, within the (0, 2) interval. In the region of the gel-to-fluid transition the following geometrical properties are independent from the temperature and the state of the cluster: 1) the cluster perimeter linearly increases with the number of cluster arms at a rate of 8.2 nm/arm; 2) the average number of inner islands in a cluster increases with increasing cluster size, S, according to a power function of 0.00427 x S(1.3); 3) the following exponential function describes the average size of an inner island versus the size of the host cluster, S: 1 + 1.09(1 - e(-0.0072xS)). By means of the equations describing the average geometry of the clusters the process of the association of clusters is investigated.  相似文献   

We present a computational model of the interaction between hydrophobic cations, such as the antimicrobial peptide, Magainin2, and membranes that include anionic lipids. The peptide's amino acids were represented as two interaction sites: one corresponds to the backbone alpha-carbon and the other to the side chain. The membrane was represented as a hydrophobic profile, and its anionic nature was represented by a surface of smeared charges. Thus, the Coulombic interactions between the peptide and the membrane were calculated using the Gouy-Chapman theory that describes the electrostatic potential in the aqueous phase near the membrane. Peptide conformations and locations near the membrane, and changes in the membrane width, were sampled at random, using the Metropolis criterion, taking into account the underlying energetics. Simulations of the interactions of heptalysine and the hydrophobic-cationic peptide, Magainin2, with acidic membranes were used to calibrate the model. The calibrated model reproduced structural data and the membrane-association free energies that were measured also for other basic and hydrophobic-cationic peptides. Interestingly, amphipathic peptides, such as Magainin2, were found to adopt two main membrane-associated states. In the first, the peptide resided mostly outside the polar headgroups region. In the second, which was energetically more favorable, the peptide assumed an amphipathic-helix conformation, where its hydrophobic face was immersed in the hydrocarbon region of the membrane and the charged residues were in contact with the surface of smeared charges. This dual behavior provides a molecular interpretation of the available experimental data.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are mainly located on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and play an important role in regulating glucose-induced cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillation in pancreatic β-cells. However, subcellular locations and functions of RyRs on other cell organelles such as nuclear envelope are not well understood. In order to investigate the role of RyRs in nuclear Ca(2+) oscillation we designed and conducted experiments in intact primary pancreatic β-cells. Immunocytochemistry was used to examine the expression of RYRs on the nuclear envelope. Confocal microscopy was used to evaluate the function of RYRs on the nuclear envelope. We found that RyRs are expressed on the nuclear envelope in single primary pancreatic β-cells and isolated nuclei. Laser scanning confocal microscopy studies indicated that application of glucose to the cells co-incubated with Ca(2+) indicator Fluo-4 AM and cell-permeable nuclear indicator Hoechst 33342 resulted in nuclear Ca(2+) oscillation. The pattern of glucose-induced Ca(2+) oscillation in the nucleus and cytosol was similar. The reduction of Ca(2+) oscillation amplitude by ryanodine was much greater in the nucleus though both the cytosol and the nucleus Ca(2+) amplitude decreased by ryanodine. Our results suggest that functional ryanodine receptors not only exist in endoplasmic reticulum but are also expressed in nuclear envelope of pancreatic β-cells.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effect of anatomic asymmetries on the gas concentration distribution in the pulmonary airways, a Monte Carlo simulation of combined bulk flow and molecular diffusion was carried out in a realistic distal airway model (Parkeret al., 1971). This airway model, composed of branches distal to the 0.5-ram diameter airways, contained an upper symmetric segment consisting of four generations of conducting airways and a lower asymmetric segment of alveolar ducts and sacs arranged in five transport paths of varying lengths. In accounting for the volume increases of these ducts and sacs occurring during normal respiration, uniform alveolar filling rates and a fixed length-to-diameter ratio of all airways were assumed. For a pulse injection of inert tracer gas, the simulation was employed to determine the longitudinal concentration profiles in the conducting airways. In the alveolated airways, not only were the longitudinal profiles determined along each path, but radial transport from the core to the periphery of the airways was considered. The results of the simulations indicate that geometric asymmetries alone contribute substantially to regional concentration variations in the distal airways. For example, when a gas bolus is injected at mid*inspiration, there are concentration differences as great as 40% between two points along different transport paths located equi-distant from the proximal end of the model. As viewed from the terminal end of the model (acinus), average concentration differences as large as 6-to-1 exist between the longest and shortest transport paths respectively for gas boli introduced near the end of inspiration. The results further indicate because of large radial diffusion rates, no significant concentration differences exist between the periphery a-ld the central core of alveolated airways. Simulation of the expired concentration profiles indicate that boll injected very late during inspiration exhibit a sloping tail, unlike the earlier injected boll whose tails are virtually horizontal. Through the use of superposition teehniqnes, it was found that these sloping tails correspond to an alveolar slope of 1.5 vol% between 750 and 1250 ml expired for a continuous washing of tracer. This result is in disagreement with other transport analyses which did not directly account for the effect of geometric asymmetries.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation of water in a channel with charges suggests the existence of water in immobile, high density, essentially glasslike form near the charges. The channel model has a conical section with an opening through which water molecules can pass, at the narrow end of the cone, and a cylindrical section at the other end. When the charges are placed near the narrow section of the model, the "glass" effectively blocks the channel; with the charges removed, the channel opens. The effect can be determined from the rate of passage of the water molecules through the pore, from the average orientation of the water molecule, and from distortion of the distribution of molecules. In the simulations carried out to date, no external ions have been considered. In addition to the energy, the Helmholtz free energy has been calculated.  相似文献   

Abstract. A variety of experimental and clinical examples of preneoplasia demonstrate that regression of early lesions is common. This paper examines the hypothesis that early lesions operate under the identical growth kinetics of 'late' lesions (neoplasms), but that kinetic features favouring continuous growth in established lesions tend to favour extinction of lesions composed of small numbers of cells. Growth simulations of early lesions were produced using the Monte Carlo method, a technique demanding intensive computations. With the advent of powerful personal computers, this technique is now widely available to biologists. Simulating growth under conditions of cell loss similar to those observed in established tumours, the model predicts that the great majority of initiated cell clusters are expected to reach extinction within a few cell doubling times, and most early (promoted) lesions would not likely progress to the size of a clinically detectable lesion within the life span of the host organism. These Monte Carlo simulations provide a model of initiated cell growth consistent with the recently demonstrated role of early lesion cell death in the development of human lymphomas and in transgenic mice expressing the bcl-2 oncogene. The model demonstrates that small increments in the intrinsic cell loss probability in even the earliest progenitors of malignancy can strongly influence the subsequent development of neoplasia from initiated foci.  相似文献   

The anisotropic united atoms potential for linear alkanes proposed by Ungerer (J. Chem. Phys. , 112 , 5499, 2000), called AUA4, has been used to predict several equilibrium properties (vapour pressure, vaporisation enthalpies, and liquid densities) of alkanes by Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation. In order to extend the potential to branched alkanes, potential parameters for the CH group have been determined by optimisation on the basis of equilibrium properties of isobutane, keeping the same parameters as AUA4 for the CH 3 groups. The resulting CH parameters form a regular sequence with those previously determined for CH 3 and CH 2 groups, so that a physically consistent parameter set is obtained. Simulations have been performed at temperatures ranging from 450 to 800 u K for long n -alkanes (C20, C25 and C30) and from 350 to 450 u K for four heptane isomers (n -heptane, 2-methylhexane, 2,4-dimethylpentane and 2-ethylpentane). In order to achieve internal relaxation of long chains with a good efficiency, a specific Monte Carlo move was used in which a united atom is rotated around its nearest neighbours. Equilibrium properties of long chain alkanes are well predicted, and small differences between heptane isomers are represented with a good accuracy. It is concluded that the AUA4 potential shows an interesting degree of transferability.  相似文献   

Ion-binding properties of calbindin D9k: a Monte Carlo simulation study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monte Carlo simulations are used to calculate the binding constant of two Ca2+ ions to the protein bovine calbindin D9k. The change in binding constant with respect to mutation of charged amino acids, presence of various electrolytes, protein concentration, solution pH, and competitive binding of monovalent ions is investigated. Each of these factors may have a large influence on the binding constant. The simulations are performed in a dielectric continuum model, the so-called primitive model of electrolyte theory, with a fixed protein structure and a uniform dielectric permittivity. The calculated binding constants are in excellent agreement with experimental data and describe changes in the binding constant over six orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Lipid chains and cholesterol in model membranes: a Monte Carlo Study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H L Scott  S Kalaskar 《Biochemistry》1989,28(9):3687-3691
The Monte Carlo method has been employed to study the equilibrium properties of a planar array of hydrocarbon chains interacting with a cholesterol molecule. The chains are arranged to model one monolayer of a lipid bilayer and within this monolayer are allowed to move laterally and change conformations by gauche rotations. In the simulation cell there are 90 lipid chains and a single cholesterol molecule. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed upon the cell. The primary results of the calculations are order parameter profiles for the C-C bonds. These are calculated for (i) all chains, (ii) the 6 chains which are nearest neighbors to the cholesterol, and (iii) the 12 chains which are next-nearest neighbors to the cholesterol. Calculations are carried out for C-14, C-16, and C-18 chains. The results show that cholesterol strongly affects the upper portions of the chains, leaving them less able to change conformations. For C-16 and C-18 chains, the chain termini of the cholesterol neighbors are more disordered than the bulk chain termini. The magnitude of the effect depends strongly on the chain length. The results suggest that the changes in the lipid phase transition caused by cholesterol are a consequence of each cholesterol hindering the rotameric freedom of five to seven lipid chains.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to obtain the structure, excess internal energy and Helmholtz energy for systems containing charged and neutral hard spheres of comparable concentrations. The results are compared with the thermodynamic properties predicted by solving Ornstein–Zernike equation with hypernetted chain (HNC) and mean spherical approximation (MSA) closures. The HNC approximation is found to well represent the simulation results for both structure and excess energy, while the excess energy of MSA deviates from the simulation results in the intermediate- and high-density range. A simple modification of MSA, referred to as KMSA, is proposed to accurately predict the excess internal and Helmholtz energy in the studied density range. KMSA is proved to capture the effects of neutral component, size and charge asymmetry, system temperature and dielectric constant of the background solvent, on the excess energy of electrolyte systems.  相似文献   



Research has shown that self-reports of smoking during pregnancy may underestimate true prevalence. However, little is known about which populations have higher rates of underreporting. Availability of more accurate measures of smoking during pregnancy could greatly enhance the usefulness of existing studies on the effects of maternal smoking offspring, especially in those populations where underreporting may lead to underestimation of the impact of smoking during pregnancy.

Methods and Findings

In this paper, we develop a statistical Monte Carlo model to estimate patterns of underreporting of smoking during pregnancy, and apply it to analyze the smoking self-report data from birth certificates in the state of Massachusetts. Our results illustrate non-uniform patterns of underreporting of smoking during pregnancy among different populations. Estimates of likely underreporting of smoking during pregnancy were highest among mothers who were college-educated, married, aged 30 years or older, employed full-time, and planning to breastfeed. The model''s findings are validated and compared to an existing underreporting adjustment approach in the Maternal and Infant Smoking Study of East Boston (MISSEB).


The validation results show that when biological assays are not available, the Monte Carlo method proposed can provide a more accurate estimate of the smoking status during pregnancy than self-reports alone. Such methods hold promise for providing a better assessment of the impact of smoking during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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