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Solanidine is the steroidal aglycon of some potato glycoalkaloids and a very important precursor for the synthesis of hormones and some pharmacologically active compounds. In this work, we make use of a new chemistry model within Density Functional Theory, called CHIH-DFT, to calculate the molecular structure of solanidine, as well to predict its infrared and ultraviolet spectra. The calculated values are compared with the experimental data available for this molecule as a means of validation of our proposed chemistry model. Figure Molecular structure of solanidine calculated with the CHIH(small) model chemistry  相似文献   

Ab initio molecular orbital calculations at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ level have been carried out to explore the structure, stability, sensitivity and band gap of nitropyrazoles. Kamlet and Jacob equations were used to calculate the detonation velocity and detonation pressure of designed compounds. The explosive properties of polynitropyrazole-N-oxides appear to be higher compared with those of octanitrocubane and 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexa azaisowurtzitane. The sensitivity, heat of explosion, density, detonation velocity and detonation pressure are presumably related to the number and the relative positions of NO2 groups on the pyrazole ring.  相似文献   

Three of the most frequent antitubercular agents employed against Mycobacterium tuberculosis are: Rifampicin, Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide. It has been proven that the use of these antitubercular agents together, shortens the treatment period from 12–18 months to 6 months [1]. In this work we use a new Density Functional Theory chemistry model called CHIH-DFT (Chihuahua-Heterocycles-Density Functional Theory) that reflects the mixture of Hartree Fock exchange and DFT exchange, according to a mixing parameter based on empirical rules suited for heterocyclic systems. This new chemistry model was used to calculate the molecular structure of these antitubercular compounds, as well as their infrared, UV spectra, chemical reactivity and electronic properties. The UV and infrared spectra were obtained by experimental techniques. The calculated molecular structure, UV and IR spectra values from CHIH-DFT were compared with experimentally obtained values and theoretical studies. These results are in good agreement with experimental and theoretical studies. We also predicted using the relative electrophilicity and relative nucleophilicity concepts as defined by Roy et al. [2] the chemical active sites for the three antitubercular compounds as well as their electronegativity, ionization potential, electron affinity, hardness, dipole moment, EHOMO-ELUMO gap energy, etc.   相似文献   

The Fourier transform Raman and infrared (IR) spectra of the Ceramide 3 (CER3) have been recorded in the regions 200–3500 cm? 1 and 680–4000 cm? 1, respectively. We have calculated the equilibrium geometry, harmonic vibrational wavenumbers, electrostatic potential surfaces, absolute Raman scattering activities and IR absorption intensities by the density functional theory with B3LYP functionals having extended basis set 6-311G. This work is undertaken to study the vibrational spectra of CER3 completely and to identify the various normal modes with better wavenumber accuracy. Good consistency is found between the calculated results and experimental data for the IR and Raman spectra.  相似文献   

The molecular structure (bond distances and angles), conformational properties, dipole moment and vibrational spectroscopic data (vibrational frequencies, IR and Raman intensities) of phenyl benzoate were calculated using Hartree–Fock (HF), density functional (DFT), and second order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) with basis sets ranging from 6-31G* to 6-311++G**. The theoretical results are discussed mainly in terms of comparisons with available experimental data. For geometric data, good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained for the MP2, B3LYP and B3PW91 levels with basis sets including diffuse functions. The B3LYP/6-31+G* theory level estimates the shape of the experimental functions for phenyl torsion around the Ph–O and Ph–C bonds well, but reproduces the height of the rotational barriers poorly. The B3LYP/6-31+G* harmonic force constants were scaled by applying the scaled quantum mechanical force field (SQM) technique. The calculated vibrational spectra were interpreted and band assignments were reported. They are in excellent agreement with experimental IR and Raman spectra.Figure Calculated and experimental (GED) potential energy functions for torsional motion of phenyl benzoate relative to the minimum value. a The potential function for torsion about the O3–C4 bond. b The potential function for torsion about the C2–C10 bond.  相似文献   

In order to find the susceptibility of the amino-Claisen rearrangement and the next proton shift reaction of N-allyl-N-arylamine to the substituent effects in the para position, the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were calculated at the B3LYP level using the 6-31G** basis set. The calculated activation energies for the rearrangements and proton shift reactions are close to 44.4 and 49.5 kcal mol? 1, respectively. The transition states of the rearrangement with electron-donor substituents are more stable than those with electron-withdrawing substituent groups, but for the proton shift reaction, this situation is reversed (with the exception of fluorine atom for the rearrangement and fluorine and chlorine atoms for the proton shift reaction). Negative values for the activation entropy confirm the concerted mechanism for the amino-Claisen rearrangement and proton shift reaction. The Hammett ρ values of ? 2.4172 and ? 1.7791 are obtained for σp and σ (enhanced sigma) in the amino-Claisen rearrangement, respectively. The correlation between log(k X/k H) and σp is weaker than that with σ (enhanced sigma). A negative Hammett ρ value indicates that the electron-donating groups slightly increase the rate of amino-Claisen rearrangement. A positive Hammett ρ value (2.4921) for the proton shift reaction indicates that electron-withdrawing groups increase the rate of reaction.  相似文献   

Structural, chemical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of palladium clusters Pdn with n = 2–11 are studied using density functional methods. The average bond length, entropy, enthalpy and polarisability are observed to increase as the cluster grows in size. The binding energy per atom also increases with cluster size. Stability function and atom addition energy change predict that Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 are relatively more stable than their neighbouring clusters. Electron affinity, electronegativity and electrophilicity values suggest that larger clusters have stronger tendency to accept electrons, thereby supporting the relative stability of Pd4 and Pd6. Chemical hardness is also seen to decrease with cluster size, which suggests that large clusters are more prone to changes in their electronic structure. The magnetic properties of these clusters are reported.  相似文献   

The secondary structure and the thermal stability of human liver (L-FARP) and heart (77-FAUP) fatty acid-binding proteins were analyzed, in the absence and in the presence of oleic acid, by Fourier transform ir spectroscopv. The study was done in order to gain information on the secondary us well three-dimensional structure of L.-FARP and to check the possible H-FABP self-association that has been found to occur in rat and pig H-FABP. Comparison of human L-FABP and H-FABP ir spectra reveals that, in spite of the low sequencehomology, the two proteins have similar secondary and probably tertiary structures. The air data indicates that a larger amount of β-strands are exposed to the solvent in H-FABP as compared to L-FABP, suggesting mi nordifferences in the three-dimensional structures of these proteins. The binding of oleic acid to L-FABP and H-FABP stabilizes their structures and does not modify their secondary structure. Their spectra neither confirm nor exclude self-association of human H-FABP. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Differential scanning microcalorimetry was used to investigate the enthalpy (ΔHd) and the temperature (td) of thermal denaturation of normal (nondeuterated) (H-PC) and deuterated (D-PC) phycocyanins in D2O solvent. Values of td in D-PC are about 5–7°C lower than those in H-PC. The magnitudes of ΔHd in D-PC are only 21–32% of those in H-PC. During the protein unfolding, the heat-capacity changes (ΔCp) in D-PC are also lower than those in H-PC. CD was employed to evaluate the secondary structure and the urea denaturation of these proteins in D2O solvent. These proteins have about the same α-helix content. D-PC is less resistant to the denaturant urea than is H-PC. In general, the apparent free-energy change in the process of protein unfolding at zero denaturant concentration is higher in H-PC than in D-PC. Comparisons of the present results for D2O solvent with those previously reported for H2O reveal that solvent isotope effect essentially does not change the α-helix content in H-PC and D-PC. However, D-PC or H-PC has a higher random-coil content in its secondary structure in D2O than in H2O. Substitution of H2O with D2O as the solvent increases td in both D-PC and H-PC, lowers ΔHd in H-PC, and greatly lowers ΔHd in D-PC. The deuterium solvent isotope effect does not change ΔCp in H-PC but lowers ΔCp in D-PC. In the urea denaturation, the magnitudes of (Cu)1/2 in H-PC and D-PC are not affected by such a solvent effect, whereas those of ΔG are greatly increased. These results are correlated with the structure and stability of the proteins.  相似文献   

The conformational equilibria of seven methyl β-D -mannobioside conformers have been studied theoretically in five solvents. The structure of each individual conformer has been refined by the PCILO quantum-chemical method from the seven distinct low-energy regions determined from (Φ, Ψ) maps calculated by a potential function method. The stability of the conformers in dilute solution has been evaluated by using a method that consists of electrostatic, dispersion, and cavity terms. The calculated abundance of conformers depends on the solvent and results indicate that the preponderant conformer in the solution may not be the one adopted by mannobiose in the crystalline form. Based on the determined abundance of conformers, thermodynamically averaged nmr parameters, dipole moment, and linkage rotation have been calculated. The solvation behavior of methyl β-D -mannobioside is compared to those previously estimated for cellobiose and maltose.  相似文献   

Upon successive deprotonation of the guanine radical cation, various neutral radicals and radical anions can be formed. Their relative stability and UV/Vis absorption spectra have been calculated by DFT in the vacuum and in aqueous solution. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained when solvent effects are taken into account. The experimental observation that in the nucleosides deprotonation of the guanine radical cation occurs at N1 (formation of N1G(*)) in water and at N2 (formation of N2G(*)) in single crystals is now explained by a strong effect of the dielectric constant of the environment on their stability. While SCRF=PCM and CPCM (Gaussian 03) describe the trend, SCRF=DPCM (Gaussian 98) even shows the crossover from N2G(*) to N1G(*) at high dielectric constant. A crossover of the preferred deprotonation site is also given by the nucleoside itself. While for the gas phase a deprotonation at N2 is calculated to be favored over that at N1, the reverse is found for an aqueous environment (in agreement with the experiment). The radical anions of guanine, N9N1G(*)(-) and N9N2G(*)(-), are very similar in energy, but a comparison of the experimental and calculated UV/Vis spectra allows us to identify the experimentally observed intermediate clearly as N9N1G(*)(-).  相似文献   

Adrenodoxin is an iron-sulfur protein that belongs to the broad family of the [2Fe-2S]-type ferredoxins found in plants, animals and bacteria. Its primary function as a soluble electron carrier between the NADPH-dependent adrenodoxin reductase and several cytochromes P450 makes it an irreplaceable component of the steroid hormones biosynthesis in the adrenal mitochondria of vertebrates. This review intends to summarize current knowledge about structure, function, and biochemical behavior of this electron transferring protein. We discuss the recently solved first crystal structure of the vertebrate-type ferredoxin, the truncated adrenodoxin Adx(4-108), that offers the unique opportunity for better understanding of the structure-function relationships and stabilization of this protein, as well as of the molecular architecture of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins in general. The aim of this review is also to discuss molecular requirements for the formation of the electron transfer complex. Essential comparison between bacterial putidaredoxin and mammalian adrenodoxin will be provided. These proteins have similar tertiary structure, but show remarkable specificity for interactions only with their own cognate cytochrome P450. The discussion will be largely centered on the protein-protein recognition and kinetics of adrenodoxin dependent reactions.  相似文献   

For aqueous solutions of di- and oligosaccharides thermodynamic properties have been investigated at subzero temperatures using differential scanning calorimetry. The amount of unfrozen water observed is found to increase linearly with the glass transition temperatures of anhydrous carbohydrates. Furthermore, the amount of unfrozen water shows a linear relationship with known solution properties of aqueous carbohydrates, such as partial molar compressibility and heat of solution. The different effectiveness among various di- and oligosaccharides to avoid ice formation is associated with the combination of constitutive monosaccharides and attendant molecular structure features including the position and type of the glycosidic linkage between the constituent units. More unfrozen water is induced in the presence of a carbohydrate having a poorer compatibility with the three-dimensional hydrogen-bond network of water. A series of these results obtained imply that there is a common key of carbohydrate stereochemistry governing several different thermodynamic amounts of a given system involving carbohydrates. In this context, a modified stereospecific-hydration model can be used to interpret the present results in terms of stereochemical effects of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Theoretical and spectroscopic studies of a series of monomeric and dimeric complexes formed through the modification of a zirconium butoxide precursor with acetylacetone and subsequent hydrolysis and/or condensation have been performed by applying DFT/B3LYP/6-31++G(d) and highly accurate RI-ADC(2) methods as well as IR and UV-Vis transmittance and diffuse reflectance spectroscopies. Based on DFT model calculations and simulated and experimental UV-Vis and IR spectra of all the studied structures, the most probable building units of the Zr(IV)-AcAc gel were predicted: the dimeric double hydroxo-bridged complex Zr(2)(AcAc)(2)(OH)(4)(OH)(2br) 9 and the monooxo-bridged complex Zr(2)(AcAc)(2)(OH)(4)O(br)·2H(2)O 12. In both structures, the two AcAc ligands are coordinated to one Zr atom. It was shown that building units 9 and 12 determine the photophysical and vibrational properties of the gel material. The observed UV-Vis and IR spectra of Zr(IV)-AcAc gel were interpreted and a relation between the spectroscopic and structural data was derived. The observed UV-Vis bands at 315 nm and 298/288 nm were assigned to partial ligand-metal transitions and to intra-/inter-AcAc ligand transitions, respectively.  相似文献   

The structural, stability, electronic, mechanical, vibrational and thermodynamic properties of rare-earth intermetallic compound Rh3Ce have been explored systematically by using first-principle calculations. The evaluation of the equilibrium lattice parameters were obtained firstly. Remarkably, the result of calculated unit cell volume, derived by the total energies as a function of volume, is consistent with other results. Next, the values of cohesive energy (Ec), formation enthalpy (ΔH) have verified that Rh3Ce is a stable compound. In addition, the band structure and the total density of states indicate a metallic behaviour. Furthermore, the Mulliken charges were calculated to understand the bonding in Rh3Ce compound. Otherwise, the elastic constants(Cij) as well as other modulus were also calculated to evaluated the mechanical properties of Rh3Ce. Phonon dispersion curves for Rh3Ce were depicted to access the vibrational properties. Finally, the thermodynamic properties of Rh3Ce were summarised range from 0 to 60?GPa, 0 to 1800?K, respectively. We also pointed out that the thermal expansion(α), heat capacity(Cv), entropy(S), Debye temperature(Θ) and Güneisen parameter (γ) change under pressure and temperature.  相似文献   

The enzyme myeloperoxidase shows several unusual properties compared to other peroxidases, e.g. a red-shifted absorption spectrum and a peroxidase activity towards chloride. It has been suggested that this is caused by the unusual covalent links between the heme group and the surrounding protein, but whether it is caused by the two ester links to Glu-242 and Asp-94 or the sulfonium ion linkage to Met-243 is unclear. To investigate these suggestions, we have used density functional theory to study the structure, spectra, and reduction potential of 25 models of myeloperoxidase in the reduced (FeII) and oxidized (FeIII) states, as well as in the compound I (formally FeVO) and II (FeIVO or FeIVOH) states, using appropriate models of the linkages to the Asp, Glu, and Met residues (including the back-bone connection between Glu-242 and Met-243) in varying combinations. The calculated spectral shifts indicate that both the ester and sulfonium linkages play a role in the spectral shift. On the other hand, the sulfonium linkage seems to be mainly responsible for the high positive reduction potential for the both ferric/ferrous and compound I/II couples of myeloperoxidase.  相似文献   


In the current study, the elastic and plastic properties of the 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 pristine and transition metal (TM)-doped antimonene are studied through DFT calculations. Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn atoms are selected as the doping atoms. It was observed that Young’s and bulk moduli of both 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 pristine structure would decrease while affected by the doping atoms. The highest reduction in the Young’s and bulk moduli of the 2 × 2 nanosheets has occurred in the Cr- and Ti-doped structures, respectively, while the same reduction was observed in the V- and Ti-doped structures in the 3 × 3 nanosheets. In addition, it was shown that all of the investigated structures express isotropic behavior since the obtained Young’s moduli of these nanostructures have negligible difference along armchair and zigzag directions. Finally, the loading is further increased to investigate the plastic behavior of these structures. The results showed that except for 2 × 2 Sc-doped structure under biaxial loading, the yield strain of all doped nanosheets would decrease under uniaxial and biaxial loadings. The highest reduction in the yield strain of the 2 × 2 nanosheets under biaxial loading has been observed in Cu-doped nanosheet while in 3 × 3 nanosheets, the highest reduction has occurred in Cu-, Fe-, and Zn-doped nanosheets under the same condition. As for the yield strain of the doped 2 × 2 nanosheets while affected by the uniaxial loading, Cu- and Zn-doped nanosheets experienced the highest reduction while in 3 × 3 nanosheets, the highest reduction has been observed for Cr-doped nanosheet under the same condition.


Detailed structures and electronic properties of three tautomeric forms of the toxin citrinin were investigated using several quantum calculation methods. Energetic preference of the predominant p- and o-quinone methide tautomeric forms is dependent on the method of calculation. A previously unstudied carboxylic acid enol tautomer was calculated to be surprisingly stable in vacuo, being within 2.5 kcal mol? 1 at the B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p) level of theory. Despite differences in bond nature and connectivity of tautomers, the natural bond orbital analysis revealed that tautomeric forms share similar natural charges and natural electron configurations. Calculated bond lengths corresponded with experimentally observed values and assignments for the calculated infrared vibrational frequencies are reported.  相似文献   

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