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Carboxypeptidase B (EC (CPB) is commonly used in the industrial insulin production and as a template for drug design. However, its ability to discriminate substrates with hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and charged side chains is not well understood. We report structure of CPB complex with a transition state analog N-sulfamoyl-L-phenylalanine solved at 1.74Å. The study provided an insight into structural basis of CPB substrate specificity. Ligand binding is affected by structure-depended conformational changes of Asp255 in S1’-subsite, interactions with Asn144 and Arg145 in C-terminal binding subsite, and Glu270 in the catalytic center. Side chain of the non-specific substrate analog SPhe in comparison with that of specific substrate analog SArg (reported earlier) not only loses favorable electrostatic interactions and two hydrogen bonds with Asp255 and three fixed water molecules, but is forced to be in the unfavorable hydrophilic environment. Thus, Ser207, Gly253, Tyr248, and Asp255 residues play major role in the substrate recognition by S1’-subsite.  相似文献   

Bott RR  Chan G  Domingo B  Ganshaw G  Hsia CY  Knapp M  Murray CJ 《Biochemistry》2003,42(36):10545-10553
The properties of the transition state for serine protease-catalyzed hydrolysis of an amide bond were determined for a series of subtilisin variants from Bacillus lentus. There is no significant change in the structure of the enzyme upon introduction of charged mutations S156E/S166D, suggesting that changes in catalytic activity reflect global properties of the enzyme. The effect of charged mutations on the pK(a) of the active site histidine-64 N(epsilon)(2)-H was correlated with changes in the second-order rate constant k(cat)/K(m) for hydrolysis of tetrapeptide anilides at low ionic strength with a Br?nsted slope alpha = 1.1. The solvent isotope effect (D)2(O)(k(cat)/K(m))(1) = 1.4 +/- 0.2. These results are consistent with a rate-limiting breakdown of the tetrahedral intermediate in the acylation step with hydrogen bond stabilization of the departing amine leaving group. There is an increase in the ratio of hydrolysis of succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-anilides for p-nitroaniline versus aniline leaving groups with variants with more basic active site histidines that can be described by the interaction coefficient p(xy) = delta beta(lg)/delta pK(a) (H64) = 0.15. This is attributed to increased hydrogen bonding of the active site imidazolium N-H to the more basic amine leaving group as well as electrostatic destabilization of the transition state. A qualitative characterization of the transition state is presented in terms of a reaction coordinate diagram that is defined by the structure-reactivity parameters.  相似文献   

Apoflavodoxin from Anabaena PCC 7119 is a 169 residue globular protein of known structure and energetics. Here, we present a comprehensive Phi-value analysis to characterize the structure of its transition state. A total of 34 non-disruptive mutations are made throughout the structure and a range of Phi-values from zero to one are observed. In addition, a small set of eight aliphatic small-to-large mutations have been introduced in the hydrophobic core of the protein and they have been analyzed to investigate the feasibility of stabilizing the unfolding transition state by creating new non-native interactions. We find that the transition state of apoflavodoxin (so far the largest protein subjected to Phi-analysis) is diffuse and that it can be stabilized by unspecific hydrophobic interactions that can speed up the folding reaction. The data gathered on the apoflavodoxin transition state are compared with results from experimental studies in other proteins to revisit the relationship between the native state topology and transition state structure.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of yeast orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (ODCase) complexed with the inhibitor 6-hydroxyuridine 5'-phosphate (BMP) reveals the presence of a series of strong interactions between enzyme residues and functional groups of this ligand. Enzyme contacts with the phosphoribofuranosyl moiety of orotidine 5'-phosphate (OMP) have been shown to contribute at least 16.6 kcal/mol of intrinsic binding free energy to the stabilization of the transition state for the reaction catalyzed by yeast ODCase. In addition to these enzyme-ligand contacts, active site residues contributed by both subunits of the dimeric enzyme are positioned to form hydrogen bonds with the 2'- and 3'-OH groups of the ligand's ribosyl moiety. These involve Thr-100 of one subunit and Asp-37 of the opposite subunit, respectively. To evaluate the contributions of these ribofuranosyl contacts to ground state and transition state stabilization, Thr-100 and Asp-37 were each mutated to alanine. Elimination of the enzyme's capacity to contact individual ribosyl OH groups reduced the k(cat)/K(m) value of the T100A enzyme by 60-fold and that of the D37A enzyme by 300-fold. Removal of the 2'-OH group from the substrate OMP decreased the binding affinity by less than a factor of 10, but decreased k(cat) by more that 2 orders of magnitude. Upon removal of the complementary hydroxymethyl group from the enzyme, little further reduction in k(cat)/K(m) for 2'-deoxyOMP was observed. To assess the contribution made by contacts involving both ribosyl hydroxyl groups at once, the ability of the D37A mutant enzyme to decarboxylate 2'-deoxyOMP was measured. The value of k(cat)/K(m) for this enzyme-substrate pair was 170 M(-1) s(-1), representing a decrease of more than 7.6 kcal/mol of binding free energy in the transition state. To the extent that electrostatic repulsion in the ground state can be tested by these simple alterations, the results do not lend obvious support to the view that electrostatic destabilization in the ground state enzyme-substrate complex plays a major role in catalysis.  相似文献   

Flexible and fully disordered protein regions that fold upon binding mediate numerous protein-protein interactions. However, little is known about their mechanism of interaction. One such coupled folding and binding occurs when a flexible region of neuronal nitric oxide synthase adopts a β-finger structure upon binding to its protein ligand, a PDZ [PSD-95 (postsynaptic density protein-95)/Discs large/ZO-1] domain from PSD-95. We have analyzed this binding reaction by protein engineering combined with kinetic experiments. Mutational destabilization of the β-finger changed mainly the dissociation rate constant of the proteins and, to a lesser extent, the association rate constant. Thus, mutation affected late events in the coupled folding and binding reaction. Our results therefore suggest that the native binding interactions of the β-finger are not present in the rate-limiting transition state for binding but form on the downhill side in a cooperative manner. However, by mutation, we could destabilize the β-finger further and change the rate-limiting step such that an initial conformational change becomes rate limiting. This switch in rate-limiting step shows that multistep binding mechanisms are likely to be found among flexible and intrinsically disordered regions of proteins.  相似文献   

Cedrela odorata and C. fissilis are two tropical tree species that have been widely harvested for their timber. In response to this heavy exploitation, the species have been listed in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The aim of this study was to provide important elements necessary for the making of CITES Non-Detriment Findings for Cedrela spp. in Bolivia using a wide variety of sources of information on its distribution, population structure, and management at multiple spatial scales. A national large-scale database of forest inventories was created, including information about trees of certain species with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥20. These data were used to make non-detriment findings (NDFs) following CITES guidance for timber species. Spatial prediction of Cedrela habitat revealed a consistent pattern of habitat probability across Bolivia. The genus occurs in areas formerly or currently occupied by ten of the twelve forest types described as habitat for Cedrela odorata and C. fissilis, with a density ranging from 0.4 to 159 trees > 60 cm dbh per 100 ha. Based on these data, the annual export quota for Cedrela in Bolivia should be 3513.1 m3 of timber. This country-level case study could provide a roadmap for other studies that may eventually lead to uplisting the genus. Including Cedrela in CITES Appendix II may help to ensure that its harvest to supply international markets is conducted in a sustainable manner, without damaging the target species or their ecosystem.  相似文献   

Requiring that several properties are well reproduced is a severe test on density functional approximations. This can be assessed through the estimation of joint and conditional success probabilities. An example is provided for a small set of molecules, for properties characterizing the transition states (geometries and energies).  相似文献   



Currently, the PDB contains approximately 29,000 protein structures comprising over 70,000 experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of over 5,000 different low molecular weight compounds. Information about these PDB ligands can be very helpful in the field of molecular modelling and prediction, particularly for the prediction of protein binding sites and function.  相似文献   

In TROSY experiments, spin state selection (S3) retains only the single HSQC sub-spectrum with minimal T2 relaxation and maximal resolution, yet at the cost of eliminating half of the available polarisation as undesired anti-TROSY component. We here introduce queued TROSY (qTROSY) as a novel scheme to partially recover and exploit this anti-TROSY polarisation in two concatenated scans. After initial orthogonal spin state separation (oS3), anti-TROSY polarisation is explicitly stored while its TROSY counterpart follows the desired coherence pathway recorded in a first scan A. The immediately appended scan B then quantitatively converts the recovered anti-TROSY polarisation into a second TROSY spectrum, skipping the time-limiting long reequilibration delay. Both concatenated qTROSY scans thus ideally exploit the full initial polarisation within almost the same measurement time. In practice, T2 relaxation losses accruing during the coupling evolution delays reduced anti-TROSY polarisation recovery below 40%, obviating sensitivity enhancement through addition of both qTROSY scans; yet, scan B retained a complete scan A spectrum with up to 75% intensity. We therefore propose to employ qTROSY asymmetrically, compacting two separate conventional into one queued TROSY-type experiment with significantly reduced measurement time, implying primarily the concatenation of different three- or higher-dimensional experiments. Both anti-TROSY polarisation recoveries and possible time savings are largest for deuterated and smaller non-deuterated proteins, extending the rentability limit of the TROSY principle towards smaller molecular weights.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-005-5618-z  相似文献   

The activation of voltage-gated ion channels is controlled by the S4 helix, with arginines every third residue. The x-ray structures are believed to reflect an open-inactivated state, and models propose combinations of translation, rotation, and tilt to reach the resting state. Recently, experiments and simulations have independently observed occurrence of 310-helix in S4. This suggests S4 might make a transition from α- to 310-helix in the gating process. Here, we show 310-helix structure between Q1 and R3 in the S4 segment of a voltage sensor appears to facilitate the early stage of the motion toward a down state. We use multiple microsecond-steered molecular simulations to calculate the work required for translating S4 both as α-helix and transformed to 310-helix. The barrier appears to be caused by salt-bridge reformation simultaneous to R4 passing the F233 hydrophobic lock, and it is almost a factor-two lower with 310-helix. The latter facilitates translation because R2/R3 line up to face E183/E226, which reduces the requirement to rotate S4. This is also reflected in a lower root mean-square deviation distortion of the rest of the voltage sensor. This supports the 310 hypothesis, and could explain some of the differences between the open-inactivated- versus activated-states.  相似文献   



Despite recent algorithmic and conceptual progress, the stoichiometric network analysis of large metabolic models remains a computationally challenging problem.  相似文献   

A novel agro-residue, tea stalks, was tested for the production of tannase under solid-state fermentation (SSF) using Aspergillus niger JMU-TS528. Maximum yield of tannase was obtained when SSF was carried out at 28 °C, pH 6.0, liquid-to-solid ratio (v/w) 1.8, inoculum size 2 ml (1?×?108 spores/ml), 5 % (w/v) ammonium chloride as nitrogen source and 5 % (w/v) lactose as additional carbon source. Under optimum conditions, tannase production reached 62 U/g dry substrate after 96 h of fermentation. Results from the study are promising for the economic utilization and value addition of tea stalks.  相似文献   

G. Rambold  R. Agerer 《Mycorrhiza》1997,7(2):113-116
 A considerable amount of data has been published on morphological and anatomical characteristics of ectomycorrhizae but these are dispersed in several, sometimes not easily available, journals. The few keys that exist are mostly based upon host tree genera. No comprehensive determination tools for non-experts are available. An information system for specific characters of ectomycorrhizae and an interactive key are now provided by DEEMY on CD-ROM. Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

In 1948 the pharmaceutical company Leo launched a placental hormonal preparation, called Gonadex, in Sweden. During a press conference, and in commercials and newspapers, it was said that Gonadex could cure sterility as well as many other problems related to the endocrine system. The remedy was described as effective and pure, with no side effects whatsoever. For several reasons, Gonadex was looked upon as a 'Swedish triumph'. Inspired by research on 'mediation', conducted within the field of social studies of pharmaceutical drugs, the present essay explores the political and scientific visions and values behind Gonadex; the propaganda for and marketing of Gonadex; the mediated image of Gonadex in the press; the reception by the medical profession, and finally the hopes and fears of the women who tried (or wanted to try) Gonadex. The essay argues that the public image of Gonadex was 'oversell' of hormone therapy, and that it was shaped by the way endocrinologists at Karolinska Hospital, notably Professor Axel Westman, mediated between Leo, the mass media, and the consumers when, and even before, Gonadex was introduced to the market.  相似文献   

The crystal structure is reported at 1.8 A resolution of Escherichia coli ornithine transcarbamoylase in complex with the active derivative of phaseolotoxin from Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, N(delta)-(N'-sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-l-ornithine. Electron density reveals that the complex is not a covalent adduct as previously thought. Kinetic data confirm that N(delta)-(N'-sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-l-ornithine exhibits reversible inhibition with a half-life in the order of approximately 22 h and a dissociation constant of K(D) = 1.6 x 10(-12) m at 37 degrees C and pH 8.0. Observed hydrogen bonding about the chiral tetrahedral phosphorus of the inhibitor is consistent only with the presence of the R enantiomer. A strong interaction is also observed between Arg(57) Nepsilon and the P-N-S bridging nitrogen indicating that imino tautomers of N(delta)-(N'-sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-l-ornithine are present in the bound state. An imino tautomer of N(delta)-(N'-sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-l-ornithine is structurally analogous to the proposed reaction transition state. Hence, we propose that N(delta)-(N'-sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-l-ornithine, with its three unique N-P bonds, represents a true transition state analogue for ornithine transcarbamoylases, consistent with the tight binding kinetics observed.  相似文献   

In a laboratory flume, a comparative study on the near-bottom performance of the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was conducted. Two different ADV systems were tested for different configurations and two flow velocities (9 cm s−1, 18 cm s−1). The results were compared with synchronous measurements with a Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). Near-bottom velocity measurements with the ADV have to be interpreted carefully as the ADV technique underestimates flow velocities in a zone close to the sediment. The height of this zone above the sediment varies with different ADV systems and configurations. The values for nominal sampling volume height (SVH) given by the software often underestimate the true, effective sampling volume heights. Smaller nominal SVH improve the ADV near-bottom performance, but the vertical extent of the zone in which the ADV underestimates flow by more than 20% may be larger than true SVH/2 by a factor of 2 (=true SVH). When the measurement volume approaches the bottom, ADV data quality parameters (signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and signal amplitude) exceeding the average ‘open water’ level, are clear indicators that the ADV has begun to underestimate the flow velocity. Unfortunately, this is not a safe indicator for the range of reliable measurements as the ADV may begin to underestimate velocities even with unchanged ‘open water’ data quality parameters. Thus, one can only recommend avoiding measurements below a distance from the bottom that was defined empirically comparing the ADV and the LDA velocity profiles. This distance is 2.5 times nominal sampling volume height for the tested ADV systems and experimental settings.  相似文献   

In recent decades a unique association of basal neosauropod and turiasaur sauropods has been described from the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition of Spain. In this context, a sauropod femur from the Tithonian–Berriasian is studied for the first time. The femur in question is an isolated specimen, recovered from the Tera Group in Tera (Soria). It displays a unique mosaic of derived characters as yet undescribed in femora of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Spain. A prominent lateral bulge, high eccentricity, and a lateromedially flattened proximal end link the femur from Tera with Titanosauriformes. Moreover, it presents a significant distal projection of the tibial condyle, a character observed in Asiatic Titanosauriformes of the Lower Cretaceous. The femur from Tera adds a fifth sauropod taxon to the Tithonian–Berriasian of Spain, and, for the first time, a representative of Titanosauriformes.  相似文献   

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