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Droughts associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected fishes of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in Suriname, South America. The mean rainfall in the period August to February in 22 El Niño years was 76.6% of the mean rainfall in the same months of non-El Niño years. In the period 1900–1999, three out of four years in which an extreme drought (rainfall less then 60% of the mean value) occurred were El Niño years. The recent 1997/1998 ENSO event caused the second most severe drought in a 100-year record. Drying up of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and rainforest creeks was observed during El Niño-related droughts. In the lagoons ariid catfish died first, followed by snook, tilapia, mullet and tarpon, respectively. Landings of lagoon fish were positively correlated with rainfall in the period August–February. During the El Niño-related drought we observed failure of reproduction in three species of callichthyid armoured catfish in both coastal freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in the interior. In the El Niño year 1997/1998, the no flow period of the rainforest creek was extended by four months beyond the long dry season and the dissolved oxygen levels in the dry-season pools dropped to 1.27mg O2l–1 (as compared to 4.53mg O2l–1 under running water conditions). Other fish species of the rainforest creek also showed decreased reproductive success in the El Niño year. We suggest that the stochastic effects of El Niño-related drought may be an important non-equilibrium component in the ecology of neotropical inland fish communities.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Fishers’ ecological knowledge (FEK) has contributed to a better understanding about the reproduction of fishery resources, especially where biological data are scarce or...  相似文献   

Most modelling studies addressed the effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPA) for fisheries sustainability through single species approach. Only a few models analysed the potential benefits of MPAs at the ecosystem level, estimating the potential export of fish biomass from the reserve or analysing the trophic relationships between organisms inside and outside the MPA. Here, we propose to use food web models to assess the contribution of a MPA to the trophic functioning of a larger ecosystem. This approach is applied to the Banc d’Arguin National Park, a large MPA located on the Mauritanian shelf. The ecosystem was modeled using Ecopath with Ecosim, a model that accounts for fisheries, food web structure, and some aspects of the spatial distribution of species, for the period 1991–2006. Gaps in knowledge and uncertainty were taken into account by building three different models. Results showed that the Banc d’Arguin contributes about 9 to 13% to the total consumption, is supporting about 23% of the total production and 18% of the total catch of the Mauritanian shelf ecosystem, and up to 50% for coastal fish. Of the 29 exploited groups, 15 depend on the Banc for more than 30% of their direct or indirect consumptions. Between 1991 and 2006, the fishing pressure increased leading to a decrease in biomass and the catch of high trophic levels, confirming their overall overexploitation. Ecosim simulations showed that adding a new fleet in the Banc d’Arguin would have large impacts on the species with a high reliance on the Banc for food, resulting in a 23% decrease in the current outside MPA catches. We conclude on the usefulness of food web models to assess MPAs contribution to larger ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Q’eqchi’ (Mayan stock, K’ichean subgroup) is an ergative language; a finite verb form obligatorily carries information on the person and number of the absolutive participant, i.e., the unique argument of an intransitive verb or the direct object of a transitive one. The set of personal absolutive markers includes five morphemes; the third person singular has no overt marker. These morphemes in Modern Q’eqchi’ are prefixes in a finite verbal predication and enclitics in a non-finite predication. In a finite verb form, the place of an absolutive prefix is between the tense-aspect prefix and personal ergative prefix (in a transitive predication) or verb root (in an intransitive one). This paper argues that during Colonial Q’eqchi’ (used in the second half of the 16th century and slightly later) the general structure of a verbal complex was completely different, and all personal absolutive markers were in fact enclitics. They were enclitisized to tense-aspect morphemes that functioned syntactically as main predicates of a complex construction. Further diachronic change consolidated a verbal complex, conditioning the transition to affixation.  相似文献   

We investigate long-term changes in the Mediterranean marine resources driving the trawl fisheries by analysing fishers’ perceptions (Traditional Ecological Knowledge, TEK) throughout the Mediterranean Sea during the last 80 years. To this end, we conducted an extended set of interviews with experienced fishers that enabled us to classify species (or taxa) as ‘decreasing’ or ‘increasing’ both in terms of abundance, as well as average size in the catch. The aspect that most clearly emerged in all the investigated areas over time was the notable increase of fishing capacity indicators, such as engine power and fishing depth range. Atlantic mackerel, poor cod, scorpionfishes, striped seabream, and John Dory demonstrated a decreasing trend in the fishers’ perceived abundance, while Mediterranean parrotfish, common pandora, cuttlefish, blue and red shrimp, and mullets gave indications of an increasing temporal trend. Although, as a rule, trawler captains did not report any cataclysmic changes (e.g. extinctions), when they were invited to estimate total catches, a clear decreasing pattern emerged; this being a notable finding taking into account the steep escalation of fishing efficiency during the past century. The overall deteriorating status of stocks in most Mediterranean regions calls for responsible management and design of rebuilding plans. This should include historical information accounting for past exploitation patterns that could help defining a baseline of fish abundance prior to heavy industrial fisheries exploitation.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, daily variations in plasma levels of melatonin, testosterone and estradiol-17β were analysed in the tropical freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus during early and late-preparatory, pre-spawning, late-spawning and post-spawning phases of its annual reproductive cycle. Plasma melatonin levels exhibited a significant circadian rhythm during all the reproductive phases but peaks were invariably at night. The amplitude of melatonin was high during the early-preparatory phase and low in the pre-spawning phase. Testosterone also displayed significant rhythm during all the studied phases except post spawning phase. Estradiol-17β revealed diurnal rhythm only during preparatory and pre-spawning phases. The peak in the levels of plasma testosterone and estradiol-17β were recorded during the photophase. During the late-preparatory phase, the rhythm of testosterone coincided with the rhythm of estradiol-17β.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods are based on parametric models of character evolution. They assume that if we know these models as well as distribution of character states in studied organisms, we can infer the probability of different phylogenetic trajectories leading from ancestors to modern forms. In fact, these methods are mathematized variants of the traditional Haeckel’s approach to phylogeny reconstruction. In contrast to classical and parsimonious cladistics, they infer phylogenies without such limitations as necessity of strictly dichotomous evolution, exclusion of plesiomorphic characters, and acceptance of only holophyletic taxa. They assume that evolution may be reticulated, any homologous characters—both apomorphic and plesiomorphic—can be used for inferring phylogenies, and interpretation of evolutionary lineages as taxa is optional. Thus, the main difference between the new and more traditional approaches to phylogeny reconstruction lies not in the characters used (molecular or morphological) but in the methodology of analysis. It must be admitted that a revolution began in phylogenetics 10–20 years ago. However, the fundamental changes in phylogenetics have been carried out so calmly and neatly by the people who started this revolution, that many systematists still do not realize their importance.  相似文献   

’’Schiave’’ collectively refers to grapevine cultivars presently grown on the Southern and Northern slopes of the Eastern Alps and bearing different names (Schiava, Trollinger, Rossara, Rossola, Geschlafene, Gansfüsser, Urban and others). Their common origin has been suggested by historic, linguistic and ampelographic considerations. This hypothesis has now been assayed by using more direct approaches based on AFLP and SSR analysis. The present paper shows: (1), that AFLP and SSR give comparable results when used to study genomic similarity among the Schiave grapevine cultivars, and (2) that ’’Schiave’’ is used to group grapevine cultivars that are genetically heterogeneous. In fact, a dendrogram constructed from an AFLP analysis of the 33 best-known Schiave (or correlated) cultivars, shows different, and in some cases relevant, degrees of genomic dissimilarity. The analysed cultivars cluster into at least five taxonomic groups with specific geographic distribution along the valleys of Valtellina, Bergamo and Brescia and those of South Tyrol and Swabia. It is concluded that the common definition ’’Schiave’’ refers to a similar cultivation practice in contiguous regions rather than to a common genetic background. Received: 16 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 May 2000  相似文献   

Despite the importance of understanding how the human reproductive system works, adolescents worldwide exhibit weak conceptual understanding, which leads to serious risks, such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Studies focusing on the development and evaluation of inquiry-based learning interventions, promoting the knowledge of human reproduction, are very few. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an inquiry-based intervention on human reproduction in relation to students’ gender, prior knowledge and motivation for learning in biology. Data collection methods included students’ pre- and post-tests, evaluating students’ conceptual understanding regarding human reproduction, and measurements of students’ motivation employing the Motivational Learning Environment survey. The sample for the pre- and post-test conceptual understanding data included the whole population of the 7th graders in Cyprus (n = 6465). Students’ motivation data were collected from a representative sample of the entire 7th graders population (n = 946 students). Statistical analyses indicated a statistically significant increase in students’ conceptual understanding as well as in their motivation for learning in biology. However, students’ gender, prior knowledge and initial motivation for learning in biology seemed to mediate the effectiveness of the inquiry-based intervention. All of these variables are deemed, therefore, as of great importance for the design, implementation and evaluation of biology teaching interventions.  相似文献   

There are several systemic and intracerebral pathologic conditions, which limit provision and utilization of energy precursor metabolites in neuronal cells. Energy deficits cause excessive depolarization of neuronal cells triggering glutamate-zinc evoked excitotoxic cascade. The intracellular zinc excess hits several intraneuronal targets yielding collapse of energy balance and impairment functional and structural impairments cholinergic neurons. Disturbances in metabolism of acetyl-CoA, which is a direct precursor for energy, acetylcholine, N-acetyl-l-aspartate and acetylated proteins synthesis, play an important role in these pathomechanisms. Disruption of brain homeostasis activates slow accumulation of amyloid-β 1?42 , which extra and intracellular oligomeric deposits disrupt diverse transporting and signaling processes in all membrane structures of the cell. Both neurotoxic signals may combine aggravating detrimental effects on neuronal cell. Different neuroglial and neuronal cell types may display differential susceptibility to similar pathogenic insults depending on specific features of their energy and functional parameters. This review, basing on findings gained from cellular and animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, discusses putative energy/acetyl-CoA dependent mechanism in early and late stages of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

This article traces a critical change in the professional therapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): from treatment of a disorder borne by individuals to treatment of an anticipated disorder to be prevented by fortifying the entire population. A community resilience program in the city of Sderot in southern Israel, which has been subjected to Qassam rockets by its Palestinian neighbors across the border, serves as our case study. Drawing on an ethnographic study of this new therapeutic program, we analyze how the social body that the professionals attempt to immunize against trauma was treated. In particular, we follow the various practices used to expand the clinical. We found that the population was split into several groups on a continuum between the clinical and the preclinical, each receiving different treatment. Moreover, the social body managed according to this new form of PTSD was articulated through ethnic and geopolitical power relations between professionals from the country’s center and professionals from its periphery, and between the professionals and the city’s residents. Finally, we discuss how this Israeli case compares with other national sites of the growing globalization of PTSD, like Bali, Haiti and Ethiopia, which anthropologists have been exploring in recent years.  相似文献   

Mexico is a megadiverse country, but less than 54 % of its original vegetation still remains. In particular Mexican deserts and arid and semiarid ecosystems harbor a large number of endemic taxa, and the genus Agave is an outstanding example. Agave is one of the largest genera of the Mexican flora, including a total estimated number of 200 species, 74 % of them endemic to the country. Agave is also one of the Mexican plant genera with more population genetic studies. We describe here studies in 22 Agave species using different genetic markers. For the genus we found on average a high level of genetic variation, H s ?=?0.19, and a low genetic differentiation, F st ?=?0.15. We identify some species that should be subject to special conservation genetic efforts, in particular the endangered A. victoriae-reginae and both wild populations and landraces of A. angustifolia, including the cultivated A. tequilana.  相似文献   

Though the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Southeastern Europe is one of low reported prevalence, numerous studies have described the pervasiveness of medical providers’ lack of knowledge of HIV/AIDS in the Balkans. This study sought to culturally adapt an instrument to assess medical providers’ knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Albania. Cultural adaptation was completed through development of a survey from previously validated instruments, translation of the survey into Albanian, blinded back translation, expert committee review of the draft instrument, focus group pre-testing with community- and University Hospital Center of Tirana-based physicians and nurses, and test-retest reliability testing. Blinded back translation of the instrument supported the initial translation with slight changes to the idiomatic and conceptual equivalences. Focus group pre-testing generally supported the instrument, yet some experiential and idiomatic changes were implemented. Based on unweighted kappa and/or prevalence adjusted bias adjusted kappa (PABAK), 20 of the 43 questions were deemed statistically significant at kappa and/or PABAK ≥0.5, while 12 others did not cross zero on the 95% confidence interval for kappa, indicating their probable significance. Subsequently, an instrument to assess medical providers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS for an Albanian population was developed which can be expanded within Albania and potentially to other countries within the Balkans, which have an Albanian-speaking population.  相似文献   



There is increasing recognition of sex/gender differences in health and the importance of identifying differential effects of interventions for men and women. Yet, to whom the research evidence does or does not apply, with regard to sex/gender, is often insufficiently answered. This is also true for systematic reviews which synthesize results of primary studies. A lack of analysis and reporting of evidence on sex/gender raises concerns about the applicability of systematic reviews. To bridge this gap, this pilot study aimed to translate knowledge about sex/gender analysis (SGA) into a user-friendly ‘briefing note’ format and evaluate its potential in aiding the implementation of SGA in systematic reviews.


Our Sex/Gender Methods Group used an interactive process to translate knowledge about sex/gender into briefing notes, a concise communication tool used by policy and decision makers. The briefing notes were developed in collaboration with three Cochrane Collaboration review groups (HIV/AIDS, Hypertension, and Musculoskeletal) who were also the target knowledge users of the briefing notes. Briefing note development was informed by existing systematic review checklists, literature on sex/gender, in-person and virtual meetings, and consultation with topic experts. Finally, we held a workshop for potential users to evaluate the notes.


Each briefing note provides tailored guidance on considering sex/gender to reviewers who are planning or conducting systematic reviews and includes the rationale for considering sex/gender, with examples specific to each review group’s focus. Review authors found that the briefing notes provided welcome guidance on implementing SGA that was clear and concise, but also identified conceptual and implementation challenges.


Sex/gender briefing notes are a promising knowledge translation tool. By encouraging sex/gender analysis and equity considerations in systematic reviews, the briefing notes can assist systematic reviewers in ensuring the applicability of research evidence, with the goal of improved health outcomes for diverse populations.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(6):335-345
D’Orbigny’s stratigraphic contributions were enormous, both practical and theoretical. In his practice, d’Orbigny realised the central importance of using fossil faunas to correlate strata across different countries. His ‘succession chronologique des âges du monde’ (of 1852) recognised 5 periods and 27 stages (ignoring his ‘époque actuelle’). The great majority of the latter were from two Periods, Jurassic (stages 7 to 16) or Cretaceous (17 to 23). D’Orbigny described the palaeontological characteristics, and geographical extensions, of each. Some stages he based on countries he never visited and although he never specified ‘stratotype’ localities, he referred to some as ‘étalon’, ‘le mieux’ or ‘le plus beau’. These leads proved crucial when, in the mid 20th century, stratigraphers realised that definitions of chrono-stratal units must be attempted. The first attempts at typification simply followed zoology, where a type specimen tries to define a central position within the morphological variation of a species. In 1962, an early attempt was made to define Jurassic stages by three type horizons at different type localities (or stratotypes as they were now called) for each. A central horizon was chosen as ‘lectotype section’ and upper and lower boundaries for each were defined elsewhere. In France, it was preferred to investigate original intentions at named localities, through unit-stratotypes. These allowed some nationalistic pride, since France was the home of so many d’Orbignyan stages. 1980 saw the publication Les Étages français et leurs Stratotypes. However, British Silurian stratigraphers had realised that such zoologically based concepts would produce conflict, when any defined upper boundary stratotype conflicted with the defined lower boundary of a superjacent unit. They suggested, from 1962, to define only lower boundaries, via ‘golden spikes’, at basal-boundary stratotypes. This was the method chosen for the basal Devonian stratotype at Klonk, Czech Republic, defined in 1972, and a method adopted globally from 1986. However, this was when correlations were still largely based on fossils. The explosion of so many other stratigraphies since, based on magnetic or chemical records, events etc, has produced a first reaction against the idea that such stratotypes should be so defined, while a second, potentially more major claim, is that any ‘golden spike’ concept may no longer ‘glitter’, as competing stratotype concepts may be holding back stratigraphic progress.  相似文献   



China is considered a country of low HIV prevalence (780,000 people living with HIV), however, HIV infections among high-risk populations continue to grow at alarming rates. Voluntary Counseling and Testing services were first implemented in 2003, and oral rapid HIV testing (ORHT) began in 2012. Dentists, as oral health experts, would be well placed to conduct ORHT. We assessed willingness of dentists to undertake ORHT in their clinical practice.


A cross-sectional, paper-based survey of dentists from the Xi’an region of China was conducted from April to June 2013. Dentists were recruited from Shaanxi Stomatological Association using a stratified sampling methodology. A 40-item survey was used to measure knowledge of HIV, attitudes toward people living with HIV and willingness to conduct ORHT.


477 dentists completed the survey with a mean HIV knowledge test score of 13.2/18 (SD 1.9). If made available in the dental setting, 276 (57.9%) preferred to use blood to diagnose HIV, only 190 (39.8%) preferred saliva or both. Four hundred and thirty-five (91.2%) thought that ORHT was needed in dental clinics. Female dentists felt more accepting of ORHT than males (93.8% vs. 87.8%; χ2=5.145; p<0.05). 42.6% of the participants who responded thought that lack of education on ORHT for dentists was the most urgent problem to solve for ORHT, 144 (31.3%) thought that lack of support for ORHT from patients was the most urgent problem. There was statistically significant difference among dental hospital, dentistry and department of dentistry (χ2=24.176; p<0.05).


The majority of Chinese dentists thought that ORHT was needed in the dental setting. Providing opportunities for dentists and dental students to learn about HIV testing guidelines and practices is needed as well as feasibility and implementation science research.  相似文献   

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