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 Roots of 40 taxa of higher plants (Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta) from two alpine study sites in Denali National Park and Preserve in central Alaska were examined for their mycorrhizal colonization. We observed ectomycorrhizae on six species: Betula nana, Salix reticulata, Salix polaris, Salix arctica, Polygonum viviparum, and Dryas octopetala. Seven taxa, Cassiope tetragona, Empetrum nigrum, Ledum palustre subsp. decumbens, Ledum palustre subsp. groenlandicum, Loiseleuria procumbens, Vaccinium uliginosum and Vaccinium vitisidaea (all Ericales), had ericoid mycorrhizae. One species, Arctostaphylos alpina, formed a typical arbutoid mycorrhiza. Two species (Sibbaldia procumbens and Aconitum delphinifolium) showed well-developed VA mycorrhizae, whereas three species of plants (Lycopodium clavatum, Silene acaulis and Oxytropis scammaniana) had vesicles, but no arbuscules. The roots of 11 other plants (Lycopodium clavatum, Lycopodium selago, Silene acaulis, Gentiana algida, Lupinus arcticus, Oxytropis scammaniana, Pedicularis langsdorffii, Pedicularis capitata, Pedicularis verticillata, Artemisia sp. and Carex bigelowii) had a variety of intracellular colonizations which are referred to as dark septate fungi. No mycorrhizae were found on 12 other plants: Equisetum arvense, Equisetum variegatum, Lycopodium alpinum, Polygonum bistorta, Saxifraga hieracifolia, Saxifraga hirculus, Astragalus alpinus, Pedicularis kanei, Petasites frigidus, Carex podocarpa, Carex microchaeta and Poa arctica. A possible ecological role of dark septate fungi is discussed. Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate communities were studied from 1994 to 2001/2002 (except 1997) in six streams in Denali National Park, interior Alaska. All six streams were potential reference streams with no known impairment. 2. Abundance of individual taxa varied markedly from year to year. Overall, abundance decreased over the study period, particularly with respect to mayflies. Stonefly taxa showed lower persistence and were sometimes absent from a stream in any particular year. 3. Mean community persistence for the six streams, as measured by Jaccard's similarity coefficients between years, varied from 0.48 in the year pair 1999–2000 to 0.78 in 1998–99. Tattler Creek (a small stable stream) supported the most persistent macroinvertebrate community and Highway Pass Creek (a small, unstable creek) the least. Mean community persistence showed a significant relationship with mean winter snowfall (November to March) for the six streams. 4. The highest community compositional stability was found in Tattler Creek and the lowest in Highway Pass Creek, but stability varied markedly over time for the six streams, peaking in 1994–95 and reaching a minimum in 2000–01. Compositional stability was significantly related to the Pfankuch Index of channel stability. 5. The composition metrics % Chironomidae, % dominant taxa, %EPT, % Ephemeroptera and % Plecoptera, employed as part of the Alaska Stream Condition Index, varied over almost their entire range in these pristine streams across the 9 years of the study. 6. This study demonstrates the wide range of natural variation that occurs in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these pristine central Alaskan streams, potentially limiting the applicability of composition metrics for the biological monitoring of water quality in these systems.  相似文献   

对天童常绿阔叶林5个演替阶段的13个种类24个植物个体叶片的N、P化学计量学的研究表明:(1)各演替阶段植物叶片的N、P含量变异较大,N含量的值在6.49~14.69mgg^-1之间,P含量的值在0.66~1.13mgg^-1之间,叶片的N∶P值在7.45~16.38之间;总体平均值N为9.43mgg^-1,P为0.86mgg^-1,N∶P为11.17;(2)演替后期的叶片N含量和N∶P比高于演替前期,叶片N含量的变化趋势与N∶P比的变化趋势协同性较好,N∶P的变化趋势能较好地反映不同演替阶段的群落变化特征;(3)叶片N∶P可以作为植物和演替阶段的限制性营养元素的指标,不同演替阶段的群落生长基本上均是受N而不是受P的限制;演替各阶段绝大多数物种新生叶的N∶P都小于成熟的营养叶的N∶P,两者均受N元素的限制,且氮素对新叶的限制性更强,表明新叶容易缺乏氮素而发育不良。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Colonization and ecological development of postglacial freshwater communities was investigated in Glacier Bay National Park, south-eastern Alaska, following the rapid recession of a Neo-glacial ice sheet within the last 250 years.
2. Environmental variables shown to be most significant in stream development were temperature, flow regime and sedimentation.
3. The Chironomidae (Diptera) were the pioneer invertebrate colonizers of newly emergent streams arising as meltwater from receding ice sheets and displayed a distinct pattern of succession with stream maturity.
4. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera colonized warmer clearwater streams, but Trichoptera had a minimal role in invertebrate community development.
5. Establishment and production of salmonid fish populations in the new streams related principally to stream flow and sediment characteristics.
6. Future pathways along which the streams may develop is probably dependent on the degree of large organic debris input.
7. Stream development, structure and function are summarized including reference to theories of ecosystem development, ecological succession and community stability.  相似文献   

1. Invertebrate colonization of a new stream following glacial recession is documented for a 12 year period from 1978 to 1990. 2. Invertebrates, particularly Chironomidae, displayed site-specific temporal succession over the study period, at the end of which a number of the pioneer colonizers were no longer collected. 3. Maximum species richness was found in 1988, whereas total invertebrate density was greatest in 1978, 10 years earlier. 4. Water temperature appeared to be the most significant factor determining the year of colonization of invertebrate taxa. As a result, deterministic trends were apparent in patterns of invertebrate colonization and succession. 5. Salmonids first colonized the stream in 1988. Dietary analyses of juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) showed preferential selection for blackfly and small chironomid larvae.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity may influence ranging behaviour of mammals. Here we relate the home range size of elephants living in the Kruger National Park to the number of patches, proportion of each patch, spatial arrangement of patches, patch shape, and contrast between neighbouring patches. Home range sizes decreased exponentially with an increase in the number of patches per 100 km2 and the home range sizes of bulls were in general more strongly related to measures of heterogeneity. This may reflect differences in perception of heterogeneity between the sexes.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence from different sources that prolonged high N deposition causes a shift from nitrogen (N) limitation to nitrogen and phosphorus (P) co-limitation or even P limitation in many terrestrial ecosystems. However, the number of ecosystems where the type of limitation has been directly tested by longer-term full-factorial field experiments is very limited. We conducted a 5-year fertilization experiment with N and P in the Lüneburger Heide (NW Germany) to test the hypothesis that, following decades of elevated atmospheric N inputs, plant growth in dry lowland heaths may have shifted from N to N–P co-limitation or P limitation. We also tested whether the plant tissue N:P ratio reflects the type of nutrient limitation in a continental lowland heathland. Experimental plots dominated by Calluna vulgaris received regular additions of N (50 kg N ha−1 y−1), P (20 kg P ha−1 y−1), a combination of both, or water only (control) from 2004 to 2008. Over the whole study period, a highly significant positive N effect on shoot length was found, thus indicating N limitation. We conclude that a clear shift from N limitation to N–P co-limitation or P limitation has not yet occurred. Tissue N:P ratios showed a high temporal variability and no relationship between tissue N:P ratio and the shoot length response of Calluna to nutrient addition was found. The N:P tool is thus of limited use at the local scale and within the range of N:P ratio observed in this study, and should only be used as a rough indicator for the prediction of the type of nutrient limitation in lowland heathland on a larger geographical scale with a broader interval of N:P ratio.  相似文献   

Kibale National Park, Uganda, has a rich and abundant primate community and a complicated history of anthropogenic disturbance. Moreover, it has been the focus of over 30 yr of research and has received considerable attention from nongovernmental and governmental conservation organizations. As a result, Kibale serves as a valuable case study with which to evaluate the factors that regulate primate population density and the challenges of deriving generalizations for conservation. We review the impact of logging and forest fragmentation on primate population density and trace the efficacy of various conservation strategies. A 28-yr comparison of primate abundance in logged and unlogged forests and a 10-yr study of forest dynamics showed that primate recovery in logged areas is generally slow or not occurring at all for some species, which is likely driven by the fact that the forest is not recovering as expected. No primate species characteristic predicted their ability to live in forest fragments around Kibale. While a nutritional model was useful to predict the abundance of colobus in forest fragments outside of Kibale, a 5-yr study revealed that human land-use practices are more fundamentally shaping population dynamics. We evaluate data on primate abundance in light of Milton’s protein/fiber model to predict colobine biomass. We demonstrate that while the model can predict colobus biomass in pristine habitats, the 2 colobus species respond differently to disturbance. We offer suggestions for future conservation research and consider strategies to conserve forested national parks based on experiences gained over 30 yr.  相似文献   

该研究采用空间代替时间的方法,对福建省东部海域的平潭岛林区不同演替阶段群落(灌草丛、针叶林、针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林)的土壤和植物的C、N、P含量进行测定,分析不同演替阶段土壤和植物的C、N、P及生态化学计量特征的变化规律,并探讨植物与土壤养分之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)由于土壤C、N、P的来源不同,导致土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(STN)含量随着演替进行逐渐增加,土壤全磷(STP)含量呈先下降后上升的趋势;土壤C∶N随演替进行呈增加趋势,土壤C∶P和N∶P呈先升高后下降的趋势。(2)植物叶片碳(LC)含量随着演替进行呈先升高后下降的趋势,叶片氮(LN)和磷(LP)含量呈先下降后升高的趋势,反映了各演替阶段植物采取不同的生态适应性;植物叶片C∶N和C∶P随演替进行呈先升高后下降的趋势,植物叶片N∶P呈逐渐增加的趋势。(3)相关分析表明,土壤SOC与STN呈显著正相关关系,表明土壤C、N元素有较强的耦合关系;植物LN与LP呈显著正相关关系,共同反映植物的光合作用;植物叶片LP与土壤STP呈显著正相关关系,且植物叶片N∶P在各演替阶段均大于16,说明平潭岛植物生长主要受到土壤P限制。  相似文献   

为了给笋用竹林土壤合理补充养分提供科学依据,以红哺鸡竹(Phyllostachys iridescens)为对象,开展了长期施用不同肥料(生物有机肥、复合肥、菜籽饼肥和不施肥(对照))竹林2年生立竹叶片C、N、P化学计量学特征的研究。结果表明:叶片C、N、P含量分别为514.26~582.77、18.25~30.20、1.20~1.75mg·g-1,施肥竹林均极显著或显著高于对照竹林,以施菜籽饼肥竹林叶片C含量最高,施生物有机肥竹林叶片N、P含量最高;叶片C:N、C:P分别为18.71~35.02、304.41~458.52,总体上施肥竹林较对照竹林极显著降低,施肥竹林N、P养分利用效率显著降低;叶片N:P为15.28~17.12,相对稳定,施肥竹林与对照竹林无显著差异;叶片N、P含量呈极显著正相关,N含量与N:P相关性不显著,而P含量与N:P呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

We aim to define the best nutrient limitation indicator predicting phytoplankton biomass increase as a result of nutrient enrichment (N, P, or both). We compare the abilities of different indicators, based on chemical measurements of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fractions in the initial plankton community, to predict the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth as inferred independently from short-term laboratory experiments on the same natural communities in a data set from NE Baltic Sea (Tamminen and Andersen, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 340:121–138, 2007). The best indicators had a true positive rate of about 80% for predicting both N and P limitation, but with a higher false positive rate for N than for P limitation (25 vs. 5%). Estimated threshold ratios for total nutrients (TN:TP) were substantially higher than the Redfield ratio, reflecting the relatively high amounts of biologically less available dissolved organic N in the study area. The best overall performing indicator, DIN:TP, had chlorophyll-response based threshold ratios far below Redfield, with N limitation below 2:1 and P limitation above 5:1 (by atoms). On the contrary, particulate N:P ratio was the overall worst predictor for N or P limitation, with values clustering around the Redfield N:P ratio (16:1, by atoms) independent of the limiting factor. Estimated threshold ratios based on inorganic nutrients (DIN:DIP) and so-called biologically available nutrients (BAN:BAP = (PON + DIN):(POP + DIP)) were also generally clearly above 16:1, indicating that the Redfield ratio rather reflects the transition from N limitation to combined N + P limitation, than to single limitation by P. Coastal systems are complex systems with regard to nutrient dynamics, historically considered to represent the transition from P-limited freshwater to N-limited marine systems. Our analysis shows that rather simple ratios reflect phytoplankton requirement for nutrients. Based on the high prediction performance, analytical considerations, and general data availability, the DIN:TP ratio appears to be the best indicator for inferring in situ N vs. P limitation of phytoplankton from chemical monitoring data.  相似文献   

Three major reservoirs (Marne, Seine and Aube), situated in the upstream basin of the river Seine represent a storage capacity of 800 106 m3. In order to quantify the possible role of these reservoirs as a sink or source of nutrients and organic matter for the river system, an input/output mass-balance of suspended matter, organic carbon, inorganic nitrogen forms, phosphorus and reactive silica was established, providing reliable estimates of their retention/elimination and export. The study was carried out over 3 years (1993, 1994 and 1995) in differing hydrological conditions. The retention times varied from 0.3 to 0.8 year, depending on the reservoir and the year, but was longer in 1993 that was a drier year than 1994 and 1995, hydrologically quite similar.Regarding retention (or elimination) and export, the behaviour of the three studied reservoirs was similar. A clear loss or retention of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica was observed in the reservoirs and represented about 40% of the incoming flux of nitrate, 50% of silica, and 60% of phosphate. The retention was lower for total phosphorus than for phosphate. The reservoirs are also sites of suspended matter deposition except during the decennial drawdown, when suspended matter is exported. For inorganic nitrogen, the average amount of nitrate retained in the Seine basin reservoirs upstream from Paris is 5000 tonnes y–1 that is almost equal to the estimated retention by deposition or denitrification in river channel sediments for the whole drainage network. The retention in the reservoirs represents about 12% of the total flux of nitrate at the outlet of the basin upstream from Paris, and 5% at the mouth of the Seine River.We also calculated inlake C, N, P, Si budgets on the basis of direct process measurements. Measurements of planktonic primary and bacterial activity production led to annual net production of 4200 and 580 tonnes of carbon, respectively. A reasonable value (450 tonnes of carbon) of grazing was calculated. Corresponding N, P, Si fluxes were drawn from appropriate C:N:P:Si ratios. Benthic fluxes were measured with bell jars. The retention of P and Si represents a small fraction of important internal fluxes of phytoplanktonic uptake and recycling, while inorganic nitrogen retention depends mostly on benthic denitrification. The behaviour of P and Si differs in that P is mainly recycled in the water column, while Si dissolution occurs at the sediment interface. Nitrogen is recycled in both the planktonic and the benthic phase.  相似文献   

为了解我国特有珍稀濒危植物大别山五针松(Pinus dabeshanensis)枝和叶的养分状况及其季节变化特征,连续12个月对其开展野外取样和室内分析,探讨了枝叶N、P、K含量及其化学计量比的动态变化及其在器官间的差异性。结果表明,器官和月份对大别山五针松化学计量特征有显著影响,其中器官的影响最大。枝和叶化学计量特征的季节变化不规律,N∶K变异系数最大(枝叶分别为26.75%和28.00%),其余均属弱变异(变异系数<25%)。叶N、P、K平均含量(10.40、1.43及5.15 mg·g-1)显著高于枝(6.56、1.26及4.80 mg·g-1),叶N∶P(7.27)也显著高于枝(5.18),但枝和叶N∶P均远低于14,呈严重N限制。枝和叶N∶P、N∶K及P∶K分别受制于N、K和K(即相关系数最大)。枝和叶N、P和K之间(枝N-K除外)具有显著的相关性和异速生长关系,其中叶N分配速率高于枝而P分配速率低于枝。降水和温度对枝叶化学计量特征有不同影响。降水量具有明显的时间尺度效应,短时间尺度降水多影响叶而长时间尺度多影响枝。在各时间尺度下,温度均与叶P含量呈显著负相关而与枝K含量呈显著正相关。综合来看,大别山五针松枝、叶间化学计量特征差异显著,且具有明显的季节变异,在一定程度上受降水和温度的影响。  相似文献   

为了解热带地区植物的营养元素利用策略,对海南3个生活型的9种植物的叶片和根系碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及化学计量比进行分析,包括车前(Plantago asiatica)、蒭雷草(Thuarea involuta)、木耳菜(Psidium guajava)、桑(Morus alba)、臭黄荆(Premnaligustroides)、彩叶朱槿(Hibiscusrosa-sinensis)和厚叶榕(Ficusmicrocarpavar.crassifolia)、海岸桐(Guettarda speciosa)和番石榴(Psidium guajava)。结果表明,不同生活型间的元素含量和化学计量比没有显著差异;叶片C、N、P含量高于根系,叶片的C、N含量与根系的呈显著正相关,P含量与根系的呈显著负相关。C∶P与N∶P低于全国和全球尺度,说明该地区植物具有较高的生长速率。小于14的N∶P表明海南热带植物的生长主要受N限制。这揭示了海南热带植物不同生活型的营养元素利用策略相似,虽然受N限制,海南的植物仍具有较高的N、P固持能力和生长速率。  相似文献   

姚小兰  周琳  吴挺勋  任明迅 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6695-6703
海南热带雨林国家公园被中线高速公路自东北-西南方向穿越,改变了局域景观分布格局,影响到生态系统完整性与原真性,可能存在潜在的生态风险。选取海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路穿越段两侧3 km作为研究区域,运用GIS技术、Fragstats和景观生态学理论定量评价2013年(高速公路未建)、2016年(高速公路在建)和2019年(高速公路竣工)三年的景观要素变化,解析景观变化趋势和可能带来的潜在生态风险。结果表明,2016年高速公路建成面积(含动土区域)为325.51 hm2,林地面积略有减少,但林地斑块密度增加;耕地面积虽略有增加,但耕地最大斑块指数下降,耕地景观优势度降低。2019年高速公路建成竣工后,由于路旁绿化,高速公路占地面积有所下降,林地面积和林地斑块密度增加,但林地和耕地斑块的内聚力指数下降,自然连通度略降低,破碎化程度加剧;高速公路穿越段中等生态风险区和较高生态风险区面积逐年增加。但隧道和高架桥路段在一定程度上维持了道路两侧的植被连通性,对局域生态系统没有明显影响。高速公路造成的生境隔离与破碎化可能累积产生远期的负面生态学效应。海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路...  相似文献   

Salinization is an important and increasingly prevalent issue which has broad and profound effects on plant survival and distribution pattern. To understand the patterns and potential drivers of leaf traits in saline environments, we determined the soil properties, leaf morphological traits (specific leaf area, SLA, and leaf dry matter content, LDMC), leaf chemical traits (leaf carbon, C, nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P, stoichiometry) based on 142 observations collected from 23 sites in an arid saline environment, which is a vulnerable ecosystem in northwest China. We also explored the relationships among leaf traits, the responses of leaf traits, and plant functional groups (herb, woody, and succulent woody) to various saline environments. The arid desert halophytes were characterized by lower leaf C and SLA levels, higher N, but stable P and N:P. The leaf morphological traits were correlated significantly with the C, N, and P contents across all observations, but they differed within each functional group. Succulent woody plants had the lowest leaf C and highest leaf N levels among the three functional groups. The growth of halophytes might be more limited by N rather than P in the study area. GLM analysis demonstrated that the soil available nutrients and plant functional groups, but not salinity, were potential drivers of leaf C:N:P stoichiometry in halophytes, whereas species differences accounted for the largest contributions to leaf morphological variations. Our study provides baseline information to facilitate the management and restoration of arid saline desert ecosystem.  相似文献   

Plant carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C:N:P) ratios are powerful indicators of diverse ecological processes. During plant development and growth, plant C:N:P stoichiometry responds to environmental conditions and physiological constraints. However, variations caused by effects of sampling (i.e. sampling date, leaf age and root size) often have been neglected in previous studies. We investigated the relative contributions of sampling date, leaf age, root size and species identity to stoichiometric flexibility in a field mesocosm study and a natural grassland in Inner Mongolia. We found that sampling date, leaf age, root size and species identity all significantly affected C:N:P stoichiometry both in the pot study as well as in the field. Overall, C:N and C:P ratios increased significantly over time and with increasing leaf age and root size, while the dynamics of N:P ratios depended on species identity. Our results suggest that attempts to synthesize C:N:P stoichiometry data across studies that span regional to global scales and include many species need to better account for temporal variation.  相似文献   

We analyzed mineral lick soils and non-mineral lick soils from the Serengeti National Park, the Konza Praine, and Yellowstone National Park The concentrations of 14 different elements considered important for ungulate nutrition were analyzed to determine the relative importance of Na vs other elements in attracting animals to lick areas Only Na was consistently higher in the mineral lick soils of the three ecosystems Mean Na concentrations were c 20x greater in Serengeti licks, 10x greater in Konza licks and 3x greater in Yellowstone licks compared to the respective non-lick soils Despite the numerous elements analyzed for this survey, our results suggest that Na is the primary element initiates mineral lick use in these widely separated ecosystems The widespread distribution of Na-deficient forage likely explains the importance of Na in most mineral licks  相似文献   

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