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Ninety-six wild mice trapped at 13 localities in the state of Texas were tested in the dye-exclusion cytotoxic test with a battery of 49 oligospecific H-2 antisera. The antisera detected 36 class I (K and D) and 10 class II (Ia) antigens. The phenotypic frequencies of private class I antigens ranged from 1 to 20%, the majority of them being in the range between 1 and 5%. At least some of the higher frequencies resulted from the presence of more than one antibody in the typing reagents, and from other factors complicating the typing. We estimate that the frequencies of most of the class I alleles among Texas wild mice are 1% or less. This estimate leads to the prediction that at least 200 alleles exist in Texas mice at theH-2K locus, and another 200 alleles exist at theH-2D locus. Frequencies of most of the class I public antigens were in excess of 20%. In the sample of 96 mice, 46 different phenotypic combinations of private class I antigens were found, and the frequency of blanks (mice unreactive with any of the antibodies to private class I antigens) was 27%. The frequencies of private class II antigens ranged from 5 to 15%. Some of the public class II antigens, in particular those controlled by theE region, occurred with frequencies of 80% or higher. The class II antigens were found in 26 phenotypic combinations. No striking linkage disequilibrium was found either between K and D antigens, or between class I and class II antigens. The polymorphism of theK, A, andD region appears to be higher than that of the corresponding regions of the human or rat major histocompatibility complex. The polymorphism of theE region is significantly lower than that of theA, K, andD regions. The polymorphism of theA region is extensive.  相似文献   

Six semicongenic lines carrying differentt haplotypes on the background of strain C57BL/10Sn (B10.t strains) and a (B10 ×T/t 0) F1 hybrid were tested against one another in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) and cell-mediated lymphocytotoxicity (CML) assays. In every instance, the MLR results paralleled those of the CML typing: strain combinations giving a positive result in one assay gave a positive result in the second; combinations in which no response was observed in the MLR assay also failed to kill target cells specifically in the CML assay. Furthermore, the MLR and CML results were concordant with the results of the serological typing of these strains, as reported previously by us. The combined results suggest sharing ofH-2 hyplotypes between B10.t12 and B10.t32, between B10.t6 and B10.tw1, and between B10.tw2 and (B10. ×T/t 0) F1. These data support the conclusion, reached in our previous publication, that members of the samet-complementation group, with few exceptions, shareH-2 haplotypes.  相似文献   

In this study, 14 B10.W lines were examined for genetic traits associated with the Ss protein and Slp alloantigen. Three B10.W lines were found to possess low levels of serum Slp alloantigen. Of these three Slp-positive lines, expression of the alloantigen was sex-limited in two lines (B10.LIB55 and B10.STA12) and constitutive, i.e., found in both sexes, in the remaining line (B10.KPB128). Lines which were found to be Slp-negative were also tested forIA-controlled immune response to Slp alloimmunization. The finding that one of these Slp-negative lines produced no detectable anti-Slp indicates that non-responder alleles exist in wild populations. Further, the discovery of an unexpected immune response to Slp in F1 hybrids involving lines B10.LIB55 and B10.STA12 suggests the existence of a variant form of Slp alloantigen in these lines.  相似文献   

The I-region gene products of 29 wild-derivedH-2 haplotypes on a B10 background (B10.W congenic lines) were typed with alloantisera which detect 17 inbred I-region antigens. Five new I-region antigens were defined by expanding the inbred line panel ofH-2 haplotypes to includeH-2 u , H-2v, andH-2 j . Based on serological analyses of the inbred and B10.W lines, the polymorphism of theIA gene (or genes) is estimated to be at a minimum of 15 alleles and theIE gene (or genes) at a minimum of 4 alleles. These results indicate that theIA subregion is more polymorphic than theIE subregion. By combining the I-region typing data with theH-2K andH-2D region typing data reported previously, a total of 11 new natural recombinants of inbredH-2 alleles were detected among the B10.W lines.  相似文献   

In this study, data are presented on serologic H-2 typing of 320 wild mice collected in several parts of Europe and Egypt. The sample was typed for 39 class I (K, D) and 16 class II (Ia) antigens. The phenotype frequencies of class I and class II antigens showed high variability in their distribution among different areas, ranging from absence or presence in low frequency in one area to presence in about one-half of the mice in another area. The average phenotypic frequency of class I private antigens was 6.3%; at least 60% of class I alleles (blanks) could not be identified with the available reagents. The data suggest that there might be more than 100 alleles for each class I locus, H-2K and H-2D. The average phenotypic frequencies of Ia-1 private antigens was 10.8%. About 75% of Ia-1 alleles (blanks) could not be identified. The number of Ia-1 alleles was estimated to be in the range of 20 to 50.  相似文献   

Japanese house mice (Mus musculus molossinus) are thought to be a hybrid lineage derived from two prehistoric immigrants, the subspecies M. m. musculus of northern Eurasia and M. m. castaneus of South Asia. Mice of the western European subspecies M. m. domesticus have been detected in Japanese ports and airports only. We examined haplotype structuring of a 200 kb stretch on chromosome 8 for 59 mice from throughout Eurasia, determining short segments (≈ 370–600 bp) of eight nuclear genes (Fanca, Spire2, Tcf25, Mc1r, Tubb3, Def8, Afg3l1 and Dbndd1) which are intermittently arranged in this order. Where possible we identified the subspecies origin for individual gene alleles and then designated haplotypes for concatenated alleles. We recovered 11 haplotypes among 19 Japanese mice examined, identified either as ‘intact’ haplotypes derived from the subspecies musculus (57.9%), domesticus (7.9%), and castaneus (2.6%), or as ‘recombinant’ haplotypes (31.6%). We also detected recombinant haplotypes unique to Sakhalin. The complex nature of the recombinant haplotypes suggests ancient introduction of all three subspecies components into the peripheral part of Eurasia or complicated genomic admixture before the movement from source areas. ‘Intact’domesticus and castaneus haplotypes in other Japanese wild mice imply ongoing stowaway introductions. The method has general utility for assessing the history of genetic admixture and for disclosing ongoing genetic contamination.  相似文献   

The role of telomere shortening to explain the occurrence of Robertsonian (Rb) fusions, as well as the importance of the average telomere length vs. the proportion of short telomeres, especially in nature populations, is largely unexplored. In this study, we have analysed telomere shortening in nine wild house mice from the Barcelona Rb system with diploid numbers ranging from 29 to 40 chromosomes. We also included two standard (2n = 40) laboratory mice for comparison. Our data showed that the average telomere length (considering all chromosomal arms) is influenced by both the diploid number and the origin of the mice (wild vs. laboratory). In detail, we detected that wild mice from the Rb Barcelona system (fused and standard) present shorter telomeres than standard laboratory mice. However, only wild mice with Rb fusions showed a high proportion of short telomeres (only in p‐arms), thus revealing the importance of telomere shortening in the origin of the Rb fusions in the Barcelona system. Overall, our study confirms that the number of critically short telomeres, and not a simple reduction in the average telomere length, is more likely to lead to the origin of Rb fusions in the Barcelona system and ultimately in nature.  相似文献   

Sixteen newH-2 haplotypes derived from wild mice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Wild mice captured in Texas, Scotland, Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Israel, Egypt, and Chile were mated to inbred strains and through successive backcross matings and H-2 typing lines homozygous for wild-derived H-2, haplotypes were established. The lines, which are neither congenic nor inbred, were then typed with antibodies defining known H-2 alleles at class I and class II loci. In addition, antisera were produced by the immunization of inbred strains with tissues of the new lines. Sixteen of the lines were characterized in this manner. The characterization resulted in the identification of 16 new H-2 haplotypes, 11 new K alleles, 10 new D alleles, and 21 new class I antigenic determinants, most of them of the private type. Most of the haplotypes represent natural recombinants sharing segments of the H-2 complex with previously identified haplotypes. A number of haplotypes are recombinants between the K and the A loci, which in genetic studies have proved difficult to separate. The lines, however, also provide evidence for preservation of blocks of genes in the H-2 complex, particularly in the class II region. Some of class I alleles previously found in wild mice from Michigan have now been found again in these mice. Several class II alleles of these lines appear to be the same as those found in inbred strains. Identical or nearly identical class I and class II alleles thus commonly occur in different populations. These findings strengthen the argument that in populations, H-2 alleles are relatively stable.  相似文献   

A fluorescence study human beta 2 microglobulin showed the existence of two types of Trp residues, one quite exposed to the solvent, the other buried in a hydrophobic environment. The change in excitation wavelength made obvious the existence of a Tyr to Trp energy transfer mechanism. Treatment by urea or guanidine chlorhydrate brought about quite different results. With the former denaturing agent, some Trp residues remained buried; with the latter, the protein was completely unfolded, as proved by iodide quenching. pH variations could not unfold beta 2m enough to convert all Trp residues to exposed ones. When heated, beta 2m supported a transition that began at 50 degrees (melting temperature 63 degrees) and was not reversible. All these results suggest a rather compact conformation as in a globular protein.  相似文献   

Crosses between laboratory strains of mice provide a powerful way of detecting quantitative trait loci for complex traits related to human disease. Hundreds of these loci have been detected, but only a small number of the underlying causative genes have been identified. The main difficulty is the extensive linkage disequilibrium (LD) in intercross progeny and the slow process of fine-scale mapping by traditional methods. Recently, new approaches have been introduced, such as association studies with inbred lines and multigenerational crosses. These approaches are very useful for interval reduction, but generally do not provide single-gene resolution because of strong LD extending over one to several megabases. Here, we investigate the genetic structure of a natural population of mice in Arizona to determine its suitability for fine-scale LD mapping and association studies. There are three main findings: (1) Arizona mice have a high level of genetic variation, which includes a large fraction of the sequence variation present in classical strains of laboratory mice; (2) they show clear evidence of local inbreeding but appear to lack stable population structure across the study area; and (3) LD decays with distance at a rate similar to human populations, which is considerably more rapid than in laboratory populations of mice. Strong associations in Arizona mice are limited primarily to markers less than 100 kb apart, which provides the possibility of fine-scale association mapping at the level of one or a few genes. Although other considerations, such as sample size requirements and marker discovery, are serious issues in the implementation of association studies, the genetic variation and LD results indicate that wild mice could provide a useful tool for identifying genes that cause variation in complex traits.  相似文献   

Beta- and alpha-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Insulin resistance is a common pathogenetic feature of type 2 diabetes. However, hyperglycemia would not develop if a concomitant defect in insulin secretion were not present. Impaired insulin secretion results from functional and survival defects of the beta-cell. The functional defects can be demonstrated early in the natural history of diabetes and they are hallmarked by abnormal pulsatility of basal insulin secretion and loss of first-phase insulin release in response to a glucose challenge. Moreover, a significant reduction of the beta-cell mass is apparent at the time of the diagnosis of diabetes. The progressive increase in glucose levels, that seems to characterize the natural history of type 2 diabetes, has been claimed to be largely due to progressive reduction of function and mass of beta-cells. Although a genetic predisposition is likely to account for impaired insulin secretion, chronic exposure to hyperglycemia and high circulating FFA is likely to contribute to both functional and survival defects. The disturbance in the endocrine activity of the pancreas is not limited to insulin, since a concomitant increase in fasting plasma glucagon and impaired suppression after the ingestion of an oral glucose load are often observed. This alteration becomes prominent after the ingestion of a mixed meal, when plasma glucagon remains much higher in the diabetic patient as compared to normal individuals. The disproportionate changes in the plasma concentration of the two pancreatic hormones is clearly evident when the insulin:glucagon molar ratio is considered. It is the latter that mainly affects hepatic glucose production. Because of the reduction of the insulin:glucagon molar ratio basal endogenous glucose concentration will be higher causing fasting hyperglycemia, while the hepatic glucose output will not be efficiently suppressed after the ingestion of a meal, contributing to excessive post-prandial glucose rise. Correcting beta- and alpha-cell dysfunction becomes, therefore, an attractive and rational therapeutic approach, particularly in the light of new treatments that may directly act on these pathogenetic mechanisms of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Serum beta 2 microglobulin levels, measured by radioimmunoassay (Phadebas test), were found increased in acute myeloid leukemias at diagnosis. Serum beta 2 microglobulin levels were significantly higher in patients with monocytic leukemias (13 patients, M4-M5 FAB classification) than in those with other cytological types (18 patients). Beta 2 microglobulin levels at diagnosis were correlated with serum lysozyme levels, but they were not correlated with blood blast counts, serum LDH and ferritin levels. 195 serum beta 2 microglobulin measurements were made serially in 30 patients with acute myeloid leukemias in first remission. Compared to values at diagnosis, beta 2 microglobulin levels in remission were significantly decreased. Out of 30 patients in remission 12 had increased serum beta 2 microglobulin levels (greater than 3 mg/l). Serial measurements were not predictive for relapses.  相似文献   

Proteins hosting main β-sheets adopt specific strategies to avoid intermolecular interactions leading to aggregation and amyloid deposition. Human beta-2 microglobulin (β2m) displays a typical immunoglobulin fold and is known to be amyloidogenic in vivo. Upon severe kidney deficiency, β2m accumulates in the bloodstream, triggering, over the years, pathological deposition of large amyloid aggregates in joints and bones. A β-bulge observed on the edge D β-strand of some β2m crystal structures has been suggested to be crucial in protecting the protein from amyloid aggregation. Conversely, a straight D-strand, observed in different crystal structures of monomeric β2m, could promote amyloid aggregation. More recently, the different conformations observed for the β2m D-strand have been interpreted as the result of intrinsic flexibility, rather than being assigned to a functional protective role against aggregation. To shed light on such contrasting picture, the mutation Asp53→Pro was engineered in β2m, aiming to impair the formation of a regular/straight D-strand. Such a mutant was characterized structurally and biophysically by CD, X-ray crystallography and MS, in addition to an assessment of its amyloid aggregation trends in vitro. The results reported in the present study highlight the conformational plasticity of the edge D-strand, and show that even perturbing the D-strand structure through a Pro residue has only marginal effects on protecting β2m from amyloid aggregation in vitro.  相似文献   

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