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蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠共生关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蚁运植物(myrmecochore)即指种子靠蚂蚁携带散布的植物。在长期的协同进化中,蚂蚁与蚁运植物形成了互惠共生关系。由于蚁运植物种子上附生有蚂蚁喜食的油质体,蚂蚁取食油质体后,将种子丢弃在蚁巢附近,从而使植物得以扩散。蚁运植物广布全世界,但主要分布在澳大利亚和南非。蚂蚁主要搬运草本植物和部分灌木植物的种子。对蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生关系的研究表明:蚂蚁的搬运有利于保护和传播植物种子;蚁巢有利于种子萌发,出苗和建群;蚂蚁的搬运是影响某些温带森林群落结构的重要因素之一;蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生对自然群落的恢复有重要作用。  相似文献   

祝艳  王东 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4938-4942
蚂蚁是无脊椎动物中重要的种子传播者,蚂蚁散布影响植物种子的传播和扩散,进而会影响种苗的空间分布格局。在野外研究了蚂蚁觅食及搬运行为对阜平黄堇(Corydalis wilfordii Regel)和小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)种子散布的影响。结果显示,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁是两种植物种子的共同搬运者,前者行使群体募集,后者行使简单协作募集。在搬运阜平黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁在原地或搬运途中取食油质体后抛弃的种子约占种子总数的56%,而拖至蚁巢的种子约占种子总数的44%,平均搬运距离为(1.85±0.24)m,搬运效率为(43.8±7.5)粒/h;而束胸平结蚁将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离为0.45 m,搬运效率为(7.3±2.2)粒/h。在搬运小花黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁均将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离分别为(6.27±4.40)m和(6.65±1.64)m,搬运效率分别为(34.2±6.5)粒/h和(10.6±3.2)粒/h。这说明行使群体募集的蚂蚁比行使简单协作募集的蚂蚁有较高的搬运效率,蚂蚁散布导致阜平黄堇和小花黄堇种子到达蚁巢的数量和搬运距离不同,而这种不同与相应搬运蚂蚁的觅食对策、搬运行为和种子特征有关。阜平黄堇种子比小花黄堇种子大,但阜平黄堇的油质体质量比小于小花黄堇的油质体质量比,讨论了种子特征对蚂蚁散布的影响。  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous plant seeds have nutrient rich appendages, elaiosomes, which induce some ant species to carry the seeds back to their nest where the elaiosome is consumed and the seed is discarded unharmed. The benefits to plants of dispersal of their seeds in this way have been well documented, but the benefits to the ants from consuming the elaiosomes have rarely been measured and are less clear. Ant benefits from myrmecochory were investigated in a laboratory experiment using the ant Myrmica ruginodis and seeds of Ulex species. To separate the effects of elaiosome consumption on the development of newly produced larvae versus existing larvae, ten ‘Queenright’ colonies containing a queen were compared to ten ‘Queenless’ colonies. Six measures of colony fitness over a complete annual cycle were taken: sexual production, larval weight and number, pupal weight and number, and worker survival. Queenless colonies fed with elaiosomes produced 100.0±29.3 (mean ± SE) of larvae compared to non-elaiosome fed colonies which produced 49.6±19.0; an increase of 102%. Larval weight increased in both Queenright and Queenless colonies. In colonies fed with elaiosomes, larvae weighed 1.02±0.1 mg, but in non-elaiosome fed colonies larvae weighed 0.69±0.1 mg; an increase of 48%. The food supplement provided by Ulex elaiosomes was trivial in energetic terms, under the conditions of an ample diet, suggesting that these effects might be due to the presence of essential nutrients. Chemical analysis of Ulex elaiosomes showed the presence of four essential fatty acids and four essential sterols for ants.  相似文献   

Broad-scale reciprocity in an avian seed dispersal mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Coevolved relationships between individual species of birds and plants rarely occur in seed dispersal mutualisms. This study evaluates whether reciprocal relationships may occur between assemblages of bird and plant species. Location Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (48°50′‐N, 125°22′‐W). Methods The distribution and fruiting phenologies of seven shrub species were compared to seasonal changes in habitat selection and seed dispersal by six fruit‐eating bird species. Results Shrub species inhabiting forest understorey habitat had earlier fruiting phenologies than shrub species inhabiting forest edge habitat along lake and bog margins. Birds showed a parallel pattern in habitat selection, being more abundant in the forest understorey early in the fruiting season, and more abundant in the forest edge later in the season. Rates of seed deposition covaried with avian habitat selection, in such a way that birds directed seed dispersal into habitats preferred by shrubs. Conclusions These results depict a broad‐scale pattern in the abundance of birds and fruits indicative of reciprocal interactions. Seasonal changes in seed dispersal to each habitat appear to reinforce the relationship between shrub habitat affinities and fruiting phenologies. Phenological differences between habitats may also reinforce seasonal changes in avian habitat selection. Therefore, although reciprocal interactions between pairs of bird and plant species are rare, broad‐scale reciprocal relationships may occur between assemblages of bird and plant species.  相似文献   

A seed predator drives the evolution of a seed dispersal mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although antagonists are hypothesized to impede the evolution of mutualisms, they may simultaneously exert selection favouring the evolution of alternative mutualistic interactions. We found that increases in limber pine (Pinus flexilis) seed defences arising from selection exerted by a pre-dispersal seed predator (red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) reduced the efficacy of limber pine's primary seed disperser (Clark's nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana) while enhancing seed dispersal by ground-foraging scatter-hoarding rodents (Peromyscus). Thus, there is a shift from relying on primary seed dispersal by birds in areas without red squirrels, to an increasing reliance on secondary seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents in areas with red squirrels. Seed predators can therefore drive the evolution of seed defences, which in turn favour alternative seed dispersal mutualisms that lead to major changes in the mode of seed dispersal. Given that adaptive evolution in response to antagonists frequently impedes one kind of mutualistic interaction, the evolution of alternative mutualistic interactions may be a common by-product.  相似文献   

Rowles AD  O'Dowd DJ 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):709-716
The indirect effects of biological invasions on native communities are poorly understood. Disruption of native ant communities following invasion by the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is widely reported to lead indirectly to the near complete collapse of seed dispersal services. In coastal scrub in southeastern Australia, we examined seed dispersal and handling of two native and two invasive alien plant species at Argentine ant-invaded or -uninvaded sites. The Argentine ant virtually eliminates the native keystone disperser Rhytidoponera victoriae, but seed dispersal did not collapse following invasion. Indeed, Argentine ants directly accounted for 92% of all ant-seed interactions and sustained overall seed dispersal rates. Nevertheless, dispersal quantity and quality among seed species differed between Argentine ant-invaded and -uninvaded sites. Argentine ants removed significantly fewer native Acacia retinodes seeds, but significantly more small seeds of invasive Polygala myrtifolia than did native ants at uninvaded sites. They also handled significantly more large seeds of A. sophorae, but rarely moved them >5 cm, instead recruiting en masse, consuming elaiosomes piecemeal and burying seeds in situ. In contrast, Argentine ants transported and interred P. myrtifolia seeds in their shallow nests. Experiments with artificial diaspores that varied in diaspore and elaiosome masses, but kept seed morphology and elaiosome quality constant, showed that removal by L. humile depended on the interaction of seed size and percentage elaiosome reward. Small diaspores were frequently taken, independent of high or low elaiosome reward, but large artificial diaspores with high reward instead elicited mass recruitment by Argentine ants and were rarely moved. Thus, Argentine ants appear to favour some diaspore types and reject others based largely on diaspore size and percentage reward. Such variability in response indirectly reduces native seed dispersal and can directly facilitate the spread of an invasive alien shrub.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of eight Ficus benjamina clones was initiated from shoot tips four times from January to June 1988. Shoot formation and growth in vitro were followed during eight subsequent subcultures, whereafter the developed shoot clusters were rooted in vitro. Significant differences among clones in proliferation rate and time to emergenece of first root in vitro were observed. A superior clone Cleo, previously selected for fast growth as a potted plant, also proved to have the highest proliferation rate and the shortest time until emergence of first root in vitro. The proliferation rate was nearly stabilized after five subcultures. A negative correlation between proliferation rate and time to emergence of first root in vitro was found.Abbreviations C clone - S subculture - SP(C) stock plant within clone - T time of initiation  相似文献   

Large fish are often the most effective seed dispersers, but they are also the preferred target for fisheries. We recently started to comprehend the detrimental impacts of the extirpation of large frugivorous fish species on natural forest regeneration, but we lack a general understanding of how intraspecific size‐selective harvest affects fish–fruit mutualism. Our literature review demonstrated that large individuals within populations positively affect diverse aspects of seed dispersal, from consuming a higher diversity of seeds to enhancing germination. Furthermore, we filled a research gap by studying how individual size variations within two small frugivorous fish species (<16 cm) affect seed dispersal in flooded savannas. Even within small‐bodied species, large individuals swallow a higher number of intact seeds, but not necessarily a higher proportion. Overall, our results demonstrate the disproportional role of large‐bodied individuals as key seed dispersers in flooded habitats. Consequently, fishing‐down within both large‐ and small‐bodied species can negatively affect seed dispersal and natural regeneration in overfished wetlands.  相似文献   

Summary The female flowers of Croton bonplandianum bear nectar glands which become active during fruit maturation and attain peak activity just prior to the splitting of fruits. This temporal specificity of nectar gland activity is shown to facilitate seed dispersal by ants, which are attracted to the plant only during the fruit maturation period. The nectar glands establish a nectar influence zone with a radius of 60 cm around the plant within which seed dispersal by ants is effective. Seed dispersal by ants is facilitated only if the seeds are placed within this nectar influence zone. This is accomplished by an intriguing evolutionary shift in the maturation pattern of the fruits. Unlike the usual acropetal development, fruit maturation in Croton is temporally asymmetrical, with the fruits nearer the parental axis maturing early. This unique pattern of fruit development together with the polychasial branching system leads to a concentration of seeds within the nectar influence zone and enhances seed dispersal by ants. The proximate factors responsible for this asynchronous fruit maturity were investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The interaction between Ficus (Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae; more than 700 species-specific couples) is one of the most specialized mutualisms found in nature. Both partners of this interaction show extensive variation in their respective biology. Here we investigate Ficus life-history trait evolution and fig/fig wasp coadaptation in the context of a well-resolved molecular phylogeny. Mapping out variations in Ficus life-history traits on an independently derived phylogeny constructed from ribosomal DNA sequences (external and internal transcribed spacer) reveals several parallel transitions in Ficus growth habit and breeding system. Convergent trait evolution might explain the discrepancies between morphological analyses and our molecular reconstruction of the genus. Morphological characters probably correlate with growth habit and breeding system and could therefore be subject to convergent evolution. Furthermore, we reconstruct the evolution of Ficus inflorescence characters that are considered adaptations to the pollinators. Our phylogeny reveals convergences in ostiole shape, stigma morphology, and stamen:ovule ratio. Statistical tests taking into account the phylogenetic relationship of the species show that transitions in ostiole shape are correlated with variation in wasp pollinator head shape, and evolutionary changes in stigma morphology and stamen:ovule ratio correlate with changes in the pollination behavior of the associated wasp. These correlations provide evidence for reciprocal adaptations of morphological characters between these mutualistic partners that have interacted over a long evolutionary time. In light of previous ecological studies on mutualism, we discuss the adaptive significance of these correlations and what they can tell us about the coevolutionary process occurring between figs and their pollinators.  相似文献   

The interaction between granivorous scatterhoarding mammals and plants is a conditional mutualism: scatterhoarders consume seeds (acting as predators), but the movement of seed by scatterhoarders may contribute to dispersal (acting as mutualists). Understanding the ecological factors that shape this relationship is highly relevant in anthropogenically disturbed tropical forests where large‐bodied frugivores are extirpated. In such forests, large‐seeded trees that once depended on these frugivores for dispersal may now only have scatterhoarders as prospective dispersers. We studied Carapa oreophila (Meliaceae) in an Afromontane forest, to test the hypotheses that the proportion of seeds immediately consumed or hoarded (dispersed) would vary over a disturbance gradient. Temporal replication also afforded exploration of how habitat effects might vary with food availability. Using a Bayesian framework, we demonstrate that seeds were more likely to be hoarded in less disturbed forest, irrespective of temporal variation in food abundance. In contrast, forest disturbance only appeared to increase seed predation in temporal replicates that coincided with sustained food availability. These results highlight the potential variability in the dynamics between plants and scatterhoarders over fine temporal scales, elucidating possible ecological scenarios where scatterhoarders might act as mutualists (contributing positively to plant recruitment). Our study also fills important knowledge gaps about the importance of scatterhoarders as dispersers in tropical forests depleted of large‐bodied frugivores, particularly in Africa where scatterhoarding mutualisms have not been extensively studied.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(2):364-371.e3
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