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This study aims to understand the level of contraceptive knowledge and attitudes towards contraception, and then to explore the association between the contraceptive behavior and unintended pregnancy in unmarried female university students in China. A cross-sectional study was conducted of university students in 49 universities across 7 cities in China from September 2007 to January 2008. We distributed 74,800 questionnaires, of which 69,842 were returned. In this paper, the data from 35,383 unmarried female university students were analyzed. The prevalence of sexual intercourse in unmarried female university students was 10.2%. The prevalence of unintended pregnancy in those sexually active female university students, was 31.8%. Among students with pregnancy, 53.5% experienced two or more pregnancies. 28.3% of the students with sexual intercourse reported that they always adopted contraceptive methods, and of those 82.9% chose to use male condoms. The majority (83.9%) of students with unintended pregnancy chose to terminate the latest pregnancy by surgical abortion or medical abortion. The contraceptive knowledge level of students who experienced unintended pregnancy was lower than those who did not. In China, about one third of unmarried female students with sexual intercourse experience unintended pregnancy. A variety of contraceptive methods are adopted, but the frequency of contraceptive use is low. Most of unmarried female students who experienced unintended pregnancy would choose to terminate the pregnancy with surgical or medical abortion. University students, especially the ones who have experienced unintended pregnancy, lack contraceptive and reproductive health knowledge.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years are both the most at risk of HIV and the greatest hope for turning the tide against HIV/AIDS. Although various surveys have been done on sexual behaviour of youth in Ethiopia, studies assessing the effect of emergency oral contraceptives on condom utilization of university students are lacking. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two major universities of Ethiopia from January to May 2011 using structured self administered questionnaire with the aim to assess the effect of introducing oral emergency contraceptive pills on condom utilization and sexual risk taking behaviours among female university students. Study participants were selected by simple random sampling using the list from the associate registrars of each University. Data were entered, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 17.0. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine factors associated with condom utilization. RESULTS: a total of 623 students out of 660 were included giving response rate of 94.4%. A total of 103(16.5%) had history of sexual intercourse and nearly half (45.6%) of them had sex before the age of 20 years. Forty (6.4%) students had history of sexually transmitted infections (STI). Sixty seven percent of students had heard about emergency oral contraceptives. One hundred and ninety one (45.7%) of students believe that EOC is effective in preventing pregnancy. Believing that EOC is effective in preventing pregnancy (adjusted Odds ratio, AOR = 0.22 95% CI 0.06, 0.87), condom prevents STI (AOR = 10.37, 95%CI 1.73, 62.24) and younger age below 20 years (AOR = 11.68 95% CI 1.25, 109.19) were statistically significantly associated with condom use. CONCLUSION: a significant number of students had history of sexual intercourse and used emergency contraception. The belief in the effectiveness of EOC negatively affects condom use. The preference for the pill may make teenagers less prepared to practice STI protective behaviours in specific situations. Therefore, there is an urgent need to educate young people in universities about reproductive health and family planning and skills on how to prevent HIV/STIs including unwanted pregnancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the level of knowledge of emergency contraception among 14 and 15 year olds. DESIGN--Confidential questionnaire survey. SETTING--10 secondary schools in Lothian, south east Scotland. SUBJECTS--1206 pupils predominantly (98.7%) aged 14 and 15 in the fourth year of secondary school. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Knowledge of the existence of emergency contraception; of its safety, efficacy, and time limits; and of where to obtain it. RESULTS--1121 (93.0%) fourth year pupils aged 14-16 had heard of emergency contraception. 194 girls (32.7%) and 168 boys (27.5%) had experienced sexual intercourse. Of girls who had experienced sexual intercourse, 61 (31.4%) had used emergency contraception. Knowledge of correct time limits was poor, sexually active girls being the most knowledgeable. Pupils attending schools ranked lower than the national average for academic attainment were less likely to have heard of emergency contraception and more likely to have been sexually active. 861 (76.8%) pupils knew they could obtain emergency contraception from their doctor. 925 (82.5%) pupils believed emergency contraception to be effective but 398 (35.5%) thought it more dangerous than the oral contraceptive pill. CONCLUSIONS--One third of sexually active girls aged under 16 in Lothian have used emergency contraception. This may help explain the fairly constant teenage pregnancy rates despite increasing sexual activity. Scottish teenagers are well informed about the existence of emergency contraception. However, many do not know when and how to access it properly. Health education initiatives should target teenagers from less academic schools as they are more likely to be sexually active at a young age and are less well informed about emergency contraception.  相似文献   

A total of 978 Japanese students, who visited the health services center of a college in Japan for medical check-ups, were asked to anonymously complete a 55-item questionnaire which assessed their attitudes toward sex and sexual behavior. Seven hundred eighty-five Japanese students (80.3%) responded to the questionnaire. In this survey, 90% of male students and 83% of female students indicated that they expected to have sexual intercourse before marriage, while 8% of male students and 3% of female students indicated that it was not wrong to have extramarital sexual intercourse after marriage. In addition, 75% of sexually experienced students reported that they used a condom during their first sexual intercourse, while 73% reported using a condom during their most recent sexual intercourse. The more sexual partners students had had up to the time of the study, the less condom use they reported for both their first and most recent sexual intercourse. The proportion of Japanese students who used a condom is high in comparison to that of students in other countries. However, as students are prone to have sexual intercourse with non-steady, casual partners, more efforts are needed to promote safe sex practices among college students in Japan.  相似文献   

In 1987, a questionnaire was sent to 584 undergraduate students at Oxford University requesting information about their sexual behavior and contraceptive practices as well as the impact of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) on both these factors. Of the 374 responders, 65% of the women and 62% of the men had experienced sexual intercourse; 1st intercourse had occurred at ages 16-20 years for 89% of the experienced women and 83% of the men. For 36% of women and 37% of men intercourse had been with 1 partner only, for 28% of women and 27% of men with 2-3 partners, and for 36% of both men and women with more than 3 partners. 27% of the women reported no contraceptive was used at the time of 1st intercourse. During the 4 weeks preceding completion of the questionnaire, 15% of sexually active female undergraduates reported not using adequate contraception. Users during this period selected the pill (64%), condom (19%), IUD or diaphragm (9%), or withdrawal/rhythm (8%). General knowledge about AIDS was highly accurate among these students. Most students considered themselves to be at lower risk of contracting AIDS than others of their age and sex. Of the 78% of students describing themselves as at lower than average risk, 14% had had intercourse with more than 3 partners, while 50% of the 20% of students who ranked themselves as at average risk had this number of partners. Only 2% placed themselves as at above average risk, and 65% of these students had had more than 3 sexual partners. Of students who were sexually active, 35% of the females and 44% of the males indicated they are now more likely to use a condom because of fear of AIDS. 49% of the females and 30% of the males indicated they had, or would have, fewer sexual partners because of the AIDS risk. However, there was no association between increased likelihood of condom use and the total number of sexual partners and having had intercourse with someone in a high-risk group for AIDS (prostitutes). Overall, however, these findings suggest that the AIDS threat is producing reductions in high-risk behaviors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the level of knowledge about sexuality, attitudes and sexual behaviour of female adolescents. The study included 194 female students, 117 from Medical High School (MHS) and 77 from General High School (GHS) in Zagreb. Data was collected using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. In addition to items on personal data (age, parental education etc.), the participants were asked to define terms about sexuality (e.g. menstruation, puberty) the definitions of which are found in biology textbooks for the fifth and eighth grade of primary school. The aim of the third part of the survey was to collect information about attitudes and behaviour of female adolescents. The results showed a low level of knowledge in students of both schools. General High School students showed a higher level of knowledge than their Medical High School peers. One fifth of General High School students and 1/3 of Medical High School students were unable to define the term "menstruation". The majority of adolescents talk about sexuality with their friends, 92.1% of General High School and 81.2% of Medical High School students. Almost 50% of students of both schools would like to talk about sexuality with their school doctor. 6.9% of Medical High School students had at least one sexual intercourse while none of the General High School students had been sexually active at the time of the survey. As the majority of students were not sexually active and results showed a rather low level of knowledge, this seems to be the ideal period for the implementation of educational programs aimed at increasing the level of knowledge, and thus preventing unwanted consequences (STD, pregnancy, abortion, infertility).  相似文献   

Coercion may play an important role in compelling young women to engage in sexual intercourse at an early age. With a decline in age at first intercourse and increased reporting of coercive first sex, concerns of adverse reproductive health outcomes such as unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, have become important issues, particularly in the context of a high HIV prevalence. This paper uses data collected in 2001 from the second round of a longitudinal study of 1130 sexually experienced young women in KwaZulu-Natal to investigate the relationship between coerced first intercourse and selected reproductive health outcomes and behaviours. Nearly 46% of all sexually experienced young women had reported that their first sexual encounter had been coerced. Young women who reported being coerced at first sex were significantly more likely to be Black and living in an urban area. Those who had been coerced at first sex were also more likely to report having had an STI and having experienced unintended pregnancy, than those who had not been coerced at first sex. Coercion at first sex is an important social and public health problem that has a serious impact on the reproductive health and behaviours of young women. Interventions should directly address the issue of sexual coercion by ensuring young women are aware of their reproductive rights.  相似文献   

The paper discusses factors associated with sexual risk behaviour, i.e. failure to use condoms consistently during sexual intercourse, among unmarried sexually experienced youths in South Africa. Data from the 'Transitions to Adulthood in the Context of AIDS in South Africa' surveys of 1999 and 2001 were analysed to identify factors associated with high sexual risk behaviour among the youth. The multinomial regression models for male and female youths were fitted separately for the 1999 and 2001 data sets. The results show increasingly consistent use of condoms during sexual intercourse and that high sexual risk behaviour among youths is predominantly determined by social factors such as 'ever-pregnant' or 'ever made pregnant', 'ever given something for sex', age of sexual partner, currently in school, pressured by friends to have sex, peer influence on safe sex and education level for males. There is evidence that availability of contraception information is important in strategic interventions that seek to change the sexual behaviour of the youth in South Africa.  相似文献   

The validity of the fear that providing teen-age girls with family planning information and services will lead to promiscuity is examined. Changes in self-perception of the levels of sexual activity of unmarried, sexually active teen-age girls and changes in the frequency of sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners following attendance at a family planning clinic were evaluated among 71 teen-age girls. All 71 girls, aged between 13 and 18, had had sexual intercourse and were never married. 79% of the girls had had their 1st intercourse 1 or more years before their 1st attendance at a "rap" session. Only 21% had had 1st intercourse less than 1 year before attending. 61 of these girls later received contraceptive services at the clinic (clinic group) and their behavior was compared at follow-up with that of the 10 girls who did not attend the clinic again (non-clinic group). The mean frequency of sexual intercourse of the clinic group increased after receiving contraceptive services but did not differ significantly from the figure for the non-clinic group. 89% of the clinic group, after receipt of contraceptive services, restricted their sexual activity to 1 partner. This study calls into question the basis of some fears regarding the provision of family planning services to sexually active teen-age girls.  相似文献   

Out of 100 teenage girls attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic for the first time, 77 were found to be using a reliable method of contraception and had similar characteristics to teenage girls attending a family planning clinic. The 23 girls not using any reliable contraception exhibited a different pattern of sexual behaviour and were at high risk of unplanned pregnancy. Subsequently, another group of 23 girls not using contraception when seen at the sexually transmitted disease clinic were actively encouraged to attend a family planning clinic. Their risk of unplanned pregnancy was much reduced, although their pattern of sexual activity was unchanged. Ready availability of contraceptive advice for unprotected teenagers in sexually transmitted disease clinics would reduce their high risk of unplanned pregnancy.  相似文献   

A fertility survey of unmarried adolescents and young adults (953 males and 829 females) in Greater Accra and Eastern regions of Ghana revealed that a substantial proportion of the respondents were sexually experienced. Overall, 66.8% of the males and 78.4% of the females were sexually experienced. The mean ages (+/- SD) of the males and females were 15.5 +/- 2.5 and 16.2 +/- 2.0 years, respectively. Most respondents claimed to have received adequate information on reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including AIDS. However, 20% and 30% of the respondents in peri-urban and rural areas, respectively, did not know that a girl could get pregnant the first time she has sexual intercourse. The incidence of pregnancy among the unmarried female respondents was relatively high (37%), and was higher in urban than in rural areas. Approximately 47% of those who had ever been pregnant reported that they had had an abortion. Levels of contraceptive awareness were high (98.2% among males and 95.5% among females) but many still engaged in unprotected sexual relations. The most commonly used methods were the condom and the pill. The main reasons given for non-use were that they did not think about contraception, were concerned about the safety of contraceptives, and partner objection. These findings point to the need for targeting of unmarried adolescents and young adults with information on reproductive health and family planning to increase their awareness of the risks of pregnancy, STDs and HIV infection.  相似文献   

Sexually active adolescents face serious health risks associated with unprotected sexual intercourse, such as HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as unwanted pregnancy. To assess protective behavior among urban adolescents in Croatia we surveyed over 4000 high-school students, 15-19 years of age, in two waves: 2070 in 1997 and 1972 in 2001. The survey was carried out in various types of secondary schools in the capital city. The analyses suggest statistically significant increase in HIVIAIDS related knowledge in the observed period. A slight but significant increase was also observed in the acceptance of condom use. Both changes were more substantial among female students. In regards to protective behavior, we found significant increase in condom use, as well as in its consistency. Still, a large proportion of students did not use condom at last sexual intercourse (40% in 2001). In addition to generational effect, number of sexual partners, sexual victimization and mother's education (only in the case of young women) were identified as correlates of condom use consistency. While mother's education had positive effect, having 4 or more partners and having survived sexual violence decreased the likelihood of consistent condom use. In conclusion, the authors discuss the relevance of systematic school-based prevention of sexual risk taking among Croatian adolescents.  相似文献   

For an unprepared sexually active teenager the 1990s present a minefield of potential problems in addition to the most obvious problems of unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Promoting the importance of a healthy sexual and reproductive life to young people requires openness, better sex education, realistic discussion of related issues, and provision of contraception, as well as support if things go wrong. The Woodhouse Park Clinic in south Manchester opened in October 1988 with the aim of providing weekly advice sessions to young people up to the age of 18. Advice is given on topics such as substance misuse and smoking as well as on family planning. Attendance has steadily increased over the years; from April to June 1993 the average number of attenders per session was 39, one third of whom were young men.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge, practices, and attitudes among female university students in South Africa regarding emergency contraceptives (EC).


A cross-sectional study was conducted among 582 female university students who were selected using multi-stage sampling techniques. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to find significant predictors for EC awareness.


The average age of the female students was 20.9 years (SD = 3.0) and 57.2% were presently sexually active. Overall, 49.8% of the participants reported having heard about EC prior to the study. Regarding sexual activities among the female students, 53.2% reported to have sex, and 21.2% of the sexually experienced students used EC prior to the study. Regarding the effectiveness of EC, 29.5% students said it could be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, and 8% said it could be used just before sex. About two-thirds (61.8%) would recommend the use of EC and 63.2% would use it if they needed. The multivariate analysis indicated that students who were older (>20 years), presently sexually active, and living with their parents were more likely to be aware of EC (p<0.05).


The students’ knowledge and utilization of EC were low. Health education and promotion should be targeted towards these students, and the EC services should be offered on campus.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the reproductive health knowledge of Nigerian in-school adolescents, with special reference to pregnancy occurrence at first coitus. The data were derived from an Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) survey carried out in four secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria, between August and October 1995. A total of 828 students were interviewed. The results revealed that the majority of sexually active adolescents were not aware of the consequences of their actions. Religious affiliation and number of wives in a male adolescent's family, and religion and marital status of a female adolescent's parents, were found to influence adolescents' knowledge of pregnancy probability at first coitus. This paper confirms earlier findings that the majority of Nigerian adolescents do not know the consequences of sex. Therefore, a clear-cut plan of action is needed to inform sexually active adolescents through an effective sex education programme.  相似文献   



This study was a qualitative investigation into sexual attitudes and behaviours, and contraceptive use among Malaysian youth, based on constructs from the health belief model, theory of reasoned action, and problem behaviour theory.


A total of 34 focus group discussions with 185 participants were conducted among the Malay (35%), Chinese (34%), and Indian (31%) young females between November, 2010 and April, 2011. The participants were secondary school students and university undergraduates from Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.


The study found a lack of knowledge about sexual issues and contraception among the participants. Many engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse and relied on periodic abstinence, natural methods, and traditional folk pregnancy preventive practices. The findings also revealed numerous categories of factors influencing sexual attitudes and behaviours: ethnic group and religion, level of religiosity, peer pressure and norms, and parental monitoring. With regard to condom use, factors such as embarrassment about condom acquisition, low perceived susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and perceived efficacy of traditional and folk methods of contraception, were uncovered from the discussions.


This study underscores the importance of development of culturally specific interventions that address the identified promoting factors of premarital sex. Behavioral interventions to promote condom use should increase awareness about condom effectiveness against not only unwanted pregnancies but also STIs.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to explore people's knowledge, attitude, behaviour and practice towards HIV/AIDS and sexual activity in rural Kenya, where HIV is widespread. The study community was located in south-eastern Kenya, 50 km north of Mombassa, and had an estimated population of 1500. Subjects aged between 16 and 49 were recruited using a stratified cluster-sampling method and they completed self-administered questionnaires.Almost all respondents knew the word 'IV' Around 50% knew of a person living with HIV. About 80% gave 'death' or 'fear' as words representing their image of AIDS. With regard to sexual activity, the distribution of answers to the question 'how many partners have you ever had in your life' was bimodal in males but had only one peak in females, indicating that some men have a large number of sexual partners in their lifetime. First sexual intercourse was at around 12-13 years for both sexes, but female teenagers were more sexually experienced than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Ever since World War II, there has been a noticeable change in the sexual behavior and responses in men and women. Women, in general, are becoming sexually more assertive and demanding and men more indifferent and lethargic. In patients of middle age, sexual boredom is particularly pronounced in men, whereas the post-menopausal female becomes more interested in sexual pleasure.In the youth of the “cool” generation, both boys and girls are quite open about sex, but their sexual activities precede emotional involvement. The similarities in dress and behavior of both sexes indicate a wish for a twin rather than a search for a lover. In the age group between 25 and 45, women demand equal orgasms since they have become economically independent and are relatively free of the fear of pregnancy. This seems to have mobilized a deep-seated unconscious fear and hatred of women in the male, making him sexually apathetic. In both sexes there is a growing alienation between romantic love and sex.  相似文献   

Evaluating the genetic architecture of sexual dimorphism can aid our understanding of the extent to which shared genetic control of trait variation versus sex‐specific control impacts the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic change within each sex. We performed a QTL analysis on Silene latifolia to evaluate the contribution of sex‐specific QTL to phenotypic variation in 46 traits, whether traits involved in trade‐offs had colocalized QTL, and whether the distribution of sex‐specific loci can explain differences between the sexes in their variance/covariance matrices. We used a backcross generation derived from two artificial‐selection lines. We found that sex‐specific QTL explained a significantly greater percent of the variation in sexually dimorphic traits than loci expressed in both sexes. Genetically correlated traits often had colocalized QTL, whose signs were in the expected direction. Lastly, traits with different genetic correlations within the sexes displayed a disproportionately high number of sex‐specific QTL, and more QTL co‐occurred in males than females, suggesting greater trait integration. These results show that sex differences in QTL patterns are congruent with theory on the resolution of sexual conflict and differences based on G ‐matrix results. They also suggest that trade‐offs and trait integration are likely to affect males more than females.  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine if complete separation between sexes is a pre-requisite to stimulate sexual activity of anovulatory female goats by male exposure in mid-anestrus when reproductive activity is greatly inhibited. The response to the male was studied in anovulatory goats which had either been in contact with bucks before the stimulation (n = 22; CONT), or totally isolated from bucks (n = 22; ISOL). At the time of male exposure, the bucks from the CONT groups were removed and females of both groups (CONT and ISOL) were divided into two subgroups (n = 11) exposed to novel bucks (n = 1 per subgroup), either in sexual rest (sexually inactive; SI) or in which sexual activity had been induced by a photoperiodic treatment (sexually active; SA). The sexual behavior of the SA bucks during the first 5 days of stimulation was greater than that of SI bucks (P < 0.01). Regardless of whether females had been (82%) or not (91%) exposed to bucks before teasing, most goats stimulated by SA males displayed estrous behavior and ovulation in the first 15 days following stimulation, whereas no female from the two subgroups exposed to SI bucks showed estrous behavior and only one of them ovulated (P < 0.02). These results indicate that previous isolation of seasonally anovulatory goats from bucks is not required to stimulate their reproductive activity by the male effect, if sexually active bucks are used.  相似文献   

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