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A cyclic hexapeptide, cyclo(Pro-Sar-Sar)2, which consists of N-substituted amino acids only was synthesized, and its solution conformation was investigated by n.m.r. spectroscopy. Seven different C2-symmetric conformations were detected, which were distinguishable from each other on the n.m.r. time scale. This is due to the cis/trans isomerization of N-substituted peptide bonds. Allowed C2-symmetric conformations were computed on the basis of a hard-sphere model. Some conformations detected in n.m.r. spectra were not allowed in the calculation. This disagreement suggests that some asymmetric conformations with regard to the single bond rotation are averaged out due to a rapid rotation on the n.m.r. time scale. These points indicate that the molecule of cyclo (Pro-Sar-Sar)2 is very flexible  相似文献   

Two new complexes, {[MnAu2(CN)4(NITpPy)2(H2O)2]}n (1) and {[Co(N(CN)2)2(NITpPy)2(H2O)2]}n (2), have been synthesized and characterized. The single-crystal X-ray analysis for the complexes 1 and 2 demonstrates that each M(II) (M = Mn or Co) ion assumes a distorted octahedral MN4O2 coordination polyhedron. Four nitrogen atoms come from the cyanide groups and the pyridyl rings in a common plane, and two oxygen atoms come from the H2O molecules in trans-positions. The structures of complexes 1 and 2 illustrate that aurophilicity and/or hydrogen bonding interactions play important roles in increasing dimensionality. Magnetic investigations on complexes 1 and 2 show the presence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions.  相似文献   

Reaction of tetrathiafulvalene carboxylic acid (TTFCO2H) with paddlewheel dirhodium complex Rh2(ButCO2)4 yielded TTFCO2-bridged complexes Rh2(ButCO2)3(TTFCO2) (1) and cis- and trans-Rh2(ButCO2)2(TTFCO2)2 (cis- and trans-2). Their triethylamine adducts [1(NEt3)2] and cis-[2(NEt3)2] were purified and isolated with chromatographic separation, and characterized with single crystal X-ray analysis. Trans-[2(NEt3)2] is not completely separated from a mixture of cis- and trans-[2(NEt3)2], but its single crystals were obtained from a solution of the mixture. A three-step quasi-reversible oxidation process was observed for 1 in MeCN. The first two steps correspond to the oxidation of the TTFCO2 moiety and the last one is the oxidation of the Rh2 core. The oxidation of cis-2 is observed as a two-step process with very similar E1/2 values to those of the first two processes for 1. Both 1+ and cis-22+ in MeCN at room temperature show isotropic ESR spectra with a g value of 2.008 and aH = 0.135 mT for two equivalent H atoms and aH = 0.068 mT for one H atom. The redox and ESR data of cis-2 suggest that the intramolecular interaction between the TTF moieties is very small.  相似文献   

A new complex of composition [Cu(2-NO2bz)2(nia)2(H2O)2] (1) (nia = nicotinamide, 2-NO2bz = 2-nitrobenzoate) has been prepared and its composition and stereochemistry as well as coordination mode have been determined by elemental analysis, electronic, infrared and EPR spectroscopy, magnetization measurements over the temperature range 1.8-300 K, and its structure has been solved, as well. The complex structure consists of the centrosymmetric molecules with Cu(II) atom monodentately coordinated by the pair of 2-nitrobenzoato anions and by the pair of nicotinamide molecules, forming nearly tetragonal basal plane, and by a pair of water molecules that complete tetragonal-bipyramidal coordination polyhedron about the copper atom. The complex 1 exhibits magnetic moment μeff = 1.86 B.M. at 300 K which decreases to μeff = 1.83 B.M. at 1.8 K. The magnetic susceptibility temperature dependence obeys Curie-Weiss law with Curie constant of 0.442 cm3 K mol−1 and with Weiss constant of −1.0 K. EPR spectra at room temperature as well as at 77 K are of axial type with g = 2.065 and g = 2.280 and exhibit clearly, but partially resolved parallel hyperfine splitting with AII = 160 G, that is consistent with the determined molecular structure of 1. In order to analyze the factors influencing the degree of tetragonal distortion of coordination polyhedron, the dataset of 72 structures similar to that of 1 was extracted from CCD and analyzed. A significant correlation between the average Cu-Oax bond length and tetragonality parameter τ which was found as a consequence of the Jahn-Teller effect.  相似文献   

New manganese(III) complexes of Hphox (2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) and HClphox (2-(5′-chloro-2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) have been synthesised. The X-ray structures of [Mn(phox)2(MeOH)2][Mn(phox)2(ClO4)2](H2O)2 and [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) show the manganese(III) ions to be octahedrally coordinated with methanol or perchlorate at the axial coordination sites. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes, with the exception of [Mn(phox)2(acac)] (Hacac=2,4-pentanedione), show an irreversible reduction wave of manganese(III) to manganese(II). After addition of an excess of 1-methylimidazole (1-Meim), the reduction process shifts towards lower potentials and becomes (quasi-) reversible, indicating that the presence of 1-Meim affects the catalytic efficiency of the complexes. The complexes catalyse the epoxidation of styrene by dihydrogen peroxide. The cumulative turnover numbers towards styrene oxide obtained after 15 min. vary from 16 for [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) to 26 for [Mn(phox)2(acac)]. Ligand degradation appears to be the limiting factor for obtaining higher turnover numbers.  相似文献   

New copper(II) clofibriates (clof, {2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methylpropionic or 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)isobutyric acid}) of composition Cu(clof)2L2 (where L=2-pyridylmethanol (2-pymeth) (1), N-methylnicotinamide (Menia) (4), N,N-diethylnicotinamide (Et2nia) (5), isonicotinamide (isonia) (7) or methyl-3-pyridylcarbamate (mpc) (8)), [Cu(clof)2(4-pymeth)2(H2O)] · 2H2O (4-pymeth=4-pyridylmethanol) (2 · 2H2O) and Cu(clof)2L (where L=4-pymeth (3) or Et2nia (6)) have been prepared and spectroscopically characterized. All the Cu(clof)2L2 compounds seem to possess distorted octahedral copper(II) stereochemistry with differing tetragonal distortions. An X-ray analysis of 1 was carried out and it featured a tetragonal-bipyramidal geometry around the copper(II) atom. X-ray analysis of 2 · 2H2O featured a square-pyramidal geometry around copper(II) atom. Both the Cu(clof)2L compounds seem to consist of a binuclear unit of tetracarboxylate type bridging. An X-ray analysis of 6 revealed typical binuclear paddle-wheel type structure, consisting of two copper(II) atoms in square-pyramidal geometry bridged by four carboxylate anions in the xy-plane. All complexes under study were characterized by EPR and electronic spectroscopy. The antimicrobial effects have been tested on various strains of bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

Reaction of HSi(OEt)3 with IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 (5:1 molar ratio) at room temperature for 1 h gives IrCl(H){Si(OEt)3}(CO)(PPh3)2 (1), which is observed by the 1H and 31P{1H} NMR spectra of the reaction mixture. The same reaction, but in 20:1 molar ratio at 50 °C for 24 h produces IrCl(H)2(CO)(PPh3)2 (2) rather than the expected product Ir(H)2{Si(OEt)3}(CO)(PPh3)2 (3) that was previously reported to be formed by this reaction. Accompanying formation of Si(OEt)4, (EtO)3SiOSi(OEt)3, and (EtO)2HSiOSi(OEt)3 is observed. On the other hand, trialkylhydrosilane HSiEt3 reacts with IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 (10:1 molar ratio) at 80 °C for 84 h to give Ir(H)2(SiEt3)(CO)(PPh3)2 (4) in a high yield, accompanying with a release of ClSiEt3.  相似文献   

Refluxing WCl4(PMe3)3 under a nitrogen atmosphere in the presence of two equivalents of sodium amalgam leads to a reduction to the W(II) complex [cis,mer-WCl2(PMe3)3]2N2 (1), which can be converted to [mer,trans-WCl3(PMe3)2]2N2 (2) via appropriate oxidation/chlorination. Structural data have been obtained for both complexes, and demonstrate significantly increased steric crowding in 1 due to PMe3/PMe3 interactions. The N-N bond distances in the two compounds are similar, at 1.279(4) and 1.243(18) Å, respectively.  相似文献   

New mixed metal complexes SrCu2(O2CR)3(bdmap)3 (R = CF3 (1a), CH3 (1b)) and a new dinuclear bismuth complex Bi2(O2CCH3)4(bdmap)2(H2O) (2) have been synthesized. Their crystal structures have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Thermal decomposition behaviors of these complexes have been examined by TGA and X-ray powder diffraction analyses. While compound 1a decomposes to SrF2 and CuO at about 380°C, compound 1b decomposes to the corresponding oxides above 800°C. Compound 2 decomposes cleanly to Bi2O3 at 330°C. The magnetism of 1a was examined by the measurement of susceptibility from 5–300 K. Theoretical fitting for the susceptibility data revealed that 1a is an antiferromagnetically coupled system with g = 2.012(7), −2J = 34.0(8) cm−1. Crystal data for 1a: C27H51N6O9F9Cu2Sr/THF, monoclinic space group P21/m, A = 10.708(6), B = 15.20(1), C = 15.404(7) Å, β = 107.94(4)°, V = 2386(2) Å3, Z = 2; for 1b: C27H60N6O9Cu2Sr/THF, orthorhombic space group Pbcn, A = 19.164(9), B = 26.829(8), C = 17.240(9) Å, V = 8864(5) Å3, Z = 8; for 2: C22H48O11N4Bi2, monoclinic space group P21/c, A = 17.614(9), B = 10.741(3), C = 18.910(7) Å, β = 109.99(3)°, V = 3362(2) Å3, Z = 4.  相似文献   

Adding one equivalent of H2O2 to compounds of stoichiometry MoCl2(O)2(OPR3)2, OPR3 = OPMePh2 or OPPh3, leads to the formation of oxo-peroxo compounds MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPR3)2. The compound MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPMePh2)2 crystallized with an unequal disorder, 63%:37%, between the oxo and peroxo ligands, as verified by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, and can be isolated in reasonable yields. MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPPh3)2, was not isolated in pure form, co-crystallized with MoCl2(O)2(OPPh3)2 in two ratios, 18%:82% and 12%:88%, respectively, and did not contain any disorder in the arrangement of the oxo and peroxo groups. These complexes accomplish the isomerization of various allylic alcohols. A mechanism of this reaction has been constructed based on 18O isotopic studies and involves exchange between the alcohol and metal bonded O atoms.  相似文献   

The novel ferromagnetic coupling one-dimensional complex {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} (NIT3Py=2-(3-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) was synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. The Cu(II) ion is in a distorted octahedral environment. The units of {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} were connected as one-dimensional structure by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Magnetic measurements show that there are intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and intermolecular antiferromagnetic interactions within the chain.  相似文献   

The rhodium dimer [Rh2H(PPh2)2(PPh3)3] was prepared from RhCl(PPh3)3 and K4Sn9 in the presence of 2,2,2-cryptand in ethylenediamine/toluene solvent mixtures. The [K(2,2,2-crypt)]+ salt was isolated and characterized via NMR and X-ray diffraction studies. The solid state structure reveals a binuclear, diphenylphosphido-bridged, 32 electron Rh(I)-Rh(I) complex with edge-shared tetrahedral and square planar Rh centers with overall Cs point symmetry. 1-D and 2-D 1H, 31P, and 31P{1H} NMR experiments were used to characterize the complex.  相似文献   

Abnormal and normal carbene complexes are formed in reactions of 2-pyridylmethylimidazolium salts with [Ir(H)2(PPh3)2(OCMe2)2]BF4 at room temperature in tetrahydrofuran (THF) or dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). Reactions in THF lead to the formation of abnormal carbene (C-5 bound), while reactions in CH2Cl2 lead to formation of normal carbene (C-2 bound).  相似文献   

Reaction of Mo(CO)4(NCCH3)2 and 7-aza-2-tosylnorbornadiene (7-azaNBD) yielded five air-stable Mo complexes. One is Mo(CO)44-7-azaNBD), in which the molybdenum atom is chelated by the two π-bonds of 7-azaNBD. The other four are isomers of Mo(CO)22-7-azaNBD)2, in which the molybdenum atoms are chelated by the nitrogen atom and one of the two double bonds of 7-azaNBD. In one pair of the isomers, the metal binds to C(2)C(3) of both 7-azaNBD ligands; whereas in the other pair of isomers the metal binds to C(2)C(3) of one 7-azaNBD ligand and C(5)C(6) of another ligand. All structures were fully characterized by NMR spectra. A single crystal of compound 4 was analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis, which was found to be monoclinic with a = 8.4199, b = 23.984, c = 16.395 Å, and β = 99.99°.  相似文献   

The reaction of the title complex with DNA has been examined. Addition of [(bpy)2(OH2)RuORu(OH2) (bpy)2]4+ to DNA leads to the reduction of the complex to Ru(bpy)2(OH2)22+, as indicated by absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The reaction is accelerated by Mg2+. The combined evidence points to a mechanism where the oxo-bridged dimer is hydrolyzed to a monomeric Ru(III) complex that is capable of oxidizing DNA to effect strand scission. Gel electrophoresis demonstrates nicking of supercoiled /gfX174 DNA by [(bpy)2(OH2)RuORu(OH2) (bpy)2]4+, and double-stranded cleavage is observed in the presence of Mg2+. Linearization of the plasmid prior to treatment with the complex does not lead to further fragmentation, suggesting that supercoiling is required to realize double-stranded cleavage.  相似文献   

The reactions of Zr(C5H5)(6,6-dmch)(PMe3)2 and Zr(6,6-dmch)2(PMe3)2 (dmch=dimethylcyclohexadienyl) with CO lead to the selective replacement of one PMe3 ligand by CO. Both carbonyl complexes have been structurally characterized. Additionally, the reaction of the latter complex with PhC2SiMe3 leads to a similar replacement of one PMe3 ligand, involving simple coordination of the alkyne, rather than any coupling to the dmch ligand.  相似文献   

The reactions of the polysulfur and selenium cationic clusters S82+ and Se82+ with various iron carbonyls were investigated. Several new chalcogen containing iron carbonyl cluster cations were isolated, depending on the nature of the counteranion. In the presence of SbF6 as a counterion, the cluster [Fe3(E2)2(CO)10] [SbF6]2·SO2 (E = S, Se) could be isolated from the reaction of E82+ and excess iron carbonyl. The cluster is a picnic-basket shaped molecule of two iron centers linked by two Se2 groups, with the whole fragment capped by an Fe(CO)4 group. Crystallographic data for C10O12Fe3Se4Sb2F12S (I): space group monoclinic P21/c, A = 11.810(9), b = 24.023(6), c = 10.853(7) Å, β = 107.15(5)°, V = 2942(3) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0426, Rw = 0.0503. When Sb2F11 is present as the counterion, or Se4[Sb2F11]2 is used as the cluster cation source, a different cluster can be isolated, which has the formula [Fe4(Se2)3(CO)12] [SbF6]2·3SO2. The dication contains two Fe2Se2 fragments bridged by an Se2 group. Crystallographic data for C12O18Fe4Se6Sb2F12S3 (III): space group triclinic , b = 18.400(9), C = 10.253(4) Å, = 93.10(4), β = 103.74(3), γ = 93.98(3)°, V = 1995(1) Å3, Z = 2, R = 0.0328, Rw = 0.0325. The CO stretches in the IR spectrum all show a large shift to higher wavenumbers, suggesting almost no τ backbonding from the metals. This also correlates with the observed bond distances. All the compounds are extremely sensitive to air and water, and readily lose SO2 when removed from the solvent. Thus all the crystals were handled at −100°C. The clusters seem to be either insoluble or unstable in all solvents investigated.  相似文献   

Complexes of the types cis- and trans-Pt(amine)2(NO3)2 with amines containing a phenyl group were synthesized and studied mainly by IR and multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The cis complexes could be synthesized pure only with the amines of the type Ph-R-NH2 (R = alkyl), while pure trans compounds were synthesized with all the studied amines. In 195Pt NMR spectroscopy, the dinitrato complexes of the amines Ph-R-NH2 were observed around −1700 ppm for the cis isomers and at about −1580 for the trans complexes. For the other amines, where a phenyl ring is directly attached to the amino group, the signals were observed at lower fields, −1528 ppm for cis-Pt(PhNH2)(NO3)2 and around −1450 ppm for all the trans isomers. There is a linear relationship between the δ(Pt) of the Pt(amine)2(NO3)2 complexes and the pKa of the protonated amines. The coupling constants 2J(195Pt-1HN) are larger in the cis compounds (ave. 76 Hz) than in the trans isomers (ave. 63 Hz). The complexes cis-Pt(amine)2(R(COO)2) with bidentate dicarboxylato ligands were also synthesized and characterized mainly by IR spectroscopy. The compounds apparently decompose in DMF and are too insoluble in other solvents for solution studies.  相似文献   

The reaction of neodymium diiodide NdI2 (1) with acetonitrile is accompanied by C-C coupling and formation of bis(ethylimine)ethylamine/acetonitrile complexes {[(MeCNH)2CMeNH2]NdI(MeCN)5}I2 (2) and {[(MeCNH)2CMeNH2]Nd(MeCN)6}I3 (3). Yields of the products are 9% and 50%, respectively. Probable scheme of the complexes formation is discussed. Treatment of 3 with 2 equiv. of 1 in THF affords NdI3(THF)3, hydrogen and monoiodide complex containing presumably bis(imide)amine ligand, NdI[(MeCN)2CMeNH2]. The X-ray analysis revealed that in the molecule of 2 one I anion is directly bonded to Nd3+ cation while two other Ianions are not in contact to the metal centre. The molecule of 3 is isostructural to previously obtained Dy and Tm analogues. All three I anions in it are located away from Nd3+ cation.  相似文献   

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