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The low angle X-ray diffraction pattern from corneal stroma can be interpreted as arising from the equivalent of sharp meridional reflections due to the packing of molecules along the collagen fibrils and an equatorial pattern due to the packing of these fibrils within lamellae.Axial electron density profiles for corneal collagen fibrils have been produced by combining intensity data from the meridional pattern with two independent sets of phases. The first set was obtained using an electron microscopical technique, whereas the second set consisted of calculated tendon collagen phases given in the literature. Substantial agreement between the two electron density profiles was found.A quantitative analysis of the difference between the electron density profiles of rat tail tendon and corneal collagen showed that the step between the gap and overlap regions is smaller in cornea than in tendon. This is probably due to the binding of non-collagenous material in the gap region as occurs in bone and other tissue. Two peaks corresponding to regions where electron density is greater in the cornea are situated at the gap/overlap junctions. A third region where the corneal collagen is more electron dense is located near the centre of the gap region. The proximity of these peaks to the positions of hydroxylysine residues along the fibril axis suggests that they may be the major sites at which sugars are bound to corneal collagen.  相似文献   

The distribution and orientation of collagen fibrils, and apatite crystals, in the scales of a bony fish (Leuciscus cephalus) were investigated by X-ray diffraction. The small-angle diffraction patterns obtained with a microfocus scanning setup from most of the examined areas exhibit a distribution of intensity of the collagen reflections according to five preferential orientations, at 36 degrees from one another. It is suggested that the peculiar small-angle X-ray diffraction pattern is due to a plywood arrangement of collagen fibrils in successive layers parallel to the surface of the scale. The fibrils are strictly aligned in each layer and the alignment rotates by 36 degrees in successive layers, according to a discontinuous twist that generates a symmetric plywood pattern. The large spread of the wide-angle reflections does not allow one to distinguish the five directions of orientation in the intensity distribution of the 002 reflection of apatite. However, the patterns recorded from the less ordered regions of the scales display two different orientations of the 002 reflection and allow one to infer a preferential distribution of the apatite crystals with their c-axes parallel to the collagen fibrils. Although much electron microscopic evidence of plywood arrangements in calcified, as well as uncalcified, tissues has been reported, these are the very first diffraction data which unambiguously confirm the presence of these peculiar structures and suggest that this kind of investigation represents a powerful tool with which to study plywood arrangements in biological tissues.  相似文献   

In order to understand the molecular mechanism of relaxation phenomena in collagenous tissue, time-resolved, small-angle X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on bovine Achilles tendon collagen under creep. A tension-induced increase in the 67 nm period (D-period) was observed, and the strain in the D-period, epsilon D, was found to be almost proportional to the external force per unit cross-sectional area (average stress) of the specimen. With an increase in epsilon D, a change in the ratio of intensities of the third-order reflection peak of the D-period to that of the second-order peak was also observed. The increase in epsilon D was decomposed into three elementary processes of D-period deformation, which are presented on the basis of the Hodge-Petruska model: (1) molecular elongation, (2) increase in gap region, and (3) relative slippage of lateral adjoining molecules. Up to 8 MPa of average stress, the contribution to epsilon D originated mostly from only mode (1). At more than 10 MPa of average stress, modes (2) and (3) also contributed to fibril elongation. For epsilon D by molecular elongation (mode (1)), the time dependence of the D-period change in the immediate response region is a sharply shaped step function, while the contribution to epsilon D by molecular rearranging modes gives a slight creep nature at the immediate response region in the time dependence of epsilon D. Because this creep nature is observed at the immediate response, it is related qualitatively to the KWW function in a stress-relaxation modulus of collagenous tissue observed in an immediate response region (Sasaki et al. (1993). Journal of Biomechanics 26, 1369-1376). The elementary process of KWW-type relaxation is concluded to be related to the tension-induced molecular rearrangement within a D-period.  相似文献   

A direct modeling approach was used to quantitatively interpret the two-dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns obtained from contracting mammalian skeletal muscle. The dependence of the calculated layer line intensities on the number of myosin heads bound to the thin filaments, on the conformation of these heads and on their mode of attachment to actin, was studied systematically. Results of modeling are compared to experimental data collected from permeabilized fibers from rabbit skeletal muscle contracting at 5°C and 30°C and developing low and high isometric tension, respectively. The results of the modeling show that: i), the intensity of the first actin layer line is independent of the tilt of the light chain domains of myosin heads and can be used as a measure of the fraction of myosin heads stereospecifically attached to actin; ii), during isometric contraction at near physiological temperature, the fraction of these heads is ∼40% and the light chain domains of the majority of them are more perpendicular to the filament axis than in rigor; and iii), at low temperature, when isometric tension is low, a majority of the attached myosin heads are bound to actin nonstereospecifically whereas at high temperature and tension they are bound stereospecifically.  相似文献   

N Sasaki  S Shiwa  S Yagihara  K Hikichi 《Biopolymers》1983,22(12):2539-2547
The temperature dependence of the humidity-sensitive spacing, d, related to the lateral packing of collagen molecules was measured for fully hydrated collagen. In the vicinity of 0°C, a sudden change in d was observed, which was reversible with temperature. In the diffraction profile, below 0°C, a set of diffraction peaks identified with the hexagonal crystalline form of ice was observed. With the reduction in water content, the intensity of the set of diffraction peaks decreased and was found to be zero at a water content of 0.38 g/g collagen. These results were considered to be caused by the frozen water in collagen fibril below 0°C. According to the water content dependence of d, it was considered that up to a certain water content water absorbed would be stowed in the intermolecular space of collagen and above that water content water molecules would aggregate to make pools, i. e., extrafibrillar spaces. The unfreezable bound water was considered to be located in the intermolecular space of collagen. Size of the extrafibrillar space, determined from the intensity analysis of a smallangle x-ray scattering pattern, corroborates the speculation that the water showed in the extrafibrillar space is freezable and free. The formation of the hexagonal crystalline form of ice in the extrafibrillar space was considered to cause the sudden change in d at 0°C.  相似文献   

We studied the incorporation of the hydrophobic anticancer drug paclitaxel (PXL), into a variety of lipid matrices by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Liposome suspensions from cationic and zwitterionic lipids, containing different molar fractions of paclitaxel were made and deposited on planar glass substrates. After drying at controlled relative humidity, aligned multilayer stacks were obtained. The structure perpendicular to the substrate plane was investigated by X-ray diffraction measurements. Bragg peaks to several orders were detected, indicative of well-ordered multilamellar lipid layers. The drug induced a modification of the bilayer spacing, which was the characteristic for a given type of lipid matrix. With an excess of the drug, Bragg peaks of drug crystals could be observed. The results provide insight into the solubility of paclitaxel in the different lipid membranes. A structural model of the organization of the drug in the membrane was discussed.  相似文献   

K Misof  G Rapp    P Fratzl 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(3):1376-1381
Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in vertebrates. The specific shape of its stress-strain curve is crucial for the function of a number of organs. Although the macroscopic mechanical behavior of collagen is well known, there is still no explanation of the elastic process at the supramolecular level. We have performed in situ synchrotron x-ray scattering experiments, which show that the amount of lateral molecular order increases upon stretching of collagen fibers. In strain cycling experiments the relation between strain and diffuse equatorial scattering was found to be linear in the "heel" region of the stress-strain curve. A new molecular model for collagen elasticity is proposed, which, based on the existence of thermally activated molecular kinks, reproduces this linearity and gives a simple explanation for the form of the stress-strain curve of collagen.  相似文献   

The effect of external force on the X-ray pattern from frog muscles in rigor was studied by a time-resolved diffraction technique. When sinusoidal length changes (1.5–3% of the muscle length, 5Hz) were applied to the muscle, the 14.3 nm intensity decreased during the releasing phase and increased during the stretching phase. The intensity ratio of the equatorial 1,0 and 1,1 reflections did not change, nor were there any appreciable intensity changes in the 5.9 nm and 5.1 nm reflections during the length change. Experiments were also done with the relaxed muscles and no change was seen in any reflection, indicating that the rigor linkages are needed to produce the 14.3 nm intensity change. Thus the distinct effect of the length change was detected only on the 14.3 nm reflection. These results suggest no large conformational changes are induced in both the distal part of the myosin head attached to actin and the actin filament during the oscillation. It is therefore most probable that the proximal portion of myosin heads including S-2 contributes to the intensity change in response to the length change (see, also ref.21). When the muscle was stretched beyond the filament overlap, the 14.3 nm intensity change was suppressed to less than 50% of that of the slack length. It was also found that the tension change delayed the intensity change during the length oscillation. However, this delay of the tension change as observed in the muscle at the slack length was lacking in the overstretched muscle, indicating that the 14.3 nm intensity change may arise partly from a portion other than the crossbridges.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction patterns of fibres from 90 day (mature) rat-tail tendons were investigated using synchrotron radiation. The specimens were kept isometric at their corresponding in vitro rest length, and effects of pH and ionic strength were studied during short X-ray exposures. The results indicate that fibrils, equilibrated in physiological Ringer prior to exposure, have segregated lateral regions of well ordered collagen molecular packing. Lowering the ionic strength or the pH to 4.0 causes an order/disorder transition during which the fibril crystallinity decreases. At pH 3.5 a dramatic increase in the lateral swelling was observed. This effect was absent for fibres pretreated with sodium borohydride. The results are interpreted on the basis of cross-linking phenomena whereby the aldimine cross-link seems to be a controlling component of the lateral packing arrangement of collagen molecules.  相似文献   

The meridional X-ray diffraction pattern of wet rat tail tendon contains information about the one-dimensional structure, or axial projection of electron density distribution of the type I collagen fibril. Using synchrotron radiation we have determined the intensities of the first 50 meridional X-ray diffraction reflections. The approach of isomorphous addition with reagents, selected using criteria of chemical reactivity, which label at fewer sites than the stains used in previous studies was applied to phase these 50 reflections to produce a one-dimensional electron density distribution map of a single D-repeat of the collagen fibril. This method is not model-dependent and thus constitutes the first unambiguous determination of the meridional phases of type I collagen.  相似文献   

New insights are presented into the collagenous structure of the primate cornea. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction was used to map the fibrillar arrangement and distribution of collagen over three common marmoset corneas. The maps provide a point of reference to help interpret data from pathological corneas or primate models of refractive surgery. The results herein disclose a circum-corneal annulus of highly aligned collagen, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, where the cornea and sclera fuse at the limbus; a feature similar to that observed in human tissue. As in humans, the annulus is not uniform, varying in width, fibril angular spread, and collagen density around its circumference. However, more centrally the marmoset cornea exhibits a preferred lamella orientation in which proportionally more fibrils are oriented along the superior-inferior corneal meridian. This observation is in striking contrast with the situation in human cornea, where there is an orthogonal arrangement of preferentially aligned fibrils. Investigation of a further 16 corneas confirmed that approximately 33% (+/-1%) (n = 76) of fibrils in the central marmoset cornea lie within a 45 degrees sector of the superior-inferior meridian. Implications for the mechanical and optical properties of the cornea are discussed.  相似文献   

Feather keratin has a composite structure with a filament-matrix texture, and transmission electron microscopy studies of thin transverse sections of feather rachis by Rogers and Filshie in the early 1960s showed that the filaments have a strong tendency to form sheets. Potentially this could account for the unusual X-ray diffraction pattern noted by Bear and Rugo in the early 1950s, which was interpreted by them as indicating a two-dimensional net structure. Although it is 50 years since these major advances were made the possibility of extracting information on the nature of the filament packing from the diffraction pattern has never been explored. The present contribution shows how, when taken together with current information on the nature of β-sheets in feather keratin, certain features of the X-ray diffraction pattern can now be used to determine the likely arrangement of the filaments in the sheet.  相似文献   

The manufacture of parchment from animal skin involves processes that remove hair, fats, and other macromolecules. Although it is well understood that the collagen fibers "open up" during processing, this study uses small and wide-angle X-ray diffraction to measure quantitatively the changes induced at the nanoscopic and microscopic levels. The axial rise per residue distance within the collagen molecules is unaffected by salt and lime treatments. Salting of the hides appears to remove noncollagenous materials. The intermolecular lateral packing distance between the hydrated collagen molecules (1.4 nm) increases after salting ( approximately 1.5 nm) and liming ( approximately 1.55 nm); drying is responsible for a reduction to approximately 1.2 nm in all samples. The axial staggered array (d spacing) is reduced by 1 nm after liming and is unaffected by drying. The average fibril diameter increases from 103.2 to 114.5 nm following liming, and the fibril-to-fibril distance increases from 122.6 to 136.1 nm.  相似文献   

The structure of the Ca--alginate junction zones was investigated with X-ray scattering on gels prepared with different methods. Fiber diffraction reveals the popular egg-box model may not be the only possible structure for the junction zones. The (001) reflection, which should be extinguished due to 2/1 helical conformation in the egg-box model, was observed. This was further confirmed by the measurements on Ca--alginate gel beads prepared at different pH where large pieces were formed through a relatively slow process, which leads to a higher crystallinity and a more perfect ordering. The results suggest a 3/1 helical conformation is more proper for Ca--alginate gels formed slowly. This does not exclude the possibility for the 2/1 helical conformation in fast gelatinized Ca--alginate in which the 2/1 helix is a metastable form. Comparing the X-ray scattering results of the fresh, dehydrated, and rehydrated gels, a reversible aggregation of junction zones is found during dehydration and rehydration. The different stabilities of initial bonds and bonds formed during drying are speculated to be the contribution of MG block or short G blocks in the junction zones.  相似文献   

Both elastic modulus and fracture stress are known to increase with the amount of mineral deposited within collagen fibrils. Current mechanical models of mineralized fibrils, where mineral platelets are arranged in parallel arrays, reproduce the first effect but fail to predict an increase in fracture stress. Here, we propose a model with a staggered array of platelets that is in better agreement with results on molecular packing in collagen fibrils and that accounts for an increase of both elastic modulus and fracture stress with the amount of mineral in the fibril. Finally, we explore the dependence of the mechanical properties within the model, when the degree of mineralization and the thickness of the platelets as well as their distance varies.  相似文献   

An X-ray diffraction analysis of oriented specimens of the purple membrane from Halobacterium halobium shows that the protein and lipid components are packed in a P3 hexagonal lattice, with one protein molecule per asymmetric unit. The structure is made up of a single layer of the protein molecules, oriented vectorially in the same direction across the membrane.The presence of strong diffraction peaks equatorially centred at 10 Å, and axially at 5 Å and 1.5 Å, show that the protein molecules, which make up most of the mass of the membrane, are composed to a considerable extent of α-helices, 25 to 35 Å long, arranged roughly perpendicular to the plane of the membrane to form superhelical groupings of the “coiled-coil” type.The surface of the membrane is flat, with no bumps or dimples large enough to affect the X-ray pattern when the electron density of the suspending medium is altered. The phospholipids may be less exactly positioned in the lattice than the protein, since the presence of uranyl acetate, which is expected to co-ordinate with the acidic phosphate groups, produces intensity changes only at low resolution.  相似文献   

Examining the cross-section of the human cornea with second harmonic-generated (SHG) imaging shows that many lamellae do not lie parallel to the cornea’s anterior surface but have inclined trajectories that take them through the corneal thickness with a depth-dependent distribution. A continuum mechanics-based model of stromal elasticity is developed based on orientation information extracted and synthesized from both X-ray scattering studies and SHG imaging. The model describes the effects of inclined lamella orientation by introducing a probability function that varies with depth through the stroma, which characterizes the range and distribution of lamellae at inclined angles. When combined with the preferred lamellar orientations found from X-ray scattering experiments, a fully 3-D representation of lamella orientation is achieved. Stromal elasticity is calculated by a weighted average of individual lamella properties based on the spatially varying 3-D orientation distribution. The model is calibrated with in vitro torsional shear experiments and in vivo indentation data and then validated with an in vitro inflation study. A quantitative explanation of the experimentally measured depth dependence of mechanical properties emerges from the model. The significance of the 3-D lamella orientation in the mechanics of the human cornea is demonstrated by investigating and contrasting the effects of previous modeling assumptions made on lamella orientation.  相似文献   

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