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A number of isoprenoids (e.g. pristanic acid and the side chains of fat soluble-vitamins) is degraded or shortened via beta oxidation. We synthesized 2-methyl-palmitate and 2-methyl[1-14C] palmitate as a model substrate for the study of the beta oxidation of branched (isoprenoid) fatty acids in rat liver. 2-Methylpalmitate was well oxidized by isolated hepatocytes and its oxidation was stimulated after treatment of the animals with a peroxisome proliferator. Subcellular fractionation of rat liver demonstrated that 2-methylpalmitate is activated to its CoA ester in endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and peroxisomes and that mitochondria and peroxisomes are capable of beta-oxidizing 2-methylpalmitate. At low unbound 2-methylpalmitate concentrations and in the presence of competing straight chain fatty acids, a condition encountered in vivo, peroxisomal 2-methyl-palmitate oxidation was 2- to 4-fold more active than mitochondrial oxidation. Treatment of rats with a peroxisome proliferator markedly stimulated mitochondrial but only slightly peroxisomal 2-methylpalmitate oxidation. The same treatment dramatically induced palmitoyl-CoA oxidase but did not change 2-methyl-palmitoyl-CoA oxidase activity. Our results indicate 1) that in untreated rats peroxisomes contribute for an important part to the oxidation of 2-methylpalmitate; 2) that treatment with a peroxisome proliferator stimulates mainly the mitochondrial component of 2-methylpalmitate oxidation; and 3) that palmitoyl-CoA and 2-methylpalmitoyl-CoA are oxidized by different peroxisomal oxidases.  相似文献   

Disorders of the carnitine cycle and of the beta oxidation spiral impair the ability to obtain energy from fats at time of fasting and stress. This can result in hypoketotic hypoglycemia, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia and other chronic medical problems. The in vitro study of fibroblasts from patients with these conditions is impaired by their limited oxidative capacity. Here we evaluate the capacity of valinomycin, a potassium ionophore that increases mitochondrial respiration, to increase the oxidation of fatty acids in cells from patients with inherited fatty acid oxidation defects. The addition of valinomycin to fibroblasts decreased the accumulation of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) at low concentrations due to the dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential. At higher doses, valinomycin increased TPP+ accumulation due to the increased potassium permeability of the plasma membrane and subsequent cellular hyperpolarization. The incubation of normal fibroblasts with valinomycin increased [14C]-palmitate oxidation (measured as [14C]O2 release) in a dose-dependent manner. By contrast, valinomycin failed to increase palmitate oxidation in fibroblasts from patients with very long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency. This was not observed in fibroblasts from patients heterozygous for this condition. These results indicate that valinomycin can increase fatty acid oxidation in normal fibroblasts and could be useful to differentiate heterozygotes from patients affected with VLCAD deficiency.  相似文献   

Significant advances in our knowledge of fatty acid breakdown in plants have been made since the subject was last comprehensively reviewed in the early 1990s. Many of the genes encoding the enzymes of peroxisomal beta-oxidation of straight chain fatty acids have now been identified. Biochemical genetic approaches in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, have been particularly useful not only in the identification and functional characterisation of genes involved in fatty acid beta-oxidation but also in establishing the role of beta-oxidation at different stages in plant development. Advances in our understanding of branched chain amino acid catabolism have provided convincing evidence that mitochondria play an important role in this process. This work is discussed in the context of the long running debate on the sub-cellular localisation of fatty acid beta-oxidation in plants. A significant aspect of this review is that it provides the opportunity to present a comprehensive analysis of the complete Arabidopsis genome sequence for each of the different gene families that are known to be involved in beta-, alpha-, and omega-oxidation of fatty acids in plants. Inevitably, this increase in information, as well as providing many answers also raises many new intriguing questions, particularly as regards the regulation and physiological role of fatty acid catabolism throughout the higher plant life cycle.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts in suspension are able to degrade [1-14C]-labeled alpha- and gamma-methyl branched chain fatty acids such as pristanic and homophytanic acid. Pristanic acid was converted to propionyl-CoA, whereas homophytanic acid was beta-oxidized to acetyl-CoA. Incubation of skin fibroblasts with [1-14C]-labeled fatty acids for longer periods produced radiolabeled carbon dioxide, presumably by further degradation of acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA generated by beta-oxidation. Under the same conditions similar products were produced from very long chain fatty acids, such as lignoceric acid. Inclusion of digitonin (> 10 micrograms/ml) in the incubations strongly inhibited carbon dioxide production but stimulated acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA production from fatty acids. ATP, Mg2+, coenzyme A, NAD+ and L-carnitine stimulated acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA production from [1-14C]-labeled fatty acids in skin fibroblast suspensions. Branched chain fatty acid beta-oxidation was reduced in peroxisome-deficient cells (Zellweger syndrome and infantile Refsum's disease) but they were beta-oxidized normally in cells from patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Under the same conditions, lignoceric acid beta-oxidation was impaired in the above three peroxisomal disease states. These results provide evidence that branched chain fatty acid, as well as very long chain fatty acid, beta-oxidation occurs only in peroxisomes. As the defect in X-linked ALD is in a peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA synthetase, which is believed to be specific for very long chain fatty acids, we postulate that different synthetases are involved in the activation of branched chain and very long chain fatty acids in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

The effect of acetone consumption on some microsomal and peroxisomal activities was studied in rat kidney and these results were compared with data from former investigations in liver. Acetone increased the microsomal lauric acid hydroxylation, the aminopyrine N-demethylation catalyzed by cytochrome P450 and the microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity. Also, acetone increased the peroxisomal β-oxidation of palmitoyl CoA and catalase activities in kidney. These studies suggest that acetone is a common inducer of the microsomal and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation, as previously shown in both starved and ethanol treated rats. Our results support the hypothesis that microsomal fatty acid ω-hydroxylation results in the generation of substrates being supplied for peroxisomal β-oxidation. We propose that the final purpose of these linked fatty acid oxidations could be the catabolism of fatty acids or the generation of a substrate for the synthesis of glucose from fatty acids. This pathway would be triggered by acetone treatment in a similar way in liver and kidney.  相似文献   

The role of the Saccharomyces cerevisae peroxisomal acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) thioesterase (Pte1p) in fatty acid beta-oxidation was studied by analyzing the in vitro kinetic activity of the purified protein as well as by measuring the carbon flux through the beta-oxidation cycle in vivo using the synthesis of peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from the polymerization of the 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAs as a marker. The amount of PHA synthesized from the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic, tridecanoic, undecanoic, or nonanoic acids was equivalent or slightly reduced in the pte1Delta strain compared with wild type. In contrast, a strong reduction in PHA synthesized from heptanoic acid and 8-methyl-nonanoic acid was observed for the pte1Delta strain compared with wild type. The poor catabolism of 8-methyl-nonanoic acid via beta-oxidation in pte1Delta negatively impacted the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid and reduced the ability of the cells to efficiently grow in medium containing such fatty acids. An increase in the proportion of the short chain 3-hydroxyacid monomers was observed in PHA synthesized in pte1Delta cells grown on a variety of fatty acids, indicating a reduction in the metabolism of short chain acyl-CoAs in these cells. A purified histidine-tagged Pte1p showed high activity toward short and medium chain length acyl-CoAs, including butyryl-CoA, decanoyl-CoA and 8-methyl-nonanoyl-CoA. The kinetic parameters measured for the purified Pte1p fit well with the implication of this enzyme in the efficient metabolism of short straight and branched chain fatty acyl-CoAs by the beta-oxidation cycle.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts converted [5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-3H]arachidonic acid ([3H]20:4) to eicosatrienoic acid (20:3), but appreciable amounts of radiolabeled 20:3 were not detected in corresponding incubations with [1-(14)C]20:4. This indicates that the main pathway for synthesizing 20:3 from arachidonic acid in the fibroblast involves oxidative removal of the carboxyl group of arachidonic acid. Fibroblasts deficient in long-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (LCAD) converted [3H]20:4 to [3H]20:3. However, Zellweger fibroblasts that are deficient in peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation did not, indicating that the oxidative removal of the carboxyl group occurs in the peroxisomes. [3H]Hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3) was the main product that accumulated when [3H]20:4 was incubated with normal, LCAD deficient, and very long-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficient fibroblasts, but Zellweger fibroblasts did not form this product. Normal fibroblasts converted [3H]16:3 to radiolabeled 20:3 and arachidonic acid. These findings suggest that some of the 16:3 produced from arachidonic acid by peroxisomal beta-oxidation can be recycled and that this recycling process constitutes a novel pathway for the conversion of arachidonic acid to 20:3 in human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Phytanic acid (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid) is a branched-chain fatty acid derived from dietary sources and broken down in the peroxisome to pristanic acid (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecanoic acid) via alpha-oxidation. Pristanic acid then undergoes beta-oxidation in peroxisomes. Phytanic acid naturally occurs as a mixture of (3S,7R,11R)- and (3R,7R,11R)-diastereomers. In contrast to the alpha-oxidation system, peroxisomal beta-oxidation is stereospecific and only accepts (2S)-isomers. Therefore, a racemase called alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase is required to convert (2R)-pristanic acid into its (2S)-isomer. To further investigate the stereochemistry of the peroxisomal oxidation systems and their substrates, we have developed a method using gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to analyze the isomers of phytanic, pristanic, and trimethylundecanoic acid in plasma from patients with various peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation defects. In this study, we show that in plasma of patients with a peroxisomal beta-oxidation deficiency, the relative amounts of the two diastereomers of pristanic acid are almost equal, whereas in patients with a defect of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, (2R)-pristanic acid is the predominant isomer. Furthermore, we show that in alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency, not only pristanic acid accumulates, but also one of the metabolites of pristanic acid, 2610-trimethylundecanoic acid, providing direct in vivo evidence for the requirement of this racemase for the complete degradation of pristanic acid.  相似文献   

Rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) can function as a fatty acid donor protein for both peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, since 14C-labeled palmitic acid bound to FABP is oxidized by both organelles. FABP is, however, not detected in peroxisomes and mitochondria of rat liver by ELISA. Acyl-CoA oxidase activity of isolated peroxisomes was not changed by addition of FABP or flavaspidic acid, an inhibitor of fatty acid binding to FABP, nor by disruption of the peroxisomal membranes. These data indicate that FABP may transfer fatty acids to peroxisomes, but is not involved in the transport of acyl-CoA through the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

The effects of riboflavin deficiency on hepatic peroxisomal and mitochondrial palmitoyl-CoA oxidation were examined in weanling Wistar-strain male rats. The specific activities of peroxisomal catalase and palmitoyl-CoA-dependent NAD+ reduction were not affected by up to 10 weeks of riboflavin deficiency. In contrast, the specific activity of mitochondrial carnitine-dependent palmitoyl-CoA oxidation was depressed by 75% at 10 weeks of deficiency. The amount of peroxisomal protein per g of liver was not affected by riboflavin deficiency, whereas, expressed per liver, both riboflavin-deficient and pair-fed controls showed decreased peroxisomal protein compared with controls fed ad libitum. Hepatic mitochondria, but not peroxisomes, were sensitive to riboflavin deficiency.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [1-14C]lignoceric acid (C24:0) and [1-14C]tetracosatetraenoic acid (C24:4, n-6) was studied in normal skin fibroblast cultures and in cultures from patients with defects in peroxisomal beta-oxidation (but normal peroxisomal numbers). Cells from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) patients with a presumed defect in a peroxisomal acyl-CoA synthetase, specific for fatty acids of carbon chain lengths greater than 22 (very-long-chain fatty acids; VLCFA), showed a relatively normal production of radiolabelled CO2 and water-soluble metabolites from [1-14C]C24:0. However, the products of synthesis from acetate de novo (released by beta-oxidation), i.e. C16 and C18 fatty acids, were decreased, and carbon chain elongation of the fatty acid was increased. In contrast, cell lines from two patients with an unidentified lesion in peroxisomal beta-oxidation (peroxisomal disease, PD) showed a marked deficiency in CO2 and water-soluble metabolite production, a decreased synthesis of C16 and C18 fatty acids and an increase in carbon chain elongation. The relatively normal beta-oxidation activity of ALD cells appears to be related to low uptake of substrate, as a defect in beta-oxidation is apparent when measurements are performed on cell suspensions under high uptake conditions. Oxidation of [1-14C]C24:4 was relatively normal in ALD cells and in the cells from one PD patient but abnormal in those from the other. Our data suggest that, despite the deficiency in VLCFA CoA synthetase, ALD cells retain a near normal ability to oxidize both saturated and polyunsaturated VLCFA under some culture conditions. However, acetate released by beta-oxidation of the saturated VLCFA and, to a much lesser degree, the polyunsaturated VLCFA, appears to be used preferentially for the production of CO2 and water-soluble products, and acetate availability for fatty acid synthesis in other subcellular compartments is markedly decreased. It is likely that the increased carbon chain elongation of the saturated VLCFA which is also observed reflects the increased availability of substrate (C24:0) and/or an increase in microsomal elongation activity in ALD cells.  相似文献   

The oxidation of very long chain fatty acids and synthesis of ether glycerolipids (plasmalogens) occurs mainly in peroxisomes. Zellweger's cerebrohepatorenal syndrome (CHRS) is a rare, inherited metabolic disease characterized by an apparent absence of peroxisomes, an accumulation of very long chain fatty acids, and a decrease of plasmalogens in tissues and cultured fibroblasts from these patients. As peroxisomes are ubiquitous in mammalian cells, we examined normal and CHRS-cultured fibroblasts for their presence, using an electron microscopic histochemical procedure for the subcellular localization of catalase, a peroxisomal marker enzyme. Small (0.08-0.20 micron) round or slightly oval peroxisomes were seen in both normal and CHRS fibroblasts. The number of peroxisomes was analyzed morphometrically and found to be significantly reduced in all CHRS cell lines. These results are discussed in relation to the underlying defect in peroxisomal function and biogenesis in this disease.  相似文献   

Acylcarnitines in urine from 45 patients with organic acidemias and fatty acid oxidation disorders were evaluated using ESI-MS/MS. The urinary acylcarnitine profiles in organic acidemias, SCAD deficiency and MCAD deficiency were compatible with blood acylcarnitine profiles, and abnormalities in urinary acylcarnitine profiles in these conditions were enhanced following carnitine loading. Urinary acylcarnitine profiles were not helpful for characterization of long-chain fatty acid disorders, but a combination of urine and blood acylcarnitine analysis was useful for differential diagnosis of carnitine deficit.  相似文献   

Pyrenedodecanoyl-CoA was beta-oxidized by isolated rat liver peroxisomes at a rate which was about 50% of that observed with palmitoyl-CoA. Measurement of the quantity of NADH formed from a limiting amount of pyrenedodecanoyl-CoA suggested that it was subjected to two to three cycles of beta-oxidation. Pyrenedodecanoyl-CoA was a very poor substrate for carnitine palmitoyltransferase, exhibiting less than 1% of the rate obtained with palmitoyl-CoA; it also was a strong inhibitor of this enzyme. With rat liver microsomal alpha-glycerophosphate acyltransferase the rate of reaction with pyrenedodecanoyl-CoA was only 3-4% of that observed with palmitoyl-CoA.  相似文献   

The degradation kinetics of normal and branched chain butyrate and valerate are important in protein-fed anaerobic systems, as a number of amino acids degrade to these organic acids. Including activated and primary wastewater sludge digesters, the majority of full-scale systems digest feeds with a significant or major fraction of COD as protein. This study assesses the validity of using a common kinetic parameter set and biological catalyst to represent butyrate, n-valerate, and i-valerate degradation in dynamic models. The i-valerate degradation stoichiometry in a continuous, mixed population system is also addressed, extending previous pure-culture and batch studies. A previously published mathematical model was modified to allow competitive uptake of i-valerate, and used to model a thermophilic manure digester operated over 180 days. The digester was periodically pulsed with straight and branched chain butyrate and valerate. Parameters were separately optimized to describe butyrate, i-valerate, and n-valerate degradation, as well as a lumped set optimized for all three substrates, and nonlinear, correlated parameter spaces estimated using an F distribution in the objective function (J). Each parameter set occupied mutually exclusive parameter spaces, indicating that all were statistically different from each other. However, qualitatively, the influence on model outputs was similar, and the lumped set would be reasonable for mixed acid digestion. The main characteristic not represented by Monod kinetics was a delay in i-valerate uptake, and was compensated for by a decreased maximum uptake rate (k(m)). Therefore, the kinetics need modification if fed predominantly i-valerate. Butyrate (i- and n-) and n-valerate could be modeled using stoichiometry consistent with beta-oxidation degradation pathways. However, i-valerate produced acetate only, supporting the stoichiometry of a reaction determined by other researchers in pure culture. Therefore, lumping i-valerate stoichiometry with that of n-valerate will not allow good system representation, especially when the feed consists of proteins high in leucine (which produces i-valerate), and the modified model structure and stoichiometry as proposed here should be used. This requires no additional kinetic parameters and one additional dynamic concentration state variable (i-valerate) in addition to the variables in the base model.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA oxidase, the first enzyme of the peroxisomal β-oxidation, was proved to be rate-limiting for this process in homogenates of rat liver, kidney, adrenal gland, heart and skeletal muscle. Acyl-CoA oxidase activity, based on H2O2-dependent leuko-dichlorofluorescein oxidation in tissue extract, was compared with radiochemically assayed peroxisomal β-oxidation rates. Dichlorofluorescein production was a valid measure of peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation only in liver and kidney, but not in adrenal gland, heart or skeletal muscle. Production of 14C-labeled acid-soluble products from 1-14C-labeled fatty acids in the presence of antimycin-rotenone appears to be a more accurate and sensitive estimate of peroxisomal β-oxidation than the acyl-CoA oxidase activity on base of H2O2 production. Chain-length specificity of acyl-CoA oxidase changed with the acyl-CoA concentrations used. Below 80 μM, palmitoyl-CoA showed the highest activity of the measured substrates in rat liver extract. No indications were obtained for the presence in rat liver of more forms of acyl-CoA oxidase with different chain-length specificity.  相似文献   

In this work the microsomal lauric acid omega-hydroxylation, fatty acid peroxisomal beta-oxidation, and the levels of cytochrome P-450 IVA1 were studied in liver tissue from starved rats. Starvation increased the peroxisomal beta-oxidation and the microsomal hydroxylation of fatty acids. The correlation between these activities would support the proposal that both processes are linked, contributing in part to catabolism of fatty acids in liver of starved rats.  相似文献   

Metabolism-dependent inactivators of 3-ketothiolase I and carnitine acyltransferase I (CAT I) have been used to study the oxidation of fatty acids in intact hepatocytes. 2-Bromooctanoate inactivates mitochondrial and peroxisomal 3-ketothiolases I in a time-dependent manner. During the first 5 min of incubation, inactivation of 3-ketothiolase in mitochondria is five times faster than its inactivation in peroxisomes. Almost complete inactivation of 3-ketothiolase I in both types of organelle is achieved after incubation with 1 mM 2-bromooctanoate for 40 min. The inactivation is not affected by preincubating hepatocytes with 20 microM tetradecylglycidate (TDGA), an inactivator of CAT I, under conditions which cause greater than 95% inactivation of CAT I. 2-Bromododecanoate (1 mM) causes 60% inactivation of mitochondrial and peroxisomal 3-ketothiolases I in 40 min. These inactivations are greatly reduced by preincubating hepatocytes with 20 microM TDGA, demonstrating that 2-bromododecanoate enters both mitochondria and peroxisomes via its carnitine ester. 2-Bromopalmitate (1 mM) causes less than 5% inactivation of mitochondrial and peroxisomal 3-ketothiolases I in 40 min, but causes 95% inactivation of CAT I during this time. Incubation of hepatocytes with 10-200 microM 2-bromopalmitoyl-L-carnitine causes inactivation of mitochondrial and peroxisomal 3-ketothiolases I at similar rates. This inactivation is decreased by palmitoyl-D-carnitine during the first 5 min of incubation. Pretreating hepatocytes with 20 microM TDGA does not affect the inactivation of mitochondrial or peroxisomal 3-ketothiolase I by 2-bromopalmitoyl-L-carnitine. These results demonstrate that in intact hepatocytes, peroxisomes oxidize fatty acids of medium-chain length by a carnitine-independent mechanism, whereas they oxidize long-chain fatty acids by a carnitine-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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