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A microsporidian of the genus Spraguea was found parasitizing the nervous tissues of Lophius piscatorius collected from various localities in the Mediterranean coastal areas of Tunisia. The tissue localization, the infection focus aspect and sporal dimorphism are characteristics of Spraguea lophii species. Molecular data based on partial sequence of SSUrRNA encoding gene shows few nucleotide polymorphisms, compared to all described Spraguea isolates. Molecular karyotype obtained on pulsed field gel electrophoresis (1D-PFGE) shows a profile with 14 stained bands in the range of 230–880 kbp and a genome size estimated to 6.700 kbp. The rare cutter endonuclease MluI KARD 2-D-PFGE fingerprint shows an extensive chromosome length polymorphism, but the number of chromosome is unchanged and consists of 15 different molecules. The extensive chromosome length polymorphism is associated to a reduced number of genetic events.  相似文献   

The microsporidian species Glugea anomala, G. stephani, G. americanus and Spraguea lophii were compared by using sequence data derived from their small subunit rDNA genes which were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and directly sequenced. These sequence data and published data of G. atherinae were analyzed and were used to infer a phylogenetic tree. The 5 microsporidian fish parasites appeared to be closely related. The higher sequence similarities demonstrated among G. anomala, G. stephani and G. atherinae suggest that these 3 parasites are in fact only 1 species of Glugea. Moreover, the higher sequence similarities between S. lophii and G. americanus support the transfer of the latter Glugea species into the genus Spraguea.  相似文献   

猪生殖与呼吸综合征病毒的基因组及致病的分子基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪生殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and res-piratory syndrome virus,PRRSV)以引起母猪的生殖障碍及仔猪的呼吸道症状为特征。PRRSV属于尼多病毒目、动脉炎病毒属。PRRSV的基因组为一单股正链RNA分子,由大约15 000个核苷酸组成,含有8个开放性阅读框架(ORFs),其线性排列顺序为5-′NCR-ORF1a/1b-ORF2-GP3-GP4-GP5-M-N-NCR-3′。大量研究表明PRRSV基因组的结构特征、表达模式及与宿主的相互作用构成了PRRSV致病的分子基础,系统了解该方面的研究进展对开展PRRSV致病机理和新型疫苗等方面的研究将有所帮助。1…  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium (KV) channels are membrane proteins that respond to changes in membrane potential by enabling K+ ion flux across the membrane. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) induce channel opening by modulating the voltage-sensitivity, which can provide effective treatment against refractory epilepsy by means of a ketogenic diet. While PUFAs have been reported to influence the gating mechanism by electrostatic interactions to the voltage-sensor domain (VSD), the exact PUFA-protein interactions are still elusive. In this study, we report on the interactions between the Shaker KV channel in open and closed states and a PUFA-enriched lipid bilayer using microsecond molecular dynamics simulations. We determined a putative PUFA binding site in the open state of the channel located at the protein-lipid interface in the vicinity of the extracellular halves of the S3 and S4 helices of the VSD. In particular, the lipophilic PUFA tail covered a wide range of non-specific hydrophobic interactions in the hydrophobic central core of the protein-lipid interface, while the carboxylic head group displayed more specific interactions to polar/charged residues at the extracellular regions of the S3 and S4 helices, encompassing the S3-S4 linker. Moreover, by studying the interactions between saturated fatty acids (SFA) and the Shaker KV channel, our study confirmed an increased conformational flexibility in the polyunsaturated carbon tails compared to saturated carbon chains, which may explain the specificity of PUFA action on channel proteins.  相似文献   

Models of genetic effects integrate the action of genes, regulatory regions and interactions among alleles across the genome. Such theoretical frameworks are critical for applied studies in at least two ways. First, discovering genetic networks with specific effects underlying traits in populations requires the development of models that implement those effects as parameters—adjusting the implementation of epistasis parameters in genetic models has for instance been a requirement for properly testing for epistasis in gene-mapping studies. Second, studying the properties and implications of models of genetic effects that involve complex genetic networks has proven to be valuable, whether those networks have been revealed for particular organisms or inferred to be of interest from theoretical works and simulations. Here I review the current state of development and recent applications of models of genetic effects. I focus on general models aiming to depict complex genotype-to-phenotype maps and on applications of them to networks of interacting loci.  相似文献   

The dengue virus (DV) is an important human pathogen from the Flavivirus genus, whose genome- and antigenome RNAs start with the strictly conserved sequence pppAG. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), a product of the NS5 gene, initiates RNA synthesis de novo, i.e., without the use of a pre-existing primer. Very little is known about the mechanism of this de novo initiation and how conservation of the starting adenosine is achieved. The polymerase domain NS5PolDV of NS5, upon initiation on viral RNA templates, synthesizes mainly dinucleotide primers that are then elongated in a processive manner. We show here that NS5PolDV contains a specific priming site for adenosine 5′-triphosphate as the first transcribed nucleotide. Remarkably, in the absence of any RNA template the enzyme is able to selectively synthesize the dinucleotide pppAG when Mn2+ is present as catalytic ion. The T794 to A799 priming loop is essential for initiation and provides at least part of the ATP-specific priming site. The H798 loop residue is of central importance for the ATP-specific initiation step. In addition to ATP selection, NS5PolDV ensures the conservation of the 5′-adenosine by strongly discriminating against viral templates containing an erroneous 3′-end nucleotide in the presence of Mg2+. In the presence of Mn2+, NS5PolDV is remarkably able to generate and elongate the correct pppAG primer on these erroneous templates. This can be regarded as a genomic/antigenomic RNA end repair mechanism. These conservational mechanisms, mediated by the polymerase alone, may extend to other RNA virus families having RdRps initiating RNA synthesis de novo.  相似文献   

Antibacterial compounds typically act by directly inhibiting essential bacterial enzyme activities. Although this general mechanism of action has fueled traditional antibiotic discovery efforts for decades, new antibiotic development has not kept pace with the emergence of drug resistant bacterial strains. These limitations have severely restricted the therapeutic tools available for treating bacterial infections. Here we test an alternative antibacterial lead-compound identification strategy in which essential protein-protein interactions are targeted rather than enzymatic activities. Bacterial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) form conserved protein interaction “hubs” that are essential for recruiting many DNA replication, recombination, and repair proteins to SSB/DNA nucleoprotein substrates. Three small molecules that block SSB/protein interactions are shown to have antibacterial activity against diverse bacterial species. Consistent with a model in which the compounds target multiple SSB/protein interactions, treatment of Bacillus subtilis cultures with the compounds leads to rapid inhibition of DNA replication and recombination, and ultimately to cell death. The compounds also have unanticipated effects on protein synthesis that could be due to a previously unknown role for SSB/protein interactions in translation or to off-target effects. Our results highlight the potential of targeting protein-protein interactions, particularly those that mediate genome maintenance, as a powerful approach for identifying new antibacterial compounds.  相似文献   

Dissecting the genetic mechanisms underlying dioecy (i.e., separate female and male individuals) is critical for understanding the evolution of this pervasive reproductive strategy. Nonetheless, the genetic basis of sex determination remains unclear in many cases, especially in systems where dioecy has arisen recently. Within the economically important plant genus Solanum (∼2,000 species), dioecy is thought to have evolved independently at least 4 times across roughly 20 species. Here, we generate the first genome sequence of a dioecious Solanum and use it to ascertain the genetic basis of sex determination in this species. We de novo assembled and annotated the genome of Solanum appendiculatum (assembly size: ∼750 Mb scaffold N50: 0.92 Mb; ∼35,000 genes), identified sex-specific sequences and their locations in the genome, and inferred that males in this species are the heterogametic sex. We also analyzed gene expression patterns in floral tissues of males and females, finding approximately 100 genes that are differentially expressed between the sexes. These analyses, together with observed patterns of gene-family evolution specific to S. appendiculatum, consistently implicate a suite of genes from the regulatory network controlling pectin degradation and modification in the expression of sex. Furthermore, the genome of a species with a relatively young sex-determination system provides the foundational resources for future studies on the independent evolution of dioecy in this clade.  相似文献   

Mutations in 13 genes affecting muscle development in Drosophila have been examined in pairwise combinations for evidence of genetic interactions. Heterozygous combinations of mutations in five genes, including the gene coding for myosin heavy chain, result in more severe phenotypes than respective single heterozygous mutant controls. The various mutant interactions include examples showing allele-specific intergenic interactions, gene specific interactions, and allele-specific intragenic complementations, suggesting that some interactions result from the manner in which mutant gene products associate. Interactions that result from alterations in ``+' gene copy number were also uncovered, suggesting that normal myofibril development requires that the relative amounts of respective gene products produced be tightly regulated. The importance of the latter parameter is substantiated by the finding that all five interacting loci map to disperse haploinsufficient or haplolethal regions of the genome. The implications of the present findings are discussed in relation to pursuing the phenomena involving genetic interactions to identify new genes encoding interacting myofibrillar proteins, to examine the nature of intermolecular interactions in mutant and normal development and to decipher the quantitative and temporal regulation of a large family of functionally related gene products.  相似文献   

Phenotypic changes over geological time must result from alterationsin the morphogenetic mechanisms associated with organogenesis.Recent advances in our understanding of such mechanisms suggestthat there are certain patterns of metabolic activity and organellesynthesis which are present in many different cell lineagesat different times during embryonic development, and that thisubiquity of genomic potential is available for expression atany time. Microevolutionary sequences of morphological changeprobably result from modulations of quantitative aspects oforganogenesis, e.g., rates of cell proliferation, or cell density.It is also possible that certain macroevolutionary steps ("neomorphs")may result from qualitative changes in the developmental programs,and such events underly "ultimate refinement" of morphologicaladaptation. The selection pressures involved in these differentsequences of morphological change "see" embryonic processesin different ways. This thesis is illustrated with referenceto the evolutionary history of the tetrapod limb.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein-coding genes (mt genes) encode subunits forming complexes of crucial cellular pathways, including those involved in the vital process of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Despite the vital role of the mitochondrial genome (mt genome) in the survival of organisms, little is known with respect to its adaptive implications within marine invertebrates. The molluscan Class Cephalopoda is represented by a marine group of species known to occupy contrasting environments ranging from the intertidal to the deep sea, having distinct metabolic requirements, varied body shapes and highly advanced visual and nervous systems that make them highly competitive and successful worldwide predators. Thus, cephalopods are valuable models for testing natural selection acting on their mitochondrial subunits (mt subunits). Here, we used concatenated mt genes from 17 fully sequenced mt genomes of diverse cephalopod species to generate a robust mitochondrial phylogeny for the Class Cephalopoda. We followed an integrative approach considering several branches of interest–covering cephalopods with distinct morphologies, metabolic rates and habitats–to identify sites under positive selection and localize them in the respective protein alignment and/or tridimensional structure of the mt subunits. Our results revealed significant adaptive variation in several mt subunits involved in the energy production pathway of cephalopods: ND5 and ND6 from Complex I, CYTB from Complex III, COX2 and COX3 from Complex IV, and in ATP8 from Complex V. Furthermore, we identified relevant sites involved in protein-interactions, lining proton translocation channels, as well as disease/deficiencies related sites in the aforementioned complexes. A particular case, revealed by this study, is the involvement of some positively selected sites, found in Octopoda lineage in lining proton translocation channels (site 74 from ND5) and in interactions between subunits (site 507 from ND5) of Complex I.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to elucidate the basis of the observation that different strains of Rhizobium infect particular legumes. Rhizobia specific for a variety of legumes were grown with 13PO2?4 and exposed to pea roots (Pisum sativum L.), R. leguminosarum 128C53, which nodulates pea, did not attach to the roots in greater numbers than those strains of rhizobia incapable of infecting pea roots. A complex of R. leguminosarum 128C53 conjugated to a fluorochrome-labeled antibody exhibited a striking attachment to the tips of pea root hairs, where infection normally occurs, but this fluorescent complex also bound to the root hairs of Canavalia en siformis DC., Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl., Trifolium pratense L., and Medicago sativa L., which are not infected by this bacterium. A reproducible, quantitative technique developed for studying interactions between fluorochrome-labeled lectins and rhizobia revealed no relationship between lectin-Rhizobium interactions and the capacity to infect a plant. The data are interpreted as suggesting that simple attachment of Rhizobium to a legume root is not the basis of host-symbiont specificity in this system.  相似文献   

The dengue virus genome is a dynamic molecule that adopts different conformations in the infected cell. Here, using RNA folding predictions, chemical probing analysis, RNA binding assays, and functional studies, we identified new cis-acting elements present in the capsid coding sequence that facilitate cyclization of the viral RNA by hybridization with a sequence involved in a local dumbbell structure at the viral 3′ untranslated region (UTR). The identified interaction differentially enhances viral replication in mosquito and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat, which has been developed by repeated inbreeding of glucose-intolerant Wistar rats, is the most widely studied rat model for Type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the detailed genetic background of T2D phenotype in GK rats is still largely unknown. We report a survey of T2D susceptible variations based on high-quality whole genome sequencing of GK and Wistar rats, which have generated a list of GK-specific variations (228 structural variations, 2660 CNV amplification and 2834 CNV deletion, 1796 protein affecting SNVs or indels) by comparative genome analysis and identified 192 potential T2D-associated genes. The genes with variants are further refined with prior knowledge and public resource including variant polymorphism of rat strains, protein-protein interactions and differential gene expression. Finally we have identified 15 genetic mutant genes which include seven known T2D related genes (Tnfrsf1b, Scg5, Fgb, Sell, Dpp4, Icam1, and Pkd2l1) and eight high-confidence new candidate genes (Ldlr, Ccl2, Erbb3, Akr1b1, Pik3c2a, Cd5, Eef2k, and Cpd). Our result reveals that the T2D phenotype may be caused by the accumulation of multiple variations in GK rat, and that the mutated genes may affect biological functions including adipocytokine signaling, glycerolipid metabolism, PPAR signaling, T cell receptor signaling and insulin signaling pathways. We present the genomic difference between two closely related rat strains (GK and Wistar) and narrow down the scope of susceptible loci. It also requires further experimental study to understand and validate the relationship between our candidate variants and T2D phenotype. Our findings highlight the importance of sequenced-based comparative genomics for investigating disease susceptibility loci in inbreeding animal models.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of honeybee (Apis mellifera) mitochondrial DNA is reported being 16,343 bp long in the strain sequenced. Relative to their positions in the Drosophila map, 11 of the tRNA genes are in altered positions, but the other genes and regions are in the same relative positions. Comparisons of the predicted protein sequences indicate that the honeybee mitochondrial genetic code is the same as that for Drosophila; but the anticodons of two tRNAs differ between these two insects. The base composition shows extreme bias, being 84.9% AT (cf. 78.6% in Drosophila yakuba). In protein-encoding genes, the AT bias is strongest at the third codon positions (which in some cases lack guanines altogether), and least in second codon positions. Multiple stepwise regression analysis of the predicted products of the protein-encoding genes shows a significant association between the numbers of occurrences of amino acids and %T in codon family, but not with the number of codons per codon family or other parameters associated with codon family base composition. Differences in amino acid abundances are apparent between the predicted Apis and Drosophila proteins, with a relative abundance in the Apis proteins of lysine and a relative deficiency of alanine. Drosophila alanine residues are as often replaced by serine as conserved in Apis. The differences in abundances between Drosophila and Apis are associated with %AT in the codon families, and the degree of divergence in amino acid composition between proteins correlates with the divergence in %AT at the second codon positions. Overall, transversions are about twice as abundant as transitions when comparing Drosophila and Apis protein-encoding genes, but this ratio varies between codon positions. Marked excesses of transitions over chance expectation are seen for the third positions of protein-coding genes and for the gene for the small subunit of ribosomal RNA. For the third codon positions the excess of transitions is adequately explained as due to the restriction of observable substitutions to transitions for conserved amino acids with two-codon families; the excess of transitions over expectation for the small ribosomal subunit suggests that the conservation of nucleotide size is favored by selection.  相似文献   

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