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T cells use the αβ T cell receptor (TCR) to recognize antigenic peptides presented by class I major histocompatibility complex proteins (pMHCs) on the surfaces of antigen-presenting cells. Flexibility in both TCRs and peptides plays an important role in antigen recognition and discrimination. Less clear is the role of flexibility in the MHC protein; although recent observations have indicated that mobility in the MHC can impact TCR recognition in a peptide-dependent fashion, the extent of this behavior is unknown. Here, using hydrogen/deuterium exchange, fluorescence anisotropy, and structural analyses, we show that the flexibility of the peptide binding groove of the class I MHC protein HLA-A*0201 varies significantly with different peptides. The variations extend throughout the binding groove, impacting regions contacted by TCRs as well as other activating and inhibitory receptors of the immune system. Our results are consistent with statistical mechanical models of protein structure and dynamics, in which the binding of different peptides alters the populations and exchange kinetics of substates in the MHC conformational ensemble. Altered MHC flexibility will influence receptor engagement, impacting conformational adaptations, entropic penalties associated with receptor recognition, and the populations of binding-competent states. Our results highlight a previously unrecognized aspect of the “altered self” mechanism of immune recognition and have implications for specificity, cross-reactivity, and antigenicity in cellular immunity.  相似文献   

The HER2 receptor tyrosine kinase is a driver oncogene in many human cancers, including breast and gastric cancer. Under physiologic levels of expression, HER2 heterodimerizes with other members of the EGF receptor/HER/ErbB family, and the HER2-HER3 dimer forms one of the most potent oncogenic receptor pairs. Previous structural biology studies have individually crystallized the kinase domains of HER2 and HER3, but the HER2-HER3 kinase domain heterodimer structure has yet to be solved. Using a reconstituted membrane system to form HER2-HER3 kinase domain heterodimers and carboxyl group footprinting mass spectrometry, we observed that HER2 and HER3 kinase domains preferentially form asymmetric heterodimers with HER3 and HER2 monomers occupying the donor and acceptor kinase positions, respectively. Conformational changes in the HER2 activation loop, as measured by changes in carboxyl group labeling, required both dimerization and nucleotide binding but did not require activation loop phosphorylation at Tyr-877. Molecular dynamics simulations on HER2-HER3 kinase dimers identify specific inter- and intramolecular interactions and were in good agreement with MS measurements. Specifically, several intermolecular ionic interactions between HER2 Lys-716-HER3 Glu-909, HER2 Glu-717-HER3 Lys-907, and HER2 Asp-871-HER3 Arg-948 were identified by molecular dynamics. We also evaluated the effect of the cancer-associated mutations HER2 D769H/D769Y, HER3 E909G, and HER3 R948K (also numbered HER3 E928G and R967K) on kinase activity in the context of this new structural model. This study provides valuable insights into the EGF receptor/HER/ErbB kinase structure and interactions, which can guide the design of future therapies.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells can use exogenous isoprenols to generate isoprenoid diphosphate substrates for protein isoprenylation, but the mechanism, efficiency, and biological importance of this process are not known. We developed mass spectrometry-based methods using chemical probes and newly synthesized stable isotope-labeled tracers to quantitate incorporation of exogenously provided farnesol, geranylgeraniol, and unnatural analogs of these isoprenols containing an aniline group into isoprenoid diphosphates and protein isoprenylcysteines by cultured human cancer cell lines. We found that at exogenous isoprenol concentrations >10 μm, this process can generate as much as 50% of the cellular isoprenoid diphosphate pool used for protein isoprenylation. Mutational activation of p53 in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells up-regulates the mevalonate pathway to promote tumor invasiveness. p53 silencing or pharmacological inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase in these cells decreases protein isoprenylation from endogenously synthesized isoprenoids but enhances the use of exogenous isoprenols for this purpose, indicating that this latter process is regulated independently of the mevalonate pathway. Our observations suggest unique opportunities for design of cancer cell-directed therapies and may provide insights into mechanisms underlying pleiotropic therapeutic benefits and unwanted side effects of mevalonate pathway inhibition.  相似文献   

Fibrillar type I collagen is the major organic component in bone, providing a stable template for mineralization. During collagen biosynthesis, specific hydroxylysine residues become glycosylated in the form of galactosyl- and glucosylgalactosyl-hydroxylysine. Furthermore, key glycosylated hydroxylysine residues, α1/2-87, are involved in covalent intermolecular cross-linking. Although cross-linking is crucial for the stability and mineralization of collagen, the biological function of glycosylation in cross-linking is not well understood. In this study, we quantitatively characterized glycosylation of non-cross-linked and cross-linked peptides by biochemical and nanoscale liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometric analyses. The results showed that glycosylation of non-cross-linked hydroxylysine is different from that involved in cross-linking. Among the cross-linked species involving α1/2-87, divalent cross-links were glycosylated with both mono- and disaccharides, whereas the mature, trivalent cross-links were primarily monoglycosylated. Markedly diminished diglycosylation in trivalent cross-links at this locus was also confirmed in type II collagen. The data, together with our recent report (Sricholpech, M., Perdivara, I., Yokoyama, M., Nagaoka, H., Terajima, M., Tomer, K. B., and Yamauchi, M. (2012) Lysyl hydroxylase 3-mediated glucosylation in type I collagen: molecular loci and biological significance. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 22998–23009), indicate that the extent and pattern of glycosylation may regulate cross-link maturation in fibrillar collagen.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gC-1, participating in viral receptor interactions and immunity interference, harbors a mucin-like domain with multiple clustered O-linked glycans. Using HSV-1-infected diploid human fibroblasts, an authentic target for HSV-1 infection, and a protein immunoaffinity procedure, we enriched fully glycosylated gC-1 and a series of its biosynthetic intermediates. This fraction was subjected to trypsin digestion and a LC-MS/MS glycoproteomics approach. In parallel, we characterized the expression patterns of the 20 isoforms of human GalNAc transferases responsible for initiation of O-linked glycosylation. The gC-1 O-glycosylation was regulated in an orderly manner initiated by synchronous addition of one GalNAc unit each to Thr-87 and Thr-91 and one GalNAc unit to either Thr-99 or Thr-101, forming a core glycopeptide for subsequent additions of in all 11 GalNAc residues to selected Ser and Thr residues of the Thr-76–Lys-107 stretch of the mucin domain. The expression patterns of GalNAc transferases in the infected cells suggested that initial additions of GalNAc were carried out by initiating GalNAc transferases, in particular GalNAc-T2, whereas subsequent GalNAc additions were carried out by followup transferases, in particular GalNAc-T10. Essentially all of the susceptible Ser or Thr residues had to acquire their GalNAc units before any elongation to longer O-linked glycans of the gC-1-associated GalNAc units was permitted. Because the GalNAc occupancy pattern is of relevance for receptor binding of gC-1, the data provide a model to delineate biosynthetic steps of O-linked glycosylation of the gC-1 mucin domain in HSV-1-infected target cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied a comprehensive G protein-coupled receptor-Gαi protein chemical cross-linking strategy to map the cannabinoid receptor subtype 2 (CB2)- Gαi interface and then used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the dynamics of complex formation. Three cross-link sites were identified using LC-MS/MS and electrospray ionization-MS/MS as follows: 1) a sulfhydryl cross-link between C3.53(134) in TMH3 and the Gαi C-terminal i-3 residue Cys-351; 2) a lysine cross-link between K6.35(245) in TMH6 and the Gαi C-terminal i-5 residue, Lys-349; and 3) a lysine cross-link between K5.64(215) in TMH5 and the Gαi α4β6 loop residue, Lys-317. To investigate the dynamics and nature of the conformational changes involved in CB2·Gi complex formation, we carried out microsecond-time scale molecular dynamics simulations of the CB2 R*·Gαi1β1γ2 complex embedded in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer, using cross-linking information as validation. Our results show that although molecular dynamics simulations started with the G protein orientation in the β2-AR*·Gαsβ1γ2 complex crystal structure, the Gαi1β1γ2 protein reoriented itself within 300 ns. Two major changes occurred as follows. 1) The Gαi1 α5 helix tilt changed due to the outward movement of TMH5 in CB2 R*. 2) A 25° clockwise rotation of Gαi1β1γ2 underneath CB2 R* occurred, with rotation ceasing when Pro-139 (IC-2 loop) anchors in a hydrophobic pocket on Gαi1 (Val-34, Leu-194, Phe-196, Phe-336, Thr-340, Ile-343, and Ile-344). In this complex, all three experimentally identified cross-links can occur. These findings should be relevant for other class A G protein-coupled receptors that couple to Gi proteins.  相似文献   

丁程  李晓琴 《生物信息学》2013,11(2):124-129
热稳定性相关区域的识别是蛋白耐热性改造的关键问题之一。本文以枯草杆菌蛋白(SUBTILISIN BPN)为研究对象,通过枯草杆菌蛋白同源家族序列的统计耦联分析,提取枯草杆菌蛋白中的保守残基和强耦联残基,并运用分子动力学模拟方法,提取枯草杆菌蛋白表面候选突变残基,综合上述结果,提出了枯草杆菌蛋白表面耐热性改造关键区域的识别方法,并利用该方法确定了枯草杆菌蛋白表面的10个耐热性改造关键区域。将该结果与已有的耐热性突变实验资料进行了对比,发现其中的7个预测区域与实验结果吻合。结果验证了该方法可以较好地识别蛋白耐热性改造关键区域。  相似文献   

Fe-S clusters are critical metallocofactors required for cell function. Fe-S cluster biogenesis is carried out by assembly machinery consisting of multiple proteins. Fe-S cluster biogenesis proteins work together to mobilize sulfide and iron, form the nascent cluster, traffic the cluster to target metalloproteins, and regulate the assembly machinery in response to cellular Fe-S cluster demand. A complex series of protein-protein interactions is required for the assembly machinery to function properly. Despite considerable progress in obtaining static three-dimensional structures of the assembly proteins, little is known about transient protein-protein interactions during cluster assembly or the role of protein dynamics in the cluster assembly process. The Escherichia coli cysteine desulfurase SufS (EC and its accessory protein SufE work together to mobilize persulfide from l-cysteine, which is then donated to the SufB Fe-S cluster scaffold. Here we use amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to characterize SufS-SufE interactions and protein dynamics in solution. HDX-MS analysis shows that SufE binds near the SufS active site to accept persulfide from Cys-364. Furthermore, SufE binding initiates allosteric changes in other parts of the SufS structure that likely affect SufS catalysis and alter SufS monomer-monomer interactions. SufE enhances the initial l-cysteine substrate binding to SufS and formation of the external aldimine with pyridoxal phosphate required for early steps in SufS catalysis. Together, these results provide a new picture of the SufS-SufE sulfur transferase pathway and suggest a more active role for SufE in promoting the SufS cysteine desulfurase reaction for Fe-S cluster assembly.  相似文献   

Claudins are integral transmembrane components of the tight junctions forming trans-epithelial barriers in many organs, such as the nervous system, lung, and epidermis. In Drosophila three claudins have been identified that are required for forming the tight junctions analogous structure, the septate junctions (SJs). The lack of claudins results in a disruption of SJ integrity leading to a breakdown of the trans-epithelial barrier and to disturbed epithelial morphogenesis. However, little is known about claudin partners for transport mechanisms and membrane organization. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the claudin proteome in Drosophila by combining biochemical and physiological approaches. Using specific antibodies against the claudin Megatrachea for immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, we identified 142 proteins associated with Megatrachea in embryos. The Megatrachea interacting proteins were analyzed in vivo by tissue-specific knockdown of the corresponding genes using RNA interference. We identified known and novel putative SJ components, such as the gene product of CG3921. Furthermore, our data suggest that the control of secretion processes specific to SJs and dependent on Sec61p may involve Megatrachea interaction with Sec61 subunits. Also, our findings suggest that clathrin-coated vesicles may regulate Megatrachea turnover at the plasma membrane similar to human claudins. As claudins are conserved both in structure and function, our findings offer novel candidate proteins involved in the claudin interactome of vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

As an approach to elucidating dopamine transporter (DAT) phosphorylation characteristics, we examined in vitro phosphorylation of a recombinant rat DAT N-terminal peptide (NDAT) using purified protein kinases. We found that NDAT becomes phosphorylated at single distinct sites by protein kinase A (Ser-7) and calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (Ser-13) and at multiple sites (Ser-4, Ser-7, and Ser-13) by protein kinase C (PKC), implicating these residues as potential sites of DAT phosphorylation by these kinases. Mapping of rat striatal DAT phosphopeptides by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography revealed basal and PKC-stimulated phosphorylation of the same peptide fragments and comigration of PKC-stimulated phosphopeptide fragments with NDAT Ser-7 phosphopeptide markers. We further confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and mass spectrometry that Ser-7 is a site for PKC-stimulated phosphorylation in heterologously expressed rat and human DATs. Mutation of Ser-7 and nearby residues strongly reduced the affinity of rat DAT for the cocaine analog (−)-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-fluorophenyl) tropane (CFT), whereas in rat striatal tissue, conditions that promote DAT phosphorylation caused increased CFT affinity. Ser-7 mutation also affected zinc modulation of CFT binding, with Ala and Asp substitutions inducing opposing effects. These results identify Ser-7 as a major site for basal and PKC-stimulated phosphorylation of native and expressed DAT and suggest that Ser-7 phosphorylation modulates transporter conformational equilibria, shifting the transporter between high and low affinity cocaine binding states.  相似文献   

Abnormal aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) into amyloid fibrils is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. In this study, we investigated the initial oligomerization and subsequent addition of monomers to growing aggregates of human IAPP at the residue-specific level using NMR, atomic force microscopy, mass spectroscopy, and computational simulations. We found that in solution IAPPs rapidly associate into transient low-order oligomers such as dimers and trimers via interactions between histidine 18 and tyrosine 37. This initial event is proceeded by slow aggregation into higher-order spherical oligomers and elongated fibrils. In these two morphologically distinct types of aggregates IAPPs adopt structures with markedly different residual flexibility. Here we show that the anti-amyloidogenic compound resveratrol inhibits oligomerization and amyloid formation via binding to histidine 18, supporting the finding that this residue is crucial for on-pathway oligomer formation.  相似文献   

Many actin-binding proteins have been shown to possess multiple activities to regulate filament dynamics. Tropomodulins (Tmod1–4) are a conserved family of actin filament pointed end-capping proteins. Our previous work has demonstrated that Tmod3 binds to monomeric actin in addition to capping pointed ends. Here, we show a novel actin-nucleating activity in mammalian Tmods. Comparison of Tmod isoforms revealed that Tmod1–3 but not Tmod4 nucleate actin filament assembly. All Tmods bind to monomeric actin, and Tmod3 forms a 1:1 complex with actin. By truncation and mutagenesis studies, we demonstrated that the second α-helix in the N-terminal domain of Tmod3 is essential for actin monomer binding. Chemical cross-linking and LC-MS/MS further indicated that residues in this second α-helix interact with actin subdomain 2, whereas Tmod3 N-terminal domain peptides distal to this α-helix interact with actin subdomain 1. Mutagenesis of Leu-73 to Asp, which disrupts the second α-helix of Tmod3, decreases both its actin monomer-binding and -nucleating activities. On the other hand, point mutations of residues in the C-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain of Tmod3 (Lys-317 in the fifth leucine-rich repeat β-sheet and Lys-344 or Arg-345/Arg-346 in the C-terminal α6-helix) significantly reduced pointed end-capping and nucleation without altering actin monomer binding. Taken together, our data indicate that Tmod3 binds actin monomers over an extended interface and that nucleating activity depends on actin monomer binding and pointed end-capping activities, contributed by N- and C-terminal domains of Tmod3, respectively. Tmod3 nucleation of actin assembly may regulate the cytoskeleton in dynamic cellular contexts.  相似文献   

嗜温冷休克蛋白力致去折叠研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜温冷休克蛋白拥有一个由五个β股形成的反平行β桶结构,目前已被用于蛋白质去折叠的研究。当使用机械力对嗜温冷休克蛋白进行拉伸研究时,发现嗜温冷休克蛋白的去折叠过程具有明显的中间态。在常速和常力两种情况下对嗜温冷休克蛋白进行拉伸分子动力学模拟,发现其在两种情况下具有相同的去折叠次序,即C端β片层首先去折叠,随后N端β片层去折叠;同时这两种模拟都表现出明确的中间态。研究结果表明,嗜温冷休克蛋白抵抗外力作用除了依赖链间氢键外,分子内的静电相互作用也发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The presence of the prion protein (PrP) in normal human urine is controversial and currently inconclusive. This issue has taken a special relevance because prion infectivity has been demonstrated in urine of animals carrying experimental or naturally occurring prion diseases, but the actual presence and tissue origin of the infectious prion have not been determined. We used immunoprecipitation, one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry to prove definitely the presence of PrP in human urine and its post-translational modifications. We show that urinary PrP (uPrP) is truncated mainly at residue 112 but also at other residues up to 122. This truncation makes uPrP undetectable with some commonly used antibodies to PrP. uPrP is glycosylated and carries an anchor which, at variance with that of cellular PrP, lacks the inositol-associated phospholipid moiety, indicating that uPrP is probably shed from the cell surface. The detailed characterization of uPrP reported here definitely proves the presence of PrP in human urine and will help determine the origin of prion infectivity in urine.  相似文献   

Human aquaporin10 (hAQP10) is a transmembrane facilitator of both water and glycerol transport in the small intestine. This aquaglyceroporin is located in the apical membrane of enterocytes and is believed to contribute to the passage of water and glycerol through these intestinal absorptive cells. Here we overproduced hAQP10 in the yeast Pichia pastoris and observed that the protein is glycosylated at Asn-133 in the extracellular loop C. This finding confirms one of three predicted glycosylation sites for hAQP10, and its glycosylation is unique for the human aquaporins overproduced in this host. Nonglycosylated protein was isolated using both glycan affinity chromatography and through mutating asparagine 133 to a glutamine. All three forms of hAQP10 where found to facilitate the transport of water, glycerol, erythritol, and xylitol, and glycosylation had little effect on functionality. In contrast, glycosylated hAQP10 showed increased thermostability of 3-6 °C compared with the nonglycosylated protein, suggesting a stabilizing effect of the N-linked glycan. Because only one third of hAQP10 was glycosylated yet the thermostability titration was mono-modal, we suggest that the presence of at least one glycosylated protein within each tetramer is sufficient to convey an enhanced structural stability to the remaining hAQP10 protomers of the tetramer.  相似文献   

Rhomboid proteases occur in all domains of life; however, their physiological role is not completely understood, and nothing is known of the biology of these enzymes in Archaea. One of the two rhomboid homologs of Haloferax volcanii (RhoII) is fused to a zinc finger domain. Chromosomal deletion of rhoII was successful, indicating that this gene is not essential for this organism; however, the mutant strain (MIG1) showed reduced motility and increased sensitivity to novobiocin. Membrane preparations of MIG1 were enriched in two glycoproteins, identified as the S-layer glycoprotein and an ABC transporter component. The H. volcanii S-layer glycoprotein has been extensively used as a model to study haloarchaeal protein N-glycosylation. HPLC analysis of oligosaccharides released from the S-layer glycoprotein after PNGase treatment revealed that MIG1 was enriched in species with lower retention times than those derived from the parent strain. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that the wild type glycoprotein released a novel oligosaccharide species corresponding to GlcNAc-GlcNAc(Hex)2-(SQ-Hex)6 in contrast to the mutant protein, which contained the shorter form GlcNAc2(Hex)2-SQ-Hex-SQ. A glycoproteomics approach of the wild type glycopeptide fraction revealed Asn-732 peptide fragments linked to the sulfoquinovose-containing oligosaccharide. This work describes a novel N-linked oligosaccharide containing a repeating SQ-Hex unit bound to Asn-732 of the H. volcanii S-layer glycoprotein, a position that had not been reported as glycosylated. Furthermore, this study provides the first insight on the biological role of rhomboid proteases in Archaea, suggesting a link between protein glycosylation and this protease family.  相似文献   

Fucose is a common monosaccharide component of cell surfaces and is involved in many biological recognition events. Therefore, definition and exploitation of the specificity of the enzymes (fucosyltransferases) involved in fucosylation is a recurrent theme in modern glycosciences. Despite various studies, the specificities of many fucosyltransferases are still unknown, so new approaches are required to study these. The model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans expresses a wide range of fucosylated glycans, including N-linked oligosaccharides with unusual complex core modifications. Up to three fucose residues can be present on the standard N,N′-diacetylchitobiose unit of these N-glycans, but only the fucosyltransferases responsible for transfer of two of these (the core α1,3-fucosyltransferase FUT-1 and the core α1,6-fucosyltransferase FUT-8) were previously characterized. By use of a glycan library in both array and solution formats, we were able to reveal that FUT-6, another C. elegans α1,3-fucosyltransferase, modifies nematode glycan cores, specifically the distal N-acetylglucosamine residue; this result is in accordance with glycomic analysis of fut-6 mutant worms. This core-modifying activity of FUT-6 in vitro and in vivo is in addition to its previously determined ability to synthesize Lewis X epitopes in vitro. A larger scale synthesis of a nematode N-glycan core in vitro using all three fucosyltransferases was performed, and the nature of the glycosidic linkages was determined by NMR. FUT-6 is probably the first eukaryotic glycosyltransferase whose specificity has been redefined with the aid of glycan microarrays and so is a paradigm for the study of other unusual glycosidic linkages in model and parasitic organisms.  相似文献   

Actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilins are essential regulators of actin turnover in eukaryotic cells. These multifunctional proteins facilitate both stabilization and severing of filamentous (F)-actin in a concentration-dependent manner. At high concentrations ADF/cofilins bind stably to F-actin longitudinally between two adjacent actin protomers forming what is called a decorative interaction. Low densities of ADF/cofilins, in contrast, result in the optimal severing of the filament. To date, how these two contrasting modalities are achieved by the same protein remains uncertain. Here, we define the proximate amino acids between the actin filament and the malaria parasite ADF/cofilin, PfADF1 from Plasmodium falciparum. PfADF1 is unique among ADF/cofilins in being able to sever F-actin but do so without stable filament binding. Using chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry (XL-MS) combined with structure reconstruction we describe a previously overlooked binding interface on the actin filament targeted by PfADF1. This site is distinct from the known binding site that defines decoration. Furthermore, total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy imaging of single actin filaments confirms that this novel low affinity site is required for F-actin severing. Exploring beyond malaria parasites, selective blocking of the decoration site with human cofilin (HsCOF1) using cytochalasin D increases its severing rate. HsCOF1 may therefore also use a decoration-independent site for filament severing. Thus our data suggest that a second, low affinity actin-binding site may be universally used by ADF/cofilins for actin filament severing.  相似文献   

Type II topoisomerases are essential enzymes for solving DNA topological problems by passing one segment of DNA duplex through a transient double-strand break in a second segment. The reaction requires the enzyme to precisely control DNA cleavage and gate opening coupled with ATP hydrolysis. Using pulsed alkylation mass spectrometry, we were able to monitor the solvent accessibilities around 13 cysteines distributed throughout human topoisomerase IIα by measuring the thiol reactivities with monobromobimane. Most of the measured reactivities are in accordance with the predicted ones based on a homology structural model generated from available crystal structures. However, these results reveal new information for both the residues not covered in the structural model and potential differences between the modeled and solution holoenzyme structures. Furthermore, on the basis of the reactivity changes of several cysteines located at the N-gate and DNA gate, we could monitor the movement of topoisomerase II in the presence of cofactors and detect differences in the DNA gate between two closed clamp enzyme conformations locked by either 5'-adenylyl β,γ-imidodiphosphate or the anticancer drug ICRF-193.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q or ubiquinone) is a redox active lipid composed of a fully substituted benzoquinone ring and a polyisoprenoid tail and is required for mitochondrial electron transport. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Q is synthesized by the products of 11 known genes, COQ1–COQ9, YAH1, and ARH1. The function of some of the Coq proteins remains unknown, and several steps in the Q biosynthetic pathway are not fully characterized. Several of the Coq proteins are associated in a macromolecular complex on the matrix face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and this complex is required for efficient Q synthesis. Here, we further characterize this complex via immunoblotting and proteomic analysis of tandem affinity-purified tagged Coq proteins. We show that Coq8, a putative kinase required for the stability of the Q biosynthetic complex, is associated with a Coq6-containing complex. Additionally Q6 and late stage Q biosynthetic intermediates were also found to co-purify with the complex. A mitochondrial protein of unknown function, encoded by the YLR290C open reading frame, is also identified as a constituent of the complex and is shown to be required for efficient de novo Q biosynthesis. Given its effect on Q synthesis and its association with the biosynthetic complex, we propose that the open reading frame YLR290C be designated COQ11.  相似文献   

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