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The shoot apical meristem is the ultimate source of the cells that constitute the entire aboveground portion of the plant body. In Arabidopsis thaliana, meristem maintenance is regulated by the negative feedback loop of WUSCHEL-CLAVATA (WUS-CLV). Although CLV-like genes, such as FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1) and FON2, have been shown to be involved in maintenance of the reproductive meristems in rice (Oryza sativa), current understanding of meristem maintenance remains insufficient. In this article, we demonstrate that the FON2-LIKE CLE PROTEIN1 (FCP1) and FCP2 genes encoding proteins with similar CLE domains are involved in negative regulation of meristem maintenance in the vegetative phase. In addition, we found that WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX4 (WOX4) promotes the undifferentiated state of the meristem in rice and that WOX4 function is associated with cytokinin action. Consistent with similarities in the shoot apical meristem phenotypes caused by overexpression of FCP1 and downregulation of WOX4, expression of WOX4 was negatively regulated by FCP1 (FCP2). Thus, FCP1/2 and WOX4 are likely to be involved in maintenance of the vegetative meristem in rice.  相似文献   

LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) is an embryo defective mutation that affects cotyledon identity in Arabidopsis. Mutant cotyledons possess trichomes that are normally a leaf trait in Arabidopsis, and the cellular organization of these organs is intermediate between that of cotyledons and leaves from wild-type plants. We present several lines of evidence that indicate that the control of late embryogenesis is compromised by the mutation. First, mutant embryos are desiccation intolerant, yet embryos can be rescued before they dry to yield homozygous recessive plants that produce defective embryos exclusively. Second, although many genes normally expressed during embryonic development are active in the mutant, at least one maturation phase-specific gene is not activated. Third, the shoot apical meristem is activated precociously in mutant embryos. Fourth, in mutant embryos, several genes characteristic of postgerminative development are expressed at levels typical of wild-type seedlings rather than embryos. We conclude that postgerminative development is initiated prematurely and that embryonic and postgerminative programs operate simultaneously in mutant embryos. The pleiotropic effects of the mutation indicate that the LEC1 gene plays a fundamental role in regulating late embryogenesis. The role of LEC1 and its relationship to other genes involved in controlling late embryonic development are discussed.  相似文献   

LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) is a central regulator of seed development that plays a key role in controlling the maturation phase during which storage macromolecules accumulate and the embryo becomes tolerant of desiccation. We queried the genomes of seedless plants and identified a LEC1 homolog in the lycophyte, Selaginella moellendorffii , but not in the bryophyte, Physcomitrella patens . Genetic suppression experiments indicated that Selaginella LEC1 is the functional ortholog of Arabidopsis LEC1. Together, these results suggest that LEC1 originated at least 30 million years before the first seed plants appeared in the fossil record. The accumulation of Selaginella LEC1 RNA primarily in sexual and asexual reproductive structures suggests its involvement in cellular processes similar to those that occur during the maturation phase of seed development.  相似文献   

Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL4) is a secreted protein that modulates the disposition of circulating triglycerides (TG) by inhibiting lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Here we examine the steps involved in the synthesis and post-translational processing of ANGPTL4, and the effects of a naturally occurring sequence variant (E40K) that is associated with lower plasma TG levels in humans. Expression of the wild-type and mutant proteins in HEK-293A cells indicated that ANGPTL4 formed dimers and tetramers in cells prior to secretion and cleavage of the protein. After cleavage at a canonical proprotein convertase cleavage site (161RRKR164), the oligomeric structure of the N-terminal domain was retained whereas the C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain dissociated into monomers. Inhibition of cleavage did not interfere with oligomerization of ANGPTL4 or with its ability to inhibit LPL, whereas mutations that prevented oligomerization severely compromised the capacity of the protein to inhibit LPL. ANGPTL4 containing the E40K substitution was synthesized and processed normally, but no monomers or oligomers of the N-terminal fragments accumulated in the medium; medium from these cells failed to inhibit LPL activity. Parallel experiments performed in mice recapitulated these results. Our findings indicate that oligomerization, but not cleavage, of ANGPTL4 is required for LPL inhibition, and that the E40K substitution destabilizes the protein after secretion, preventing the extracellular accumulation of oligomers and abolishing the ability of the protein to inhibit LPL activity.Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL4)4 is a 50-kDa protein that is synthesized and secreted from several metabolically active tissues and has been implicated in the trafficking of circulating TG (1, 2). Triglycerides, either acquired from the diet or synthesized endogenously, circulate in blood as constituents of chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). As these lipoproteins circulate in tissues they encounter lipoprotein lipase (LPL) at the vascular endothelial surfaces. LPL hydrolyzes the TG, producing free fatty acids that are taken up by the surrounding tissues. ANGPTL4 inhibits the activity of LPL, thereby limiting the uptake of TG-derived fatty acids by the underlying cells (3, 4). Overexpression of ANGPTL4 in mice causes severe hypertriglyceridemia, whereas mice lacking ANGPTL4 have increased LPL activity and low plasma levels of TG (5, 6). In mice, ANGPTL4 is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and is strongly induced by fasting (2). Accordingly it has been proposed that ANGPTL4 inhibits LPL activity in adipose tissue to reroute fatty acids away from fat to muscle and other tissues when food intake is low (3, 4).ANGPTL4 belongs to a family of seven structurally similar secreted proteins (ANGPTL1-ANGPTL7) that contain a signal sequence followed by an α-helical region predicted to form a coiled-coil, and a globular fibrinogen-like domain at the C terminus (1). Gel filtration studies of recombinant ANGPTL4 indicate that the protein assembles into oligomers that are stabilized by disulfide bonds (7). Substitution of two highly conserved cysteine residues at positions 76 and 80 in the α-helical domain prevents oligomerization of ANGPTL4 and impairs the ability of the recombinant protein to increase plasma TG levels when overexpressed in the livers of rats (7).Upon secretion into the circulation, ANGPTL4 is cleaved into an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain (8). The N-terminal peptide circulates as an oligomer, and the fibrinogen-like domain circulates as a monomer (8). The N-terminal helical region of ANGPTL4 is necessary and sufficient for inhibition of LPL (9). A peptide corresponding to amino acids 1-187 of the protein binds LPL with high affinity and converts the enzyme from catalytically active dimers to inactive monomers, thereby inhibiting LPL activity (10). After disrupting the LPL dimer, ANGPTL4 is released. The LPL monomers remain folded and stable but fail to re-form active dimers. These data suggest that the N-terminal domain of ANGPTL4 interacts directly but transiently with LPL, triggering a stable conformational switch in LPL that irreversibly inactivates the enzyme.Recently, we used a population-based resequencing strategy to examine the metabolic role of ANGPTL4 in humans (11). Resequencing the coding region of ANGPTL4 in a large (n = 3,501), multiethnic sample revealed multiple rare sequence variations that alter an amino acid in the protein and are associated with low plasma TG levels. In addition, we identified a more common variant (E40K), that was present in ∼3% of European-Americans and was associated with significantly lower plasma levels of TG and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), and higher levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL)-C in two large epidemiological studies (11). These association studies confirmed that ANGPTL4 is involved in TG metabolism in humans, and also revealed additional roles in humans in the metabolism of HDL and LDL, which were not apparent from studies in genetically modified mice.Here we examined the synthesis, secretion, and processing of ANGPTL4 and determine the mechanism by which substitution of a basic (lysine) for an acidic (glutamate) residue at residue 40 affects the function of the protein.  相似文献   

Caprazamycins are potent anti-mycobacterial liponucleoside antibiotics isolated from Streptomyces sp. MK730-62F2 and belong to the translocase I inhibitor family. Their complex structure is derived from 5′-(β-O-aminoribosyl)-glycyluridine and comprises a unique N-methyldiazepanone ring. The biosynthetic gene cluster has been identified, cloned, and sequenced, representing the first gene cluster of a translocase I inhibitor. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of 23 open reading frames putatively involved in export, resistance, regulation, and biosynthesis of the caprazamycins. Heterologous expression of the gene cluster in Streptomyces coelicolor M512 led to the production of non-glycosylated bioactive caprazamycin derivatives. A set of gene deletions validated the boundaries of the cluster and inactivation of cpz21 resulted in the accumulation of novel simplified liponucleoside antibiotics that lack the 3-methylglutaryl moiety. Therefore, Cpz21 is assigned to act as an acyltransferase in caprazamycin biosynthesis. In vivo and in silico analysis of the caprazamycin biosynthetic gene cluster allows a first proposal of the biosynthetic pathway and provides insights into the biosynthesis of related uridyl-antibiotics.Caprazamycins (CPZs)2 (Fig. 1, 1) are liponucleoside antibiotics isolated from a fermentation broth of Streptomyces sp. MK730-62F2 (1, 2). They show excellent activity in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria, in particular against the genus Mycobacterium including Mycobacterium intracellulare, Mycobacterium avium, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (3). In a pulmonary mouse model with M. tuberculosis H37Rv, administration of caprazamycin B exhibited a therapeutic effect but no significant toxicity (4). Structural elucidation (2) revealed a complex and unique composition of elements the CPZs share only with the closely related liposidomycins (LPMs, 2) (5). The core skeleton is the (+)-caprazol (5) composed of an N-alkylated 5′-(β-O-aminoribosyl)-glycyluridine, also known from FR-900493 (6) (6) and the muraymycins (7) (7), which is cyclized to form a rare diazepanone ring. Attached to the 3′″-OH are β-hydroxy fatty acids of different chain length resulting in CPZs A–G (1). They differ from the LPMs in the absence of a sulfate group at the 2″-position of the aminoribose and the presence of a permethylated l-rhamnose β-glycosidically linked to the 3-methylglutaryl (3-MG) moiety.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Nucleoside antibiotics of the translocase I inhibitor family.The LPMs have been shown to inhibit biosynthesis of the bacterial cell wall by targeting the formation of lipid I (8). The CPZs are expected to act in the same way and are assigned to the growing number of translocase I inhibitors that include other nucleoside antibiotics, like the tunicamycins and mureidomycins (9). During peptidoglycan formation, translocase I catalyzes the transfer of UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide to the undecaprenyl phosphate carrier to generate lipid I (10). This reaction is considered an unexploited and promising target for new anti-infective drugs (11).Recent investigations indicate that the 3″-OH group (12), the amino group of the aminoribosyl-glycyluridine, and an intact uracil moiety (13) are essential for the inhibition of the Escherichia coli translocase I MraY. The chemical synthesis of the (+)-caprazol (5) was recently accomplished (14), however, this compound only shows weak antibacterial activity. In contrast, the acylated compounds 3 and 4 exhibit strong growth inhibition of mycobacteria, suggesting a potential role of the fatty acid side chain in penetration of the bacterial cell (15, 16). Apparently, the acyl-caprazols (4) represent the most simplified antibiotically active liponucleosides and a good starting point for further optimization of this class of potential therapeutics.Although chemical synthesis and biological activity of CPZs and LPMs has been studied in some detail, their biosynthesis remains speculative and only few data exists about the formation of other translocase I inhibitors (17, 18). Nevertheless, we assume that the CPZ biosynthetic pathway is partially similar to that of LPMs, FR-90043 (6), and muraymycins (7) and presents a model for the comprehension and manipulation of liponucleoside formation. Considering the unique structural features of the CPZs we also expect some unusual biotransformations to be involved in the formation of, e.g. the (+)-caprazol.Here we report the identification and analysis of the CPZ gene cluster, the first cluster of a translocase I inhibitor. A set of gene disruption experiments provide insights into the biosynthetic origin of the CPZs and moreover, heterologous expression of the gene cluster allows the generation of novel bioactive derivatives by pathway engineering.  相似文献   

F Parcy  C Valon  A Kohara  S Misra    J Giraudat 《The Plant cell》1997,9(8):1265-1277
Previous studies have shown that recessive mutations at the Arabidopsis ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3), FUSCA3 (FUS3), and LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) loci lead to various abnormalities during mid-embryogenesis and late embryogenesis. In this study, we investigated whether these loci act in independent regulatory pathways or interact in controlling certain facets of seed development. Several developmental responses were quantified in abi3, fus3, and lec1 single mutants as well as in double mutants combining either the weak abi3-1 or the severe abi3-4 mutations with either fus3 or lec1 mutations. Our data indicate that ABI3 interacts genetically with both FUS3 and LEC1 in controlling each of the elementary processes analyzed, namely, accumulation of chlorophyll and anthocyanins, sensitivity to abscisic acid, and expression of individual members of the 12S storage protein gene family. In addition, both FUS3 and LEC1 regulate positively the abundance of the ABI3 protein in the seed. These results suggest that in contrast to previous models, the ABI3, FUS3, and LEC1 genes act synergistically to control multiple elementary processes during seed development.  相似文献   

Members of the Drosophila behavior/human splicing (DBHS) protein family have been characterized in the vertebrates Homo sapiens and Mus musculus, and the invertebrates Drosophila melanogaster and Chironomus tentans. Collectively, both vertebrate and invertebrate DBHS proteins function throughout gene regulation, largely but not always, within the nucleus. In this study, we report a structural and bioinformatic analysis of the DBHS protein family to guide future studies into DBHS protein function. To explore the structural plasticity of the family, we describe the 2.4 Å crystal structure of Caenorhabditis elegans non‐POU domain‐containing octamer‐binding protein 1 (NONO‐1). The structure is dimeric, with a domain arrangement consistent with mammalian DBHS proteins. Comparison with the DBHS structures available from H. sapiens reveals that there is inherent domain flexibility within the homologous DBHS region. Mapping amino acid similarity within the family to the NONO‐1 dimer highlights the dimer interface, coiled‐coil oligomerization motif, and putative RNA binding surfaces. Surprisingly, the interior surface of RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) that faces a large internal void is highly variable, but the external β2–β3 loops of RRM2 show remarkable preservation. Overall, the DBHS region is under strong purifying selection, whereas the sequences N‐ and C‐terminal to the DBHS region are less constrained. The findings described in this study provide a molecular basis for further investigation into the mechanistic function of the DBHS protein family in biology.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran fossil Corumbella is important because it is hypothesized to be a scyphozoan cnidarian, and thus might be one of the rare examples of bona fide Neoproterozoic animals. Unfortunately, its mode of life, style of skeletonization, and taxonomic affinity have been very controversial. Here, we use X-ray micro-CT, SEM, and taphonomic analysis to compare preservational modes of Corumbella, in order to better understand the symmetry, mode of construction, preservational style, and taxonomy of this group. Results suggest that articulated and disarticulated specimens of Corumbella from the Ediacaran of Brazil, Paraguay, and the United States, although sometimes preserved very differently, represent the same taxon—Corumbella werneri. Corumbellids had a thick but flexible theca and probably lived with their basalmost part anchored in the sediment, much like Conotubus. When considered together, these results suggest that Corumbella was one of the first animals to build a skeleton, employing a lamellar microfabric similar to conulariids.  相似文献   

The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is one of the greatest threats to coniferous forests worldwide, causing severe ecological damage and economic loss. The biology of B. xylophilus is similar to that of its closest relative, B. mucronatus, as both species share food resources and insect vectors, and have very similar morphological characteristics, although little pathogenicity to conifers has been associated with B. mucronatus. Using both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, we show that B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus form distinct phylogenetic groups with contrasting phylogeographic patterns. B. xylophilus presents lower levels of intraspecific diversity than B. mucronatus, as expected for a species that evolved relatively recently through geographical or reproductive isolation. Genetic diversity was particularly low in recently colonised areas, such as in southwestern Europe. By contrast, B. mucronatus displays high levels of genetic diversity and two well-differentiated clades in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA phylogenies. The lack of correlation between genetic and geographic distances in B. mucronatus suggests intense gene flow among distant regions, a phenomenon that may have remained unnoticed due to the reduced pathogenicity of the species. Overall, our findings suggest that B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus have different demographic histories despite their morphological resemblance and ecological overlap. These results suggest that Bursaphelenchus species are a valuable model for understanding the dispersion of invasive species and the risks posed to native biodiversity and ecosystems.  相似文献   

A population of Acrobeloides nanus in Australia is described and illustrated, based on light and scanning electron microscopy. Embryogenesis from egg laying to hatching is followed over a wide range of temperatures. At 15 C, hatching occurs in about 125 hours and at 35 and 37.5 C after about 40 hours. At 40 C, egg development ceases early in cleavage. The capacity of A. nanus to develop over such a range of temperatures, and its anhydrobiotic capabilities, are discussed in relation to its survival and wide distribution in Australia.  相似文献   

The HAP3 gene encodes a subunit of the CCAAT-box-binding factor (CBF), a highly conserved trimeric activator that recognizes and binds the ubiquitous CCAAT promoter element with high affinity. Two types of HAP3 gene have been identified in plant genomes. The LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1)-type HAP3 genes encode a functionally specialized subunit of CBF, which is expressed specifically in developing seeds. In contrast, most non-LEC1-type HAP3 genes are expressed in various tissues. It has been proposed that the LEC1-type HAP3 genes originated from the duplication and functional divergence of non-LEC1-type HAP3 genes. However, it is not yet known when this duplication event took place or whether the LEC1-type HAP3 genes appeared at the same time as the origin of seed plants. Here we describe a comprehensive comparison of the duplication patterns of HAP3 genes in different plant genomes. We recognize a major expansion of the HAP3 gene family accompanying the origin and early diversification of land plants and postulate that retrotransposition and other mechanisms of gene duplication have been involved in the expansion of the plant HAP3 gene family. We provide evidence that the LEC1-type HAP3 genes originated in nonseed vascular plant genomes and demonstrate that they are inductively expressed under drought stress in nonseed plants. These genes, however, were recruited to a novel regulatory network in the early stages of seed plant evolution and steadily expressed during seed development and maturation.  相似文献   

在高等植物中, 细胞分裂素通过对细胞分裂与分化的调节而广泛参与了对植物生长发育的调控。在过去的10余年, 利用模式植物拟南芥的研究, 在阐明细胞分裂素的代谢、转运与信号转导等方面取得了重要的进展。同时, 关于细胞分裂素与其它信号途径之间存在的广泛交叉反应也受到了人们的注意。根据我们现有的知识, 细胞分裂素信号转导是通过磷酸基团在一个双元组分系统之间的系列传递而完成的, 该过程被称之为“磷酸接力传递”(phosphorelay)。细胞分裂素与其它信号途径的互作可能也主要是通过双元组分系统链接的。双元组分系统中目前已知的主要信号元件不仅表现出功能冗余性, 同时在调控特定的植物生长发育过程时也具有特异性。本文在对细胞分裂素的代谢与转运过程简要评述的基础上,对其信号转导以及与其它信号途径间交叉反应的研究进展进行重点讨论, 并展望细胞分裂素研究对重要农业性状改良的意义。  相似文献   

细胞分裂素:代谢、信号转导、交叉反应与农艺性状改良   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高等植物中,细胞分裂素通过对细胞分裂与分化的调节而广泛参与了对植物生长发育的调控。在过去的10余年,利用模式植物拟南芥的研究,在阐明细胞分裂素的代谢、转运与信号转导等方面取得了重要的进展。同时,关于细胞分裂素与其它信号途径之间存在的广泛交叉反应也受到了人们的注意。根据我们现有的知识,细胞分裂素信号转导是通过磷酸基团在一个双元组分系统之间的系列传递而完成的,该过程被称之为“磷酸接力传递”(phosphorelay)。细胞分裂素与其它信号途径的互作可能也主要是通过双元组分系统链接的。双元组分系统中目前已知的主要信号元件不仅表现出功能冗余性,同时在调控特定的植物生长发育过程时也具有特异性。本文在对细胞分裂素的代谢与转运过程简要评述的基础上,对其信号转导以及与其它信号途径间交叉反应的研究进展进行重点讨论,并展望细胞分裂素研究对重要农业性状改良的意义。  相似文献   

Recently, different dehydration-based technologies have been evaluated for the purpose of cell and tissue preservation. Although some early results have been promising, they have not satisfied the requirements for large-scale applications. The long experience of using quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proven to be a good model organism for studying the link between complex phenotypes and DNA variations. Here, we use QTL analysis as a tool for identifying the specific yeast traits involved in dehydration stress tolerance. Three hybrids obtained from stable haploids and sequenced in the Saccharomyces Genome Resequencing Project showed intermediate dehydration tolerance in most cases. The dehydration resistance trait of 96 segregants from each hybrid was quantified. A smooth, continuous distribution of the anhydrobiosis tolerance trait was found, suggesting that this trait is determined by multiple QTLs. Therefore, we carried out a QTL analysis to identify the determinants of this dehydration tolerance trait at the genomic level. Among the genes identified after reciprocal hemizygosity assays, RSM22, ATG18 and DBR1 had not been referenced in previous studies. We report new phenotypes for these genes using a previously validated test. Finally, our data illustrates the power of this approach in the investigation of the complex cell dehydration phenotype.  相似文献   

It is known that platelet-activating factor (PAF) induces severe endothelial barrier leakiness, but the signaling mechanisms remain unclear. Here, using a wide range of biochemical and morphological approaches applied in both mouse models and cultured endothelial cells, we addressed the mechanisms of PAF-induced disruption of interendothelial junctions (IEJs) and of increased endothelial permeability. The formation of interendothelial gaps filled with filopodia and lamellipodia is the cellular event responsible for the disruption of endothelial barrier. We observed that PAF ligation of its receptor induced the activation of the Rho GTPase Rac1. Following PAF exposure, both Rac1 and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1 were found associated with a membrane fraction from which they co-immunoprecipitated with PAF receptor. In the same time frame with Tiam1-Rac1 translocation, the junctional proteins ZO-1 and VE-cadherin were relocated from the IEJs, and formation of numerous interendothelial gaps was recorded. Notably, the response was independent of myosin light chain phosphorylation and thus distinct from other mediators, such as histamine and thrombin. The changes in actin status are driven by the PAF-induced localized actin polymerization as a consequence of Rac1 translocation and activation. Tiam1 was required for the activation of Rac1, actin polymerization, relocation of junctional associated proteins, and disruption of IEJs. Thus, PAF-induced IEJ disruption and increased endothelial permeability requires the activation of a Tiam1-Rac1 signaling module, suggesting a novel therapeutic target against increased vascular permeability associated with inflammatory diseases.The endothelial barrier is made up of endothelial cells (ECs)4 connected to each other by interendothelial junctions (IEJs) consisting of protein complexes organized as tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs). In addition, the focal adhesion complex located at the basal plasma membrane enables firm contact of ECs with the underlying basement membrane and also contributes to the barrier function (1-3). The glycocalyx, the endothelial monolayer, and the basement membrane all together constitute the vascular barrier.The structural integrity of the ECs along with their proper functionality are the two most important factors controlling the tightness of the endothelial barrier. Changes affecting these factors cause loss of barrier restrictiveness and leakiness. Therefore, defining and understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling these processes is of paramount importance. Increased width of IEJs in response to permeability-increasing mediators (4) regulates the magnitude of transendothelial exchange of fluid and solutes. Disruption of IEJs and the resultant barrier leakiness contribute to the genesis of diverse pathological conditions, such as inflammation (5), metastasis (6, 7), and uncontrolled angiogenesis (8, 9).Accumulated evidence demonstrated that IEJs changes are responsible for increased or decreased vascular permeability, and the generally accepted mechanism responsible for them was the myosin light chain (MLC)-mediated contraction of ECs (5, 10). However, published evidence showed that an increase in vascular permeability could be obtained without a direct involvement of any contractile mechanism (11-16).The main component of the vascular barrier, the ECs, has more than 10% of their total protein represented by actin (17), which under physiological salt concentrations subsists as monomers (G-actin) and assembled into filaments (F-actin). A large number of actin-interacting proteins may modulate the assembly, disassembly, and organization of G-actin and of actin filaments within a given cell type. Similar to the complexity of actin-interacting proteins found in other cell types, the ECs utilize their actin binding proteins to stabilize the endothelial monolayer in order to efficiently function as a selective barrier (11). In undisturbed ECs, the actin microfilaments are organized as different networks with distinctive functional and morphological characteristics: the peripheral filaments also known as peripheral dense band (PDB), the cytoplasmic fibers identified as stress fibers (SF), and the actin from the membrane cytoskeleton (18). The peripheral web, localized immediately under the membrane, is associated with (i) the luminal plasmalemma (on the apical side), (ii) the IEJ complexes on the lateral surfaces, and (iii) the focal adhesion complexes on the abluminal side (the basal part) of polarized ECs. The SF reside inside the endothelial cytoplasm and are believed to be directly connected with the plasmalemma proper on the luminal as well as on the abluminal side of the cell. As described, the endothelial actin cytoskeleton (specifically the SF) seems to be a stable structure helping the cells to remain flat under flow (19). It is also established that the actin fibers participate in correct localization of different junctional complexes while keeping them in place (20). However, it was suggested that the dynamic equilibrium between F- and G-actin might modulate the tightness of endothelial barrier in response to different challenges (13).Mediators effective at nanomolar concentrations or less that disrupt the endothelial barrier and increase vascular permeability include C2 toxin of Clostridium botulinum, vascular permeability factor, better known as vascular endothelial growth factor, and PAF (21). C2 toxin increases endothelial permeability by ribosylating monomeric G-actin at Arg-177 (22). This results in the impairment of actin polymerization (23), followed by rounding of ECs (16) and the disruption of junctional integrity. Vascular permeability factor was shown to open IEJs by redistribution of junctional proteins (24, 25) and by interfering with the equilibrium of actin pools (26). PAF (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocoline), a naturally synthesized phospholipid is active at 10-10 m or less (27). PAF is synthesized by and acts on a variety of cell types, including platelets (28), neutrophils (29), monocytes (30), and ECs (31). PAF-mediated activation of ECs induced cell migration (32), angiogenesis (7), and vascular hyperpermeability (33) secondary to disassembly of IEJs (34). The effects of PAF on the endothelium are initiated through a G protein-coupled receptor (PAF-R) localized at the plasmalemma, in a large endosomal compartment inside the cell (34), and also in the nuclear membrane (35). In ECs, PAF-R was shown to signal through Gαq and downstream activation of phospholipase C isozymes (PLCβ3 and PLCγ1), and via cSrc (32, 36). Studies have shown that PAF challenge induced endothelial actin cytoskeletal rearrangement (37) and marked vascular leakiness (38); however, the signaling pathways have not been elucidated.Therefore, in the present study, we carried out a systematic analysis of PAF-induced morphological and biochemical changes of endothelial barrier in vivo and in cultured ECs. We found that the opening of endothelial barrier and the increased vascular leakiness induced by PAF are the result of a shift in actin pools without involvement of EC contraction, followed by a redistribution of tight junctional associated protein ZO-1 and adherens junctional protein VE-cadherin.  相似文献   

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