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Mammalian prion strains are believed to arise from the propagation of distinct conformations of the misfolded prion protein PrPSc. One key operational parameter used to define differences between strains has been conformational stability of PrPSc as defined by resistance to thermal and/or chemical denaturation. However, the structural basis of these stability differences is unknown. To bridge this gap, we have generated two strains of recombinant human prion protein amyloid fibrils that show dramatic differences in conformational stability and have characterized them by a number of biophysical methods. Backbone amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments revealed that, in sharp contrast to previously studied strains of infectious amyloid formed from the yeast prion protein Sup35, differences in β-sheet core size do not underlie differences in conformational stability between strains of mammalian prion protein amyloid. Instead, these stability differences appear to be dictated by distinct packing arrangements (i.e. steric zipper interfaces) within the amyloid core, as indicated by distinct x-ray fiber diffraction patterns and large strain-dependent differences in hydrogen/deuterium exchange kinetics for histidine side chains within the core region. Although this study was limited to synthetic prion protein amyloid fibrils, a similar structural basis for strain-dependent conformational stability may apply to brain-derived PrPSc, especially because large strain-specific differences in PrPSc stability are often observed despite a similar size of the PrPSc core region.  相似文献   

Over 50% of all human cancers lose p53 function. To evaluate the role of aggregation in cancer, we asked whether wild-type (WT) p53 and the hot-spot mutant R248Q could aggregate as amyloids under physiological conditions and whether the mutant could seed aggregation of the wild-type form. The central domains (p53C) of both constructs aggregated into a mixture of oligomers and fibrils. R248Q had a greater tendency to aggregate than WT p53. Full-length p53 aggregated into amyloid-like species that bound thioflavin T. The amyloid nature of the aggregates was demonstrated using x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, FTIR, dynamic light scattering, cell viabilility assay, and anti-amyloid immunoassay. The x-ray diffraction pattern of the fibrillar aggregates was consistent with the typical conformation of cross β-sheet amyloid fibers with reflexions of 4.7 Å and 10 Å. A seed of R248Q p53C amyloid oligomers and fibrils accelerated the aggregation of WT p53C, a behavior typical of a prion. The R248Q mutant co-localized with amyloid-like species in a breast cancer sample, which further supported its prion-like effect. A tumor cell line containing mutant p53 also revealed massive aggregation of p53 in the nucleus. We conclude that aggregation of p53 into a mixture of oligomers and fibrils sequestrates the native protein into an inactive conformation that is typical of a prionoid. This prion-like behavior of oncogenic p53 mutants provides an explanation for the negative dominance effect and may serve as a potential target for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is linked to a growing list of diseases, but it is also an intrinsic property of polypeptides, because the formation of functional globular proteins comes at the expense of an inherent aggregation propensity. Certain proteins can access aggregation-prone states from native-like conformations without the need to cross the energy barrier for unfolding. This is the case of transthyretin (TTR), a homotetrameric protein whose dissociation into its monomers initiates the aggregation cascade. Domains with structural homology to TTR exist in a number of proteins, including the M14B subfamily carboxypeptidases. We show here that the monomeric transthyretin-like domain of human carboxypeptidase D aggregates under close to physiological conditions into amyloid structures, with the population of folded but aggregation-prone states being controlled by the conformational stability of the domain. We thus confirm that the TTR fold keeps a generic residual aggregation propensity upon folding, resulting from the presence of preformed amyloidogenic β-strands in the native state. These structural elements should serve for functional/structural purposes, because they have not been purged out by evolution, but at the same time they put proteins like carboxypeptidase D at risk of aggregation in biological environments and thus can potentially lead to deposition diseases.  相似文献   

Primary amyloidosis (AL) results from overproduction of unstable monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains (LCs) and the deposition of insoluble fibrils in tissues, leading to fatal organ disease. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are associated with AL fibrils and have been successfully targeted in the treatment of other forms of amyloidosis. We investigated the role of GAGs in LC fibrillogenesis. Ex vivo tissue amyloid fibrils were extracted and examined for structure and associated GAGs. The GAGs were detected along the length of the fibril strand, and the periodicity of heparan sulfate (HS) along the LC fibrils generated in vitro was similar to that of the ex vivo fibrils. To examine the role of sulfated GAGs on AL oligomer and fibril formation in vitro, a κ1 LC purified from urine of a patient with AL amyloidosis was incubated in the presence or absence of GAGs. The fibrils generated in vitro at physiologic concentration, temperature, and pH shared morphologic characteristics with the ex vivo κ1 amyloid fibrils. The presence of HS and over-O-sulfated-heparin enhanced the formation of oligomers and fibrils with HS promoting the most rapid transition. In contrast, GAGs did not enhance fibril formation of a non-amyloidogenic κ1 LC purified from urine of a patient with multiple myeloma. The data indicate that the characteristics of the full-length κ1 amyloidogenic LC, containing post-translational modifications, possess key elements that influence interactions of the LC with HS. These findings highlight the importance of the variable and constant LC regions in GAG interaction and suggest potential therapeutic targets for treatment.  相似文献   

There are now 10 expanded CAG repeat diseases in which both disease risk and age of onset are strongly dependent on the repeat length of the polyglutamine (polyQ) sequence in the disease protein. Large, polyQ-rich inclusions in patient brains and in cell and animal models are consistent with the involvement of polyQ aggregation in the disease mechanism. This possibility is reinforced by studies showing strong repeat length dependence to the aggregation process, qualitatively mirroring the repeat length dependence of disease risk. Our understanding of the underlying biophysical principles that mediate the repeat length dependence of aggregation, however, is far from complete. A previous study of simple polyQ peptides showed that N*, the size of the critical nucleus that controls onset of aggregation, decreases from unfavorable tetramer to favorable monomer over the range Q23 to Q26. These data, however, do not explain why, for all peptides exhibiting N* ∼ 1, spontaneous aggregation rates continue to increase with increasing repeat length. Here we describe a novel kinetics analyses that maps out the nonlinear dependence with repeat length of a nucleation efficiency term that is likely related to aspects of nucleus structure. This trend accounts for why nucleus size increases to tetrameric at repeat lengths of Q23 or below. Intriguingly, both aggregation and age of onset trend with repeat length in similar ways, exhibiting large changes per added Gln at low repeat lengths and small changes per added Gln at relatively long repeat lengths. Fibril stability also increases with repeat length in a nonlinear fashion.  相似文献   

Misfolding of the natively α-helical prion protein into a β-sheet rich isoform is related to various human diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome. In humans, the disease phenotype is modified by a methionine/valine polymorphism at codon 129 of the prion protein gene. Using a combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to NMR spectroscopy, hydroxyl radical probing detected by mass spectrometry, and site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrate that stop mutants of the human prion protein have a conserved amyloid core. The 129 residue is deeply buried in the amyloid core structure, and its mutation strongly impacts aggregation. Taken together the data support a critical role of the polymorphic residue 129 of the human prion protein in aggregation and disease.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils form in supersaturated solutions of precursor proteins by a nucleation and growth mechanism characterized by a lag time. Although the lag time provides a clue to understanding the complexity of nucleation events, its long period and low reproducibility have been obstacles for exact analysis. Ultrasonication is known to effectively break supersaturation and force fibrillation. By constructing a Handai amyloid burst inducer, which combines a water bath-type ultrasonicator and a microplate reader, we examined the ultrasonication-forced fibrillation of several proteins, with a focus on the fluctuation in the lag time. Amyloid fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme was examined at pH 2.0 in the presence of 1.0–5.0 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), in which the dominant species varied from the native to denatured conformations. Although fibrillation occurred at various concentrations of GdnHCl, the lag time varied largely, with a minimum being observed at ∼3.0 m, the concentration at which GdnHCl-dependent denaturation ended. The coefficient of variation of the lag time did not depend significantly on the GdnHCl concentration and was 2-fold larger than that of the ultrasonication-dependent oxidation of iodide, a simple model reaction. These results suggest that the large fluctuation observed in the lag time for amyloid fibrillation originated from a process associated with a common amyloidogenic intermediate, which may have been a relatively compact denatured conformation. We also suggest that the Handai amyloid burst inducer system will be useful for studying the mechanism of crystallization of proteins because proteins form crystals by the same mechanism as amyloid fibrils under supersaturation.  相似文献   

Amyloid proteins can aggregate into insoluble fibrils and form amyloid deposits in the human brain, which is the hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. Promising strategies toward pathological amyloid proteins and deposition include investigating inhibitors that can disrupt amyloid aggregation or induce misfolding protein degradation. In this review, recent progress of peptide-based inhibitors, including amyloid sequence–derived inhibitors, designed peptides, and peptide mimics, is highlighted. Based on the increased understanding of peptide design and precise amyloid structures, these peptides exhibit advanced inhibitory activities against fibrous aggregation as well as enhanced druggability.  相似文献   

Understanding the formation and propagation of aggregates of the Alzheimer disease-associated Tau protein in vivo is vital for the development of therapeutics for this devastating disorder. Using our recently developed live-cell aggregation sensor in neuron-like cells, we demonstrate that different variants of exogenous monomeric Tau, namely full-length Tau (hTau40) and the Tau-derived construct K18 comprising the repeat domain, initially accumulate in endosomal compartments, where they form fibrillar seeds that subsequently induce the aggregation of endogenous Tau. Using superresolution imaging, we confirm that fibrils consisting of endogenous and exogenous Tau are released from cells and demonstrate their potential to spread Tau pathology. Our data indicate a greater pathological risk and potential toxicity than hitherto suspected for extracellular soluble Tau.  相似文献   

S100A6 is a small EF-hand calcium- and zinc-binding protein involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and cytoskeletal dynamics. It is overexpressed in neurodegenerative disorders and a proposed marker for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Following recent reports of amyloid formation by S100 proteins, we investigated the aggregation properties of S100A6. Computational analysis using aggregation predictors Waltz and Zyggregator revealed increased propensity within S100A6 helices HI and HIV. Subsequent analysis of Thioflavin-T binding kinetics under acidic conditions elicited a very fast process with no lag phase and extensive formation of aggregates and stacked fibrils as observed by electron microscopy. Ca2+ exerted an inhibitory effect on the aggregation kinetics, which could be reverted upon chelation. An FT-IR investigation of the early conformational changes occurring under these conditions showed that Ca2+ promotes anti-parallel β-sheet conformations that repress fibrillation. At pH 7, Ca2+ rendered the fibril formation kinetics slower: time-resolved imaging showed that fibril formation is highly suppressed, with aggregates forming instead. In the absence of metals an extensive network of fibrils is formed. S100A6 oligomers, but not fibrils, were found to be cytotoxic, decreasing cell viability by up to 40%. This effect was not observed when the aggregates were formed in the presence of Ca2+. Interestingly, native S1006 seeds SOD1 aggregation, shortening its nucleation process. This suggests a cross-talk between these two proteins involved in ALS. Overall, these results put forward novel roles for S100 proteins, whose metal-modulated aggregation propensity may be a key aspect in their physiology and function.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta-protein (A) is the major constituent of amyloid fibrils composing -amyloid plaques and cerebrovascular amyloid in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We studied the effect of metal cations on preformed fibrils of synthetic A by Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence spectroscopy and electronmicroscopy (EM) in negative staining. The amount of cross beta-pleated sheet structure of A 1–40 fibrils was found to decrease by metal cations in a concentration-dependent manner as measured by ThT fluorescence spectroscopy. The order of defibrillization of A 1–40 fibrils by metal cations was: Ca2+ and Zn2+ (IC50 = 100 M) > Mg2+ (IC50 = 300 M) > Al3+ (IC50 =1.1 mM). EM analysis in negative staining showed that A 1–40 fibrils in the absence of cations were organized in a fine network with a little or no amorphous material. The addition of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+ to preformed A 1–40 fibrils defibrillized the fibrils or converted them into short rods or to amorphous material. Al3+ was less effective, and reduced the fibril network by about 80 % of that in the absence of any metal cation. Studies with A 1–42 showed that this peptide forms more dense network of fibrils as compared to A 1–40. Both ThT fluorescence spectroscopy and EM showed that similar to A 1–40, A 1–42 fibrils are also defibrillized in the presence of millimolar concentrations of Ca2+. These studies suggest that metal cations can defibrillize the fibrils of synthetic A.  相似文献   

Ovalbumin (OVA), a non-inhibitory member of the serpin superfamily, forms fibrillar aggregates upon heat-induced denaturation. Recent studies suggested that OVA fibrils are generated by a mechanism similar to that of amyloid fibril formation, which is distinct from polymerization mechanisms proposed for other serpins. In this study, we provide new insights into the mechanism of OVA fibril formation through identification of amyloidogenic core regions using synthetic peptide fragments, site-directed mutagenesis, and limited proteolysis. OVA possesses a single disulfide bond between Cys(73) and Cys(120) in the N-terminal helical region of the protein. Heat treatment of disulfide-reduced OVA resulted in the formation of long straight fibrils that are distinct from the semiflexible fibrils formed from OVA with an intact disulfide. Computer predictions suggest that helix B (hB) of the N-terminal region, strand 3A, and strands 4-5B are highly β-aggregation-prone regions. These predictions were confirmed by the fact that synthetic peptides corresponding to these regions formed amyloid fibrils. Site-directed mutagenesis of OVA indicated that V41A substitution in hB interfered with the formation of fibrils. Co-incubation of a soluble peptide fragment of hB with the disulfide-intact full-length OVA consistently promoted formation of long straight fibrils. In addition, the N-terminal helical region of the heat-induced fibril of OVA was protected from limited proteolysis. These results indicate that the heat-induced fibril formation of OVA occurs by a mechanism involving transformation of the N-terminal helical region of the protein to β-strands, thereby forming sequential intermolecular linkages.  相似文献   

Microcin E492 (Mcc), a low molecular weight bacteriocin produced by Klebsiella pneumoniae RYC492, has been shown to exist in two forms: soluble forms that are believed to be toxic to the bacterial cell by forming pores and non-toxic fibrillar forms that share similar biochemical and biophysical properties with amyloids associated with several human diseases. Here we report that fibrils polymerized in vitro from soluble forms sequester toxic species that can be released upon changing environmental conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and upon dilution. Our results indicate that basic pH (≥8.5), low NaCl concentrations (≤50 mm), and dilution (>10-fold) destabilize Mcc fibrils into more soluble species that are found to be toxic to the target cells. Additionally, we also found a similar conversion of non-toxic fibrils into highly toxic oligomers using Mcc aggregates produced in vivo. Moreover, the soluble protein released from fibrils is able to rapidly polymerize into amyloid fibrils under fibril-forming conditions and to efficiently seed aggregation of monomeric Mcc. Our findings indicate that fibrillar forms of Mcc constitute a reservoir of toxic oligomeric species that is released into the medium upon changing the environmental conditions. These findings may have substantial implications to understand the dynamic process of interconversion between toxic and non-toxic aggregated species implicated in protein misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils form in supersaturated solutions via a nucleation and growth mechanism. We proposed that ultrasonication may be an effective agitation to trigger nucleation that would otherwise not occur under the persistent metastability of supersaturation. However, the roles of supersaturation and effects of ultrasonication have not been elucidated in detail except for limited cases. Insulin is an amyloidogenic protein that is useful for investigating the mechanisms underlying amyloid fibrillation with biological relevance. We studied the alcohol-induced amyloid fibrillation of insulin using various concentrations of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol at pH 2.0 and 4.8. Ultrasonic irradiation effectively triggered fibrillation under conditions in which insulin retained persistent supersaturation. Structural analyses by circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy revealed that the dominant structures of fibrils varied between parallel and antiparallel β-sheets depending on the solvent conditions. pH and alcohol concentration-dependent phase diagrams showed a marked difference before and after the ultrasonic treatment, which indicated that the persistent metastability of supersaturation determined the conformations of insulin. These results indicate the importance of an alternative view of amyloid fibrils as supersaturation-limited crystal-like aggregates formed above the solubility limit.  相似文献   

Systemic light chain amyloidosis is a lethal disease characterized by excess immunoglobulin light chains and light chain fragments composed of variable domains, which aggregate into amyloid fibers. These fibers accumulate and damage organs. Some light chains induce formation of amyloid fibers, whereas others do not, making it unclear what distinguishes amyloid formers from non-formers. One mechanism by which sequence variation may reduce propensity to form amyloid fibers is by shifting the equilibrium toward an amyloid-resistant quaternary structure. Here we identify the monomeric form of the Mcg immunoglobulin light chain variable domain as the quaternary unit required for amyloid fiber assembly. Dimers of Mcg variable domains remain stable and soluble, yet become prone to assemble into amyloid fibers upon disassociation into monomers.  相似文献   

The pathophysiological process in amyloid disorders usually involves the transformation of a functional monomeric protein via potentially toxic oligomers into amyloid fibrils. The structure and properties of the intermediary oligomers have been difficult to study due to their instability and dynamic equilibrium with smaller and larger species. In hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy, a cystatin C variant is deposited in arterial walls and cause brain hemorrhage in young adults. In the present investigation, we use redox experiments of monomeric cystatin C, stabilized against domain swapping by an intramolecular disulfide bond, to generate stable oligomers (dimers, trimers, tetramers, decamers, and high molecular weight oligomers). These oligomers were characterized concerning size by gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry, shape by electron and atomic force microscopy, and, function by assays of their capacity to inhibit proteases. The results showed the oligomers to be highly ordered, domain-swapped assemblies of cystatin C and that the oligomers could not build larger oligomers, or fibrils, without domain swapping. The stabilized oligomers were used to induce antibody formation in rabbits. After immunosorption, using immobilized monomeric cystatin C, and elution from columns with immobilized cystatin C oligomers, oligomer-specific antibodies were obtained. These could be used to selectively remove cystatin C dimers from biological fluids containing both dimers and monomers.  相似文献   

Recently, a number of aggregation disease polypeptides have been shown to spread from cell to cell, thereby displaying prionoid behavior. Studying aggregate internalization, however, is often hampered by the complex kinetics of the aggregation process, resulting in the concomitant uptake of aggregates of different sizes by competing mechanisms, which makes it difficult to isolate pathway-specific responses to aggregates. We designed synthetic aggregating peptides bearing different aggregation propensities with the aim of producing modes of uptake that are sufficiently distinct to differentially analyze the cellular response to internalization. We found that small acidic aggregates (≤500 nm in diameter) were taken up by nonspecific endocytosis as part of the fluid phase and traveled through the endosomal compartment to lysosomes. By contrast, bigger basic aggregates (>1 μm) were taken up through a mechanism dependent on cytoskeletal reorganization and membrane remodeling with the morphological hallmarks of phagocytosis. Importantly, the properties of these aggregates determined not only the mechanism of internalization but also the involvement of the proteostatic machinery (the assembly of interconnected networks that control the biogenesis, folding, trafficking, and degradation of proteins) in the process; whereas the internalization of small acidic aggregates is HSF1-independent, the uptake of larger basic aggregates was HSF1-dependent, requiring Hsp70. Our results show that the biophysical properties of aggregates determine both their mechanism of internalization and proteostatic response. It remains to be seen whether these differences in cellular response contribute to the particular role of specific aggregated proteins in disease.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial or host defense peptides are innate immune regulators found in all multicellular organisms. Many of them fold into membrane-bound α-helices and function by causing cell wall disruption in microorganisms. Herein we probe the possibility and functional implications of antimicrobial antagonism mediated by complementary coiled-coil interactions between antimicrobial peptides and de novo designed antagonists: anti-antimicrobial peptides. Using sequences from native helical families such as cathelicidins, cecropins, and magainins we demonstrate that designed antagonists can co-fold with antimicrobial peptides into functionally inert helical oligomers. The properties and function of the resulting assemblies were studied in solution, membrane environments, and in bacterial culture by a combination of chiroptical and solid-state NMR spectroscopies, microscopy, bioassays, and molecular dynamics simulations. The findings offer a molecular rationale for anti-antimicrobial responses with potential implications for antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

In prion-infected hosts, PrPSc usually accumulates as non-fibrillar, membrane-bound aggregates. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor-directed membrane association appears to be an important factor controlling the biophysical properties of PrPSc aggregates. To determine whether GPI anchoring can similarly modulate the assembly of other amyloid-forming proteins, neuronal cell lines were generated that expressed a GPI-anchored form of a model amyloidogenic protein, the NM domain of the yeast prion protein Sup35 (Sup35GPI). We recently reported that GPI anchoring facilitated the induction of Sup35GPI prions in this system. Here, we report the ultrastructural characterization of self-propagating Sup35GPI aggregates of either spontaneous or induced origin. Like membrane-bound PrPSc, Sup35GPI aggregates resisted release from cells treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. Sup35GPI aggregates of spontaneous origin were detergent-insoluble, protease-resistant, and self-propagating, in a manner similar to that reported for recombinant Sup35NM amyloid fibrils and induced Sup35GPI aggregates. However, GPI-anchored Sup35 aggregates were not stained with amyloid-binding dyes, such as Thioflavin T. This was consistent with ultrastructural analyses, which showed that the aggregates corresponded to dense cell surface accumulations of membrane vesicle-like structures and were not fibrillar. Together, these results showed that GPI anchoring directs the assembly of Sup35NM into non-fibrillar, membrane-bound aggregates that resemble PrPSc, raising the possibility that GPI anchor-dependent modulation of protein aggregation might occur with other amyloidogenic proteins. This may contribute to differences in pathogenesis and pathology between prion diseases, which uniquely involve aggregation of a GPI-anchored protein, versus other protein misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

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