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As described previously, receptor dimerization of G protein-coupled receptors may influence signaling, trafficking, and regulation in vivo. Up to now, most studies aiming at the possible role of receptor dimerization in receptor activation and signal transduction are focused on class A GPCRs. In the present work, the dimerization behavior of the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 (CRF1R), which belongs to class B of GPCRs and plays an important role in coordination of the immune response, stress, and learning behavior, was investigated by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). For this purpose, we generated fusion proteins of CRF1R tagged at their C-terminus to a cyan or yellow fluorescent protein, which can be used as a FRET pair. Binding studies verified that the receptor constructs were able to bind their natural ligands in a manner comparable with the wild-type receptor, whereas cAMP accumulation proved the functionality of the constructs. In microscopic studies, a dimerization of the CRF1R was observed, but the addition of either CRF-related agonists or antagonists did not show any dose-related increase of the observed FRET signal, indicating that the dimer-monomer ratio is not changed on addition of ligand.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is a member of the ErbB family of receptors that also includes ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4. These receptors form homo- and heterodimers in response to ligand with ErbB2 being the preferred dimerization partner. Here we use (125)I-EGF binding to quantitate the interaction of the EGF receptor with ErbB2. We show that the EGFR/ErbB2 heterodimer binds EGF with a 7-fold higher affinity than the EGFR homodimer. Because it cannot bind a second ligand, the EGFR/ErbB2 heterodimer is not subject to ligand-induced dissociation caused by the negatively cooperative binding of EGF to the second site on the EGFR homodimer. This increases the stability of the heterodimer relative to the homodimer and is associated with enhanced and prolonged EGF receptor autophosphorylation. These effects are independent of the kinase activity of ErbB2 but require back-to-back dimerization of the EGF receptor with ErbB2. Back-to-back dimerization is also required for phosphorylation of ErbB2. These findings provide a molecular explanation for the apparent preference of the EGF receptor for dimerizing with ErbB2 and suggest that the phosphorylation of ErbB2 occurs largely in the context of the EGFR/ErbB2 heterodimer, rather than through lateral phosphorylation of isolated ErbB2 subunits.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) was shown to mediate clearance of blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) from the circulation. To elucidate the mechanism of interaction of LDLR and FVIII, our objective was to identify the region of the receptor necessary for binding FVIII. Using surface plasmon resonance, we found that LDLR exodomain and its cluster of complement-type repeats (CRs) bind FVIII in the same mode. This indicated that the LDLR site for FVIII is located within the LDLR cluster. Similar results were obtained for another ligand of LDLR, α-2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein (RAP), a common ligand of receptors from the LDLR family. We further generated a set of recombinant fragments of the LDLR cluster and assessed their structural integrity by binding to RAP and by circular dichroism. A number of fragments overlapping CR.2-5 of the cluster were positive for binding RAP and FVIII. The specificity of these interactions was tested by site-directed mutagenesis of conserved tryptophans within the LDLR fragments. For FVIII, the specificity was also tested using a single-chain variable antibody fragment directed against the FVIII light chain as a competitor. Both cases resulted in decreased binding, thus confirming its specificity. The mutagenic study also showed an importance of the conserved tryptophans in LDLR for both ligands, and the competitive binding results showed an involvement of the light chain of FVIII in its interaction with LDLR. In conclusion, the region of CR.2-5 of LDLR was defined as the binding site for FVIII and RAP.  相似文献   

Decorin, the prototypical small leucine-rich proteoglycan, binds to collagen and thereby regulates collagen assembly into fibrils. The crystal structure of the decorin core protein revealed a tight dimer formed by the association of two monomers via their concave faces (Scott, P. G., McEwan, P. A., Dodd, C. M., Bergmann, E. M., Bishop, P. N., and Bella, J. (2004) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101, 15633–15638). Whether decorin binds collagen as a dimer has been controversial. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, we determined a dissociation constant of 1.37 ± 0.30 μm for the mouse decorin dimer. Dimerization could be abolished by engineering glycosylation sites into the dimer interface; other interface mutants remained dimeric. The monomeric mutants were as stable as wild-type decorin in thermal unfolding experiments. Mutations on the concave face of decorin abolished collagen binding regardless of whether the mutant proteins retained the ability to dimerize or not. We conclude that the concave face of decorin mediates collagen binding and that the dimer therefore must dissociate to bind collagen.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) nonstructural protein 3A plays important roles in virus replication, virulence, and host range. In other picornaviruses, homodimerization of 3A has been shown to be relevant for its biological activity. In this work, FMDV 3A homodimerization was evidenced by an in situ protein fluorescent ligation assay. A molecular model of the FMDV 3A protein, derived from the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of the poliovirus 3A protein, predicted a hydrophobic interface spanning residues 25 to 44 as the main determinant for 3A dimerization. Replacements L38E and L41E, involving charge acquisition at residues predicted to contribute to the hydrophobic interface, reduced the dimerization signal in the protein ligation assay and prevented the detection of dimer/multimer species in both transiently expressed 3A proteins and in synthetic peptides reproducing the N terminus of 3A. These replacements also led to production of infective viruses that replaced the acidic residues introduced (E) by nonpolar amino acids, indicating that preservation of the hydrophobic interface is essential for virus replication. Replacements that favored (Q44R) or impaired (Q44D) the polar interactions predicted between residues Q44 and D32 did not abolish dimer formation of transiently expressed 3A, indicating that these interactions are not critical for 3A dimerization. Nevertheless, while Q44R led to recovery of viruses that maintained the mutation, Q44D resulted in selection of infective viruses with substitution D44E with acidic charge but with structural features similar to those of the parental virus, suggesting that Q44 is involved in functions other than 3A dimerization.  相似文献   

Background. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection has been associated with an increased risk of developing ischemic heart disease (IHD). It has been suggested that a persisting low-grade acute phase response results from the chronic inflammation caused by H. pylori infection, which may give rise to increased circulating levels of certain coagulation factors.
Materials and Methods. One hundred three (53 male) nonconsecutive, randomly selected white subjects with symptoms of dyspepsia were recruited for study from an outpatient endoscopy clinic at Leeds General Infirmary. The presence of H. pylori was determined by histological and microbiological investigation, a rapid urease test, and a 13carbon urea breath test (13C-UBT). Fibrinogen was measured by the Clauss method, factor VIII:C (FVIII:C) and factor VII:C (FVII:C) were measured by clotting rate assays, and the von Willebrand factor (vWF) was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results. No difference was found in levels of coagulation factors according to H. pylori status. Multiple regression models were used to account for the effect of covariates and H. pylori status on levels of FVII:C, FVIII:C, vWF, and fibrinogen, and again H. pylori status was not a significant determinant of levels of any of these coagulation factors. No difference occurred in full blood count, platelet count, white cell count, or plasma viscosity in individuals who were H. pylori -positive compared with those who were negative.
Conclusions. H. pylori infection is not associated with increased circulating levels of fibrinogen, FVII:C, vWF.Ag, or FVIII:C or hemorrheology in this patient group.  相似文献   

YhdE is a Maf-like (multicopy associated filamentation) protein that primarily acts as dTTPase to hydrolyze dTTP into dTMP and two phosphate molecules in cell metabolism pathway. Two crystal structures of YhdE have been previously determined, representing the open and closed active site conformations, respectively. Based on the structures, we have carried out molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations to investigate dTTP binding to and hydrolysis by YhdE. Our results suggest that YhdE closed state is structurally more compact than its open state at room temperature. YhdE open state is a favorable conformation for dTTP binding and closed state is a structurally favorable conformation for catalytic reaction. This observation is supported by the structure of YhdE homolog in complex with a nucleotide analog. Free energy calculations reveal that YhdE dimerization occurs preferentially in dTTP binding and is favorable for successive cooperative reaction. The key residues R11, R12 and K80, are found to contribute to the substrate stabilization. Further, YhdE dimerization and binding of dTTP induce the cooperative effect through a direct allosteric communication network in YhdE from the dTTP binding sites in the catalytic center to the intermolecular β-strand in YhdE dimer.  相似文献   

Lipid heterogeneities, such as lipid rafts, are widely considered to be important for the sequestering of membrane proteins in plasma membranes, thereby influencing membrane protein functionality. However, the underlying mechanisms of such sequestration processes remain elusive, in part, due to the small size and often transient nature of these functional membrane heterogeneities in cellular membranes. To overcome these challenges, here we report the sequestration behavior of urokinase receptor (uPAR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, in a planar model membrane platform with raft-mimicking lipid mixtures of well-defined compositions using a powerful optical imaging platform consisting of confocal spectroscopy XY-scans, photon counting histogram, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analyses. This methodology provides parallel information about receptor sequestration, oligomerization state, and lateral mobility with single molecule sensitivity. Most notably, our experiments demonstrate that moderate changes in uPAR sequestration are not only associated with modifications in uPAR dimerization levels, but may also be linked to ligand-mediated allosteric changes of these membrane receptors. Our data show that these modifications in uPAR sequestration can be induced by exposure to specific ligands (urokinase plasminogen activator, vitronectin), but not via adjustment of the cholesterol level in the planar model membrane system. Good agreement of our key findings with published results on cell membranes confirms the validity of our model membrane approach. We hypothesize that the observed mechanism of receptor translocation in the presence of raft-mimicking lipid mixtures is also applicable to other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

We study a mechanism by which dimerization of the EGF receptor (EGFR) cytoplasmic domain is transmitted to the ectodomain. Therapeutic and other small molecule antagonists to the kinase domain that stabilize its active conformation, but not those that stabilize an inactive conformation, stabilize ectodomain dimerization. Inhibitor-induced dimerization requires an asymmetric kinase domain interface associated with activation. EGF and kinase inhibitors stimulate formation of identical dimer interfaces in the EGFR transmembrane domain, as shown by disulfide cross-linking. Disulfide cross-linking at an interface in domain IV in the ectodomain was also stimulated similarly; however, EGF but not inhibitors stimulated cross-linking in domain II. Inhibitors similarly induced noncovalent dimerization in nearly full-length, detergent-solubilized EGFR as shown by gel filtration. EGFR ectodomain deletion resulted in spontaneous dimerization, whereas deletion of exons 2–7, in which extracellular domains III and IV are retained, did not. In EM, kinase inhibitor-induced dimers lacked any well defined orientation between the ectodomain monomers. Fab of the therapeutic antibody cetuximab to domain III confirmed a variable position and orientation of this domain in inhibitor-induced dimers but suggested that the C termini of domain IV of the two monomers were in close proximity, consistent with dimerization in the transmembrane domains. The results provide insights into the relative energetics of intracellular and extracellular dimerization in EGFR and have significance for physiologic dimerization through the asymmetric kinase interface, bidirectional signal transmission in EGFR, and mechanism of action of therapeutics.  相似文献   

Lipid heterogeneities, such as lipid rafts, are widely considered to be important for the sequestering of membrane proteins in plasma membranes, thereby influencing membrane protein functionality. However, the underlying mechanisms of such sequestration processes remain elusive, in part, due to the small size and often transient nature of these functional membrane heterogeneities in cellular membranes. To overcome these challenges, here we report the sequestration behavior of urokinase receptor (uPAR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, in a planar model membrane platform with raft-mimicking lipid mixtures of well-defined compositions using a powerful optical imaging platform consisting of confocal spectroscopy XY-scans, photon counting histogram, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analyses. This methodology provides parallel information about receptor sequestration, oligomerization state, and lateral mobility with single molecule sensitivity. Most notably, our experiments demonstrate that moderate changes in uPAR sequestration are not only associated with modifications in uPAR dimerization levels, but may also be linked to ligand-mediated allosteric changes of these membrane receptors. Our data show that these modifications in uPAR sequestration can be induced by exposure to specific ligands (urokinase plasminogen activator, vitronectin), but not via adjustment of the cholesterol level in the planar model membrane system. Good agreement of our key findings with published results on cell membranes confirms the validity of our model membrane approach. We hypothesize that the observed mechanism of receptor translocation in the presence of raft-mimicking lipid mixtures is also applicable to other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

Animal models of the bleeding disorder, hemophilia A, have been an integral component of the biopharmaceutical development process and have facilitated the development of recombinant coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) products capable of restoring median survival of persons with hemophilia A to that of the general population. However, there remain several limitations to recombinant fVIII as a biotherapeutic, including invasiveness of intravenous infusion, short half-life, immunogenicity, and lack of availability to the majority of the world''s population. The recently described ovine model of hemophilia A is the largest and most accurate phenocopy. Affected sheep die prematurely due to bleeding-related pathogenesis and display robust adaptive humoral immunity to non-ovine fVIII. Herein, we describe the development and characterization of recombinant ovine fVIII (ofVIII) to support further the utility of the ovine hemophilia A model. Full-length and B-domain deleted (BDD) ofVIII cDNAs were generated and demonstrated to facilitate greater biosynthetic rates than their human fVIII counterparts while both BDD constructs showed greater expression rates than the same-species full-length versions. A top recombinant BDD ofVIII producing baby hamster kidney clone was identified and used to biosynthesize raw material for purification and biochemical characterization. Highly purified recombinant BDD ofVIII preparations possess a specific activity nearly 2-fold higher than recombinant BDD human fVIII and display a differential glycosylation pattern. However, binding to the carrier protein, von Willebrand factor, which is critical for stability of fVIII in circulation, is indistinguishable. Decay of thrombin-activated ofVIIIa is 2-fold slower than human fVIII indicating greater intrinsic stability. Furthermore, intravenous administration of ofVIII effectively reverses the bleeding phenotype in the murine model of hemophilia A. Recombinant ofVIII should facilitate the maintenance of the ovine hemophilia A herd and their utilization as a relevant large animal model for the research and development of novel nucleic acid and protein-based therapies for hemophilia A.  相似文献   

The essential minichromosome maintenance (Mcm) proteins Mcm2 through Mcm7 likely comprise the replicative helicase in eukaryotes. In addition to Mcm2-7, other subcomplexes, including one comprising Mcm4, Mcm6, and Mcm7, unwind DNA. Using Mcm4/6/7 as a tool, we reveal a role for nucleotide binding by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm2 in modulating DNA binding by Mcm complexes. Previous studies have shown that Mcm2 inhibits DNA unwinding by Mcm4/6/7. Here, we show that interaction of Mcm2 and Mcm4/6/7 is not sufficient for inhibition; rather, Mcm2 requires nucleotides for its regulatory role. An Mcm2 mutant that is defective for ATP hydrolysis (K549A), as well as ATP analogues, was used to show that ADP binding by Mcm2 is required to inhibit DNA binding and unwinding by Mcm4/6/7. This Mcm2-mediated regulation of Mcm4/6/7 is independent of Mcm3/5. Furthermore, the importance of ATP hydrolysis by Mcm2 to the regulation of the native complex was apparent from the altered DNA binding properties of Mcm2KA-7. Moreover, together with the finding that Mcm2K549A does not support yeast viability, these results indicate that the nucleotide-bound state of Mcm2 is critical in regulating the activities of Mcm4/6/7 and Mcm2-7 complexes.  相似文献   

An eight-amino acid segment is known to be responsible for the marked difference in the rates of degradation of the EGF receptor (ErbB1) and ErbB2 upon treatment of cells with the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin. We have scrambled the first six amino acids of this segment of the EGF receptor (EGFR), which lies in close association with the ATP binding cleft and the dimerization face. Scrambling these six amino acids markedly reduces EGFR stability, EGF-stimulated receptor dimerization, and autophosphorylation activity. Two peptides were synthesized as follows: one containing the wild-type sequence of the eight-amino acid segment, which we call Disruptin; and one with the scrambled sequence. Disruptin inhibits Hsp90 binding to the EGFR and causes slow degradation of the EGFR in two EGFR-dependent cancer cell lines, whereas the scrambled peptide is inactive. This effect is specific for EGFR versus other Hsp90 client proteins. In the presence of EGF, Disruptin, but not the scrambled peptide, inhibits EGFR dimerization and causes rapid degradation of the EGFR. In contrast to the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin, Disruptin inhibits cancer cell growth by a nonapoptotic mechanism. Disruptin provides proof of concept for the development of a new class of anti-tumor drugs that specifically cause EGFR degradation.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor XII (fXII) is important for arterial thrombosis, but its physiological activation mechanisms are unclear. In this study, we elucidated the role of platelets and platelet-derived material in fXII activation. FXII activation was only observed upon potent platelet stimulation (with thrombin, collagen-related peptide, or calcium ionophore, but not ADP) accompanied by phosphatidylserine exposure and was localised to the platelet surface. Platelets from three patients with grey platelet syndrome did not activate fXII, which suggests that platelet-associated fXII-activating material might be released from α-granules. FXII was preferentially bound by phosphotidylserine-positive platelets and annexin V abrogated platelet-dependent fXII activation; however, artificial phosphotidylserine/phosphatidylcholine microvesicles did not support fXII activation under the conditions herein. Confocal microscopy using DAPI as a poly-phosphate marker did not reveal poly-phosphates associated with an activated platelet surface. Experimental data for fXII activation indicates an auto-inhibition mechanism (ki/ka = 180 molecules/platelet). Unlike surface-associated fXII activation, platelet secretion inhibited activated fXII (fXIIa), particularly due to a released C1-inhibitor. Platelet surface-associated fXIIa formation triggered contact pathway-dependent clotting in recalcified plasma. Computer modelling suggests that fXIIa inactivation was greatly decreased in thrombi under high blood flow due to inhibitor washout. Combined, the surface-associated fXII activation and its inhibition in solution herein may be regarded as a flow-sensitive regulator that can shift the balance between surface-associated clotting and plasma-dependent inhibition, which may explain the role of fXII at high shear and why fXII is important for thrombosis but negligible in haemostasis.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) has evolved a cunning mechanism to circumvent the antiviral activity of the APOBEC3 family of host cell enzymes. HIV-1 Vif [viral (also called virion) infectivity factor], one of several HIV accessory proteins, targets APOBEC3 proteins for proteasomal degradation and downregulates their expression at the mRNA level. Despite the importance of Vif for HIV-1 infection, there is little conformational data on Vif alone or in complex with other cellular factors due to incompatibilities with many structural techniques and difficulties in producing suitable quantities of the protein for biophysical analysis. As an alternative, we have turned to hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS), a conformational analysis method that is well suited for proteins that are difficult to study using X-ray crystallography and/or NMR. HX MS was used to probe the solution conformation of recombinant full-length HIV-1 Vif. Vif specifically interacted with the previously identified binding partner Hck and was able to cause kinase activation, suggesting that the Vif studied by HX MS retained a biochemically competent conformation relevant to Hck interaction. HX MS analysis of Vif alone revealed low deuteration levels in the N-terminal portion, indicating that this region contained structured or otherwise protected elements. In contrast, high deuteration levels in the C-terminal portion of Vif indicated that this region was likely unstructured in the absence of cellular interacting proteins. Several regions within Vif displayed conformational heterogeneity in solution, including the APOBEC3G/F binding site and the HCCH zinc finger. Taken together, these HX MS results provide new insights into the solution conformation of Vif.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that can cause fever and chronic arthritis in humans. CHIKV that is generated in mosquito or mammalian cells differs in glycosylation patterns of viral proteins, which may affect its replication and virulence. Herein, we compare replication, pathogenicity, and receptor binding of CHIKV generated in Vero cells (mammal) or C6/36 cells (mosquito) through a single passage. We demonstrate that mosquito cell-derived CHIKV (CHIKVmos) has slower replication than mammalian cell-derived CHIKV (CHIKVvero), when tested in both human and murine cell lines. Consistent with this, CHIKVmos infection in both cell lines produce less cytopathic effects and reduced antiviral responses. In addition, infection in mice show that CHIKVmos produces a lower level of viremia and less severe footpad swelling when compared with CHIKVvero. Interestingly, CHIKVmos has impaired ability to bind to glycosaminoglycan (GAG) receptors on mammalian cells. However, sequencing analysis shows that this impairment is not due to a mutation in the CHIKV E2 gene, which encodes for the viral receptor binding protein. Moreover, CHIKVmos progenies can regain GAG receptor binding capability and can replicate similarly to CHIKVvero after a single passage in mammalian cells. Furthermore, CHIKVvero and CHIKVmos no longer differ in replication when N-glycosylation of viral proteins was inhibited by growing these viruses in the presence of tunicamycin. Collectively, these results suggest that N-glycosylation of viral proteins within mosquito cells can result in loss of GAG receptor binding capability of CHIKV and reduction of its infectivity in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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