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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are introduced into the genome to initiate meiotic recombination. Their accurate repair is monitored by the meiotic recombination checkpoint that prevents nuclear division until completion of meiotic DSB repair. We show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sae2 protein, known to be involved in processing meiotic DSBs, is phosphorylated periodically during the meiotic cycle. Sae2 phosphorylation occurs at the onset of premeiotic S phase, is maximal at the time of meiotic DSB generation and decreases when DSBs are repaired by homologous recombination. Hyperactivation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint caused by the failure to repair DSBs results in accumulation and persistence of phosphorylated Sae2, indicating a possible link between checkpoint activation and meiosis-induced Sae2 phosphorylation. Accordingly, Sae2 phosphorylation depends on the checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Tel1, whose simultaneous deletion also impairs meiotic DSB repair. Moreover, replacing with alanines the Sae2 serine and threonine residues belonging to Mec1/Tel1-dependent putative phosphorylation sites impairs not only Sae2 phosphorylation during meiosis, but also meiotic DSB repair. Thus,checkpoint-mediated phosphorylation of Sae2 is important to support its meiotic recombinationfunctions.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinases are key regulators controlling a wide range of cellular events. The yeast Tel1 and Mec1·Ddc2 complex (ATM and ATR-ATRIP in humans) play pivotal roles in DNA replication, DNA damage signaling, and repair. Here, we present the first structural insight for dimers of Mec1·Ddc2 and Tel1 using single-particle electron microscopy. Both kinases reveal a head to head dimer with one major dimeric interface through the N-terminal HEAT (named after Huntingtin, elongation factor 3, protein phosphatase 2A, and yeast kinase TOR1) repeat. Their dimeric interface is significantly distinct from the interface of mTOR complex 1 dimer, which oligomerizes through two spatially separate interfaces. We also observe different structural organizations of kinase domains of Mec1 and Tel1. The kinase domains in the Mec1·Ddc2 dimer are located in close proximity to each other. However, in the Tel1 dimer they are fully separated, providing potential access of substrates to this kinase, even in its dimeric form.  相似文献   

A prominent feature of meiosis in most sexually reproducing organisms is interhomolog recombination whereby a significant fraction of the programmed meiotic double-strand breaks are repaired using intact homologous non-sister chromatids rather than sister chromatids. Budding yeast DNA damage checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Tel1 act together with the axial element protein Red1 to promote interhomolog recombination by phosphorylating another axial element protein Hop1. Mec1 and Tel1 also phosphorylate γH2A and the synaptonemal complex protein Zip1 independently of Red1 to facilitate premeiotic DNA replication and to destabilize homology-independent centromere pairing, respectively. It has been unclear why Hop1 phosphorylation is Red1-dependent. Here, we report that the pachytene checkpoint protein 2 (Pch2) specifically prevents Red1-independent Hop1 phosphorylation. Our findings reveal a new function for Pch2 in linking two axial element proteins Red1 and Hop1 thus coordinating their effects in meiotic recombination and the checkpoint network.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are highly hazardous for genome integrity because they have the potential to cause mutations, chromosomal rearrangements and genomic instability. The cellular response to DSBs is orchestrated by signal transduction pathways, known as DNA damage checkpoints, which are conserved from yeasts to humans. These pathways can sense DNA damage and transduce this information to specific cellular targets, which in turn regulate cell cycle transitions and DNA repair. The mammalian protein kinases ATM and ATR, as well as their budding yeast corresponding orthologs Tel1 and Mec1, act as master regulators of the checkpoint response to DSBs. Here, we review the early steps of DSB processing and the role of DNA-end structures in activating ATM/Tel1 and ATR/Mec1 in an orderly and reciprocal manner.  相似文献   

A hallmark of the conserved ATM/ATR signalling is its ability to mediate a wide range of functions utilizing only a limited number of adaptors and effector kinases. During meiosis, Tel1 and Mec1, the budding yeast ATM and ATR, respectively, rely on a meiotic adaptor protein Hop1, a 53BP1/Rad9 functional analog, and its associated kinase Mek1, a CHK2/Rad53-paralog, to mediate multiple functions: control of the formation and repair of programmed meiotic DNA double strand breaks, enforcement of inter-homolog bias, regulation of meiotic progression, and implementation of checkpoint responses. Here, we present evidence that the multi-functionality of the Tel1/Mec1-to-Hop1/Mek1 signalling depends on stepwise activation of Mek1 that is mediated by Tel1/Mec1 phosphorylation of two specific residues within Hop1: phosphorylation at the threonine 318 (T318) ensures the transient basal level Mek1 activation required for viable spore formation during unperturbed meiosis. Phosphorylation at the serine 298 (S298) promotes stable Hop1-Mek1 interaction on chromosomes following the initial phospho-T318 mediated Mek1 recruitment. In the absence of Dmc1, the phospho-S298 also promotes Mek1 hyper-activation necessary for implementing meiotic checkpoint arrest. Taking these observations together, we propose that the Hop1 phospho-T318 and phospho-S298 constitute key components of the Tel1/Mec1- based meiotic recombination surveillance (MRS) network and facilitate effective coupling of meiotic recombination and progression during both unperturbed and challenged meiosis.  相似文献   

Checkpoints are surveillance mechanisms that constitute a barrier to oncogenesis by preserving genome integrity. Loss of checkpoint function is an early event in tumorigenesis. Polo kinases (Plks) are fundamental regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotes and are frequently overexpressed in tumors. Through their polo box domain, Plks target multiple substrates previously phosphorylated by CDKs and MAPKs. In response to DNA damage, Plks are temporally inhibited in order to maintain the checkpoint-dependent cell cycle block while their activity is required to silence the checkpoint response and resume cell cycle progression. Here, we report that, in budding yeast, overproduction of the Cdc5 polo kinase overrides the checkpoint signaling induced by double strand DNA breaks (DSBs), preventing the phosphorylation of several Mec1/ATR targets, including Ddc2/ATRIP, the checkpoint mediator Rad9, and the transducer kinase Rad53/CHK2. We also show that high levels of Cdc5 slow down DSB processing in a Rad9-dependent manner, but do not prevent the binding of checkpoint factors to a single DSB. Finally, we provide evidence that Sae2, the functional ortholog of human CtIP, which regulates DSB processing and inhibits checkpoint signaling, is regulated by Cdc5. We propose that Cdc5 interferes with the checkpoint response to DSBs acting at multiple levels in the signal transduction pathway and at an early step required to resect DSB ends.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) are master regulators of the cell cycle in eukaryotes. CDK activity is regulated by the presence, post-translational modification and spatial localization of its regulatory subunit cyclin. In budding yeast, the B-cyclin Clb1 is phosphorylated and localizes to the nucleus during meiosis I. However the functional significance of Clb1''s phosphorylation and nuclear localization and their mutual dependency is unknown. In this paper, we demonstrate that meiosis-specific phosphorylation of Clb1 requires its import to the nucleus but not vice versa. While Clb1 phosphorylation is dependent on activity of both CDK and polo-like kinase Cdc5, its nuclear localization requires CDK but not Cdc5 activity. Furthermore we show that increased nuclear localization of Clb1 during meiosis enhances activation of FEAR (Cdc Fourteen Early Anaphase Release) pathway. We discuss the significance of our results in relation to regulation of exit from meiosis I.  相似文献   

Rad3, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ortholog of human ATR and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mec1, activates the checkpoint kinase Chk1 in response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Rad3ATR/Mec1 associates with replication protein A (RPA), which binds single-stranded DNA overhangs formed by DSB resection. In humans and both yeasts, DSBs are initially detected and processed by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1Xrs2 (MRN) nucleolytic protein complex in association with the Tel1ATM checkpoint kinase and the Ctp1CtIP/Sae2 DNA-end processing factor; however, in budding yeast, neither Mre11 nuclease activity or Sae2 are required for Mec1 signaling at irreparable DSBs. Here, we investigate the relationship between DNA end processing and the DSB checkpoint response in fission yeast, and we report that Mre11 nuclease activity and Ctp1 are critical for efficient Rad3-to-Chk1 signaling. Moreover, deleting Ctp1 reveals a Tel1-to-Chk1 signaling pathway that bypasses Rad3. This pathway requires Mre11 nuclease activity, the Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 (9-1-1) checkpoint clamp complex, and Crb2 checkpoint mediator. Ctp1 negatively regulates this pathway by controlling MRN residency at DSBs. A Tel1-to-Chk1 checkpoint pathway acting at unresected DSBs provides a mechanism for coupling Chk1 activation to the initial detection of DSBs and suggests that ATM may activate Chk1 by both direct and indirect mechanisms in mammalian cells.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), formed by clastogens or from endogenous damage, trigger multiple cellular responses that are critical for maintaining genome integrity. Of particular importance is the cell cycle checkpoint that restrains the onset of mitosis while DSB repair is under way. Chk1 is the critical effector of this checkpoint in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and mammalian cells, whereas the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses both Chk1 and Rad53 (orthologous to human Chk2 and fission yeast Cds1) to delay anaphase entry and mitotic exit. These kinases are regulated by ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated) and ATR (ATM and Rad3-related) checkpoint kinases (5). Curiously, the regulatory connections between ATM/ATR and Chk1/Chk2 orthologs are not strictly conserved between species (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). In mammals, ATM activates Chk2 while ATR activates Chk1. In S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, ATR orthologs (Mec1 and Rad3, respectively) activate Chk2 orthologs and Chk1, while Tel1 (ATM ortholog) is primarily involved in telomere maintenance (14, 38, 40).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Deletion of Ctp1 restores the DNA damage checkpoint in rad3Δ cells. (A) Regulatory connections between ATM/ATR and Chk1/Chk2 orthologs in mammals, S. cerevisiae, and S. pombe. ATM phosphorylates Chk2 and ATR phosphorylates Chk1. CtIP mediates an ATM-to-ATR switch through DNA end resection in mammals (44, 53). ATM promotes Chk1 activation by stimulating CtIP-dependent resection through an unknown mechanism. In S. cerevisiae, Mec1 phosphorylates both Rad53 and Chk1. Deleting Sae2 uncovers a Tel1-to-Rad53 signaling pathway and enhances Rad53 activation (47). In S. pombe, Cds1 and Chk1 activation is dependent on Rad3. (B) Chk1 phosphorylation peaks in wild-type (wt) (top panel) and ctp1Δ cells (bottom panel) 30 min after exposure to 90 Gy of IR in log-phase cultures. Chk1 phosphorylation in ctp1Δ cells prior to IR exposure likely arises from an inability to repair spontaneous DNA damage (23). Immunoblots were probed for the HA epitope-tagged Chk1 or Cdc2 as a loading control. (C) Chk1 phosphorylation is reduced at least 2-fold in ctp1Δ cells relative to the wild type. Quantification of blots from panel B expressed as a ratio of phospho-Chk1 (upper band) versus nonphospho-Chk1 (lower band) was performed. The phospho-Chk1 signal in untreated ctp1Δ cells was subtracted from the IR-treated samples to more accurately measure the IR-induced phosphorylation. (D) The ctp1Δ mutation restores Chk1 phosphorylation in rad3Δ cells. Cells were harvested immediately after mock or 90-Gy IR treatment and blotted for HA epitope tag. Ponceau staining shows equal loading. (E) Quantitation of Chk1 phosphorylation. Error bars represent the standard errors from three independent experiments. (F) The checkpoint arrest is restored in ctp1Δ rad3Δ cells. Cells synchronized in G2 by elutriation were mock treated or exposed to 100 Gy of IR. Cell cycle progression was tracked by microscopic observation.The functions of ATM and ATR orthologs are intimately tied to the detection and nucleolytic processing of DSBs. ATMTel1 localizes at DSBs by interacting with Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1Xrs2 (MRN) protein complex, which directly binds DNA ends (12, 20, 24, 50, 52). The MRN complex is essential for ATMTel1 function in all species. The Mre11 subunit of MRN complex has DNase activities that are critical for radioresistance in S. pombe and mice but not in budding yeast (3, 19, 22, 50). In fission yeast, MRN complex also recruits Ctp1 DNA end-processing factor to DSBs (25, 49). Ctp1 is structurally and functionally related to CtIP in mammals and Sae2 in budding yeast, the latter of which has nuclease activity in vitro (21, 23, 43). Ctp1 and CtIP are essential for survival of ionizing radiation and other clastogens (23, 43, 54), whereas sae2Δ mutants are not radiosensitive except at very high doses of ionizing radiation (IR), although both Ctp1 and Sae2 are required for repair of meiotic DSBs formed by a Spo11/Rec12-dependent mechanism (17, 23, 36). Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that Sae2/Ctp1/CtIP collaborate with MRN complex to initiate the 5′-to-3′ resection of DSBs (7, 23, 28, 43, 53, 55), which leads to the generation of 3′ single-strand overhangs (SSOs) that are critical for DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR). Replication protein A (RPA) binding to SSOs is essential for HR repair of DSBs, but it is also important for recruiting ATRRad3/Mec1, which interacts with RPA through its regulatory subunit ATRIP (Rad26 in fission yeast, Ddc2 in budding yeast) (5, 56). Subsequent phosphorylation of Chk1 by ATR also requires the Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 (9-1-1) checkpoint clamp, which is loaded at the single-strand/double-strand DNA junctions (26, 48, 57), the ATR activating protein TopBP1 (Cut5 in fission yeast), and a checkpoint mediator protein such as Crb2 in fission yeast (34, 41, 48).In this mechanism of DNA damage checkpoint signaling, DNA end resection is critical for ATR (Rad3/Mec1) activation, and therefore resection defective mutants should be unable to mount a fully active checkpoint response (44). However, Rad53 activation is not diminished in budding yeast sae2Δ mutants that suffer an irreparable DSB by expressing HO endonuclease. In fact, there is a defect in turning off the checkpoint signal (6). A similar effect is observed in S. cerevisiae strains expressing the mre11-H125N nuclease-defective form of Mre11. Moreover, overexpression of SAE2 strongly inhibits Rad53 activation (6). The reasons for these phenotypes are unknown, since neither Sae2 nor Mre11 nuclease activity are required for DSB resection or radioresistance. However, deleting Sae2 delays resection while at the same time enhancing a cryptic Tel1-to-Rad53 checkpoint pathway (6, 47). These effects correlate with delayed disassembly of Mre11 foci at DSBs in sae2Δ cells, suggesting that Sae2 may negatively regulate checkpoint signaling by modulating Mre11 association at damaged DNA (1, 6, 24). Enhancement of a Tel1-to-Rad53 checkpoint pathway by eliminating Sae2 suggests that the signaling pathways between ATM/ATR and Chk1/Chk2 checkpoint kinases are not hard wired but are adaptable to changes in DNA end processing (47). However, as yet there is no evidence that ATMTel1 can activate Chk1 in any organism.Since SAE2 deletion or overexpression has unexpected effects on Rad53 activation in budding yeast, we decided to explore the relationship between Ctp1 and Chk1 activation in fission yeast. Here, we show that Chk1 activation is substantially diminished in ctp1Δ cells exposed to ionizing radiation. These data are consistent with studies showing that CtIP is required for efficient Chk1 activation in mammalian cells treated with camptothecin (CPT), a topoisomerase I poison that causes replication fork collapse (43, 53). We also investigate the role of Mre11 nuclease activity and find that while ablating Mre11 nuclease activity enhances Rad53 activation in budding yeast, the equivalent Mre11 mutation in fission yeast severely impairs Chk1 activation by ionizing radiation. Furthermore, we find that deleting Ctp1 reveals a previously unknown Tel1-to-Chk1 signaling pathway in S. pombe, a finding analogous to the enhancement of a Tel1-to-Rad53 checkpoint pathway by eliminating Sae2 in S. cerevisiae (47). This Tel1-to-Chk1 pathway also requires Mre11 nuclease activity. These data establish that Tel1ATM can activate Chk1 independently of Rad3ATR, which has implications for studies linking ATM to Chk1 activation in mammalian cells (16, 31). Characterization of this pathway allows us to propose a more detailed model of how Chk1 is activated in response to DSBs.  相似文献   

The checkpoint kinases ATM and ATR are redundantly required for maintenance of stable telomeres in diverse organisms, including budding and fission yeasts, Arabidopsis, Drosophila, and mammals. However, the molecular basis for telomere instability in cells lacking ATM and ATR has not yet been elucidated fully in organisms that utilize both the telomere protection complex shelterin and telomerase to maintain telomeres, such as fission yeast and humans. Here, we demonstrate by quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays that simultaneous loss of Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR kinases leads to a defect in recruitment of telomerase to telomeres, reduced binding of the shelterin complex subunits Ccq1 and Tpz1, and increased binding of RPA and homologous recombination repair factors to telomeres. Moreover, we show that interaction between Tpz1-Ccq1 and telomerase, thought to be important for telomerase recruitment to telomeres, is disrupted in tel1Δ rad3Δ cells. Thus, Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR are redundantly required for both protection of telomeres against recombination and promotion of telomerase recruitment. Based on our current findings, we propose the existence of a regulatory loop between Tel1ATM/Rad3ATR kinases and Tpz1-Ccq1 to ensure proper protection and maintenance of telomeres in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Tel1/ATM and Mec1/ATR checkpoint kinases are activated by DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs). Mec1/ATR recruitment to DSBs requires the formation of RPA‐coated single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA), which arises from 5′–3′ nucleolytic degradation (resection) of DNA ends. Here, we show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mec1 regulates resection of the DSB ends. The lack of Mec1 accelerates resection and reduces the loading to DSBs of the checkpoint protein Rad9, which is known to inhibit ssDNA generation. Extensive resection is instead inhibited by the Mec1‐ad mutant variant that increases the recruitment near the DSB of Rad9, which in turn blocks DSB resection by both Rad53‐dependent and Rad53‐independent mechanisms. The mec1‐ad resection defect leads to prolonged persistence at DSBs of the MRX complex that causes unscheduled Tel1 activation, which in turn impairs checkpoint switch off. Thus, Mec1 regulates the generation of ssDNA at DSBs, and this control is important to coordinate Mec1 and Tel1 signaling activities at these breaks.  相似文献   

During mitosis the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) delays the onset of anaphase and mitotic exit until all chromosomes are bipolarly attached to spindle fibers. Both lack of attachment due to spindle/kinetochore defects and lack of tension across kinetochores generate the “wait anaphase” signal transmitted by the SAC, which involves the evolutionarily conserved Mad1, Mad2, Mad3/BubR1, Bub1, Bub3 and Mps1 proteins, and inhibits the activity of the ubiquitin ligase Cdc20/APC, that promotes both sister chromatid dissociation in anaphase and mitotic exit. In particular, Mad3/BubR1 is directly implicated, together with Mad2, in Cdc20 inactivation in both human and yeast cells, suggesting that its activity is likely finely regulated. We show that budding yeast Mad3, like its human orthologue BubR1, is a phosphoprotein that is hyperphosphorylated during mitosis and when SAC activation is triggered by microtubule depolymerizing agents, kinetochore defects or lack of kinetochore tension. In vivo Mad3 phosphorylation depends on the Polo kinase Cdc5 and, to a minor extent, the Aurora B kinase Ipl1. Accordingly, replacing with alanines five serine residues belonging to Polo kinase-dependent putative phosphorylation sites dramatically reduces Mad3 phosphorylation, suggesting that Mad3 is likely an in vivo target of Cdc5.  相似文献   

Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis relies on the presence of crossover events distributed among all chromosomes. MutSγ and MutLγ homologs (Msh4/5 and Mlh1/3) facilitate the formation of a prominent group of meiotic crossovers that mature within the context of an elaborate chromosomal structure called the synaptonemal complex (SC). SC proteins are required for intermediate steps in the formation of MutSγ-MutLγ crossovers, but whether the assembled SC structure per se is required for MutSγ-MutLγ-dependent crossover recombination events is unknown. Here we describe an interspecies complementation experiment that reveals that the mature SC is dispensable for the formation of Mlh3-dependent crossovers in budding yeast. Zip1 forms a major structural component of the budding yeast SC, and is also required for MutSγ and MutLγ-dependent crossover formation. Kluyveromyces lactis ZIP1 expressed in place of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ZIP1 in S. cerevisiae cells fails to support SC assembly (synapsis) but promotes wild-type crossover levels in those nuclei that progress to form spores. While stable, full-length SC does not assemble in S. cerevisiae cells expressing K. lactis ZIP1, aggregates of K. lactis Zip1 displayed by S. cerevisiae meiotic nuclei are decorated with SC-associated proteins, and K. lactis Zip1 promotes the SUMOylation of the SC central element protein Ecm11, suggesting that K. lactis Zip1 functionally interfaces with components of the S. cerevisiae synapsis machinery. Moreover, K. lactis Zip1-mediated crossovers rely on S. cerevisiae synapsis initiation proteins Zip3, Zip4, Spo16, as well as the Mlh3 protein, as do the crossovers mediated by S. cerevisiae Zip1. Surprisingly, however, K. lactis Zip1-mediated crossovers are largely Msh4/Msh5 (MutSγ)-independent. This separation-of-function version of Zip1 thus reveals that neither assembled SC nor MutSγ is required for Mlh3-dependent crossover formation per se in budding yeast. Our data suggest that features of S. cerevisiae Zip1 or of the assembled SC in S. cerevisiae normally constrain MutLγ to preferentially promote resolution of MutSγ-associated recombination intermediates.  相似文献   

The BLM helicase, a deficiency in which markedly increases cancer incidence in humans, isrequired for optimal repair during DNA replication. We show that BLM rapidly moves fromPML nuclear bodies to damaged replication forks, returning to PML bodies several hours later,owing to activities of the DNA damage response kinases ATR and ATM, respectively.Immunofluorescence and cellular fractionation demonstrate that BLM partitions to different subcellularcompartments after replication stress. Unexpectedly, fibroblasts lacking BLM weredeficient in phospho-ATM (S-1981) and 53-binding protein-1 (53BP1), and these proteins failedto form foci following replication stress. Expression of a dominant p53 mutant or helicasedeficientBLM restored replication stress-induced 53BP1 foci, but only mutant p53 restoredoptimal ATM activation. Thus, optimal repair of damaged replication fork lesions likelyrequires both ATR and ATM, BLM recruits 53BP1 to these lesions independent of its helicaseactivity, and optimal activation of ATM requires both p53 and BLM helicase activities.

Supplemental material for this paper can be found at the following link:

http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cc/davalosCC3-12-sup.pdf  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has suggested that RAD17, RAD24, MEC3, and DDC1 play similar roles in the DNA damage checkpoint control in budding yeast. These genes are required for DNA damage-induced Rad53 phosphorylation and considered to function upstream of RAD53 in the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Here we identify Mec3 as a protein that associates with Rad17 in a two-hybrid screen and demonstrate that Rad17 and Mec3 interact physically in vivo. The amino terminus of Rad17 is required for its interaction with Mec3, and the protein encoded by the rad17-1 allele, containing a missense mutation at the amino terminus, is defective for its interaction with Mec3 in vivo. Ddc1 interacts physically and cosediments with both Rad17 and Mec3, indicating that these three proteins form a complex. On the other hand, Rad24 is not found to associate with Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1. DDC1 overexpression can partially suppress the phenotypes of the rad24Δ mutation: sensitivity to DNA damage, defect in the DNA damage checkpoint and decrease in DNA damage-induced phosphorylation of Rad53. Taken together, our results suggest that Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1 form a complex which functions downstream of Rad24 in the DNA damage checkpoint pathway.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint arrests the cell cycle at metaphase in the presence of defects in the mitotic spindle or in the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle. When spindle assembly is disrupted, the budding yeast mad and bub mutants fail to arrest and rapidly lose viability. We have cloned the MAD2 gene, which encodes a protein of 196 amino acids that remains at a constant level during the cell cycle. Gel filtration and co-immunoprecipitation analyses reveal that Mad2p tightly associates with another spindle checkpoint component, Mad1p. This association is independent of cell cycle stage and the presence or absence of other known checkpoint proteins. In addition, Mad2p binds to all of the different phosphorylated isoforms of Mad1p that can be resolved on SDS-PAGE. Deletion and mutational analysis of both proteins indicate that association of Mad2p with Mad1p is critical for checkpoint function and for hyperphosphorylation of Mad1p.  相似文献   

The DNA damage and replication checkpoint kinase Mec1/ATR is a member of the PI3-kinase related kinases that function in response to various genotoxic stresses. The checkpoint clamp 9-1-1 (Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 in S. pombe and mammals; Ddc1-Rad17-Mec3 in S. cerevisiae) executes two distinct checkpoint functions. In S. cerevisiae, DNA-bound 9-1-1 directly activates Mec1 kinase activity, a function that has not been demonstrated in other organisms. A second, conserved activity of 9-1-1 is that of TopBP1/Cut5/Dpb11 recruitment to stalled replication sites; subsequent activation of Mec1/ATR is carried out by TopBP1/Cut5/Dpb11. Biochemical studies indicate that the mode of Mec1/ATR activation by S. cerevisiae 9-1-1 is analogous to activation by S. cerevisiae Dpb11 or by vertebrate TopBP1: activation is mediated by the intrinsically disordered C-terminal tail of each activator. The relative contributions made by multiple activators of Mec1/ATR are discussed.  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance is required for chromosome stability, and telomeres are typically replicated by the action of telomerase. In both mammalian tumor and yeast cells that lack telomerase, telomeres are maintained by an alternative recombination mechanism. Here we demonstrated that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae type I survivors derived from telomerase-deficient cells were hypersensitive to DNA damaging agents. Assays to track telomere lengths and drug sensitivity of telomerase-deficient cells from spore colonies to survivors suggested a correlation between telomere shortening and bleomycin sensitivity. Our genetic studies demonstrated that this sensitivity depends on Mec1, which signals checkpoint activation, leading to prolonged cell-cycle arrest in senescent budding yeasts. Moreover, we also observed that when cells equipped with short telomeres, recruitments of homologous recombination proteins, Rad51 and Rad52, were reduced at an HO-endonuclease-catalyzed double-strand break (DSB), while their associations were increased at chromosome ends. These results suggested that the sensitive phenotype may be attributed to the sequestration of repair proteins to compromised telomeres, thus limiting the repair capacity at bona fide DSB sites.  相似文献   

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