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The effects of nucleoid proteins Fis and Dps of Escherichia coli on the higher order structure of a giant DNA were studied, in which Fis and Dps are known to be expressed mainly in the exponential growth phase and stationary phase, respectively. Fis causes loose shrinking of the higher order structure of a genome-sized DNA, T4 DNA (166 kbp), in a cooperative manner, that is, the DNA conformational transition proceeds through the appearance of a bimodal size distribution or the coexistence of elongated coil and shrunken globular states. The effective volume of the loosely shrunken state induced by Fis is 30–60 times larger than that of the compact state induced by spermidine, suggesting that cellular enzymes can access for DNA with the shrunken state but cannot for the compact state. Interestingly, Dps tends to inhibit the Fis-induced shrinkage of DNA, but promotes DNA compaction in the presence of spermidine. These characteristic effects of nucleotide proteins on a giant DNA are discussed by adopting a simple theoretical model with a mean-field approximation.  相似文献   

The abundant Fis nucleoid protein selectively binds poorly related DNA sequences with high affinities to regulate diverse DNA reactions. Fis binds DNA primarily through DNA backbone contacts and selects target sites by reading conformational properties of DNA sequences, most prominently intrinsic minor groove widths. High-affinity binding requires Fis-stabilized DNA conformational changes that vary depending on DNA sequence. In order to better understand the molecular basis for high affinity site recognition, we analyzed the effects of DNA sequence within and flanking the core Fis binding site on binding affinity and DNA structure. X-ray crystal structures of Fis-DNA complexes containing variable sequences in the noncontacted center of the binding site or variations within the major groove interfaces show that the DNA can adapt to the Fis dimer surface asymmetrically. We show that the presence and position of pyrimidine-purine base steps within the major groove interfaces affect both local DNA bending and minor groove compression to modulate affinities and lifetimes of Fis-DNA complexes. Sequences flanking the core binding site also modulate complex affinities, lifetimes, and the degree of local and global Fis-induced DNA bending. In particular, a G immediately upstream of the 15 bp core sequence inhibits binding and bending, and A-tracts within the flanking base pairs increase both complex lifetimes and global DNA curvatures. Taken together, our observations support a revised DNA motif specifying high-affinity Fis binding and highlight the range of conformations that Fis-bound DNA can adopt. The affinities and DNA conformations of individual Fis-DNA complexes are likely to be tailored to their context-specific biological functions.  相似文献   

Bacteria encode homooligomeric single-stranded (ss) DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) that coat and protect ssDNA intermediates formed during genome maintenance reactions. The prototypical Escherichia coli SSB tetramer can bind ssDNA using multiple modes that differ by the number of bases bound per tetramer and the magnitude of the binding cooperativity. Our understanding of the mechanisms underlying cooperative ssDNA binding by SSBs has been hampered by the limited amount of structural information available for interfaces that link adjacent SSB proteins on ssDNA. Here we present a crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis SsbA bound to ssDNA. The structure resolves SsbA tetramers joined together by a ssDNA “bridge” and identifies an interface, termed the “bridge interface,” that links adjacent SSB tetramers through an evolutionarily conserved surface near the ssDNA-binding site. E. coli SSB variants with altered bridge interface residues bind ssDNA with reduced cooperativity and with an altered distribution of DNA binding modes. These variants are also more readily displaced from ssDNA by RecA than wild-type SSB. In spite of these biochemical differences, each variant is able to complement deletion of the ssb gene in E. coli. Together our data suggest a model in which the bridge interface contributes to cooperative ssDNA binding and SSB function but that destabilization of the bridge interface is tolerated in cells.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(9):2141-2150
This work addresses the question of the interplay of DNA demixing and supercoiling in bacterial cells. Demixing of DNA from other globular macromolecules results from the overall repulsion between all components of the system and leads to the formation of the nucleoid, which is the region of the cell that contains the genomic DNA in a rather compact form. Supercoiling describes the coiling of the axis of the DNA double helix to accommodate the torsional stress injected in the molecule by topoisomerases. Supercoiling is able to induce some compaction of the bacterial DNA, although to a lesser extent than demixing. In this work, we investigate the interplay of these two mechanisms with the goal of determining whether the total compaction ratio of the DNA is the mere sum or some more complex function of the compaction ratios due to each mechanism. To this end, we developed a coarse-grained bead-and-spring model and investigated its properties through Brownian dynamics simulations. This work reveals that there actually exist different regimes, depending on the crowder volume ratio and the DNA superhelical density. In particular, a regime in which the effects of DNA demixing and supercoiling on the compaction of the DNA coil simply add up is shown to exist up to moderate values of the superhelical density. In contrast, the mean radius of the DNA coil no longer decreases above this threshold and may even increase again for sufficiently large crowder concentrations. Finally, the model predicts that the DNA coil may depart from the spherical geometry very close to the jamming threshold as a trade-off between the need to minimize both the bending energy of the stiff plectonemes and the volume of the DNA coil to accommodate demixing.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps degrades spontaneously into a species in which 16 C-terminal residues are cleaved away. A second species, in which all 26 residues constituting the tail were deleted, was cloned, expressed and purified. The first did not bind DNA but formed dodecamers like the native protein, while the second did not bind to DNA and failed to assemble into dodecamers, indicating a role in assembly also for the tail. In the crystal structure of the species without the entire C-terminal tail the molecule has an unusual open decameric structure resulting from the removal of two adjacent subunits from the original dodecameric structure of the native form. A Dps dodecamer could assemble with a dimer or one of two trimers (trimer-A and trimer-B) as intermediate. Trimer-A is the intermediate species in the M. smegmatis protein. Estimation of the surface area buried on trimerization indicates that association within trimer-B is weak. It weakens further when the C-terminal tail is removed, leading to the disruption of the dodecameric structure. Thus, the C-terminal tail has a dual role, one in DNA binding and the other in the assembly of the dodecamer. M. smegmatis Dps also has a short N-terminal tail. A species with nine N-terminal residues deleted formed trimers but not dodecamers in solution, unlike wild-type M. smegmatis Dps, under the same conditions. Unlike in solution, the N-terminal mutant forms dodecamers in the crystal. In native Dps, the N-terminal stretch of one subunit and the C-terminal stretch of a neighboring subunit lock each other into ordered positions. The deletion of one stretch results in the disorder of the other. This disorder appears to result in the formation of a trimeric species of the N-terminal deletion mutant contrary to the indication provided by the native structure. The ferroxidation site is intact in the mutants.  相似文献   

Ferritin-like proteins, Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells), store iron and play a key role in the iron homeostasis in bacteria, yet their iron releasing machinery remains largely unexplored. The electron donor proteins that may interact with Dps and promote the mobilization of the stored iron have hitherto not been identified. Here, we investigate the binding capacity of the two atypical Dps proteins NpDps4 and NpDps5 from Nostoc punctiforme to isolated ferredoxins. We report NpDps-ferredoxin interactions by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) methods. Dynamic light scattering, size exclusion chromatography and native gel electrophoresis results show that NpDps4 forms a dodecamer at both pH 6.0 and pH 8.0, while NpDps5 forms a dodecamer only at pH 6.0. In addition, FCS data clearly reveal that the non-canonical NpDps5 interacts with DNA at pH 6.0. Our spectroscopic analysis shows that [FeS] centers of the three recombinantly expressed and isolated ferredoxins are properly incorporated and are consistent with their respective native states. The results support our hypothesis that ferredoxins could be involved in cellular iron homeostasis by interacting with Dps and assisting the release of stored iron.  相似文献   


We have investigated the effect of glycine (an organic osmolyte) on several DNA transitions induced by Tb3+, spermidine3+ and spermine4+ addition, using light scattering, circular dichroism, UV spectroscopy and electric linear dichroism techniques.

DNA condensation and B-Z transition by the three compounds is perturbed by glycine: more Tb-1+, spermidine3+ and spermine4+ must be added to obtain the same extent of condensation or Z-form as compared to the behaviour in the absence of this organic osmolyte. However, according to the light scattering experiments, glycine has also a structural effect on the DNA condensation that could be explained by an influence of the medium dielectric constant on the morphology of particles formed or on the rate of the condensation process.

Contrary to these transitions, the particular B-B'-ψ transition resulting from the addition of Tb3+ to a DNA solution is not observed in the presence of glycine. Since the chelation of Tb3+ by the phosphate group and the N-7 of guanine is presumably responsible for this transition, the glycine effect could probably be explained by a perturbation of this chelation by the change in solvent polarity and the chelating ability of the organic osmolyte.  相似文献   

Compared with exponential growing bacteria, carbohydrate-starved cells of Enterococcus faecalis exhibit a high level of resistance to sodium hypochlorite with maximal resistance observed in cultures entering stationary phase. Chloramphenicol treatment, at various stages of growing phase, does not abolish the hypochlorite resistance of starved cells. However, Enterococcus faecalis conditioned by low sodium hypochlorite concentrations does not develop tolerance towards a lethal dose of the disinfectant. Two-dimensional gel analysis shows that protein synthesis is drastically turned off by hypochlorite treatment, whereas synthesis of a few proteins is enhanced by a low concentration of this chemical agent. Received: 5 September 1996 / Accepted: 29 October 1996  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species can damage most cellular components, but DNA appears to be the most sensitive target of these agents. Here we present the first evidence of DNA protection against the toxic and mutagenic effects of oxidative damage in metabolically active cells: direct protection of DNA by Dps, an inducible nonspecific DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli. We demonstrate that in a recA-deficient strain, expression of Dps from an inducible promoter prior to hydrogen peroxide challenge increases survival and reduces the number of chromosomal single-strand breaks. dps mutants exhibit increased levels of the G x C-->T x A mutations characteristic of oxidative damage after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. In addition, expression of Dps from the inducible plasmid reduces the frequency of spontaneous G x C-->T x A and A x T-->T x A mutations and can partially suppress the mutator phenotype of mutM (fpg) and mutY alleles. In a purified in vitro system, Dps reduces the number of DNA single-strand breaks and Fpg-sensitive sites introduced by hydrogen peroxide treatment, indicating that the protection observed in vivo is a direct effect of DNA binding by Dps. The widespread conservation of Dps homologs among prokaryotes suggests that this may be a general strategy for coping with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Fis is an abundant bacterial DNA binding protein that functions in many different reactions. We show here that Fis subunits rapidly exchange between dimers in solution by disulfide cross-linking mixtures of Fis mutants with different electrophoretic mobilities and by monitoring energy transfer between fluorescently labeled Fis subunits upon heterodimer formation. The effects of detergents and salt concentrations on subunit exchange imply that the dimer is predominantly stabilized by hydrophobic forces, consistent with the X-ray crystal structures. Specific and nonspecific DNA strongly inhibit Fis subunit exchange. In all crystal forms of Fis, the separation between the DNA recognition helices within the Fis dimer is too short to insert into adjacent major grooves on canonical B-DNA, implying that conformational changes within the Fis dimer and/or the DNA must occur upon binding. We therefore investigated the functional importance of dimer interface flexibility for Fis-DNA binding by studying the DNA binding properties of Fis mutants that were cross-linked at different positions in the dimer. Flexibility within the core dimer interface does not appear to be required for efficient DNA binding, Fis-DNA complex dissociation, or Fis-induced DNA bending. Moreover, FRET-based experiments provided no evidence for a change in the spatial relationship between the two helix-turn-helix motifs in the Fis dimer upon DNA binding. These results support a model in which the unusually short distance between DNA recognition helices on Fis is accommodated primarily through bending of the DNA.  相似文献   

Multifunctional protein Dps plays an important role in iron assimilation and a crucial role in bacterial genome packaging. Its monomers form dodecameric spherical particles accumulating ~400 molecules of oxidized iron ions within the protein cavity and applying a flexible N-terminal ends of each subunit for interaction with DNA. Deposition of iron is a well-studied process by which cells remove toxic Fe2+ ions from the genetic material and store them in an easily accessible form. However, the mode of interaction with linear DNA remained mysterious and binary complexes with Dps have not been characterized so far. It is widely believed that Dps binds DNA without any sequence or structural preferences but several lines of evidence have demonstrated its ability to differentiate gene expression, which assumes certain specificity. Here we show that Dps has a different affinity for the two DNA fragments taken from the dps gene regulatory region. We found by atomic force microscopy that Dps predominantly occupies thermodynamically unstable ends of linear double-stranded DNA fragments and has high affinity to the central part of the branched DNA molecule self-assembled from three single-stranded oligonucleotides. It was proposed that Dps prefers binding to those regions in DNA that provide more contact pads for the triad of its DNA-binding bundle associated with one vertex of the protein globule. To our knowledge, this is the first study revealed the nucleoid protein with an affinity to branched DNA typical for genomic regions with direct and inverted repeats. As a ubiquitous feature of bacterial and eukaryotic genomes, such structural elements should be of particular care, but the protein system evolutionarily adapted for this function is not yet known, and we suggest Dps as a putative component of this system.  相似文献   

REV1, REV3, and REV7 are pivotal proteins in translesion DNA synthesis, which allows DNA synthesis even in the presence of DNA damage. REV1 and REV3 are error-prone DNA polymerases and function as inserter and extender polymerases in this process, respectively. REV7 interacts with both REV1 and REV3, acting as an adaptor that functionally links the two, although the structural basis of this collaboration remains unclear. Here, we show the crystal structure of the ternary complex, composed of the C-terminal domain of human REV1, REV7, and a REV3 fragment. The REV1 C-terminal domain adopts a four-helix bundle that interacts with REV7. A linker region between helices 2 and 3, which is conserved among mammals, interacts with the β-sheet of REV7. Remarkably, the REV7-binding interface is distinct from the binding site of DNA polymerase η or κ. Thus, the REV1 C-terminal domain might facilitate polymerase switching by providing a scaffold for both inserter and extender polymerases to bind. Our structure reveals the basis of DNA polymerase ζ (a complex of REV3 and REV7) recruitment to the stalled replication fork and provides insight into the mechanism of polymerase switching.  相似文献   

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